Rochester » Rochester neg Kasschau-Schwartz

Rochester neg Kasschau-Schwartz

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 18:57
  • Framework

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    • Without predictable ground debate becomes meaningless and produces political strategy that is wedded to violence and fails to achieve productive change.
      Ruth Lessl Shively,Assoc Prof Polisci at Texas A&M, 2000Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 182-3
      The point may seem ….act of argumentation.
      Topical Education – By manipulating the topic to access their political project they skirt debate about the implementation of policies by the government. Their education is distrusting of institutional study and pragmatic reform. Even if their intentions are noble, their message results in fascist totalitarianism  
      Martin Lewis, Assistant Professor at George Washington, 1992Green Delusions p. 258
      A majority of those …. inconvenient niceties.
      This argument is an independent reason to vote negative
      Ruth Lessl Shively,Assoc Prof Polisci at Texas A&M, 2000Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 186
      To sum up the … require these judgments.

  • Cap K

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • The procedure of anti-colonialist struggle the affirmative deploys denies the ability to deploy difference as a source of power – only the class struggle universalizes against the structures of oppression in order to destroy the structures of capitalism
      Zizek 4 [Slavoj, “Somewhere Over the Rainbow.” The Melbourne School of Continental Philosophy, September 17, 2004.]
      The first thing to note … struggle with an antagonist.
      We offer the following ethical framework: you have an a priori ethical obligation to reject the plan if it is inconsistent with a revolutionary ethic against capitalism.
      Zizek 2k [Slavoj, Revolution at the Gates, Verso, pp. 6-9]
      In February 1917 ….the tsarist reactionaries will win.
      Capitalism is quickly approaching an apocalyptic zero point – the drive to avoid the scenarios of the 1ac is part of a fetishistic disavowal strategy to hide the fact that war and antagonism are inevitable – the battle to avoid their advantages has already been lost.
      Zizek 10,[ Slavoj, “Living in the End Times” pg: x-xi]
      The underlying premise …relies on a fantasmatic vision. 

      Capitalism is based on a system of beliefs. Breaking the fetishism of capital ethically distances us from capital and breaks the system.
      Johnston 4
      Johnston, interdisciplinary research fellow in psychoanalysis at Emory University, 2004
      Adrian, Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society, December v9 i3 p259 page infotrac
      Perhaps the absence …comforting fiction ("Capitalist commodity       ism or the truth? I choose       ism"). 

      The Fact that You Want "Good" or "Real" Democracy is Irrelevant—The Impact Considers Democracy as a Forced Choice, Either We Have Democracy or Terror-Such a Discussion Forecloses a Reconception of Politix
      Jodi Dean 3, Prof at Hobart and William Smith, Post Politics and the Technological Fetish,
      The workshop questions …brutalities of capitalist globalization.

  • Self K

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • First, the 1AC’s desire for change is just a symptom of trying fill our emptiness, and as long as desire exists is it guarantees that human liberation will not occur
      David Loy, professor in the faculty of International Studies at Bunkyo University in Japan. The Great Awakening; A Buddhist Social Theory. 2003 p. 27-28
      ‘According to Shakyamuni… to human unhappiness.

      The impact is that Buddhism embraces individual human liberation as opposed to social engineering which will fail to create effective change – This comes before all impacts including nuclear war  
      Ken Jones, lifelong activist and a Zen practitioner for over 30 years and founding member of the UK Network of Engaged Buddhist. The New Social Face of Buddhism; a Call to action. 2003 p 39-41  
      1n 1859, in the Preface … credible, comprehensible -and liberative.   

  • Topicality

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Interpretation: democracy assistance is one or more of the follow – elections and political processes, rule of law, civil society, and governance.
      Azpuru et al. 8 [Dinorah Azpuru , Steven E. Finkel , Aníbal Pérez-Liñán , Mitchell A. Seligson Journal of Democracy 19.2 (2008) 150-159 “What has the United States Been Doing? “Dinorah Azpuru is assistant professor of political science at Wichita State University and member of the Advisory Group of the AmericasBarometer at Vanderbilt University. Steven E. Finkel is Daniel H. Wallace Professor of Political Science at the University of Pittsburgh and professor of applied methods at the Hertie School of Governance (Berlin). Aníbal Pérez-Liñán is associate professor of political science at the University of Pittsburgh. Mitchell A. Seligson is Centennial Professor of Political Science at Vanderbilt University and director of the AmericasBarometer.]
      It is often said ….Civil Society, and Governance

  • Democracy K

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • ro

    • Their appeal to democratic inclusivity is false—it’s founded on the very exclusion it attempts to eradicate because “popular sovereignty” is based on an exclusionary populace
      Vaughan-Williams 7 [Nick Vaughan-Williams is Lecturer in International Relations in the Department of Politics, “Beyond a Cosmopolitan Ideal: the Politics of Singularity,” International Politics (2007) 44, 107–124, Palgrave]
      Derrida's attempt to … singularities to which Derrida refers.
      And, the use of sovereignty to establish and regulate democracy conditions political community on a set of norms that are a precondition for inclusion - causes war and genocide in an effort to regulate and cleanse the population
      Norris 2k [Andrew Norris, Asst Prof of Poli Sci @ UPenn, “Jean-Luc Nancy and the Myth of the Common,” Constellations, Volume 7, Issue 2 (p 272-295) Accessed via: Wiley InterScience]
      Nancy, however, is deeply suspicious of this understanding of community. On  his account,the move from the individual to the community …This is what philosophy calls  “finitude.”17 

      Interrogating the aff’s strategy for political inclusion is a prior question to policy proposals.  Delinking sovereignty from mobility and questioning the ontological suppositions of the plan solve the case better by creating an avenue for true emancipation for protestors
      Welch and Panelli 7 [*Department of Geography, University of Otago Department of Geography, University College London, “Questioning community as a collective antidote to fear: Jean-Luc Nancy's 'singularity' and 'being singular plural'” Area Volume 39, Issue 3, Pages 349-356 Published Online: 2 Aug 2007, InterWiley]  
      Linking a challenging ontological ….their own specific contexts (cf. Fuller and Kitchin 2004; Pain 2004 2006; Ruddick 2004).

  • Israel DA

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • US-Israeli relations are stable now due to security commitments, but Netanyahu is on the fence.
      AFP 7/28
      (Agence France Press, “US voices commitment to Israel in defense talks”, accessed online p.
      WASHINGTON — The United States on … has sought progress in Middle East peace.

      History has established ideological barriers – Israel can never accept democratization of Arabic countries as anything *but* a threat to their security.
      Waxman ‘11
      (Dov, associate professor in political science at Baruch College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York “Israel’s Demophobia”, Foreign Policy, Februrary 18, accessed online
      Israeli antipathy towards Arab … well give them that chance. 

      That independently implicates and threatens US-Israeli relations.
      Byman ‘11
      (Daniel, Prof. in Security Studies @ Georgetown, Research Director of the Saban Center for Middle East Policy @ Brookings, “Israel’s Pessimistic View of the Arab Spring”, Washington Quarterly, Summer, Volume 34, Issue 3, accessed online p.
      These apocalyptic …is peaceful and that democratization succeeds.

      Stable US-Israel relations key to Middle East stability.
      Kramer ‘6
      (Dr. Martin, fellow at The Washington Institute and senior fellow at the Olin Institute @ Harvard, “The American Interest,” Fall 2006,
      My answer, to … West’s sworn enemies.
      These wars escalate globally – culminate in extinction.
      Moore ‘9
      (Carol, BA in Polisci @ Wane State, “Six Escalation Scenarios to Nuclear World War III, 16 February,
      Israel is especially … movement can stop it


    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • KORUS will pass in U.S.
      Arirang 9/13  “US Trade Representative Hopeful of KORUS FTA Passing Before Nov.” Arirrang. 13 September 2011 <>
      United States Trade …the deals soon.

      Plan popular with Democrats, Republicans against it.
      Daily Times 7/28. (Pakistan Newspaper.“Clinton vows to fight Republican aid cuts” 7-28-2011 ) JCP
      WASHINGTON: US Secretary of State Hillary … Hamas are part of the government. 

      Obama’s PC is key to SKFTA  union backlash will kill it  it’s key to overall trade leadership, US competitiveness, the global economy, and preventing Korean war
      WSJ 12/6 "A Korea-U.S. Trade Deal, At Last"
      The Korea pact is a step … American businesses and workers.
      Trade and growth solve global nuclear war
      Michael, Panzner 2008 faculty at the New York Institute of Finance, 25-year veteran of the global stock, bond, and currency markets who has worked in New York and London for HSBC, Soros Funds, ABN Amro, Dresdner Bank, and JPMorgan Chase Financial Armageddon: Protect Your Future from Economic Collapse, Revised and Updated Edition, p. 136-138, googlebooks
      Continuing calls for curbs on the …beginnings of a new world war.  

  • EU CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • EU can engage civil society in the gulf region – regional actors don’t trust US policies anymore.
      Fakhro 9 [E. A., LLB from Queen Mary College, University of London, recipient of several awards, including the Drapers Company Prize and the R.M. Goode Award;  2009; International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assist; pg 11]{ads}
      Having examined both ... partner of the Arab world. 

  • Case

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Their focus on the cultural production of self-fashioned individuals reifies the nature/culture dualism that reifies anthropocentrism.
      Clark 2 (Nigel, teaches Social Science at the Open University “The Demon-Seed: Bioinvasion as the Unsettling of Cosmopolitanism” Theory, Culture & Society 19: 101shree)
      What seems to underpin ….exclusive feature of social or discursive formations’ (1998: 308).

      Anthropocentrism risks the worst forms of unconditional violence and turns the aff by rendering particular modes of existence socially irrelevant.  Vote negative to de-activate the anthropological machine.
      Calarco ‘8 (Matthew, Asst. Prof of Philosophy at CSUF,  Zoographies: The Question of the Animal From Heidegger to Derrida, June, p. 92-94)
      Agamben gives the name …, be able to stop them” (O, 38). 

  • Anthro

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Start your decision with a recognition of your connection to more than human others.  Beginning with the human social betrays your anthropocentric bias and reinforces the root cause of violence.

      Rose 6 (Rebecca, Lecturer in Literature for Trinity College Foundation Studies, The University of Melbourne, 2006, COLLOQUY text theory critique  12//shree)

      In recent decades concern ….of years in the making.29

      Vote negative to reject their egocentric and ethnocentric ethics in favor of an ecocentric ethic that starts by emphasizing the intrinsic values of Earth’s geoecosystem.

      Rowe 3 (Stan, retired ecology teacher, prof emeritus at the U of Saskatchewan, The Trumpeter  Volume 19, Number 2//shree)

      Ethical systems express human values an Ecological Ethics.   

      We outweigh on magnitude—Anthropocentrism is THE original hierarchy—if the future is not to endlessly repeat the horrors of the past, then we NEED a politics that can respect more than human life.

      Best 7 (Steven Chair of Philosophy at UT-EP, JCAS 5.2//shree)

       While a welcome advance…official Chistianithy left behind.

      The focus on cultural production justifies subsuming nature into the category of culture, producing a politics of transgression—the freedom to enact our labor upon a passive nature.

      Clark 2 (Nigel, teaches Social Science at the Open University “The Demon-Seed: Bioinvasion as the Unsettling of Cosmopolitanism” Theory, Culture & Society 19: 101//shree)

      What seems to underpin …feature of social or discursive formations’ (1998: 308).

      We must make nature-based ethics our starting point.  Otherwise it becomes an “extrinsic” argument—a diversion that reinforces speciest bias.

      Perlo 7 (Katherine, PhD, Journal of Critical Animal Studies 5.1//shree)

      While there is… the animal rights case.

      Cultural strategies of racial identification via the interrogation of whiteness merely perpetuates the dialectic between white supremacy and survival strategies that reifies domination.  An eco-centric ethic that problematizes the construction of race by finding intrinsic value in all organic and non-organic components of the world solves better.

      Seshadri-Crooks 2K (Kalpana, assistant professor of English at Boston College, Desiring Whiteness: A Lacanian analysis of race, p. 8-9//shree)

      My contention that the …. subjective investment in it.

  • Round Reports

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