Northern Iowa » Northern Iowa Casady and Chase

Northern Iowa Casady and Chase

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 16:06
  • Mo State Rnd 2

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • SQ Democracy assistance is predicated on a liberal model of democracy in which liberalism must exert its influence on the populace to be a legitimate form of politics.
      Hobson 2009 (Christopher, Ph.D., Political Science and International Relations, Australian National University, Master, International Politics, The University of Melbourne , The Limits of Liberal-Democracy Promotion, Department of International Politics, Aberystwyth University)   
      Key actors seeking to support democracy abroad… democracy being proposed.

      This normative view of democracy assistance creates a seemingly autonomous subject. Rather this subject is shaped by a multitude of social powers that construct our freedom. For democracy to be meaningful we must give up this normative conception and analyze the way power shapes our freedom.
      Brown 11 (Wendy, Professor of Political Science at the University of California, Democracy in What State… , Theory and Event, Volume 13, Issue 2, 2010,
      Modern democracy’s normative presumption… democracy, is hard to imagine

      This ideology has caused the United States to refuse to acknowledge non-liberal political groups in the Middle East and North Africa as legitimately democratic because we have deemed these populations as incompatible with liberalism. This kind of exclusion from politics is created by the liberal quest to create a universal humanity.
      Elliott 2009 (Cathy, Msc Democracy and Democratisation from University College London, Postgraduate Diploma in Development Management from the Open University, BA (Hons) in French and Czech (with Slovak) from St Edmund Hall, University of Oxford,  The Day Democracy Died: The Depoliticizing Effects of Democratic Development, University College London)
      Laclau and Mouffe’s early work actively… strengthened by it

      This idea of universal humanity necessitates an absolute inhumanity of all those that do not meet the standards of liberal democracy which justifies their elimination.
      Rasch, 05
      [William, Henry H. Remak Professor of Germanic Studies at Indiana University. “Human Rights as Geopolitics: Carl Schmitt and the Legal Form of American Supremacy,” Cultural Critique, Issue 54, Spring 2003]
      Christianity of Vitoria, of Salamanca,… benefits of the liberal order.

      The end result is unending war against those deemed inhuman-results in extinction
      Dillion and Reid, 08
      [Michael, professor of Politics and International Relations at University of Lancaster. Julian, Lecturer in International Relations, Department of War Studies, King’s College London. The Liberal Way of War: Killing to Make Life Live, p. 30-32]

      One way of expressing… securitization and fear.

      Furthermore, Status quo democracy promotion has become a form of governmental technology that seeks to create neoliberal subjects that are compatible with the market economy. When groups fail to adopt this form of subjectivity they can be exclude and exterminated.
      Dean 1999 (Mitchell, Head of Department of Sociology, Macquarie University, Governmentality Power and Rule in Modern Society, Pg 145-147)
      The more general argument… rationalities unto itself

      This form of subjectivity, in line with neoliberal economics, creates individuals who are “equally unequal”, forms of domination and inequality are seen as the failure of the individual, not social collective problems. This depoliticizes economic and social problems and reduces citizens to politically passive individuals.  
      Hamann 2009 (Trent,  Neoliberalism, Governmentality, and Ethics,  Foucault Studies,  No 6, pp. 37-59, February 2009,

      Foucault’s analysis in The Birth… opportunities” for investment.14

      Neoliberalism as a governmentality creates a particular production of truth that structures individuals and subjectivities. This epistemology blurs the line between economic subject and citizen. This distinction de-democratizes politics by devaluing rights, public debates and political discourse. Problems are not collectively addressed but regulated to the individual. To resist this form of governmentality we must question the forms of knowledge and subjectivity produced by neoliberalism rather than its particular political outcomes
      Read 2009 (Jason,  undergraduate degree from Hampshire College in 1994 and completed my Ph.D. at the State University of New York at Binghamton in 2001, with a dissertation titled "The Production of Subjectivity: Marx and Contemporary Continental Thought., A Genealogy of Homo-Economicus: Neoliberalism and the Production of Subjectivity, Foucault Studies,

      For Antonio Negri there is a… freedom and possibility

      Neoliberalism creates an epistemology that makes the truth of the subject the only thing that is valuable and the market is the only place that these truths can be enunciated.
      Dilts 2011 (Andrew, University of Chicago, Doctor of Philosophy, 2008, From ‘entrepreneur of the self ’ to ‘care of the self ’: Neoliberal Governmentality and Foucault’s Ethics,

      The neo-liberal analysts look… truth to governmental practice”

      The logic of neoliberalism creates a death drive that culminates in creating discardable populations and ends in extinction
      Santos, 2003 (Boaventura, Leading Portuguese social theorist, director of the Center for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra, has written and published widely on the issue of globalization., “Collective suicide or globalization from below?”, March 26, Eurozine,

      Sacrificial genocide arises… countries for four years

      Thus the advocacy: Thomas and I advocate democracy assistance for Egy pt, Libya, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen, and Bahrain through an analysis of governmentality.

      The affirmative is a way to engage in an analytics of government by challenges the self-evident truth claim of democracy assistance as being wrapped up in Liberalism and linked to the state, the plan makes visible and critiques a place where there is temptation to invoking the historical constant of Liberalism in democracy assistance.
      Lemke 2007 (Thomas, PhD in political science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University in Frankfurt/Main., An indigestible meal? Foucault, governmentality and state theory, Institute for Social Research,

      To pursue these questions, Foucault… a longer period of time

      Invoking USFG as the only method to increase democracy is an attempt to fill the place of power rendered empty by democracy. There advocacy is an attempt to consubstantiate the elites that control the mechanisms of power with actual democratic power.  This collapses the symbolic of democracy.  
      Doucet, 2005 (Marc G. Doucet, Department of Political Science, Saint Mary’s University, “Territoriality and the Democratic Paradox: the Hemispheric Social Alliance and Its Alternatives for the Americas” Contemporary Political Theory, 2005, 4, (275–295)

      According to Claude Lefort… contingent and contestable.

      Interrogating the foundational ground of democracy is key to overcoming the liberal interpretation of democracy being ruled by the state.  Moving away from a state centric approach to democracy is key to embracing the radical indeterminancy of democracy.
      Doucet, 2005
      Marc G. Doucet, Department of Political Science, Saint Mary’s University, “Territoriality and the Democratic Paradox: the Hemispheric Social Alliance and Its Alternatives for the Americas” Contemporary Political Theory, 2005, 4, (275–295)

      Modern political theory… the image of power

      Governmentality is not a dominant force having direct control over individuals that must be resisted, rather the plan is a method to focus on the effects of power experienced by those who are subject to these forms of governmentality. This local form of resistance is key to “desubjectification”
      Hamann 2009 (Trent,  Neoliberalism, Governmentality, and Ethics,  Foucault Studies,  No 6, pp. 37-59, February 2009,

      Whether neoliberalism will ultimately… to local community organizing.

      An analysis of neoliberalism can’t happen at the state level, neoliberalism is a system of governmentality that is not created by the state or some other institution but rather is constituted by series of social relations.
      Read 2009 (Jason,  undergraduate degree from Hampshire College in 1994 and completed my Ph.D. at the State University of New York at Binghamton in 2001, with a dissertation titled "The Production of Subjectivity: Marx and Contemporary Continental Thought., A Genealogy of Homo-Economicus: Neoliberalism and the Production of Subjectivity, Foucault Studies,

      In the opening pages of David Harvey’s…. subjectivity are produced. 

  • Racism Add On

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • The logic of Liberalism creates an American narrative that not only constructs Islam as incompatible with democracy be justifies intervention and the support of authoritarian regimes because they are perceived as more progressive, even in the face of local calls for democratic reform.

      Kull 2011(Steven, director of the Program on International Policy Attitudes and author of the recently released book, Feeling Betrayed: The Roots of Muslim Anger at America., Why Muslims are still mad at America, CNN World, September 5,  )


      According to this American narrative - AND as seeking to undermine Islam itself.

      This discourse posits Islam as irreconcilably different and creates a new form of cultural racism that essentializes Muslims and limits political solutions.

      Semati, 2010 (Mehdi, PhD in Communication from University of Missouri-Columbia, MA from Michigan State University, and B.S. in Telecommunication from University of Kentucky-Lexington, ISLAMOPHOBIA, CULTURE AND RACE IN THE AGE OF EMPIRE, Cultural Studies,   )  


      Is there a shift in the AND ‘them’ are the ‘same’).

      This is the root cause of violence. It allows a determination of who must live and die, war becomes necessary to protect the population as a whole.

      Elden 2002 (Lecturer in politics at the University of Warwick, England, Stuart, boundary 2 29.1, project muse)


      The reverse side is the power AND , 180; WK, 136)   



    • Tournament: KCKCC | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • SQ Democracy assistance is predicated on a liberal model of democracy in which liberalism must exert its influence on the populace to be a legitimate form of politics.

      Hobson 2009 (Christopher, Ph.D., Political Science and International Relations, Australian National University, Master, International Politics, The University of Melbourne , The Limits of Liberal-Democracy Promotion, Department of International Politics, Aberystwyth University)   


      Key actors seeking to support democracy AND liberal version of democracy being proposed.


      This ideology has caused the United States to refuse to acknowledge non-liberal political groups in the Middle East and North Africa as legitimately democratic because we have deemed these populations as incompatible with liberalism. This kind of exclusion from politics is created by the liberal quest to create a universal humanity.

      Elliott 2009 (Cathy, Msc Democracy and Democratisation from University College London, Postgraduate Diploma in Development Management from the Open University, BA (Hons) in French and Czech (with Slovak) from St Edmund Hall, University of Oxford,  The Day Democracy Died: The Depoliticizing Effects of Democratic Development, University College London)

      Laclau and Mouffe’s early work actively AND , but also strengthened by it.


      This idea of universal humanity necessitates an absolute inhumanity of all those that do not meet the standards of liberal democracy which justifies their elimination.

      Rasch, 05

      [William, Henry H. Remak Professor of Germanic Studies at Indiana University. “Human Rights as Geopolitics: Carl Schmitt and the Legal Form of American Supremacy,” Cultural Critique, Issue 54, Spring 2003]


      For Schmitt, the Christianity of AND irrefutable benefits of the liberal order.


      The end result is unending war against those deemed inhuman-results in extinction

      Dillion and Reid, 08

      [Michael, professor of Politics and International Relations at University of Lancaster. Julian, Lecturer in International Relations, Department of War Studies, King’s College London. The Liberal Way of War: Killing to Make Life Live, p. 30-32]


      One way of expressing the core AND an infinity of securitization and fear.


      Furthermore, Status quo democracy promotion has become a form of governmental technology that seeks to create neoliberal subjects that are compatible with the market economy. When groups fail to adopt this form of subjectivity they can be exclude and exterminated.

      Dean 1999 (Mitchell, Head of Department of Sociology, Macquarie University, Governmentality Power and Rule in Modern Society, Pg 145-147)

      The more general argument advanced here AND genre of political rationalities unto itself.


      This form of subjectivity, in line with neoliberal economics, creates individuals who are “equally unequal”, forms of domination and inequality are seen as the failure of the individual, not social collective problems. This depoliticizes economic and social problems and reduces citizens to politically passive individuals. 

      Hamann 2009 (Trent,  Neoliberalism, Governmentality, and Ethics,  Foucault Studies,  No 6, pp. 37-59, February 2009, )


      Foucault’s analysis in The Birth of AND ”opportunities” for investment.14


      Neoliberalism is a form governmentality that structures individuals and subjectivities. This creates an ontology blurs that line between economic subject and citizen. This de-democratizes politics by devaluing rights, public debates and political discourse. Problems are not collectively addressed but regulated to the individual. To resist this form of governmentality we must question the forms of knowing and subjectivities produced by neoliberalism rather than its particular political outcomes

      Read 2009 (Jason,  undergraduate degree from Hampshire College in 1994 and completed my Ph.D. at the State University of New York at Binghamton in 2001, with a dissertation titled "The Production of Subjectivity: Marx and Contemporary Continental Thought., A Genealogy of Homo-Economicus: Neoliberalism and the Production of Subjectivity, Foucault Studies, )


      For Antonio Negri there is a AND of subjectivity, freedom and possibility.


      The ontology of Neoliberalism has expanded capitalism to include influence over all social interactions. This allows capitalism to biopolitically shape life.

      Kiersey 2011 (Nicholas J., Assistant Professor in Political Science at Ohio University, Everyday Neoliberalism and the Subjectivity of Crisis: Post-Political Control in an Era of Financial Turmoil, Journal of Critical Globalisation Studies , Issue 4,


      In considering the ways in which AND in the reproduction of social life.


      This production of being is constantly recreated, only examing the technologies that sustain this order allows us to reveal how it can be changed. This form of productive ontology is always created by subjectivities, creating a form of collective agency is key to solve.

      Read 2001 (Jason, undergraduate degree from Hampshire College in 1994 and completed my Ph.D. at the State University of New York at Binghamton in 2001, with a dissertation titled "The Production of Subjectivity: Marx and Contemporary Continental Thought, The Hidden Abode of Biopolitical Production: Empire and the Ontology of Production RETHINKINGeMaAdRXISM Volume 13, Number ¾)


      Biopolitical production must be understood as AND the world can be made otherwise.


      We can create new forms of agency within liberal citizenship. Creating a space that allows for a discussion of what democratic deliberation free from neoliberalism is key to solve.

      Giroux 1 (Henry, Global TV Network Chair in English and Cultural Studies at McMaster University, “Mis/Education and Zero Tolerance:Disposable Youth and the Politics of Domestic Militarization, boundary 2 28.3 (2001) 61-94, MUSE)

      There is growing evidence in American AND into matters of private concerns.”

      The logic of neoliberalism creates a death drive that culminates in creating discardable populations and ends in extinction

      Santos, 2003 (Boaventura, Leading Portuguese social theorist, director of the Center for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra, has written and published widely on the issue of globalization., “Collective suicide or globalization from below?”, March 26, Eurozine,


      Sacrificial genocide arises from a totalitarian AND poorest countries for four years. 


      Thus the advocacy: Thomas and I advocate democracy assistance for Egy pt, Libya, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen, and Bahrain through an analysis of governmentality.


      The affirmative is a way to engage in an analytics of government by challenges the self-evident truth claim of democracy assistance as being wrapped up in Liberalism and linked to the state, the plan makes visible and critiques a place where there is temptation to invoking the historical constant of Liberalism in democracy assistance.

      Lemke 2007 (Thomas, PhD in political science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University in Frankfurt/Main., An indigestible meal? Foucault, governmentality and state theory, Institute for Social Research, )


      To pursue these questions, Foucault AND consistency over a longer period of time


      Governmentality is not a dominant force having direct control over individuals that must be resisted, rather the plan is a method to focus on the effects of power experienced by those who are subject to these forms of governmentality. This local form of resistance is key to “desubjectification”

      Hamann 2009 (Trent,  Neoliberalism, Governmentality, and Ethics,  Foucault Studies,  No 6, pp. 37-59, February 2009, )


      Whether neoliberalism will ultimately be viewed AND globalization movement to local community organizing.

      Invoking USFG as the only method to increase democracy is an attempt to fill the place of power rendered empty by democracy. There advocacy is an attempt to consubstantiate the elites that control the mechanisms of power with actual democratic power.  This collapses the symbolic of democracy. 

      Doucet, 2005 (Marc G. Doucet, Department of Political Science, Saint Mary’s University, “Territoriality and the Democratic Paradox: the Hemispheric Social Alliance and Its Alternatives for the Americas” Contemporary Political Theory, 2005, 4, (275–295)


      According to Claude Lefort (1986AND ground will remain contingent and contestable.


       An analysis of neoliberalism can’t happen at the state level, neoliberalism is a system of governmentality that is not created by the state or some other institution but rather is constituted by series of social relations.

      Read 2009 (Jason,  undergraduate degree from Hampshire College in 1994 and completed my Ph.D. at the State University of New York at Binghamton in 2001, with a dissertation titled "The Production of Subjectivity: Marx and Contemporary Continental Thought., A Genealogy of Homo-Economicus: Neoliberalism and the Production of Subjectivity, Foucault Studies, )


      In the opening pages of David AND the truth and subjectivity are produced.

  • Framework Cards

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • This Topic is unique, We must critique what it means to be democratic, failure to do so dooms us to totalitarianism and recreate the negs impacts.

      Nancy, 2010 (Jean Luc Nancy, The Truth of Democracy, translated Pascale-Anne Brault and Michael Naas, Fordham University Press, p. 37)


      As a certain democratic conviction comes AND and monsters, or others still.


      Furthermore state focus frameworks limits the agency of debaters.  This limit on the debate space prevents change and turns their education net benefits.

      Bleiker, 2000

      (Roland, Popular Dissent, Human Agency, and Global Politics. Cambridge University Press,

      To expand the scope of international AND legitimate rationale for violent encounters.22


      And neg has to defend the value of their education. their interpretation commodifies education to be analyzed for its productive value. The negative deems our education invaluable because it can’t be used to increase human capital. This recreates the impacts of the 1AC  


      Dilts 2011 (Andrew, University of Chicago, Doctor of Philosophy, 2008, From ‘entrepreneur of the self ’ to ‘care of the self ’: Neoliberal Governmentality and Foucault’s Ethics, )


      The challenge, Becker argues, AND to economic analysis? Homo oeconomicus.



      And Avoiding ontology in politics makes it possible to create policy solutions that fail to consider the power relationships and knowledge that is produced, or what legitimizes them in the first place. This absence of ontological reflection creates a form of politics that is absent of any form of political responsibility or ethics and allows biopolitical structures of power to remain.

      Grayson 2007 (Kyle, Lecturer in International Politics, School of Geography Politics and Sociology @ Newcastle University, Human Security as power/knowledge: the biopolitics of a definitional debate, Online paper archive for the SGIR Turin Conference 2007, ) 

      While the argument thus far has AND call is not a simple one.

  • Cap 2AC

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Neoliberalism is a form of “capitalism without capitalism”. It extends the logic of capitalism to every social field but does away with the forms of social antagonism that are necessary to challenge capitalism. Plan is a prereq to solve


      Read 2009 (Jason,  undergraduate degree from Hampshire College in 1994 and completed my Ph.D. at the State University of New York at Binghamton in 2001, with a dissertation titled "The Production of Subjectivity: Marx and Contemporary Continental Thought., A Genealogy of Homo-Economicus: Neoliberalism and the Production of Subjectivity, Foucault Studies, )


      Because Foucault brackets what could be AND thinking, its implicit anthropology.16


      Alt Doesn’t solve, only interrogation of subjectivity can solve for capital.


      Read 2009 (Jason,  undergraduate degree from Hampshire College in 1994 and completed my Ph.D. at the State University of New York at Binghamton in 2001, with a dissertation titled "The Production of Subjectivity: Marx and Contemporary Continental Thought., A Genealogy of Homo-Economicus: Neoliberalism and the Production of Subjectivity, Foucault Studies, )



      In the Grundrisse, Marx does AND same subjectivity that must be controlled.


      We control the impact debate. Capital operates through biopolitical technologies, only an analytics of governmentality can solve the impacts they articulate.


      Weidner 2009 (Jason,  Governmentality, Capitalism, and Subjectivity, Global Society, Vol. 23, October)


      Finally, these concepts—immaterial AND now diffused throughout social space.39


      And the alt can’t solve, monocausal explanations for power fail.

      Death 2011 (Carl, teaching African politics and development in the School of Law and Government, Dublin City University. He has conducted research in South Africa and New York, and has held visiting researcher positions at the Wits Institute for Social and Economic Research (WISER) at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, and the Centre for Civil Society (CCS) at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in Durban, Foucault and Africa: Governmentality, IR theory, and the limits of advanced liberalism, BISA Africa and International Studies Working Group April 28 2011)


      The critique of governmentality approaches with AND a governmentality approach might provide.13  

  • Round Reports

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Aff:Northern Iowa CC
      Round #  7 Tournament: shirley
      vs: Michigan LH
      Judge:Eric Short



      Plan Text


      Thomas and I advocate democracy assistance for Eygpt, Libya, Syria, Tunisia, Ymen, an dBahrain through an analysis of governmentality


      1ac Advantages




      2ac Offense


      State education bad

      State destroys agency (Bleiker)

      Exclusoin bad

      They assume neolib model of education


      1ar Strategy



      2ar Strategy

  • Wake Forest Shirley R1 vs Georgia LL

    • Tournament: Wake | Round: 1 | Opponent: Georgia LL | Judge: Joe Koehle

    • 1AC

      Contention 1: Liberalism

      Status Quo conceptions of democratic movements in the Middle East and North Africa are viewed in the context of a civil or uncivil society. Good civil populations are seen as necessary to develop the western form of liberal politics, something that the Middle East and North Africa is always lacking whether it be from ethnic solidarities or Islamic traditions. We must be able to view the Middle East and North Africa without a liberal lens before we can engage in legitimate democracy assistance.

      Volpi 11 (Frederic, Ph.D Professor at University of St. Andrews on Middle Eastern Studies, “Framing Civility in the Middle East: Alternative Perspectives on the State and Civil Society,” Third World Quarterly, Vol 32, Iss 5,)



      A useful starting point for considering AND unduly restrict the field of inquiry.




      This Liberal ideology has caused the United States to refuse to acknowledge non-liberal political groups in the Middle East and North Africa as legitimately democratic because we have deemed these populations as incompatible with liberalism. This kind of exclusion from politics is created by the liberal quest to create a universal humanity.

      Elliott 2009 (Cathy, Msc Democracy and Democratisation from University College London, Postgraduate Diploma in Development Management from the Open University, BA (Hons) in French and Czech (with Slovak) from St Edmund Hall, University of Oxford,  The Day Democracy Died: The Depoliticizing Effects of Democratic Development, University College London)

      Laclau and Mouffe’s early work actively AND , but also strengthened by it.




      This universal humanity necessitates the creation of those who have yet to be deemed human and those who cannot be human. These populations are subjects that have yet to be shaped into liberal subjectivities. Democracy assistance acts as a form of governmentality that creates liberal subjects in the Middle East and North Africa. Those who resist this subjectivisation are deemed inhuman.

      Prozorov 2006 (Sergei, doctoral degree from the University of Tampere, Finland and was subsequently Research Fellow at the Danish Institute of International Studies in Copenhagen. During 2005-2007 he was Professor of International Relations at Petrozavodsk State University. He is presently Academy of Finland Research Fellow at the Department of Political and Economic Studies at the University of Helsinki., Liberal Enmity: The Figure of the Foe in the Political Ontology of Liberalism, Millennium—Journal of international studies,



      Schmitt’s prophecy about the infinite plasticity AND one’s belonging to nature and humanity.


      The end result is unending war against those deemed inhuman-results in extinction

      Dillion and Reid, 08

      [Michael, professor of Politics and International Relations at University of Lancaster. Julian, Lecturer in International Relations, Department of War Studies, King’s College London. The Liberal Way of War: Killing to Make Life Live, p. 30-32]


      One way of expressing the core AND an infinity of securitization and fear.



      Contention 2: Neoliberalism


      Western democracy assistance for the Middle East and North Africa is an attempt to expand the Wests’ imperial reach enabling imperial domination and expanding the neoliberal agenda.
      Dixon ’11 (
      Marion, Sociology Cornell University, June, Review of African Political Economy, “An Arab spring”, Vol. 18 #128)

      The ‘imperial reach’ represents a AND rooted in social and economic justice.

      This form of liberal governmental technology seeks to create subjects that adhere to neoliberal market rationality and can create an industrial economy that can be incorporated into the global system.

      Dean 1999 (Mitchell, Head of Department of Sociology, Macquarie University, Governmentality Power and Rule in Modern Society, Pg 145-147)


      Liberalism in the twentieth century stands AND genre of political rationalities unto itself.



      This form of subjectivity, in line with neoliberal economics, creates individuals who are “equally unequal”, forms of domination and inequality are seen as the failure of the individual, not social collective problems. This depoliticizes economic and social problems and reduces citizens to politically passive individuals. 

      Hamann 2009 (Trent,  Neoliberalism, Governmentality, and Ethics,  Foucault Studies,  No 6, pp. 37-59, February 2009,


      Foucault’s analysis in The Birth of AND ”opportunities” for investment.14



      Neoliberalism is a form governmentality that structures individuals and subjectivities. This creates an ontology blurs that line between economic subject and citizen. This de-democratizes politics by devaluing rights, public debates and political discourse. Problems are not collectively addressed but regulated to the individual. To resist this form of governmentality we must question the forms of knowing and subjectivities produced by neoliberalism rather than its particular political outcomes

      Read 2009 (Jason,  undergraduate degree from Hampshire College in 1994 and completed my Ph.D. at the State University of New York at Binghamton in 2001, with a dissertation titled "The Production of Subjectivity: Marx and Contemporary Continental Thought., A Genealogy of Homo-Economicus: Neoliberalism and the Production of Subjectivity, Foucault Studies,


      For Antonio Negri there is a AND of subjectivity, freedom and possibility.


      The ontology of Neoliberalism has expanded capitalism to include influence over all social interactions. This allows capitalism to biopolitically shape life.

      Kiersey 2011 (Nicholas J., Assistant Professor in Political Science at Ohio University, Everyday Neoliberalism and the Subjectivity of Crisis: Post-Political Control in an Era of Financial Turmoil, Journal of Critical Globalisation Studies , Issue 4,


      In considering the ways in which AND in the reproduction of social life.




      This production of being is constantly recreated, only examing the technologies that sustain this order allows us to reveal how it can be changed. This form of productive ontology is always created by subjectivities, creating a form of collective agency is key to solve.

      Read 2001 (Jason, undergraduate degree from Hampshire College in 1994 and completed my Ph.D. at the State University of New York at Binghamton in 2001, with a dissertation titled "The Production of Subjectivity: Marx and Contemporary Continental Thought, The Hidden Abode of Biopolitical Production: Empire and the Ontology of Production RETHINKINGeMaAdRXISM Volume 13, Number ¾)


      Biopolitical production must be understood as AND the world can be made otherwise



      We can create new forms of agency within liberal citizenship. Creating a space that allows for a discussion of what democratic deliberation free from neoliberalism is key to solve.

      Giroux 1 (Henry, Global TV Network Chair in English and Cultural Studies at McMaster University, “Mis/Education and Zero Tolerance:Disposable Youth and the Politics of Domestic Militarization, boundary 2 28.3 (2001) 61-94, MUSE)

      There is growing evidence in American AND into matters of private concerns.”5


      The logic of neoliberalism creates a death drive that culminates in creating discardable populations and ends in extinction

      Santos, 2003 (Boaventura, Leading Portuguese social theorist, director of the Center for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra, has written and published widely on the issue of globalization., “Collective suicide or globalization from below?”, March 26, Eurozine,


      Sacrificial genocide arises from a totalitarian AND poorest countries for four years.   



      Thus we advocate that


      Thus the advocacy: Thomas and I advocate democracy assistance for Egy pt, Libya, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen, and Bahrain through an analysis of governmentality.
      We Affirm the advocacy not as a political solution to the problem of democracy in the Middle East and North Africa but rather as a way to engage in an analytics of governmentality by exposing the self-evident truth claim of democracy assistance as always being wrapped up in liberal governmentalities. The advocacy makes visible and critiques a place where there is temptation to invoking the historical constant of Liberalism in democracy.


      Lemke 2007 (Thomas, PhD in political science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University in Frankfurt/Main., An indigestible meal? Foucault, governmentality and state theory, Institute for Social Research,


      To pursue these questions, Foucault AND consistency over a longer period of time



      Governmentality is not a dominant force having direct control over individuals that must be resisted, rather the plan is a method to focus on the effects of power experienced by those who are subject to these forms of governmentality. This local form of resistance is key to “desubjectification”

      Hamann 2009 (Trent,  Neoliberalism, Governmentality, and Ethics,  Foucault Studies,  No 6, pp. 37-59, February 2009,


      Whether neoliberalism will ultimately be viewed AND globalization movement to local community organizing.



      This interrogation of subjectivity through an analytics of governmentality allows to become ethical subjects. Only by understanding how our freedom is shaped and how different truths are produced by these forms of power can we ethically reshape our subjectivities.

      Dilts 2011 (Andrew, University of Chicago, Doctor of Philosophy, 2008, From ‘entrepreneur of the self ’ to ‘care of the self ’: Neoliberal Governmentality and Foucault’s Ethics,


      In this same interview, Foucault AND of the American neo-liberals.




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