Contention One: Democracy Hijacked
Democracy has been hoisted on its own petard—the response of U.S. officials to the urgent protests of Egyptians was a persistent privileging of outcome over process that subjugated Egyptian demands for justice to American political interests
Hoover, 11 (Joe, Fellow of Int’l rltns @ LSE) Journal of Critical Globalisation Studies v.4 pg.129
<As Tony Blair- of world politics.>
Concerns over Egyptian political radicalization play into the hands of a complicated political echo chamber that seizes on any and all “Islamophobia” as a rallying cry to stabilize American identity
Ali Et al 11 (Wajahat Ali, Eli Clifton, Matthew Duss, Lee Fang, Scott Keyes, and Faiz Shakir) “Fear, Inc. The Roots of the Islamophobia Network in America” 8/11 pg. 85
<Fox News has- from the crowd.>
This hand wringing is not limited exclusively to the conservative noise machine: continued American insistence upon targeting democracy assistance risks stamping out real democracy to combat a phantasmatic Islamic threat
PHILPOTT, SHAH, AND DUFFY 8/11 (Daniel Philpott, Timothy Samuel Shah, and Monica Duffy Toft) “The dangers of secularism in the Middle East” Lexis.
<Since the Arab- Brotherhood, Muslim Brotherhood.">
PLAN: The United States federal government should increase financial assistance to Non-Governmental Organizations for the instruction of party work of all legally registered political parties in Egypt.
Contention Two: It Isn’t Even LIBERAL Democracy
Concern about Egyptian political radicalization shifts the focus from U.S. complicity in producing structural violence both at home and abroad—this violence is the condition of possibility of terrorism
Fasenfest 11 (David) Critical Sociology 37: 379 “Terrorism Neo-liberalism and Political Rhetoric” Pg. 381
<Since the events- in the USA.>
Dismissing criticism of neoliberalism authorizes a politics incapable of recognizing its own ideological content: neoliberalism so colonizes life that we can no longer recognize it for the form of particular rationality it is—democracy becomes meaningless
Brown 11 (Wendy) Democracy in What State “We are All Democrats Now” pg. 46-48
<If it is- the people ruling themselves.>
Neoliberalism so colonizes the lifeworld that the termination of all life results
Boaventura Santos, COLLECTIVE SUICIDE, 2003, http://bad.eserver.org/issues/2003/63/santos.html
<According to Franz- of innocent civilians>
The toxic combination of terror anxiety and neoliberal rationality produces a creeping militant authoritarianism that crowds “the people” out of public life in favor of the empty ethics of the market
Giroux, 6 (Henry) “Beyond the Spectacle of Terrorism” pg. 6-8
<One of the- war on terrorism.">
Contention Three: Myopic Geopolitics
American responses to the demands of Egyptian protestors reveal the ruses of a realism running off the rails—realism’s excesses categorize the hopes and dreams of protestors to feed American geopolitical dominance
Hoover, 11 (Joe, Fellow of Int’l rltns @ LSE) Journal of Critical Globalisation Studies v.4 pg. 130-131
<Yet this statist- for political ends.>
Calls to temper and target democracy assistance are ethically complicit in the maintenance of a U.S. dominated realist order
Hoover, 11 (Joe, Fellow of Int’l rltns @ LSE) Journal of Critical Globalisation Studies v.4 pg. 127
<Recent upheavals in-transformation over preservation.
And Egypt serves as a unique keystone in stabilizing Western identity through its own discursively constructed instability
Docherty 6 (Thomas) “Aesthetic Democracy” “This mummy- for its inhabiting” pg. 55-56
<This mummy, however-mood for its inhabiting.>
The bonds of national affinity between the “secular” Egyptian protestors and an abstract “American” people that maintains current dominance circumscribe certain lives as valuable and others as worth killing all in the name of preserving the empty values of this realist regime
Butler 9 (Judith) Frames of War pg. 41-42
<The question, though- to our own.>
The insistence on the “realist” nature of politics reproduces realism as an ontology masquerading as a code of ethics: a survival-focused ontology is programmed into all politics, translating decisions about who should live and who should die from the domain of ethics into the domain of national identity
Odysseos 2002 (Louiza, Senior Lecturer in IR at Sussex, “Dangerous ontologies: the ethos of survivaland ethical theorizing in International Relations”
<The ethos of- relations between states.>
Contention Four: Solvency
Opening up the list of assistance recipients signals a commitment to meaningful democracy that transforms the current understanding of “democracy” as a tool of the Western imperium
Carothers 2/24 (Thomas) Washington post. “How not to Promote Democracy in Egypt” http://carnegieendowment.org/2011/02/24/how-not-to-promote-democracy-in-egypt/156
<As the U.S.- way to start.>
Radically risking the current national subject in the name of democracy by voting affirmative breaks from the cycle of violence that is conditioned by national identity—we create a new politics borne not of horror, but of a general mindfulness of the contingency inherent in politics
Butler 9 (Judith) Frames of War pg. 48-50
<When I refer- of our "fundamental humanity.">
This new democratic being is not determined by the borders and characteristics of the political space that precedes your decision to vote affirmative—the moment of commonness signaled by the ballot opens up new political space
Nancy 86 (Jean-Luc, The Inoperable Community. Pg. xxxviii-xli)
<Finitude, or the- our finite existence>
This new mode of democratic being changes both the ontic character of existing political institutions but also rewrites the ontological basis of politics proper through discursive manipulation
<There is one- through non-dialectical mediations. >
Signaling an openness towards a politics of democracy that might be otherwise also rewrites the political coordinates of representation and subjectivity –the world of the negative is not the world after our plan
Docherty 6 (Thomas) “Aesthetic Democracy” Pg. 157-160
<To change a- knows no I.>
Mouffe, 2k (Chantal, PoliSci prof. @ Westminster U.) “The Paradox of Democracy” pg. 101-102
<Introducing the category- transformed into agonism>
Current gatekeepers of politics define radical democratic theory as anti-political—but embracing radical democracy transforms politics where more conservative mainstream theories have failed
Howarth 2008 (David, Department of Government, University of Essex, “Ethos, Agonism and Populism: William Connolly and the Case for Radical Democracy” in British Journal of Politics & International Relations VOL. 10)
<It is clear, citizens and subjects>