Yemen AQAP Advantage Answers
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Iranian strikes can’t disrupt oil Shifrinson 11—Research Fellow, International Security Program, Belfer Center at Havard—and—Miranda Priebe—PhD candidate in pol sci at MIT (Joshua, A Crude Threat, International Security, 36;1, Summer 2011) Drawing from open sources, our analysis of Saudi ……. of an attack, rather than trying to stop damage from occurring. This conclusion would change only if Iran begins to develop longer-range missiles that more effectively employed Global Positioning System (GPS) guidance. No proxy group attacks Shifrinson 11—Research Fellow, International Security Program, Belfer Center at Havard—and—Miranda Priebe—PhD candidate in pol sci at MIT (Joshua, A Crude Threat, International Security, 36;1, Summer 2011) Iran might also consider using special ……………… an asymmetric attack, it should continue improving its oil security forces and consider adding more redundancies to the oil network. Aid efforts will fail in Yemen - absence of expertise and their solvency data is hypothetical and utopian Robert E. Mitchell 11, earned degrees from the University of Michigan, Harvard's China Area Program, and Columbia (Sociology), has been an academic in the US and overseas, a Foreign Service Officer with USAID (including a tour in Yemen in the late 1980s), consultant on various international challenges, and published widely on a variety of topics (most recently in MIT's Journal of Interdisciplinary History). “Yemen: Testing a New Coordinated Approach to Preventive Counterinsurgency,” Small Wars Journal, 8-1-11, smallwarsjournal.com The current country strategy lists numerous “illustrative ……………. and DoD programs in Yemen. These are well-intentioned hypothetical aspirations. Plan doesn’t do close to enough to solve Yemeni stability1ac author Bodine 10 (Barbara, Lecturer and Diplomat-in-Residence at Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, "Yemen: Primer and Prescriptions," Prism, National Defense University Press, June, http://www.ndu.edu/press/yemen.html) A sustained, comprehensive, and coordinated …………….. entrepôt for the Indian Ocean rim. This is Yemen’s major natural resource. Aden has the potential to be another Singapore. Development of the port would provide employment and government revenues, and help integrate the south and the north as more equal partners. Local governments won’t go after AQAP - they have their own security concerns Frederick W. Kagan 10, director of the AEI Critical Threats Project and a former professor of military history at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, And Chris Harnisch, “How to Apply "Smart Power" in Yemen,” Originally published in The Wall Street Journal, January 13, 2010, http://www.criticalthreats.org/yemen/how-apply-smart-power-yemen Yemen faces enormous challenges. Its 24 ………………. A strategy that attempts to pressure or bribe them to go after our enemies is likely to fail. Youth unemployment makes Yemeni extremism inevitable Joseph Natividad 11, staff writer at Prospect - graduate from UCSD, where he majored in History and International Studies–Political Science, “BEYOND POLITICAL UPHEAVAL: YEMEN’S LOOMING ECONOMIC AND DEMOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS,” Prospect Journal of International Affairs at UCSD, August, http://prospectjournal.ucsd.edu/index.php/2011/08/beyond-political-upheaval-yemens-looming-economic-and-demographic-problems/ Yemen’s Demographic and Economic Troubles The most pressing driver of future ………………. persistence of youth unemployment marks a dangerous source for future crises in the country. Yemeni corruption makes extremism inevitable - 1ac author BPC 11 (Co-Chairs Ambassador Paula Dobriansky and Admiral (Ret.) Gregory Johnson, "A Stitch in Time: Stabilizing Fragile States," Bipartisan Policy Center, May, http://www.bipartisanpolicy.org/sites/default/files/FS_Final.pdf) The issue of good governmental functioning …………………. grievances and undermined extremists’ appeal by launching a concerted anti-corruption campaign against the civil services, courts, police and even parliament. These efforts have boosted the government’s credibility, demonstrated commitment to society’s well-being and helped it deliver services more efficiently. 60 No attacks from Yemen-crackdowns are working now Spencer 11—retired infantry commander who specialised in low intensity conflict. He is a strategic analyst on political, security and trade issues of the Middle East and North Africa and a specialist on Yemen. (James, A False Dawn for Yemen's Militants, 8 June 2011, www.foreignaffairs.com/ARTICLES/67883/james-spencer/a-false-dawn-for-yemens-militants?page=show) Throughout Yemen's political crisis, the West's chief concern has been that ………………en entrenched tribal interests, such as the production and use of qat (a mildly stimulant leaf beloved by many Yemenis but abhorrent to Salafis) and the lucrative trade of smuggling drugs and alcohol into Saudi Arabia. No impact Boone 11—journalist based in Yemen. Has contributed to the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, Time Magazine, Foreign Policy, the Christian Science Monitor, the Guardian, the Independent, the Sunday Telegraph, and Global Post. (Jeb, Yemen: the new front line in the war for Obama’s second term, 5/7/11, http://jebboone.com/2011/05/07/yemen-the-new-front-line-in-the-war-for-obamas-second-term/) However, contrary to popular belief, AQAP is most likely ……………………….ut this in an issue of inspire) but they really don’t take much skill to pull off. Aid efforts will fail in Yemen - absence of expertise and their solvency data is hypothetical and utopian Robert E. Mitchell 11, earned degrees from the University of Michigan, Harvard's China Area Program, and Columbia (Sociology), has been an academic in the US and overseas, a Foreign Service Officer with USAID (including a tour in Yemen in the late 1980s), consultant on various international challenges, and published widely on a variety of topics (most recently in MIT's Journal of Interdisciplinary History). “Yemen: Testing a New Coordinated Approach to Preventive Counterinsurgency,” Small Wars Journal, 8-1-11, smallwarsjournal.com The current country strategy lists numerous “illustrative …………... These are well-intentioned hypothetical aspirations. Local security forces prevent any serious al Qaeda expansion al-Harazi 11—political reporter for The Yemen Times (Shatha, Special from Yemen: Tribal sheikhs expel Al-Qaeda from their land, 4/15/11, http://www.almasryalyoum.com/en/node/401717) A coalition of tribal sheikhs has succeeded in ……………….all day and night,” said bin Othman. US covert airbases solve AQAP – don’t need Yemen as an ally Kimberly Dozier, 6/19/11, Associated Press Correspondent, “CIA building Mideast base for post-Saleh Yemen drone strikes”, <http://www.arabamericannews.com/news/index.php?mod=article&cat=USA&article=4344> WASHINGTON — The United States is ………………… over whether U.S. special operations forces should continue to lead the fight in Yemen, U.S. officials said. Economic woes will continue AQAP recruitment – democratic leadership is irrelavent Browne 11 (Peter Browne, writer for Royal United Services Institute, an independent think tank, “Regime Change in Yemen”, April 13, 2011, date from latest date of works cited, http://www.rusi.org/analysis/commentary/ref:C4DAD6729BFDBF/) The economic challenges that Yemen is …………………. look much different whether Saleh is ousted tomorrow or steps down in a year's time.
| 09/18/11 |
Yemen Civil War Advantage
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No Middle East war Salem 11—Director of the Carnegie Middle East Center. PhD from Harvard (Paul, 'Arab Spring' Has Yet to Alter Region's Strategic Balance, carnegie-mec.org/publications/?fa=43907) Despite their sweeping repercussions for both domestic and international players, the ……………….. of the major regional and international actors. However, so far there has been no major shift in the balance of power or the basic pattern of regional relations. Empirically proven Cook 7—CFR senior fellow for Mid East Studies. BA in international studies from Vassar College, an MA in international relations from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, and both an MA and PhD in political science from the University of Pennsylvania(Steven, Ray Takeyh, CFR fellow, and Suzanne Maloney, Brookings fellow, 6 /28, Why the Iraq war won't engulf the Mideast, http://www.iht.com/bin/print.php?id=6383265, AG) Underlying this anxiety was a scenario in which Iraq's sectarian and ethnic violence spills …………………….. civil strife and prevent local conflicts from enveloping the entire Middle East. Yemen’s instability’s inevitable- economic and demographic challenges that the plan can’t solve Joseph Natividad 11, staff writer at Prospect - graduate from UCSD, where he majored in History and International Studies–Political Science, “BEYOND POLITICAL UPHEAVAL: YEMEN’S LOOMING ECONOMIC AND DEMOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS,” Prospect Journal of International Affairs at UCSD, August, http://prospectjournal.ucsd.edu/index.php/2011/08/beyond-political-upheaval-yemens-looming-economic-and-demographic-problems/ As Yemen teeters on the brink of state ……………….. long-term demographic and social challenges pose a specter of calamities likely to engulf the poorest Arab nation within the next decade. The plan can’t solve - local governments don’t have the authority to manage tribes BPC 11 (Co-Chairs Ambassador Paula Dobriansky and Admiral (Ret.) Gregory Johnson, "A Stitch in Time: Stabilizing Fragile States," Bipartisan Policy Center, May, http://www.bipartisanpolicy.org/sites/default/files/FS_Final.pdf) Transparency, established legal procedures and accountability of political leaders are fundamental to both the proper functioning of government institutions and the existence of a pluralist political society. Responsive political institutions—such as local councils and other mechanisms for determining basic needs at the community level—are the hallmarks of legitimate and stable polities. Furthermore, encouraging symbiotic dependence between citizens and government can allow for a more efficient provision of services. Finally, democratic governance also requires a vibrant political culture, including political parties, civil society organizations and independent media. With help from USAID, the Colombian government set up local councils to determine ………………….. local governments have little authority or ability to determine the needs of Yemen’s diverse and myriad tribes. 63 As a result, the government’s writ barely extends beyond the capital city. Nigeria’s single-party system has a similar lock on power, but is unable to govern effectively. This has decreased public confidence in Nigeria’s national institutions, and allowed shadow Islamic law (sharia) courts to begin dispensing justice in fully one-third of the country’s provinces. 64 No hope for Yemen – resource scarcity, corrupt systems of governance, agricultural failures, small arms prolif, out of control population growth, poverty, exhausted groundwater supplies, and bin laden loyalists in government are all independent and external causes of domestic instability David Carment, 3/30/11, Professor of Int'l Affairs, Norman Patterson School of Int'l Affairs, Carleton University, “Troubled Yemen, the world's next failed state?”, <http://www.cdfai.org/PDF/Troubled%20Yemen-the%20worlds%20next%20failed%20state.pdf> Yemen's underlying sources of conflict ………………….. in positions of influence in the military and the government. Saleh also faces rebellion in the north, from a band of very capable Shiite rebels in the Sa'ada region on the border with Saudi Arabia. Oil revenues exacerbate instability – dependency and impending production crash will collapse all economic safeguards to state failure Joseph Natividad, August 2011, Staff Writer for the Prospect Journal of International Affairs at UCSD, “BEYOND POLITICAL UPHEAVAL: YEMEN’S LOOMING ECONOMIC AND DEMOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS”, <http://prospectjournal.ucsd.edu/index.php/2011/08/beyond-political-upheaval-yemens-looming-economic-and-demographic-problems/> A second driver of instability rests on the …………………, as employment growth in non-hydrocarbon sectors of the local economy has been stagnant for the past few years (6). Econ decline doesn’t cause war Barnett 9—senior managing director of Enterra Solutions LLC (Thomas, The New Rules: Security Remains Stable Amid Financial Crisis, 25 August 2009, http://www.aprodex.com/the-new-rules--security-remains-stable-amid-financial-crisis-398-bl.aspx) When the global financial crisis struck roughly a year …………….. say that this global financial crisis has proven the great resilience of America's post-World War II international liberal trade order. Global economy resilient Zakaria 9—PhD in pol sci from Harvard. Editor of Newsweek, BA from Yale, PhD in pol sci, Harvard. He serves on the board of Yale University, The Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission, and Shakespeare and Company. Named "one of the 21 most important people of the 21st Century" (Fareed, The Secrets of Stability, 12 December 2009, http://www.fareedzakaria.com/articles/articles.html) One year ago, the world seemed as if it mig……………….. system is inherently more resilient than we think. The world today is characterized by three major forces for stability, each reinforcing the other and each historical in nature. In depth analysis proves Shifrinson 11—Research Fellow, International Security Program, Belfer Center at Havard—and—Miranda Priebe—PhD candidate in pol sci at MIT (Joshua, A Crude Threat, International Security, 36;1, Summer 2011) Note - “Our analysis gives Iran the maximum 400 Shahab-1s in accordance with our worstcase assumption” The effect of an Iranian attack on the Saudi oil network would depend on the ……………… after a successful Iranian attack. This is all worst case assumptions Shifrinson 11—Research Fellow, International Security Program, Belfer Center at Havard—and—Miranda Priebe—PhD candidate in pol sci at MIT (Joshua, A Crude Threat, International Security, 36;1, Summer 2011) We do not consider an unprovoked Iranian attack on Saudi Arabian oil infrastructure likely. ……………………assumptions.
| 09/18/11 |
Yemen Solvency
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Instability takes out solvency Robert E. Mitchell 11, earned degrees from the University of Michigan, Harvard's China Area Program, and Columbia (Sociology), has been an academic in the US and overseas, a Foreign Service Officer with USAID (including a tour in Yemen in the late 1980s), consultant on various international challenges, and published widely on a variety of topics (most recently in MIT's Journal of Interdisciplinary History). “Yemen: Testing a New Coordinated Approach to Preventive Counterinsurgency,” Small Wars Journal, 8-1-11, smallwarsjournal.com By focusing on formal government bodies ……………. some USAID-funded projects in many years.‖10 US can’t coherently mobilize local government Isa Blumi, 4/8/11, assistant professor of history at Georgia State University and a fellow at the Center for Area Studies at the University of Leipzig, “In Yemen, Hardly a Revolution”, <http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/09/opinion/09blumi.html> TO Yemenis, violence in the streets and ………………………. of an opposition comprising upward of 100 distinct groups. Internal bickering prevents sustainable democracy from emerging – group divide is too large NYT, 7/7/11, “Air Goes Out of Protests in a Leaderless Yemen”, <http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/08/world/middleeast/08yemen.html?_r=2> “What’s clearly happening in Sana is that the …………………., and five young activists sitting nearby dropped their heads into their hands, disheartened. No solvency - the plan doesn’t address corruption, economic, or central government reforms - all of which are necessary to solve - 1ac author: Greenfield 10 (Danya, Program officer with the Middle East and North Africa division at the Center for International Private Enterprise, "Sustainable Development is Possible in Yemen," Center for American Progress, January 14,http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/2010/01/sustainable_development_yemen.html) The way forward: Prioritizing U.S. assistance Military-to-military assistance may be effective in the …………………, but rather with the Yemenis themselves.
| 09/18/11 |
EU CP vs. Yemen
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Solves the case and avoids their deficits Allen 11 (Democracy Digest, Michael Allen, Special Assistant for Government Relations and Public Affairs at the National Endowment for Democracy, “EU aid to Arab world must deliver on the ‘D’ word to avoid Russia’s democratic disillusion,” May 9, 2011, http://www.demdigest.net/blog/2011/05/eu-aid-to-arab-world-must-deliver-on-the-d-word-to-avoid-russias-democratic-disillusion/) The European Union must provide …………… (EU) support, to do what government bureaucracies cannot do” – fell victim to opposition from the German stiftungen, or party-based foundations, which believe the model undermines their raison d’être and, consequently, their German federal funding. Text: The European Union should establish a European Endowment for Democracy modeled off of the United States National Endowment for Democracy to substantially increase community stabilization assistance to local government institutions in Yemen using funding already allocated for Middle East and North African political reforms. The European Union should solicit local input in the implementation of this assistance and institute oversight procedures to ensure that assistance is granted to non-governmental organizations in a consistent and equitable manner. EU CP-Solves the Case-Yemen-1NC Europe’s a more credible donor to Yemen than the U.S.-their solvency deficits either apply equally to the plan or are solved by the CP’s mandated unity Burke 10 (Edward, Researcher at FRIDE, "Assessing Democracy Assistance: Yemen," FRIDE, May, http://www.fride.org/download/IP_WMD_Yemen_ENG_jul10.pdf) Unlike the US, the EU and its member states have ……….. position between European embassies in Sana’a. The French Embassy in Sana’a has frequently adopted a strictly ‘non-interventionist’ approach to its relations with Yemen when other EU member states urged a common stance following the indefinite suspension of parliamentary elections in 2008 and an escalating trend of human rights abuses, preferring instead to focus on security issues such as cooperation on counter-terrorism. This particularly affected EU coherence during the Slovenian and French EU Presidencies of 2008 during which time the French Embassy in Sana’a took the political lead.
| 09/18/11 |
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Lack of specification makes debating the merits of the plan impossible and tanks solvency-bureaucratic confusion results in failed democracy assistance Spence 4 – Matthew Spence, Co-Founder and Director of the Truman National Security Project, formerly Lecturer in IR at Oxford, Ph.D. in IR from Oxford, October 4, 2004, “Policy Coherence and Incoherence: The Domestic Politics of American Democracy Promotion,” online: http://iis-db.stanford.edu/pubs/20741/Spence-_CDDRL_10-4_draf1.pdf Comparing American and …………. that realized little of America’s potential for influence.
| 09/18/11 |
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Relations solve terrorism Campbell et al 9 Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Center for a New American Security, “Going global: the future of the U.S.-South Korea alliance.” Ed. by Campbell et al, “Going global: the future of the U.S.-South Korea alliance.” P. 72-73 http://www.cnas.org/files/documents/publications/CampbellPatel_Going%20Global_February09_0.pdf America will not be able to neutralize …………-power vision for the U.S.-ROK alliance: development assistance, trade agreements, and civil society partnerships. SKFTA will pass, PC key, and it’s key to the alliance Kim 9/6 Sukhan Kim senior partner specializing in international trade at Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP "Pushing the FTA to the finish line" koreajoongangdaily.joinsmsn.com/news/article/Article.aspx?aid=2941157 Despite these hurdles, the time has come for …………….. on with ratification of Korus FTA. Congress will backlash to the plan-none of their distinctions apply Nathan Guttman 11 Jewish Daily "Congress Wielding Foreign Aid Budget in Effort to Influence Shape of New Middle East" May 27 www.forward.com/articles/137826/ Congress’s power of the purse is emerging as …………….. George W. Bush and Ariel Sharon in 2002. That’s key to the economy, the alliance, global trade, hegemony, democracy, and solving warming Daniel Twining 9 is Senior Fellow for Asia at the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF). He is also a consultant to the U.S. government on international security affairs “The U.S.-ROK Alliance in the 21st Century,” Strengthening the U.S.-Korea Alliance for the 21st Century - The Role of Korean-American Partnership in Shaping Asia’s Emerging Order” www.kinu.or.kr/upload/neoboard/DATA05/korus09.pdf Bilateral and regional trade liberalization Expanding U.S.-ROK economic ties is ……………, Japan, China, and Russia—meet. Warming causes extinction - outweighs everything The New York End Times 6 The New AND http://newyorkendtimes.com/extinctionscale.asp We rate Global Climate Change as a greater AND we also need to incorporate the dangers here . Trade and growth solve global nuclear war Michael, Panzner 2008 faculty at the New AND Edition, p. 136-138, googlebooks Continuing calls for curbs on the flow of AND as the beginnings of a new world war. Timeframe—election season means people are looking at the US political workings Risk of snowballing protectionism is very high Gideon Rachman 11 Gideon, Political Analyst and Author @ The Economist "Is globalisation on the retreat in 2011?" 1/3 www.ft.com/cms/s/0/74a54ade-1773-11e0-badd-00144feabdc0.html#axzz1A19YcBCn However, when Barack Obama visited India recently, the US president warned his hosts that ……….globalisation will grow unless and until there is a co-ordinated global recovery. Failure to pass the deal annihilates US credibility Palmer 9/6 Doug Palmer "UPDATE 2-PREVIEW-U.S. trade deals face tricky approval path" Sept 6 www.reuters.com/article/2011/09/06/usa-trade-congress-idUSN1E7851P420110906 Failure to pass the trade deals would hurt U.S. ………just in the Trans-Pacific Partnership talks but in other international negotiations," Schwab said. SKFTA is key to soft power Doug Bandow 10 is a senior fellow at the Cato Institute in Washington "A Free Trade Agreement withSouth Korea Would Promote BothProsperity and Security" Oct 20 www.cato.org/pubs/tbp/tbp-031.pdf Nevertheless, South Koreans still desire to strengthen economic ties ……….most profitable and least dangerous means to do so is through private commerce. And, failure destroys overall leadership-collapses relations with all our allies Seth Mandel 10 12/29 www.weeklyblitz.net/1192/what-obama-refusal-to-enact-the-colombia-trade If Obama is unable to do that, what hope ……….trade deal, then we can't be counted on, period. Momentum for passage-votes coming now on TAA Palmer 9/13 Reuters "Momentum builds for U.S. action on trade deals" Sept 13 www.reuters.com/article/2011/09/13/us-usa-trade-deals-idUSTRE78C7QW20110913?feedType=RSS&feedName=domesticNews [ ]=edit Momentum builds for U.S. action …………. it is expected to be passed in tandem with the trade pacts. Momentum should be the filter-their evidence is all just a snapshot-60 votes will be there for TAA and the FTA-any opposition just proves why PC is key Barkley 9/7 Tom, WSJ, "GOP Hopes Tariff Bill Pressures Obama" online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424053111904836104576557302254955170.html?mod=googlenews_wsj House Republicans sought Wednesday to kick-start the stalled U.S. ………….. joint bill and send it back to the House, so "the administration needs to uphold their end of the deal and submit the FTAs as soon as possible." TPA and TAA passage mean they’ll pass Goudie 9/16 Doug Goudie is director of international trade policy, National Association of Manufacturers. "Senate Cloture Vote Scheduled on Tariff Bill" sept 16 shopfloor.org/2011/09/senate-cloture-vote-scheduled-on-tariff-bill/22477 Senate Majority Leader Reid filed cloture .,…………..manufacturers and their workers. Pass the Colombia, Korea and Panama trade agreements, open those markets to American exports, and reap the benefits. It’ll pass but US is crucial-delays kill it Lies 9/15 Mitch "Embassy official: FTA delay threatens deal" www.capitalpress.com/orewash/ml-seoul-free-trade-agreement-092311 "The longer the delay, the greater the chances of failure," he said. ………….. "My best guess is that it will pass here by the end of the year," he said, "but that is by no means guaranteed." Congress is explicitly avoiding controversial democracy aid to MENA Daragahi 9/14 By Borzou Daragahi in Tripoli and Anna Fifield in Washington for FT "US vows to take back seat in Libya rebuilding" www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/a04f3b72-deec-11e0-9af3-00144feabdc0.html#axzz1XzTJnZxx The US is set to take a low-key role ……….. to other countries at a time of spiralling deficits and deepening economic malaise at home. Extremely powerful lobbies are backing the Squo-perceived US ineptitude and Obama’s inability to rally support means the plan can only be controversial Ravi Shankar 11 is Executive Editor of New India Express in Delhi "Ravi Shankar: Strong Assad, Spineless Obama: Saving Syria from Assad? America needs to save itself from Obama" Aug 2 2011www.alarabiya.net/views/2011/08/02/160495.html However macabre it may seem, Syria’s Bashar Al Assad, …………a few words away” from peace with Israel, only to backtrack later. Obama’s Velcro-only blame stick to him-means winners lose-healthcare proves Nicholas & Hook 10 Peter and Janet, Staff Writers – LA Times, “Obama the Velcro president”, LA Times, 7-30, http://articles.latimes.com/2010/jul/30/nation/la-na-velcro-presidency-20100730/3 If Ronald Reagan was the classic Teflon …………….."The agenda he's pushed here has been a very important agenda, but it hasn't translated into dinner table conversations." The deal is key to deterring North Korea Edward F. Gerwin 10 , Jr., Senior Fellow for Trade and Global Economic Policy "Guest Contribution: 5 Reasons America Needs Korea Free Trade Deal" Dec 16 blogs.wsj.com/economics/2010/12/16/guest-contribution-5-reasons-america-needs-korea-free-trade-deal/ 5. China is Not a Fan. The Korea FTA would …………., the Korea FTA also includes other “beefy” benefits for American trade. Extinction Hayes 10 Peter Hayes, *Executive Director of the Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainable Development, AND, Michael Hamel-Green, Executive Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Education and Human Development act Victoria University (1/5/10, Executive Dean at Victoria, “The Path Not Taken, the Way Still Open: Denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia,” http://www.nautilus.org/fora/security/10001HayesHamalGreen.pdf At worst, there is the possibility of ……………. affects involving other potential proliferant states. The Korean nuclear proliferation issue is not just a regional threat but a global one that warrants priority consideration from the international community. It’ll pass but US is crucial-delays kill it Lies 9/15 Mitch "Embassy official: FTA delay threatens deal" www.capitalpress.com/orewash/ml-seoul-free-trade-agreement-092311 "The longer the delay, the greater the chances of failure," he said. Wayman's comments came as part of a U.S. …………. of the year," he said, "but that is by no means guaranteed." It’ll pass in Korea because of perception Congress will pass it Inside US Trade 9/16 "Korean Trade Committee Chairman Cancels U.S. Trip Amid FTA Progress" insidetrade.com/Inside-US-Trade/Inside-U.S.-Trade-09/16/2011/korean-trade-committee-chairman-cancels-us-trip-amid-fta-progress/menu-id-172.html In response to signs this week that the U.S. ………. time Nam anticipates the United States will have ratified the trade deal, Kim said in an earlier interview. It’ll pass in Korea once Congress passes it Donga 9/16 "Korean parliament speeding up FTA ratification process" english.donga.com/srv/service.php3?bicode=020000&biid=2011091617868 As the U.S. Congress has begun the procedure ……….. Congress will ratify the trade pact. Yemen assistance ignites a firestorm-massive momentum for cuts now Washington Post 11 "House panel to vote on bill that would slash State Department funding, impose new restrictions" 7/27 www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/checkpoint-washington/post/house-panel-to-vote-on-bill-that-would-slash-some-state-department-funding/2011/07/27/gIQA3NxocI_blog.html A key House panel is to vote Wednesday on a ………….and contributions to multilateral institutions such as the World Bank. Giving aid to places without clear regime change causes political fights b/c of fear of regime backlash Stephen McInerney 11 is Director of Advocacy for the Project on Middle East Democracy (POMED). He has more than six years experience in the Middle East and North Africa, including graduate studies of Middle Eastern politics, history, and the Arabic language at the American University of Beirut and the American University in Cairo. His writing on Middle East affairs and U.S. policy has been published by The Washington Post, the Carnegie Endowment’s Arab Reform Bulletin, The Daily Star and The New Republic. He also holds an M.S. in Mathematics from Stanford University "The Federal Budget and Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2012" Project on Middle East Democracy, July 2011 pomed.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/FY2012-Budget-Report-web.pdf Moreover, in Egypt and Tunisia, this ………… sensitive areas that may antagonize the host government in countries not currently undergoing political transitions.
| 09/18/11 |
Orientalism K
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Democracy assistance is a strategy to turn the non-west into a hub for American imperialism-orientalist narratives frame US engagement and result in using MENA as a strategic chess piece to recruit allies in the construction of the next enemy-inevitable blowback turns the aff Soumaya Ghannoushi 11 is a researcher in the history of ideas at the School of Oriental and African Studies. "Obama, hands off our spring" May 26 2011 www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/may/26/obama-hands-off-arab-spring The US wants to turn the Arab .,…………occupying and aiding occupation. The impact is mass war and genocide that turn solvency and threaten extinction Pinar Batur 7, PhD @ UT-Austin – Prof. of Sociology @ Vassar, “The Heart of Violence: Global Racism, War, and Genocide,” in Handbook of The Sociology of Racial and Ethnic Relations, eds. Vera and Feagin, p. 446-7 At the turn of the 20th century, the “Terrible Turk” was the image that summarized the enemy of Europe and the antagonism toward the hegemony of the Ottoman Empire, stretching from Europe to the Middle East,…………………… are never complete, genocide is the definitive point in the exclusionary racial ideology, and such is the logic of the outcome of the exclusionary process, that it can conclude only in ultimate domination. War and genocide take place with compliant efficiency to serve the global racist ideology with dizzying frequency. The 21st century opened up with genocide, in Darfur. And, American strategic intentions ensure that engagement fails-taking a step back and investigating the discursive security practices of US engagement is key Bilgin 5 Assistant Prof of International Relations at Bilkent University, REGIONAL SECURITY IN THE MIDDLE EAST A CRITICAL PERSPECTIVE, p12- Although the ‘Middle East’ preserved …………….. should be sought in this part of the world.
| 09/18/11 |
Syria Credibility Advantage
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No solvency-massive State Department cuts far overshadow the effects of the aff, and their solvency takes decades at best Nye 11-Harvard University Distinguished Service Professor (12 April 2011, Joseph, The War on Soft Power, http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/04/12/the_war_on_soft_power) Last week, U.S. President Barack Obama and Congress struggled until the 11th hour to agree on budget cuts that would avert a government shutdown. The United States' budget deficit is a serious problem, and there have been serious proposals to ………. around the government, and there is no overarching strategy or budget that even tries to integrate them. Plan doesn’t boost democratic cred or soft power-alt causes overwhelm Kudryashov 11 - Roman Kudryashov, Researcher: Applied Politics & Economics, the New School, May 17, 2011, “Democracy Promotion in between Domestic and International Needs,” online: http://whataretheseideas.wordpress.com/2011/05/17/democracy-promotion-in-between-domestic-and-international-needs/ Additionally, America must occasionally pause for self reflection (……………………. to what America does, not what it says, so a strategic planning approach concerning how America is perceived would argue for repairing America’s reputation through policy changes, before embarking on noble goals of democracy promotion. MENA heg fails - too many structural barriers to its success - the transition is stable and regional powers fill in Hadar 7/1-former prof of IR at American U and Mount Vernon-College. PhD in IR from American U (1 July 2011, Leon, Saving U.S. Mideast Policy, http://nationalinterest.org/commentary/saving-us-policy-the-mideast-5556) You don't have to be a strategic analyst or a regional expert to figure out that U.S. policies in the Middle East and Central Asia-ranging from Afghanistan to Libya-are reaching a dead end. In Afghanistan, more than 100,000 U.S. and NATO troops, a……………….. Russia, India and Iran-which supported the Northern Alliance that helped Washintgon topple the Taliban-and Pakistan (which once backed the Taliban) all have close ties to various ethnic and tribal groups in that country and now have a common interest in stabilizing Afghanistan and containing the rivalries. Iranian influence won’t expand-the plan just causes backlash against the US Kaye & Wehrey 11 – Dalia Dassa Kay, Senior Political Scientist at the RAND Corporation, and Frederic Wehrey, Senior Policy Analyst at RAND, July-August 2011, “Arab Spring, Persian Winter,” Foreign Affairs, Vol. 90, No. 4 Still, although Iran and its allies will ………………e forward and lead to an increased number of political actors vying for power, these new political players, even Islamist ones, may be wary of jeopardizing their nationalist legitimacy by turning to Iran. No motivation for nuclear terror Francis J. Gavin 10, Professor of International Affairs and Director of the Robert S. Strauss Center for International Security and Law, Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, University of Texas at Austin, “Same As It Ever Was,” International Security, Vol. 34, No. 3 (Winter 2009/10), pp. 7–37 A recent study contends that al-Qaida’………….. bombs powered by nuclear fission, is overstated, and that popular wisdom on the topic is significantly flawed.” No chance of a terrorist attack Mueller 8/2—IR prof at Ohio State. PhD in pol sci from UCLA (2 August 2011, John, The Truth about Al Qaeda, http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/68012/john-mueller/the-truth-about-al-qaeda?page=show) As a misguided Turkish proverb holds, "If your enemy be an ant, imagine him to be an elephant." The new information unearthed in Osama bin Laden's hideout in Abbottabad, Pakistan, suggests that the United States has been doing so for a full decade. ………….. of killing carried out by al Qaeda and al Qaeda linkees, maybes, and wannabes throughout the entire world since 9/11 stands at perhaps a few hundred per year. That's a few hundred too many, of course, but it scarcely presents an existential, or elephantine, threat. And the likelihood that an American will be killed by a terrorist of any ilk stands at one in 3.5 million per year, even with 9/11 included. And, it’s offense—incremental shifts make the US look hypocritical—kills credibility Roth 2k (Kenneth, Executive Director, Human Rights Watch, Fall, Chicago Journal of International Law,1 Chi. J. Int'l L. 347) Washington's cynical attitude toward ……………. to explain their lukewarm response to a US-sponsored resolution criticizing China's deteriorating human rights record. Too many alt causes to US credibility Rubin 8/22-professor at the Interdisciplinary Center, Israel. Former fellow at Johns Hopkins Foreign Policy Institute and the CSIS. (22 August 2011, Barry, Watching Tripoli: Arab Spring Dominos Falling?, http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/275161/watching-tripoli-arab-spring-dominos-falling-kathryn-jean-lopez#) KJL: How would you rate U.S. leadership on all ………….. to respond to the Palestinian Authority’s unilateral independence bid. The plan causes focus on US democratic hypocrisy that magnifies backlash to the plan Sky 11-Resident Fellow, Harvard’s Institute of Politics. Served in Jerusalem as Political Advisor to General Ward, the US Security Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process (Emma, Arab Spring … American fall? Summer 2011, Learning the right lessons from Iraq and Afghanistan, http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_hb137/is_2_33/ai_n57856889/) So far, the Obama Administration has responded …………. anti-Israeli sentiment once a two-state solution is implemented. Too many alt causes to cred in the Middle East Hudson 11-chaired prof of IR. Director of the Middle East Institute at the National University of Singapore (Michael, Middle East Policy: A zero-sum game?, http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opinion/2011/08/201181681017137387.html) Public opinion towards Congress and the president…………..Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in 2010, Hillary has worked overtime to soothe Bibi." No impact to heg Maher 11-adjunct prof of pol sci, Brown. PhD expected in 2011 in pol sci, Brown (Richard, The Paradox of American Unipolarity: Why the United States May Be Better Off in a Post-Unipolar World, Orbis 55;1) At the same time, preeminence creates burdens and facilitates imprudent behavior. …………… with Washington and to reinforce their security relationships with the United States. Robust empirical analysis proves no lashout-temporary retrenchment sovles Parent 11-assistant for of pol sci, U Miami. PhD in pol sci, Columbia-and-Paul MacDonald-assistant prof of pol sci, Williams (Joseph, Graceful Decline?;The Surprising Success of Great Power Retrenchment, Intl. Security, Spring 1, p. 7) With regard to militarized disputes, ,……………. appears to be a crucial component of retreating to a more defensibleand credibleset of commitments.
| 09/18/11 |
Syria Iran Advantage Answers
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No Middle East war Salem 11—Director of the Carnegie Middle East Center. PhD from Harvard (Paul, 'Arab Spring' Has Yet to Alter Region's Strategic Balance, carnegie-mec.org/publications/?fa=43907) Despite their sweeping repercussions for both domestic and international players, the ………….of regional relations. Empirically proven Cook 7—CFR senior fellow for Mid East Studies. BA in international studies from Vassar College, an MA in international relations from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, and both an MA and PhD in political science from the University of Pennsylvania(Steven, Ray Takeyh, CFR fellow, and Suzanne Maloney, Brookings fellow, 6 /28, Why the Iraq war won't engulf the Mideast, http://www.iht.com/bin/print.php?id=6383265, AG) Underlying this anxiety was a scenario in which Iraq's sectarian and ethnic violence ……………… local conflicts from enveloping the entire Middle East. No Iranian influence in Syria-it’s a lose/lose situation for Iran Ignatius 11—Former Frank Knox Fellow at Harvard. Associate editor and columnist for The Washington Post (David, Syria’s turmoil shakes Iran and Hamas, 4/29/11, http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-partisan/post/syrias-turmoil-shakes-iran-and-hamas/2011/03/04/AFXBunDF_blog.html) The turmoil in Syria already appears to be ……………. Sunni protesters, U.S. officials believe. And if he’s toppled, Syria is likely to be ruled by a Sunni-dominated regime that will be more hostile to Iran. No Iran/Syria block Kaye & Wehrey 11 – Dalia Dassa Kay, Senior Political Scientist at the RAND Corporation, and Frederic Wehrey, Senior Policy Analyst at RAND, July-August 2011, “Arab Spring, Persian Winter,” Foreign Affairs, Vol. 90, No. 4 Second, the "resistance bloc" that Iran leads is far less ………………. backlash within Iraq against Iran. Multiple factors constrain Iranian aggression or adventurism-they’re evidence conflates motivation and capability Kaye 10—Senior political scientist, RAND. CFR member and former prof at George Wash. PhD in pol sci from UC Berkeley—AND—Nora Bensahel—adjunct prof of IR at Georgetown. PhD in pol sci from Stanford—AND—Jerrold D. Green—research professor, USC. PhD in pol sci from U Chicago—AND—Frederic Wehrey—Senior analyst at RAND. Former Georgetown prof. D.Phil. candidate in IR, Oxford. Master’s in near Eastern studies, Princeton (Dalia Dassa, Dangerous But Not Omnipotent, Report by RAND for the Airforce and DOD, http://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/monographs/2009/RAND_MG781.pdf) To accurately gauge the strategic challenges from Iran ………………..public opinion. Iranian influence won’t expand-the plan just causes backlash against the US Kaye & Wehrey 11 – Dalia Dassa Kay, Senior Political Scientist at the RAND Corporation, and Frederic Wehrey, Senior Policy Analyst at RAND, July-August 2011, “Arab Spring, Persian Winter,” Foreign Affairs, Vol. 90, No. 4 Still, although Iran …………..nationalist legitimacy by turning to Iran. No bioweapons Mueller 6 - John Mueller, Professor of Political Science and International Relations at Ohio State, 06, Overblown p. 20-22 Properly developed and deployed, biological weapons could indeed, if ……………… easier he seems to think the task is." Prefer our ev Reynolds 5—Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute. Formerly Director of Economic Research at the Hudson Institute. AB in economics from UCLA. (Alan, The Fear Industry, 6 May 2007, http://www.cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=8234) Neither gentleman has been at all apologetic about his role in grossly exaggerating the likely …………………….has such agents or knows how to kill more than five people with them.
| 09/18/11 |
Syria Regime Change DA
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No perception of external conspiracy on behalf of the opposition now-it’s seen as genuinely indigenous Tamara Wittes 11, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs, U.S. Department of State, May 25, 2011, “TURMOIL IN SYRIA AND THE REGIONAL CONSEQUENCES,” online: http://www.carnegieendowment.org/files/Syria_transcript.pdf I think that what you’ve heard from my col……………….and discipline, I would say, in the face of this for their dignity. The U.S. is encouraging the opposition to unify now and we’re likely to engage them when they do-pushing too hard now triggers civil war David Ignatius 11 is a columnist for Washington Post Writers Group, July 21, 2011, “U.S. ponders strategy to support Syria,” online: http://www2.ljworld.com/news/2011/jul/21/us-ponders-strategy-support-syria/ As the Obama administration steps up its support for regime change in Syria, the Arab Spring is moving into what could be its hottest phase. The puzzle is how to help the Syrian opposition gain ……………… last week, in coordination with an exile meeting in Istanbul of the so-called National Salvation Council, but Syrian authorities blocked it. The regime will go down fighting-they’ll launch CBWs at Israel Itamar Rabinovich 11, Charles Bronfman Distinguished Nonresident Senior Fellow, Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, May 25, 2011, “TURMOIL IN SYRIA AND THE REGIONAL CONSEQUENCES,” online: http://www.carnegieendowment.org/files/Syria_transcript.pdf Now, let me go back for a moment to that Rami Makhlouf interview which I thought was extremely interesting, because there was a threat directed at us and at the United States, saying that…………….. This is not a reason for supporting the regime, but something that we need to ponder and worry about. The regime will externalize instability along the Lebanon-Israel border if it looks like they’re losing Paul Salem 11, Director, Carnegie Middle East Center, May 25, 2011, “TURMOIL IN SYRIA AND THE REGIONAL CONSEQUENCES,” online: http://www.carnegieendowment.org/files/Syria_transcript.pdf The regime threatens the consequences of …. narrative, and they would hope for some impact on that.
| 09/18/11 |
GSU Doubles
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Minter 8/18—investigative journalist and author of two NYT best-selling books. (18 August 2011, Richard, The "Arab Spring" Is A Jedi Mind Trick, http://www.forbes.com/sites/richardminiter/2011/08/18/the-exciting-notion-of-arab-spring-is-a-jedi-mind-trick/) MYTH: The Arab Revolution is about democracy. It is too soon to tell. Western observers forget the ancient ………………… have brought the radical Islamists to power. Indeed the political history of post-colonial Africa can be summed up in the maxim: “one man, one vote, one time.” Colston Reid, 8/19/11, Research Assistant at the Fund for Peace, independent, nonpartisan, 501(c)(3) non-profit research and educational organization that works to prevent violent conflict and promote sustainable security, “On Egyptian Democracy: Time to Start Organizing”, <http://www.fundforpeace.org/global/?q=node/176> Sadly, the revolution billed as Egypt’s rebirth …………………….. But for true democratic reform, that by itself may not be enough. Plan causes military crackdown---turns case Business Monitor, 2011, Risk Intelligence and Country analysis firm and Queen's Award for Export Achievement recipient, “Egypt Business Forecast Report”, 3rd Quarter, Chapter 1: Political Outlook As the current linchpin of domestic ……………….. government. Egyptian economic decline inev David Schenker, 7/5/11, senior fellow in Arab politics at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, “Egypt’s Enduring Challenges: The Economic Priority”, < http://www.thecuttingedgenews.com/index.php?article=52336&pageid=13&pagename=Analysis> Egypt’s perennial subsidies are also a ………………….. First, Egypt does not provide the subsidy directly to the people—it distributes subsidized flour to bakeries, a practice that has promoted extensive corruption. No US or Israel strike on Iran---their evidence ignores Israel’s true motives Zarrabi 11—conducted lectures and seminars on international affairs, particularly in relation to Iran, with focus on US/Iran issues. President, regional chapter of World Affairs Council of San Diego. Author of 2 books about Iran. (Kam, CRYING WOLF, AGAIN?, 9 June 2011, www.payvand.com/news/11/jun/1118.html) Portrayal of Iran as a marketable international threat …………………. more military and financial support from its big benefactor and to further postpone any prospects of a compromise with regard to its Palestinian dilemmas. COIN STRATEGY FAILS – IMPOSSIBLE TO WIN ON ENEMIES’ HOME TURN AND TO WIN HEARTS AND MINDS OF LOCALS Eland, Fellow and Director of the Independent Institute, ’09 [Ivan, “Why Most Counterinsurgency Wars Fail”,Nov.2009,http://www.independent.org/newsroom/article.asp?id=2659] denno In recent history, very few counterinsurgency …………………. of the U.S. long-term military presence, do not support a surge in U.S. forces, do not think it will defeat the Taliban, and thus support negotiating with the insurgents. In short, the rognosis is not good in either case. COIN REQUIRES TOO MANY BOOTS ON THE GROUND TO SOLVE – WE SHOULD CHANGE OUR STRATEGY – WE SHOULD NOT PROP UP NATION-BUILDING Timothy K. Hsia 10, writer for “At war: writing from the front lines” NY Times, graduate of the U.S. Military Academy. He is currently deployed on his second tour, “Rolling Stone Article’s True Focus: Counterinsurgency”, 6/23/10, [http://atwar.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/06/23/rolling-stone-articles-true-focus-counterinsurgency-coin/] imanol Counterinsurgency is simply too ……………………..strategic designs that require COIN and settle instead on containment. No risk—analysis proves developing countries are bigger threats Senior Fellow and Director, Program on International Institutions and Global Governance, CFR (Stewart M., Council on Foreign Relations, Washington Post, “Why Failed States Shouldn’t Be Our Biggest National Security Fear,” April 15, 2011, http://www.cfr.org/international-peace-and-security/why-failed-states-shouldnt-our-biggest-national-security-fear/p24689) In truth, while failed states may be worthy of ………………….. suffer from corruption and lack of government accountability but come nowhere near qualifying as failed states. Collapse of relations inevitable – any new government will establish credibility by repudiating Mubarak policies and the U.S. David Schenker, 7/25/11, senior fellow in Arab politics at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, “Egypt’s Enduring Challenges--Policy Recommendations”, <http://www.thecuttingedgenews.com/index.php?article=52459> Notwithstanding the prospect of an Amr Mousa …………………—and policy difficulties—for Washington. In effect, Egypt stands a good chance of looking like Turkey—minus, at least for now, the Islamist aspect—an important, albeit unreliable, friend. And, any further democracy assistance will collapse relations Kenneth Stice, 8/13/11, Staff Writer for Addicing Info, “Foreign Aid Greatly Damages Egyptian Relations”, <http://www.addictinginfo.org/2011/08/13/foreign-aid-greatly-damages-egyptian-relations/> Is foreign aid beneficial to U.S. foreign policy? If corporations can buy out U.S. politicians, then it makes sense that the U.S. could dramatically influence the policies of smaller countries. However, $65 million in ……………… too inept to produce any valuable results. America MUST care about its own citizens before throwing money at foreign, pointless causes. Heg not key to mid east stability Gause 11---Former visiting prof at Harvard. PhD in pol sci from Harvard. Prof of pol sci, U Vermont and was director of the University's Middle East Studies Program (Greg, Misdiagnosing the Middle East, 26 May 2011, nationalinterest.org/commentary/misdiagnosing-the-middle-east-5368?page=show) There is an alternative path, one that recognizes both our interests …………….are worth, and thus reconsider our basing arrangements in Bahrain. We can recognize that Hintjens 7 [Helen Hintjens is Lecturer in the Centre for Development Studies, University of Wales, “MDF Understanding Development Better,” http://udb.global-connections.nl/sites/udb.global-connections.nl/files/file/2923317.051%20-%20Position%20Paper%20Helen%20Hintjens.pdf] From Johan Galtung, famous Norwegian peace ‘guru’, still alive …………….“Structural violence…is neither natural nor inevitable”, p. 301 (Prontzos). Bilgin 4—Pinar BILGIN IR @ Bilikent AND Adam David MORTON Senior Lecturer and Fellow of the Centre for the Study of Social and Global Justice IR @ Nottingham ‘4 (“From ‘Rogue’ to ‘Failed’ States? The Fallacy of Short-termism” Politics 24 (3) p. Wiley Interscience//DN) Calls for alternative approaches to the phenomenon of ……………… the very structural conditions shaping the problems of 'failure' raised throughout the present discussion, which will demand lasting and delicate attention from practitioners across the academy and policymaking communities alike. if we win a link you should discount their impacts Dibyesh Anand 7 Reader, IR, U Westminster. PhD, politics, Bristol, Western Colonial Representations of the Other, http://staff.bath.ac.uk/ecsda/DAnandNPSArticleMar07.pdf Within the context of European imperialism, the issue of the…………….. and hierarchization, lead to the debasement and negation of most non-Western natives and idealization of some. Bilgin 4—Pinar BILGIN IR @ Bilikent AND Adam David MORTON Senior Lecturer and Fellow of the Centre for the Study of Social and Global Justice IR @ Nottingham ‘4 (“From ‘Rogue’ to ‘Failed’ States? The Fallacy of Short-termism” Politics 24 (3) p. Wiley Interscience//DN) Following the 11 September 2001 attacks against New York and Washington, DC and the war in Afghanistan, 'failed states' have once again come to the fore of US policy planning. Previously, within a brief 'universal moment' (Holm, 2001, p. 361) in the immediate aftermath of ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,processes, through which some states come to 'fail' while others 'succeed'. The aff isn’t necessary and only the alt solves Paul Jahshan 11, Notre Dame University, Zouk, Lebanon “The 2011 Arab Uprisings and the Persistence of Orientalism” The Arab World Geographer Volume 14, Number 2 / Summer 2011 July 18 That what the world is now witnessing is obviously a ……………………rid of the baltagiyya, wherever they may be. This Bilgin card is about to wreck their shit Bilgin 5 Assistant Prof of International Relations at Bilkent University, REGIONAL SECURITY IN THE MIDDLE EAST A CRITICAL PERSPECTIVE, p4- Stephen Walt’s study, The Origins of Alliances (1987) is a good example of …………….. form of balancing . . . occurred in inter-Arab relations’ (Walt 1987: 149).2
| 11/04/11 |
Harvard New Orientalism Cards
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Oil link Campbell 5, Professor of Cultural and Political Geography at Durham University, Between 1997-2004 he was Professor of International Politics at the University of Newcastle. He graduated with a PhD from the Australian National University. American Quarterly, Volume 57, Number 3, September 2005 In the wake of 9/11 the Bush administration has ……………, is a first step toward understanding the biopolitics of security. Taming uncertainty fails- NASSIM NICHOLAS TALEB 11 is Distinguished Professor of Risk Engineering at New York University's Polytechnic Institute and the author of The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable. MARK BLYTH is Professor of International Political Economy at Brown University. "The Black Swan of Cairo: how suppressing volatility makes the world less predictable and more dangerous." Foreign Affairs 90.3 (May-June 2011): p33 Gale Why is surprise the permanent condition of …………..the other guy, regardless of the actual, delayed cost.
| 11/04/11 |
Harvard Schmit V OU
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1nc The political is defined by relationships of enmity and the inevitability of violence---the goal of politics must be to limit but not eradicate war---liberalism’s attempt to supersede this inevitability collapses in on itself and denies an unequivocal truth about human nature, dissolving the political Rasch 5 – William Rasch, Professor of Germanic Studies at the University of Indiana, Spring 2005, “Lines in the Sand: Enmity as a Structuring Principle,” The South Atlantic Quarterly, Vol. 104, No. 2, p. 253-262 [ ] = modified In The Concept of the Political, Schmitt …………….. a state marked by imperfection, and that this imperfection manifests itself as violence and the guilt associated with it. Democracy assistance is an attempt to spread universal liberal values---this inevitably collapses into perverted presumptions of humanism that generate absolute enmity and recourse to total war Prozorov 6 – Sergei Prozorov, collegium fellow at the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, University of Helsinki, Professor of International Relations in the Department of International Relations, Faculty of Politics and Social Sciences, Petrozavodsk State University, Russia, 2006, “Liberal Enmity: The Figure of the Foe in the Political Ontology of Liberalism,” Millennium: Journal of International Studies, Vol. 35, No. 1, p. 75-99 The Savage and the Barbarian: Natural Liberty and Supplementary Violence Schmitt’s prophecy about the infinite plasticity of …………….. the foe is impossible unless it passes through the stage of an ontological critique of liberalism, hence the present importance of Schmitt. That generates total war through paranoia and genocidal conflicts of all against all Reinhard 4 – Kenneth Reinhard, Professor of Jewish Studies at UCLA, 2004, “Towards a Political Theology- Of the Neighbor,” online: http://www.cjs.ucla.edu/Mellon/Towards_Political_Theology.pdf If the concept of the political is defined, as …………….., would regain reassuring and ultimately appeasing contours, because they would be identifiable” (PF 83). Vote negative to reject democratic universalism in favor of pluralism and relationships of proper political enmity---spatial exclusion separates “us” from “them,” but in a way that recognizes the other’s legitimacy --- this limits conflict and prevents it from becoming total war Rasch 5 – William Rasch, Professor of Germanic Studies at the University of Indiana, Spring 2005, “Lines in the Sand: Enmity as a Structuring Principle,” The South Atlantic Quarterly, Vol. 104, No. 2, p. 253-262 In theory and practice, then, the individual is …………….. of absolute exclusion. 2NC Stuff The war on terror is only possible by denying authentic relations of enmity between ourselves and the terrorist ---they have legitimate political grievances, so the proper solution is the alternative’s level political playing field that allows for the productive expression of opposition between “us and them” Prozorov 6 – Sergei Prozorov, collegium fellow at the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, University of Helsinki, Professor of International Relations in the Department of International Relations, Faculty of Politics and Social Sciences, Petrozavodsk State University, Russia, 2006, “Liberal Enmity: The Figure of the Foe in the Political Ontology of Liberalism,” Millennium: Journal of International Studies, Vol. 35, No. 1, p. 75-99 The present hegemony of liberal ………………it passes through the stage of an ontological critique of liberalism, hence the present importance of Schmitt. Causes mass wars and violence in the name of liberalism and democracy Greg Johnson 11, Ph.D., is the Editor-in-Chief of Counter-Currents Publishing, Ltd. and North American New Right. "Reflections on Carl Schmitt’s The Concept of the Political" www.counter-currents.com/2011/02/reflections-on-carl-schmitts-the-concept-of-the-political/ Why the Political Cannot be Abolished If the political is rooted in human nature, ………………of violence as Communists, they are just less capable of honesty. Link Prozorov 7 – Sergei Prozorov, collegium fellow at the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, University of Helsinki, Professor of International Relations in the Department of International Relations, Faculty of Politics and Social Sciences, Petrozavodsk State University, Russia, 2007, “The ethos of insecure life: Reading Carl Schmitt’s existential decisionism as a Foucauldian ethics,” in The International Political Thought of Carl Schmitt, Edited by: Odysseos and Petito, p. 233-234 Nonetheless, one should not ………………not be erased in a search for reconciliation or consensus. Only this method enables accurate understandings of present and future politics Odysseos & Petito 7 – Louiza Odysseos, Senior Lecturer in International Relations, University of Sussex, and Fabio Petito, teaches International Relations at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London, and the University ‘L’Orientale’ in Naples, 2007, “Introduction The international political thought of Carl Schmitt,” in The International Political Thought of Carl Schmitt, Edited by: Odysseos and Petito, p. 3 Second, what is really at stake in ………………nomos of the earth arises. And academics and citizens should embrace the politics of political enmity---this is the only way to resolve global war of all against all Odysseos 7 – Louiza Odysseos, Senior Lecturer in International Relations, University of Sussex, 2007, “Crossing the line?: Carl Schmitt on the ‘spaceless universalism’ of cosmopolitanism and the War on Terror,” in The International Political Thought of Carl Schmitt, Edited by: Odysseos and Petito, p. 140 Responding to the processes of current ………………the precipitous consequences of unjust enmity. The perm only affirms enmity as an object to be transformed into friendship---this is endemic to the prject of democratization---that destroys the stability of international politics by generating ever-new exclusions Prozorov 6 – Sergei Prozorov, collegium fellow at the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, University of Helsinki, Professor of International Relations in the Department of International Relations, Faculty of Politics and Social Sciences, Petrozavodsk State University, Russia, 2006, “Liberal Enmity: The Figure of the Foe in the Political Ontology of Liberalism,” Millennium: Journal of International Studies, Vol. 35, No. 1, p. 75-99 The emergence of ultra-politics as the ………………and urgency, as ‘liberal internationalism’ increasingly becomes an oxymoron. Empirics and good scholarship prove our impact---the refusal to draw spatial lines is linked to the most violent and unlimited outbreaks of war in history Odysseos 7 – Louiza Odysseos, Senior Lecturer in International Relations, University of Sussex, 2007, “Crossing the line?: Carl Schmitt on the ‘spaceless universalism’ of cosmopolitanism and the War on Terror,” in The International Political Thought of Carl Schmitt, Edited by: Odysseos and Petito, p. 128-129 Schmitt had argued vehemently against the ‘………………and exclusions, as is arguably occurring within the current environment of the War on Terror. Wars of annihilation are only made possible by denying proper relations of enmity to our enemies Odysseos & Petito 7 – Louiza Odysseos, Senior Lecturer in International Relations, University of Sussex, and Fabio Petito, teaches International Relations at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London, and the University ‘L’Orientale’ in Naples, 2007, “Introduction The international political thought of Carl Schmitt,” in The International Political Thought of Carl Schmitt, Edited by: Odysseos and Petito, p. 6-8 Highlighting in the Nomos both ………………of modern criminal law. A proper conception of enmity’s key to bracketing war and restraining conflict Brown 7 – Chris Brown, Professor of International Relations and Convenor of the International Relations Department at the London School of Economics, 2007, “From humanized war to humanitarian intervention Carl Schmitt’s critique of the Just War Tradition,” in The International Political Thought of Carl Schmitt, Edited by: Odysseos and Petito, p. 59-60 The line of argument here is immediately………………becomes strictly optional.6 The alternative is the only way to resolve the current concrete embodiment of the state of exception---all their Agamben business is caused by the denial of properly political relations of enmity---we don’t see our enemies as legitimate competitors which legitimizes exceptional tactics in the first place---all our links prove the aff radicalizes the state of exception while the alternative limits it Rasch 5 – William Rasch, Professor of Germanic Studies at the University of Indiana, Spring 2005, “Introduction: Carl Schmitt and the New World Order,” The South Atlantic Quarterly, Vol. 104, No. 2, p. 177-183 As Giorgio Agamben rightly ………………, only as ‘‘terror.’’
| 11/04/11 |
Harvard Detainee Politics
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Obama’s fighting hard to convince Congress to allow civilian terror trials – capital’s key to trigger a workable compromise A.P. 10-5, 2011 Obama, Congress divided over terror suspects, by DONNA CASSATA, Associated Press – Oct 5, 2011 http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5icHVlvOlg6reghe4EueeElNno8rw?docId=d667f9c0a3184ccab883450d2274297c WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration has tracked down and …………compromise to deal with the detainee provision problems. Obama’s strategy’s succeeding --- ensures civilian trials Simon 10/24 (Amanda Simon, ACLU, 10/24/11, Momentum Building Against NDAA Detention Provision, http://www.aclu.org/blog/national-security/momentum-building-against-ndaa-detention-provision) Momentum Building ………….. everything we can to make sure that happens. Add your voice to the opposition by contacting your Senator now. Congress will backlash to the plan---multiple reasons---previous aid was already appropriated and prior to debt concerns---and, it has to go through congress even if it’s providing already appropriated funds Nathan Guttman 11 Jewish Daily "Congress Wielding Foreign Aid Budget in Effort to Influence Shape of New Middle East" May 27 www.forward.com/articles/137826/ Congress’s power of the purse is ……………. George W. Bush and Ariel Sharon in 2002. Preserving the option of civilian trials is key to winning the War on Terror --- presidential flexibility is vital Stimson 10-17, 2011--Senior Legal Fellow. Center for Legal and Judicial Studies October 17, 2011, Common-Sense Principles for Detainee Policy, Charles Stimson http://www.heritage.org/Research/Reports/2011/10/Common-Sense-Principles-for-Detainee-Policy Congress will soon debate proposed …………… the bounds of Supreme Court precedent, treaty obligations, the laws of war, and common sense. Unchecked terrorism is the only thing that can undermine hegemony---no peer competitors Newmann 11 – William W. Newmann, associate professor at the L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs of Virginia Commonwealth University, Fall 2011, “Hegemonic Disruption: The Asymmetric Challenge to US Leadership,” Strategic Studies Quarterly, p. 67-101 In the absence of a “peer competitor,” …………….. balancing against or challenging the hegemon through proselytizing and/or violence, a type of asymmetric balancing.
| 11/04/11 |
Harvard Egypt Condition CP
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The United States federal government should issue a diplomatic statement promising the recognition of the outcome of the Egyptian elections as legitimate regardless of participation by the Freedom and Justice party. The statement should promise a policy of peaceful relations and non-intervention but should threaten coercive retaliation, including a reduction of aid, if the Egyptian government participates in conflicts beyond Egypt’s borders, including but not limited to it instigating conflicts with Israel. After the elections the federal government will offer the distribution of civil society support to Egyptian democratic non-governmental organizations only if the government agrees to cooperate with the United States on ensuring regional security and adhering to the above criteria. The United States should require and issue a statement of support for a peaceful relationship with Israel. The federal government should issue statements of praise or condemnation for the Egyptian military contingent on their compliance with the CP They misread their 1AC card---they only incorrectly do half of the proposal---the CP communicates redlines to the MB and then provides assistance contingent on not violating those red-lines Trager 11 Eric, Washington Institute, September/October, “The Unbreakable Muslim Brotherhood: Grim Prospects for a Liberal Egypt” Foreign Affairs, http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/templateC06.php?CID=1704 Precisely because the Muslim …………… Tahrir Square fought so valiantly. Plan triggers politics but CP avoids it Mowbray 11 Joel Mowbray is an adjunct fellow with the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies. "MOWBRAY: Deceit on the Nile" June 2 www.washingtontimes.com/news/2011/jun/2/deceit-on-the-nile/?page=all For the first time in a generation, …………“our national interests [being] addressed properly.” They say yes empirically---and, conditioning all assistance is key so the perm doesn’t solve Mowbray 11 Joel Mowbray is an adjunct fellow with the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies. "MOWBRAY: Deceit on the Nile" June 2 www.washingtontimes.com/news/2011/jun/2/deceit-on-the-nile/?page=all Congress has been down this road …………..will contain other conditions to help keep Egypt in the U.S. orbit. And, ONLY the CP solves the case---they’ll pocket the plan and perm without changing their foreign policy Mowbray 11 Joel Mowbray is an adjunct fellow with the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies. "MOWBRAY: Deceit on the Nile" June 2 www.washingtontimes.com/news/2011/jun/2/deceit-on-the-nile/?page=all One idea being discussed is ensuring ……………is that Congress won’t let Egypt slip away without a fight.
| 11/04/11 |
Harvard SCAF DA
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The plan triggers a backlash by the SCAF---it’s perceived as interference Sharp 11 – Jeremy M. Sharp, Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs at the Congressional Research Service, August 23, 2011, “Egypt in Transition,” online: http://fpc.state.gov/documents/organization/171381.pdf Controversy over U.S. Democracy ……..the current charged political climate. That causes them to radicalize their foreign policy and collapses relations Martini & Taylor 11 JEFF MARTINI is a Project Associate at the RAND Corporation. AND JULIE TAYLOR is a Political Scientist at the RAND Corporation. “Commanding Democracy in Egypt” Foreign Affairs, Sep/Oct2011, Vol. 90, Issue 5 EBSCO Yet the United States' …………. the United States can do little to change. Relations high now but backlash crushes overall hegemony, causes Israel war, and prevents Iranian containment---it’s a bigger and faster internal link to the case WOOD 11 DAVID WOOD Chief Military Correspondent for Politics Daily “At Risk in Egypt's Turmoil: U.S. Military Access to the Middle East” www.politicsdaily.com/2011/02/05/at-risk-in-egypts-turmoil-u-s-military-access-to-the-middle-e/ Three hundred combat-armed paratroopers ………….the [U.S. and Egyptian] services will continue.'' Naval power independently solves great power war Conway et al 7 James T., General, U.S. Marine Corps, Gary Roughead, Admiral, U.S. Navy, Thad W. Allen, Admiral, U.S. Coast Guard, “A Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower,” October, http://www.navy.mil/maritime/MaritimeStrategy.pdf No other disruption is as ………………… forces, sea control and power projection enable extended campaigns ashore. Timeframe and probability---US has just enough influence to keep Israeli peace and access to military ties---this is their schenker evidence---any power change will trigger our impacts Schenker 9/15 David Schenker is Aufizen fellow and director of the Program on Arab Politics at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy “Washington’s Limited Influence in Egypt”September 15 www.weeklystandard.com/print/blogs/washington-s-limited-influence-egypt_593552.html?nopager=1 Notwithstanding devoting more than 30 years and $60 billion to …………………….. its weight in Cairo. Given its diminished influence, Washington would be best advised to prioritize judiciously. They don’t access hard-power---it doesn’t matter if people don’t like the US if we can impose our military agenda on the region---that’s a bigger i/l than the aff Adelman 11—Master’s and PhD from Georgetown’s School. Frmr director of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, former Ambassador to the UN, and former member of Pentagon's Defense Policy Board (6/18/11, Ken, Not-So-Smart Power, http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/04/18/not_so_smart_power) I didn't hear of similar activities from soft-…………………….thinking seem soft, if not altogether squishy. DA turns case more than the case solves---this card cites their 1AC author---giving credibility to liberal groups won’t solve anything---it’s all about the SCAF Kurtz 11 Stanley Kurtz is a Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center graduated from Haverford College and holds a Ph.D. in social anthropology from Harvard University. "Inside Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood" Sept 6 www.nationalreview.com/corner/276382/inside-egypts-muslim-brotherhood-stanley-kurtz# Trager wants the United States to help ……………………… liberal renaissance the revolution itself could not. SCAF backlash causes an anti-american campaign that destroys US cred and turns case Richter & Fleishman 11 Paul Richter and Jeffrey Fleishman, Los Angeles Times "U.S. pro-democracy effort rubs many in Egypt the wrong way" articles.latimes.com/2011/aug/10/world/la-fg-us-egypt-20110811 Reporting from Washington and Cairo — Six months after pro-democracy ……………………….. the George W. Bush administration, according to a July survey by Zogby International. That means they won’t even accept the aid Richter & Fleishman 11 Paul Richter and Jeffrey Fleishman, Los Angeles Times "U.S. pro-democracy effort rubs many in Egypt the wrong way" articles.latimes.com/2011/aug/10/world/la-fg-us-egypt-20110811 Gen. Hassan Roweini, another member of the council, ………………… is creating this hypersensitivity, and no one wants to be accused of being a spy." It also proves low cred takes out the case but not our DA Richter & Fleishman 11 Paul Richter and Jeffrey Fleishman, Los Angeles Times "U.S. pro-democracy effort rubs many in Egypt the wrong way" articles.latimes.com/2011/aug/10/world/la-fg-us-egypt-20110811 Egypt's reform advocates are split on ……………….. science professor at American University in Cairo. "The U.S. did not influence the revolution." And, military relations key to stabilizing the transition and the economy Schenker 7/25 David Schenker is the Aufzien fellow and director of the Program on Arab Politics at The Washington Institute "Egypt’s Enduring Challenges--Policy Recommendations" July 25 2011 www.thecuttingedgenews.com/index.php?article=52459&pageid=&pagename= Given the uncertainties related to the transition— and …………………… hardships at home, Washington should be prepared to offer immediate humanitarian and economic assistance for the people of Egypt that exceeds the $250 million appropriated last year. Egyptian military relations and basing access is key to solving Iran war, preventing Iraqi civil war, Afghanistan presence, and shoring up US conventional deterrence WOOD 11 DAVID WOOD Chief Military Correspondent for Politics Daily “At Risk in Egypt's Turmoil: U.S. Military Access to the Middle East” www.politicsdaily.com/2011/02/05/at-risk-in-egypts-turmoil-u-s-military-access-to-the-middle-e/ But in contingencies or crises, American forces ……………… missions from distant land bases in Turkey or Europe. And longer missions mean fewer daily sorties. Afghan instability causes nuke war Carafano 10 James Jay is a senior research fellow for national security at The Heritage Foundation and directs its Allison Center for Foreign Policy Studies, “Con: Obama must win fast in Afghanistan or risk new wars across the globe,” Jan 2 http://gazettextra.com/news/2010/jan/02/con-obama-must-win-fast-afghanistan-or-risk-new-wa/ We can expect similar results if Obama’s ……………… NATO might well fall apart. Europe could be left with only a puny EU military force incapable of defending the interests of its nations. Relations key to sustainable transition---turns internal stability Djerejian 11 Interviewee: Edward P. Djerejian, Director of the James A. Baker III Institute of Public Policy, Rice University, Interviewer: Bernard Gwertzman, Consulting Editor, CFR.org "Assessing U.S. Leadership in Mideast" Sept 22 www.cfr.org/middle-east/assessing-us-leadership-mideast/ The Obama administration has tactically ………………….. groups or individuals may try to hijack the process. But in the long arc of history, the Middle East has most likely embarked on a better path. Stability is on the brink but the SCAF is moderated and will keep peace with Israel and the US Wisner 9/13 Frank G. Wisner is a retired career diplomat, sent message from Obama for Mubarak to step down. INTERVIEWED BY: Bernard Gwertzman, Consulting Editor www.cfr.org/egypt/repairing-egypt-israel-breach/p25841 Egyptian anger against Israel boiled over in a September 9 ./……………… issue for Egypt and they will do their best to maintain it. Resiliency not responsive Schenker 11 David Schenker is the Aufzien fellow and director of the Program on Arab Politics at The Washington Institute "Egypt’s Enduring Challenges as it Faces the United States" July 18 www.thecuttingedgenews.com/index.php?article=52417&pageid=&pagename= In an effort to reinvigorate Egypt’s regional standing, Mubarak’s successor might find it expedient to follow the Turkish model and rediscover Nasserism. The former leader remains a revered icon in Egypt. For Washington, a more robust Egyptian foreign policy would doubtless be a welcome change, but a return to Nasserism—or any shift out of the Western orbit—……………., Turkey, and Egypt—would be at odds with the United States. Military aid doesn’t buy resiliency---SCAF decisions are based on pragmatism and self-preservation---our links prove the aff alters their calculations of prudence---and, if they cause the military to return to the barracks that collapses influence Schenker 9/15 David Schenker is Aufizen fellow and director of the Program on Arab Politics at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy “Washington’s Limited Influence in Egypt”September 15 www.weeklystandard.com/print/blogs/washington-s-limited-influence-egypt_593552.html?nopager=1 Putting aside White House claims of ………………. Cairo will become even more tenuous when (and if) the military eventually returns to the barracks. SCAF backlash is unique---the U.S. is cozying up to them Joshua Stacher 10-11, Assistant Professor of Political Science in the Department of Political Science at Kent State University, October 11, 2011, “Blame the SCAF for Egypt's problems,” online: http://mideast.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/10/11/blame_the_scaf_for_egypts_problems The SCAF and its powerful foreign ……………….. Tantawi, during his visit to Cairo on October 4. Obviously turns the case---the SCAF will label any recipient of the plan as an illegal group and literally abolish them Stephen McIerney 9-28, Executive Director of the Project on Middle East Democracy, September 28, 2011, “SCAF’s Assault on Egypt’s Civil Society,” online: http://mideast.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/09/28/scaf_s_assault_on_egypt_s_civil_society In recent months, the SCAF has dramatically escalated ……………… dared during Mubarak's despotic rule. The SCAF will destroy anything that looks like a liberal group that might threaten it Thanassis Cambanis 10-11, teaches at Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs, October 11, 2011, “How Liberals Are Losing the Battle for Egypt's Future,” online: http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2011/10/how-liberals-are-losing-the-battle-for-egypts-future/246401/ Eight months after a euphoric wave of people power …………. control as harsh -- or, in the case of widespread military trials for civilians, harsher -- than those employed by Mubarak. The SCAF DA turns their argument that the plan solves street protests---denial by the SCAF causes the opposition to radicalize and arm themselves---obviously way worse for protests STRATFOR 10-12 – Strategic Forecasting, October 12, 2011, “STRATFOR’s take on Cairo Riots,” online: http://tacstrat.com/content/?p=5215 At this point, it is unclear whether the military ………………. military regime if they are denied their political opening. \ Relations between the SCAF and the MB will be stable now---conflict flips the case and jacks Egyptian stability Manuel Almeida 10-12, PhD candidate at the Department of International Relations of the London School of Economics and Political Science, October 12, 2011, “The Brothers and the Generals,” online: http://www.majalla.com/eng/2011/10/article55226785 Much of the future political stability of ……………….an obstacle to the democratic revolution. Good relations with the military are key to moderate the MB Samuel Tadros 10-18, Research Fellow at the Hudson Institute, October 18, 2011, “Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood After the Revolution,” online: http://www.currenttrends.org/research/detail/egypts-muslim-brotherhood-after-the-revolution The military's short term goals have …………………. that day and leave those men to their fate.
| 11/04/11 |
Harvard Egypt No Solvency
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The SCAF will ignore demands from liberal protestors and escalate repression in response to the plan Stephen McIerney 9-28, Executive Director of the Project on Middle East Democracy, September 28, 2011, “SCAF’s Assault on Egypt’s Civil Society,” online: http://mideast.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/09/28/scaf_s_assault_on_egypt_s_civil_society Civil society is an essential component …………are working on behalf of foreign agendas. U.S. civil society support doesn’t change the SCAF’s calculus on the transition---no reason it stops them from cracking down Stephen McIerney 9-28, Executive Director of the Project on Middle East Democracy, September 28, 2011, “SCAF’s Assault on Egypt’s Civil Society,” online: http://mideast.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/09/28/scaf_s_assault_on_egypt_s_civil_society Whether the U.S. administration chooses //////////////to unequivocally stand up for their rights. The SCAF obviously doesn’t believe it’s in their interests to facilitate a transition---the plan does nothing that would change that calculus because it doesn’t affect SCAF interests in any positive way Khalil al-Anani 10-20, Researcher at the School of Government and International Affairs, Durham University, October 20, 2011, “Egypt’s Souring Transition,” online: http://www.geopoliticalmonitor.com/egypts-souring-transition-4506 For the junta, the transition is not ………..to construct real progress towards a sustainable democracy. ***Weak liberal groups are not the cause of the stalled transition---the SCAF is deliberately rigging the game to maintain power---means nothing the aff can do will solve or convince them otherwise Joshua Stacher 10-11, Assistant Professor of Political Science in the Department of Political Science at Kent State University, October 11, 2011, “Blame the SCAF for Egypt's problems,” online: http://mideast.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/10/11/blame_the_scaf_for_egypts_problems This myth about Egypt's transition runs deep…………now vehemently oppose the SCAF. Structural factors swamp the plan’s ability to boost liberal groups FT 10-19 – Financial Times, October 19, 2011, “Brotherhood defends election strategy,” online: http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/77b8566e-fa60-11e0-b70d-00144feab49a.html#axzz1bST15HoN All political forces in Egypt have criticised the /………….those backed by traditional forces such as family alliances and tribes. Their “SCAF crackdowns” argument is backwards---it’s triggered by fear of political transition which obviously the aff worsens Eric Trager 10-11, The Washington Institute's Ira Weiner fellow, doctoral candidate in political science at the University of Pennsylvania, October 11, 2011, “Action by Egypt's Military Rulers against Copts Endangers Transition,” online: http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/templateC05.php?CID=3408 Recent actions by the SCAF ……….sectarian violence for political gain. SCAF’s reached a compromise with protestors to hold Parliamentary elections now but delay the Presidential election---it’s key to prevent Egypt-Israel war---empowering the opposition means they’ll demand a fast Presidential election J-Post 10-10 – Jerusalem Post, October 10, 2011, “Egypt’s shaky rule,” online: http://www.jpost.com/Opinion/Editorials/Article.aspx?id=241227 Still, whether or not democratic elections ………….reality, it could lead to further bloodshed and strife.
| 11/04/11 |
Harvard MB Moderate
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Brotherhood is pragmatic and won’t provoke war with Israel Guttman 11 Nathan Guttman is the Washington correspondent for the Jerusalem Post. "Muslim Brotherhood: In Egypt, a Pragmatic Player, but Less Likely To Rule" Feb 09 www.forward.com/articles/135318/ Although proponents of democracy can …………….. for including the Muslim Brotherhood in talks between the outgoing leadership and the opposition groups in Egypt. Perception of US strength means they’ll support Israeli peace Guttman 11 Nathan Guttman is the Washington correspondent for the Jerusalem Post. "Muslim Brotherhood: In Egypt, a Pragmatic Player, but Less Likely To Rule" Feb 09 www.forward.com/articles/135318/ Indeed, the group is clear in its ……………..the peace with Israel reflects the consensus in Egypt.” ***Also in CP solvency And, even if they’re virally anti-semitic pragmatism will prevail in their foreign policy---their rise to power will temper them and draw them closer to the United States which means they won’t renege on the peace treaty Fiore 11 Massimiliano Fiore is a Fellow at the Department of War Studies, King's College London, where he teaches on the BA and MA programs “How Israel Can Turn the Unrest in the Middle East into an Opportunity for Peacemaking” IAI WORKING PAPERS 11 | 05 – March 2011 www.iai.it/pdf/DocIAI/iaiwp1105.pdf Although the Brotherhood is ……………..that of Turkey's Justice and Development Party.
| 11/04/11 |
Harvard Yes Egyptian Stability
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Internal stability now Wisner 9/13 Interviewed By: Frank G. Wisner, External Affairs, AIG Inc. AND Bernard Gwertzman, Consulting Editor www.cfr.org/egypt/repairing-egypt-israel-breach/p25841 Are you concerned about ……………..history over thousands of years. Polls prove---there’s massive support for the current government direction---no one cares about the election, only the economy Tessler & Robbins 9/20 Mark Tessler is Samuel J. Eldersveld Collegiate Professor of Political Science and Vice-Provost for International Affairs at the University of Michigan. AND Michael Robbins is a Ph.D. Candidate in Political Science at the University of Michigan and a former Dubai Initiative Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School. "What Egyptians mean by democracy" Sept 20 mideast.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/09/20/what_egyptians_mean_by_democracy Egyptian activists took to the streets ……………..of the respondents agreed that the revolution would achieve the objective. This means there won’t be revolts against the SCAF Tessler & Robbins 9/20 Mark Tessler is Samuel J. Eldersveld Collegiate Professor of Political Science and Vice-Provost for International Affairs at the University of Michigan. AND Michael Robbins is a Ph.D. Candidate in Political Science at the University of Michigan and a former Dubai Initiative Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School. "What Egyptians mean by democracy" Sept 20 mideast.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/09/20/what_egyptians_mean_by_democracy The Arab Barometer survey makes clear that, ……………..should instead take heed of the overwhelming focus on the economy and the hope for a better future.
| 11/04/11 |
Harvard Yes SCAF control
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The military will keep a hold on power---it’ll control the direction of Egypt’s foreign policy Martini & Taylor 11 JEFF MARTINI is a Project Associate at the RAND Corporation. AND JULIE TAYLOR is a Political Scientist at the RAND Corporation. “Commanding Democracy in Egypt” Foreign Affairs, Sep/Oct2011, Vol. 90, Issue 5 EBSCO MANY OF the iconic images from Egypt's revolution ……………..--and bear the brunt of any public displeasure. They’ll be moderate and maintain peace with Israel NPR 11 “Egypt Military Promises To Abide By Peace Deal” Feb 12 www.wbur.org/2011/02/12/egypt-14 Egypt’s ruling military …………….., to permit an elected civil authority to be in charge of the country, to build a democratic free nation,” he said. They can push the brotherhood any way they want Rosen 11 Armin Rosen The New Republic “Cairo Dispatch: Can Egypt’s Liberals Challenge the Military’s Hegemony?” Aug 15 www.tnr.com/print/article/93642/egypt-liberals-military-cairo [ ] = edit It’s unsurprising, then, that many ……………..deal with them.” And, they’ll ensure political pluralism---that cements their power and limits the civilian government’s Martini & Taylor 11 JEFF MARTINI is a Project Associate at the RAND Corporation. AND JULIE TAYLOR is a Political Scientist at the RAND Corporation. “Commanding Democracy in Egypt” Foreign Affairs, Sep/Oct2011, Vol. 90, Issue 5 EBSCO Yet the break between the generals and ……………..gained from Mubarak's privatization campaign and has threatened the military's political position. They can’t solve SCAF control---they’ll go down swinging---the population is pro-SCAF and against the revolution---they’ll acquiesce to military dominance because of perceived security and because they oppose foreign involvement Al Malky 9/23 Rania Al Malky is the Chief Editor of Daily News Egypt. "What have we achieved?" Sept 23 thedailynewsegypt.com/editorial/what-have-we-achieved.html As news emerges of the sudden return of ……………..agenda having received “revolution training” abroad. Zero chance of a violent revolution against the military Anderson 11—IR prof, Columbia. Former Assistant Professor of Government and Social Studies at Harvard University. PhD from Columbia (Lisa, Demystifying the Arab Spring, June 2011, Foreign Affaris Vol. 90 Issue 3, p2-7; 6p) As it assumed control of Egypt after Mubarak's downfall, the army ……………..should give one cause for optimism today about the new Egypt's potential to build and sustain an open society.
| 11/04/11 |
Harvard IMET CP
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The United States Department of Defense should offer a substantial package of security assistance, including but not limited to programs aimed at increasing professionalism, civil-military relations, and respect for human rights modeled on the Expanded-International Military Education and Training Program to Egypt. It competes: The State Department funds and implements E-IMET Nina M. Serafino 8, Specialist in International Security Affairs, Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Trade Division, Congressional Research Service, November 25, 2008, “Section 1206 of the National Defense Authorization Act for FY2006: A Fact Sheet on Department of Defense Authority to Train and Equip Foreign Military Forces,” online: http://fpc.state.gov/documents/organization/115954.pdf State Department programs under which …………………referred to as FY2009 DOD Summary Justification. The CP’s primary purpose is security assistance---it’s distinct from a governance approach Adams 11—Professor in the US Foreign Policy Program at the School of International Service, American University. Was Associate Director for National Security and International Affairs at the Office of Management and Budget, the senior White House budget official for national security—and—Rebecca Williams—Research Associate for the Henry L. Stimson Center's Budgeting for Foreign Affairs and Defense program. Stimson’s Budgeting for Foreign Affairs and Defense program held three off-therecord discussions in 2009 with a working group of key executive branch officials, Congressional committee staff, and outside experts who explored how to strengthen State/USAID capacities in the area of security assistance, redefine civilian and DOD responsibilities for these programs, and craft an appropriate balance between the departments (Gordon, A New Way Forward, March 2011, www.stimson.org/images/uploads/A_New_Way_Forward_Final.pdf) There are two approaches …………………are consistent with such a framework. Solves the case and avoids politics because of built-in DOD flexibility and internal DOD budgeting Adams 11—Professor in the US Foreign Policy Program at the School of International Service, American University. Was Associate Director for National Security and International Affairs at the Office of Management and Budget, the senior White House budget official for national security—and—Rebecca Williams—Research Associate for the Henry L. Stimson Center's Budgeting for Foreign Affairs and Defense program. Stimson’s Budgeting for Foreign Affairs and Defense program held three off-therecord discussions in 2009 with a working group of key executive branch officials, Congressional committee staff, and outside experts who explored how to strengthen State/USAID capacities in the area of security assistance, redefine civilian and DOD responsibilities for these programs, and craft an appropriate balance between the departments (Gordon, A New Way Forward, March 2011, www.stimson.org/images/uploads/A_New_Way_Forward_Final.pdf) The need for flexibility and agility…………………authorities to meet more urgent requirements. The CP solves far better than the plan---lack of State capacity means the plan overstretches their ability to implement all IMET programs---DOD’s comparatively better and it avoids politics Adams 11—Professor in the US Foreign Policy Program at the School of International Service, American University. Was Associate Director for National Security and International Affairs at the Office of Management and Budget, the senior White House budget official for national security—and—Rebecca Williams—Research Associate for the Henry L. Stimson Center's Budgeting for Foreign Affairs and Defense program. Stimson’s Budgeting for Foreign Affairs and Defense program held three off-therecord discussions in 2009 with a working group of key executive branch officials, Congressional committee staff, and outside experts who explored how to strengthen State/USAID capacities in the area of security assistance, redefine civilian and DOD responsibilities for these programs, and craft an appropriate balance between the departments (Gordon, A New Way Forward, March 2011, www.stimson.org/images/uploads/A_New_Way_Forward_Final.pdf) The disparity of institutional capacities: …………………and implementing these programs, supported by the DSCA. No solvency deficits---DOD has implemented programs exactly modeled on IMET in Iraq and Afghanistan---and it’s not perceived as foreign aid Adams 11—Professor in the US Foreign Policy Program at the School of International Service, American University. Was Associate Director for National Security and International Affairs at the Office of Management and Budget, the senior White House budget official for national security—and—Rebecca Williams—Research Associate for the Henry L. Stimson Center's Budgeting for Foreign Affairs and Defense program. Stimson’s Budgeting for Foreign Affairs and Defense program held three off-therecord discussions in 2009 with a working group of key executive branch officials, Congressional committee staff, and outside experts who explored how to strengthen State/USAID capacities in the area of security assistance, redefine civilian and DOD responsibilities for these programs, and craft an appropriate balance between the departments (Gordon, A New Way Forward, March 2011, www.stimson.org/images/uploads/A_New_Way_Forward_Final.pdf) The United States provides military …………………$10 billion in FY2010. AT PERM CP Proves that they aren’t topical because their primary purpose isn’t democracy---kills precision and topic education---vote neg Richard Lappin 10 is Ph. D candidiate at Leuven Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studiesnell Medical Center. "What We Talk About When We Talk About Democracy Assistance: The Problem of Definition in Post-Conflict Approaches" CEJISS 2010 V4 Issue 1 www.cejiss.org/issue/2010-volume-4-issue-1/lappin Problems Resulting From Definitional Uncertainty Establishing the definitional clarity of …………………of post-conflict democracy assistance can be drawn. Plan triggers Congressional backlash over State Department funding---the CP’s is neutral because the DOD has slush-funds---even if the plan trades off, it still causes backlash because Congress thinks it trades off with more important things Adams 11—Professor in the US Foreign Policy Program at the School of International Service, American University. Was Associate Director for National Security and International Affairs at the Office of Management and Budget, the senior White House budget official for national security—and—Rebecca Williams—Research Associate for the Henry L. Stimson Center's Budgeting for Foreign Affairs and Defense program. Stimson’s Budgeting for Foreign Affairs and Defense program held three off-therecord discussions in 2009 with a working group of key executive branch officials, Congressional committee staff, and outside experts who explored how to strengthen State/USAID capacities in the area of security assistance, redefine civilian and DOD responsibilities for these programs, and craft an appropriate balance between the departments (Gordon, A New Way Forward, March 2011, www.stimson.org/images/uploads/A_New_Way_Forward_Final.pdf) Congress has been willing to …………………on humanitarian and refugee needs.
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Round Reports
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Neg: NU BMRound #8 Tournament: WakeVs Team: Kansas KKJudge: Herndon Off Case Args:SKFTA CP Orientialism Asia Summit Disad T- Governance Aspec Case Args:Defense Block Strategy:Case Prolif Good Asia Summit Disad T- Governance 2nr Strategy:Asia Summit Prolif Good Neg: NU BMRound # 5 Tournament: WakeVs Team: Loyola BMJudge: Eddie Fitzgerald Off Case Args:Framework -debates about arab spring good Schmitt Case Args:Some truths in the world Block Strategy:2nc framework 1nr Schmitt 2nr Strategy:Framework Neg: NU BM Round # 4 Shirley Vs team Liberty GW Judge Polin Off Case Args: T go to specific parties CP Condition on inclusion K orientialism Da politics PTC DA sectarianism Case args Defense on all advs Kiss of death on solvency Block strategy T cp, K 2NR Strategy T, CP Neg: NU BMRound # 1 Tournament: ShirleyVs Team: Towson RWJudge: Nick Fiori Off Case Args: framework Case Args: turns (exclusion, skepticism, orientalism, student engagement) Block Strategy: 2nc - framework and 2ac adv flow, 1nr - case 2nr Strategy: framework and case turns
| 11/12/11 |
Syria Neg
- Tournament: Wake | Round: 4 | Opponent: Liberty | Judge: Polin
Topical affs can only facilitate party pluralism in totality---it can’t aid specific partiesCooper Drury 10 is Tower Fellow and Visiting Assistant Professor, the John G. Tower Center for Political Studies, Department of Political Science, Southern Methodist University, Dallas Texas. AND James Scott is Professor of Political Science and Professor of Anthropology at Yale and is Director of the Agrarian Studies Program AND Dursun Peksen is assistant professor of political science at East Carolina University. Conference Papers -- International Studies Association, 2010 Annual Meeting, p1, 22p, http://www.allacademic.com//meta/p_mla_apa_research_citation/4/1/5/1/5/pages415157/p415157-1.php Democracy assistance is …. democratic governance will become stronger.
And, precision---our definition is from 3 professors with an intent to define and exclude assistance to specific groups---precision goodRichard Lappin 10 is Ph. D candidiate at Leuven Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies U of Leuven. "What We Talk About When We Talk About Democracy Assistance: The Problem of Definition in Post-Conflict Approaches" CEJISS 2010 V4 Issue 1 www.cejiss.org/issue/2010-volume-4-issue-1/lappin By the end of the 1990s, the term ‘…. and in practice, will ultimately be undermined. Carl Gershman 6, President, National Endowment for Democracy to the Committee on Foreign Relations, UnitedStates Senate "The Backlash against Democracy Assistance" Jun 8www.ned.org/about/board/meet-our-president/archived-remarks-and-presentations/060806 NED's position has always been that .................. that the offensive against democratization, and particularly against forms of internationally-funded democracy assistance, predates the color revolutions. Only the counterplan makes the SNC legitimate and solves civil warACRP 10/16 --- Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies (The Reality of the Syrian Opposition and Current and Future Challenges, 10/16/11, english.dohainstitute.org/Home/Details/5ea4b31b-155d-4a9f-8f4d-a5b428135cd5/20dab3f0-2f8c-47a3-83a6-730d777c5ce2) The step of forming the National … excuse for authoritarian regimes. CP The United States Federal Government should promise political organization training to the Syrian National Council on the condition that the Syrian National Council elect a leadership substantially reflective of the basic ethnic and religious makeup of Syrian society. [in regime DA] Hassan 11 – Hassan Hassan, journalist/columnist for The National, an Arab Emirates newspaper, August 28, 2011, “Syria's opposition has failed to offer a viable alternative,” online: http://www.thenational.ae/thenationalconversation/comment/syrias-opposition-has-failed-to-offer-a-viable-alternative?pageCount=0 Mr Al Assad, like all totalitarian rulers, holds on to …. be the first to suffer from it." Sectarian conflict causes mass warsSeale 11—leading British writer on the Middle East, and the author of two books on Syria. PhD in IR from Oxford (Patrick, The Syrian Time Bomb, www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/03/28/the_syrian_timebomb?page=full) On all these fronts – Iran…. be consumed in an orgy of violence. Avoids politics---opposition unity’s key to make support politically viableHussein Ibish 9-6 is a senior fellow at the American Task Force on Palestine and a columnist for Now Lebanon, September 6, 2011, “Is Civil War in Syria Inevitable?,” online: http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2011/09/is-civil-war-in-syria-inevitable/244614/?single_page=true The long-term success of an ….blown civil war erupts in Syria. Sectarianism DASectarian tensions are simmering now---status quo US support is sufficient, but the plan causes civil warJerome 10/5—Deputy Editor, CFR (Deborah, Stiffening Challenges over Syria, 10/5/11, www.cfr.org/syria/stiffening-challenges-over-syria/p26117) The announcement earlier this week of a broad-…, it should focus on the key challenge posed by the Arab uprisings: managing intra-Muslim conflict." [note---in no solvency] Turns the case and jacks solvencyLandis 8/9—Director: Center for Middle East Studies and Associate Professor, University of Oklahoma (Josh, Syrians must win the revolution on their own, mideast.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/08/09/syrians_must_win_the_revolution_on_their_own) Tarif = a leading Syrian opposition member A growing chorus of policy experts in … win this struggle on our own." Causes mass warsJavedanfar 9/2—Iranian - Israeli Middle East analyst and the co-author of The Nuclear Sphinx of Tehran. Runs the Middle East Economic and Political Analysis Company (Meir, Why Iran Eyes a Syrian Civil War, the-diplomat.com/2011/09/02/why-iran-eyes-syrian-civil-war/) Revolutions are unpredictable, …– it’s determined not to lose Syria as well.
| 11/12/11 |
Loyola EM Neg
- Tournament: Wake | Round: 5 | Opponent: Loyola EM | Judge: Fitzgerald, Eddie
1nc fw First, effective deliberation requires a forum of discussion that facilitates political agonism and the capacity to substantively engage the topic at hand---in short, switch side debate where the negative can predict and respond to the aff is the most intellectually effective ---the process in this instance is more important than the substance of their advocacy Amy Gutmann 96 is the president of Penn and former prof @ Princeton, AND Dennis Thompson is Alfred North Whitehead Professor of Political Philosophy at Harvard University, Democracy and Disagreement, pp 1 OF THE CHALLENGES that ……………………….., only a means to an end, but also a means for deciding what means are morally required to pursue our common ends. Effective deliberation is crucial to the activation of personal agency and is only possible in a switch-side debate format where debaters divorce themselves from ideology---this is vital to preventing mass violence and genocide and overcoming politically debilitating self-obsession Patricia Roberts-Miller 3 is Associate Professor of Rhetoric at the University of Texas "Fighting Without Hatred:Hannah Ar endt ' s Agonistic Rhetoric" JAC 22.2 2003 Totalitarianism and the Competitive Space of Agonism Arendt is probably most famous for her analysis of ……………………….., but not relativist, adversarial but not violent, independent but not expressivist rhetoric. Second, a limited and pre-determined scope of discussion where each side can predict and adequately prepare to respond to their opponent’s argument is crucial to effective deliberation---debate is valuable because it teaches students to be able to defend their convictions against a well-prepared opponent Democratic agonism can only successfully operate in a limited forum---it’s not a limitation on the content of argument, but on the form in which it is presented---this is not an appeal to exclusion, but to maximizing the deliberative potential of debate Robert W. Glover 10 Prof of Poli Sci @ UConn "Games without Frontiers?: Democratic Engagement, Agonistic Pluralism, and the Question of Exclusion" Philosophy and Social Criticism Vol. 36 Recent democratic theory has devoted ……………………….., discourse must operate with limits and frontiers. Agreement is a precondition for contestation Ruth Lessl Shively 2k, associate professor of political science at Texas A&M, 2000 Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 181-2 The requirements given thus far are primarily negative. The ……………………….., implicit in the act of argumentation. Effective deliberative discourse is the lynchpin to solving all existential social and political problems---a switch-side debate format that sets appropriate limits on argument to foster a targeted discussion is most effective---our K turns the whole case Christian O. Lundberg 10 Professor of Communications @ University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, “Tradition of Debate in North Carolina” in Navigating Opportunity: Policy Debate in the 21st Century By Allan D. Louden, p311 The second major problem with the critique that identifies a ………………………..,, one of the last best hopes for dealing with the existential challenges to democracy [in an] increasingly complex world. Policy debate about the arab spring is key to preventing cession of the political and affecting positive US responses Walt 11 – Stephen M. Walt, Professor of International Affairs at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, July 21, 2011, “International Affairs and the Public Sphere,” online: http://publicsphere.ssrc.org/walt-international-affairs-and-the-public-sphere/ Academics can make at least three distinct ……………………….., than the scholars who produce it might wish. Academic deliberation is especially important with regards to the American response to the wave of democratization---it’s crucial to preventing authoritarian meddling that will undermine movements for global justice and recalibrating orientalist narratives that dichotomize democracy and Islam Danielle Feinstein 11 is a Senior at the Elliot School of International Affairs at The George Washington University “Washington scholars debate the Arab Spring” April 26 2011 bikyamasr.com/33144/washington-scholars-debate-the-arab-spring/ In recent months the Obama administration and foreign ……………………….., new approaches to revolutionary states in the Arab World. This has to take place in the policy realm---government responses to Middle East democratization are a crucial driver of cultural attitudes towards Islam and people of the MENA region---now is a key time to engage the discussion Brookings 11 “What Does the American Public Think of the Arab Awakening?” May 22 www.brookings.edu/events/2011/0522_arab_awakening.aspx In light of the divisive rhetoric that emerged after 9/11, these new polling ……………………….., like the Boston Tea Party, Obama helped to encourage support and sympathy for the uprisings. 2nc fw Procedural constraints are crucial for democratic deliberation---these need only be extremely limited but adherence to them is crucial Amy Gutmann 96 is the president of Penn and former prof @ Princeton, AND Dennis Thompson is Alfred North Whitehead Professor of Political Philosophy at Harvard University, Democracy and Disagreement, pp 1 Most procedural ……………… individuals as equal persons, each with his or her own life to lead. First, “Resolved” implies a policy or legislative decision Jeff Parcher, former debate coach at Georgetown, Feb 2001 http://www.ndtceda.com/archives/200102/0790.html Pardon me if I turn to a source besides Bill. …………….. Affirmative and negative are the equivalents of 'yes' or 'no' - which, of course, are answers to a question. Democracy assistance includes 4 areas---rule of law, civil society, elections, and governance---this is the most common and precise b/c of agency discrepancies Edward R. McMahon 2 Director, Center on Democratic Performance Department of Political Science, Binghamton University "Assessing USAID’s Assistance for Democratic Development: Quantity Versus Quality?" cdp.binghamton.edu/papers/usaid-apsa-full.html III. Defining Democracy …………….e of law, civil society, elections and political processes, and governance. Abolishing constraints does not improve creativity---starting from defined constraints like the topic is better for overall creativity because innovative thinking comes from problem-solving like figuring out how to read what you want to read while still being topical Intrator 10 – David, President of The Creative Organization, October 21, 2010, “Thinking Inside the Box,” http://www.trainingmag.com/article/thinking-inside-box One of the most pernicious myths about …………… to, because they simply don’t fit into the rules you’re creating as you build your box. Operating within constraints produces more creative and innovative results Armato 6 – John Armato, jazz drummer, senior partner and creative strategist with Fleishman-Hillard International Communications, 2006, “The sound of one hand creating: Making the most of constraints,” online: http://www.innovationtools.com/Articles/ArticleDetails.asp?a=472 What comes to mind when you think of a "creative" ………………… express ideas, or to enable function with the fewest elements possible. Railing against constraints actually shuts down thinking---it’s no coincidence that OU has read a Heidegger aff on each of the last four topics despite impact-turning framework with creativity every time. Actually forcing yourself to be topical makes you view things from new perspectives and be overall more creative Brewer 10 – Joshua Brewer, January 28, 2010, “Constraints Fuel Creativity,” online: http://52weeksofux.com/post/358515571/constraints-fuel-creativity We are often led to believe that the more freedom we have ……………………….., rather than debilitate and hinder your creative process. Learn the dark arts Coverstone, 05 – masters in communication from Wake Forest and longtime debate coach (Alan H., “Acting on Activism: Realizing the Vision of Debate with Pro-social Impact,” Paper presented at the National Communication Association Annual Conference, 11/17/05) It is very important to note that Mitchell (1998b) tries carefully ……………………….., voter and participatory abstention in America today. K The political is defined by relationships of enmity and the inevitability of violence---the goal of politics must be to limit but not eradicatewar---the aff’s attempt to dissolve status quo politics eliminates these necessary boundaires and causes war Rasch 5 – William Rasch, Professor of Germanic Studies at the University of Indiana, Spring 2005, “Lines in the Sand: Enmity as a Structuring Principle,” The South Atlantic Quarterly, Vol. 104, No. 2, p. 253-262 [ ] = modified With its pacific presuppositions, liberalism, ……………………….., manifests itself as violence and the guilt associated with it. That generates total war through paranoia and genocidal conflicts of all against all Reinhard 4 – Kenneth Reinhard, Professor of Jewish Studies at UCLA, 2004, “Towards a Political Theology- Of the Neighbor,” online: http://www.cjs.ucla.edu/Mellon/Towards_Political_Theology.pdf If the concept of the political is defined, as Carl Schmitt ……………………….., appeasing contours, because they would be identifiable” (PF 83). Vote negative to reject democratic universalism in favor of pluralism and relationships of proper political enmity---spatial exclusion separates “us” from “them,” but in a way that recognizes the other’s legitimacy --- this limits conflict and prevents it from becoming total war The war on terror is only possible by denying authentic relations of enmity between ourselves and the terrorist ---they have legitimate political grievances, so the proper solution is the alternative’s level political playing field that allows for the productive expression of opposition between “us and them” Prozorov 6 – Sergei Prozorov, collegium fellow at the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, University of Helsinki, Professor of International Relations in the Department of International Relations, Faculty of Politics and Social Sciences, Petrozavodsk State University, Russia, 2006, “Liberal Enmity: The Figure of the Foe in the Political Ontology of Liberalism,” Millennium: Journal of International Studies, Vol. 35, No. 1, p. 75-99 The present hegemony of liberal ultra-politics is ……………………….., of an ontological critique of liberalism, hence the present importance of Schmitt. Political relations of enmity and the friend-enemy distinction are the key to value to life---aesthetics doesn’t create a value to life anymore Vander Valk 7 – Frank Vander Valk, Assistant Professor of Political Science and Western Civilization at the State University of New York, Empire State College, 2007, “Decisions, Decisions: Carl Schmitt on Friends and Political Will,” Rockefeller College Review, Vol. 1, No. 2, online: http://www.preterhuman.net/texts/politics/Vander%20Valk%20F.%20-%20Carl%20Schmitt%20on%20Friends%20and%20Political%20Will.pdf Schmitt uses the language of friendship to ……………………….., citizens, and their sovereign. Affirming the alternative alone is a prerequisite---political relations of enmity can lead to productive aesthetic experiences but only if the political is held in constant priority over the aesthetic Vander Valk 7 – Frank Vander Valk, Assistant Professor of Political Science and Western Civilization at the State University of New York, Empire State College, 2007, “Decisions, Decisions: Carl Schmitt on Friends and Political Will,” Rockefeller College Review, Vol. 1, No. 2, online: http://www.preterhuman.net/texts/politics/Vander%20Valk%20F.%20-%20Carl%20Schmitt%20on%20Friends%20and%20Political%20Will.pdf This second form of testing political convictions, of ……………………….., subordinated to the political. Terrorism is a political act in response to the US’ universalist promotion of its world order de Benoist 7 – Alexis de Benoist, editor of the two French academic journals Krisis and Nouvelle Ecole, has translated articles by Carl Schmitt into French and has published the first full bibliography of Schmitt’s works, 2007, “Global terrorism and the state of permanent exception: The significance of Carl Schmitt’s thought today,” in The International Political Thought of Carl Schmitt, Edited by: Odysseos and Petito, p. 81-82 Schmitt distinguishes between the traditional ……………………….., especially the political consequences, as well as subsequent media reaction. (2004: 8) Suicide terrorism is a political act Banu Bargu 10, Assistant Professor of Politics at the New School for Social Research and Eugene Lang College where she teaches political theory, Unleashing the Acheron: Sacrificial Partisanship, Sovereignty, and History, Theory and Event, Volume 13, Issue 1, 2010, ProjectMuse Schmitt contends that deciding on the ……………………….., value and sanctity of human life and the humanitarianism of the global public are put to the test. The 1AC renders political life into nothing more than an aesthetic experience---this collapses the capability to make political determinations of the distinction between friends and enemies Levi 7 – Neil Levi, Professor of English at Drew University, 2007, “Carl Schmitt and the Question of the Aesthetic,” New German Critique 34 (2 101), p. 27-43 I want to use Schmitt’s defense of his concept of the ……………………….., September 11, 2001, weeks in which the idea of the enemy could still raise questions about one’s own form of life. Life has intrinsic and objective value achieved through subjective pleasures---its preservation should be an a priori goal Amien Kacou 8 WHY EVEN MIND? On The A Priori Value Of “Life”, Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, Vol 4, No 1-2 (2008)cosmosandhistory.org/index.php/journal/article/view/92/184 Furthermore, that manner of finding things ……………………….., desire. Perhaps, our inquiry should be a bit more complex. Case Rationality is good and argumentation should start from empirical and political problem-solving --- any alt fails and devolves into crippling relativism --- all their arguments will become offense for us Robert C. Rowland 1995 is a Professor of Communication at the University of Kansas, “In Defense of Rational Argument: A Pragmatic Justification of Argumentation Theory and Response to the Postmodern Critique” Philosophy & Rhetoric Vol. 28, No. 4Oct 1, 1995, EBSCO A pragmatic theory of argument The first step in developing a justifiable ……………………. of rationality that can be used to protect society from the nihilistic excesses of a purely instrumental reason.
| 11/13/11 |