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Northwestern Blumenthal Miles Aff

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 16:06
  • New Qat Adv

    • Tournament: Kentucky | Round: Quarters | Opponent: Umich AL | Judge: Sample Judge

    • 1AC
      Specifically, the consensual order that seeks to universalize its values has a dangerous underside of trying to eradicate anything outside of the consensual community. You are either with us, or you are a terrorist.
      Jane Mummery, ‘5 (Lecturer in Phil at The University of Ballarat, “Rethinking the Democratic Project: Rorty, Mouffe, Derrida and Democracy to Come”, Borderlands, Volume 4 Number 1, 2005)

      The problem of democracy
      I can think of nothing so …. of democratic demands. (Mouffe 2000: 17).

      Yemen is a key site to activate political pluralism to ensure that antagonisms don’t take on radical forms of expression—public sphere debates establish proper relationships of enmity that promote cultural tolerance and prevent all-encompassing conflict from being the sole mode of politics
      Stacey Philbrick Yadav, ’10 (coordinator of the Middle Eastern Studies program and Assistant Professor of Political Science at Hobart and William Smith Colleges, “Understanding “What Islamists Want:” Public Debate and Contestation in Lebanon and Yemen”, Volume 64, Number 2, Spring 2010, Muse)

      Setting aside the vast …. discourse, Islamist or otherwise. [End Page 213]

      Specifically, a critical analysis of antagonism and the way we approach Yemen through a counterterror framework is key to challenge the post-political order that reacts to all dissent through violence—this inevitably collapses into perverted presumptions of humanism that generate absolute enmity and recourse to total war
      Sergei Prozorov, ‘6 (Professor of International Relations at Petrozavodsk State University, Russia, “Liberal Enmity: The Figure of the Foe in the Political Ontology of Liberalism”, Millennium - Journal of International Studies 2006 35: 75)

      The Savage and the …. unless it passes through the stage of an ontological critique of liberalism, hence the present importance of Schmitt.

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  • Dbils 1AC

    • Tournament: GSU | Round: 2 | Opponent: Liberty LS | Judge: N. Butt

    • Dbils
      The United States Federal Government should substantially increase civil society democracy aid to Disabled Persons’ Organizations in Yemen.
      In the status quo there is widespread discrimination based on based on disability in Yemen. The absence of definitive data on disability in Yemen reflects a larger problem with US democracy assistance. Disability has been left off of the assistance agenda. Extending civil society assistance to Disabled Persons’ Organizations or DPOs is vital to facilitate the political and social change necessary to challenge discrimination based on disability.
      Majid Turmusani, ‘5 (Majid Turmusani (Researcher specializing in disability and development issues. Disability World Issue no. 26 Decemeber - February 2005)

      There is no accurate … development national programs.
      Exclusion of disabled from the community is founded on a flawed nationalism which demands an archetypal normative citizen defined by a medical gaze
      Fiona Kumari Campbell, '9 (Senior Lecturer in Disability Studies at the School of Human Services & Social Work Griffith University (Brisbane) and Adjunct Professor in Disability Studies, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, "States of Exceptionality: Provisional Disability, its Mitigation, and Citizenship",

      I argue that law reflects … of imbeciles are enough. (p. 208)
      Furthermore, USAID frames assistance to Disabled Organizations (DPOs) through a medical model
      Bill Albert ‘4 (“Is disability really on the development agenda?  A review of official disability policies of the major governmental and international development agencies,” Bill Albert, September 2004  Produced   Produced for the Disability Knowledge and Research programme,

      The United States Agency for …  funding was appropriated.
      DPOs directly facilitate political participation—they are social movements that empower people and give them a method of resistance against systemic oppression.
      Douwe van Houten and Gaby Jacobs, University for Humanistics “The empowerment of marginals: strategic paradoxes” Disability & Society 2005  Social movements, citizenship and empowerment

      Organisations for the … is an important link in this process (Laverack, 2004).
      The medicalization of life and the biological degradation of certain segments of the species is the root cause of conflict—wars are fought and life is exterminated not because of a particular sovereign geopolitical interest but because of the biopolitical commitment to eugenic violence
      Stuart Elden, politics at University of Warwick, 2002 (Boundary 2 29.2) 

      The reverse side is the … men to be killed. (VS, 180; WK, 136)
      How we think about those with disabilities is a litmus test for our conception of normalcy and otherness —the social construction of the disabled legitimizes eugenic extermination
      Samuel R. Bagenstos, 2k, law at Harvard, April (86 Va. L. Rev. 397)

      Erving Goffman's notion of …a "dependent caste."
      The medical gaze marks the world in a binary between normal and abnormal that results in material exclusion of the disabled
      Bill Hughes, ‘99 (Department of Social Sciences, Glasgow Caledonian University , “The Constitution of Impairment: modernity and the aesthetic of oppression”, Disability & Society, Vol. 14, No. 2, 1999, pp. 155± 172, EBSCO)

      This binary marking … practices that produce it.
      Technical assistance is necessary to help the disabled population in Yemen
      National Yemen 2011 (“Yemeni’s Handicapped By Poor Care, War Lack Aid,” National Yemen, January, 2011,

      There are others …, no matter the delay.
      Starting with Yemen is important to broader political change
      Lisa Wedeen, ‘8 (Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, “Peripheral Visions: Publics, Power, and Performance in Yemen”, p. 212-221)

      Arendt recognized the … terms of what they do.7
      As students participating in political debates we have an obligation to put disability at the center of our discussion of democracy because what we debate about here says a lot about human conduct on a larger scale—this is not a meta-theoretical quibble but central to change the way that disability is represented and conceived writ large
      Michael Bérubé, ‘3 (Paterno Family Professor in Literature at Pennsylvania State University, “Citizenship and Disability”, Spring,

      Of course, many of …, for the good of all of us.
      This is particularly true in the university setting— disability is critical to challenge calcified notions of subjectivity and citizenship
      Michael Bérubé 5 (literature, Penn State, PhD from UVA, “College Makeover”,

      But I can dream, and … and disabled, a positive service.
      Academic debates must refuse Ablenationalist scholarship
      Snyder & Mitchell 2010 (Introduction: Ablenationalism and the Geo-Politics of Disability Sharon L. Snyder David T. Mitchell Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies, Volume 4, Number 2, 2010, pp. 113-125)

      As a result, Disability Studies …. are left unrealized.
      And, the presumption that exporting democracy is dangerous is only political blackmail to prevent genuine political reforms—the aff facilitates an exchange of political values that can synthesize commensurable relationships
      Dr. Larbi Sadiki 9 Senior Lecturer in Middle East Politics at the University of Exeter, Rethinking Arab Democratization: Elections Without Democracy, p. 279

      Arab states and societies … and external dynamics.
      Non-engagement reinforces orientalist narratives
      Dr Larbi Sadiki 11 is a Senior Lecturer in Middle East Politics at the University of Exeter, and author of Arab Democratization: Elections without Democracy (Oxford University Press, 2009) and The Search for Arab Democracy: Discourses and Counter-Discourses (Columbia University Press, 2004). "The mathematics of the Arab Spring" Jun 6 2011

      Egypt and Tunisia are … of self-empowerment.

  • Qat 1AC

    • Tournament: GSU | Round: Octos | Opponent: Mich | Judge:

    • 1AC—Plan
      The United States Federal Government should provide substantial technical aid for qat chews in Yemen.

      The United States Federal Government should provide substantial democratic civil society aid to qat chews in Yemen.

      The status quo approach to the issue of Yemeni democracy uses a mode of discourse that equates 'democracy' with elections and institutional consolidation. This mode is flawed because it is based on a mistaken epistemology that marginalizes democratic practices occurring at unconventional and unexpected sites. 

      In particular, we isolate Qat Chew gatherings as venues where democracy is practiced through agonistic debate. 

      Our point is not to romanitize Qat Chews as the solution to all problems in Yemen, but to deromanticize the ballot box. Failure to recognize Qat Chews as democratic forums renders democratic debate useless
      Lisa Wedeen, ‘8 (Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, “Peripheral Visions: Publics, Power, and Performance in Yemen”, p. 105-113)

      As I will show in this chapter, the example of Yemen …… have tended to be neglected by his critics and deliberative democrats alike.15

      Democracy is agonistic and should be viewed as a practice not an endpoint
      Jane Mummery, ‘5 (The University of Ballarat, “Rethinking the Democratic Project: Rorty, Mouffe, Derrida and Democracy to Come”, Borderlands, Volume 4 Number 1, 2005)

      Mouffe: democracy as agonistic pluralism
      18. In contrast to Rorty’s conception of democracy to come, Mouffe argues ….. instead of manifesting themselves as an antagonistic struggle between enemies. (Mouffe 2000: 117).

      Qat Chews provide a forum for the performance of agonistic critical debate in Yemen.
      Lisa Wedeen, ‘8 (Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, “Peripheral Visions: Publics, Power, and Performance in Yemen”, p. 114-147)

      part two: public sphere activities
      and political participation
      As the above discussion suggests, qāt chews….allowed for the emergence of vibrant communities of argument in Yemen.

      Focusing on Yemeni Qat Chews as quotidian activities of agonistic debate raises important theoretical questions about how we should approach democracy in the academy. A focus on Qat Chews as democratic in their FORM is more important than potential institutional effects.
      Lisa Wedeen, ‘8 (Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, “Peripheral Visions: Publics, Power, and Performance in Yemen”, P. 1-5)

      Second, this nationalist ….. and simultaneously with local and transnational experiences of identifi cation.

      Our 1AC challenges the post-political order that attempts to resolve all issues through consensus politics. Consensus politics does not create peace or stability, but results in the shutting down of agonistic debate that is necessary to avoid constant violence.
      Erik Swyngedouw, ‘8 (Erik Swyngedouw, Professor of Geography at the University of Manchester, March 2008, “Where is the political?,”

      “In post-politics, the conflict of global……order to make sure nothing changes fundamentally (see (Swyngedouw 2007a), so that things go on as before! (Dean 2006).

      Our conception of democracy is grounded in the notion of equality ie our ability to challenge the legitimacy of the police order. Equality is not something that can be achieved but is instead a principle to be upheld.
      Erik Swyngedouw, ‘8 (Erik Swyngedouw, Professor of Geography at the University of Manchester, March 2008, “Where is the political?,”

      The political, then, is about ….. upon which the democratic political is constituted, i.e. equality.
      Voting aff produces new democratic discourses that challenge the minimalist framework. The discourses we use when discussing Yemen are far from epiphenomenal, but instead critical to our understanding of democratic politics. Qat Chews demonstrate that practices of deliberating critically with others in public are constitutive of democratic subjectivity insofar as “democracy” connotes agonistic debate and equality
      Lisa Wedeen, ‘8 (Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, “Peripheral Visions: Publics, Power, and Performance in Yemen”, p. 212-221)

      Understanding the performative …… politically in terms of what they do.7
      Furthermore, Qat Chew gatherings demonstrate an alternative to the status quo that sees violence as the solution to antagonism.
      Lisa Wedeen, ‘8 (Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, “Peripheral Visions: Publics, Power, and Performance in Yemen”, p.132-141)

      Qāt chews can occasion refl …… of democracy, as an instantiation of the “deliberative genesis and justifi cation of public policy in political and civil public spaces” (Cohen 1998).

      Failure to break from the frame that sees violence as the solution to all political problems makes extinction inevitable
      Duarte, ‘4 - André Duarte, Professor of Philosophy at the Federal University of Brazil, November 7, 2004, “Biopolitics and the dissemination of violence: the Arendtian critique of the present,” online:

      It would be hard to find another thesis in Political …….. actions of acknowledging, welcoming, and extending hospitality and solidarity towards others.

      Participating in Qat Chews challenges orientalist stereotypes that become calcified in the post-political order.
      Dr. Larbi Sadiki, '9 (Senior Lecturer in Middle East Politics at the University of Exeter, "Rethinking Arab Democratization: Elections Without Democracy", p. 9-)

      Arab states and societies are caught in the …. Huntington’s brand of ‘Third Wave’ democratization with its emphasis on consolidation.

  • Dbils 2ACs

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 2AC T
      We meet—we’re civil society assistance to DPOs
      Arlene Kanter et al, law at Syracuse University, 9/9/03 (

      The development …. and economic development. 

      Counterinterpretation—democracy assistance is divided into four categories (Rule of law, civil society, elections, and governance) and can be delivered through financial or technical assistance.
      Dinorah Azpuru 11 is assistant professor of political science at Wichita State University and member of the Advisory Group of the Americas, “The Promotion of Democracy: Actors and Methods” in Achieving Democracy: Democratization in Theory and Practice

      As with other types of foreign aid, donors …. of civil–military relations. As figure 14.2 illustrates, most USAID democracy assistance has targeted civil society programs. Perhaps, surprisingly, the least amount of aid was channeled to elections.

      2AC Assistance K
      We do not have a silver bullet solution for Yemen, but disengagement from USAID whitewashes your complicity by locking-in frames of Medicalization and development.
      Tamsin Bradley ‘5 (Tamsin Bradley. Senior Lecturer at the London Metropolitan University. June 1 2005. “Challenging International Development’s Response to Disability”. GLADNET Collection. Pages 71-72)

      Deconstructing the Passive Subject
      The answer to overcoming ….tween NGO workers and agents of development. 

      2AC State Key
      State key, must locate specific instantiations of neoliberal governmentality in ordre to challenge it
      Hiroyuki Tosa, ‘9 (Professor of Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies, Kobe University, “Anarchical Governance: Neoliberal Governmentality in Resonance with the State of Exception Issue”, International Political Sociology, Volume 3, Issue 4, pages 414–430, December 2009)

      On the other hand, the theory of ….y “governmentalized.” (Foucault 2007:108–109)

      Ethics first is necessary to stem totalitarian violence
      Bill Hughes, '2 (Glasgow caledonian University, School of Social Science, Bauman's Strangers, Disability & Society, Vol. 17, No. 5, 2002, pp. 571-584, EBSCO)

      Bureaucracy is ultra-…. ‘is countered only with the ferocity of an ultimate recalcitrance to … violent “utopian” solutions.’

      Fear of instability and conflict encourages scapegoating of disability
      Bill Hughes, ‘7 (Glasgow Caledonian University, “Being disabled: towards a critical social ontology for disability studies”, Disability & Society Vol. 22, No. 7, December 2007, pp. 673–684)

      Whilst borrowing from black ….. or in the most mundane everyday words or deeds that exclude or invalidate.

      2AC Politics DA
      The political process is rigged to exclude the disabled—to make your decision based upon political capital and bargaining is to render your decision complicit in the systematic exclusion of the disabled—the impact is our case
      David Orentlicher, law at Indiana University, Winter 1996 (31 Harv. C.R.-C.L. L. Rev. 49)

      A more expansive interpretation of the ADA …. effects of socio-political forces on disability.

      2AC Econ DA
      This is crucial to give value to your ballot-the affirmation of economic growth is a joyless and dead move-relying on the market as the baseline for your decision deprives your decision itself of what makes us human
      Sut Jhally, communication studies at University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 2k (

      The social upheavals of eastern ….. the dead world of the “immense collection of commodities.”

      2AC Politics DA
      This makes global destruction inevitable—the pursuit of the short-term gains of political expediency sacrifices any hope of sustainable peace
      M. Cherif Bassiouni, law at DePaul University, Spring 2003 (35 Case W. Res. J. Int'l L. 191)

      The human rights arena is …..more enduring human values.

  • Qat 2ACs

    • Tournament: Kentucky | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • AT Sexism DA

      C M McKee, '87 (Dept of Community Medicine, Northern Health and Social Services Board, Bellymena, Northern Ireland, "Medical and social aspects of qat in Yemen: a review",

      Qat chewing is not restricted to males, .... ends in time for evening prayers.

      AT Hiearchy
      Daniel Martin Varisco, '86 (professor of anthropology at Hofstra University, "On the Meaning of Chewing: The Significance of Qat (Catha edulis) in the Yemen Arab Republic", Intl Journal of Middle East Studies, Volume 18, Issue 1,

      As an institution the.... is more egalitarian.

      Khat as a scapegoat is a symptom of orientalism
      Susan Beckerleg, ‘8 (Ph.DSenior Research Fellow, School of Health and Social Studies,
      University of Warwick, Coventry, UK, “Khat Special Edition”, Substance Use & Misuse, 43:749-761)

      Khat and the “Other”
      Khat is a substance ..... cause urban migration, and possibly lead to degradation of the land.

      2AC T DA
      Counterinterpretation— democracy assistance is divided into four categories (Rule of law, civil society, elections, and governance) and can be delivered through financial or technical assistance.
      Dinorah Azpuru 11 is assistant professor of political science at Wichita State University and member of the Advisory Group of the Americas, “The Promotion of Democracy: Actors and Methods” in Achieving Democracy: Democratization in Theory and Practice

      As with other types of.... of aid was channeled to elections.

      our knowledge production IS democracy assistance
      Sampson 4 (Steven, Dept of Social Anthropology, Lund University and associate at Watson Institute for International Relations at Brown University, Conference on Democracy Assistance, “Elections Are Such a Drag: I’d Rather Be Giving out Blankets”)

      Let me start with a ....e described through participant-observation.
      Democracy assistance, .....t we ourselves hand over to our colleagues in the Balkans.

      AT K
      Perm solves best—aff challenges orientalism/institutional focus
      Dr. Larbi Sadiki, '9 (Senior Lecturer in Middle East Politics at the University of Exeter, "Rethinking Arab Democratization: Elections Without Democracy", p. 47)

      The travel of democracy and … chapters I attempt to elaborate this line of argument.

  • Harvard 1AC

    • Tournament: Harvard | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1AC

      Our point is not to romanitize the public sphere as the solution to all problems in Yemen, but to deromanticize the ballot box.
      Lisa Wedeen, ‘8 (Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, “Peripheral Visions: Publics, Power, and Performance in Yemen”, p. 105-113)

      As I will show in this chapter, the example … to be neglected by his critics and deliberative democrats alike.

      Focusing on Yemeni public sphere as quotidian activities of agonistic debate raises important theoretical questions about how we should approach democracy in the academy. A focus on Qat Chews as democratic in their FORM is more important than potential institutional effects.
      Lisa Wedeen, ‘8 (Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, “Peripheral Visions: Publics, Power, and Performance in Yemen”, P. 1-5)

      Second, this nationalist … so and how we know when they do.
      The status quo approach to democratization that seeks to universalize its values has a dangerous underside of trying to eradicate anything outside of the liberal community. You are either with us, or you are a terrorist.
      Jane Mummery, ‘5 (Lecturer in Phil at The University of Ballarat, “Rethinking the Democratic Project: Rorty, Mouffe, Derrida and Democracy to Come”, Borderlands, Volume 4 Number 1, 2005)

      The problem of democracy
      I can think of nothing so important in this …spaces and the multiplicity of democratic demands. (Mouffe 2000: 17).

      Yemen is a key site to activate political pluralism to ensure that antagonisms don’t take on radical forms of expression—public sphere debates establish proper relationships of enmity that promote cultural tolerance and prevent all-encompassing conflict from being the sole mode of politics
      Stacey Philbrick Yadav, ’10 (coordinator of the Middle Eastern Studies program and Assistant Professor of Political Science at Hobart and William Smith Colleges, “Understanding “What Islamists Want:” Public Debate and Contestation in Lebanon and Yemen”, Volume 64, Number 2, Spring 2010, Muse)

      Setting aside the vast institutional and … discourse, Islamist or otherwise. [End Page 213]

      Current analysis of Yemen in policy-making and academic circles relies on epistemologically suspect “truth claims” that locks-in violent responses—engaging in local public spheres in Yemen is vital to a more nuanced approach terrorism writ large.
      Blumi 11 (Isa, Assistant Professor – Georgia State University’s History Department and Middle East Institute, Chaos in Yemen:  Societal Collapse and the New Authoritarianism, Routledge Advances in Middle East and Islamic Studies, p.  17-19)

      By all accounts, the Nvar raging in the north …. much of the analysis on Yemen today.

      Specifically, a critical analysis of antagonism and the way we approach Yemen through a counterterror framework is key to challenge the current political order that reacts to all dissent through violence—this inevitably collapses into perverted presumptions of humanism that generate absolute enmity and recourse to total war
      Sergei Prozorov, ‘6 (Professor of International Relations at Petrozavodsk State University, Russia, “Liberal Enmity: The Figure of the Foe in the Political Ontology of Liberalism”, Millennium - Journal of International Studies 2006 35: 75)

      The Savage and the Barbarian: … it passes through the stage of an ontological critique of liberalism, hence the present importance of Schmitt.

      Voting aff is necessary to engage with the local context of Yemen and avoid essentialism that makes effective policymaking possible
      Blumi 11 (Isa, Assistant Professor – Georgia State University’s History Department and Middle East Institute, Chaos in Yemen:  Societal Collapse and the New Authoritarianism, Routledge Advances in Middle East and Islamic Studies, p.  9)

      The final reason this critical reading of …. take a more complicated, nuanced and historically transcendent approach to studying recent Yemen's recent history.

      Debate is necessary to challenge current knowledge that can only be used to justify engaging with the Yemeni’s as terrorists.  Failure to do so makes violent interventions inevitable that fuels a flawed form of enmity.
      Blumi 11 (Isa, Assistant Professor – Georgia State University’s History Department and Middle East Institute, Chaos in Yemen:  Societal Collapse and the New Authoritarianism, Routledge Advances in Middle East and Islamic Studies, p.  13-14)

      Scholars have long observed that …. seeking to chart in their explorations of Yemen.

      The 1ACs critical approach is a pre-requisite to effective policy-making
      Blumi 11 (Isa, Assistant Professor – Georgia State University’s History Department and Middle East Institute, Chaos in Yemen:  Societal Collapse and the New Authoritarianism, Routledge Advances in Middle East and Islamic Studies, p.  3-6)

      This book argues that this slide …believes are necessary to remain in power.

      The United States Federal Government should provide democratic civil society support for Yemeni deliberative forums.

  • 2AC v MSU

    • Tournament: | Round: 5 | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1) they will be made available from current allocation
      POMED, ‘11—Project on Middle East Democracy; nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to examining how genuine democracies can develop in the Middle East and how the U.S. can best support that process. (New FY2011 Budget Bill Released, 12 April 2011,

      Under the bill, the funding level … transitions in the Middle East and North Africa.

      2) Plan doesn’t cost PC - Clinton shields/fights for DA funding - AND - spending links non-unique
      Reuters 10-12, “Budget battle hobbles Clinton as clock ticks down”,
      But as the clock winds down, …. we have in order to get the impact that we're seeking," she said.

      No Link Uniquness:
      1) Egypt
      Xinhua 10-25, “Obama Stresses Full Support for Egypt's Transition”,
      President Obama on …. economic needs, the White House said in a statement.

      Democracy assistance has strong bipartisan support
      Mitchell and Phillips, 8 – *professor in the Practice of International Politics at Columbia University’s School of International and Political Affairs AND  project director of the National Committee on American Foreign Policy and currently a visiting scholar at Columbia University’s Center for the Study of Human Rights (Lincoln and David, “Enhancing Democracy Assistance”,

      Democracy assistance …. candidates in the 2008 election.

      Justifications for democracy assistance determine policy effectiveness-enacting the cp with bad motives turns solvency
      Kudryashov 11 - Roman Kudryashov, Researcher: Applied Politics & Economics, the New School, May 17, 2011, “Democracy Promotion in between Domestic and International Needs,” online:

      Also important to mention is the … outlined procedural norm of democracies:

      No tradeoff—Obama can do it all
      Youngman 11—Sam, The Hill, "Despite overseas turmoil, Obama's focus is on economy and the budget", 2/28,

      Unrest is now simmering …. “These are hard times, but I don’t sense any stress on the system.”

      No impact to warming - KABOOOOM  
      Taylor 7/27—senior fellow for environment policy at The Heartland Institute and managing editor of Environment & Climate News (27 July 2011, James, New NASA Data Blow Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism,

      NASA satellite data …. of global warming alarmism truly are.

      Prefer our ev
      Stossel 7 - John Stossel, Award-winning ABC News correspondent, 2007 The Global Warming Myth?,
      Dr. John Christy, professor of Atmospheric Science at the University of Alabama at Huntsville said: "I remember as a college student at the first Earth Day being told it was a certainty that by the year 2000, the world would be starving and …. much money to study it."

      No link to their net beneift
      Lisa Wedeen, ‘4 “Concepts and Commitments in the Study of Democracy”, Department of Political Science, The University of Chicago,

      More importantly for our … sufficient to prompt Przeworski's contested elections.

      Pinker’s data is flawed and he misunderstands the political—decreasing number of deaths doesn’t mean the capacity for violent outbursts is not a risk in a world of weapon modernization
      Ross Douthat, 10/17/11 (Former Senior editor at the Atlantic, New York Times Columnist, Magna Cum Laude at Harvard, "Steven Pinker's History of Violence",

      1) Pinker links the ….were “civilized” out of existence.

      Our critique isn’t just ivory tower academic bullshit-the tropes we use to disucss Yemeni terrorism contributes to material violence
      Blumi 11 (Isa, Assistant Professor – Georgia State University’s History Department and Middle East Institute, Chaos in Yemen:  Societal Collapse and the New Authoritarianism, Routledge Advances in Middle East and Islamic Studies, p.  33-34)

      Unfortunately, in the …. struggle for ascendancy in the pre-First World War era.

      We meet—Advice is material and direct
      Peter Burnell 2k is Professor of Politics in the Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Warwick, UK. He is the author or editor of thirteen books, and has authored over 35 articles and many book chapters on democratisation, the political economy of foreign aid, and politics in Zambia. He is founding editor of the journal Democratization., Democracy Assistance: International Co-operation for Democratization p8-9

      By comparison democracy …. agenda of political reform, are probably more common.

  • Round Reports

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Aff: Northwestern BM
      Round #6   Tournament: Shirley
      vs: Baylor FK
      Judge: Weil



      Plan Text

      Libya aff – same as wiki


      1ac Advantages

      Same as wiki


      2ac Offense



      1ar Strategy

      Extended conditionality


      2ar Strategy
      Case outweighs the K
      Aff: Northwestern BM
      Round # 3 Tournament: Shirley
      vs: Harvard KT
      Judge: Kelly Young



      Plan Text: same as wiki



      1ac Advantages: Stability, Credibility, Terrorism



      2ac Offense: North Korea add-on, Iran add-on (plan key to solve Iran’s nuclear program, key to security alliances, nuclear war)



      Aff: Northwestern BM

      Round #2 Tournament: Shirley

      vs: Dartmouth AD

      Judge: Dave Arnett



      Plan Text

      The United States Federal Government should substantially increase ? for Libya.


      1ac Advantages


                  Libyan Instability






                  Indo-Pak War

                  Russian Expansionism

                  China War

                  Regional Democracy

                  Middle East War

                  Latin American Instability


      2ac Offense


                  Cred solves North Korean war

                  Goes nuclear

      EU CP

                  Collapses Eurozone/EU

                  Impact is extinction

      China Relations DA

                  Plan solves Iran aggression

                  Cred k2 Asian security alliances

                  Heg solves every impact

      Politics DA

                  Plan gets NED support – that’s key

                  Plan ensures future gains in capital

      Security K

                  Academic debate over democracy k2 policymaking

                  Democracy solves the impact

                  Our explanation of the world is better


      Interesting note – Northwestern read terminal impact defense to China war in the 2AC even though they read a China war impact in the 1AC


      1ar Strategy


                  Perm – do both

                  EU will collapse now

                  Block conceded multiple conditional worlds are a voting issue


                  Link doesn’t turn credibility – card

                  Won’t pass

                  Plan popular

                  Winners win

                  Plan is reallocated – card

                  Process solves the link – card

                  Issues are compartmentalized

                  Bunker busters and Solyndra thump


      2ar Strategy




  • Wake 1AC

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1AC – Plan

      The United States federal government should provide support for transparent democratic governance in Libya

      1AC – Stability

      Contention 1: Stability


      US just gave aid to Libya – more to come

      Sorcher 10/18 (Sarah, Covers national security and foreign policy as a staff reporter for National Journal, 10/18/2011, “Clinton Arrives in Libya, Pledges More Aid to Secure Weapons and Help Wounded”,

      Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton …. could be smuggled out of the country and fall into the hands of those planning terrorist attacks.


      It takes out their DAs but not the aff – Libya needs democratic engagement, not cash

      NYT 10/21 (New York Times, “U.S. must have role in shaping new Libya”, 2011,

      Jibril has said that ….. building a stable and peaceful democracy.


      Civil war likely in Libya now

      Halpern 11/4 (Micah, 2011, “Muammar Gaddafi void opens civil war threat”,

      MUAMMAR Gaddafi is dead. ….. we must do it, and we must do it quickly.


      Plan prevents Libya from civil war and warlordism

      Dobbins and Wehrey 8/23 (James, former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State, is director of the International Security and Defense Policy Center at the RAND Corporation and Frederic, senior policy analyst at RAND, 2011, “Libyan Nation-Building After Qaddafi”,

      With the fall of the Libyan …. ….. civil society suggest that the road may nevertheless be long and rocky.


      Global nuclear war – draws in China and Russia

      Lendman 11 (Stephen, Harvard BA and Wharton MBA, 7/6, “Libya - Flashpoint For World Conflict”, )

      Scott told Progressive Radio News Hour listeners that ….. WW I seemed in early 1914.


      1AC – Terrorism

      Contention 2: Terrorism


      al-Qaeda will attack with WMD by 2013

      Kanani 11 (Rahim, founder and editor-in-chief of World Affairs Commentary, Citing Rolf Mowatt-Larssen, Senior Fellow, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, former Director of the Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence, U.S. Department of Energy, former Chief of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Department, Counter-terrorist Center, Central Intelligence Agency, recipient of the CIA Director’s Award, graduate of the U.S. Military Academy, June 29th, “New al-Qaeda Chief Zawahiri Has Strong Nuclear Intent”, Forbes,

      We should be especially worried ….. capable of accomplishing when they put their minds to it.”


      Plan’s democratic signal key – prevents global terrorism

      Gordon and Zarate 11 – David A. Gordon, Program Manager and a Research Assistant with the CSIS Transnational Threats Project, and Juan C. Zarate, Senior Adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and the former Deputy National Security Advisor for Combating Terrorism, Summer 2011, “The Battle for Reform with Al-Qaeda,” The Washington Quarterly, Vol. 34, No. 3, p. 103-122

      Another immediate ….. to those who have yet to be radicalized.



      Hellman 8 [Martin E. Hellman, emeritus prof of engineering @ Stanford, “Risk Analysis of Nuclear Deterrence” SPRING 2008 THE BENT OF TAU BETA PI,]

      The threat of nuclear terrorism ….. War III is a necessity—not an option.


      Independently, causes a bioterror attack on the US

      Maginnis 9 (Robert, retired Army lieutenant colonel, and a national security and foreign affairs analyst for radio and television, “Al-Qaeda and The Plague,” )

      The report that some forty al-Qaeda terrorists died after the ….. threats before they mature.



      Ochs 2 (Richard, Naturalist – Grand Teton National park with Masters in Natural Resource Management – Rutgers, “Biological Weapons must be abolished immediately” 6-9,

      Of all the weapons of mass destruction….. EXTINCTION IS NOW POSSIBLE


      Material still loose despite increased foreign aid

      AP 11/3 (Karin Laub and Rami Al-Shaheibi, 2011, “Libya struggles to secure loose weapons”,

      More than two months ….. the weapons chaos persists.


      1AC – Credibility

      Contention 3: Credibility


      US credibility in the region is at an all-time low – Libya’s key

      Hamid 8/26 (Shadi, Director of research at the Brookings Doha Center and fellow at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, “Libya may be in America's vital interest after all”,

      Libya is perhaps the first ….. of the Egyptian people. It seemed to work.


      Transparent governance aid is vital – it reinvigorates our credibility by aligning foreign policy with American ideals

      Allen 11 (Michael, Democracy Digest, January 30, “Reconciling ideals and interests in promoting Arab democracy”,

      “The best guarantee of …… are now, finally, aligned.”


      That’s key to effective hegemony

      Finnemore 9 – Martha Finnemore, professor of political science and international affairs at George Washington University, January 2009, “Legitimacy, Hypocrisy, and the Social Structure of Unipolarity: Why Being a Unipole Isn’t All It’s Cracked Up to Be,” World Politics, Volume 61, Number 1

      The strength of a unipolar …… from a unipole as building armies or bank accounts.


      That solves nuclear war and extinction

      Barnett 11 (Thomas P.M., Former Senior Strategic Researcher and Professor in the Warfare Analysis & Research Department, Center for Naval Warfare Studies, U.S. Naval War College American military geostrategist and Chief Analyst at Wikistrat., worked as the Assistant for Strategic Futures in the Office of Force Transformation in the Department of Defense, “The New Rules: Leadership Fatigue Puts U.S., and Globalization, at Crossroads,” March 7 )

      Events in Libya are a further …..the stage for the Pacific Century now unfolding.


      Libya is the test case for American leadership in the region – inaction symbolizes US impotence and hurts other movements

      Ghitis 8/25 (Frida, independent commentator on world affairs and a World Politics Review contributing editor, 2011, “World Citizen: Libya Emerges as Major Test of Western, U.S. Influence”, )

      The future of Libya was never ….. and democracy, not to mention friendly to the West.


      Now key to restore credibility – plan does it

      May 10/21 (Donald R, BS, with High Honors and Distinction in Microbiology, in 1968 from the University of Illinois, Champaign, and his MD from the University of Illinois College of Medicine, Chicago, was an intern at the Northwestern University Memorial Hospitals in Chicago, was a Major in the United States Air Force and was on active duty at the Wilford Hall USAF Medical Center, San Antonio, received the Air Force Commendation Medal,  has been on the faculties of the University of Illinois, the University of Texas, the University of California, Tulane University, and Texas Tech  and taught MBA students, “We Need to Help Libya Now”, 2011,

      The death of Moammar Gadhafi …..peace in the Middle East.


      Obama must take the lead in Libya – status quo exacerbates perceptions of his weakness

      Puccia 11 (Marco, American University’s School of International Service, where he studied economic development with a particular focus on sub-Saharan Africa. During his time at American University, he spent a semester living and working in Nairobi, Kenya where he briefly attended the United States International University (USIU). Marco graduated from American University cum laude and was awarded the Annette Langdon Award for Social Justice by the School of International Service in honor of his work advancing innovative approaches to global development. He served as the youngest intern in US Senator Richard Lugar‘s office, worked in the Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration, and assisted in building web-based platforms for governments to track foreign assistance at Development Gateway, March, “Global Analysis: American Leadership in Libya and Across the Middle East”, )

      As revolutionary movements ….. …. this historical moment.


      That causes nuclear war --- now key

      Ben Coes 9-30, a former speechwriter in the George H.W. Bush administration, managed Mitt Romney’s successful campaign for Massachusetts Governor in 2002 & author, “The disease of a weak president”, The Daily Caller,

      The disease of a weak president usually …. quo is simply not an option.


      Solves Indo-Pak conflict, Russia lash-out, China war, and Latin American instability

      Victor Davis Hanson 9, Senior Fellow in Residence in Classics and Military History @ Hoover Institution, Stanford University, “Change, Weakness, Disaster, Obama: Answers from Victor Davis Hanson,” Interview with the Oregon Patriots,, December 7,

      BC: Are we currently sending a message …..quite knows whom it will bite or when.


      Indo-Pak war causes extinction

      Greg Chaffin 11, Research Assistant at Foreign Policy in Focus, July 8, 2011, “Reorienting U.S. Security Strategy in South Asia,” online:

      The greatest threat to …. between the two that could quickly escalate.


      Russia expansionism causes nuclear war

      Blank 9 (Dr. Stephen, Research Professor of National Security Affairs at the Strategic Studies Institute of the U.S. Army War College, March, “Russia And Arms Control: Are There Opportunities For The Obama Administration?,”

      Proliferators or nuclear ….neighbors or their own people.172


      China war causes extinction

      Strait Times 2K (The Straits Times (Singapore), “No one gains in war over Taiwan”, June 25, 2000, L/N)

      The doomsday scenario THE ….. entirely, for China puts sovereignty above everything else.


      [  ] US leadership’s key to effective regional democracy --- solves war

      John Guardiano 11, writer and analyst who focuses on political, military, and public-policy issues, blogs at & the American Spectator, “Obama: AWOL on the Arab Spring”, 3-18,

      There is, after all, a democratic …., Egypt and elsewhere. Now.


      [  ] Restrains aggression and adventurism

      Ray Takeyh 11 is a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, “What Democracy Could Bring”, 2-4,

      What is unfolding in Arab streets is not ….. arresting impetuous impulses.


      [  ] Middle East war goes global

      The Earl of Stirling 11, hereditary Governor & Lord Lieutenant of Canada, Lord High Admiral of Nova Scotia, & B.Sc. in Pol. Sc. & History; M.A. in European Studies, “General Middle East War Nears - Syrian events more dangerous than even nuclear nightmare in Japan”,

      Any Third Lebanon War/….. the Biblical Armageddon.



      Latin American war draws in great powers

      Rochlin 94 (James Francis, Professor of Political Science at Okanagan University College, “Discovering the Americas: the evolution of Canadian foreign policy towards Latin America,” p. 130-131)

      While there were economic …., as will be discussed in the next chapter.


      1AC – Solvency

      Contention 4: Solvency


      The US should play a leading role in Libyan governance aid– allows for effective governance

      Solomon 8/24 (Daniel, Georgetown University African Studies Program Research Assistant and Former Intern at the US Department of State, 2011, “Pulling The Strings From Behind The Curtain”,

      Muammar Gaddafi’s ….stabilization and reconstruction.


      Governance support solves – US leadership key and they’ll pay us back

      Wolfowitz 11/3 (Paul, a visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, has served as deputy U.S. secretary of defense and U.S. ambassador to Indonesia, 2011, “America's Opportunity in Libya”,

      Those who opposed ….if we do nothing.


      Plan solves – aid makes a decisive impact

      Cordesman 11 (Anthony H. Cordesman is Arleigh A. Burke Chair in Strategy at Center for Strategic and International Studies and acts as a national security analyst for ABC News “Next Steps in Libya (Egypt, Tunisia, and Other States with New Regimes)”, 8/22, )

      Qaddafi’s fall is certain to …. in US and allied blood.


      Plan’s governance assistance is key to NTC transparency and accountable usage of assets

      al-Ameri 11(Alaa, British-Libyan economist and writer, 8/23, “As Gaddafi's reign ends, the work of creating democracy in Libya begins”, )

      The long battle to …. democratic social institutions.`


  • Wake Add Ons

    • Tournament: Wake | Round: 3 | Opponent: Harvard KT | Judge: Young, Kelly

    • Noko
      Cred solves North Korea war

      Etzioni 11 (Amitai, professor of international relations at George Washington University and author of Security First: For a Muscular, Moral Foreign Policy, “The Coming Test of U.S. Credibility”, )

      The Next Test

      As I will show shortly, in recent …. continue to be in the near future.


      Korean war goes nuclear

      STRATFOR 10 5/26/10, “North Korea, South Korea: The Military Balance on the Peninsula,”

      So the real issue is the …. escalates much further.


      Egypt econ
      Libyan stabilization key to the Egyptian economy

      Feteha 8/24 (Ahmed, “Peace profits: what Egypt's economy stands to gain from Libyan stability”, 2011,

      As the Libya endgame fast approaches, major powers are ….. untouched country with unparalleled room for development.


      That spurs a global renewable energy transition

      Takoko 11 (Mere, Egypt’s Rising Sun, March 1, 2011,

      For other investors, Egypt’s economic …..a favourable environment for renewable energy development.


      [  ] Solves warming

      Douglas J. Arent et al, 11-11-2010; Alison Wise, Rachel Gelman;  Arent and Gelman, National Renewable Energy Laboratory; Wise, Ecotech Institute in Denver, CO;  “The status and prospects of renewable energy for combating global warming” Energy Economics 33 (2011) 584–593, Science Direct

      Reducing anthropogenic greenhouse gas (…. share of the global energy requirements and lower GHG emissions.


      The plan independently solves Iran – US action is key

      Singh 8/31 (Michael, managing director of The Washington Institute and a former senior director for Middle East affairs at the National Security Council, 8/31/11,

      The disadvantages, however, …deeply troubling implications.


  • Shirley Round 6 vs. Baylor FK

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • EU

      The CP independently kills heg---back-seat weakness emboldens enemies

      Hulett 9/3 (Sue, Richard P. and Sophia D. Henke Distinguished Professor of Political Science and chair of the Political Science Department at Knox College, 2011, “Sue Hulett: Has Obama abandoned global leadership?”,)

      We also know a bit …. democracy and liberty





      Overt influence destabilizes the new regime --- transparency support alone is comparatively better

      Lacher 8/29 (Wolfgang, Associate at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, 2011, “The International Role in Post-Qadhafi Libya? Withdraw”,)

      As Libya enters the post-Qadhafi era…. the political process to come.



      Weak credibility eviscerates US power projection

      Cohen 11 (Craig, vice president for Research and Programs at CSIS and editor of this volume, serves as principal adviser to CSIS president, June, “Capacity and Resolve: Foreign Assessments of U.S. Power,”)

      This study finds that citizens of … still shape order for decades to come.


      Cred solves North Korea war

      Etzioni 11 (Amitai, professor of international relations at George Washington University and author of Security First: For a Muscular, Moral Foreign Policy, “The Coming Test of U.S. Credibility”,)

      The Next Test

      As I will show shortly, in … in the near future.



      Academic debate over policy issues like the response to the Arab Spring is critical to improve policymaking---the K’s abstractions cedes the political

      Walt 11 – Stephen M. Walt, Professor of International Affairs at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, July 21, 2011, “International Affairs and the Public Sphere,” online:

      Academics can make at …. scholars who produce it might wish.


      Perm do the plan and all non-competitive parts of the alt – the state coopts the alt

      McCormack 10 (Tara, is Lecturer in International Politics at the University of Leicester and has a PhD in International Relations from the University of Westminster. 2010, (Critique, Security and Power: The political limits to emancipatory approaches, page 59-61)

      In chapter 7 I engaged with the …. the material circumstances of the time.


      Prior questions fail and paralyze politics

      Owen 2 (David Owen, Reader of Political Theory at the Univ. of Southampton,  Millennium Vol 31 No 3 2002 p. 655-7)

      Commenting on the ‘philosophical turn’….vicious circle arises.



      Multi-issue focus’s inevitable --- Obama admits

      David Wood 10, Politics Daily, “Haiti Disaster Opens New Front for Overstretched U.S. Military”, 1-19,

      As the United States was …. committing to just one. ''



      Xinhua 10-25, “Obama Stresses Full Support for Egypt's Transition”,

      President Obama on …. said in a statement.


      No tradeoff—Obama can do it all

      Youngman 11—Sam, The Hill, "Despite overseas turmoil, Obama's focus is on economy and the budget", 2/28,


      Unrest is now … stress on the system.”



      Containment of Iran is empirically denied and happening now

      Geoff Dyer, 11/10/11, "US weighs options for containing a nuclear Iran", Financial Times,


      Containment of Iran …the biggest ever such contract.


      Iran perceives US involvement in Libya as diverting actual containment through Syria

      Kahlili 11   ,   pseudonym for an ex-CIA spy who requires anonymity for safety reasons.  He is the author of , a book about his double-life as a CIA agent in Iran's Revolutionary Guards   July 7, 2011     American Thinker  Western Intelligence: Iran Helping Gaddafi in Confrontation with NATO

      These Western sources added that …. of the Iranian security forces for their involvement.


      Boehner DA

      China trade wars never escalate despite the threats and rhetoric in their ev---we’ll negotiate

      Ding Dou 11, is associate professor in School of International Studies at Peking University, September 23, 2011, “Tire Trade Truncheon Looks More Threatening for the Future,” online:


      Trade battles are no ….as if it never occurred at all.


      GOP will never bring it to vote—fielding to Obama

      Reuters 10/25--Republicans ask Obama to lead on China currency, 2011,


      Republican lawmakers …. of scarce raw materials such as rare earth minerals.


      We control the direction of the link:

      A. Bipartisan

      Democracy Digest 9/8 (2011, “9/11 restored bipartisan consensus on strategic value of democracy assistance”, )

      9/11 restored …. home is worthy of note.”


      Plan happens through the NED which ensures support

      McInerney 11 (Stephen, Director of Advocacy for the Project on Middle East Democracy (POMED). He has more than six years experience in the Middle East and North Africa, including graduate studies of Middle Eastern politics, history, and the Arabic language at the American University of Beirut and the American University in Cairo. His writing on Middle East affairs and U.S. policy has been published by The Washington Post, the Carnegie Endowment’s Arab Reform Bulletin, The Daily Star and The New Republic. He also holds an M.S. in Mathematics from Stanford University "The Federal Budget and Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2012" Project on Middle East Democracy, July 2011 )

      The National Endowment for ….  in other Arab countries soon).


      No link—Funding will come within existing cuts

      McInerney 11 – Exec. Dir. of the Project on Middle East Democracy

      Stephen, "The Federal Budget and Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2012 DEMOCRACY, GOVERNANCE, AND HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE MIDDLE EAST”, July



      It is impossible to evaluate …. responsive to local demands.

  • Shirley Round 7 vs. Harvard DT

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Heg

      Palestine won’t push for vote and even if they do US won’t have to veto

      Reuters 11/10 (Louis Charbonneau, 2011, “Q+A - Palestinian U.N. bid appears headed for failure”, )


       not have to veto it if Palestinians only have eight supporters.


      Push is doomed – insufficient support

      Reuters 11/10 (Louis Charbonneau, 2011, “Q+A - Palestinian U.N. bid appears headed for failure”, )

      The Palestinian application … U.N. push is doomed.


      Even if credibility is impossible to objectively measure, policymakers behave as though it influences state behavior

      Tang 5 (Shiping, associate research fellow and deputy director of the Center for Regional Security Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing, January-March, “Reputation, Cult of Reputation, and International Conflict,” Security Studies, Vol. 14, No. 1, p. 34-62)

      The problem, of course, is that …. "reputation" unless specified otherwise).


      US action in Libya key to US cred – it will be the defining moment in the Middle East

      Hamid 11 (Shadi Hamid, Director of Research at the Doha Center at Brookings, March 30, 2011, “How the United States Could Win Over Arab Street,”)

      Libya could very well …. quickly out of control.


      Our mechanism specifically is key

      Plan restores cred – transparent governance aligns the US with its democratic ideals

      Katulis 9 (Brian, Senior Fellow at American Progress, The Century Foundation, “Democracy Promotion in the Middle East and the Obama Administration”,)

      The so-called freedom agenda …. to advance in the Middle East.



      Libyan material poses the greatest risk for a nuclear attack

      Regan 8/25 (George, Chair at Nuclear Free Local Authorities, The Guardian, 2011, Picking up the pieces in Libya, )

      But we also hear real …. set up to campaign against.



      Civil war is likely in the squo

      Gollom 8/23 (Mark citing Bayless Parsley, who specializes in North African issues at STRATFOR, 2011, “ANALYSIS: Post-Gadhafi Libya faces enormous challenges”, )

      Civil war a ….. any opposition or resistence."


      AT Islamsit State

      Islamist takeover of Libya likely now – hiding behind benign elements

      Jonas 8/23 (George, National Post, “George Jonas: Could Libya’s next rulers be worse than Gaddafi?”, 2011, )

      It may happen now …. a word for that, too. It’s called negligence.


      2AC T – Governance (Short)

      We meet – “democratic governance” is democracy assistance

      Atlantic Council 8 (Non-partisan network of leaders who stimulate dialogue and discussion about critical international issues with a view to enriching public debate and promoting consensus on appropriate responses in the Administration, the Congress, the corporate and nonprofit sectors, and the media in the United States and among leaders in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas, “Enhancing Democracy Assistance”, Jan 5, )

      This report offers …. specific recommendations for each.


      We meet—we give material assistance—probably includes money but money isn’t the only way to provide material assistance


      Counter-interpretation – Democracy assistance includes rule of law, civil society, elections, and governance

      Edward R. McMahon 2 Director, Center on Democratic Performance Department of Political Science, Binghamton University "Assessing USAID’s Assistance for Democratic Development: Quantity Versus Quality?"

      III. Defining Democracy Assistance

      …. their institutions and processes.


      2AC Turkey CP

      Turkish democracy assistance fails

      Shirinian 8/14--Razming, "Arab spring and the Turkish Model", 2011, Open Democracy,

      It is an irony of history ….. “a source of inspiration” for the region. 


      The CP independently kills heg---back-seat weakness emboldens enemies

      Hulett 9/3 (Sue, Richard P. and Sophia D. Henke Distinguished Professor of Political Science and chair of the Political Science Department at Knox College, 2011, “Sue Hulett: Has Obama abandoned global leadership?”, )

      We also know a bit …. promoting democracy and liberty


      2AC “Libya” PIC

      Libya is an accepted name

      Millership 11 (Peter Millership, writer for Reuters, “Libyan rebels vow fight, even without no-fly zone”, March 10, 2011, )

      "If they implement a no-fly …. National Libyan Council representatives) did.


      We solve the impact – the 1ac is the beginning of the process of ______, not an endpoint. This proves that their K misses the boat because intentions, not words injure, which means that you have to take our use of the word in context – their focus on trivial details masks the real problem

      Butler 4 -  Professor of Rhetoric at Berkeley, 2004 (Judith, Judith Butler Reader, page 353)


      So, when we’re thinking about ….. struggle at stake.


      2AC Loans CP

      Overt influence destabilizes the new regime --- transparency support alone is comparatively better

      Lacher 8/29 (Wolfgang, Associate at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, 2011, “The International Role in Post-Qadhafi Libya? Withdraw”, )

      As Libya enters the post-Qadhafi era, …. influence the political process to come.



      Conditions disrupt US democratic Credibility

      White 11—Journalist @ New York Observer
      Jeremy B. White, Journalist @ New York Observer, International Business Times "Arab Spring: In Foreign Aid to Egypt and Tunisia, Questions Loom" June 17 2011,

      Most of that aid will come in the form of loans ….. failed miserably in place after place after place."


      2AC Unemployment

      No impact – too many not eligible for more benefits & state cutbacks

      Dayen 11-8, 2011 – Journalist & Bogger @ LA Times, the Washington Post and Capitol Weekly

      Unemployment Extension, If It Happens, Will Be Paid For, David Dayen Tuesday November 8, 2011

      In addition, there’s the realization …. on this from Pat Garofalo.


      No impact to new recession/econ resilient

      Keystone 11, “3 Ways the Next Recession Will Be Different”,

      If the second half of …. off more of their debt.


      2AC Obama Good

      Won’t pass and PC not key --- it’s a House compromise that doesn’t involve Obama

      Arthur Delaney 11-2, Huffington Post, “Unemployment Extension: House Democrats Introduce Bill To Preserve Benefits Through Next Year”,

      WASHINGTON -- Democrats in ….. are willing to do so."


      PC doesn’t solve --- GOP won’t compromise on spending issues  pre-election

      Reuters 9-15, “Analysis: Happy talk doesn't mean compromise in Congress”,

      Republicans in …. political guns," Siegal said.

      We control the direction of the link:

      A. Bipartisan

      Democracy Digest 9/8 (2011, “9/11 restored bipartisan consensus on strategic value of democracy assistance”, )

      9/11 restored …. at home is worthy of note.”


      No link—Funding will come within existing cuts

      McInerney 11 – Exec. Dir. of the Project on Middle East Democracy

      Stephen, "The Federal Budget and Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2012 DEMOCRACY, GOVERNANCE, AND HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE MIDDLE EAST”, July



      It is impossible to evaluate …. to local demands.


  • Libya 1AC - Fullerton

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1AC – Plan

      The United States federal government should provide support for transparent democratic governance in Libya

      1AC – Stability

      Contention 1: Stability


      US just gave aid to Libya – more to come

      Sorcher 10/18 (Sarah, Covers national security and foreign policy as a staff reporter for National Journal, 10/18/2011, “Clinton Arrives in Libya, Pledges More Aid to Secure Weapons and Help Wounded”,

      Secretary of State …planning terrorist attacks.


      It takes out their DAs but not the aff – Libya needs democratic engagement, not cash

      NYT 10/21 (New York Times, “U.S. must have role in shaping new Libya”, 2011,

      Jibril has said … and peaceful democracy.


      Civil war likely in Libya now

      Vatutin 12/13 (Alexander, Voice of Russia Correspondent, 2011,

      Warnings from many … break up into parts.


      Plan prevents Libya from civil war and warlordism

      Dobbins and Wehrey 11 (James, former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State, is director of the International Security and Defense Policy Center at the RAND Corporation and Frederic, senior policy analyst at RAND, 8/23, “Libyan Nation-Building After Qaddafi”,

      With the fall … long and rocky.


      Global nuclear war – draws in China and Russia

      Lendman 11 (Stephen, Harvard BA and Wharton MBA, 7/6, “Libya - Flashpoint For World Conflict”, )

      Scott told Progressive …in early 1914.


      1AC – Terrorism

      Contention 2: Terrorism


      al-Qaeda will attack with WMD by 2013

      Kanani 11 (Rahim, founder and editor-in-chief of World Affairs Commentary, Citing Rolf Mowatt-Larssen, Senior Fellow, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, former Director of the Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence, U.S. Department of Energy, former Chief of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Department, Counter-terrorist Center, Central Intelligence Agency, recipient of the CIA Director’s Award, graduate of the U.S. Military Academy, June 29th, “New al-Qaeda Chief Zawahiri Has Strong Nuclear Intent”, Forbes,

      We should be …minds to it.”


      Plan’s democratic signal key – prevents global terrorism

      Gordon and Zarate 11 – David A. Gordon, Program Manager and a Research Assistant with the CSIS Transnational Threats Project, and Juan C. Zarate, Senior Adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and the former Deputy National Security Advisor for Combating Terrorism, Summer 2011, “The Battle for Reform with Al-Qaeda,” The Washington Quarterly, Vol. 34, No. 3, p. 103-122

      Another immediateto be radicalized.



      Hellman 8 [Martin E. Hellman, emeritus prof of engineering @ Stanford, “Risk Analysis of Nuclear Deterrence” SPRING 2008 THE BENT OF TAU BETA PI,]

      The threat of …—not an option.


      Independently, causes a bioterror attack on the US

      Maginnis 9 (Robert, retired Army lieutenant colonel, and a national security and foreign affairs analyst for radio and television, “Al-Qaeda and The Plague,” )

      The report that some … before they mature.



      Ochs 2 (Richard, Naturalist – Grand Teton National park with Masters in Natural Resource Management – Rutgers, “Biological Weapons must be abolished immediately” 6-9,

      Of all the … IS NOW POSSIBLE

      1AC – Credibility

      Contention 3: Credibility


      US needs to take the lead in Libya—anything less is seen weakness and turning away from democracy

      Hamid 11 (Shadi, director of research at the Brookings Doha Center and a fellow at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, 10/1, “What Obama and American Liberals Don’t Understand About the Arab Spring”,,1)

      The reasons forto do it.”


      Libya is the test case for American leadership in the region – reverses lead from behind and boosts US influence

      Ghitis 11 (Frida, independent commentator on world affairs and a World Politics Review contributing editor, 8/25, “World Citizen: Libya Emerges as Major Test of Western, U.S. Influence”, )

      The future of … friendly to the West.


      Weak influence from lead from behind destroys heg – emboldens adversaries

      Hulett 11 (Sue, Richard P. and Sophia D. Henke Distinguished Professor of Political Science and chair of the Political Science Department at Knox College, 9/3, “Sue Hulett: Has Obama abandoned global leadership?”, )

      We also know…democracy and liberty



      Barnett 11 (Thomas P.M., Former Senior Strategic Researcher and Professor in the Warfare Analysis & Research Department, Center for Naval Warfare Studies, U.S. Naval War College American military geostrategist and Chief Analyst at Wikistrat., worked as the Assistant for Strategic Futures in the Office of Force Transformation in the Department of Defense, “The New Rules: Leadership Fatigue Puts U.S., and Globalization, at Crossroads,” March 7 )

      Events in Libya Century now unfolding.


      Leading from behind causes an authoritarian counter-mobilization by Russia, China and Iran

      Grygiel 11 (Jakub, Senior Fellow at the Center for European Policy Analysis and the George H.W. Bush Associate Professor of International Relations at Johns Hopkins-SAIS, October 3 , “Great Powers and Democracy Promotion”,

      Alas, reality is … of their actions.


      That emboldens Russian and Chinese expansionism globally

      Puddington 11 (Arch, researcher at Freedom House, responsible for preparation of Freedom in the World reports, September 2011, “Democracy’s Stake in the Arab Spring,” Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, Vol. 5, No. 3,

      To be effective… freedom everywhere else.


      Russian resurgence causes global nuclear war

      Blank 9 – Dr. Stephen Blank , Research Professor of National Security Affairs at the Strategic Studies Institute of the U.S. Army War College, March 2009, “Russia And Arms Control: Are There Opportunities For The Obama Administration?,” online:

      Proliferators or nuclear… or their own people.172


      Chinese resurgence causes nuclear great power war

      Walton 7 – C. Dale Walton, Lecturer in International Relations and Strategic Studies at the University of Reading, 2007, Geopolitics and the Great Powers in the 21st Century, p. 49

      Obviously, it isgreat power alliances.


      Independently, Obama must take the lead in Libya

      May 11 (Donald R, BS, with High Honors and Distinction in Microbiology, in 1968 from the University of Illinois, Champaign, and his MD from the University of Illinois College of Medicine, Chicago, was an intern at the Northwestern University Memorial Hospitals in Chicago, was a Major in the United States Air Force and was on active duty at the Wilford Hall USAF Medical Center, San Antonio, received the Air Force Commendation Medal,  has been on the faculties of the University of Illinois, the University of Texas, the University of California, Tulane University, and Texas Tech  and taught MBA students, “We Need to Help Libya Now”, 10/21,

      The death of …the Middle East.


      That causes nuclear war --- now key

      Coes 11 (Ben, a former speechwriter in the George H.W. Bush administration, managed Mitt Romney’s successful campaign for Massachusetts Governor in 2002 & author, 9/30, “The disease of a weak president”, The Daily Caller,

      The disease of not an option.


      Solves Indo-Pak conflict, Korean accidents and China war

      Victor Davis Hanson 9, Senior Fellow in Residence in Classics and Military History @ Hoover Institution, Stanford University, “Change, Weakness, Disaster, Obama: Answers from Victor Davis Hanson,” Interview with the Oregon Patriots,, December 7,

      BC: Are we … bite or when.


      Indo-Pak war causes extinction

      Greg Chaffin 11, Research Assistant at Foreign Policy in Focus, July 8, 2011, “Reorienting U.S. Security Strategy in South Asia,” online:

      The greatest threat … could quickly escalate.


      China war causes extinction

      Strait Times 2K (The Straits Times (Singapore), “No one gains in war over Taiwan”, June 25, 2000, L/N)

      The doomsday scenario …above everything else.


      1AC – Solvency

      Contention 4: Solvency


      Governance assistance strengthens the NTC and cements US leadership

      Engel 11 (Former Research Assistant-The Washington Institute & Beirut-based analyst who recently traveled across Libya, 11/2,

      Libya's challenges arewith Islamic values.


      Governance support solves – US leadership key and they’ll pay us back

      Wolfowitz 11 (Paul, a visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, has served as deputy U.S. secretary of defense and U.S. ambassador to Indonesia, 11/3, “America's Opportunity in Libya”,

      Those who opposed…we do nothing.


      Plan solves – aid makes a decisive impact

      Cordesman 11 (Anthony H. Cordesman is Arleigh A. Burke Chair in Strategy at Center for Strategic and International Studies and acts as a national security analyst for ABC News “Next Steps in Libya (Egypt, Tunisia, and Other States with New Regimes)”, 8/22, )

      Qaddafi’s fall is  and allied blood.



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