Appeals to democracy attempt to smooth over the divisions that make universal politics possible this makes criticisms of the economy prerequisites to meaningful democracy
Dean 7 Professor of Political Science at Hobart and William Smith Colleges Jodi Democracy and Other Neo-Liberal Fantasies p 76 -77
Despite democracy's
undermines dynamic, responsive, left politics.3
The fantasy produced by the ideology of capital neutralizes the economy which fails to address the Real and instead pursues meaningless economic reform. Their impact is a symptom of the ideology we criticize – the negative comes first
McMillan 8 PhD student at Massey University New Zeeland Chris International Journal of Zizek Studies 2.1
Ideological fantasy reproduces
Democracy has been hi-jacked by neo-liberalism – the 1AC forces liberal democracy to take a back seat to privatization and economic rationality
Brown 3 professor of political theory at Berkeley,Wendy, Theory and Event 7:1 project muse
Nor is liberal democracy
and armed local gangs.
The ultimate ethico-political question is what strategies best uphold subjectivation and freedom – this act is the baseline for this ethical strategy
Vighi & Feldner 10 Cardiff University UK, Fabio & Heiko International Journal of Zizek Studies 4.1
Let us recall that the process of
political project that actualises our lost causes?
Global capitalism threatens survival – its is not a question of just the state corporations manipulate and control the market and our ecological well-being
Zizek 99 Senior Researcher at the Institute for Social Studies, Ljubljana, Slavoj, The Ticklish Subject, page 350-351
This already brings
and more depoliticized. 34
Demand for urgency is a product of hypocritical outrage meant to extend the privilege of global capitalism – our alternative is to do nothing in the face of the affirmative
Zizek 8 Slavoj Violence p 6-8
Let’s think about the fake
when we find ourselves bombarded with mediatic images of violence. We need to “learn, learn, and learn” what causes this violence.