Northern Iowa » Casady and Chase Neg

Casady and Chase Neg

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 16:06
  • T-DA = Pre existing

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • A.) Interpretation: Increase must be a net increase of a preexisting program
      ROGERS 2005

      Statutory Interpretation. HN16 While ...was in perfect condition.

      And, The affirmative plan should be a form of democracy assistance, not result in an increase in democracy.  Democracy is only the indirect purpose of “Capacity building for research”.  The topical version of the plan would be “capacity building for governance”
      Lappin 10
      (Richard, reaction to the Syria acquisition was a necessary and even
      encouraging response. It demonstraWhat We Talk About When We Talk About Democracy Assistance: The Problem of Definition in Post-Conflict Approaches to Democratisation", Central European Journal of International and Security Studies, Vol. 4, No. 1, May 2010,

      Such fastidiousness on the ...democracy assistance can be drawn

      B. Violation: The plan does not on face increase democracy assistance.  The plan’s primary purpose is capacity building for “research” which is development assistance NOT democracy assistance.  Also even if they win that they may result in some democracy that democracy is only secondary to the main goal of the plan which is research.  

      Block Cards
      There own authors say that plan is currently in the USAID Development agenda NOT democracy assistance.  The medical model that they critique is a model of development assistance.  
      Albert and Harrison 2006
      Bill Albert and Mark Harrison, “Lessons from the Disability Knowledge and
      Research Programme” In or Out of The Mainstream? Lessons from Research on Disability and
      Development Cooperation, The Disability Press, 2006,

      From it’s official formation in the early the developing world. 

      The aff increases development assistance not democracy assistance.
      Civil society assistance is much broader than democracy assistance – the aff is not the democracy part of civil society.
      Youngs 2006
      Richard Youngs 2006  director general of FRIDE, assistant professor at the University of Warwick in the UK, EU Marie Curie research fellow at the Norwegian Institute for International Relations, Oslo (2001-4), PhD and an MA in International Studies from the University of Warwick and a BA in Social and Political Science from the University of Cambridge.  “Themes in Democracy Assistance” International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance

      Definitions in this sense remain ...related to democracy. 

  • Spanos

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Spanos
      The discourse and practice of democratization justifies the  American project to civilize the other.

      Ayers, 9
      (Alison, dept of Poli Sci @ Simon Fraser University, Imperial Liberties: Democratisation and Governance in the ‘New’ Imperial Order, Political Studies, Vol 57, p.3-4)
      Internal to the new modalities of informal imperialism are therefore the constitution,
      governance and governmentalities of domestic political jurisdictions. In
      particular, it has been ..and commerce’ 

      Democracy assistance is saturated in this ontology of imperialism – democracy as a universal principle only exists when one being has power over another.

      Burke, 7
      (Anthony, Senior Lecturer in the School of Politics and International Relations at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Beyond Security, Ethics and Violence, p. 214-215)
      My concerns here have much ...instrumental power.

      America’s unique commitment to democracy assistance represents the exceptionalist ideology of an errand to civilize the world’s wilderness. This instrumentalist and totalitarian logic is evidenced in such violent expeditions as the Vietnam and Iraq wars and parallels the logic of Nazi Germany. 

      Spanos, 8
      (William, Global American: the devastation of language under the dictatorship of the public realm, Spring 2008)
      This is not to say, to repeat..necessarily speaks it "name." 

      In this way, American exceptionalism creates a socio-political context  that defines humanity in terms of those that are civilized enough to be considered human and those that are un-human.  

      Spanos, 8
      (William, Distinguished Professor at Binghamton University, “Global American: The Devastation of Language Under the Dictatorship of the Public Realm,” Project Muse)
      It is, I suggest, the totalized ...danc[es] together, contrapuntally.” 

      This normalization of violence devalues life and creates the ontological conditions that make extinction possible. 

      Spanos, 8
      (William, Distinguished Professor at Binghamton University, “Global American: The Devastation of Language Under the Dictatorship of the Public Realm,” Project Muse)
      One self-evident..he is doing wrong.

      The alternative is to refuse the imperialist logic of the affirmative in favor of an ontology of guerilla warfare.

      Shanahan, 8
      (Bill, YES – that Shanahan,  Did General Petraeus betray us?,  15 April 2008,
      Schieffer explicitly evoked Vietnam ...America can do no wrong. 

      An ontology of guerilla warfare will expose the inefficiencies of Western metaphysics and cause it to self-destruct.

      Spanos, 2k
      (William, America’s Shadow, p. 154-155)
      The last of these representative passages ...becomes the seen/hunted

  • Human Rights K

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • The attempt to create a world of universal friendship results in the destruction of all those who fall outside of the aff’s conception of social order
      Rasch, 2003 (William, Henry H. H. Remak Professor of Germanic Studies at Indiana University. Human Rights as Geopolitics: Carl Schmitt and the Legal Form of American Supremacy, Cultural Critique 54 (2003) 120-147, muse)
      Though he favorably opposes be human

      ICCPR places non-liberal democracies outside of its definition of humanity
      Mutua 2001 (Makau, Professor of Law and Director, Human Rights Center, State University of New York at Buffalo School of Law, “Savages, Victims, and Saviors: The Metaphor of Human Rights”Harvard International Law Journal, Winter, 2001, 42 Harv. Int'l L.J. 201)

      Elsewhere, non-European political ... non-Western states. n93

      Globalization and universal human rights regime are inextricably linked. Only alternative is to find a definition of human that is devoid of value.
      Rasch, 2003 (William, Henry H. H. Remak Professor of Germanic Studies at Indiana University. Human Rights as Geopolitics: Carl Schmitt and the Legal Form of American Supremacy, Cultural Critique 54 (2003) 120-147, muse)

      But while affirmative ... "inhuman" other

      Western political democracy is inseparable from universal human rights
      Mutua 2001 (Makau, Professor of Law and Director, Human Rights Center, State University of New York at Buffalo School of Law, “Savages, Victims, and Saviors: The Metaphor of Human Rights”Harvard International Law Journal, Winter, 2001, 42 Harv. Int'l L.J. 201)

      Second, the SVS ... non-European cultures

      Human rights regime is Eurocentric
      Mutua 2001 (Makau, Professor of Law and Director, Human Rights Center, State University of New York at Buffalo School of Law, “Savages, Victims, and Saviors: The Metaphor of Human Rights”Harvard International Law Journal, Winter, 2001, 42 Harv. Int'l L.J. 201)

      The human rights ... understanding of human rights.

      Universal human rights puts peoples in the false choice between cultural extinction or physical extinction
      Rasch, 2003 (William, Henry H. H. Remak Professor of Germanic Studies at Indiana University. Human Rights as Geopolitics: Carl Schmitt and the Legal Form of American Supremacy, Cultural Critique 54 (2003) 120-147, muse)

      For Schmitt, to assume ... and debtors

      Universal human rights are entirely defined by western powers.  There is no “universal” just political agendas
      Mutua 2001 (Makau, Professor of Law and Director, Human Rights Center, State University of New York at Buffalo School of Law, “Savages, Victims, and Saviors: The Metaphor of Human Rights”Harvard International Law Journal, Winter, 2001, 42 Harv. Int'l L.J. 201)

      The subtext of human rights ... contradiction with it.

  • Securitization

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • The affirmative’s defense of democratic values is rooted in a hegemonic discourse that privileges western forms of democracy and seeks to eliminate other forms.

      Campbell et. al. 7

      (Prof. of Geography @ Durham Political Geography 26, “Performing security: The imaginative geographies of current US strategy,” 414-415)

      The concept of integration...can be understood

      The particular support of the Arab Spring veils a hidden security agenda in which future hegemony is to be attained at the costs of actual liberation.

      Davarpanah, 11

      (Afshin, Tehran Times, U.S. trying to manipulate Arab uprising, Sunday, Jun 12)

      Unlike what many analysts...hegemony in the future. 

      The desire for security mandates that there be an insecure situation to protect oneself from – this results in the acquisition of power that causes increased insecurity and real threats to materialize.

       Kessler and Daase, 8

      (Oliver Kessler: Faculty of Sociology, University of Bielefeld, Christopher Daase, Department of Political Science, University of Munich, From Insecurity to Uncertainty: Risk and the Paradox of Security Politics)

      Uncertainty always in the end

      Securitization creates the conditions for the devaluation of life – certain lives are deemed valuable while others are marginalized. This is a precursor to their extinction level claims and destroys value to life.

      Dillon, 99


      Otherness is born(e) within...human way of being

      The alternative is to desecuritize democracy assistance by utilizing our political ability as an audience to decline the security proposition of the affirmative.

       Šulović, 10

      (Meaning of Security and the Theory of Securitization, )

      Treating something...ongoing securitization discourses.

  • IMET Topicality

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • IMET Topicality 1NC
      A.  INTERPRETATION.  Democracy assistance is grant-aided transfer of support to pro-democracy initiatives.
      Burnell, 2007
      Peter, Peter, Prof. of Politics @ University of Warwick, England “Does International Democracy Promotion Work?” Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik, ISBN 978-3-88985-354-7) Homepage/openwebcms3.nsf/%28ynDK_ contentByKey%29/ADMR-7BRF46/$FILE/BurnellPromotionWork.pdf

      All things considered, however, AND for things like managing the economy. 

      And, the affirmative plan should be a form of democracy assistance, not result in an increase in democracy.  Democracy is only the indirect purpose of “Capacity building for research”.  The topical version of the plan would be “capacity building for governance”
      Lappin 10
      (Richard, reaction to the Syria acquisition was a necessary and even
      encouraging response. It demonstraWhat We Talk About When We Talk About Democracy Assistance: The Problem of Definition in Post-Conflict Approaches to Democratisation", Central European Journal of International and Security Studies, Vol. 4, No. 1, May 2010,

      Such fastidiousness on the boundaries of AND -conflict democracy assistance can be drawn

      B. Violation: Expanded-IMET is security assistance, not democracy assistance.  This is because the training is technical, designed to help defense and security efforts in the recipient country.  They promote democracy rather than assisting it.  Also even if they win that they may result in some democracy that democracy is only secondary to the main goal of the plan.

      IMET Topicality Block
      IMET is security assistance NOT democracy assistance
      Global Security, 2011
      (Global, May 7, “Security Assistance Training Field Activity”,

      Background of Military Training Abroad  AND military representatives in foreign countries.

      E-IMET is security assistance
      Global Security, 2011
      (Global, May 7, “Security Assistance Training Field Activity”,

      As world conditions change, security AND courses that focus on EIMET goals.

      IMET is security assistance
      US State Department no date
      Office of Plans, Policy and Analysis
      International Military Education and Training (AND democratic governments

      IMET is security assistance
      Defense Security Cooperation Agency 2007
      (FAQs, November 28, 2007, US Dept of Defense,
      What is Security Assistance?    return AND funds, donor funds or FMF. 

      Security assistance is not democracy assistance
      Melia 2005
       Thomas O. Melia Institute for the Study of Diplomacy Walsh School of Foreign Service Georgetown University, “  The Democracy Bureaucracy The Infrastructure of American Democracy Promotion”   Princeton Project on National Security  Working Group on Global Institutions and Foreign Policy Infrastructure Sept,

      An additional concern of the Committee AND and Pakistan, among other countries.

      In the context of Egypt security assistance is distinct from democracy assistance
      Zunes, 2011
      Stephen Zunes,  Professor of Politics and Chair of Mid-Eastern Studies at the University of San Francisco,  “US Continues to Back Egyptian Dictatorship in the Face of Pro-Democracy Uprising” Huffington Post, Jan 28,

      Such "pro-democracy" AND democracy groups feel abandoned by Obama.

      Most US aid to Egypt is security assistance including border security assistance
      Sharp Aug 23, 2011
      Jeremy M. Sharp, Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs, “Egypt in Transition”, Congressional Research Service, August 23, 2011,

      As a result of the August AND the deteriorating security situation there.1

  • Turkey CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • see Hayward and Joseph for cites

  • SKFTA Politics

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • see Hayward and Joseph for cites 

  • Disengagement CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Text: The United States federal government will immediately disengage from Egypt.

      US hands off policy creates a better model for democracy and allows the US to distance itself from conflict

      Thibeau 2011

      (William “How Egypt Taught America About Democracy”

      in Politics & Diplomacy, February 26, 2011, Fordham Political Review,


      Just as the developed world relies AND invisible hand’ do its good work.


      Attempts to democratize the Middle East cause terrorism – economic and social hardships increase recruitment
       Freeman 05

      (Michael Freeman, Professor of political science at the University of Chicago, CIA analyst, “Fighting Terrorism with Democracy: A Losing Strategy,” All Academic,


      In many ways, the war AND provided additional motivation for religious extremists.


      Alexander 2003

      Yonah Alexander, professor and director of the Inter-University for Terrorism Studies in Israel and the United States. “Terrorism myths and realities,” The Washington Times, August 28, 2003

      Unlike their historical counterparts, contemporary AND victory, there is no survival."


      Soft Power NB

      American soft power is key to democracy promotion

      Muravchik 1996

      Joshua Muravchik, Ph.D. in IR. Scholar formerly at the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research and now a fellow at the School of Advanced International Studies of Johns Hopkins University. 1996. The imperative of American leadership: a challenge to neo-isolationism. 


      Today, America can and should AND from Washington weighs heavily on most.

      Democracy promotion ensures global conflict and crushes US hegemony in the long run

      Layne 1994

      Christopher Layne, Visiting Fellow in Foreign Policy Studies at the Cato Institute, Fall 1994, International Security, “Kant or Cant,” p. 46-49

      Those who want to base American AND that are based on wishful thinking.


  • Round Reports

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Neg: UNI CC
      Round #4 Tournament: Shirley
      Vs Team: James Madison BW
      Judge: Stout



      Off Case Args:

      Security K

      Spanos K

      T – Democracy Assistance


      Case Args:

      No impact to oil shocks

      No civil war

      No CBW terror

      Democracy causes terror


      Block Strategy:


      Security K



      2nr Strategy:

      Security K

      Neg: Northern Iowa CC

      Round 2 Shirley

      Vs Vanderbilt PM

      Judge Mike Baxstercoff


      Off case args: orientalism k (with threat con bad, imperialism, etc.)


      Case args: impact D, heg=imperialist, threats constructed


      Block strategy: k, case


      2nr strategy: K, case

  • Egypt Reps K

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • The affirmative is a strategy to turn the non-west into a hub for American imperialism---epistemologically suspect narratives frame US engagement and result in using Egypt as a strategic chess piece to recruit allies in the construction of the next enemy---inevitable blowback turns their solvency.

       Ghannoushi, 11(Soumaya, researcher in the history of ideas at the School of Oriental and African Studies. "Obama, hands off our spring" May 26 2011

      The affirmative’s attempt to create democracy in Egypt is disingenuous – the long history of support for a brutal autocratic regime is based on preserving U.S. interests in the region, particularly the security of Israel.

       Yom, 8(Sean, Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Government at Harvard University, The Dilemmas of American Democracy Promotion in the Arab World,

      The claim to create stability in the Middle East is rooted in a notion of security that is defined by a view that distinguishes an unstable orient as distinct from the west.  This mode of positing security as the primary criteria for our interactions with the Middle East insures the replication of the failed policies of the past.

      Bilgin, 2005 [Pinar, PhD International Politics, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, Department of International Relations Bilkent Univ., Regional Security in the Middle East  p. 1)

      Their advantages are built from a starting point that presumes the necessity of the plan---this obfuscates the historical US role in the region that taints the affirmative’s perception and turns solvency.

      Carpenter, 11(Ted Galen Carpenter, vice president for defense and foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute, is the author of eight books on international affairs, including Smart Power: Toward a Prudent Foreign Policy for America. "What Should U.S. Do about Egypt? Very Little" Feb 11

      The perception that the Middle East is distinctly Other is based on an exclusionary thought process that recreates the ideological superiority of the West.  Genocide is the product of this exclusionary ideology – will result in extinction.

      Batur, 7 (Pinar, Professor of Sociology – Vassar College and Ph.D. – University of Texas, Austin, “The Heart of Violence: Global Racism, War, and Genocide”, Handbook of the The Sociology of Racial and Ethnic Relations, Eds. Vera and Feagin, p. 446-447) 

      The negative does not propose an alternative in the traditional sense – instead we propose that the judge evaluate the debate as competing intellectual strategies.  The question of the ballot is, which intellectual strategy makes us the best agents for political change in the Middle East. 


      Bilgin, 5(Assistant Prof of International Relations at Bilkent University, REGIONAL SECURITY IN THE MIDDLE EAST A CRITICAL PERSPECTIVE, p54-59)

      American strategic intentions ensure that engagement fails---taking a step back and investigating the discursive security practices of US engagement is key. The representations of the Middle East are the cause of failed policy – only the alternative allows us to begin to re-conceptualize Middle East security.


      Bilgin 5 (Assistant Prof of International Relations at Bilkent University, REGIONAL SECURITY IN THE MIDDLE EAST A CRITICAL PERSPECTIVE, p12-15)


      We only have to win a link to win the critique – if we win their scholarship is informed by flawed representations we also win it is a counter-productive approach to academia that crushes any chance for productive engagement with the Middle East.  A new methodology that critiques status quo knowledge of the Middle East is the only hope for emancipatory politics.

      Bilgin 5 (Assistant Prof of International Relations at Bilkent University, REGIONAL REGIONAL SECURITY IN THE MIDDLE EAST A CRITICAL PERSPECTIVE, p164-65)

      The ballot is a question of the best method for approaching engagement with the Middle East and North Africa. The history of American strategic engagement is so thoroughly bankrupt that ultimately doing nothing is better than doing something.  Be suspicious of the methodology they base their solvency claims off of.


      Taleb, 11 (Distinguished Professor of Risk Engineering at New York University's Polytechnic Institute and the author of The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable. MARK BLYTH is Professor of International Political Economy at Brown University. "The Black Swan of Cairo: how suppressing volatility makes the world less predictable and more dangerous." Foreign Affairs 90.3 (May-June 2011)

      AT: Imperialism Good

       Claims that imperialism is good explicitly ignore that American empire has caused millions of human casualties, costs trillions of dollars, caused ecological devastation and increased the risk of nuclear devastation.

      Boggs, 5 (Carl, “Imperial Delusions: American Militarism and Endless War, p. xxiv)

      US imperialist strategy has become one of techno-war that has allowed the US to attack defenseless countries repeatedly.  Imperialism good arguments are mythology.

      Boggs, 5 (Carl, “Imperial Delusions: American Militarism and Endless War, p. xxxi)

      Other Links:

      These representations define the regions as separate and distinct.  This gaze identifies them as other and reduces the region to instability and nothing else.  Both of these Bilgins also answer their Middle East war scenarios.

      Bilgin, 5 [Pinar, PhD International Politics, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, Department of International Relations Bilkent Univ., Regional Security in the Middle East  p. 12-50)

      And, economic threat predictions will cause the US to manipulate regimes in a non-democratic fashion---link turns the whole case and empirically kills millions

      Neocleous, 8 (Mark Neocleous, Professor of Critique of Political Economy at Brunel University (UK), 2008 (“Critique of Security.” Pg. 101-102. ))

      Oil shocks have been securitized by politicians in order to exaggerate an impact and sway public opinion.

      Preble, 11 (Christopher, Debunking the Myth of Oil Dependence,

      AT: FW

      Excluding intellectual and critical theory from the realm of policy debate, by way of accommodation or banishment, is what causes not only things like violence, but also the insularity of intellectuals from the public that they criticize. Now is the key time to include alternatives such as ours in order effectuate actual change.

       Lears, 10(Jackson Lears is editor of Raritan and author, most recently, of Rebirth of a Nation: The Making of Modern America, 1877-1920,

      Their state focus framework limits the agency of debaters.  This limit on the debate space prevents transversal change and turns their education net benefits.

      Bleiker, 2k (Roland, Popular Dissent, Human Agency, and Global Politics. Cambridge University Press,

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:


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