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Rochester Kasschau-Schwartz

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 18:56
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    • First is Inherency
      Democracy in Yemen collapsing. The security situation is deteriorating and elections are being postponed

      Hill 10 [Ginny, Chatham House Briefing Paper, “Yemen: Fear of Failure”, January 2010,$file/CHATHAM_Yemen_FearOfFailure_January2010.pdf]

      In the 14 months … latest ‘safe haven’.


      Current US policy focus of anti-terrorism needs to shift to government and democracy assistance

      Boucek 11 [Dr. Christopher, Congressional Testimony “U.S. Policy in Yemen”, The Carnegie Endowment, July 19, 2011,]

      In large part, … conditions in Yemen improve.


      The United States Federal Government should provide assistance for local governance training programs and assistance for civil society groups.
      Advantage 1 is AQAP
      We are on the tipping point – a successful Arab spring will crush Al-Qaeda, failure will lead to Al-Qaeda take over

      Zarate & Gordon 11

      (Juan – Senior Adviser CSIS; David – Program Manager CSIS; The Battle for Reform with

      Al-Qaeda; Washington Quarterly; 34:3 pp. 103122)

      That salvo in the rhetorical battle …. all that it can to seize it.

      AQAP has become the most active terrorist cell and biggest threat to the United States and is rapidly gaining a foothold in Yemen.

      Boucek 11 [Dr. Christopher, Congressional Testimony “U.S. Policy in Yemen”, The Carnegie Endowment, July 19, 2011,]

      Since its creation in January …  control is not known.



      AQAP presence undermines US leadership and security

      Boucek 11 [Christopher,  associate in the Carnegie Middle East Program, “Terrorist Threat to the U.S. Homeland – Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula,” The Carnegie Endowment,, March 2]

      Al-Qaeda in the Arabian … American domestic security.”

      AQAP intent on attacking US targets and escalating violence into spectacular attacks

      Boucek 11 [Christopher, writing for The Hill, “Alarming Reality in Yemen”, March 9, 2011,]

      Because of the government’s inability to control its own territory, the local al-Qaeda affiliate—al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)—has found in Yemen …. back into its operational planning.

      Terrorists can easily obtain nuclear weapons

      National Terror Alert 10 [April 18, 2010,, “Threat of Terrorists Obtaining Nuclear Materials is a Reality,” National Terror Alert, DA: 7/14/10]

      The United States again reasserted …  at the point of detonation.

      Yemen terrorists can acquire nuclear material

      AFP 10 [12/19/2010; Yemen nuclear material 'easy target for terrorists': cable;]

      A Yemen government official … revealed in Britain's Guardian newspaper.

      A massive nuclear terrorist attack is inevitable by 2013

      Allison 10 [Graham, Douglas Dillon professor of government and director of the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government, “A Failure to Imagine the Worst,” Foreign Policy, January 25th,,0]

      In his first speech to the U.N. …  relentless determination to pursue it.

      Terrorism causes extinction

      Boyle 9 [Francis, professor of international law at Illinois University of Law, August 20,, “The Criminality of Nuclear Deterrence,” Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, DA: 7/14/10]

      The human race …  conspiracy as soon as possible.

      Nuclear terrorism is an existential threat—it escalates to nuclear war with Russia and China.

      Ayson 10 [Professor of Strategic Studies and Director of the Centre for Strategic Studies: New Zealand at the Victoria University of Wellington (Robert, July, “After a Terrorist Nuclear Attack: Envisaging Catalytic Effects,” Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Volume 33, Issue 7, Available Online to Subscribing Institutions via InformaWorld)]


      A terrorist nuclear attack, …chances of nuclear restraint.

      Advantage 2 is Yemen stability
      Yemen is on the brink – collapse by 2013 that escalates and destabilizes the Middle East

      Boucek 9

      (Christopher Boucek; September 2009; “Yemen: Avoiding a Downward Spiral” Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Middle East Program Number 102)

      Yemen faces a great ….inaction has simply grown too great.

      Yemen currently can’t fight back against Al Qaeda – needs better U.S. assistance

      RNW 9 [Radio Netherlands Worldwide, December 30,, DA: 7/14/10]

      The Yemeni government has said …hide-outs earlier this month.

      Al Qaeda remaining in power in Yemen causes 2 scenarios. First is Saudi Arabia. Al Qaeda operations in Yemen kills Saudi Stability

      Al-Watan 10 [March 26, 2010,, “Saudi editorial says biggest security threat to kingdom comes from Yemen”, lexis, DA: 7/15/10]

      The detailed statement … stationed in Yemen's mountains.

      Yemen instability risks destabilizing Saudi Arabia, undermining global shipping lanes and increasing global terrorism

      Lister, 11 - CNN (Tim, “Why we should care about Yemen,” CNN, 6/3, 03/world/yemen.matters_1_houthis-president-ali-abdullah-saleh-aden?_s=PM:WORLD)

      Yemen's oil potential has turned …now is an open question.

      Failure to control Al Qaeda in Yemen kills Middle Eastern oil production and causes both Yemeni war and regional instability

      Al-Arabi 9 [May 14, 2009,, “Yemeni president "has the right to be concerned" about Al-Qa'idah - Arabic paper”, lexis, DA: 7/15/10]

      In other words, … industries to a great danger.

      Saudi oil production is the biggest internal link to the global economy

      Hinds 10 [Matthew, project manager of RBS Global Banking & Markets, March 12, 2010,, “Saudi Arabia : What are the Effects of the Global Financial Crisis on Saudi Arabia’s Economic Prospects?”, LSE Ideas, DA: 7/15/10, Project Manager of the Royal Bank of Scotland, Senior Project Manager at WestLB European commercial bank, Regional Project Manager at CitiGroup]

      Overall, the lack of urgency …  them to dominate.

      Economic collapse causes extinction

      Bearden 2k, [T.E., director of Association of Distinguished American Scientists, June 12, 2000,, “Unnecessary Engery Crisis : How to Solve it Quickly,” The Tom Bearden Website, DA: 7/15/10]

      History bears out that desperate nations …, at least for many decades.

      Second is Iran. Al Qaeda violence in Yemen will draw US into war with Iran

      Telegraph 9 [Richard Spencer, writing for The Telegraph, “US risks being sucked into Yemen civil war”, September 10, 2009,]

      TENS of thousands …  security of the United States,'' he said.

      That war goes nuclear

      Burleigh 7 [Michael, Research Professor in Modern History, Jan 5, 2007,, “The Iranian Who Wants an Apocalypse,” Telegraph, DA: 7/15/10, Awarded a first class honours degree in Medieval and Modern History from University College London, winning the Pollard, Dolley and Sir William Mayer prizes. Ph.D in medieval history, was a professor at New College, Oxford, the London School of Economics, and University of Cardiff]

      According to today's Spectator, …  produce weapons grade uranium.

      Failure to form a state is the root cause of Yemen's problems

      Harris & Page 9 [Alistair, Director of the research consultancy Pursue Ltd, Michael, “The State of Yemen,”The Royal United Services Institute Journal, 54:6, 2009, p. 68-72]

      Yemen is increasingly caricatured …as a significant obstacle to Yemeni development.

      No risk of a turn. If Yemen is unstable, so is Saudi Arabia, and vice versa

      Al-Arabi, Arabic newspaper, 9 [May 14, 2009,, “Yemeni president "has the right to be concerned" about Al-Qa'idah - Arabic paper”, lexis, DA: 7/15/10]

      This realization was evident …  stability in the kingdom."
      US should reform political institutions, solves for internal conflict

      Campbell 10 [Leslie, Senior Associate and Regional Director for Middle East and North Africa, National Democratic Institute, “Yemen on the Brink: Implications for U.S. Policy,” U.S. House of Representatives,, Feb 3]

      While democratic institutions in Yemen … verifiable, independent audits.



      Building government legitimacy is key to solving terrorism

      Bipartisan Policy Institute 11 [Co-Chairs: Ambassador Paula Dobriansky, former Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs Admiral (Ret.) Gregory Johnson, former Commander, U.S. Naval Forces, Europe A Stitch Time: Strategizing Fragile State, May 2011 Bipartisan Policy Institute, pg 22]

      Consider Yemen. While the state … institutions or societal acceptance.

      Guaranteeing success of Democratic reforms key to preventing terrorism from regaining relevance.

      Zarate and Gordon 11 [Juan, Senior Adviser @ CSIS and the former Deputy National Security Advisor for Combating Terrorism, and David, Program Manager and a Research Assistant with the CSIS Transnational Threats Project, The Battle for Reform with al-Qaeda,]

      What if the aspirations … and regain its relevance.

  • 2AC to Empire K

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • The Empire’s pursuit of total control creates contradictions and a paradox of power – the unification within Empire is key to resistance

      Wolfe, 1 (Alan, director of the Boisi Center for Religion and American Public Life at Boston College, “The Snake”, The New Republic Online, October 4th,

      But Hardt and Negri will have none of ..., if only those opportunities can be grasped and seen.]

      The negative’s alternative is wrong – resistance can only succeed by working within the conditions of the Empire

      Foster, 1 (John Bellamy, editor of Monthly Review and author of Marx’s Ecology: Materialism and Nature and The Vulnerable Planet, “Imperialism and ‘Empire’” Monthly Review,

      Empire, the name they give to this new world ...the ontological conditions that Empire presents” (p. 407).

      Acting within Empire offers the greatest potential for revolution against modern regimes of power

      Bliwise, 1 (Robert J. “Empire: Not So Evil”, Duke Magazine, November-December,

      But Hardt and Negri don't regard this ... Empire has formed is only good news." ]

      Plan operates within the best system - The United States is the best alternative to Empire because it functions as a totalizing society with social and political objectives

      Bull, 1 (Malcolm, head of art history and theory at Oxford University, “You Can’t Build a New Society with a Stanley Knife”, London Review of Books, Vol. 23, No. 19,

      [One thing that the hijackings have ... a world totally regulated by meaningless mutuality.]

      The alternative to Empire is a world with no control of risk —a world in which the US exercises leadership at least holds promise. The 1AC holds the promise of uniting the multitude and allows greater opportunity to be against.

      Bull, 1 (Malcolm, head of art history and theory at Oxford University, “You Can’t Build a New Society with a Stanley Knife”, London Review of Books, Vol. 23, No. 19,

      [But that can only be a reason for ... Neoliberalism and globalisation parted company.]

      Hardt and Negri’s alternative is an endorsement of terrorism – the multitude’s revolt against capitalism is empirically violent

      Balakrishnan 00, Political Science Professor at University of Chicago and member of the editorial board of New Left Review, 2000 (Gopal, “Hardt and Negri’s Empire”, New Left Review, September-October,

      [But the deeper reason for the ... he saw as necessary to destroying capitalism]

      Hardt and Negri’s claims that it is good to be against the West make it impossible to justify intervention, even against acts of terrorism

      Wolfe 1 (Alan, director of the Boisi Center for Religion and American Public Life at Boston College, “The Snake”, The New Republic Online, October 4th,

       [We cannot know, of course, whether ... good and evil acts can ever be made.]

      Hardt and Negri’s definition of the multitude is inconsistent with capitalism today—their idea of the multitude will not achieve global justice

      Post, 2 (Charlie, member of Solidarity’s National Committee, “Review: Empire and Revolution”, International Viewpoint Magazine,

      [Hardt and Negri’s notion of the ’multitude’ ... long-term success of the new struggle for global justice.] 

      The multitude will never be unified—the “workers” will stand for different objectives, fail to communicate, and desire to murder each other

      Wolfe, 1 (Alan, director of the Boisi Center for Religion and American Public Life at Boston College, “The Snake”, The New Republic Online, October 4th,

      [Never saying so explicitly, the authors of this ... to challenge the new forms that capitalism is taking.]

      Globalization increases democracy – only by working through the empire can political innovation spread

      Balakrishnan 00, Political Science Professor at University of Chicago and member of the editorial board of New Left Review, 2000 (Gopal, “Hardt and Negri’s Empire”, New Left Review, September-October,

      [ In The Lexus and the Olive Tree, Thomas Friedman ... realities of this one, without recourse to theoretical ecstasy.]

      A ‘New Economy’ does not exist – capitalist crisis still occur

      Petras 1 (James, Professor of Sociology at Binghamton University, “Empire With Imperialism”, Rebelion: Petras Essays in English, October 29,

      Assumption 4: Related to the prior assumption...let along define the nature of a 'new capitalist epoch'.

      Hardt and Negri’s critique of capitalism fails to account for the realities of modern economics—capitalism inevitable

      Post, 2 (Charlie, member of Solidarity’s National Committee, “Review: Empire and Revolution”, International Viewpoint Magazine,

      [While Hardt and Negri’s critique of ...has increased over the past fifty years. [6]]

  • Empire 1AC

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • We begin by noting that Mohamed Bouazizi, the Tunisian street vendor whose act of self-immolation sparked the widespread protests in the Arab world, ended his life after asking “how do you expect me to make a living?”
      Those last words make evident the way capitalism acts upon the body of those who face harsh economic realities, on top of oppressive regimes in the Arab Spring countries – in fact, Bouazizi dropped out of school in his teens to work fulltime. His work was threatened, however, by continual police harassment.  On December 17th, a policewoman confiscated his vegetable cart, for being unlicensed . His scale, worth $100, was also confiscated, in hopes of soliciting a bribe . One should note that $7 is a good day’s earnings in Tunisia .
      Reports differ as to what happened next – some state he was slapped, others beaten -- but one thing is agreed upon; he went to the government office, attempted to get his scale back, was refused, and returned with a can of gasoline and lit himself on fire.
      The act, and the ensuing uprisings, is experimentation with democracy in its current form that confounds neoliberalism and capitalism – they are democratic movements focused not on our “unfinished” conception of democracy, but resistance against the oppression suffered by the networks of power that sustain Empire itself.
      Hardt and Negri 11 [Michael Hardt, Associate Professor of Literature and Romance Studies at Duke University, and Antonio Negri, independent researcher and writer and an inmate at Rebibbia Prison, former Lecturer in Political Science at the University of Paris and a Professor of Political Science at the University of Padua] “Arabs are Democracy’s New Pioneers” The Guardian. <>//alex
      One challenge facing observers of the uprisings
      and democracy will teach the world over the next decade.
      Contention 2 is what this all means for us --
      If it is true that the Arab revolts are experiments in democracy that themselves are more democratic than Western conceptions of democratic governance, the question becomes: why do we feel a need to affirm it instrumentally, to insert ourselves into these revolts? The answer lies in the way the resolution hails us, as academics, to partake in the “exporting” of democracy – democracy assistance has become a cash cow, and as debaters, we’re called to become the “professionals” – we learn the best way to sell our democracy to the Arab world, both figuratively and literally.
      Guilhot 05 [Nicolas, research associate at the Centre National De La Recherche Scientifique/Centre de Sociologie Europeenne]The Democracy Makers: Human Rights & International Order. New York: Columbia UP, 2005. p. 1//alex

      With the end of the cold war, democracy and
      languages, the concepts, the strategies, the outlooks.
      This rigorous academic exercise is disciplinary in and of itself -- it regulates and produces a relationship to democracy that is deemed as permissible, and excludes that which it deems impermissible. We find it telling that it was a police action that sparked Bouazizi’s act of resistance.
      Hardt & Negri 2000 [Michael, Associate Prof. of literature at Duke & indy researcher, Antonio, former prisoner at Rebibbia Prison, Rome, former lecturer of political science at Paris University, former Professor of political science at the University of Padua] Empire. Harvard U. Press. 10th Ed. p. 22-4//alex

      In many respects, the work of Michel Foucault
       constitutive technology (the techniques of the police).
      That displinary power practices constant violence on populations – war is in this round.
      Hardt and Negri 2k4
      (Michael Antonio, Nerd Terrorist, “Multitude”, Penguin Press, pg. 12-13 )
      Of course, theorists of insurrection and revolutionary
      functioning of power has been permeated with the threat and violence of warfare.
      In all, we find it deplorable to react to widespread protest of oppressive economic systems and totalitarian regimes by affirming those very same economic systems and calling for political autonomy which we know isn’t real. Rather than accept the way the resolution polices us, and asks us to taint a powerful burgeoning movement, rather than affirm ourselves as intellectuals who know the best voting system, the best way to deploy USAID, the most professional way to sell them our expertise, we should stop, and at least think about the way we as debaters act as democratic subjects, and what that means.
      Enforced top-down approaches for democracy ensure biopolitical dominance due to the call of democracy being “in crisis”. However, it is time to question what we think democracy means and how it exists in the world today. The aff creates a new vision of how democracy can better be practiced – from the bottom up.
      Hardt and Negri 2k4
      (Michael Antonio, Nerd; Terrorist, “Multitude”, Penguin Press, pg. 236-237)

      None of these arguments, however, seem
      a democracy without qualifiers, without ifs or buts.
      Thus, my partner and I affirm the resolution as a site that makes possible democratic experimentation, that should be utilized to interrogate our relationship to democracy.
      An examination of the resolution as a site of communication is critical – this immaterial labor allows for us to affirm democracy in its purest form.
      Doucet and Pessoa 07 [Marc G., Associate Professor, Political Science Department, Saint Mary’s University, and Carlos, Assistant Professor, Political Science Department, Saint Mary’s University] Empire and the Terrain of Democracy. The Johns Hopkins University Press//muse//Alex
      For Hardt and Negri, the current
       will be the real political act of love.22

      Communication is action – our support of the protesters and true democracy is necessary to reshaping the Western ideal of democracy – this round can produce change.
      Hard & Negri 9    
      (Michael Antonio, Nerd; Terrorist, “Commonwealth”, Harvard University Press,  pp. 136-139)
      We are now in the position to offer provisionally
       the fluctuating fortunes of revolution. 98

      Lastly, in the debate community, we seek a specific model of democracy to be upheld. Arguments that don’t subscribe to a specific literature base are silenced and depoliticized. In our community, and in the context of this topic, democracy has become an empty receptacle that power can use whenever challenges to authority occur.
      Secomb 2K (Linnell, a lecturer in Gender Studies at the University of Sydney, “Fractured Community,” Hypatia – volume 15, Number 2, Spring 2000, pp. 138-9)

      This reformulated universalist model of community
      that assume homogeneity and transparency.

  • Disabilities

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • //



      The United States Federal Government should substantially increase civil society democracy aid to Disabled Persons’ Organizations in Yemen.


      People with disabilities in Yemen faced widespread discrimination. Disabled person’s organizations organizations (DPOs) are in a position to solve this but lack funding and international aid necessary to solve. Democracy assistance can lead to broader change.

      Majid Turmusani, ‘5 (Majid Turmusani (Researcher specializing in disability and development issues. Disability World Issue no. 26 Decemeber - February 2005)


      There is no accurate information … disability into development national programs.


      Exclusion of the disabled is a form of nationalism that assumes a perfect citizen that does not exist – this makes eugenics programs inevitable

      Fiona Kumari Campbell, '9 (Senior Lecturer in Disability Studies at the School of Human Services & Social Work Griffith University (Brisbane) and Adjunct Professor in Disability Studies, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, "States of Exceptionality: Provisional Disability, its Mitigation, and Citizenship",


      Legal responses to the of imbeciles are enough. (p. 208)


      USAID uses a medical model to determine its assistance for DPOs

      Bill Albert ‘4 (“Is disability really on the development agenda?  A review of official disability policies of the major governmental and international development agencies,” Bill Albert, September 2004  Produced   Produced for the Disability Knowledge and Research programme,


      The United States Agency for International …although no extra funding was appropriated.


      DPOs foster political participation and are a route to solve systemic oppression.

      Douwe van Houten and Gaby Jacobs, University for Humanistics “The empowerment of marginals: strategic paradoxes” Disability & Society 2005  Social movements, citizenship and empowerment


      Organisations for the disabled …link in this process (Laverack, 2004).


      The medicalization of life and the biological degradation of certain segments of the species is the root cause of conflict—wars are fought and life is exterminated not because of a particular sovereign geopolitical interest but because of the biopolitical commitment to eugenic violence

      Stuart Elden, politics at University of Warwick, 2002 (Boundary 2 29.2)


      The reverse side is the power to …, causing so many men to be killed. (VS, 180; WK, 136)


      The conception of disabilities in everyday use is a starting point for our deployment of normalcy and otherness – this construction of the disabled justifies eugenics and extermination

      Samuel RBagenstos, 2k, law at Harvard, April (86 Va. L. Rev. 397)


      Erving Goffman's notion of stigma is a useful …that group as a "dependent caste."

      The medical gaze creates a binary between normal and abnormal that results in exclusion of the disabled

      Bill Hughes, ‘99 (Department of Social Sciences, Glasgow Caledonian University , “The Constitution of Impairment: modernity and the aesthetic of oppression”, Disability & Society, Vol. 14, No. 2, 1999, pp. 155± 172, EBSCO)


      This binary marking out of the observational practices that produce it.

      Yemeni’s demand technical assistance to help disabled people

      National Yemen 2011 (“Yemeni’s Handicapped By Poor Care, War Lack Aid,” National Yemen, January, 2011,


      There are others who were injured …to justice, no matter the delay.

      Starting with Yemen is important to broader political change

      Lisa Wedeen, ‘8 (Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, “Peripheral Visions: Publics, Power, and Performance in Yemen”, p. 212-221)


      Arendt recognized the …, but politically in terms of what they do. 7


      As students participating in political debates we have an obligation to put disability at the center of our discussion of democracy because what we debate about here says a lot about human conduct on a larger scale—this is not a meta-theoretical quibble but central to change the way that disability is represented and conceived writ large

      Michael Bérubé, ‘3 (Paterno Family Professor in Literature at Pennsylvania State University, “Citizenship and Disability”, Spring,


      Of course, many of us would …for their own good, and for the good of democracy, which is to say, for the good of all of us.


      This is particularly true in the university setting— disability is critical to challenge stale notions of subjectivity and citizenship

      Michael Bérubé 5 (literature, Penn State, PhD from UVA, “College Makeover”,


      But I can dream, and when I do, I …citizens, able-bodied and disabled, a positive service.


      Academic debates must refuse Ableist scholarship

      Snyder & Mitchell 2010 (Introduction: Ablenationalism and the Geo-Politics of Disability Sharon L. Snyder David T. Mitchell Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies, Volume 4, Number 2, 2010, pp. 113-125)


      As a result, Disability Studies in …of democracy are left unrealized.

      And, the presumption that exporting democracy is dangerous is only political blackmail to prevent genuine political reforms—the aff facilitates an exchange of political values that can synthesize commensurable relationships

      Dr. Larbi Sadiki 9 Senior Lecturer in Middle East Politics at the University of Exeter, Rethinking Arab Democratization: Elections Without Democracy, p. 279


      Arab states and societies are …and external dynamics.


      Non-engagement reinforces orientalist narratives

      Dr Larbi Sadiki 11 is a Senior Lecturer in Middle East Politics at the University of Exeter, and author of Arab Democratization: Elections without Democracy (Oxford University Press, 2009) and The Search for Arab Democracy: Discourses and Counter-Discourses (Columbia University Press, 2004). "The mathematics of the Arab Spring" Jun 6 2011


      Egypt and Tunisia are now officially …purpose of self-empowerment.

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