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Northern Iowa

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 16:06
  • Mo State Rnd 1

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    • SQ Democracy assistance is predicated on a liberal model of democracy in which liberalism must exert its influence on the populace to be a legitimate form of politics.
      Hobson 2009 (Christopher, Ph.D., Political Science and International Relations, Australian National University, Master, International Politics, The University of Melbourne , The Limits of Liberal-Democracy Promotion, Department of International Politics, Aberystwyth University)   
      Key actors seeking to support democracy abroad… democracy being proposed.

      This normative view of democracy assistance creates a seemingly autonomous subject. Rather this subject is shaped by a multitude of social powers that construct our freedom. For democracy to be meaningful we must give up this normative conception and analyze the way power shapes our freedom.
      Brown 11 (Wendy, Professor of Political Science at the University of California, Democracy in What State… , Theory and Event, Volume 13, Issue 2, 2010,
      Modern democracy’s normative presumption… democracy, is hard to imagine

      This ideology has caused the United States to refuse to acknowledge non-liberal political groups in the Middle East and North Africa as legitimately democratic because we have deemed these populations as incompatible with liberalism. This kind of exclusion from politics is created by the liberal quest to create a universal humanity.
      Elliott 2009 (Cathy, Msc Democracy and Democratisation from University College London, Postgraduate Diploma in Development Management from the Open University, BA (Hons) in French and Czech (with Slovak) from St Edmund Hall, University of Oxford,  The Day Democracy Died: The Depoliticizing Effects of Democratic Development, University College London)
      Laclau and Mouffe’s early work actively… strengthened by it

      This idea of universal humanity necessitates an absolute inhumanity of all those that do not meet the standards of liberal democracy which justifies their elimination.
      Rasch, 05
      [William, Henry H. Remak Professor of Germanic Studies at Indiana University. “Human Rights as Geopolitics: Carl Schmitt and the Legal Form of American Supremacy,” Cultural Critique, Issue 54, Spring 2003]
      Christianity of Vitoria, of Salamanca,… benefits of the liberal order.

      The end result is unending war against those deemed inhuman-results in extinction
      Dillion and Reid, 08
      [Michael, professor of Politics and International Relations at University of Lancaster. Julian, Lecturer in International Relations, Department of War Studies, King’s College London. The Liberal Way of War: Killing to Make Life Live, p. 30-32]

      One way of expressing… securitization and fear.

      Furthermore, Status quo democracy promotion has become a form of governmental technology that seeks to create neoliberal subjects that are compatible with the market economy. When groups fail to adopt this form of subjectivity they can be exclude and exterminated.
      Dean 1999 (Mitchell, Head of Department of Sociology, Macquarie University, Governmentality Power and Rule in Modern Society, Pg 145-147)
      The more general argument… rationalities unto itself

      This form of subjectivity, in line with neoliberal economics, creates individuals who are “equally unequal”, forms of domination and inequality are seen as the failure of the individual, not social collective problems. This depoliticizes economic and social problems and reduces citizens to politically passive individuals.  
      Hamann 2009 (Trent,  Neoliberalism, Governmentality, and Ethics,  Foucault Studies,  No 6, pp. 37-59, February 2009,

      Foucault’s analysis in The Birth… opportunities” for investment.14

      Neoliberalism as a governmentality creates a particular production of truth that structures individuals and subjectivities. This epistemology blurs the line between economic subject and citizen. This distinction de-democratizes politics by devaluing rights, public debates and political discourse. Problems are not collectively addressed but regulated to the individual. To resist this form of governmentality we must question the forms of knowledge and subjectivity produced by neoliberalism rather than its particular political outcomes
      Read 2009 (Jason,  undergraduate degree from Hampshire College in 1994 and completed my Ph.D. at the State University of New York at Binghamton in 2001, with a dissertation titled "The Production of Subjectivity: Marx and Contemporary Continental Thought., A Genealogy of Homo-Economicus: Neoliberalism and the Production of Subjectivity, Foucault Studies,

      For Antonio Negri there is a… freedom and possibility

      Neoliberalism creates an epistemology that makes the truth of the subject the only thing that is valuable and the market is the only place that these truths can be enunciated.
      Dilts 2011 (Andrew, University of Chicago, Doctor of Philosophy, 2008, From ‘entrepreneur of the self ’ to ‘care of the self ’: Neoliberal Governmentality and Foucault’s Ethics,

      The neo-liberal analysts look… truth to governmental practice”

      The logic of neoliberalism creates a death drive that culminates in creating discardable populations and ends in extinction
      Santos, 2003 (Boaventura, Leading Portuguese social theorist, director of the Center for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra, has written and published widely on the issue of globalization., “Collective suicide or globalization from below?”, March 26, Eurozine,

      Sacrificial genocide arises… countries for four years

      Thus the advocacy: Thomas and I advocate democracy assistance for Egy pt, Libya, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen, and Bahrain through an analysis of governmentality.

      The affirmative is a way to engage in an analytics of government by challenges the self-evident truth claim of democracy assistance as being wrapped up in Liberalism and linked to the state, the plan makes visible and critiques a place where there is temptation to invoking the historical constant of Liberalism in democracy assistance.
      Lemke 2007 (Thomas, PhD in political science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University in Frankfurt/Main., An indigestible meal? Foucault, governmentality and state theory, Institute for Social Research,

      To pursue these questions, Foucault… a longer period of time

      Invoking USFG as the only method to increase democracy is an attempt to fill the place of power rendered empty by democracy. There advocacy is an attempt to consubstantiate the elites that control the mechanisms of power with actual democratic power.  This collapses the symbolic of democracy.  
      Doucet, 2005 (Marc G. Doucet, Department of Political Science, Saint Mary’s University, “Territoriality and the Democratic Paradox: the Hemispheric Social Alliance and Its Alternatives for the Americas” Contemporary Political Theory, 2005, 4, (275–295)

      According to Claude Lefort… contingent and contestable.

      Interrogating the foundational ground of democracy is key to overcoming the liberal interpretation of democracy being ruled by the state.  Moving away from a state centric approach to democracy is key to embracing the radical indeterminancy of democracy.
      Doucet, 2005
      Marc G. Doucet, Department of Political Science, Saint Mary’s University, “Territoriality and the Democratic Paradox: the Hemispheric Social Alliance and Its Alternatives for the Americas” Contemporary Political Theory, 2005, 4, (275–295)

      Modern political theory… the image of power

      Governmentality is not a dominant force having direct control over individuals that must be resisted, rather the plan is a method to focus on the effects of power experienced by those who are subject to these forms of governmentality. This local form of resistance is key to “desubjectification”
      Hamann 2009 (Trent,  Neoliberalism, Governmentality, and Ethics,  Foucault Studies,  No 6, pp. 37-59, February 2009,

      Whether neoliberalism will ultimately… to local community organizing.

      An analysis of neoliberalism can’t happen at the state level, neoliberalism is a system of governmentality that is not created by the state or some other institution but rather is constituted by series of social relations.
      Read 2009 (Jason,  undergraduate degree from Hampshire College in 1994 and completed my Ph.D. at the State University of New York at Binghamton in 2001, with a dissertation titled "The Production of Subjectivity: Marx and Contemporary Continental Thought., A Genealogy of Homo-Economicus: Neoliberalism and the Production of Subjectivity, Foucault Studies,

      In the opening pages of David Harvey’s…. subjectivity are produced. 

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  • KCK Rnd 1

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    • Bahraini crackdowns are creating a time-bomb in the Gulf-failure to aid the Shias causes radicalization and Iranian intervention-also crushes US credibility

      Jacobs, 11

      [Joshua, policy analyst at the Institute for Gulf Affairs, degree in International Politics at American University, concentration in US Foreign Policy and the Middle East. "Blunder in Bahrain", Institute for Gulf Affairs, June 1, 2011,]


      There is no country affected by the Arab Spring...political settlement, and in negating Iranian propaganda.

      Bahrain is on the brink of mass violence—only US democracy support can prevent Middle East destabilization 

      Washington Post, 11

      [“Bahrain needs US Attention Now," September 9, 2011,]

      Bahrain has become the hidden story of the...use its influence now — before the crisis resumes.

      That causes oil shocks, Saudi instability, and Iranian aggression 

      Maginnis, 11

      [Robert, retired Army lieutenant colonel, national security and foreign affairs analyst. "Bahrain's No Egypt," Human Events, February 21, 2011,]

      First, Iran would use a Bahrain platform... through which half of the world’s seaborne oil shipments pass

      Closure of the straight collapses the economy

      Blanche, 09

      [Ed. "Flashpoint Hormuz: US and allies brace for trouble in the choke-point Strait of Hormuz, gateway to the gulf, as regional tension escalates," The Middle East, August-September,;content]

      The strait is a 180km-long horseshoe-shaped waterway...warned in a mid-2008 assessment of the Iranian threat.

      Economic collapse causes resource wars, democratic backsliding, and terrorism - all go nuclear 

      Harris & Burrows, 09 

      [Mathew, PhD European History at Cambridge, counselor of the U.S. National Intelligence Council (NIC). Jennifer, member of the NIC’s Long Range Analysis Unit. “Revisiting the Future: Geopolitical Effects of the Financial Crisis,”]

      Of course, the report encompasses more than economics... within and between states in a more dog-eat-dog world.

      Independently oil shocks cause extinction

      Roberts, 04

      [Paul, Regular Contributor to Harpers and NYT Magazine. “The End of Oil: On The Edge of a Perilous New World,” p. 93-94]

      The obsessive focus on oil is hardly surprising...mere survival than terrorism or even war.

      Crackdowns independently create a new urban extremist risk – even a small attack incites a massive response – Hezbollah will get drawn in.

      Ibish, 11 

      [Hussein, Senior Research Fellow at the American Task Force on Palestine. “Is Bahrain Creating a New Terrorist Threat?” April 14, 2011,

      Since then, the government of Bahrain has... security threat, however limited and symbolic?

      Hezbollah involvement in Bahrain will obliterate Bahraini-Lebanese ties – this will independently realign the Lebanese political landscape and destabilize the country.

      Alami, 11 

      [Mona, Beirut-based journalist for IPS. “Hezbollah Challenges Bahrain Govt,” Apr 21, 2011,]

      Hezbollah’s hardening stance in the Bahraini... crisis in Lebanon could take a turn for the worse. 

      Causes Middle East Instability

      Stuart, 06 

      [James, Principle Consultant at Hedra PLC. “Lebanon – The Struggle Continues,”]

      Why is this important? Why is Lebanon, which is a small country... Lebanon is where we will make a difference.

      Goes nuclear

      Russell, 09

      [James A., Co-Director, Center for Contemporary Conflict, Senior Lecture, Department of National Security Affairs, Center for Contemporary Conflict, Former advisor to Secretary of Defense on Persian Gulf security strategy and policy. “Strategic Stability Reconsidered:

      Prospects for Escalation and Nuclear War in the Middle East,” p. 43]

      Strategic stability in the region is thus....with substantial risk for the entire world.

      This allows China and Russia to fill the void
      Wehrey et al., 10
       [Frederic. Senior Policy Analyst at RAND. Dalia Kaye, Senior Political Scientist at RAND. Jessica Watkins, Political scientist at RAND. Jeffrey Martini, policy expert at RAND.  Robert Guffey, policy expert at RAND. “The Iraq Effect – The Middle East After the Iraq War,”]

      The decline in U.S. standing in the... engagement could spread into the security portfolio.

      Competition will cause US-Sino war.
      Luft and Korin, 04
       [Gal, executive director of the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security. Anne, director of policy and strategic planning at IAGS. “The Sino-Saudi Connection,” March 2004,]

      The Chinese also have at their disposal... as Napoleon foresaw, the world will surely tremble.

      US-China war bad- it would go nuclear, devastating US counter-intelligence failures ensure US loss, and China would use EMPs devastating the US
      Santoli, 05
       [Al, Asia America Initiative director. "Japanese Official:  US Would "Certainly Lose" War vs. China," November 6, 2005,]

      Japanese officials have warned the US of a potential future nuclear war... Sea of Japan, Hawaii and the entire Trans-Pacific region.

      Even if we do win-Chinese Nuclear Launch activates the  Russian Early Warning System
      Kristensen, 06
       [Hans M., director of the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American Scientists. “Report:  Chinese Nuclear Forces and U.S. Nuclear War”,]

       In Chapter 2 we quoted a range for China’s... exceeding 10,560 miles (17,000 km).

      Bostrum, 02
       [Nick, Professor of philosophy at Oxford University. “Existential Risks Analyzing Human Extinction Scenarios and Related Hazards,”]

      A much greater existential risk emerged with the... risks that we will encounter in the 21st century.

      Status quo bias towards Bahrain’s government feeds a global movement against basing — the U.S. must find critical middle ground or risk losing basing worldwide
      Cooley and Nexon, 11 [Alexander, Associate Professor of Political Science at Barnard College and member of Colombia University’s Institute for War and Peace Studies. Daniel, Associate Professor at the School of Foreign Service and Department of Government at Georgetown. “Bahrain’s Base Politics: The Arab Spring and America’s Military Bases,” Foreign Affairs, April 5, 2011,]

      The use of force and foreign troops against... throw its autocratic friends under the bus. 

      Democracy assistance is critical to maintain the fleet—failure to encourage dialogue will force withdrawal which collapses American military power and deterrence

      Stimson Center, 11 

      [The Henry L. Stimson Center is a nonprofit, nonpartisan institution devoted to enhancing international peace and security through a unique combination of rigorous analysis and outreach. “Anchors Away: The future of the US Navy’s Fifth Fleet in Bahrain,” July 21, 2011,]

      The home base of the US Navy's Fifth Fleet has become.... have an interest in preventing any of these scenarios from materializing.

      5th Fleet departure crushes American Naval credibility—destroys hegemony 

      Cropsey, 10

      [Seth, Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute, former Naval Officer and deputy senior under secretary of the Navy in the administration of Reagan and W. Bush. "The US Navy in Distress,” Strategic Analysis, Volume 34, Number 1, January,]

      American maritime strategy has played a major role in... surrendered slowly over decades

      The perception of American bias towards Bahrain’s government feeds a global movement against US basing—the United States must find a middle ground in supporting the opposition or risk losing military bases in Bahrain and worldwide

      Cooley and Nexon, 11 

      [Alexander, Associate Professor of Political Science at Barnard College and member of Colombia University’s Institute for War and Peace Studies. Daniel, Associate Professor at the School of Foreign Service and Department of Government at Georgetown. “Bahrain’s Base Politics: The Arab Spring and America’s Military Bases,” Foreign Affairs, April 5, 2011,]

      The use of force and foreign troops against...Washington is ready to throw its autocratic friends under the bus

      A lack of forward basing collapses overall US naval power

      Whiteneck et al., 10 

      [Daniel Whiteneck. Michael Price. Neil Jenkins. Peter Swartz. CNA Analysis & Solutions, “The Navy at a Tipping Point: Maritime Dominance at Stake?” March, 2010,]

      Is there a logical “tipping point” that can be... you are at the “tipping point.”

      Forward deployed naval power is critical to overall US capabilities—this allows us to deter and defeat any challenger and contain every impact 

      England et al., 11

      [Gordon, a former secretary of the Navy. James Jones, a former commandant of the Marine Corps. Admiral Vern Clark is a former chief of naval operations. “The Necessity of U.S. Naval Power,” July 11,]

      The future security environment underscores two broad... need to meet the challenges of the future.

      US naval power guarantees hegemony, prevents attacks on the US mainland, and deters potential rivals from even attempting to change the status quo

      Freidman, 07 

      [George, PhD, Chief Executive Officer and founder of STRATFOR. “The Limitations and Necessity of Naval Power,” April 10, 2007,]

      This raises a more fundamental question... masks the fundamentally indispensable role the Navy plays in U.S. national security.

      Collapse of US leadership causes a litany of scenarios for nuclear war and massive destruction

      Kagan, 11 

      [Robert, Senior Associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. “The Price of Power: The benefits of U.S. defense spending far outweigh the costs,” January 24, 2011, Volume 16, Number 18,]

      Today the international situation is... under a table and the table will not fall over. 

      Thus the plan: The United States federal government should provide substantial advisory support to proponents of democratic constitutional reform in Bahrain. 

      US explicit diplomacy key to constitutional monarchy and negotiated solutions—solves conflict and Sectarian war  

      Indyk and Stork, 11 

      [Martin, Ambassador and Vice President and Director of Foreign Policy Program, Brookings Institution. Joe, Deputy Director of Middle East and North Africa Division at Human Rights Watch. Official Transcript of a Project on Middle East Democracy Panel with Indyk & Stork: “Tensions in the Persian Gulf after the Arab Uprisings: Implications for U.S. Policy,” Project on Middle East Democracy, U.S. Capitol Visitor Center, SVC 212-10, June 29, 2011, 9:00-11:00am,]

      Finally, Ambassador Martin Indyk discussed U.S.... and should quickly condemn it as a “sham” if it fails.

      Constitutional Monarchy is a key avenue for reconciliation between the monarchy and protestors-American mediation spurs a middle ground solution   

      Abrams, 11

      [Elliot, Senior fellow for Middle Eastern Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, former deputy national security adviser handling Middle East affairs in the George W. Bush Administration. "The Situation in Bahrain is a Disaster and it may be too late for a compromise", March 17, Business Insider,]

      So instead of progress toward a constitutional... but perhaps the Emiratis are more sensible; they usually are.

      Plan key to quell sectarianism and shut out Iranian influence  

      Diwan, 11

      [Kristin Smith, Assistant Professor of Comparative and Regional Studies at the School of International Service at American University. "Bahrain's Shia Question,” Foreign Affairs, March 2, 2011,]

      The rival rallies held on February 21 by the opposition in Pearl Square... Arabia for its hard-line message.

      US cooperation ensures no base kick out

      Gvosdev, 11

      [Nikolas, former editor of the National Interest. “The realist prism: Middle East Democracies can be US friends,” February 18, 2011, World Politics Review,]

      Over in Bahrain, the fall of the monarchy might threaten... Bishkek to renew the American lease to the base.



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