Northern Iowa » Northern Iowa Hayward and Joseph

Northern Iowa Hayward and Joseph

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 16:06
  • Sample Entry

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  • Turkey CP

    • Tournament: Missouri State | Round: Round Three | Opponent: Johnson City Community College | Judge:

    • TURKEY 1NC

      TEXT: The Republic of Turkey should increase its democracy assistance 

      Contention one is Competition: 

      Contention two is Solvency:

      The Arab Spring has put turkey in the front seat: political Islam and relations with neighbors make it a perfect model

      Paul & Seyrek 11 [Amanda Paul is a Policy Analyst at the European Policy Centre and Demir Murat Seyrek is an independent expert and PhD candidate at the Catholic University of Leuven. Turkish foreign policy and the Arab Spring 15.07.2011 arab_spring.pdf  K. Joseph]

      While Turkey’s domestic politics remain [TO] motives or “perceived” ulterior motives.

      And Turkey’s approach to democracy encompasses both core Muslim values and western ideals

      Heydarian ‘11 [Richard Javad is an Iranian observer and analyst of developments in the Middle East. He is based in Manila. Foreign Policy In Focus contributor. “Arab spring, Turkish summer?  from the Asia Times Joseph]

      Turkey demonstrates how Islamic movements [TO] of communication with opposition forces.


      3. The Turkish model serves as ideological inspiration
      Heydarian ‘11 [Richard Javad is an Iranian observer and analyst of developments in the Middle East. He is based in Manila. Foreign Policy In Focus contributor. “Arab spring, Turkish summer?  from the Asia Times Joseph]

      Turkey is emerging as an attractive [TO] rest of the Islamic world? 

      4.  Establishes long term solvency – The AKP represents an ideological model for the compatibility of Islam and Democracy, this approach solves to the core by answering political grievances and establishing stable states. Abent this social and political unrest is inevitable
      Fuller ‘4 [Graham E. is a former vice chairman of the National Intelligence Council at the Central Intelligence Agency. His latest book is The Future of Political Islam (Palgrave Macmillan, 2003) Turkey's Strategic Model: Myths and Realities The Washington Quarterly 27.3 (2004) 51-64]

      If the election of an [TO] precedents for the Muslim world.


      If the election of an Islamist [TO] precedents for the Muslim world.

      Turkish Democracy a model for political Islam in the Middle East
      Fuller ‘4 [Graham E. is a former vice chairman of the National Intelligence Council at the Central Intelligence Agency. His latest book is The Future of Political Islam (Palgrave Macmillan, 2003) Turkey's Strategic Model: Myths and Realities The Washington Quarterly 27.3 (2004) 51-64  K. Joseph]

      Thus, the first important way [TO] parties just like other parties.

      Geostrategic positioning gives Turkey a region defining role
      Brouwer ’11 [Rick, is an MA Graduate of International Relations at the University of Groningen. He currently holds Internship at the Political Department at Royal Dutch Embassy in Pretoria, South-Africa “ Turkey’s Position in the Middle East: Regional Hegemon or Peripheral Bystander?” Master Thesis January 31, 2011 MA-1454269-R.Brouwer.pdf  K. Joseph]

      Turkey lies at the crossroads [TO] regions than to the Maghreb. 

      Appearing ‘one sided’ in international politics is inevitable
      Birand 4/4 [Mehmet Ali, is a writer, political analyst and one of Turkey’s most prominent journalists and television commentators. He is the author of eight books on Turkish domestic and international policies, including “Relations with the EU since 1963”, “Don’t be fooled, EU views Ankara differently” Monday, April 4, 2011 Why are we just upset with the EU or the US?  K. Joseph]

      If you were to pay attention, [TO] carry on without exaggeration.

  • SKFTA Politics

    • Tournament: Missouri State | Round: All Negative Rounds | Opponent: | Judge:

    • KORUS 1NC: Uniqueness 

      SKFTA Will pass before the mid-October diplomatic deadline
      Korea Herald 9/23 [U.S. Senate clears one hurdle to FTA with S. Korea 2011-09-23 10:16  K. Joseph]

      WASHINGTON, Sept. 22 (Yonhap)  The U.S. Senate, led by Democrats, [TO]  shortly after the Senate vote. 

      KORUS 1NC: Link [2.1/2]

      Plan drains capital
      Lennon et al. 09 [Alexander T.J., Senior Fellow, International Security Program @ CSIS, Editor in Chief, The Washington Quarterly, also Larry Diamond, Francis Fukuyama, Michael McFaul, and Matthew J. Owens, “Democracy in U.S. Security Strategy: From Promotion to Support”,]

      Initially, momentum seemed to be gaining [TO]  life, our way of government.”  

      KORUS 1NC: Internal Link [2.2/2]

      And Capital is key
      Kim, Joongang ‘7/6 [Daily Columnist,  Sukhan, senior partner at the law firm of Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP in Washington, D.C., 30 June 2011, “[Viwepoint] Endgame for Korus”,, 7.6.11]

      Timing is also a key concern for [TO] succeed in his audacious gamble. 

      KORUS 1NC: Warming Module [1/2]

      KORUS solves the economy, the alliance, global trade , democracy, and warming
      Twining 9 [Daniel  is Senior Fellow for Asia at the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF). He is also a consultant to the U.S. government on international security affairs “The U.S.-ROK Alliance  in the 21st Century,” Strengthening the U.S.-Korea Alliance for the 21st Century - The Role of Korean-American Partnership  in Shaping Asia’s Emerging Order”]

      Expanding U.S.-ROK economic ties is [TO] Partnership on Clean Development and Climate.

      KORUS 1NC: Warming Module [2/2]

      Climate change threatens massive species extinction on a global scale
      Stern, 7 [Head of the British Government Economic Service, Former Head Economist for the World Bank, Director of Policy and Research for the Commission for Africa, I.G. Patel Chair at the London School of Economics and Political Science (Nicholas, “The Economics of Climate Change: The Stern Review”,]

      Climate change is likely to occur [TO] the highest biodiversity on the planet.

      2NC Uniqueness

      Passage now is key -
      A) time sensitive cooperation with U.S. and Korean legislatures
      Korea Times 9/16 [By Chung Min-uck,staff reporter, Korea Times. “Korea-US trade pact introduced despite objections September 16, 2011 Friday – lexis  K. Joseph]

      The ruling Grand National Party (GNP) [TO] (GSP) next week,'said Nam.

      B) And it’s Passed – TAA passage has trade legislation at the top of the agenda
      Forbes 9/22 [By JIM ABRAMS staff reporter for Associated Press, Senate passes worker aid bill tied to trade deals 09.22.11, 06:53 PM EDT  K. Joseph]

      WASHINGTON  The prospect that Congress will [TO] of the worker-aid program. 

      C) Empirics / leadership perception – presidential leadership and bipartisan support makes status quo passage inevitable – prefer our issue specific uniqueness, evidence and insider political perspective
      McLarty Cunningham 1/24 [By Thomas "Mack" McLarty III and Nelson W. Cunningham Mr. McLarty was chief of staff to President Clinton in 1993-94 and helped bring Bill Daley into the White House to lead the 1993 Nafta ratification effort. Mr. Cunningham was an aide to President Clinton and to then-Sen. Joseph Biden.  K. Joseph]

      Our experience tells us that [TO]  in his administration would prefer. 

      2NC/1NR: Warming Turns Democracy 

      We’ll turn the case here - Warming turns democracy, and makes conflict and instability inevitable
      Zinni, ‘7 - Sanford Distinguished Lecturer in Residence at Duke University, Nimitz Chair at the University of California-Berkeley, the Hofheimer Chair at the Joint Forces Staff College, the Harriman Professor of Government on the board of the Reves Center for International Studies at the College of William and Mary, Weissberg Chair in International Studies at Beloit College, former Commander in Chief of CENTCOM (Anthony, “National Security and the Threat of Climate Change,”

      Climate change acts as a threat [TO] once a conflict has begun.

      Country Link: Egypt Controversial

      Aid to Egypt is controversial—politicians have tolerated small amounts but lawmakers want to trim the deficit
      Sharp, 2011 Jeremy M. Sharp, Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs ”Egypt in Transition”August 23, 2011,

      Although the Egyptian government has [TO] sector in Egypt and Tunisia)

      Country Link: Egypt Cost PolCap

      Plan is hugely controversial – drains pol cap
      Guttman 2011 [Nathan Guttman  “Congress Wielding Foreign Aid Budget in Effort to Influence Shape of New Middle East” –, May 17,

      Congress’s power of the purse [TO] the receipt of U.S. aid.” 

  • Spanos

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • same cites as Casady and Chase

  • EU Counterplan

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Generic 1NC-Shell (1/2)

      Text: The European Union should <insert mandates of the plan>

      The EU solves better than the US
      OPPD, 10
       [OFFICE FOR PROMOTION OF PARLIAMENTARY DEMOCRACY. “Getting Acquainted: Setting the Stage for Democracy Assistance,” An OPPD background publication, p. 15-16]

      Attempts to identify distinctive ….. inclusive than the political approach

      Solvency-Wall (1/3)

      The EU can solve better-multiple reasons
       a. Less harsh rhetoric
      Wittes and Young, 09
       [Tamara Cofman, deputy assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern affairs at the U.S. Department of State. Richard, director general of FRIDE (a European think tank), assistant professor at the University of Warwick in the UK. “Europe, the United States, and Middle Eastern Democracy: Repairing the Breach,” The Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institute. Analysis paper, number 18, January 2009, p. 15-16]

      While American and European … occasion is a striking distinction.

       b. Avoiding isolation and regime change
      Wittes and Young, 09
       [Tamara Cofman, deputy assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern affairs at the U.S. Department of State. Richard, director general of FRIDE (a European think tank), assistant professor at the University of Warwick in the UK. “Europe, the United States, and Middle Eastern Democracy: Repairing the Breach,” The Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institute. Analysis paper, number 18, January 2009, p. 16]

      Another notable difference is between …. of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood.

       c. Economic integration
      Wittes and Young, 09
       [Tamara Cofman, deputy assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern affairs at the U.S. Department of State. Richard, director general of FRIDE (a European think tank), assistant professor at the University of Warwick in the UK. “Europe, the United States, and Middle Eastern Democracy: Repairing the Breach,” The Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institute. Analysis paper, number 18, January 2009, p. 18-19]

      One advantage Europeans cite ….. thus undergone a degree of “Barcelonification.”

       d. Better knowledge of the region
      Abboud, 10
       [Noufal, MA in Human Rights and BA in Law. “Regenerating the State in the Arab World: The Role Of the European Union in Democracy Building,” p. 16]

      It is only with knowledge of the local ….. of either catalyst or teacher.


  • USAID Trade-off Disadvantage

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • *A.  Uniqueness-USAID budget is strapped and cuts to programs are occurring
      Sheridan, 11* [Mary Beth, diplomatic correspondent for The Washington Post.. “Budget 2012: State Department/USAID,” February, 14, 2011]

      President Obama's 2012 budget proposal ,spend only $45 billion for 2011.

      *B. New commitments force shifts within the budget
      Tobias, 07* [Randall,  former Director of Foreign Assistance and Administrator of USAID. “Testimony of Ambassador Randall L. Tobias
      U.S. Director of Foreign Assistance and Administrator of USAID Hearing on Foreign Assistance Reform and FY 2008 Budget,” House Foreign Affairs Committee, March 8, 2007,]

      Similarly, when we split up … influenza into the base budget.

      *C. New democracy projects will force tradeoffs due to budget pressures. This leads to failed intervention which will collapse military readiness, increase global terrorism, and weaken growth
      Kunder, 11* [James, Senior Resident Fellow at the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) and a Principal of the Modernizing Foreign Assistance Network(MFAN), “Foreign aid keeps America safe”, July 7, 2011]

      At this critical inflection point, … celebrate — a terror-free tomorrow.

      *D. Unchecked terrorism will result in extinction
      Alexander, 03*  [Yonah, professor and director of the Inter-University for Terrorism Studies in Israel and the United States.  “Terrorism myths and realities,” The Washington Times, August 28, 2003]

      Unlike their historical counterparts, contemporary … without victory, there is no survival."

      *E. Collapses of military readiness causes global war
      Perry & Flournoy, 06* [William, professor of management science and engineering at Stanford University, was U.S. secretary of defense from 1994 to 1997, Michele, senior advisor at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, was principal deputy assistant secretary of defense for strategy and threat reduction. “The U.S. Military: Under Strain And at Risk,” National Defense, May]

      The all-volunteer force is now in historically…weaken our ability to deter aggression.

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:


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