Puget Sound » Puget Sound Novack-Stevenson Neg

Puget Sound Novack-Stevenson Neg

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 18:56
  • Round reports

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Gonzaga

      Round 1 vs Oregon PT (Amazigh linguistic citizenship)

      Judge: Izak Dunn

      1NC: T-Democracy assistance = USAID grants, Pavlich K, Schmitt K, Capitalism K

      2NC: Pavlich

      1NR: Schmitt

      2NR: Schmitt

      Round 3 vs UTSA CN (Baudrillard/Spanos)

      Judge: Teddy Albiniak

      1NC: Poststructuralists for Plan Texts, Deleuze Simulations K, Capitalism K

      2NC: Deleuze

      1NR: Poststructuralists for Plan Texts

      2NR: Deleuze

      Round 6 vs UMKC BS (Egypt elections assistance)

      Judge: Steve Pointer

      1NC: Derrida K, Schmitt K, Capitalism K, case

      2NC: Derrida

      1NR: Capitalism

      2NR: Capitalism


      Round 1 vs ASU DS (Egypt constitutional assistance)

      Judge: Luis Magallon

      1NC: Derrida K, case

      2NC: Derrida

      1NR: Case

      2NR: Derrida, case

      Round 4 vs ASU BN (Libya police assistance)

      Judge: Justin Stanley

      1NC: Derrida K, case

      2NC: Derrida

      1NR: Case

      2NR: Derrida, case

      Round 5 vs Gonzaga DH (Yemen governance)

      Judge: Gordon Stables

      1NC: Schmitt K, case

      2NC: Schmitt

      1NR: Case

      2NR: Schmitt, case

      Round 7 vs USC KN (Syria internet/communication tech)

      Judge: Ralph Paone

      1NC: Capitalism K (w/ Dean alt), Pavlich K, case

      2NC: Pavlich, case

      1NR: Capitalism

      2NR: Pavlich, case

      Doubles vs UNLV BV (Egypt NGOs)

      Judges: Scott Phillips, Chris Loghry, Teddy Albiniak

      1NC: Schmitt K, case

      2NC: Schmitt

      1NR: Case

      2NR: Schmitt, case

      Whitman National Policy Tournament

      Round 1 vs Gonzaga CG (Yemen governance)

      Judge: Aaron Hardy

      1NC: Schmitt K, Saudi Arabia Relations DA, Payroll Tax Cuts DA, EU CP, case

      2NC: Saudi Arabia Relations DA, Payroll Tax Cuts DA

      1NR: Case

      2NR: Case, Saudi Arabia Relations DA, Payroll Tax Cuts DA

      Round 4 vs Oregon BG (Amazigh Linguistic Citizenship)

      Judge: Nigel Ramoz-Leslie

      1NC: Schmitt K, Payroll Tax Cuts DA, EU CP, Pavlich K, case

      2NC: Case

      1NR: Payroll Tax Cuts DA

      2NR: Payroll Tax Cuts DA, case

      Round 5 vs Oregon CT (Queer identity business)

      1NC: Poststructuralists for Plan Texts, Capitalism K, Agamben K

      2NC: Poststructuralists for Plan Texts

      1NR: Capitalism K

      2NR: Poststructuralists for Plan Texts

      Finals vs Whitman CM (Bahrain)

      1NC: Derrida K, Payroll Tax Cuts DA, Saudi Relations DA, Pressure CP, case

      2NC: Case, Saudi Relations DA

      1NR: Payroll Tax Cuts DA

      2NR: Saudi Relations DA, Case

  • Capitalism

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1NC Capitalism K

      <we read specific links here>

      The imperialist logic of capital makes nuclear war and environmental destruction inevitable

      John Bellamy Foster, professor of sociology at the University of Oregon, "Naked Imperialism," Monthly Review, Vol. 57 No. 4, 2005

      From the longer view offered by a historical-materialist …collapse of civilization itself if present trends continue. 

      Vote negative as an act of enmity against capital.

      Our starting point is key.

      Adam Katz, English Instructor at Onodaga Community College. 2000. Postmodernism and the Politics of “Culture.” Pg. 127-128.

      Virno does recognize the danger that a politics predicated upon … ruling class—can count as a genuinely “new” politics.

      1NC Dean Alt

      Vote negative to condemn the aff.

      Condemnation is an ethical necessity.  Failure to condemn means we simply disavow power relations that already implicate us—even if condemnation fails to produce political change, it is the only position that rearticulates our prior shared position in a way that can promote genuine openness. The aff is avoidance.

      Jodi Dean, professor of political theory at Hobart and William Smith Colleges, “A politics of avoidance: the limits of weak ontology” Hedgehog Review, 2005 - jdeanicite.typepad.com, search for it on Google Scholar

      The ethical disposition Butler finds in the context of … to open up this basis for investigation, critique, and, potentially, condemnation.

      Link: Discourse

      Discursive framing is backwards—ideology and consumption patterns are determined by material inequalities.  Discourse theory cedes politics by reducing radical action to ‘transgressive’ speech acts like the 1AC

      Stephen Tumino, professor of English at the University of Pittsburgh, "Materiality in Contemporary Cultural Theory," The Red Critique, Fall/Winter 2008, accessed 1/21/10 http://www.redcritique.org/FallWinter2008/materialityincontemporaryculturaltheory.htm

      One of the mainstays of contemporary … the labor of the other can afford to focus on their desires in the market.

      Link: Identity politics

      Securing identities against the backdrop of capitalism, naturalizes capital’s reign and atomizes individuals to the extent that class-consciousness is impossible.

      Adam Katz, English Instructor at Onodaga Community College. 2000. Postmodernism and the Politics of “Culture.” Pg. 39-40.

      Both the economic and the cultural-ideological aspects of … the production of effective subjects.

      Link: Elections assistance

      Western ‘assistance’ in elections serves explicitly political ends, ensuring that pro-West candidates are put in power regardless of popular opposition to further neoliberal expansion

      Gerald Sussman, teaches urban studies and communications at Portland State University, “The Myths of ‘Democracy Assistance’: U.S. Political Intervention in Post-Soviet Eastern Europe,” The Monthly Review, Vol. 58, Issue 7, 2006, http://monthlyreview.org/2006/12/01/the-myths-of-democracy-assistance-u-s-political-intervention-in-post-soviet-eastern-europe

      One of the notable shifts in post-Soviet world … the notion of “democracy assistance” and the overall good intentions of the state.

      Link: Internets

      The internet cannot be divorced from its growth period which was stimulated by forces of neoliberalism.  The “free” and uncensored information exchange echoes capitalist logic of deregulation, which, instead of eradicating inequality, simply makes it more subtle.  They might be right that the internet could be emancipatory—but not when it emerges within capitalism.

      Foster and McChesney ’11 John Bellamy Foster, professor of sociology at University of Oregon, and Robert W. McChesney, Gutgsell Endowred Professor of Communications at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, “The Internet’s Unholy Marriage to Capitalism,” Monthly Review, Vol. 62, Issue 10, 2011, http://monthlyreview.org/2011/03/01/the-internets-unholy-marriage-to-capitalism

      The United States and the world are now


      the Internet seemed a marriage made in heaven.

      The internet doesn’t make information or journalism any more democratic or open—we get almost all of our information from an increasingly small number of locations, while ‘radical’ websites experience less and less traffic. 

      Foster and McChesney ’11 John Bellamy Foster, professor of sociology at University of Oregon, and Robert W. McChesney, Gutgsell Endowred Professor of Communications at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, “The Internet’s Unholy Marriage to Capitalism,” Monthly Review, Vol. 62, Issue 10, 2011, http://monthlyreview.org/2011/03/01/the-internets-unholy-marriage-to-capitalism

      The Matter of Journalism It appears that corporate entertainment … Internet is available, again from the field of economics itself.

      AT: Impact turns

      Our obligation to reject capital is greater than any notions of calculation could conclude – only the alt acknowledges hope to stop mass suffering

      Glyn Daly, senior lecturer in politics in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at University College Northampton, Conversations With Zizek, 2004, pp. 14-16

      For Zizek it is imperative that we cut through this … this fact or to reduce the status of the abject Other to that of a ‘glitch’ in an otherwise sound matrix.

       Capitalist ideology taints their ontological perspective—this eliminates the capacity to objectively understand the world

      Samir Amin, director of the Third World Forum in Senegal, 2004, The Liberal Virus, pg. 40-2

      Pauperization is inseparable from polarization on … as those that sustain the rhet¬oric about the “reduction of poverty.”

      AT: Transition wars

      Capitalism will continually appeal to fear of economic crisis to justify its existence - these fears rely on a logic of capital that is epistemologically disabling and self-fulfilling

      Slavoj Zizek, Senior Researcher in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Ljubljana and Codirector of the Center for Humanities at Birkbeck College, "Multiculturalism, or, the Cultural Logic of Multinational Capitalism," New Left Review, No. 224, 1997, pp.25-27

      Today, financial crisis is a permanent state … by Y, and then, upon your doing X, Y effectively ensues. 

      AT: Perm

      Vacillation is a nuclear war DA to the perm—also means it doesn’t solve

      James Herod, World-Renowned Anarchist. Fourth Edition, January 2004. “Getting Free: A sketch of an association of democratic, autonomous neighborhoods and how to create it.” http://site.www.umb.edu/faculty/salzman_g/Strate/GetFre/index.htm

      But we must not think that the capitalist world … slavery and possibly even to extinction.


      It’s already too late, we need to strike out at the enemy even in the times when the enemy can be of use to us.  Even if they win a net-benefit you vote negative

      Slavoj Zizek, Senior Researcher at the Institute for Social Studies in Ljubljana, 2004. Iraq: The Borrowed Kettle, p. 83-84

      There is a will to accomplish the ‘leap of faith’ and … is already caught in the liberal trap of ‘humanitarian aid’.  

       If we win that any part of their action is local, micropolitical or focused on identity and culture then the perm is impossible, the act of the aff is to place individuals outside the realm of a Marxist K – the two are diametrically opposed.

      Adam Katz, English Instructor at Onodaga Community College. 2000. Postmodernism and the Politics of “Culture.” Pg. 30.

      I therefore bring Marxism into confrontation … in particular as the sign for the very absence of cause.

      AT: Policy framework

      Saying it’s a good idea to not question is ludicrous.  Your argument is question begging—if we win your ideology is problematic then the K already implicates your framework.

      Istvan Meszaros, Chair of philosophy @ U. of Sussex, The Power of Ideology, 1989 p. 232-234

      Nowhere is the myth of ideological neutrality – the … methods and values which no social theory or philosophy can escape.

  • T - Democracy Assistance = Grants

    • Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 1 | Opponent: Oregon PT | Judge: Dunn

    • “Democracy Assistance” is grant-aided material, technical and financial support to pro-democracy initiatives.

      Burnell 07 Prof. of Politics @ University of Warwick, England  Peter, “Does International Democracy Promotion Work?” Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik, ISBN 978-3-88985-354-7) http://www.die-gdi.de/CMS Homepage/openwebcms3.nsf/%28ynDK_ contentByKey%29/ADMR-7BRF46/$FILE/BurnellPromotionWork.pdf

      All things considered, however, there … with building political parties, and so on. 

  • Deleuze

    • Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 3 | Opponent: UTSA CN | Judge: Teddy

    • 1NC K of Baudrillard

      Their contemptuous reading of the simulacral postmodern experience as having ‘lost meaning’ relies on a false distinction between copy and model. Contrary to their thesis, if we could pull back the curtains to uncover the Real, we’d only find more simulation.

      Brian Massumi, “Realer than Real: The Simulacrum According to Deleuze and Guattari,” Copyright, No. 1, 1987, http://www.opa-a2a.org/dissensus/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/massumi_brian_realer_than_real.pdf

      A common definition of the simulacrum is a … silent film by Louis Feuillade illustrates the process. 

      The idea that simulacra obscure an ideal, authentic real is the most seductive simulation of all.  The objective model/copy distinction which the aff presupposes produces regulatory violence against difference and shuts down the potential for becoming within forces of positive simulation.

      Brian Massumi, “Realer than Real: The Simulacrum According to Deleuze and Guattari,” Copyright, No. 1, 1987, http://www.opa-a2a.org/dissensus/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/massumi_brian_realer_than_real.pdf

      Vendémiaire takes place in the final days of … of simulation goes by the name of "reality."

      Our alternative is to affirm positive simulation.  Totalizing critique of simulation forecloses a multiplicity of becoming—only the alternative provides a way out of Baudrillard’s postmodern misery to generate new lines of flight.

      Brian Massumi, “Realer than Real: The Simulacrum According to Deleuze and Guattari,” Copyright, No. 1, 1987, http://www.opa-a2a.org/dissensus/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/massumi_brian_realer_than_real.pdf

      The other mode of simulation is the one that turns … very different, though perhaps equally intoxicating, effect.

      2NC Framework evidence card

      There are no objects outside of forces that appropriate them. The strategy of the object is not a neutral evaluation of the world, but implicitly silences the plurality of senses which phenomena can take on.  Your ballot should go to the team which best performs the philosophical processes of interpretation.

      Gilles Deleuze, K dude, Nietzsche & Philosophy, 2nd ed., 1983, p.3-5

      We will never find the sense of … problem is one of origin but origin conceived as genealogy can only be determined in relation to higher degrees

  • Poststructuralists for Plan Texts

    • Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 3 | Opponent: UTSA CN | Judge: Teddy

    • 1NC Poststructuralists for plan texts

      Interpretation: The aff should defend an explicit advocacy of topical change in state policy.  The aff should win if the plan and its defense is preferable to negative advocacy. This is best:

      There is nothing subversive about the aff’s transgression of debate norms.  Resistance to the rules serve to fetishize the very rules that are resisted, thus as we move further away from obedience, our desire to break free only grows.  

      Slavoj Zizek, Professor of Sociology at the Institute for Sociology, Ljubljana University, 2000, The Fragile Absolute, p. 23-25

      This example brings home the inherent link … is fully integrated into the established artistic market.”’

      Rules rock.  They provide the subjective with an alibi as to how we can never achieve our desires.  That’s good because the demands of the super ego are otherwise impossible and torturous.

      Jodi Dean, Department of Political Science Hobart and William Smith Colleges, 2004, Law and Critique, Vol. 15, p. 11-12

      But, there is a twist. The liberating aspect of … of law and superego in more detail. 

      Sovereignty might get a bad rap from the aff but it isn’t nearly as bad as they make it out to be. Discourses of the law’s violent underside obscures its potential to get stuff done.  Making the trains run on time is how we get to go to debate tournaments.  Recognition of this fact means that we don’t have to resist—we can see rules as strategic.

      Jacques Derrida, Directeur d’Etudes at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, and Professor of Philosophy, French and Comparative Literature at the University of California, Irvine, 2004, For What Tomorrow? A Dialogue With Elisabeth Roudinesco, p. 91-92

      J.D.: A moment ago you spoke of regicide as … im¬possible, and not sovereignty, even when it seems possible.

      Our contest should be over demands on the state.  Legal institutions allow us to enforce our will while demands and right claims are the ultimate act of agonism.  This is the best way to affirm human living 

      Lawrence J. Hatab [philosophy prof somewhere] “Prospects For A Democratic Agon: Why We Can Still Be Nietzscheans”  The Journal of Nietzsche Studies 24 (2002) 132-147, on muse

      Moreover, the structure of an agon … they "are." It may be sufficient to defend rights simply in terms of the human capacity to say No.

      Zizek extensions

      We should obey the rules as if we are breaking them.  Only this allows us to get from the law the shit we need while not getting caught up in a stupid desire to transgress

      Slavoj Zizek, Professor of Sociology at the Institute for Sociology, Ljubljana University, 2003, The Puppet and the Dwarf: The Perverse Core of Christianity, p. 111-13

      Here, however, we confront the crucial alternative: is Pauline …in Judaism and Christianity, it is di¬rectly this excess itself which addresses us.

      Derrida is probably wrong about a lot of things—but his willingness to become attached to the law’s potential isn’t one of them.  It’s the best way to escape cynicism

      Jodi Dean, Department of Political Science Hobart and William Smith Colleges, 2004, Law and Critique, Vol. 15, p. 22-24

      Nevertheless, these acts provide a momentary … rather than through the enjoyment of founding violence. 

      Derrida extensions

      Law is not all bad.  It gets stuff done.  They totalize the law into a thing that must be resisted, thus replicating the worst aspect of sovereign violence.  Instead we should make demands on the law.  Ethics proceeds any particular engagement and is thus not actualizeable, none the less we have an obligation to try.

      Jacques Derrida, Directeur d’Etudes at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, and Professor of Philosophy, French and Comparative Literature at the University of California, Irvine, 2003, Philosophy in a Time of Terror, p. 128-30

      Borradori: Tolerance thus amounts to …these two hospitalities, the unconditional and the conditional.

      The impact to our formalism argument is extinction

      Nick Smith, Professor of Philosophy at the University of New Hampshire, Spring/Summer 1997, Buffalo Law Review, 45 Buffalo L. Rev. 503, p. 546-47

      Nussbaum believes that this Platonic ethical science, … strategies that supplement deconstruction and incommensurability theory.

      Ethics is constitutive of language and subjectivity—value can only emerge from openness to difference. This means ethics is prior to their K.

      Amit Pinchevski, PhD candidate in the Graduate Program in Communications at McGill University, Montreal, Diacritics 31.2, Summer 2001, p. 77

      In order to reencounter the Other's side of … delivered, its first word is "Welcome."  

  • Derrida

    • Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1NC Democracy-To-Come (UNLV)

      The 1AC’s relation to democracy fits neatly within the classic neoliberal teleology: The Arabs are rising! It’s Spring! We must intervene to ensure democracy makes it out okay.  What is forgotten is that classically America ‘assists democracies’ not to promote fairness or transparency but to protect our economic and security interests, no matter the human cost.  The 1AC merely continues America’s advancement of itself, an extension of its own non-democracy for its own sake with no regard for otherness.

      Rev. Dr. Rob Manning [professor of philosophy and religious studies at Quincy University, Unitarian Minister] “Call it a Day for Democracy: Thoughts on our Revolutionary Present for Jacques Derrida.” February 27, 2011

      I have wanted us for the last few weeks to talk together as a … Americans be more angered and more shocked by 5 dollar a gallon gas?

      In universalizing itself, neoliberalism is haunted by the terrifying specters of the periphery which it tries to exclude.  Abstract threats like ‘terrorism’ are the irreconcilable hauntings of imperial hegemony bent on extending itself into eternity. ‘Risk calculus’ becomes neoliberalism’s chief weapon in the war against difference, justifying global authoritarianism through the guise of global democracy management.

      Jasbir K. Puar, core faculty member in Women's & Gender Studies and a graduate faculty member in the department of Geography at Rutgers, and Amit S. Rai, associate professor of English at Florida State University, " The Remaking of a Model Minority: Perverse Projectiles under the Specter of (Counter)Terrorism," Social Text, Vol. 22, No. 3, Fall 2004, MUSE

      The strategy has many prongs, and in that sense actualizes … of emergency, and so the spaces of resistance alternate as holding cells as well.

      This autoimmune policing of global democracy justifies its own escalatory ends through infinite threat construction—in claiming that it’s ‘try or die’ the aff will continually up the ante of destructive possibility by claiming the alternative is always worse. This ethos is the condition of possibility for extinction.

      Ivan Callus, Head of the Department of English at the University of Malta and PhD in English from Cardiff, and Stefan Herbrechter, reader in Cultural Theory at Coventry University and PhD in English from Cardiff“The Latecoming of the Posthuman, Or, Why "We" Do the Apocalypse Differently, "Now."” Reconstruction, Vol. 4, No. 3, Summer 2004, http://reconstruction.eserver.org/043/callus.htm

      <23> It needs to be said immediately that if "we" are starting to … grammar of the future anterior [emphasis added]. [28]

      Above all else, it is the fear of the Other which drives this auto-immunity.  The faceless, unknowable masses who are presumed to threaten democracy become the justification for massive violence and human rights abuses against all those who dare to dissent.  In our rush to use the Arab Spring as yet another excuse to advance imperial hegemony, the subjects of oppression across the Middle East and North Africa are rendered invisible and unimportant.

      Anne Orford, Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Melbourne, 2005, German Law Journal, Vol. 6, No. 1, p. 34-37

      While in his early work Derrida thus insists on the priority of the question … the “there” as soon as we open our mouths …27

      Liberal democracy doesn’t have to be the end of history.  Their domineering commitment to what is perceived as possible in the status quo turns politics into an endless repetition of the same, a violent drive towards an arbitrarily constructed end of history.  This dogmatic eschatology is precisely the justification for violence in the Middle East today—making the case impacts inevitable.

      Jacques Derrida, Specters of Marx, 1994, p. 69-73

      But let us retain provisionally, for this very preliminary moment of our … private, real or symbolic, always linked to spectral forces-or rather capitalizations whose antagonisms are irreducible].

      Vote negative to be open to democracy-to-come.

      Rather than imposing our own version of democracy for the sake of calculated stability, we should give ourselves over to the unknowable.  Refusing their totalizing drive for fixity deconstructs the situation of politics as such.

      Alex Thomson, lecturer in English at the University of Glasgow, Deconstruction and Democracy, 2005, p. 196-197

      The affirmation of this kind of analysis would need to be … or gesture without what [Derrida] would call a “Yes” to emancipation' [DAP 82].

      You should give a little thought to what democracy means before you vote to assist the democracies of others.  In making your decision, you shouldn’t just see the potential for solving Khalilzad or preventing terrorism—the resolution above all calls us to reflect upon our own democracy, and the nature of democracy as such. Instead of falling back into old habits of comparing body counts and policy options, you should make this debate a debate for democracy.

      Rev. Dr. Rob Manning [professor of philosophy and religious studies at Quincy University, Unitarian Minister] “Call it a Day for Democracy: Thoughts on our Revolutionary Present for Jacques Derrida.” February 27, 2011

      All this is either happening today, this great day for freedom and … world have done, are doing, and will do to make this day a great day for democracy.

      Subjective experience is meaningful only through relation to otherness—in order to truly live in the present, we must speak of those who are obscured by our irresponsible disregard for difference. Rather than comfortably voting aff because it is “try or die,” you should look to do things a little bit differently, and uncomfortably vote negative, to try against death in the name of democracy-to-come.  This anxious, untimely call for justice is the basis of ethics.

      Jacques Derrida, Specters of Marx, 1994, p. xvii-xx

      But to learn to live, to learn it from oneself and by oneself, all alone, to … have to, one must not not be able to reckon with them, which are more than one: the more than one/no more one [Ie plus d'un].

      1NC Democracy-To-Come (Short--Gonzaga)

      Democracy assistance empties itself of any democratic element by replacing the will of the people of recipient countries with the one-size-fits-all template of western liberalism.

      Aletta Norval, Department of Government at University of Essex, “Democracy, pluralization, and voice,” Ethics and Global Politics, Vol. 2, No. 4, 2009

      The terrain of democratic theory can be … in which we theorize and practice our democratic politics.

      This autoimmune policing of global democracy justifies its own escalatory ends through infinite threat construction—this causes extinction

      Ivan Callus, Head of the Department of English at the University of Malta and PhD in English from Cardiff, and Stefan Herbrechter, reader in Cultural Theory at Coventry University and PhD in English from Cardiff“The Latecoming of the Posthuman, Or, Why "We" Do the Apocalypse Differently, "Now."” Reconstruction, Vol. 4, No. 3, Summer 2004, http://reconstruction.eserver.org/043/callus.htm

      <23> It needs to be said immediately that if "we" are starting to … resists even the grammar of the future anterior [emphasis added]. [28]


       Vote negative to be open to democracy-to-come.

      Rather than imposing our own version of democracy for the sake of calculated stability, we should give ourselves over to the unknowable.  Refusing their totalizing drive for fixity deconstructs the situation of politics as such.

      Alex Thomson, lecturer in English at the University of Glasgow, Deconstruction and Democracy, 2005, p. 196-197

      The affirmation of this kind of analysis would … or gesture without what [Derrida] would call a “Yes” to emancipation' [DAP 82].


      Subjectivity is constituted through relation to alterity—their impacts take on meaning only through an ethic of openness

      Amit Pinchevski, PhD candidate in the Graduate Program in Communications at McGill University, Montreal, “Freedom from Speech (or the Silent Demand),” Diacritics 31.2, Summer 2001

      In order to reencounter the Other’s side of … the speaker can become a witness.

      Overview (Gonzaga vs UMKC BC)

      Ethical formalism in particular obscures the role that imposition of American democracy plays in formenting the instability which causes the arab spring in the first place—we should use the debate as a site to affirm democracy to come

      Rev. Dr. Rob Manning [professor of philosophy and religious studies at Quincy University, Unitarian Minister] “Call it a Day for Democracy: Thoughts on our Revolutionary Present for Jacques Derrida.” Its called a sermon.  February 27, 2011 http://uuquincy.org/talks/20110227.shtml

      I have wanted us for the last few weeks …and will do to make this day a great day for democracy.

      Overview (UNLV vs ASU BN)

      Kurt Vonnegut in 2004

      [In These Times, http://www.culturechange.org/fall_of_petroleum_Vonnegut.html]

      "I once had a high that not even crack …committing violent crimes to get what little is left of what we're hooked on."  

      Link: other people are scary

      (In UNLV 1NC)

       Things like the muslim brotherhood are the irreconcilable ghosts of the universalism of hegemony. In constructing its difference as threatening, totalitarian elements gain increasing control over politics and society, rendering invisible the violent underside of imperial power.

      Jasbir K. Puar, core faculty member in Women's & Gender Studies and a graduate faculty member in the department of Geography at Rutgers, and Amit S. Rai, associate professor of English at Florida State University, " The Remaking of a Model Minority: Perverse Projectiles under the Specter of (Counter)Terrorism," Social Text, Vol. 22, No. 3, Fall 2004, MUSE

      The strategy has many prongs, and in … so the spaces of resistance alternate as holding cells as well.

      AT: Case outweighs

      C. Commensurability—their impact calculation is equivocal to extermination

      Nick Smith, PhD Candidate in Philosophy at Vanderbilt and JD from SUNY-Buffalo (now a professor of philosophy at the University of New Hampshire), “Incommensurability and Alterity in Contemporary Jurisprudence,” 45 Buffalo L. Rev. 503, Spring/Summer 1997

      Classics scholar Martha Nussbaum provides … of alterity for the sake of uniformity invites authoritarianism.

      AT: Calculation good

      Political calculation forecloses the future to come.  You should take a leap of faith on behalf of radical alterity.

      Jacques Derrida, Directeur d’Etudes at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, 2001, A Taste for the Secret, p. 19-21

      In dealing with what-is-to-come [1’avenir] ,2 with … positive. But justice has to be distin¬guished not only from law, but also from what is in general.

      Reject decision management based on mere conjecture – calculation must incorporate the incalculable

      Jacques Derrida, Directeur d’Etudes at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, 2001, A Taste for the Secret, p. 12-14

      Ferraris: You have often spoken of … [un avenir] that would at best reinforce incoherence.

      AT: Calculation Inevitable

      We should reincorporate the other into calculation

      Jacques Derrida, Directeur d’Etudes at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, and Professor of Philosophy, French and Comparative Literature at the University of California, Irvine, 2002, Acts of Religion, p. 255-57

      This excess of justice over law and calculation, this … on this subject remain quite obscure or traditional.

      AT: Double turn with Schmitt

      Deconstruction solves both the offense and any risk of a turn

      Alex Thomson, lecturer in English at the University of Glasgow, Deconstruction and Democracy, 2005, p. 159-160

      Derrida's demonstration that Schmitt’s … properly political activity or event, no purity of politics

  • Pavlich

    • Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 1 | Opponent: Oregon PT | Judge: Dunn

    • 1NC Critical Grammar

      Their criticism relies on a judgmental grammar which evaluates the status quo out of arbitrarily constructed criteria.  This reproduces the modern violence which they criticize.

      George Pavlich, professor of law & sociology at University of Alberta, “Experiencing Critique,” Law and Critique (2005) 16: 95-112, Springer

      Imagine this rather ordinary event. An invited speaker … critique as a particular sort of experience, allegorically akin to facets of Derrida’s notions of hospitality.4

      The absolute infinity of alterity is constitutive of critical subjectivity—calculation’s systemization of indeterminacy forecloses any potential for challenging social parameters and uncovering new forms of becoming.

      George Pavlich, professor of law & sociology at University of Alberta, “Experiencing Critique,” Law and Critique (2005) 16: 95-112, Springer

      The self-contradictory paradox of hospitality… very lifeblood of critical experience.

      Furthermore, this disregard for radical alterity invites authoritarianism and extermination

      Nick Smith, PhD Candidate in Philosophy at Vanderbilt and JD from SUNY-Buffalo (now a professor of philosophy at the University of New Hampshire), “Incommensurability and Alterity in Contemporary Jurisprudence,” 45 Buffalo L. Rev. 503, Spring/Summer 1997

      Classics scholar Martha Nussbaum provides … of alterity for the sake of uniformity invites authoritarianism.

      Rather than judging the 1AC, we seek to divide it, between the judgmental grammar it utilizes and the action it prescribes.  We should use the 1AC as a starting point for hospitable openness to the object of their criticism.  

      George Pavlich, professor of law & sociology at University of Alberta, “Experiencing Critique,” Law and Critique (2005) 16: 95-112, Springer

      One might say that modern, disciplinary contexts implicitly … grammars of critique.

      AT: Perm

      Alt is best alone—concrete judgments foreclose the possibility for ethics.  Their calculative evaluation of the squo enframes the other within a presupposed grammar, disrupting any preontological experience of difference.

      George Pavlich, professor of law & sociology at University of Alberta, “Experiencing Critique,” Law and Critique (2005) 16: 95-112, Springer

      The paradoxical impossibility of hospitality (and critique) as ... encounters may be evoked as a grammar of critique.

      AT: Politics/action good

      You have it backwards—constraining us to a ‘responsibility’ to status quo politics arrests the political, locking it into a conservative drive for stability.  We should remain open to a radical destabilizing of politics, working both within and outside of established parameters to deconstruct politics as such.

      Samuel A. Chambers, Assistant Professor of Political Science at St. Mary's College of Maryland, Untimely Politics, 2003, p. 92-94

      From Isaac’s point of view this … problematic that which in the present does not even appear as a problem.


      The alt’s moment of encounter exceeds epistemological blind spots to produce new modes of becoming toward justice—only the critical instance can overcome the violent metaphysics of modernity

      George Pavlich, professor of law & sociology at University of Alberta, “Experiencing Critique,” Law and Critique (2005) 16: 95-112, Springer

      Several insights could be relayed to a grammar of … countersigned by various pledges – including, the promise of justice.

      AT: Calculation good

      It is preferable to give ourselves over to the unknowable instead of trying to shape the future to our own designs

      Jacques Derrida, Directeur d’Etudes at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, 2001, A Taste for the Secret, p. 19-21

      In dealing with what-is-to-come [1’avenir] ,2 with … and positive. But justice has to be distin­guished not only from law, but also from what is in general.

      Their assemblage of uniqueness and impact chains is wholly arbitrary as a reflection of true knowledge.  Reject their calculative claims to objectivity

      Jacques Derrida, Directeur d’Etudes at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, 2001, A Taste for the Secret, p. 12-14

      Ferraris: You have often spoken of strategies (in ‘The Ends … bet on a future [un avenir] that would at best reinforce incoherence.


  • Schmitt K

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1NC Democratic universalization (UNLV)

      The 1AC’s extension of democracy assistance is not benevolent; it is justified by deploying the figure of the terrorist, the shadowy, indeterminate threat whom obeys no laws and therefore does not qualify for their protection.  This unquestionable universal of democracy and its illegitimate enemy depoliticizes the debate—the logic of the 1AC is that you are with “us” or with the “terrorists.”

      Mummery ‘5 Jane Mummery, the University of Ballarat, “Rethinking the Democratic Project: Rorty, Mouffe, Derrida and Democracy to Come,” Borderlands, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2005, http://www.borderlands.net.au/vol4no1_2005/mummery_rethinking.htm

      The problem of democracy I can think of nothing so important in … belief that the expression of any dissension or criticism of this division marks one as un-Australian and/or anti-American.

      This universalization of American liberalism through extension of democracy assistance justifies political and military adventurism in the name of moral superiority—but other people are different, and inevitably, our democracy won’t quite work for them.  When this value conflict occurs, and it will, their discursive defense of American hegemony permits imperial violence to ‘correct’ the failings of the undemocratic periphery, to make the ‘barbarians’ more like ‘us’ even if we have to get rid of them.

      Rasch ‘3 William Rasch, Associate Professor of Germanic Studies at Indiana University, "Human Rights as Geopolitics,” Cultural Critique 54 (2003) 120-147

      The only power to emerge from the twentieth-century's first … his elusive, because nonlocalizable, enemy, which proved to be mere shadowboxing in the end.

      They will never ‘solve’ terrorism.  Its essential ambiguity means we feel the threat to be ever-present, bolstering our confidence in local and global governmentality.  We’ll always assume terrorists are waiting ‘out there’ to strike the second we let our guard down and make any sacrifice necessary to avoid the threat—yesterday, Al-Awlaki, today AQAP, tomorrow Iran.  There are always people we can present as ‘international rogues’ to whom justice doesn’t apply.

      Zhang ‘4 Xudong Zhang, Professor of Comparative Literature and Chinese and Chair of Department of East Asian Studies at New York University, “Multiplicity or Heterogeneity? The Cultural-Political Paradox in the Age of Globalization,” Cultural Critique, No. 58, 2004

      One of the more convincing points one can find in Empire is this new … friend-and-enemy groupings and cannot escape the logic of the political. (79)

      The discourse of global ordering and democratization lets loose a violent imperial power which seeks to eradicates difference to achieve a telos of political stability and homogeneity.  The aff’s attempt to bring another state in line with global regulations is an attempt to get rid of our enemies, to leave us only with friends—but when we have no more enemies, against who will we wage our wars?  This loss of political identity turns global politics into a drive for its own destruction.

      Odysseos ‘8 Louiza Odysseos, “Liberalism’s War, Liberalism’s Order: Rethinking the Global Liberal Order as a ‘Global Civil War’” paper prepared for Liberal Internationalism, 17 March 2008, San Francisco

      Jean-Luc Nancy does not utilise the exact terminology of ‘global … West’s ‘own spiritual emptiness and self destructive logic of sameness’ (Härting 2006: 6).

      Vote negative to draw a line in the sand.

      Reconstructing strong identifying distinctions between ourselves and others establishes the possibility for disagreement as such, for conflict which doesn’t have to end with the destruction of the other.  The alt brackets violence, producing symmetrical power relations that do not collapse into their war of all against all.

      Rasch ‘5 William Rasch, Associate Professor of Germanic Studies at Indiana University, "Lines in the Sand: Enmity as a Structuring Principle," South Atlantic Quarterly 104:2, Spring 2005

      But as Max Weber observed firsthand, ascetic …., asphyxiating political nightmares of absolute exclusion.

      You must reject their attempt to deny lines of enmity through liberal universalism—negating depoliticization produces political approaches which can better contain violence

      Odysseos ‘8

      Louiza Odysseos, Senior Lecturer in International Relations at the University of Sussex, “Against Ethics? Iconographies of Enmity and Acts of Obligation in Carl Schmitt’s Theory of the Partisan,” paper prepared for “Practices of Ethics: Relating/Responding to Difference in International Politics” at the annual convention of the International Studies Association, 22 March 2008, google scholar

      Importantly for Schmitt’s iconography of limited enmity, … turn to this second iconography of absolute enmity below.

      Obscuring the polemical nature of political claims takes advantage of cognitive biases to permit massive unchecked violence—K is a prior question to their universalist ideology

      Thorup ‘6 Mikkel Thorup, lecturer in the History of Philosophy department at Aarhus University, In Defense of Enmity, 2006, google scholar

      A world in which there is no possibility of … tends to turn states, even liberal states, into what Giorgio Agamben calls 'killing machines' (2005: 86).

      1NC Democracy assistance (Short--Gonzaga)

      Liberal democracy assistance is ultimately depoliticizing, constructing opposition as inhumane and illegitimate to conceal its own violent drive for global control.

      William Rasch, Associate Professor of Germanic Studies at Indiana University, "Human Rights as Geopolitics,” Cultural Critique 54 (2003) 120-147

      The only power to emerge … proved to be mere shadowboxing in the end.

      In order to cover up its own ontological cracks, this Western order can be sustained only through constant eradication of difference—this death drive risks total extinction.

      Louiza Odysseos, “Liberalism’s War, Liberalism’s Order: Rethinking the Global Liberal Order as a ‘Global Civil War’” paper prepared for Liberal Internationalism, 17 March 2008, San Francisco

      Jean-Luc Nancy does not utilise the exact … and self destructive logic of sameness’ (Härting 2006: 6).

      Vote negative to draw a line in the sand.

      Only our political decision establishes the possibility for symmetrical power relations which place brackets on violence

      William Rasch, Associate Professor of Germanic Studies at Indiana University, "Lines in the Sand: Enmity as a Structuring Principle," South Atlantic Quarterly 104:2, Spring 2005

      But as Max Weber observed firsthand, ascetic quietude … always produce recurring, asphyxiating political nightmares of absolute exclusion.

      Progressive inclusiveness is not benign—multiculturalist discourses depoliticize violent Western intervention, enabling extermination of difference.

      Louiza Odysseos, Senior Lecturer in International Relations at the University of Sussex, “Against Ethics? Iconographies of Enmity and Acts of Obligation in Carl Schmitt’s Theory of the Partisan,” paper prepared for “Practices of Ethics: Relating/Responding to Difference in International Politics” at the annual convention of the International Studies Association, 22 March 2008, google scholar

      In The Concept of the Political … is to be fully and finally consumed without remainder’ (Rasch 2003: 137).

       Projects of global inclusion collapse into violent world ordering – their absolutism is co-opted to justify eradicating the periphery

      Jayan Nayar, associate professor at the School of Law at University of Warwick, “SYMPOSIUM: RE-FRAMING INTERNATIONAL LAW FOR THE 21ST CENTURY: Orders of Inhumanity,” Fall 1999, 9 Transnat'l L. & Contemp. Probs. 599, lexis

       [*606] Distinguishing these two meanings of "order" …historical epoch of colonialism is now plainly visible.

      Friend/Enemy distinction impact

      Loss of political identifications collapses into war of all against all—un-bracketing violence produces violent global and subjective psychosis

      Kenneth Reinhard, Professor of Jewish Studies, UCLA, 2004, UCLA Center for Jewish Studies, “Towards a Political Theology of the Neighbor,” http://www.cjs.ucla.edu/Mellon/Towards_Political_Theology.pdf

      If the concept of the political is defined, as … resuscitate him, to breathe life into the animus of the enemy.

      Multipolarity alt

      Hegemony by nature can never be universalized – it must always violently grapple with groups that are marginalized by the Western order.  The alt imagines a possible multipolarity that can create space for difference that does not rely on violence.

      Chantal Mouffe, professor in the Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Westminster, “Schmitt’s Vision of a Multipolar World Order,” South Atlantic Quarterly 104:2, Spring 2005

      How could one envisage an alternative to such a dangerous … and to which, despite its intentions, the universalist discourse is in fact contributing.

      AT Cede the political

      The aff cedes politics to neoconservatism--internal link turns the DA

      Mikkel Thorup, lecturer in the History of Philosophy department at Aarhus University, In Defense of Enmity, 2006, google scholar

      The problem with contemporary liberal politics is … who must be excluded from the democratic debate. (2005a: 49-50)

      AT: War on terror isn't that bad anymore

      You are wrong—the war on terror isn’t over, Obama is just a lot better at concealing its dark underside, legalizing the exceptionalism pointed to by the 1AC

      “Obama's 'War on Terror'” The Nation, by the editors, 10 March 2011, http://www.thenation.com/article/159168/obamas-war-terror

      The modern-day witch hunt against Muslim


      down the dark path toward another Abu Ghraib.

      Framework: Terrorism

      The language of terror discourse distorts and shapes reality – the K comes first

      Zulaika and Douglass 96

      Joseba, Associate Professor in the Basque Studies Program at the University of Nevada, and William, Professor of Anthropology and Coordinator of Basque Studies at the University of Nevada, Terror and Taboo, p 60, Routledge,

      As evidenced by the foregoing examples, it is the … by such inevitable reification

  • Case v. Egypt elections assistance

    • Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 6 | Opponent: UMKC BS | Judge: Pointer

    • History proves Israel won’t jump the gun

      Gerald Steinberg, professor of Political Science, Bar-Ilan University, MERIA, Middle East Review of International Affairs, Vol. 2, No. 4, November 1998, http://www.biu.ac.il/soc/besa/meria/journal/1998/issue4/jv2n4a7.html

      Following the invasion of Kuwait, U.S. views … role, it was an important silent partner in the alliance, and the restraint was, in itself, and important contribution.


      Israel will not precipitate nuclear conflict

      National Journal, 10-12-02, http://www.d-n-i.net/fcs/comments/c461.htm

      Jack Spencer, defense policy analyst at the … in the world would react far stronger than Israel has."

      Heg is unsustainable – economics constrain primacy

      Layne ‘9, Christopher, Chair in National Security at the School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University,  “The Waning of U.S. Hegemony—Myth or Reality?: A Review Essay,” International Security, Vol. 34, No. 1, Summer 2009

      The publications reviewed in this essay examine whether … is a “risk of defections generating a herd-like momentum” away from it.84

      Middle East instability not key—no one really likes us in the region now—with Mubarak out of the picture any internal link is non unique

      Heg is bad – intervention causes nuclear war

      Maass 10, Richard, Hamilton University undergrad writer, Insights Vol.4 No. 1, “Nuclear Proliferation and Declining US Hegemony”

      Allison’s ideas seem sound in theory, but cannot be … merely be the first among states equally capable of instigating the ultimate catastrophe.

      Heg impacts are exaggerated to mobilize domestic support

      Christopher Layne, Visiting Associate Professor at the Naval Postgraduate School, “From Preponderance to Offshore Balancing,” International Security, Summer 1997

      The security/interdependence nexus … and potential adversaries—that it will uphold its security obligations in core areas.

      Middle East strategic value is declining –protests prove

      Dyer 11 (Gwynne, International Affairs writer/columnist and PhD in Military and Middle Eastern History @ King’s College, “Why are Revolutions Happening in the Middle East now?”, February 18th, http://www.straight.com/article-375801/vancouver/gwynne-dyer-why-are-revolutions-happening-middle-east-now)

      The one thing that is really different in the Middle East, … not intervene militarily to protect the regimes that rule them.


      Proliferation discourse casts the Third World in an infantile light, identifying a neocolonial hierarchy based on difference – the only solution they provide is one of forceful subjugation

      Hugh Gusterson, Professor of Anthropology and Science and Technology Studies at MIT, “Nuclear Weapons and the Other in the Western Imagination,” Cultural Anthropology, Vol. 14, No. 1 (Feb., 1999), JSTOR

      Third World nations acquiring nuclear weapons are … of being able to burn the planet or their enemies to a crisp" (1998b:C1).

      Can’t escalate—empirics and deterrence checks

      Ferguson ‘6 (Niall, Professor of History at Harvard University, Senior Research Fellow of Jesus College, Oxford, and Senior Fellow of the Hoover Institution, Stanford, LA Times, July 24)

      Could today's quarrel between … the assumption being made in Washington.


  • Case v. Egypt constitutional assistance

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1NC Stability advantage

      The brotherhood is anti-imperialism—engagement won’t turn them

      Lorenzo Vidino, senior fellow in International Security Studies at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University and a visiting fellow at the RAND Corporation, “Five myths about the Muslim Brotherhood,” Washington Post, 3/6/2011, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2011/03/04/AR2011030406231.html

       U.S. and Brotherhood officials have


      its agenda - and that probably won't change.

      No Egypt democracy—no uniform goals or leaders and no catalyst event

      Reid 8-19 Colston Reid, research assistant at the Fund for Peace, “On Egyptian Democracy: Time to Start Organizing,” Fund For Peace, 8/19/2011, http://www.fundforpeace.org/global/?q=node/176

      Sadly, the revolution billed as Egypt’s rebirth


      , that by itself may not be enough.

      Can’t escalate—empirics and deterrence checks

      Ferguson ‘6 (Niall, Professor of History at Harvard University, Senior Research Fellow of Jesus College, Oxford, and Senior Fellow of the Hoover Institution, Stanford, LA Times, July 24)

      Could today's quarrel between Israelis and Hezbollah over


      is clearly the assumption being made in Washington

      1NR Stability advantage

      American support for secularism causes fundamentalist backlash

      Ted Galen Carpenter, vice president for defense and foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute, “What Should U.S. Do about Egypt? Very Little,” 2/1/2011, http://www.cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=12780

      U.S. policymakers understandably want to


      low-profile role during these turbulent days

      1NC Israel advantage

      Egypt won’t attack Israel—economic and military constraints

      Daniel Byman, professor of Security Studies at Georgetown and Research Director of the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at Brookings, “Israel’s Pessimistic View of the Arab Spring,” The Washington Quarterly, 34:3, p. 123-136, 2011

      To be clear, no Egyptian government is


      tumult overturns all the certainties of past decades.

      1NR Israel advantage

      Military won’t break peace treaty with Israel—US and public support

      “Egypt Military Promises To Abide By Peace Deal,” AP, 2/12/2011, www.wbur.org/2011/02/12/egypt-14

      CAIRO — Egypt’s ruling military reassured its international


      build a democratic free nation,” he said.

      1NC Secularism/liberty of conscious advantage

      Secularism’s high-and-mighty opposition to any apparition of religion turns progressive politics into the very dogmatic extermination of difference which it claims to oppose and shuts down the potential for rethinking the role of religion in political pluralism

      Connolly ’99 William Connolly, Krieger-Eisenhower Professor of Political Science at Johns Hopkins University, Why I Am Not a Secularist, 1999, p. 3-5

      Under the spell of his conversion to atheism


      of its reexamination under new conditions of being. 

  • Case v. Libya police assistance

    • Tournament: UNLV | Round: 4 | Opponent: ASU DS | Judge: Justin Stanley

    • 1NC Rogue weapons advantage

       Libya stabilizing now

      “So far, so pretty good,” The Economist9/10/2011, http://www.economist.com/node/21528654

      The NTC has provisional plans to elect a “…. far brighter for them than for other Arab neighbours after their revolutions.

      No escalation from failed states

      Stewart Patrick, “The Brutal Truth,” Foreign Policy, July/August 2011, http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/06/20/the_brutal_truth?page=full

      The brutal truth is that the vast majority of … in the wealthy world. What happens in failed states often stays in failed states.

      1NC Oil advantage

       Libyan oil recovery doesn’t spill over- slow market response and uncertainty

      Hollander et al 8/22

      [Catherine (BA in history from Yale), Olga Belogolova (BA’s in Journalism and European Studies from Boston U), Jim Tankersley (Stanford grad), “Could we see a ‘Libya Stimulus’?” , AD: 10-9-11]JN

      In other words, an oil shock fueled in part by Libyan … said. “We’ve just got no clue in which direction it’s going to be.”

      Oil shocks don’t disrupt growth—newest data and alt causes

      Kahn ’11 Jeremy Kahn, “Crude reality,” Boston Globe, 2/13/2011, http://www.boston.com/bostonglobe/ideas/articles/2011/02/13/crude_reality/?page=full

      For more than a month, the world has been riveted by … oil and less sensitive to changes in crude prices overall than it was in 1973.

      Other countries have massive spare reserve capacity

      Telegraph ’11 “Saudi Arabia increases oil production to cover Libya loss,” The Telegraph, 2/25/2011 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/energy/oilandgas/8348629/Saudi-Arabia-increases-oil-production-to-cover-Libya-loss.html

      The International Energy Agency confirmed on Friday that Saudi … East production is still 1.7m barrels per day lower than it was at the height oil price spike in mid-2008.

      Economic decline doesn’t cause war

      Barnett ‘9 Thomas Barnett, senior managing director of Enterra Solutions LLC, “The New Rules: Security Remains Stable Amid Financial Crisis,” 8/25/2009, http://www.aprodex.com/the-new-rules--security-remains-stable-amid-financial-crisis-398-bl.aspx

      When the global financial crisis struck roughly a year ago, … of America's post-World War II international liberal trade order.

      Global economy is resilient

      Zakaria ‘9 Fareed Zakaria, PhD in political science from Harvard, editor of Newsweek, serves on the board of the Council on Foreign Relations, “The Secrets of Stability,” Newsweek, 12/11/2009, http://www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2009/12/11/the-secrets-of-stability.html

      One year later, how much has the world … stability, each reinforcing the other and each historical in nature.


  • Case v. Yemen governance

    • Tournament: UNLV | Round: 5 | Opponent: Gonzaga DH | Judge: Gordon Stables

    • 1NC Terrorism advantage

      Assistance fails in Yemen—lack of expertise and aid doesn’t address causes of radicalism

      Mitchell 8-1 Robert E. Mitchell, former Foreign Service Officer with USAID (including tour in Yemen in 1980s), consultant on international challenges, and widely published on a variety of topics (most recently in MIT’s Journal of Interdisciplinary History, degrees from UMichigan, Harvard’s China Area Program, and Columbia, “Yemen: Testing a New Coordinated Approach to Preventive Counterinsurgency,” Small Wars Journal, 8/1/2011

      The current country strategy lists numerous “illustrative


      . These are well-intentioned hypothetical aspirations.

      Al-Awlaki killing critically damages AQAP

      CBS 9-30 “Al Qaeda's Anwar al-Awlaki killed in Yemen,” CBS News, 9/30/11, http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2011/09/30/501364/main20113732.shtml

      WASHINGTON - An American-born cleric killed


      be very difficult to fill," says Zarate.

      AQAP threat is exaggerated to justify authoritarianism and Western aid and policing won’t stop activity

      Ibrahim Mothana, “Yemen: Thinking Outside the AQAP box,” Al-Jazeera, 6/30/11, http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opinion/2011/06/2011629161825121566.html

      In reality, however, the Yemeni regime


      Sadaa and, more recently, in Sanaa.

      AQAP can’t strike beyond Yemen

      Jeremy M. Sharp, CRS Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs, “Yemen: Background and U.S. Relations,” Congressional Research Report, 3/22/2011,

      Furthermore, some analysts reject outright the hypothesis


      could well set off a tribal response. 37

      No nuclear terror—deterrence and prevention solves

      Mearsheimer ’10 John J. Mearsheimer, R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, “Imperial by Design,” The National Interest, 12/16/2010, http://nationalinterest.org/print/article/imperial-by-design-4576

      This assessment of America’s terrorism problem was flawed


      , or by severe allergic reactions to peanuts.”

      No risk of nuclear terrorism—new intel

      Mueller 8-2 John Mueller, professor of political science at Ohio State University, “The Truth About Al-Qaeda,” Foreign Affairs, 8/2/2011, http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/68012/john-mueller/the-truth-about-al-qaeda?page=show

      As a misguided Turkish proverb holds, "


      year, even with 9/11 included.

      Obama’s retaliation wouldn’t be nuclear

       Michael Rowley, senior correspondent and deputy Washington bureau chief for Time, “Obama and Nuclear Deterrence,” The New Republic, 1/5/2010, http://www.tnr.com/node/72263

      As the story notes, some experts don't


      that matter--would go through with it.

      No public or international support

       Ian Bremmer, president of Eurasia Group, senior fellow at the World Policy Institute, September 13, 2004, New Statesman, “Suppose a new 9/11 hit America…,” p. Lexis

      What would happen if there were a new


      support it enjoyed for the invasion of Afghanistan.

      Ayson concedes terror impacts are overblown

      “WMD threat is over-stated, say experts,” MSN, 7 February 2006, http://news.ninemsn.com.au/national/85632/wmd-threat-is-over-stated-say-experts

      Dr Robert Ayson from the Strategic and Defence


      greater sense of perspective," Dr Ayson said.

      No terror impact—limited capabilities, mistakes, and conservative tactics

      Levi ‘8 Michael Levi, fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, “Stopping Nuclear Terrorism,” Foreign Affairs, January/February 2008

      WHEN STRATEGIES for preventing nuclear terrorism rely on


      in which those measures might theoretically be evaded. 

      1NR Terrorism advantage

       No impact-high chance of detection, logistic problems and just unlikely

      Mannes 9/22

       [Aaron, former Director of Research @ Middle East Media Research Institute, “Schelling on nuclear terrorism,” , AD: 10-16-11]JN

      A Nobel on Nukes Those thoughts were in … be dismissed, does not need to be the focus of enormous government resources.

      Also no motivation—nuclear attack is suicide—terrorists prefer smaller strikes

       Felipe Umana, “Loose Nukes: Real Threat?” Foreign Policy in Focus, 8/17/2011, http://www.fpif.org/articles/loose_nukes_real_threat?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+FPIF+%28Foreign+Policy+In+Focus+%28All+News%29%29

      The threat of military, political, and economic  economic sanctions, partly because of its nuclear program.

       The U.S. has many layers of defense against nuclear terrorism

      San Francisco Chronicle, March 7, 2002

      The United States maintains a  bring the material under tighter control.

  • Case v. Syria internet communication tech

    • Tournament: UNLV | Round: 7 | Opponent: USC KN | Judge: Ralph Paone

    • 1NC doing good things advantage

       The ethic of the aff is not unique. Everyone knows about violence in Syria now.

      AP 10-16 “Arab League stops short of suspending Syria’s membership over bloody crackdown on protests,” http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle-east/arab-league-to-discuss-suspending-syria-syrian-troops-fire-on-funeral-in-east/2011/10/16/gIQA8N59nL_story.html

      Gulf countries seeking to suspend Syria’s membership to


      since the uprising began in mid-March.

      Assad won’t be overthrown—empirically denied and opposition is overstated

      Leverett and Leverett 9-1 Flynt Leverett, professor of international affairs at Penn State and senior research fellow at the New America Foundation, and Hillary Mann Leverett, professor at American University and CEO of Strategic Energy and Global Analysis, a political risk consultancy, “Iran and Syria: America’s Middle East pundits get it wrong (again),” CNN, 9/1/2011, http://globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn.com/2011/09/01/iran-and-syria-americas-middle-east-pundits-get-it-wrong-again/

      First of all, it is far from


      and its interests—analysis by wishful thinking.        

      Their claims of ‘visibility’ only make the subject more intelligible within a managed and policed terrain of cyberspace—internet-based emancipation only reinscribes us within more easily controllable electronic relations, all of which occur under the close watch of ISPs and social networking companies

      Wynn and Katz ’97 Eleanor Wynn, and James E. Katz, “Hyperbole over cyberspace: Self-Presentation and Social Boundaries in Internet Home Pages and Discourse,” Information Society, October-December 1997, Vol. 13, Issue 4, EBSCO

      Internet is the Panopticon The constructivist description of


      that has become part of the electronic community.

       Doesn’t solve—Western surveillance makes its use inevitable in authoritarian regimes

      Morozov, 1AC author, 9/1 (Evgeny, visiting scholar at Stanford University and the author of “The Net Delusion: The Dark Side of Internet Freedom.” “Political Repression 2.0”, New York Times, September 1, 2011. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/02/opinion/political-repression-2-0.html?_r=2)

      The obvious response is to ban the export


      technology in our increasingly privacy-free world.

      No solvency—pro-government hackers disrupt social networking communications

      AP 9-28 “Syrian opponents wage war on the Internet,” AP, 9/28/2011, http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2011/09/28/501364/main20112863.shtml

      Since early in the uprising, a group


      , a British-based risk analysis company.

      Internet doesn’t change anything—no access or interest and social networking stifles radical action

      Miniter 8-18 Richard Miniter, bestselling author and award-winning investigative reporter, bi-weekly foreign policy and international economics columnist for Forbes, “The "Arab Spring" Is A Jedi Mind Trick,” Forbes, 8/18/2011, http://www.forbes.com/sites/richardminiter/2011/08/18/the-exciting-notion-of-arab-spring-is-a-jedi-mind-trick/2/

      But the Arab rebels are pretty unhappy with


      a television screen and get the revolutionary message.

      Assistance is ineffective—causes backlash

      Lesch 8-17 David Lesch, professor of Middle East History at Trinity University, “The conceptual gap between Syria and the U.S.,” Foreign Policy, 8/17/2011, http://mideast.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/08/17/the_conceptual_gap_between_syria_and_the_us

      Thus, there is not much the Obama


      been propagandizing to legitimate the use of force.

  • Case v. Egypt unregistered NGOs

    • Tournament: UNLV | Round: Doubles | Opponent: UNLV BV | Judge: Scott Phillips, Teddy Albiniak, Chris Loghry

    • 1NC Credibility advantage

      Credibility uniqueness outweighs the link

      Max Strasser, freelance journalist and writer in Istanbul who covers Turkey, Egypt and the Middle East, “Can USAID Be a Force For Good In Egypt?” The Nation, 7/26/2011, http://www.middle-east-online.com/english/?id=47350

      Washington’s participation has stirred conflict in Egypt’s nascent


      fondly this support if they come to power.

      Al-Qaeda fails—new intel proves no risk of nuke terror

      Mueller 8-2 John Mueller, professor of political science at Ohio State University, “The Truth About Al-Qaeda,” Foreign Affairs, 8/2/2011, http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/68012/john-mueller/the-truth-about-al-qaeda?page=show

      As a misguided Turkish proverb holds, "


      year, even with 9/11 included.

      Deterrence and prevention solves the impact

      Mearsheimer ’10 John J. Mearsheimer, R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, “Imperial by Design,” The National Interest, 12/16/2010, http://nationalinterest.org/print/article/imperial-by-design-4576

      This assessment of America’s terrorism problem was flawed


      , or by severe allergic reactions to peanuts.”

      1NR Credibility advantage

      No nuke terror-high chance of detection, logistic problems and just unlikely

      Mannes 9/22

      [Aaron, former Director of Research @ Middle East Media Research Institute, “Schelling on nuclear terrorism,” , AD: 10-16-11]JN

      A Nobel on Nukes Those thoughts were in the back of my … be dismissed, does not need to be the focus of enormous government resources.

      Also no motivation—nuclear attack is suicide—terrorists prefer smaller strikes

      Felipe Umana, “Loose Nukes: Real Threat?” Foreign Policy in Focus, 8/17/2011,

      The threat of military, political, and … sanctions, partly because of its nuclear program.

      1NC Stability advantage

      Desertec hasn’t even finished the plans for one plant yet and it’s not in Egypt

      Bloomberg 10-5 “Sahara Solar Project to Present First Plant Design in 2012,” Bloomberg Businessweek, 10/5/2011,

      Oct. 5 (Bloomberg) -- The


      a series of public announcements,” he said.

      Warming impacts overstated—new data

      James Taylor, senior fellow for environment policy at the Heartland Institute and managing editor of Environment & Climate News, “New NASA Data Blow Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism,” Forbes, 7/27/2011,

      NASA satellite data from the years 2000 through


      the purveyors of global warming alarmism truly are.

      Their solvency evidence assumes a 40 year timeframe—that’s way too late to solve warming

      Richard Alleyne, Telegraph science correspondent, “World Unlikely to Stop Global Warming Reaching Critical Levels,” The Telegraph (UK), 29 March 2009,

      Two studies on climate change have concluded that


      700 on the average electricity bill by 2050.

      No Egypt democracy—no uniform goals or leaders and no catalyst event—means street politics are inevitable

      Reid 8-19 Colston Reid, research assistant at the Fund for Peace, “On Egyptian Democracy: Time to Start Organizing,” Fund For Peace, 8/19/2011,

      Sadly, the revolution billed as Egypt’s rebirth


      , that by itself may not be enough.

      1NC Elections advantage

      Their Friedman evidence never says Israel lashes out, only that the Brotherhood might reverse the peace treaty—but the brotherhood won’t be radical and they’ll defer to the military and liberals

      Saikal, 1AC author, 8-11 Amin Saikal, Professor of Political Science and Director of the Centre for Arab and Islamic Studies at Australian National University, “Egypt must tough it out on the often rocky road to revolution,” Sydney Morning Herald, 8/11/2011, http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/politics/egypt-must-tough-it-out-on-the-often-rocky-road-to-revolution-20110810-1imnl.html#ixzz1UhbNfKoW

      These developments can easily be viewed as alarming


      a democratic rather than an Islamist political transformation.

      The Brotherhood can’t and doesn’t want to change foreign policy

      Shahi Hamid, Director of Research at Brookings Doha Center, “Should We Fear the Muslim Brotherhood?” Brookings, 2/2/2011, http://www.brookings.edu/opinions/2011/0202_egypt_hamid.aspx

      In the coming stage, though, the


      presidents, not parliaments, make foreign policy.

      Military keeps control—exerts pressure through governor positions

      Martini and Taylor October Jeff Martini, project associate at RAND, and Julie Taylor, political scientist at RAND, “Commanding Democracy in Egypt,” Foreign Affairs, September/October 2011, Vol. 90, Issue 5, http://www.rand.org/commentary/2011/08/25/FA.html

      Since the revolution, the generals have sought


      it has yet to make a final decision.

      And they’ll never break peace treaty with Israel—US and public support

      “Egypt Military Promises To Abide By Peace Deal,” AP, 2/12/2011, www.wbur.org/2011/02/12/egypt-14

      CAIRO — Egypt’s ruling military reassured its international


      build a democratic free nation,” he said.

      No solvency—SCAF arrests groups that accept assistance

      McInerney 9-28 Stephen McInerney, executive director at the Project on Middle East Democracy, “SCAF’s Assault on Egypt’s Civil Society,” Foreign Policy, 9/28/2011, http://mideast.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/09/28/scaf_s_assault_on_egypt_s_civil_society

      Unlike neighboring Libya and Tunisia, in which


      punishable by up to 15 years in prison.

  • Saudi Relations DA

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1NC - Yemen

      No democracy assistance to Yemen now—we’re yielding to Saudi spheres of influence

      Reuters ’11 “Yemen crisis puts Saudis in powerbroker's bind,” Reuters, 6/18/11, http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Middle-East/2011/Jun-18/Yemen-crisis-puts-Saudis-in-powerbrokers-bind.ashx#axzz1e1bTjndp

      DUBAI: Fearing both civil war and sweeping


      we really, really don't like al Qaeda."

      Pushing reform in Yemen collapses relations—it’s a critical security issue for the Saudis

      Nasr ’11 Vali Nasr, “Will the Saudis Kill the Arab Spring?” Bloomberg, 5/23/11, http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-05-23/will-the-saudis-kill-the-arab-spring-.html

      The kingdom has emerged as the leader of


      and Morocco, which qualify on neither count.

      Triggers Saudi prolif

      Lippman 8-5 Thomas W. Lippman, senior adjunct scholar at the Council on Foreign Relations, career journalist at the Washington Post including four years as the Post’s Middle East Bureau chief, three years as the Post’s oil and energy reporter, and a decade as the newspaper’s national security and diplomatic correspondent including extensive travels to Saudi Arabia, “Saudi Arabia’s Nuclear Policy,” Saudi-US Relations Information Service, 8/5/2011, http://www.susris.com/2011/08/05/saudi-arabia%E2%80%99s-nuclear-policy-lippman/

      So let us suppose that Saudi Arabia’s currently


      might emerge less secure, rather than more.

      Causes nuclear war

      Edelman et al. ’11 Eric S. Edelman, Distinguished Fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, was US Undersecretary of Defense for Policy in 2005-9, Andrew F. Krepinevich, President of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, and Evan Braden Montgomery, Research Fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, “The Dangers of a Nuclear Iran,” Foreign Affairs, January/February 2011, http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/67162/eric-s-edelman-andrew-f-krepinevich-jr-and-evan-braden-montgomer/the-dangers-of-a-nuclear-iran

      The Islamabad option raises a host of difficult


      a new Great Game, with unpredictable consequences.


      Nayef will continue cooperation—but plan’s emphasis on political change uniquely risks the relationship

      ABC 10-29 Rym Momtaz, “New Saudi Crown Prince Is Counter-Terror Veteran,” ABC News, 10/29/11, http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/saudi-crown-prince-counter-terror-veteran/story?id=14837222#.TrrbfPQr2so]

      Saudi Arabia's new crown prince earned the nickname


      than the current leadership on human rights issues."

      Relations on the mend—reduced US meddling in the Arab Spring

      AFP 9-18 “Saudi ties in good shape: US official,” AFP, 9/18/11, http://www.gulf-times.com/site/topics/printArticle.asp?cu_no=2&item_no=458987&version=1&template_id=37&parent_id=17

      The key diplomatic relationship between Saudi Arabia and


      good relationship” between Obama and King Abdullah.

      Saudi Arabia is wary of foreign-assisted democratization in Yemen—they want control over regime change

      Allen ’11 Michael Allen, editor of Democracy Digest and Visiting Fellow at the National Endowment for Democracy, “Saudi Arabia: countervailing power or ‘midwives of change’ in Yemen?” Democracy Digest, 6/6/11, http://www.demdigest.net/blog/2011/06/saudi-arabia-countervailing-power-or-midwives-of-change-in-yemen/

      With Yemen finely poised between transition and regression


      a Yemen expert at the University of Sydney.

      Nayef looks to security first—he’s historically committed to crushing ANY threat to Saudi rule

      NYT 10-23 Neil MacFarquhar, “Potential New Saudi Crown Prince Seen as Hard-Line but Pragmatic,” New York Times, 10/23/11, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/24/world/middleeast/potential-new-saudi-crown-prince-is-hard-line-but-pragmatic.html?pagewanted=all

      CAIRO — With the presidents of Egypt and


      an author of two books about the kingdom.

      Supporting opposition groups alienates the Saudis—casts doubt on security arrangements

      NYT ’11 Neil MacFarquhar, “Saudi Arabia Scrambles to Limit Region’s Upheaval,” New York Times 5/27/11, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/28/world/middleeast/28saudi.html

      The Arab Spring began to unravel an alliance


      Jubeir, sat prominently in the front row.

      Throwing Saleh under the bus by backing opposition angers the Saudis—kills the alliance

      Molavi ’11 Afshin Molavi, Middle East Scholar at the New America Foundation, “The state of the Saudi-U.S. relationship,” CNN, 3/22/11, http://globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn.com/2011/03/22/the-state-of-the-saudi-u-s-relationship/

      At the bureaucratic level, the Saudi-


      population that will likely vote along sectarian lines.

      AT: Relations resilient

      Relations aren’t resilient—plan is a flip-flop that ends the alliance

      Karasik 8-1 Dr. Theodore Karasik, Director of Research and Development at the Institute for Near East and Gulf Military Analysis, Adjunct Lecturer at the Dubai School of Government where he teaches graduate level international relations, was a Senior Political Scientist in the International Policy and Security Group at RAND Corporation where he served as Director of Research for the RAND Center for Middle East Public Policy from 2002-3, “A Conversation with Dr. Theodore Karasik of INEGMA on the “Arab Spring,” ArabiaLink, 8/1/11, http://www.arabialink.com/2011/08/01/a-conversation-with-dr-theodore-karasik-of-inegma-on-the-arab-spring/

      SUSRIS: How do you interpret recent public


      , but at their own pace and scope.

      Now key—Nayef thinks primarily in terms of survival, not ideology—continued cooperation is possible but not if we push too hard and too fast for democracy

      Husain 10-29 Ed Husain, Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, “A step backwards for Saudi Arabia,” CNN, 10/29/11, http://globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn.com/2011/10/29/a-step-backwards-for-saudi-arabia/

      In the corridors of power in Washington,


      the language of survival that will matter most.

      Indo-Pak war add-on

      Saudi prolif causes Indo-Pak war

      Roberts ’11 Andrew Roberts, fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, “Iran's Nuclear Domino Effect,” The Daily Beast, 1/2/11, http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2011/01/02/irans-nuclear-weapons-could-lead-to-a-saudi-and-pakistan-alliance.html

      The Saudis have already indicated privately—and


      nuclear situation in South Asia significantly more dangerous.

      Causes extinction

      Toon et al., ’7 [Owen B. Toon, Prof, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, U of Colorado; Alan Robock, Prof, Envtl Sciences, Rutgers U; Richard P. Turco, Prof, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, UCLA; Charles Bardeen, Prof, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, U of Colorado; Luke Oman, Prof, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Johns Hopkins U, Georgiy L. Stenchikov, Prof of Envtl Sciences, Rutgers U (“NUCLEAR WAR: Consequences of Regional-Scale Nuclear Conflicts,” Science, 2 March 2007, Vol. 315. no. 5816, pp. 1224 – 1225)

      National ownership of nuclear weapons offers perceived international


      stability of society since the dawn of humans.

  • Payroll tax cuts DA

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1NC

      Payroll tax cuts will be extended—Obama’s pushing—obstacles remain

      Stein 11-10 Political Reporter at the Huffington Post, formerly Newsweek, NY Daily News, and the Center for Public Integrity Sam Stein, Huffington Post.  On Payroll Tax Cut, Obama Administration Plotting Year-End Showdown 11/10/11 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/11/10/payroll-tax-cut-obama-administration-year-end-showdown_n_1086761.html

      Top officials in the Obama administration on Thursday


      and Congress should work to make it permanent.

      Plan triggers a firestorm

      Rosen 10-24 James Rosen, “S.C. Sen. Graham fights to save foreign aid programs,” McClatchy Newspapers, 10/24/11, http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2011/10/24/v-print/128088/sc-sen-graham-fights-to-save-foreign.html

      South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, who’s


      Vegas last week took turns bashing foreign aid.

      PTC sustains the economy—capital’s key

      Philadelphia Inquirer 9-8 POINT: Don't expect miracles on job growth, September 08, 2011, http://articles.philly.com/2011-09-08/news/30130709_1_jobs-plan-american-economy-rare-tax

      The fundamental problem in the American economy is


      made a major effort to privatize Social Security.

      Key to the economy

      Evans 11-14 Kelly Evans, Wall Street Journal, “Payroll-Tax Cuts Trump the Supercommittee”, 11/14/2011,

      Word to the wise: Don't fixate on


      manage 3%, the risk of recession remains.

      Causes global wars

      Royal ‘10 director of Cooperative Threat Reduction at the U.S. Department of Defense (Jedediah, Economics of War and Peace: Economic, Legal, and Political Perspectives, pg 213-215)

      Less intuitive is how periods of economic decline


      economic-security debate and deserves more attention.


      Agreement is possible now—but Obama selling is key

      Beutler 11-1 [Brian Beutler, Senate Dems Face Major Challenge On Key Part Of Obama Jobs Bill, ]

      For these reasons, extending payroll tax cuts


      with Democrats. But they added many caveats.

      Internal White House confidence – and GOP isn’t backlashing

      Fiscal Times 11-16 Obama’s Aggressive Fiscal Offense: Will It Pay Off?,

      In a few cases, though, Republicans


      much all Obama can do at this point.

      CBO analysis boosts chances

      Boston Herald 11-17 Kathleen Hennessey and Lisa Mascar, Parts of Obama’s jobs plan win bipartisan approval, h

      The cost, small by Washington standards,


      same immediate jolt, according to the report.

      Occupy Wall Street creates momentum

      Youngman 11-10 Correspondent for The Hill [Sam Youngman, White House thinks Obama has regained 'upper hand' with GOP on economy http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/192973-white-house-thinks-obama-has-regained-upper-hand-with-gop]

      The White House officials blasted Republicans for stalling


      Biden and Cabinet secretaries, one official said.

      Election year politics

      Weisenthal 11-11 [Joe Wiesenthal, The Most Important Question In Washington: Is A Massive Tax Hike Just A Few Weeks Away?http://www.businessinsider.com/the-debate-over-the-payroll-tax-extension-2011-11]

      There's been a lot of discussion about the


      to avoid alienating voters in an election year.

      PC key

      Gotta use the bully pulpit

      Wright 10-14 Kai Wright, “Is President Obama’s Jobs Drumbeat Working?” Color Lines, 10/14/11, http://colorlines.com/archives/2011/10/is_president_obamas_jobs_drumbeat_working.html

      But what Obama’s new insistence on a jobs


      might be at a turning point in Washington.

      Capital’s key and finite

      Beckmann and Kumar ’11 Both in the Department of Political Science, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA Matthew N. Beckmann and Vimal Kumar, How presidents push, when presidents win: A model of positive presidential power in US lawmaking, Journal of Theoretical Politics 23(1) 3–20

       Of course, presidential political capital is


      and show how presidents may systematically influence them.

      AT: Thumpers

      Obama avoiding ALL budget fights that aren’t jobs bills

      Calmes 11-9 [Jackie Calmes. Writer. NY Times. Panel Is at Impasse, but Obama Sees No Reason to Step In, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/10/us/politics/deficit-reduction-panel-at-impasse-but-obama-sees-no-reason-to-step-in.html]

      The White House’s expectations for the special Congressional


      days before the panel’s Nov. 23 deadline.

      AT: Dickinson

      He concludes neg – prefer this evidence because it’s from a peer reviewed journal and not a random blog post.

      Dickinson ‘9 (Matthew, author of their ev professor of political science at Middlebury College. He taught previously at Harvard University, where he also received his Ph.D., working under the supervision of presidential scholar Richard Neustadt, We All Want a Revolution: Neustadt, New Institutionalism, and the Future of Presidency Research, Presidential Studies Quarterly 39 no4 736-70 D 2009)

      Small wonder, then, that initial efforts


      vote (Beckmann 2008, n.d.).   

      AT: Winners win

      Obama can’t convert wins into capital

      Massie 10-25 Alex, How Good is Barack Obama at Politics? The Spectator, http://www.spectator.co.uk/alexmassie/7341259/how-good-is-barack-obama-at-politics.thtml

      Even so, where Ponnuru is right,


      his team as they prepare for next year.

  • EU CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • EU solves

      Abboud 2010 (Noufal Abboud was Project Coordinator at the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) project on Democracy in the Arab Word, focusing on elections, political parties and women’s participation in politics in Egypt, Yemen and Jordan.  He has a MA in Human Rights from Mahidol University, Thailand, and a Licence en Droit (BA in Law) from University Hassan II in Casablanca, Morocco; "Regenerating the State in the Arab World: The Role Of the European Union in Democracy Building"; http://www.idea.int/resources/analysis/upload/Abboud_low_1.pdf, SRM)

      It is only with knowledge of the local


      play the role of either catalyst or teacher.

  • Case v. Amazigh linguistic citizenship

    • Tournament: WNPT | Round: 4 | Opponent: Oregon BG | Judge: Nigel Ramoz-Leslie

    • 1NC

      Individual level strategies fail and make global violence inevitable. Shouts out to Whitman

      George Monbiot, journalist, academic, and political and environmental activist, 2004, Manifesto for a New World Order, p. 11-13

      The quest for global solutions is difficult and


      destroying the conditions it requires for its survival.

      Fiat bad

      Fappeler 95 Susanne, Professor at Cal-Berkeley and Al-Akhawayn University, The Will to Violence: The Politics of Personal Behavior, pg 10-11

      Just kidding

      Policy analysis should precede discourse – most effective way to challenge power

      Jill Taft-Kaufman, Speech prof @ CMU, 1995, Southern Comm. Journal, Spring, v. 60, Iss. 3, “Other Ways”, p pq

      The postmodern passwords of "polyvocality," "


      agencies, and the budgets that fuel them.

      Epistemic critique replicates fascistic knowledge production—only substantive debate breaks down dogma without collapsing into irrelevance

      Houghton ‘8 David Patrick Houghton, “Positivism ‘vs’ Postmodernism: Does Epistemology Make a Difference?” International Politics (2008), 45

      As long ago as 1981, Yale Ferguson


      be what divides the international relations scene today.

      Consequentialism is key – their absolutism destroys political responsibility

      Isaac ‘2

      Jeffrey Isaac, James H. Rudy Professor of Political Science and director of the Center for the Study of Democracy and Public Life at Indiana University-Bloomington, Dissent, Vol. 49 No. 2, Spring 2002

      As writers such as Niccolo Machiavelli, Max Weber, … commitment.

      Their agency theory is disastrous in practice - thinking the world doesn't make it so. 

      Terry O'Callaghan, lecturer in the school of International Relations at the University of South Australia, International Relations and the third debate, ed: Jarvis, 2002, p. 79-80

      Moving beyond realism, for George, also


      ends he otherwise champions. He does neither.

      Calculation is inevitable, but we can still calculate for the other.  Their attempts to be free of calculation ensures that their ethic is co-opted

      Jacques Derrida, Directeur d’Etudes at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, and Professor of Philosophy, French and Comparative Literature at the University of California, Irvine, 2002, Acts of Religion, p. 255-57

      This excess of justice over law and calculation


      on this subject remain quite obscure or traditional.

      Value to life inevitable – existence key to maximize it

      David Pizer 2001“Argument that life has inherent value”, July 8,

      Argument that life has inherent value    1.


      is life - and life has inherent value

      Security inevitable

      Barry Buzan, Montague Burton Professor of International Relations at the London School of Economics and honorary professor at the University of Copenhagen, “Security, the State, the “New World Order,” and Beyond,” On Security, ed. Ronnie D. Lipschutz, 1998, CIAO

      One assumption underlying this chapter is that differences


      and the definition of priorities for security policy.

      Modernity checks the impact

      Rosemary O’Kane, professor of comparative political theory at the University of Keele, “Modernity, the Holocaust and politics,” Economy and Society 26:1, 1997, pp. 58-59

      Modern bureaucracy is not 'intrinsically capable of genocidal


      which stand in the way of modern genocides.

      Disregard root causes—prefer normative geopolitics—most flexible

       Moore ‘4 John Moore, chaired law prof, UVA. Frm first Chairman of the Board of the US Institute of Peace and as the Counselor on Int Law to the Dept. of State, “Beyond the Democratic Peace,” 44 Va. J. Int'l L. 341, 2004, lexis

        If major interstate war is predominantly a product


      levels of deterrence are dramatically increased or decreased?

      Policy analysis based on facts and objective evaluation of data avoids a slide into violent and undemocratic politics – the postpositivist alternative is suppression and hierarchy

      Laurence Linn, Sid Richardson Research Professor in the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas-Austin, “A Place at the Table: Policy Analysis, Its Postpositive Critics, and the Future of Practice,” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 18:3, 1999

      In contrast, traditional policy analysts would view


      on practice, and practice will evolve accordingly.

      Disengagement from the political sphere cedes control to the far right – this causes violence, oppression, and straight turns the K

      Richard Rorty, professor emeritus of comparative literature and philosophy at Stanford University, “Achieving Our Country: Leftist Thought in Twentieth-Century America, 1998, pp. 89-94

      Many writers on socioeconomic policy have warned that


      evanescent and insistent as a resourceful spook."10

      Their epistemology indicts don't decrease the value of our truth claims - epistemological uncertainty doesn't preclude taking action to stop suffering

      Tyler Cowen, Department of Economics at George Mason University, "The Epistemic Problem Does Not Refute Consequentialism," 2 November 2004, http://www.gmu.edu/jbc/Tyler/Epistemic2.pdf, p. 14-15)

      The epistemic critique relies heavily on a complete


      from pursuing large upfront benefits of obvious importance.


      Policy debate about the Arab Spring is key to generate positive attitudes about Arab democratization and break down orientalist biases in public discourses

      Brookings ’11 “What Does the American Public Think of the Arab Awakening?” Brookings event summary, 5/22/2011, http://www.brookings.edu/events/2011/0522_arab_awakening.aspx

      In light of the divisive rhetoric that emerged


      to encourage support and sympathy for the uprisings.

      Even if social theory has structural flaws, debate over specific scenarios solves

      Yale Ferguson, professor of political science at Rutgers, International Relations and the “Third Debate,” ed. Jarvis, 2002, p. 157

       Although there may be no such thing as


      need (or prefer) to “know.”

      And, their radical skepticism is non-falsifiable

      Christopher Norris, professor of philosophy at the University of Wales, What’s Wrong with Postmodernism, 1990, pp. 3-4

       For the moment, however, I just


      (indeed the only) court of appeal.

      Their framework dooms political action – we must deal with practical evaluation of consequences.  Prefer our evidence – it’s written in the context of activist movements on college campuses, just like the aff.

      Isaac ‘2

      Jeffrey Isaac, James H. Rudy Professor of Political Science and director of the Center for the Study of Democracy and Public Life at Indiana University, Bloomington, Spring 2002, Dissent, vol. 49, no. 2

      POLITICS IS ABOUT ends and means--about … is of limited utility. Here what matters is not purity of intention but the intelligent exercise of power.

      Conflict and violence at unprecedented lows now

      Pinker ’11 Steven Pinker, experimental psychologist, cognitive scientist, linguist, and popular science author, and Johnstone Family Professor in the Department of Psychology at Harvard, “Violence Vanquished,” Wall Street Journal, 9/24/2011,

      Believe it or not, the world of


      success in reducing hate crimes against gay people.

      War turns and outweighs structural violence – injustice is a product of conflict

      Joshua S. Goldstein, professor of International Relations at American University, War and Gender: How Gender shapes the War System and Vice Versa, 2001, pp. 411-412

      First, peace activists face a dilemma in


      cause of war seems to be empirically inadequate.

  • Case v. Bahrain

    • Tournament: WNPT | Round: Finals | Opponent: Whitman CM | Judge: Schally, Tom

    • Dialogue fails and GCC checks the impact

      Kenneth Katzman, CRS Specialist in Middle Eastern affairs, “Bahrain: Reform, Security, and U.S. Policy,” Congressional Research Service, 7/7/2011

      Some believe the GCC intervention and subsequent crackdown


      regime of the Prime Minister and other hardliners.

      No risk of Iranian influence or domestic reconciliation

      Barfi ’11 Barak Barfi, Research Fellow at the New America Foundation, “The Arab Uprisings and U.S. Policy: What Is the American National Interest?” Middle East Policy Council, 4/28/2011, http://www.mepc.org/journal/middle-east-policy-archives/arab-uprisings-and-us-policy?print

      I was also able to spend some time


      incursion into the West Bank in April 2002.

      The opposition wants nothing to do with Iran

      Ali & Abdo ’11 Genieve Abdo, member of the parliament of Bahrain and the Wefaq, the leading Shia opposition group, and Jasim Husain Ali, director of the Iran programme for The Century Foundation and the National Security Network, “Misunderstanding Bahrain's Shia protesters,” Al-Jazeera, 4/3/2011, http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opinion/2011/03/201132982742988712.html

      Listening to the rhetoric coming out of Tehran


      Faqih, the concept of supreme clerical rule.

      No Iranian aggression

      Walt ’10 Stephen Walt, professor of international affairs at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, “More hype about Iran?” Foreign Policy, 4/20/2010, http://walt.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2010/04/20/more_hype_about_iran

      One of the more remarkable features about the


      nuclear" at some point in the future).

      Alt causes to Middle East cred—the rest of the topic, Palestine, wars

      Michael Hudson, “Middle East Policy: A zero-sum game?” Al-Jazeera, 8/17/2011, http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opinion/2011/08/201181681017137387.html

      The other day, following his uninspiring speech


      , Hillary has worked overtime to soothe Bibi."

      Assistance won’t change Bahraini politics—Saudi concerns outweigh

      Salman Shaikh, Director of the Brookings Institute’s Doha Center and Fellow at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy, previously served as the Special Assistant for the Middle East and Asia to the UN Under-Secretary-General for Political affairs and advisor to former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, “The Bahrain crisis and its regional dangers,” Foreign Policy, 3/23/2011, http://mideast.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/03/23/the_bahrain_crisis_and_its_regional_dangers

      The Bahrain crisis is also showing the limits


      affairs. We really are in unchartered territory.

      Protestors explicitly reject US involvement

      Ben Winegard, graduate student studying evolutionary and developmental psychology at the University of Missouri, “Understanding Bahrain: How Bahrain Shines a Light on Imperial Policies,” Op Ed News, March 11 2011, http://www.opednews.com/articles/Understanding-Bahrain-How-by-Benjamin-Winegard-110308-808.html

      The future of Bahrain remains uncertain, while


      busy organizing. This much is our responsibility.

      Instability inevitable—it’s too late for reconciliation

      James Traub, contributing writer for the New York Times Magazine and acclaimed author, graduate of Harvard, “The Myth of the Useful Dictator,” Foreign Policy, 3/18/2011, http://jmhinternational.com/news/news/selectednews/files/2011/03/20110318_ForeignPolicy_TheMythOfTheUsefulDictator.pdf

      The administration argues that the United States can't


      a disaster for U.S. policy.

      Sectarianism inevitable—conflict dates back for over a thousand years—one act of assistance doesn’t solve years of colonial resource distribution

      No escalation—Iran can’t mobilize the troops to fight

      Borzou Daragahi, a journalist based in Tehran who writes frequently for the Post-Gazette, 2/27/05, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

      Despite rising tension, Iran remains quiet and


      fight with much enthusiasm against the United States.

      Iran isolation is self-fulfilling

      Fisher ’10 Max Fisher, associate editor at The Atlantic, “The Risks of Isolating China,” The Atlantic, 9/23/2010, http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2010/09/the-risks-of-isolating-china/63470/

      Isolation is self-reinforcing. An isolated


      isolation more severe, and the cycle repeats.

      American calls for dialogue do nothing—Bahraini regime won’t listen

      Jonathan Guyer, program associate for the Middle East Task Force and assistance editor of The Middle East Channel, “In Bahrain: A Gulf Between U.S. Interests and Values,” New America Foundation, 5/26/2011, http://middleeast.newamerica.net/publications/articles/2011/in_bahrain_a_gulf_between_us_interests_and_values_52035

      Indeed, Obama delivered a slap on the


      a new era of political cooperation with Shiites.

      No risk of Iran shutting off the Strait

      Stratfor ‘8 [“Iran: The Threat to the Strait of Hormuz”, July 1, ]

      Iran is under no illusions about the result


      excuse to conduct an air campaign against it.

  • Pressure CP v. Bahrain

    • Tournament: WNPT | Round: Finals | Opponent: | Judge:

    •  The United States federal government should privately communicate to the government of Bahrain that the United States will terminate Bahrain’s status as a Major Non-NATO ally and end arms sales to Bahrain unless the government agrees to the prompt release of jailed opposition leaders and a genuinely inclusive dialogue on democratic transition in Bahrain.

      CP solves entirety of case

      Hiltermann 9/7 [Joost, Deputy Program Director for Middle East and North Africa at the International Crisis Group, “Pushing for reform in Bahrain,” , AD: 11-12-11]JN

      How Washington should now proceed is an open question. If Crown Prince Salman is serious about reform, then the United States should apply steady pressure on the regime to move …, and the opposition to show the way.


  • Agamben K

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1NC vs Oregon CT queer identity stuff

      Their attempt to secure the debate space as a safe zone where identity can be freely realized reproduces sovereign violence.  The outside, the policy debate which their criticism takes as its object, is just as necessary in this system as the safe debate space; what’s hidden is that the division between these two zones is rendered fluid by their identity claims.

      Giorgio Agamben, professor of aesthetics at the University of Verona, and professor of philosophy at the Collège International de Philosophie in Paris, 2005, State of Exception, p. 56-57

      The division between sovereign power and the … are caught up in a single catastrophe.

      Our alt: We prefer not to do the aff.

      Bartleby is the instance of pure potentiality the “I prefer not to” stands unrepresentable before the law-it is precisely Bartleby’s ability to express preference and not be within the stable coordinates of the lawyer’s identity-only through the embracement of this pure potentiality of being can a method be reached that does not rely on the illusion of perpetual theologic materiality

      Giorgio Agamben, professor of philosophy at university of Verona, Potentialities: Collected Essays in Philosophy, 1999, pg. 253-255

      1. This is the philosophical constellation to …  It is the formula of potentiality.



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