Women’s movements have been an essential component of the Arab Spring – however continued solidarity is necessary to assure continuing advancement of the feminist agenda
AWID 11 (Association for Women’s Rights in Development, international, feminist, membership organization committed to achieving gender equality. June 30, 2011. “Women Making Change In The Middle East And North Africa”. http://www.awid.org/News-Analysis/Friday-Files/Women-Making-Change-in-the-Middle-East-and-North-Africa)
Toppled governments, such as in Tunisia AND divisive at a time when unity is crucial
As revolution transitions towards democracy it is necessary to maintain strong support for women’s movements – it necessary to prevent backsliding and to advance the struggle against patriarchy
Penny 11 (Laurie Penny, columnist for the New Statesman. March 8, 2011. “Violence Against Women in Tahrir Square”. http://www.newstatesman.com/blogs/laurie-penny/2011/03/women-world-violence-tahrir
During the revolution AND let anyone forget.
Patriarchy exists even in the most revolutionary of struggles – continued diligence in our search for and criticism of patriarchy is necessary to turn the tides against the privileging of masculine identity – vote aff to refuse to trivialize the impact of patriarchy
Enloe, Professor of Women’s Studies at Clark University, 2004 Cynthia, The Curious Feminist, page 4-7
Patriarchy - patriarchy is the AND them into complicity.
Trivialization leads to violence against women – the affirmatives investigation of patriarchy is key to check
Enloe Professor of Women’s Studies at Clark University, 2004 Cynthia, The Curious Feminist, page 73-74
Violence against women AND think to add "lesbian".
Therefore, Leigha and I affirm solidarity with grassroots feminist civil society movements in topically designated countries.
Solidarity is key to allowing for the feminist civil society to function- too much involvement stifles political agency and stops the breakdown of patriarchal control of the political.
Cornwall and Goetz 5 (Andrea Cornwall and Anne Marie Goetz, Fellows at the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex, UK. December 2005. Democratization, Vol.12, No.5. p. 797. http://www.dfid.gov.uk/r4d/PDF/Outputs/CentreOnCitizenship/democratizing_democracy.pdf)
Feminist organizations have AND kinds of organizations.
Solidarity is necessary for opposition against hegemonic discourses that produce marginalization- the feminist civil society manifest is a product of solidarity opening up space for the marginalized.
Weber 7 (Martin, Senior Lecturer in IR at the University of Queensland in Australia, 2007, “The concept of solidarity in the study of world politics: towards a critical theoretic understanding”, Review of International Studies (2007), 33, p 697-698) lrm
Sources of historical...change.
Solidarity is able to transcend transnational boundaries and is necessary for the political to function.
Steans 7 (Jill, senior lecturer in International Theory at the University of Birmingham. “Negotiating the politics of difference in the project of feminist solidarity”. Review of International Studies (2007), 33, p 731)
Expressions of collective ... unifying political force.
Solidarity allows for the strengthening of movements in both a domestic and foreign sphere.
Armstrong and Prishad 5 (Elisabeth Armstrong, Assistant Professor of Women's Studies at Smith College, and Vijay Prishad, Associate Professor of International Studies at Trinity College. Spring 2005. Solidarity: War Rites and Women’s Rights”. CR: The New Centennial Review, Volume 5, Number 1, p. 221-222)
Solidarity by its very function AND bombed by American planes.
It is key for grassroots women’s movements and groups to continue challenging the paradigms they produce. This is achieved by allowing space for differing functions of the civil sphere to occur.
Cornwall and Getz 5 (Andrea Cornwall and Anne Marie Goetz, Fellows at the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex, UK. December 2005. Democratization, Vol.12, No.5. p. 792. http://www.dfid.gov.uk/r4d/PDF/Outputs/CentreOnCitizenship/democratizing_democracy.pdf)
Informal associations, self-help AND challenge this paradigm.30
Discussion is key to a functioning civil society inside and outside the state, with discussion shaping the way in which activity is coordinated.
Weldon 4 (S. Laurel Weldon, associate professor of Political Science at Purdue University. March 2004. “The Dimensions and Policy Impact of Feminist Civil Society”. International Feminist Journal of Politics, 6:1. p. 2-3)
Civil society is AND are governed by discussion.
The interpretation of a civil society means that the public sphere of discussion is inherently inclusionary.
Weldon 4 (S. Laurel Weldon, associate professor of Political Science at Purdue University. March 2004. “The Dimensions and Policy Impact of Feminist Civil Society”. International Feminist Journal of Politics, 6:1. p. 4)
Nevertheless, the concepts AND beyond state union.
But, the sphere of discussion isn’t gender neutral. We need to acknowledge and take into account the implications of gender in deliberative forums.
Cornwall and Getz 5 (Andrea Cornwall and Anne Marie Goetz, Fellows at the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex, UK. December 2005. Democratization, Vol.12, No.5. p. 793. http://www.dfid.gov.uk/r4d/PDF/Outputs/CentreOnCitizenship/democratizing_democracy.pdf)
Despite the promise AND their political perspectives.
Focusing on alternative forms of democracy is key to open up space for women within the political.
Cornwall and Getz 5(Andrea Cornwall and Anne Marie Goetz, Fellows at the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex, UK. December 2005. Democratization, Vol.12, No.5. p. 783. http://www.dfid.gov.uk/r4d/PDF/Outputs/CentreOnCitizenship/democratizing_democracy.pdf)
As the numbers AND pathways into politics.
A feminist civil society allows for better policy development in response to issues that impact women.
Weldon 4 (S. Laurel Weldon, associate professor of Political Science at Purdue University. March 2004. “The Dimensions and Policy Impact of Feminist Civil Society”. International Feminist Journal of Politics, 6:1. p. 19)
Thus, the development AND explore this interpretation.
Expanding the civil society into an inclusive form creates a space where marginalized actors can engage the political
Cornwall and Getz 5(Andrea Cornwall and Anne Marie Goetz, Fellows at the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex, UK. December 2005. Democratization, Vol.12, No.5. p. 793. http://www.dfid.gov.uk/r4d/PDF/Outputs/CentreOnCitizenship/democratizing_democracy.pdf)
The political logic AND gain political space.