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Northwestern Mair Waxman Aff

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 16:06
  • 1AC Cites-GSU

    • Tournament: Sample Tournament | Round: 1 | Opponent: Sample Team | Judge: Sample Judge

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      Libya came into the spotlight in Obama’s address in late March, however, there is a century of hidden violence and vengeance between America and Libya
      Zunes 11(Stephen, professor of Politics and chair of Middle Eastern Studies at the University of San Francisco, History of US-Libya Relations Indicates US Must Tread Carefully as Uprising Continues,
      Since the 1969 coup that overthrew …….could use to his advantage.

      And, the violence hasn’t stopped, America orchestrated the international military effort against Gathafi
      VC Star 11 (Ventura County Star, Editorial: In Libya mission, U.S. is the 800-pound gorilla,
      The U.S. was supposed ……the rest of the world will buy it.

      The bombings were brutal, they exposed the population to depleted uranium
      Hallinan 11 (Conn, Former director of journalism @ UC-Santa Cruz, Foreign Policy In Focus columnist. Hallinan is also a columnist for the Berkeley Daily Planet, “Killing Libya in Order to Save It: Gulf War Syndrome,” April 2,
      There were two images from ……what a village in Vietnam experienced, the one that was destroyed in order to save it.

      And, depleted uranium is a weapon of mass destruction
      White 8 (Rob, Professor of Criminology in the School of Sociology and Social Work at the University of Tasmania, Depleted uranium, state crime and the politics of knowing, Theoretical Criminology 12(1))
      Specifically, if DU is as harmful as alleged above, if it constitutes an ….. and agent of change (see Chancer and McLaughlin, 2007).

      Politically, Gathafi’s indiscriminate violence has been matched by retribution lynchings - all sides are culpable
      The Independent 11 (8-27, “Rebels settle scores in Libyan capital,”
      The killings were pitiless.
      ……., and about Western backing for it.

      America has perpetuated much of the violence, has to be engaged in reconciliation efforts
      Kucinich 11 (8-21, Dennis, US Representative, Time to end Nato’s war in Libya,
      The leading donor nations of Nato – the US, ……. 1 million of their fellow countrymen and women.

      The power is in our hands, we need to get past political blackmail and hold our government accountable
      Emersberger 11 (Joe is an editor of, Note To Progressives Who Back a No Fly Zone on LibyaMarch 23,
      Iraq alone should have made any ……and in severely limiting our focus.

      1AC-The Plan
      Plan 1: The United States federal government should aid truth and reconciliation for Libya.

      Political violence is endemic to modern existence, the primary ethicopolitical question of our age is how we relate to atrocities.  
      Bakiner 8 (Onur, Ph.D in polisci from yale with University and Department Distinction, masters in phil and polisci from yale, associate professor at Simon Fraser University, Forgiving the Unforgivable? An Ethico-Political Approach to Political Violence and Forgiveness)
      Cheating on a partner, betrayal …… ethico-political phenomenon.

      And, we should approach violence through reconciliation, South Africa exemplifies the imperative to revitalize the global debate on reconciliation
      Gobodo-Madikizela 10 (Pumla, associate professor of psychology at the University of Cape Town, and Senior Consultant for the Institute for Justice and Reconciliation in Cape Town, Mandela appointed Gobodo-Madikizela to the Human Rights Violations Committee of the TRC, “A Call to Reparative Humanism,” in In the Balance: South Africans Debate Reconciliation, pp 133-8)
      In recent years truth commissions have emerged as ………. lake on a life of their own across generations.

      And, our response to Libyan bombings can dictate the future, citizens matter
      Barry 11 (Kathleen Barry, Prof in department of sociology at Berkely, Professor Emerita of the Pennsylvania State University, Libyan Liberation – Is there Another Way?,,
      With its call for regime change ………..insures its ongoing crimes against humanity.

      As critical citizens, imagining Libyan reconciliation rewrites relations of domination
      McGonegal 4 (Julie, Ph.D in postcolonial studies from McMaster University, postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Tasmania in postcolonial studies, “Imagining Justice: The Politics of Forgiveness and Reconciliation in Postcolonial Literature”)
      Discourses of forgiveness and reconciliation have emerged in ……………complicity and implication in the loss and suffering being narrated.

      And, in a culture dominated by instrumentality, we must imagine the possibility of reconciliation and acknowledge responsibility
      Bishop 8 (Peter, Associate Professor in the School of Communication at the University of South Australia, The Shadow of Hope: Reconciliation and Imaginal Pedagogies, T. Leonard, P. Willis (eds.), Pedagogies of the Imagination,
      Given the extraordinary dullness, if not direct hostility, of much ………..responsibilities, and a lack of closure.

      And, discussing the act of imagination produces transformative pedagogies, reconciliation is the most feasible strategy for overcoming oppression
      Bishop 8 (Peter, Associate Professor in the School of Communication at the University of South Australia, The Shadow of Hope: Reconciliation and Imaginal Pedagogies, T. Leonard, P. Willis (eds.), Pedagogies of the Imagination,
      A reconciliation imaginal presents ………………understood, used and legitimized.

  • GSU Doubles

    • Tournament: GSU | Round: D | Opponent: | Judge:

    • CITES

      AT: State/Gov PIC

      And---merging ethics, politics, and pedagogy is key

      Giroux 3 (Henry, Chair Professorship at McMaster University in the English and Cultural Studies Department, Utopian Thinking Under the Sign of Neoliberalism: Towards a Critical Pedagogy of Educated Hope, Democracy & Nature: The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy; Mar2003, Vol. 9 Issue 1, p91, 15p)

      If we are to believe the prophets of neoliberalism, it is ………………. become critically engaged political agents.

      AT Nietzsche

      Genocide DA

      Darrell J. Fasching, Professor of Religious Studies of the University of South Florida, The Ethical Challenge of Auschwitz and Hiroshima, 1993, p. 25-26

      Scarcely more than half ……. is inexorably followed by genocide.

      Memory good

      Bishop 8 (Peter, Associate Professor in the School of Communication at the University of South Australia, The Shadow of Hope: Reconciliation and Imaginal Pedagogies, T. Leonard, P. Willis (eds.), Pedagogies of the Imagination)

      Memory is absolutely crucial both for reconciliation ……..for a critical, political imaginal  memory.

      Perm --- __________________ --- reject their fatalist understanding in face of evil

      Berkowitz 10 (Roger, Associate Professor of Political Thinking, Human Rights, and Philosophy at Bard College. He also directs the Hannah Arendt Center at Bard, Bearing Logs on Our Shoulders: Reconciliation, Non-Reconciliation, and the Building of a Common World, MUSE)

      9. Arendt's embrace of reconciliation with ……………………….does not seem to recognize.

  • KY rd 6-Aff V emporia-2AC

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • At:emporia Role of the ballot-political causes are comparatively important to democratic education
      Esquith 10 (Stephen, prof of IR at MSU, “The political responsibilities of everyday bystanders,” google books)
      There are many questions we could ask ………… are losing their ability to respond democratically to them.11

      AT: Global local
      George Monbiot, journalist, academic, and political and environmental activist, 2004, Manifesto for a New World Order, p. 11-13
      The quest for global solutions is …………..the conditions it requires for its survival.

      Perm is key-have to get past racial obsession, take responsibility for the future of the nation, have to expand movement so it is global anti-racist praxis (lynchignsi n Libya) - reconciliation best goal
      Banks 3 (Taunya, Jacob A. France Professor of Equality Jurisprudence, University of Maryland, ARTICLE: Exploring White Resistance to Racial Reconciliation in the United States, 55 Rutgers L. Rev. 903)
      Indigenous and Aboriginal communities in the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand often speak about the need to heal the multi-generational trauma of their racialized subordination. n261 This trauma, according to a report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples in Canada, stems from the acculturative stress experienced by individual members of the non-dominant society. n262 This stress is triggered "when pressures to assimilate fail, and result in the marginalization of Aboriginal peoples, with the accompanying social and psychological problems of cultural identity loss and confusion, addiction, abuse and inceration [sic]." n263
      Stress is less likely where individuals adopt …………… in which we find ourselves, if only because we are the only sentient force which can change it."

      The affirmative does not represent an attempt to order the world, rather, we comes to terms with power structures in order to come to terms with them
      Berkowitz 10 (Roger, Associate Professor of Political Thinking, Human Rights, and Philosophy at Bard College. He also directs the Hannah Arendt Center at Bard, Bearing Logs on Our Shoulders: Reconciliation, Non-Reconciliation, and the Building of a Common World, MUSE)
      10. What is essential in the decision to ……………and transform our common world.

  • Harvard-Round 1-1AC

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1AC---Harvard---Reconciliation

      Libya came into the spotlight during the war campaign in March and now that “Gaddafi is Dead!” the media is having a field day, however, there is a century of hidden violence and vengeance between America and Libya

      Zunes 11(Stephen, professor of Politics and chair of Middle Eastern Studies at the University of San Francisco, History of US-Libya Relations Indicates US Must Tread Carefully as Uprising Continues,

      Since the 1969 coup that overthrew the …………………………..that a dangerous and unstable dictator could use to his advantage.



      In the wake of Gaddafi’s death, Libyans face a defining moment, the choice between violence and reconciliation

      Sadiki 10-20 (Larbi, Senior Lecturer in Middle East Politics at the University of Exeter, and author of Arab Democratization: Elections without Democracy (Oxford University Press, 2009) and The Search for Arab Democracy: Discourses and Counter-Discourses, 10-20, Keeping Libya's promise after Gaddafi's death,

      Gaddafi was larger than life. He was a ………………………….returns to corruption and oppression.


      America orchestrated much of the violence in Libya, we have to be part of plans for reconciliation

      Kucinich 11 (8-21, Dennis, US Representative, Time to end Nato’s war in Libya,

      The leading donor nations of Nato – ………………………… of their fellow countrymen and women.



      And, democratic engagement with Libya affirms cultural and political equality

      Dr Larbi Sadiki 11 is a Senior Lecturer in Middle East Politics at the University of Exeter, and author of Arab Democratization: Elections without Democracy (Oxford University Press, 2009) and The Search for Arab Democracy: Discourses and Counter-Discourses (Columbia University Press, 2004). "The mathematics of the Arab Spring" Jun 6 2011

      Egypt and Tunisia are now ……………………..for the purpose of self-empowerment.



      Affirm United States Federal Government support for truth and reconciliation for Libya.



      Next is the Advantage -

      Political violence is endemic to modern existence, the primary ethicopolitical question of our age is how we relate to atrocities.

      Bakiner 8 (Onur, Ph.D in polisci from yale with University and Department Distinction, masters in phil and polisci from yale, associate professor at Simon Fraser University, Forgiving the Unforgivable? An Ethico-Political Approach to Political Violence and Forgiveness)

      Cheating on a partner, betrayal …………………… as an ethico-political phenomenon.




      And, we should approach violence through reconciliation, South Africa exemplifies the imperative to revitalize the global debate on reconciliation

      Gobodo-Madikizela 10 (Pumla, associate professor of psychology at the University of Cape Town, and Senior Consultant for the Institute for Justice and Reconciliation in Cape Town, Mandela appointed Gobodo-Madikizela to the Human Rights Violations Committee of the TRC, “A Call to Reparative Humanism,” in In the Balance: South Africans Debate Reconciliation, pp 133-8)

      In recent years truth commissions …………………. narratives that lake on a life of their own across generations.


      And, our response to Libyan bombings can dictate the future, citizens matter

      Barry 11 (Kathleen Barry, Prof in department of sociology at Berkely, Professor Emerita of the Pennsylvania State University, Libyan Liberation – Is there Another Way?, ,

      With its call for regime change even ……………………… its ongoing crimes against humanity.




      And, in a culture dominated by instrumentality, we must imagine the possibility of reconciliation and acknowledge responsibility

      Bishop 8 (Peter, Associate Professor in the School of Communication at the University of South Australia, The Shadow of Hope: Reconciliation and Imaginal Pedagogies, T. Leonard, P. Willis (eds.), Pedagogies of the Imagination,

      Given the extraordinary dullness, if not direct hostility, of much …………………………….. emotions,  memories, responsibilities, and a lack of closure.



      And, discussing the act of imagination produces transformative pedagogies, reconciliation is the most feasible strategy for overcoming oppression

      Bishop 8 (Peter, Associate Professor in the School of Communication at the University of South Australia, The Shadow of Hope: Reconciliation and Imaginal Pedagogies, T. Leonard, P. Willis (eds.), Pedagogies of the Imagination,

      A reconciliation imaginal presents any …………………………………. which the imaginal is  understood, used and legitimized.



      We have to assume political responsibility for our role in Libyan violence to engage in reconciliation

      Schaap 5 (Andrew Schaap is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics at the University of Melbourne. His current research interests include democratic theory, transitional justice and human rights, Political Reconciliation, pp 109-114)

      Political reconciliation is initiated, as we saw …………………………………. of what has happened in the present’.

  • Wake-2AC Cites

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:


      2AC---T – DA

      Democracy Assistance can support Elections, Human Rights, Media, and Civil Society---sets predictbale limit to core affs---   -----

      de Zeeuw 5 (Jeroenis a Research Fellow at the Conflict Research Unit of the Netherlands Institute for International Relations, “Projects Do Not Create Institutions: The Record of Democracy Assistance in Post-Conflict Societies,” Democratization, Vol.12, No.4, August 2005, pp.481–504)

      Areas of Democracy Assistance: Elections………………rights situation (Sierra Leone, Rwanda, Guatemala).



      Regime context is key

      Phillips and Mitchell 8 (David, project director of the National Committee on American Foreign Policy and currently a visiting scholar at Columbia University’s Center for the Study of Human Rights,  senior adviser to the US Department of State and the United Nations Secretariat, held positions at at Harvard University’s Center for Middle East Studies, executive director of Columbia University’s International Conflict Resolution Program, director of the Program on Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding at the American University, and as a professor at the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, deputy director of the Council on Foreign Relations’ Center for Preventive Action, director of the European Centre for Common Ground, project director at the International Peace Research Institute of Oslo, and president of the Congressional Human Rights Foundation, AND Lincoln, Arnold A. Saltzman Assistant Professor in the Practice of International Politics at Columbia University’s School of International and Political Affairs, practitioner of democracy assistance at National Democratic Institute, ENHANCING DEMOCRACY ASSISTANCE: A RESEARCH PROJECT OF THE NATIONAL COMMITTEE ON AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY, January 2008)

      This report offers recommendations to ………….their rapid response to democratization opportunities.




      AND---federal precision is gold standard

      Dinorah Azpuru 11 is assistant professor of political science at Wichita State University and member of the Advisory Group of the Americas, “The Promotion of Democracy: Actors and Methods” in Achieving Democracy: Democratization in Theory and Practice

      As with other types of foreign …………..aid was channeled to elections.



      And---that includes conflict resolution---here’s a caselist

      GAO 9, Google it, "Democracy Assistance: U.S. Agencies Take Steps to Coordinate International Programs but Lack Information on Some U.S.-funded Activities", Report to Congressional Committees September 2009

      USAID Uses Standard and  Custom Indicators to  Assess Immediate Results  of Democracy Assistance




      the NTC is democratic

      Their official statement proves (

      The interim national council hereby ……by the 17 February revolution.



      Outside sources confirm

      BBC 11 ('Democratic government for Libya' says NTC,

      The National Transitional Council, Libya's ………………democratic government and a just constitution".



      They’re transitioning now --- plan aids that

      Sawt Beirut 11 (Libya’s NTC Outlines 20-Month Democratic Road Map,

      We have outlined a clear road plan, a transition …………….elected the leaders they want to lead their country.”





      2AC---T – Should

      Prefer our model---key to decisions about the Arab Spring

      Kudryashov 11 - Roman Kudryashov, Researcher: Applied Politics & Economics, the New School, May 17, 2011, “Democracy Promotion in between Domestic and International Needs,” online:

      International state interests are an extension of domestic ………………………is no opting out of the responsibilities of freedom.


      AND --- best pedagogy

      Bishop 8 (Peter, Associate Professor in the School of Communication at the University of South Australia, The Shadow of Hope: Reconciliation and Imaginal Pedagogies, T. Leonard, P. Willis (eds.), Pedagogies of the Imagination,

      Pedagogy always occurs within a context, and these ………………going on  everywhere. (1975, pp. 132–133)


      And---merging ethics, politics, and pedagogy is key

      Giroux 3 (Henry, Chair Professorship at McMaster University in the English and Cultural Studies Department, Utopian Thinking Under the Sign of Neoliberalism: Towards a Critical Pedagogy of Educated Hope, Democracy & Nature: The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy; Mar2003, Vol. 9 Issue 1, p91, 15p)

      If we are to believe the prophets of ………………to become critically engaged political agents.


      2AC---Case Ev

      And--- prioritize political memory --- before rushing to future scenarios ---

      Bishop 8 (Peter, Associate Professor in the School of Communication at the University of South Australia, The Shadow of Hope: Reconciliation and Imaginal Pedagogies, T. Leonard, P. Willis (eds.), Pedagogies of the Imagination)

      Memory is absolutely crucial both for reconciliation …………………..for a critical, political imaginal  memory.


      Retribution = epistemologically flawed first choice ---- have to make conflict resolution possible

      McGonegal 4 (Julie, Ph.D in postcolonial studies from McMaster University, postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Tasmania in postcolonial studies, “Imagining Justice: The Politics of Forgiveness and Reconciliation in Postcolonial Literature”)

      In their articulation of the hope that forgiveness …………..recuperate a loss that is never fully recoupable.



      Their extinction first impacts rig the game and justify atrocities – they aren’t saviors, they are dictatorial – presume aff

      Callahan ’73 (Daniel, institute of Society and Ethics, 1973, The Tyranny of Survival, pp. 91-93)

      The value of survival could not ……………………….the Pyrrhic victory to end all Pyrrhic victorie








      AND---reject the disad---corporatized media cements the squo and makes violence inevitable---2 Pieces of ev

      Altheide 6 (David, Regents′ Professor in the School of Justice and Social Inquiry Arizona State University, TITLE: The Mass Media, Crime and Terrorism, J Int Criminal Justice (2006) 4 (5): 982, lexis)

      This essay examines how the United States of America came ……………………………sanctions just about every kind of violence. n26




      Giroux 6 (Henry, prof, Cultural Studies, McMaster U, Higher Education Under Siege,

      Part of such a challenge means that educators ,artists, students………………………….else is possible, but not that everything is possible.”44





      AND --- they promote false duality between political imagination and political reality --- voting aff changes the calculation

      Brincat 9 (Shannon, Ph. D in Polisci from U of Queensland, co-editor for the journal Global Discourse, Reclaiming the Utopian imaginary in IR theory, Review of International Studies (2009), 35, 581–609)

      In similar fashion, Harvey has called utopian …………………… political community, new utopian shores.199





      2AC K

      Best Method

      Berkowitz 10 (Roger, Associate Professor of Political Thinking, Human Rights, and Philosophy at Bard College. He also directs the Hannah Arendt Center at Bard, Bearing Logs on Our Shoulders: Reconciliation, Non-Reconciliation, and the Building of a Common World, MUSE)

      10. What is essential in the decision to enact reconciliation or …………………………………form and transform our common world.




      Engaging the social imaginary is transformative --- produces autonomous praxis based in an ontology of creation --- key to avoid pure chaos

      Gaonkar 2 (Dilip, Prof of rhetoric and cultural studies at NU, co-director of the Center for Transcultural Studies, editor of Alternative Modernities (2001).Toward New Imaginaries: An Introduction, Public Culture, Volume 14, Number 1, Winter 2002, pp. 1-19)

      Castoriadis’s orientation is decidedly ontological ……………….the incomplete project of autonomy initiated by those two epochal ruptures.


      Dystopia DA

      Shukaitis 9 (Stevphen, lecturer at University of Essex, editor at Autonomedia, Imaginal Machines, pp 54-6)

      Perhaps there is a different dynamic at work …………………………could exist outside of these conceptions.



      2AC Cap K

      Their authors are ahistorical—power politics mean cap doesn’t cause war and the alt fails

      Burchill, Lecturer in IR, 7 [Scott Burchill, Lecturer at Deakins University in Australia, “Marxism” in An Introduction to International Relations: Australian Perspectives, Ed. Richard Devetak, Anthony Burke and Jim George, pp. 69-70]

      The high level of order in mid……………extend the boundaries of political community.



      ALT fractures resistance - coalition building and our discursive advocacy address suffering along multiple lines of oppression

      Bramen 2 (Carrie Tirado Bramen, @ SUNY-Buffalo, ‘2 [Textual Practice 16.1 “Turning Point: why the academic left hates identity politics, p. 8-9]


      Critics of identity politics have mistakenly assumed that this ……………………as a barrier to a common ground but as its fullest expression.  



      Social justice outweighs overly skeptical link claims

      Epstein 98 (Barbara, Prof of history @ UC-Santa Cruz, [New Politics 6.4, “Interpreting the World (Without Necessarily Changing It,”]


      Brown is right that much of what now passes for …………………….out who is going to prevail.



      Permuation---affirm reconciliation in Libya and _________________________ --- the alt alone ignores localized forms of resistance and objectifies the Libyan people---truth and reconciliation overcomes commodification

      Jolly 1 (Rosemary Jane Jolly is associate professor of English at Queen's University, Kingston, Canada; she is also a faculty member of the Southern African Research Centre at Queen's, Desiring Good(s) in the Face of Marginalized Subjects: South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission in a Global Context, The South Atlantic Quarterly 100.3 (2001) 693-715 )

      Ahmad, Miyoshi, and Dirlik on one hand, and ……………………………………of "developing democracy" globally?



  • Round Reports

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Aff:Northwestern

      Round #2   Tournament: Shirley

      vs:Kentucky CW




      Plan Text



      1ac Advantages

      Same as Wiki


      2ac Offense



      1ar Strategy



      2ar Strategy

      Answering T

  • AT Loyola EM

    • Tournament: Wake | Round: 6 | Opponent: | Judge:

    •  NU MW cites v loyola

      Round 6 @ the Shirley


      The clothes we wear, the cars we drive to tournaments, and the Four Loko coursing through Loyola’s veins are all a result of our citizenship, our basic political association with Uncle Sam.  We are tacitly complicit as beneficiaries of an unjust regime, the actions of individuals shape the political environment.  In the face of state wrongs, Loyola proposes wordgames and ___________, they’ve given up on the world-rupturing potential of action and abdicated their political responsibility—their paradigm forecloses the potential of forgiveness and commonness in politics, only taking the risk of political reconciliation can stop endless imperialist interventions and technocratic manipulation---their alt can’t explain American violence


      Mitchell Hobbs 7, Lecturer and PhD Candidate (Sociology and Anthropology), The University of Newcastle, Australia, ‘REFLECTIONS ON THE REALITY OF THE IRAQ WARS: THE DEMISE OF BAUDRILLARD’S SEARCH FOR TRUTH?,” Fall, 2007,

      2.2 BRIDGING THE …………………….. own disparate reflections.






      You should prefer our political strategy


      Mitchell Hobbs 7, Lecturer and PhD Candidate (Sociology and Anthropology), The University of Newcastle, Australia, ‘REFLECTIONS ON THE REALITY OF THE IRAQ WARS: THE DEMISE OF BAUDRILLARD’S SEARCH FOR TRUTH?,” Fall, 2007,


      In the final analysis, then, ……………………………… from the ‘real’ that Baudrillard so feared.






      And, export their model to the Libyan context, our discussion can impact the situation in Benghazi


      BYU Political Review 11 – Libya, Qaddafi, and the Postmodern Revolution, Bryce Johnson, August 4, 2011,


      Few pundits have explored the ways postmodernism ……………………………………….., the angrier they get, and then there’s a revolution underway.




      AND, that means this debate is a forum for reconciliation---an aff ballot entails an imaginal engagement with our historical relations with Libya and its people---that’s Bishop.  It’s the best method for understanding political complicity and engaging disturbing truths, instead of giving up in the face of  violence, we should imagine a better future.






      Memory Good


      Bishop 8 (Peter, Associate Professor in the School of Communication at the University of South Australia, The Shadow of Hope: Reconciliation and Imaginal Pedagogies, T. Leonard, P. Willis (eds.), Pedagogies of the Imagination)

      Memory is absolutely crucial both for reconciliation and for mythopoetics…………………………………. for a critical, political imaginal  memory.



      Verdeja 9 (Ernesto, Assistant Professor of Political Science and Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame, Unchopping a Tree: reconciliation in the aftermath of political violence, pp6-9 )

      Of course, for some, forgetting is a welcome ……………………………………. its future le- gitimacy in the eyes of victims’ descendants (Warren 1998).










      We usher in a transformative pedagogy, critiquing corporatized educational models in favor of self-reflexive innovation, teaching students to think past the blinders imposed by elites---that’s Barry, even if Baudrillard is right, that proves the urgency of re-invigorating political responsibility through pedagogical practices like debate---Imaginative praxis is based in an ontology of creation that seeks to break free from constant consumption, the social imaginary forms the matrix that structures existence---that’s Gaonkar, in the face of constructed realities, individuals can exercise autonomy by questioning institutional structures---the alt paves over dissent and human agency in favor of solipsistic logic that privileges abstraction to resistance


      Norris 4 (Trevor Norris, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, hannah arendt and jean baudrillard: pedagogy in the consumer society,


      For Baudrillard, as a result of this ……………………………..may yet bring health to our “feverish city.”




      AND – our call to reconciliation is effective – Instead of creating an economy of victimization, we propose that we understand our own complicity and role in our own communities.  of even if we can’t change every situation we can take a stance – turns their suffering K and the perms solves


      Sawchuk 2 (Kim, PhD, Social and Political Thought, York University, prof of comm at Concordia, editor of the Canadian Journal of Communication, general book review of Distant Suffering by Luc Boltanski, Canadian journal of Communication Vol 27, No 1 (2002))


      Inherent in the politics of pity in the modern period …………………………a welcome addition to contemporary debates in political communication.






      Have to pursue factual truths --- alt is coopted, allows manipulation and perpetuation of atrocities --- their cynicism debilitates human existence


      Bakiner 10 (Onur, Ph.D in polisci from yale with University and Department Distinction, masters in phil and polisci from yale, associate professor at Simon Fraser University, History, Ethics, Politics: Rethinking the Legacy of Truth Commissions)

      The role of truth commissions in contemporary societies can …………………………………a novel institutional response to the legacy of political violence.














      Berkowitz 10 (Roger, Associate Professor of Political Thinking, Human Rights, and Philosophy at Bard College. He also directs the Hannah Arendt Center at Bard, Bearing Logs on Our Shoulders: Reconciliation, Non-Reconciliation, and the Building of a Common World, MUSE)

      Reconciliation is the only response to ……………………….the world?"—is, for Arendt, the pressing political question in our age. 



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