Puget Sound » Puget Sound Novack-Stevenson Aff

Puget Sound Novack-Stevenson Aff

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 18:56
  • 1AC Bahrain Democracy-To-Come

    • Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 2 | Opponent: Texas LM | Judge: Nielson

    • Full text is attached at the bottom of this page

      Bahrain Democracy-To-Come (UNLV)

      Part 1 is the killing silence.

      As the US government calls for change across the Arab Spring, one country has been left untouched—the Al-Khalifa family, which has ruled Bahrain for more than forty years, continues its harsh crackdown against the Shi’ite majority. Protests have picked up steam, but so has the brutality committed against them, as troops have moved beyond simply attacking peaceful protestors to molesting females and imprisoning medical workers. However, because Bahrain plays host to the US Fifth Fleet naval base, America remains silent.

      Mustafa 10/8 [Tahir Mustafa, free-lance writer, “Bahraini protests continue despite regime crackdown,” , AD: 10-8-11]JN

      Thousands of peaceful protesters were back in the


      Some people are clearly more equal than others.

      This concern for imperial presence over human rights is rooted in a neoliberal discourse of security, which establishes and defends military bases in foreign countries in the name of superior Western ideals.  Constructions of the danger of Iran or Al-Qaeda are merely attempts to master the unknowable future to justify sustained presence and secure cheap oil markets.

      John Morrisey, Department of Geography at National University of Ireland in Galway, “Closing the Neoliberal Gap: Risk and Regulation in the Long War of Securitization,” Antipode, Vol. 43, No. 3, 2011

      The aleatory nature of the Middle East’s future


      police and to use military force if necessary.

      Part 2 is autoimmunity.

      Democracy today perceives itself as ‘under attack’ by dictators and terrorists who want to destroy freedom.  However, as we see in the American silence on Bahraini authoritarianism, the Western response to these threats is to curtail the very freedoms and human rights it claims to defend. This essential ‘autoimmunity’ drives democracy to suicide in order to save itself.

      Samir Haddad, PhD candidate in philosophy at Northwestern, “Derrida and Democracy at Risk,” Contretemps 4, September 2004, http://sydney.edu.au/contretemps/4september2004/haddad.pdf

      Democracy today is at risk. At risk


      much from itself as from its ‘enemiesʼ.

      Contemporary autoimmunity’s construction of liberal democratization as a transcendent ideal makes any sacrifice justifiable—this is the critical internal link to extinction.

      Ivan Callus, Head of the Department of English at the University of Malta and PhD in English from Cardiff, and Stefan Herbrechter, reader in Cultural Theory at Coventry University and PhD in English from Cardiff“The Latecoming of the Posthuman, Or, Why "We" Do the Apocalypse Differently, "Now."” Reconstruction, Vol. 4, No. 3, Summer 2004, http://reconstruction.eserver.org/043/callus.htm

      <23> It needs to be said


      future anterior [emphasis added]. [28]

      Above all else, it is the fear of the Other which drives this auto-immunity.  The faceless, unknowable masses who are presumed to threaten democracy become the justification for massive violence and human rights abuses against all those who dare to dissent.  Victims of political repression in Bahrain represent the Other who the West renders invisible in order to secure an orderly world.  It is for these ghosts of hegemony that we must speak, in the name of a justice-to-come.

      Anne Orford, Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Melbourne, 2005, German Law Journal, Vol. 6, No. 1, p. 34-37

      While in his early work Derrida thus insists


      as soon as we open our mouths …27

      Part 3 is democracy-to-come.

      The resolution has called us to think about America’s role in shaping the world today.  The question fits neatly within a bizarre teleological imperialism: The Arabs are rising! It’s Spring! America must intervene to ensure democracy makes it out okay.  But, it also has a radical potential.  Talking about Bahrain reminds us of the irony of America exporting freedom.  We look less like a democracy and more like an empire, supporting dictators in the name of liberty.  Our democracy isn’t all that good anyways.  We’re real jerks sometimes.  Thus, our aff is an attempt to let you think democracy in a different way—not as something we have, but as a promise to come.  When we point to dead protestors and America’s complicity, we call you to do democracy, to be just a little more like those fighting for freedom in places more totalitarian than ours—to offer help.

      This debate doesn’t have to be the same old heg advantage versus politics and the process CP or the Marx K.  Our aff is a call to depth and nuance, to think about things differently, to care, to hope.  Let this day be a day for democracy.  Let this debate be a debate for democracy.

      Rev. Dr. Rob Manning [professor of philosophy and religious studies at Quincy University, Unitarian Minister] “Call it a Day for Democracy: Thoughts on our Revolutionary Present for Jacques Derrida.” Its called a sermon.  February 27, 2011

      I have wanted us for the last few


      make this day a great day for democracy.

      Thus, Jake and I think that:

      The United States federal government should substantially increase its democracy assistance to political opposition groups in Bahrain.

      The subjects of oppression in Bahrain have called for us to act out against the oppressive Al-Khalifa regime and assist them in their plight—we have an obligation to respond.

      Nishapuri 11

      [Abdul, Founder/Editor of Let Us Build Pakistan (LUBP), February 20th, “An open letter to President Obama: People of Bahrain need your help,” , AD: 9-5-11]JN

      Dear Mr. President, In one of your recent addresses to international audience, you pledged ...and democracy in our motherland. With Utmost Respect, Citizens of Bahrain and the U.S.A.

      Our refusal of the totalizing drive for fixity which has prioritized geopolitics over human rights deconstructs the political as such.  This critical ethos is more important than the particular decision made by the 1AC.

      Alex Thomson, lecturer in English at the University of Glasgow, Deconstruction and Democracy, 2005, p. 196-197

      The affirmation of this kind of analysis would


      “Yes” to emancipation' [DAP 82].

      Our argument is not that the 1AC ends injustice or solves auto-immunity.   Regardless, responsibility demands that we deploy institutions like the state and human rights for the emancipation of the other in particular circumstances, even if they remain limited or ineffective.

      Alex Thomson, lecturer in English at the University of Glasgow, Deconstruction and Democracy, 2005, p. 194-195

      Such a strategy might be linked directly to


      while you attempt not to prejudge the issue.

      Subjective experience is meaningful only through relation to otherness—in order to truly live in the present, we must speak of those who are obscured by our irresponsible disregard for difference. Rather than comfortably voting neg because the DA is “try or die,” you should look to do things a little bit differently, and uncomfortably affirm, to try against death in the name of democracy-to-come.  This anxious, untimely call for justice is the basis of ethics.

      Jacques Derrida, Specters of Marx, 1994, p. xvii-xx

      But to learn to live, to learn


      /no more one [Ie plus d'un].

      Finally, contingent deployments of sovereignty can be productive.

      Jacques Derrida, Directeur d’Etudes at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, and Professor of Philosophy, French and Comparative Literature at the University of California, Irvine, 2004, For What Tomorrow? A Dialogue With Elisabeth Roudinesco, p. 91-92

      J.D.: A moment ago you


      not sovereignty, even when it seems possible.


      1AC Bahrain Democracy-To-Come (Gonzaga)

       Part 1 is the killing silence.

      Despite popular opposition and international outcry, the Bahraini monarchy has continued its harsh crackdown on the rights and safety of its citizens.  State-sponsored negotiations and human rights investigations are nothing but hollow lip-service given the regime’s attempt to quell dissent with “collective punishment” in the form of deadly tear gas attacks.

      Cunningham 8/5 [Finian, Global Research Correspondant and kicked out of Bahrain for his critical reporting, “US and British-Backed Bahrain Regime: the Use of ‘Toxic Terror’ in Collective Punishment,” Global Research, 8/5/2011, http://globalresearch.ca/PrintArticle.php?articleId=25909, AD: 9-3-11]JN

      After more than five months of popular opposition


      putrefied cynicism of American and British foreign policy?

      Just two weeks ago, a 14-year-old boy was struck in the head and killed by a tear gas canister fired into a crowd by Bahraini security forces.  Yet, when Jake and I run Google News searches for updates on Bahrain, half of the articles are about soccer or racecars.  Western media loves popular uprising when it occurs in “axis of evil” countries like Syria and Libya—but when the stability of a government which hosts a US navy base is put into question, Western media turns the other way.

      John Glaser, “Ongoing US-Supported Repression in Bahrain,” Anti-War.com, 8/31/2011,

      One of the many unfortunate consequences of all


      the ongoing US support for repression in Bahrain.

      This concern for imperial presence over human rights is rooted in a neoliberal discourse of security, which drives military interventionism and sustained presence in the name of superior Western ideals.  Constructions of the danger of Iran or Al-Qaeda are merely attempts to master the unknowable future and secure oil markets for capitalist accumulation.

      John Morrisey, Department of Geography at National University of Ireland in Galway, “Closing the Neoliberal Gap: Risk and Regulation in the Long War of Securitization,” Antipode, Vol. 43, No. 3, 2011

      The aleatory nature of the Middle East’s future


      police and to use military force if necessary.

      Part 2 is autoimmunity.

      Democracy today perceives itself as ‘under attack,’ by dictators and terrorists like Iran and Al-Qaeda who want to destroy freedom in the name of nationalist fundamentalisms.  However, as we see in the American silence on Bahraini authoritarianism, the Western response to these threats is to curtail the very freedoms and human rights it claims to defend. This essential ‘autoimmunity’ drives democracy to suicide in order to save itself.

      Samir Haddad, PhD candidate in philosophy at Northwestern, “Derrida and Democracy at Risk,” Contretemps 4, September 2004, http://sydney.edu.au/contretemps/4september2004/haddad.pdf

      Democracy today is at risk. At risk


      much from itself as from its ‘enemiesʼ.


      Contemporary autoimmunity’s construction of liberal democratization as a transcendent ideal makes any sacrifice justifiable—this is the critical internal link to extinction.

      Ivan Callus, Head of the Department of English at the University of Malta and PhD in English from Cardiff, and Stefan Herbrechter, reader in Cultural Theory at Coventry University and PhD in English from Cardiff“The Latecoming of the Posthuman, Or, Why "We" Do the Apocalypse Differently, "Now."” Reconstruction, Vol. 4, No. 3, Summer 2004, http://reconstruction.eserver.org/043/callus.htm

      <23> It needs to be said


      future anterior [emphasis added]. [28]

      Thus, Jake and I think that:

      The President of the United States of America should call for the Al Khalifa family to renounce their authority over Bahrain.



      Part 3 is democracy-to-come.

      The resolution has led us to think about our opinions and our roles within it.  The question fits neatly within a bizarre teleological imperialism: The Arabs are rising! It’s Spring! America’s job is to make sure democracy makes it out okay.  But, it also has a radical potential.  Talking about Bahrain reminds us of the irony of America exporting freedom.  We look less like a democracy and more like an empire, supporting dictators in the name of liberty.  Our democracy isn’t all that good anyways.  We’re real jerks sometimes.  Thus, our aff is an attempt to let you think democracy in a different way.  Not as something we have, but as a promise to come.  When we point to dead protestors and America’s complicity, we call you to do democracy, to be just a little more like those fighting for freedom in places more totalitarian than ours—to offer help.

      So, this year doesn’t have to be another year of politics throwdowns, ridiculous terrorism scenarios, and the same Marx and Said arguments.  We can do things differently, like this tag which is now four times too long.  Our aff is a call to depth and nuance, to think about things differently, to care, to hope.  Let this day be a day for democracy.  Let this debate be a debate for democracy.

      Rev. Dr. Rob Manning [professor of philosophy and religious studies at Quincy University, Unitarian Minister] “Call it a Day for Democracy: Thoughts on our Revolutionary Present for Jacques Derrida.” Its called a sermon.  February 27, 2011

      I have wanted us for the last few


      make this day a great day for democracy.

      In particular, we should call for the end of the al-Khalifa regime.

      Nishapuri 11

      [Abdul, Founder/Editor of Let Us Build Pakistan (LUBP), February 20th, “An open letter to President Obama: People of Bahrain need your help,” , AD: 9-5-11]JN

      Dear Mr. President, In one of your ... Utmost Respect, Citizens of Bahrain and the U.S.A.

      We have an incalculable obligation to speak for the subjects of oppression whose voices are not presently heard in contemporary discourse.  Even if it is practically ineffective, our call for emancipation through the law must be made on behalf of the infinite responsibility which we all experience.

      Colin Perrin, PhD in Law and Philosophy from the University of Kent, held research positions at the University of New South Wales and the University of Durham, 2004, Social and Legal Studies, Vol. 13, No. 1

      Explicitly it is a matter of ‘speaking


      silence, as silence, must have recourse.

      Our refusal of the totalizing drive for fixity which has prioritized geopolitics over human rights deconstructs the political as such.  This critical ethos is more important than the particular decision itself.

      Alex Thomson, lecturer in English at the University of Glasgow, Deconstruction and Democracy, 2005, p. 196-197

      The affirmation of this kind of analysis would


      “Yes” to emancipation' [DAP 82].

      Subjectivity takes on meaning only through a responsible relation to alterity; there are no impacts without the Other.

      Amit Pinchevski, PhD candidate in the Graduate Program in Communications at McGill University, Montreal, “Freedom from Speech (or the Silent Demand),” Diacritics 31.2, Summer 2001

      In order to reencounter the Other’s side of


      here where the speaker can become a witness.

      Our argument is not that the 1AC ends injustice or solves auto-immunity; these traces of democracy are its condition of possibility.  Regardless, responsibility demands that we deploy institutions like the state and human rights for the emancipation of the other in particular circumstances, even if they remain limited or ineffective.

      Alex Thomson, lecturer in English at the University of Glasgow, Deconstruction and Democracy, 2005, p. 194-195

      Such a strategy might be linked directly to


      while you attempt not to prejudge the issue.


      Finally, contingent deployments of sovereignty can be productive.

      Jacques Derrida, Directeur d’Etudes at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, and Professor of Philosophy, French and Comparative Literature at the University of California, Irvine, 2004, For What Tomorrow? A Dialogue With Elisabeth Roudinesco, p. 91-92

      J.D.: A moment ago you


      not sovereignty, even when it seems possible.


  • AT Capitalism K

    • Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 2 | Opponent: Texas LM | Judge:

    • Lines of exclusion and oppression overwhelm any coalitions of single-issue solidarity while whitewashing difference.  Instead, we should construct chains extra-equivalent singularities.
      Jasbir K. Puar, core faculty member in Women's & Gender Studies and a graduate faculty member in the department of Geography at Rutgers, and Amit S. Rai, associate professor of English at Florida State University, " The Remaking of a Model Minority: Perverse Projectiles under the Specter of (Counter)Terrorism," Social Text, Vol. 22, No. 3, Fall 2004, MUSE
      Prashad’s histories have the virtue of … the pieces can fit together, and at what price. Inevitably, there will be monstrous crossbreeds.29

      Their monolithic depictions of capital reify its hegemony – instead we should affirm everyday experiences of alterity like the plan to create ethical connections and cultivate subjectivities not already interpolated by capital
      Hui ‘4
      Po-Keung Hui, assistant professor in the department of cultural studies at lingnan university,  Edited by Agnes S. Ku and Ngai Pun, , Remaking Citizenship in Hong Kong: Community, nation and the global city, 2004, pg. 217-223
      Gibson-Graham and colleagues have … between communal relationships and independence/freedom of the individual.

      Teleology is not universal, but simply a reflection of a given time of theory.  Rather than eradicating the other in an overconfident march toward the end of history, we must theorize temporality as open-ended and untimely.
      Samuel A. Chambers, Assistant Professor of Political Science at St. Mary's College of Maryland, Untimely Politics, 2003, p. 76-78
      Within Isaac’s schema such latter alternatives … consideration of the possibilities for, and implications of, untimely theory. 

      Every invocation of human rights inherently contains a radically political demand – it’s impossible to separate liberty and equality, meaning our demand for one necessarily contains a properly political anti-capitalist element
      Costas Douzinas, Professor of Law and Head of the School of Law at Birkbeck College, University of London, 2000, The End of Human Rights: Critical Legal Thought at the Turn of the Century, p. 171-73
      It was Marx’s “refusal to think in … is self-emancipation through collective polit¬ical action.

      Double bind: either the Marxist line can incorporate bourgeois cultural criticism or its claim to absolute knowledge prevents it from dealing with changing circumstances
      Bob Avakian, Revolutionary Worker #1225, January 18, 2004, Part 12: Holding on to Power  and Continuing the Revolution  Philosophical and Political Principles posted at rwor.org
      So that there may be questions, or … as priorities and areas where it has to focus its attention.

      You should be wary of their end of history—this logic of the telos is precisely the way that liberal democracy exerts its hegemony of violence today.  Instead of approaching a point in which history ends, we should think history as continually open and out-of-joint to seek a greater justice-to-come.
      Samuel A. Chambers, Assistant Professor of Political Science at St. Mary's College of Maryland, "Ghostly Rights," Cultural Critique 54, Spring 2003, MUSE
      Toward the end of her opening essay, Butler … is not an ontology but a hauntology.  

  • AT Grammar of Encounter K

    • Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 2 | Opponent: Texas LM | Judge:

    • The permutation exposes the singular points of difference between the aff and the neg—solves better than the purifying approach of the alt
      George Pavlich, professor of law & sociology at University of Alberta, “Experiencing Critique,” Law and Critique (2005) 16: 95-112, Springer
      Against the notion that an ethos ought to … a becoming bounded by the cessations of death.

      They’re right that heeding the call of the Bahraini other does violence–that is exactly our argument.  This aporia of decision is the basis for ethics.
      Jacques Derrida, Directeur d’Etudes at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, 1995, The Gift of Death, p. 67-71
      In terms of the moral of morality, let us here insist … absolutely imperative duty binding me to the wholly other.

      Calculation is inevitable, it’s only a question of whether we calculate for or against the Other – their attempts to be free of calculation ensures that their ethic is co-opted
      Jacques Derrida, Directeur d’Etudes at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, and Professor of Philosophy, French and Comparative Literature at the University of California, Irvine, 2002, Acts of Religion, p. 255-57
      This excess of justice over law and … quite obscure or traditional.

  • AT Baudrillard K

    • Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 4 | Opponent: CSUF BM | Judge:

    • They’re probably right that reality is by and large a system of simulations reproducing themselves endlessly, abdicating any experience we may have of the real.  However, in universalizing their particular experiences and anecdotes of the simulacra to be descriptive of all experience, they reduce the other to the same—they arrogantly decide for everyone that any attempt to engage the other authentically must be the result of “seduction.”  Shutting out the other in this way is extermination
      Nick Smith, PhD Candidate in Philosophy at Vanderbilt and JD from SUNY-Buffalo (now a professor of philosophy at the University of New Hampshire), “Incommensurability and Alterity in Contemporary Jurisprudence,” 45 Buffalo L. Rev. 503, Spring/Summer 1997
      Classics scholar Martha Nussbaum provides one of … alterity for the sake of uniformity invites authoritarianism.

      Their knee-jerk rejection of the 1AC relies on a totalizing binary that makes ethics impossible – the permutation grapples with the illusiveness of reality to deconstruct representation as such
      Peter Pericles Trifonas, Professor at the Center for Social Justice and Cultural Studies at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, 2002, Ethics, Institutions, and the Right to Philosophy, p. 73
      A critique—coming down on one side or the … origi¬nal. What would this involve? Deconstruction, of course!

      Calculation of the consequences or even the logic underpinnings of our claims means no future.  You should take a leap of faith on behalf of radical alterity as an act of openness, in hoping for the possibility for a future to come.
      Jacques Derrida, Directeur d’Etudes at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, 2001, A Taste for the Secret, p. 19-21
      In dealing with what-is-to-come [1’avenir] ,2 with …positive. But justice has to be distin¬guished not only from law, but also from what is in general.

      Reject decision management based on mere conjecture – calculation must incorporate the incalculable.  If experience no longer coordinates to reality, how could we even tell?  Any disavowal of the fallibility of our logical capacities as subjects locks us into the status quo and shuts off difference.
      Jacques Derrida, Directeur d’Etudes at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, 2001, A Taste for the Secret, p. 12-14
      Ferraris: You have often spoken of … on a future [un avenir] that would at best reinforce incoherence.

      Our affirmation of an undetermined New International announces the possibility for an emancipatory politics which seeks to live up to its infinite responsibility to alterity by refusing to collapse into programmatic calculation, while always attempting to be aware of its own ethical failings.  Only through such an untimely call for a new politics can we open ourselves to a better future to come.
      Jacques Derrida, Specters of Marx, 1994, p. 104-112
      Let us return now to the immediate vicinity of the … exactly the contrary that matters to us here.

      You should vote in a moment that forsakes attempts to control and master knowledge for the interests of logocentric coherence and accurate description of reality – responsibility demands a decision that seems irrational from within seemingly ‘correct’ decisionmaking calculi
      Jacques Derrida, Directeur d’Etudes at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, 2005, Rogues: Two Essays On Reason, p. 144-45
      To think this and to say this is not to go … why what I say here, I’m well aware, involves a serious risk.

      The idea that we should deny ethics in the interest of logocentric reason is an order founded on violence waged against alterity – all of their impacts are inevitable in this framework.
      Peter Pericles Trifonas, Professor at the Center for Social Justice and Cultural Studies at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, 2002, Ethics, Institutions, and the Right to Philosophy, p. 77-78
      Violence—and its threat to the security of … of a community and its effacing of difference.

      Their critique of postmodern “reality” replies on basic modernist precepts—proves they’re useful sometimes
      James Marsh, Professor of Philosophy, Fordham University, 1995, Critique, Action, and Liberation, pp. 292-293
      Such an account, however, is as one-sided or … of resistance, and on media such as movies, television, and radio.7

      Baudrillard’s alternative allows conservative ideological distortion
      Christopher Norris, Distinguished Research Professor in Philosophy at the University of Cardiff, Wales, What’s Wrong with Postmodernism, 1990, p. 190-191. *Gender modified
      Baudrillard’s alternative is stated … endorsing and promoting the work of ideological mystification.

  • AT Framework

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 2AC Policy FW (UNLV)

      Difference is at once similar and singular.  Universalism is always haunted by difference.  The invocation of a teleologically final interpretation of what constitutes a legitimate advocacy is violent and arbitrary.

      Alex Thomson, lecturer in English at the University of Glasgow, Deconstruction and Democracy, 2005, p. 22-24

      This critique of the concept of equality is undertaken in the name of justice as a hyperbolic and excessive form of equality itself. In fact, this passage between ‘irreducible’ and ‘countable’ singularity … questioning is logical, ontological or ethical.

      Their framework exerts control over what type of discourse is valid to order knowledge and manufacture dissent

      Roland Bleiker, “Forget IR Theory,” Alternatives1997

      The doorkeepers of IR are those who, knowingly or … standards of evaluation it established to assess them.29 <63-64>

      2AC Policy FW (Gonzaga)

      Their framework exerts control over what type of discourse is valid to order knowledge and manufacture dissent
      Roland Bleiker, “Forget IR Theory,” Alternatives; 1997
      The doorkeepers of IR are those who, … of evaluation it established to assess them.29 <63-64>

      Their interpretation of the topic causes political detachment and erases agency
      Gordon Mitchell, Associate Professor of Communication and Director of Debate at the University of Pittsburgh, January 1998, The Rostrum, p. 11-2
      Most mainstream conceptions of fiat contain a … dynamic into the academic debate process.

  • AT Kazcinski K

    • Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 5 | Opponent: Weber GO | Judge: Stannard

    • Loss of radical alterity invites authoritarianism and extermination
      Nick Smith, PhD Candidate in Philosophy at Vanderbilt and JD from SUNY-Buffalo (now a professor of philosophy at the University of New Hampshire), “Incommensurability and Alterity in Contemporary Jurisprudence,” 45 Buffalo L. Rev. 503, Spring/Summer 1997
      Classics scholar Martha Nussbaum provides … for the sake of uniformity invites authoritarianism.

      Decision calculus must default to the primacy of the Other over the self and the necessity of basing ethical decisions on proximity to the Other. Their disads are a rationalization of the Other’s suffering which is the root of violence.
      Robert Meister, Professor of Politics at UC-Santa Cruz, 2005, Postmodern Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2
      The primacy of ethics over politics implicitly … distribution of wealth or the effects of global climate change. 

      Risk calculation means no future.  You should take a leap of faith on behalf of radical alterity.
      Jacques Derrida, Directeur d’Etudes at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, 2001, A Taste for the Secret, p. 19-21
      In dealing with what-is-to-come [1’avenir] ,2 with …. positive. But justice has to be distin¬guished not only from law, but also from what is in general.

      Reject decision management based on mere conjecture – calculation must incorporate the incalculable
      Jacques Derrida, Directeur d’Etudes at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, 2001, A Taste for the Secret, p. 12-14
      Ferraris: You have often spoken of strategies (in ‘The …avenir] that would at best reinforce incoherence.

  • AT Saudi Relations DA

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    •  (  ) No Iranian influence in Bahrain-the DA continues fear mongering

      Roberts 11

      [David, deputy director of RUSI (Qatar), “Blame Iran: a dangerous response to the Bahraini uprising,” August 20th, , AD: 9-8-11]JN 

      To paraphrase the quote most often attributed to John Maynard Keynes, I reserve the right to change my mind should new evidence present itself, but so far there is no proof whatsoever … question of corruption, the blame is instead diverted to the external enemy.

      (   ) Public statements about US-Saudi relations aren’t representative-arms deals countering Iran propels good relations into the next decade.

      Burns 11

      [Robert, Associated press, May 19th, “US quietly expanding defense ties with Saudis,” , AD: 9-8-11]JN

       Despite their deepening political divide, the United States … they have expressed interest in a more capable system designed to defend against higher-flying, medium-range missiles.

      No Saudi prolif—no strategic benefit

      Bahgat ’11 Gawdat Bahgat, professor at the Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies at the National Defense University, “A Nuclear Arms Race in the Middle East: Myth or Reality?” Mediterranean Quarterly 22:1, 2011, MUSE

      The analysis of regional security threats to Saudi Arabia suggests … hand, Saudi Arabia has few restrictions, if any, on its arms deals. 

      Depictions of the Middle East as dangerous rely upon privileged categorizations that end in violence

      Foad Izadi, doctoral student in mass communication studies and public affairs at LSU, and Hakimeh Saghaye-Biria, masters student in mass comm at LSU, “A Discourse Analysis of Elite American Newspaper Editorials: The Case of Iran.” Journal of Communication Inquiry 31; 140 2007

      Tracing the prevalence of varying Orientalist representations …. of power and domination (Said, 1978).  

      Can’t escalate—empirics and deterrence checks

      Ferguson ‘6 (Niall, Professor of History at Harvard University, Senior Research Fellow of Jesus College, Oxford, and Senior Fellow of the Hoover Institution, Stanford, LA Times, July 24)

      Could today's quarrel between Israelis and Hezbollah … clearly the assumption being made in Washington.

      A Mideast war would not escalate or go nuclear

      Elizabeth Stevens, September 19, 2002, http://infomanage.com/nonproliferation/najournal/israelinucs.html

      Thus far, Israel has confronted continuous … Arab attack. It would appear that Israel does not need a nuclear arsenal.

  • AT Consequentialism

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Also turns their impact—commensurability is authoritarianism and extermination

      Nick Smith, PhD Candidate in Philosophy at Vanderbilt and JD from SUNY-Buffalo (now a professor of philosophy at the University of New Hampshire), “Incommensurability and Alterity in Contemporary Jurisprudence,” 45 Buffalo L. Rev. 503, Spring/Summer 1997

      Classics scholar Martha Nussbaum provides one of the most … of alterity for the sake of uniformity invites authoritarianism.

  • AT Neoliberalism K

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • The alt relies on a false opposition between neoliberal violence and non-violent resistance – this attempt to purge politics of violence is the height of ethical irresponsibility

      Alex Thomson, lecturer in English at the University of Glasgow2005, Deconstruction and Democracy, p. 171-73

      What Derrida proposes is not the end of revolution, however, but … Chapter 6, deconstruction demands an intensive engagement with the law, both within and beyond the state. 

  • AT Payroll Tax Cuts DA

    • Tournament: WNPT | Round: 2 | Opponent: Whitman | Judge: Schally

    • 2AC

      Obama approval low – impacts his strength

      CNN 11-15 CNN Poll: Obama ranks low among recent incumbents, http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2011/11/15/cnn-poll-obama-ranks-low-among-recent-incumbents/

      President Barack Obama's overall approval rating remains in


      disapprove of how the president's handling his duties.


      AP 11-14 Ben Feller, AP White House Correspondent, “Obama caps summit diplomacy in Hawaiian home state,” AP, 11/14/11, http://articles.boston.com/2011-11-14/business/30398485_1_apec-president-barack-obama-russia-and-china

      President Barack Obama on Sunday tied the hopes


      political capital to expand exports and business ties.

      Won’t pass & super-committee thumps

      Washington Post 11-16 Rosalind S. Helderman, Congress gives final approval to first pieces of Obama jobs bill, http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/2chambers/post/congress-gives-final-approval-to-first-pieces-of-obama-jobs-bill/2011/11/16/gIQAfMLJSN_blog.html

      A supercommittee failure could make the adoption of


      from a supercommittee flameout, would be tricky.


      Other issues thump – Obama not pushing for a couple of weeks

      Lee 11-10 [Carol Lee, White House to Push to Extend Payroll Tax Cut, Wall Street Journal. http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2011/11/10/white-house-to-push-to-extend-payroll-tax-cut/]

      The White House is gearing up to make


      from Vice President Joe Biden and Cabinet secretaries.

      Bipartisan consensus for democracy assistance despite partisan gridlock

      Allen 9-8 Michael Allen, Special Assistant for Government Relations and Public Affairs at the National Endowment for Democracy, graduated from The University of Leeds with First Class Honors in Political Studies and undertook doctoral research at the University of Liverpool, “9/11 restored bipartisan consensus on strategic value of democracy assistance,” Democracy Digest, 9/8/2011, http://www.demdigest.net/blog/2011/09/911-restored-bipartisan-consensus-on-strategic-value-of-democracy-assistance/

      “The terrorist attack of 9/11


      division here at home is worthy of note.”

      No political cred now—controversial action key to reinvigorate support

      Blow 9-9 Charles M. Blow, “Rise of the Fallen?” The New York Times, 9/9/11, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/10/opinion/blow-rise-of-the-fallen.html

      So why does it feel as if we’ve


      middle: you take fire from both sides.

      Payroll tax cuts have a minimal effect on the economy -- studies prove

      Dodge 10-5 Catherine, Bloomberg, “Extending Payroll Tax Cut Is Hard Sell as 2011 Benefit Unproven,” http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-10-05/extending-payroll-tax-cut-is-hard-sell-as-2011-benefit-unproven.html

      Joel Slemrod, an economist at the University


      low, though not zero,” he said.

      doesn’t boost econ – companies will cheat

      Becker 10-10 Bernie, Senate report says repatriation tax holiday failed to create jobs in US, http://thehill.com/blogs/on-the-money/domestic-taxes/186641-senate-report-repatriation-holiday-failed-should-not-be-repeated

      Sen. Carl Levin’s (D-Mich


      growth and bring more revenues into the Treasury.

      No risk or impact to economic decline

      Drezner 8-12 Daniel W. Drezner, professor of international politics at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, “Please come down off the ledge, dear readers,” Foreign Policy, 8/12/11, http://drezner.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/08/12/please_come_down_off_the_ledge_dear_readers

      So, when we last left off this


      we've got, that's not going to happen.

      Obama won’t get drawn into battles

      LA Times 11-11 Obama heads to Asia, putting budget fray at arm's length, http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-obama-travel-20111112,0,5520069.story

      Reporting from Washington— With his approval ratings


      People think that's especially unbecoming to the president."

      No spillover - votes are ideological

      Schier 10 – Congdon professor of political science at Carleton College and author of the award-winning "Panorama of a Presidency: How George W. Bush Acquired and Spent His Political Capital" (Steven E, 2/11. “Obama can learn from predecessors,” Politico.com, Lexis.)

      Barack Obama's approach to Congress in his presidency's


      health care legislation - was an unsurprising result.

      Political capital is false

      Dickinson ‘9 Matthew Dickinson, professor of political science at Middlebury College, previously taught at Harvard where he worked under the supervision of presidential scholar Richard Neustadt, “Sotomayor, Obama and Presidential Power,” Presidential Power, 5/26/09, http://blogs.middlebury.edu/presidentialpower/2009/05/26/sotamayor-obama-and-presidential-power/

      As for Sotomayor, from here the path


      the decision to present Sotomayor as his nominee.

      Democracy means every other is as other as every other—the idea that we can make concessions to arrive at a final consensus where all sides win is infinitely violent and irresponsible.

      Alex Thomson, lecturer in English at the University of Glasgow, Deconstruction and Democracy, 2005, p. 22-24

      Having examined Derrida’s extension of the structural dynamics


      root of democracy' [POF 232 / 259].

      Economic analysis is not neutral - it's a tool to marginalize the oppressed and maintain inequality

      Nhanenge '7

      Jytte Nhanenge, Masters from University of South Africa, " ECOFEMINSM: TOWARDS INTEGRATING THE CONCERNS OF WOMEN, POOR PEOPLE AND NATURE INTO DEVELOPMENT," paper submitted in part fulfillment of the requirements for Master of Arts in Development Studies, 2007

      Generation of wealth was an important…unhealthy; it leads to domination of society and nature, and will eventually destroy the world.

      And, security discourses guarantee perpetual apocalypse as a justification for continued sovereign power, no matter how invasive or violent

      Peter Coviello, Ph.D. from Cornell University and Associate Professor of English at Bowdoin, Queer Frontiers, 2000, p.40-41

      Perhaps, but to claim that American … that can scarcely be done without.


      No capital – inner tension and no cred

      Ambinder 11-8 Marc, Why Rouse's Expanded White House Role Isn't a Vote Against Daley, http://www.nationaljournal.com/whitehouse/why-rouse-s-expanded-white-house-role-isn-t-a-vote-against-daley-20111108?mrefid=mostViewed

      As the press chews on the story today


      the communications umbrella of "we can't wait."

      No payroll tax debate till end of session

      Stein 11-10 Political Reporter at the Huffington Post, formerly Newsweek, NY Daily News, and the Center for Public Integrity Sam Stein, Huffington Post.  On Payroll Tax Cut, Obama Administration Plotting Year-End Showdown 11/10/11 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/11/10/payroll-tax-cut-obama-administration-year-end-showdown_n_1086761.html

      With the payroll tax cut set to expire


      legislative matters before heading back to their districts. 

  • 1AC Syria Internets

    • Tournament: WNPT | Round: Semis | Opponent: Oregon CT | Judge: Pointer, Nigel Ramoz-Leslie, Nick Griffin

    • Contention 1 is sectarianism

      Syrian regime collapse is inevitable

      Allen 11-14 Michael Allen, editor



      Syria today “came under fresh pressure to


      campaign of suppression,” the Financial Times reports.

      However, failure to successfully organize is prolonging Assad’s reign

      Allen 9-2 Michael Allen, editor of Democracy Digest and Visiting Fellow at the National Endowment for Democracy, “Can Syria’s opposition unite?” Democracy Digest, 9/2/2011, http://www.demdigest.net/blog/category/mena/

      Syrian security forces killed at least 23 people


      of activist unity around a common political platform.

      In the interim, crackdown risks generating regional sectarianism that boils over into conflict outbreak, drawing in all regional powers

      Nasr 8-27 Vali Nasr, professor at Tufts University and senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, “If the Arab Spring Turns Ugly,” New York Times, 8/27/2011, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/28/opinion/sunday/the-dangers-lurking-in-the-arab-spring.html?_r=1&pagewanted=all

      THE Arab Spring is a hopeful chapter in


      great cost to the region and the world.

      High propensity for Saudi-Iran conflict now—causes oil shocks and regional prolif

      Spindle and Coker ’11 Bill Spindle, Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services for the University of Alaska Anchorage, and Margaret Coker, journalist for the WSJ, “The New Cold War,” Wall Street Journal, 4/16/11, http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704116404576262744106483816.html

      But comparison to the short-lived flowering


      the Shiites while the Saudis backed Sunni militias.

      Iran is getting desperate—assassination plot proves

      Klein 10-12 Joe Klein, longtime Washington, D.C. and New York journalist and columnist, member of the CFR, and formerGuggenheim Fellow, “Iranamok Redux,” Time, 10/12/11, http://swampland.time.com/2011/10/12/iranamok-redux/#ixzz1absMtGVe

      But it would be careless to merely write


      of a long shot in the Middle East.

      Goes global and nuclear

      Primakov ’10 Yevgeny Primakov, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and member of the editorial board of Russia in Global Affairs, “The Fundamental Conflict,” New Eastern Outlook, 1/2/2010, http://www.journal-neo.com/?q=node/102

      The Middle East conflict is unparalleled in terms


      does not completely rule out such a possibility.

      Escalation uniquely likely

      Russell ‘9 James Russell, editor of Strategic Insights, Senior Lecturer at the Department of National Security Affairs, “Strategic Stability Reconsidered: Prospects for Escalation and Nuclear War in the Middle East,” Security Studies Center Proliferation Papers, 2009, http://www.nps.edu/academics/sigs/ccc/people/biolinks/russell/PP26_Russell_2009.pdf

      Strategic stability in the region is thus undermined


      , with substantial risk for the entire world. 

      Oil supply disruption causes global energy wars

      King ‘8 Neil King Jr., columnist for the Wall Street Journal, “Peak Oil: A Survey of Security Concerns,” Center for a new American Security, July 2008, http://www.aspousa.org/aspousa4/proceedings/_CNAS_King_Peak_Oil_WorkingPaper.pdf

      Many commentators in the United States and abroad


      who are to blame for the country’s travails.

      Contention 2 is credibility

      Increasing telecommunications assistance to Arab spring movements reinvigorates American soft power and democratic credibility

      AP ’11 Jonathan M. Katz, “Internet freedom key to Arab revolts, says Amnesty,” AP, 5/13/2011, http://www.arabnews.com/middleeast/article399566.ece

      NEW YORK: The United States should promote


      AP at Amnesty’ International USA’s New York headquarters.

      Syria is key—it’s a critical point of US failure to act

      Werz et al. ’11 Michael Werz Senior Fellow at American Progress where his work focuses on climate migration and security and transatlantic foreign policy including Turkey, Matthew Duss, Policy Analyst and Director of Middle East Progress, and Tyler Evans, intern with the National Security team, “Syrian Violence Requires U.S. Response,” Center for American Progress, 6/17/11, http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/2011/06/syria_response.html

      While the options to resolve the crisis are


      in the complicated world of diplomatic double standards.

      Soft power’s key to heg and solves their offense—strengthens coalitions, discourages opposition, and ensures public support

      Jervis ‘9 Robert Jervis, professor of international politics at Columbia University, “Unipolarity: A Structural Perspective,” World Politics, Vol. 61, No. 1, January 2009

      To say that the system is unipolar is


      vision and believe that its leadership is benign.

      Maintaining US dominance is key to ensuring continued global peace—transition will be violent absent credible leadership now

      Barnett ’11 Thomas P. M. Barnett, Former Senior Strategic Researcher and Professor in the Warfare Analysis & Research Department, Center for Naval Warfare Studies, U.S. Naval War College American military geostrategist and Chief Analyst at Wikistrat., worked as the Assistant for Strategic Futures in the Office of Force Transformation in the Department of Defense, “The New Rules: Leadership Fatigue Puts U.S., and Globalization, at Crossroads,” World Politics Review, 3/7/2011, http://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/articles/8099/the-new-rules-leadership-fatigue-puts-u-s-and-globalization-at-crossroads

      It is worth first examining the larger picture


      your history, that should make you nervous.

      Heg solves great power war

      Zhang and Shi ’11 Yuhan Zhang, Fellow at Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and Lin Shi, Professor at Columbia, “America’s decline: A harbinger of conflict and rivalry,” East Asia Forum, 1/22/2011, http://www.eastasiaforum.org/2011/01/22/americas-decline-a-harbinger-of-conflict-and-rivalry

      Over the past two decades, no other


      will inevitably be devoid of unrivalled US primacy.

      The United States federal government should provide substantial information and communication technology to Syrian opposition groups.

      Communication tech catalyzes political movements—increases transparency and accountability, and fosters social pluralism which makes democracy work

      Fontaine and Rogers ’11 Richard Fontaine, Senior Fellow at the Center for a New American Security, and Will Rogers, Research Associate at the Center for a New American Security, “Internet Freedom: A Foreign Policy Imperative in the Digital Age,” Center for a New American Security, June 2011, http://cnas.org/files/documents/publications/CNAS_InternetFreedom_FontaineRogers_0.pdf

      In a sense, the Internet represents just


      the protests had been confined only to cyberspace.

      Also creates a boomerang effect causing democratization to build on itself—spills over regionally

      Ritter & Trechsel ’11 Daniel P. Ritter, and Alexander H. Trechsel, “Revolutionary Cells: On the Role of Texts, Tweets, and Status Updates in Nonviolent Revolutions” European University Institute, Florence, Italy. Paper presented at the conference on “Internet, Voting and Democracy” 5/14/11

      Due to the vast on- and offline


      virtually all MENA countries now experiencing revolutionary activities.

      But the crucial difference between new and old


      a domestic struggle had become and international affair.

      Democratic engagement is key to recalibrate imperialist discourses towards emancipation—engagement bad Ks are racist and holds back emancipation

      Sadiki ’11 Larbi Sadiki, Senior Lecturer in Middle Eastern Politics at the University of Exeter, “The mathematics of the Arab Spring, Al-Jazeera, 6/6/2011, http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opinion/2011/05/2011531132934920499.html

      Egypt and Tunisia are now officially on the


      innovations for the purpose of self-empowerment.

      Consequentialism is key – their absolutism destroys political responsibility

      Isaac ‘2

      Jeffrey Isaac, James H. Rudy Professor of Political Science and director of the Center for the Study of Democracy and Public Life at Indiana University-Bloomington, Dissent, Vol. 49 No. 2, Spring 2002

      As writers such as Niccolo Machiavelli, Max … it should never be mistaken for a serious political commitment.

      Heg can be progressive—engagement recalibrates it to encourage critical discussion and emancipation—totalizing rejection recreates the worst violence, like Iraq

      Thompson ‘3 Michael J. Thompson, founder and editor of Logos and professor of political theory at Hunter College, CUNY, “Iraq, Hegemony and the Question of American Empire ,” Logos 2.4, Fall 2003, http://www.logosjournal.com/thompson_iraq.htm

      It is rare that political debates typically confined


      and which cannot be thought of without enthusiasm."

      Individual level strategies fail and make global violence inevitable

      George Monbiot, journalist, academic, and political and environmental activist, 2004, Manifesto for a New World Order, p. 11-13

      The quest for global solutions is difficult and


      destroying the conditions it requires for its survival.

      Policy analysis should precede discourse – most effective way to challenge power

      Jill Taft-Kaufman, Speech prof @ CMU, 1995, Southern Comm. Journal, Spring, v. 60, Iss. 3, “Other Ways”, p pq

      The postmodern passwords of "polyvocality," "


      agencies, and the budgets that fuel them.

      Value to life inevitable – existence key to maximize it

      David Pizer 2001“Argument that life has inherent value”, July 8, http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/dsp.cgi?msg=16930

      Argument that life has inherent value    1.


      is life - and life has inherent value.

      We should employ state sovereignty when the particulars of a situation demands it

      Jacques Derrida, Directeur d’Etudes at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, and Professor of Philosophy, French and Comparative Literature at the University of California, Irvine, 2004, For What Tomorrow? A Dialogue With Elisabeth Roudinesco, p. 91-92

      J.D.: A moment ago you


      not sovereignty, even when it seems possible.

      Conflict and violence at unprecedented lows now

      Pinker ’11 Steven Pinker, experimental psychologist, cognitive scientist, linguist, and popular science author, and Johnstone Family Professor in the Department of Psychology at Harvard, “Violence Vanquished,” Wall Street Journal, 9/24/2011, http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424053111904106704576583203589408180.html?mod=WSJ_hp_LEFTTopStories

      Believe it or not, the world of


      success in reducing hate crimes against gay people.

      Disregard root causes—prefer normative geopolitics—most flexible

      Moore ‘4 John Moore, chaired law prof, UVA. Frm first Chairman of the Board of the US Institute of Peace and as the Counselor on Int Law to the Dept. of State, “Beyond the Democratic Peace,” 44 Va. J. Int'l L. 341, 2004, lexis

      If major interstate war is predominantly a product


      levels of deterrence are dramatically increased or decreased?

      Policy analysis based on facts and objective evaluation of data avoids a slide into violent and undemocratic politics – the postpositivist alternative is suppression and hierarchy

      Laurence Linn, Sid Richardson Research Professor in the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas-Austin, “A Place at the Table: Policy Analysis, Its Postpositive Critics, and the Future of Practice,” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 18:3, 1999

      In contrast, traditional policy analysts would view


      on practice, and practice will evolve accordingly.

      Heg solves violence and ensures great power peace

      Owen ’11 John Owen, associate professor in the University of Virginia’s Department of Politics, recipient of fellowships from the Olin Institute for Strategic Studies at Harvard, and the Center for International Security and Cooperation at Stanford, and the Center of International Studies at Princeton, “DON’T DISCOUNT HEGEMONY,” Cato Institute, 2/11/2011, http://www.cato-unbound.org/2011/02/11/john-owen/dont-discount-hegemony/

      Andrew Mack and his colleagues at the Human


      and moral support for liberal democracy remains strong.


  • AT Consult Lady Gaga CP

    • Tournament: WNPT | Round: Semis | Opponent: Oregon CT | Judge:

    • Consultation tanks cred—key to heg

      Walt 11-1 Stephen Walt, professor of international affairs at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, “Romney flunks foreign policy…again,” Foreign Policy, 11/1/2011, http://walt.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/11/01/romney_flunks_foreign_policy_again

      This statement is especially remarkable in light of


      is, to put it mildly, worrisome.

      Even if social theory has structural flaws, debate over specific scenarios solves

      Yale Ferguson, professor of political science at Rutgers, International Relations and the “Third Debate,” ed. Jarvis, 2002, p. 157

      Although there may be no such thing as


      need (or prefer) to “know.”

      And, their radical skepticism is non-falsifiable

      Christopher Norris, professor of philosophy at the University of Wales, What’s Wrong with Postmodernism, 1990, pp. 3-4

      For the moment, however, I just


      (indeed the only) court of appeal.

      Epistemic critique replicates fascistic knowledge production—only substantive debate breaks down dogma without collapsing into irrelevance

      Houghton ‘8 David Patrick Houghton, “Positivism ‘vs’ Postmodernism: Does Epistemology Make a Difference?” International Politics (2008), 45

      As long ago as 1981, Yale Ferguson


      be what divides the international relations scene today. 

  • AT State PIC

    • Tournament: WNPT | Round: Semis | Opponent: Oregon CT | Judge:

    • Debate over policy options is a prerequisite

      David E. McClean, 2001, “The Cultural Left and the Limits of Social Hope,” Am. Phil. Conf., www.american-philosophy.org/archives/past_conference_programs/pc2001/Discussion%20papers/david_mcclean.htm

      Yet for some reason, at least partially


      for the so-called "managerial class."

      It isn’t helpful to think of the state as supreme and cunning to justify disengagement—it’s more important to identify methods of challenging oppression, including considerations of “non-revolutionary” alternatives.

      Gilles Deleuze, you may have heard of him, “Toward Freedom” published in The Deleuze Reader, ed. Constantin V. Boundas, 1993, p.255-256

      The mistake would be to say: there


      ,  at every level, in every place.

      Fear of the state is a paranoid delusion that obscures real oppression

      Dean citing Foucault ‘9 Jodi Dean, professor of political theory at Hobart and William Smith Colleges, citing Michel Foucault, writer of Ks, “The Birth of Biopolitics (4.1): State-phobia redux,” I Cite, 8 January 2009, http://jdeanicite.typepad.com/i_cite/2009/01/the-birth-of-biopolitics-4-statephobia-and-us-neoliberalism.html

      c. The third inflationary mechanism is 'the


      other governmentalities are expanding, spreading, intensifying.

      The aff relies on a false opposition between legal violence and non-violent resistance – this attempt to purge politics of violence is the height of ethical irresponsibility

      Alex Thomson, lecturer in English at the University of Glasgow, 2005, Deconstruction and Democracy, p. 171-73

      What Derrida proposes is not the end of


      law, both within and beyond the state

      Get over it - the state is inevitable - any alternative is just another state

      John Mearsheimer, R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor of political science at the University of Chicago and co-director of the Program on International Security Policy, The Tragedy of Great Power Politics, 2001, p. 366

      Another reason to doubt these claims about the


      go to great lengths to ensure its survival.

      Their critique is just cynicism – rejecting involvement with political structures discounts past positive advances and makes reshaping structures like the state impossible

      Stephen Eric Bronner, Professor of Political Science at Rutgers University, 2004, Reclaiming the Enlightenment: Toward a Politics of Radical Engagement, p. x-xii

      The preoccupations of the philosophes with social and


      seri­ously its universal understanding of liberty and progress.

      Disengagement from the political sphere cedes control to the far right – this causes violence, oppression, and straight turns the K

      Richard Rorty, professor emeritus of comparative literature and philosophy at Stanford University, “Achieving Our Country: Leftist Thought in Twentieth-Century America, 1998, pp. 89-94

      Many writers on socioeconomic policy have warned that


      evanescent and insistent as a resourceful spook."10

      Arguments of co-option reproduce marginalization – ineffective transgression like the alt only reinforces the system, while the perm opens the possibility for breaking it down

      Slavoj Zizek, Senior Researcher in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Ljubljana and Codirector of the Center for Humanities at Birkbeck College, Law and the Postmodern Mind, 1998, pp. 91-92

      Finally, the point about inherent transgression is


      etc, can have large unforeseen catastrophic consequences.)




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