American fundamentalism is on the rise – Anti-Muslim rhetoric threatens to turn the political sphere into an echo chamber of racism, sacrificing any remaining semblance of critical thought on the altar of bipartisanship
Giroux 11 (Henry A. Giroux, Global TV Network Chair in English and Cultural Studies at McMaster University, formerly Boston University, Miami University, Penn State University, "Breivik's Fundamentalist War on Politics, and Ours," August 3,
The tragic slayings in Norway raise anew serious
a noble practice and democracy has a future.
Status quo democratization epitomizes this logic in its attempts to prove Western Superiority over the Middle East by constructing Islam as anti-democratic and inherently threatening
Teti, 2007 (Andrea, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, “Confessions of a Dangerous Paradigm: Democratisation, Transitology and Orientalism”)
The literature presents – or implies – contrasting
[...] regulated for the good of all.”39
This historical narrative creates an adversarial relationship to Islam which pervades U.S. foreign policy – this is exemplified by current allocations of democracy assistance which exclude Islamist parties in an attempt to pick the winner and ensure the advent of a Western-style liberal democracy
Kull, 9-5-’11 (Steven, Director of Program on International Policy Attitudes, “Why Muslims are still mad at America”
On the ten-year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks
their aspirations, they grow resolutely hostile.
The current policy of “allowing” Islamist participation while simultaneously engineering elections against them ensures Islamophobic control over U.S. political party assistance
Carothers, Director Democracy Carnegie, 2011 (Thomas, Feb 24, “How not to promote democracy in Egypt,”
As the U.S. government assesses the uprisings
exclusion would be a good way to start.
Islamophobia constitutes a blatantly racist and ideological worldview which MUST be rejected – the alternative is genocide and extinction.
Munjid, 2011 (3/27, Achmad, president of the Nahdlatul Ulama community in North America, “Overcoming Islamophobia in the United States,”
Remember, as institutionalized hatred, Islamophobia has
enemy. Everybody knows what the consequences are.
The pursuit of “stability” is based on this fundamentally racist decision calculus in which Arabs have no agency and violence done to them is rendered invisible
Yezza, 2011 (Hicham, February 5, editor-in-chief of Ceasefire, “Real Arab democracy Vs mythical “regional stability”,”
However, one of the less charming aspects
political calculations at their expense must end now.
Dehumanization of foreign populations is a pre-condition to war
Collins and Glover, 2002 (John Collins, Ass. Prof. of Global Studies at St. Lawrence, and Ross Glover, Visiting Professor of Sociology at St. Lawrence University, 2002, Collateral Language, p. 6-7, The Real Effects of Language)
As any university student knows, theories about
mental gaze from the physical effects of violence.
Thus the plan: The United States Federal Government should make political party support available for Egyptian political parties regardless of their religious affiliation.
Providing aid to Islamists is critical to force democratization away from Islamophobic fundamentalists - Western superiority hinges on the view of Islam as anti-democratic, sanctioning subsequent disciplinary attempts such as revoking aid and military intervention.
Teti, 2007 (Andrea, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, “Confessions of a Dangerous Paradigm: Democratisation, Transitology and Orientalism”)
[The bio-politics of failure:
liberal forces which it sought to undermine.50
We must recognize our complicity in democratization – opposing its harmful practices can only take place working within the structures we inhabit
Kapoor, 2008 (Ilan, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, “The Postcolonial Politics of Development,” p. 54-55)
Taking Derrida’s lead, Spivak insists that deconstruction
Freire), and ‘accountable positioning’ (Haraway).
Effective decision-making should begin with how we constitute ourselves as ethical subjects - we must refuse Islamophobia whenever we can
Kouros '97 (George, Yale Law Graduate, And Holds a B.A. in Philosophy from Emory. “Become What You Are,” p. 35-42) *we don’t endorse the gendered language in this ev
Unlike systems of ethics which take the subject
greater quality of life than the inauthentic self.
Constructing this ethical subjectivity must begin from a profoundly contrarian spirit which refuses to capitulate to social injustice
Salaita, 2006 (Steven, associate professor of English at Virginia Tech, “Anti-Arab Racism in the USA,” p. 218-220)
Other situations replete with anti-Arab racism
pretend to respect Arabs while looting their resources.