North Texas » North Texas Hunter McCullough and Grant Peretz Aff

North Texas Hunter McCullough and Grant Peretz Aff

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 16:06
  • Connolly Aff

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Contention One is Dissent:

      The history of the United States and democracy in the Arab world is suspect to say the least. The reformist strategies of the American government aim to prevent authentic democracy by favoring dictatorships and oligarchies that are friendly to the United States. This routine is drenched in imperial ambitions meant to promote forms of stability that can be controlled in favor of American interests
      Chomsky and Goodman 2011 (Noam, political commentator, and Amy, executive producer of Democracy Now!, 5/11, 

      NOAM CHOMSKY: The U.S. …anyone gets in the way. 

      And, while touting the importance of internet freedom to countries that are oppositional to the U.S. it has gone unnoticed by U.S. policy that Bahrain is also facing severe internet crackdowns in order to control dissent
      Lee 2011 [Dicey, Tuesday, April 26, 2011 The Bahrain Regime's Double Headed Censorship Model For Social Media
      Bahrain: Since the beginning … orthodoxy in the social media. 

      This decision is part of a grander hypocritical strategy designed to stifle Shiite Muslim opposition in favor of supporting Sunni government control. The threat of the Iranian menace has become a rhetorical ploy that enables the demonizing of Libya while ignoring direct violence in Bahrain
      Hughes 3-20-2011 [Michael journalist and foreign policy strategist for the New World Strategies Coalition (NWSC), a think tank founded by Afghan natives focused on developing political, economic and cultural solutions for Afghanistan. graduated from the University of Notre Dame with a degree in History and studied Asian Economic Systems at Sophia University in Tokyo, Japan. Saudi-Backed Crackdown in Bahrain Exposes US Hypocrisy Published on Sunday, March 20, 2011 by The Sunday Times/Sri Lanka,
      Although U.S. officials … Tunisia 144, and Yemen 146. 

      Therefore we believe that the people of Bahrain should have access to uncensored internet networks.

      Contention Two is Radical Democracy:

      Our affirmative is not a defense of Iran, China, Libya or Syria. We are an investigation at the way these authoritarian discourses cloak themselves as organic and against repressive establishments – our affirmative criticism makes possible the end of those forms of exploitation by checking authoritarianism
      Smith 1998 [anna marie assistant professor of government at cornell university. laclau and mouffe the radical democratic imaginary, 1998 p 177-178
      As we have already seen … dominant and subordinate groups.

      The ethos of democracy that we employ does not tacitly accept democratic politics. Often, Democracy confined to territory becomes translated into nationalist chauvinist sentiments – the focus on the politics of mere electoral governance is not the end all of our political discussion – Our affirmative focus on the politico-cultural foundations of agonistic respect that criticizes anti-democratic sentiments
      Connolly 1995 [William E. prof of political science at john hopkins,The ethos of pluralization / 1995 p 152-155
      Today the territorial/security state … conduits for fascist unity.30

      Our affirmation of the topic is different than most. We affirm a different conception of democracy than status quo liberalism. Our agonistic democracy is a medium to rethinking difference and identity. Agonistic Democracy allows us to disturb the dogmatization of identity and leads us to a new form of political engagement where everything is contestable. Power can flow through, below, and above the state apparatus freeing us from the chains of the territorial state.
      Connolly 2002 [William Identity/difference, p xi-xii

      Let me call the relation … contemporary territorial democracy.

      Make no mistake, we are not the federal government. we are part of a cross-state citizenry that pursues creative interventions to press for expanded freedom across the globe in spite of the hypocrisy of the American government. We refuse the pessimism of the status quo that sees failure everywhere, our transformation is constantly ongoing and ethical because of it. The act of contesting status quo hypocrisy is our affirmation. We are not so arrogant as to think that our speech in this debate round will alter the entirety of the landscape of politics, but it is important to do nonetheless.
      Connolly 2005 [William, pluralism p 154-160
      A positive rejoinder …presented to us as inaccessible.

  • Yemen Aff - 1AC

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1AC – Yemen

      Contention One is Terrorism:

      The United States is blocking peaceful democratic transition in Yemen now – the plan is key to solve terrorism
      Karman, ’11 (Tawakkol, Leader of Yemen’s Democratic Youth Movement and founder of Women Journalists Without Chains, “Yemen’s Unfinished Revolution” June 18,

      We have reached … development and stability.

      And, lack of democracy assistance is alienating the opposition – the plan’s engagement is key to secure future cooperation in counter-terrorism efforts
      Democracy Digest, ’11 (“Embrace opposition to prepare for post-Saleh Yemen” March 23,

      The crisis in Yemen …other internal opponents.

      Cooperation over air strikes is key to effective intelligence gathering – unilateral strikes will fail and cause blowback
      Gude and Sofer, ’11 (Ken Gude is the Managing Director of the National Security and International Policy Program and Ken Sofer is a Special Assistant with the National Security and International Policy team at American Progress, “Misfiring at Al Qaeda in Yemen: Drones Are the Wrong Approach” June 15,

      The absence of cooperation … serious problem worse.

      And, effective strikes in Yemen will decapitate AQAP and immediately reduce their operational capacity abroad
      Cilluffo and Watts, ’11 (Frank J. Cilluffo is the director of the Homeland Security Policy Institute at The George Washington University, Clinton Watts is a principal consultant at PA Consulting Group and a Senior Fellow at the Homeland Security Policy Institute, “Countering the Threat Posed by AQAP: Embrace, Don’t Chase Yemen’s Chaos” July 14,

      Of all the … AQAP’s immediate threat.

      And, counter-terrorism operations are inevitable – cooperative surgical strikes are the most effective and limit blowback
      Cilluffo and Watts, ’11 (Frank J. Cilluffo is the director of the Homeland Security Policy Institute at The George Washington University, Clinton Watts is a principal consultant at PA Consulting Group and a Senior Fellow at the Homeland Security Policy Institute, “Countering the Threat Posed by AQAP: Embrace, Don’t Chase Yemen’s Chaos” July 14,

      We in no way … small-scale air strikes.

      And, Yemen is the central locus of international terrorism
      Boucek, ’10 (Christopher, Associate in the Middle East Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, “Terrorism Out of Yemen” October 11,

      The threat coming …portions of the country. 

      AQAP is planning a nuclear attack – they have the motives
      Kanani, ’11 (Rahim, Founder and Editor-in-Chief of World Affairs Commentary, “New al-Qaeda Chief Zawahiri Has Strong Nuclear Intent” June 29,

      We should be … their minds to it.”

      They can build a bomb
      Joyner, ’09 (Christopher C., Professor of International Law at Georgetown University, “Nuclear Terrorism in a Globalizing World: Assessing the Threat and the Emerging Management Regime,” Stanford Journal of International Law, Summer, p. 218)

      A further cause … capabilities of al-Qaeda. n72

      They can get the materials
      Bunn, ’10 (Matthew, Associate Professor of Public Policy at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, “Securing the Bomb”, April, p. 17-18)

      Unfortunately, there is … complacency sets in.

      The impact is nuclear war
      Ayson, ’10 (Robert, Professor of Strategic Studies and Director of the Centre for Strategic Studies: New Zealand at the Victoria University of Wellington, “After a Terrorist Nuclear Attack: Envisaging Catalytic Effects” July 7, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Vol. 33 Issue 7)

      But these two … unwilling to provide.

      AQAP will target Israel
      NCAFP, ’10 (National Committee on American Foreign Policy, “Global Terrorism: The U.S. Challenge and Response” September 27,

      A participant, alluding … target Israel directly.

      Morgan, ’09 (Dennis Ray, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Futures, Vol. 41 Issue 10, December, pp. 683-693)

      Years later, in … a nuclear winter.

      Contention Two is Instability:

      Yemen is on the brink of collapse because of poor governance – action now is key
      Duncan, ’10 (Alan, UK Minister of State for International Development, “Yemen: Political Dynamics and the International Policy Framework” November 1,

      Weak government capacity… risk it happening.

      And, absent U.S. assistance the transition to democracy will cause instability – that will cause oil spikes, terrorism, and a Saudi-Iran proxy war
      Makovsky, Misztal, and Ruhe, ’11 (Michael Makovsky, Blaise Misztal, and Jonathan Ruhe are the Foreign Policy Director, Associate Director, and Policy Analyst respectively at the Bipartisan Policy Center, “Spring Trap”, The New Republic, March 31,,0)

      Regardless of his … of remaining Yemen.

      And, oil spikes collapse the economy – stability is key
      The Economist, ’11 (“The 2011 Oil Shock” March 3,

      THE price of oil … and raise inflation.

      Auslin and Lachman, ’09 (Michael Auslin is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, Desmond Lachman is a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, “The Global Economy Unravels” March 6,

      What do these trends … into a big bang.

      And, Saudi-Iran proxy war causes Middle East instability
      Pradhan, ’09 (Prasanta Kumar Pradhan, Associate Fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, “Houthis and external intervention in Yemen” November 25,

      The situation in … the whole region.

      Steinbach, ’02 (John, Centre for Research on Globalisation, “Israeli Weapons of Mass Destruction: A Threat to Peace” March,

      Meanwhile, the existence … a world conflagration." (44)

      Plan: The United States federal government should provide local governance assistance for Yemen.

      Contention Three is Solvency:

      The plan is key to create good governance practices and solve corruption
      Greenfield, ’10 (Danya, Program Officer with the Middle East and North Africa division with the Center for International Private Enterprise, “Sustainable Development is Possible in Yemen” January 14,

      U.S. policy should … with tribal groups.

      And, the plan signals support for the opposition – that’s key to lock in cooperation
      Florek, ’11 (Adam, Analyst at GPS Analysis, “American-Yemeni Relations: Precarious Prospects” June 24,

      In the months …position of influence.

      The US is giving democracy assistance to Yemen now, but it’s not targeted correctly and isn’t getting the support of the opposition
      McInerney, ’11 (Stephen, Executive Director of the Project on Middle East Democracy. “The Federal Budget and Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2012: Democracy, Governance, and Human Rights in the Middle East. )

      There would of course… strategy moving forward.

  • Libya Aff - 1AC

    • Tournament: Kentucky | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Contention One: Leadership

      The International system is changing – the US should promote democracy and cooperation to ensure stability
      Hart, 2011 (Gary, Scholar in Residence, University of Colorado, chair of the American Security Project, co-chair of the US Commission on National Security for the 21st Century, and former member of the Senate Armed Services Committee; “After bin Laden: Security Strategy and the Global Common”, Survival, Vol. 53, No. 4, August-September, p. 19-25)

      The Cold War ended …twenty-first century grand strategy.

      The Qaddafi regime is done but the credibility of the US Grand Strategy hinges on our ability to aid in a stable political transition
      Feaver, ,’11 (Peter, director of the Triangle Institute for Security Studies and the Duke Program in American Grand Strategy, “Five Reasons it is Premature to Declare Mission Accomplished for Obama's Libya Strategy”, August 22, Foreign Policy,

      3. Because this operation … phase plays out.

      The Transition in Libya is critical – Assistance aimed at supporting democracy is critical to shore up global credibility
      Ghitis, 2011 (Firda, world affairs columnist, author and consultant and weekly author at World Politics Review, “World Citizen: Libya Emerges as Major Test of Western, U.S. Influence”, World Politics Review, 25/August,

      The future of Libya …to the West.

      Libya is the test case for US Leadership – supporting democratic transitions is key
      Hamid, 2011 (Shadi, Director of research at the Brookings Doha Center and Fellow at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, “Libya may be in America’s vital interest after all”, CNN World, August 26th,

      America’s intervention in Libya …. Not yet, at least.

      Failure to stabilize the transition collapses Leadership – the alternative is unilateralism and makes hegemony unsustainable
      Lynch, 2011 (Marc, associate professor of political science and international affairs at George Washington University, director of the Institute for Middle East Studies and of the Project on Middle East Political Science, non-resident senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security; “The U.N.'s High Stakes Gamble in Libya”, Foreign Policy, March 18th,

      Yesterday's UN Security Council …. Let's hope.

      US Leadership is necessary to global stability – fosters trade alliances and promotes democracy
      Thayer, 2006 (Bradley A., Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Minnesota, Duluth, The National Interest, November -December, “In Defense of Primacy”, lexis)

      A remarkable fact … the world's ills.

      And, Withdraw causes apolarity that escalates go global power conflict
      Kissinger, 2011 (Henry, General Badass, “Power Shifts”, Survival, Vol. 52, No. 6, p. 205-212)

      At the same time, … save humanity untold suffering.

      Contention Two: Terrorism

      Al-Qaeda is on the brink but Libya is a key area where they can recruit – US involvement is key
      Stevenson, 2011 (Jonathan, Professor of Strategic Studies at the US Naval War College and a Contributing Editor to Survival, “Echoes of Gunfire: bin Laden, the US and the Greater Middle East,” Survival, Vol. 53, No. 3, June-July, p. 11-18)

      The death of Osama … its own opportunities.

      Regional Instability causes terrorist fill in in Libya
      Boucek, 5/11/2011 (Christopher, associate in the Carnegie Middle East Program where his research focuses on security challenges in the Arabian Peninsula and Northern Africa, “Islamist Terrorists in Libya”, Carnegie Middle East Center,

      Despite the international community’s …Libyan and US security.

      US Action is key – we can work to pacify Militants and maintain strong anti-terrorism operations
      Boucek, 2011 (Christopher, associate in the Carnegie Middle East Program where his research focuses on security challenges in the Arabian Peninsula and Northern Africa, “ Dangerous Fallout from Libya’s Implosion”, Carnegie Middle East Center, March 9th,

      U.S. Response …deeper into war.

      Al qaeda has the means and motivation to use a WMD against the United States
      Rahim Kanani-founder and editor-in-chief of World Affairs Commentary-June 29th, 2011( “ New al-Qaeda Chief Zawahiri Has Strong Nuclear Intent”, Forbes,

      We should be … put their minds to it.” 

      Nuclear terrorism is an existential threat—it escalates to nuclear war with Russia and China
      Ayson 7-7-2010 [Robert Ayson, Professor of Strategic Studies and Director of the Centre for Strategic Studies: New Zealand at the Victoria University of Wellington, 2010, “After a Terrorist Nuclear Attack: Envisaging Catalytic Effects,” Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Volume 33, Issue 7, July, Available Online to Subscribing Institutions via InformaWorld]

      But these two …unwilling to provide. 

      Thus the Plan: The United States federal government should provide rule of law assistance to the National Transitional Council in Libya

      Contention Three: Solvency

      Rule of law is critical to a stable political transition
      Tolbert, 8/25/2011 (David, President of the International Center for Transitional Justice, “Make justice a foundation of the new Libya”, CNN World,

      Looking to experiences … in the Arab region.”

      Rule of Law assistance is critical to transition in Libya – US training is critical because of international influence and expertise
      Dobbins and Wehrey, 2011 (James, Former US Assistant Secretary of State and Director of the International Security and Defense Policy Center at the RAND Corporation; Frederic, Senior Policy analyst at RAND; “How to build a free Libya”, CNN World, August 24th,

      With the fall … long and rocky.

      Obama just came out in support of rule of law in Libya
      Reuters, 9-20-11 (“Obama urges Gaddafi forces to give up, vows Libya aid”

      Obama, who met …free and fair elections."



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