!Part 1: This is what Democracy looks like.
Everywhere there are spontaneous uprisings of the demos to combat the oligarchic runnings of the state and everywhere the consensual machine wants to put them in their proper place.
Part 2: This is what consensus looks like.
For Rancière, liberal democracies are defined by their consensual logic. Consensus is the reduction of politics to the police
Democracy assistance relies on a fundamental misconception of democracy; it confuses consensus with politics.
A) This liberal inclusion renders all lives calculable.
Thus, the “good” and “non-violent” Muslim becomes the criterion for those lives that the US will positively engage with. Bodies are evaluated by this criterion, and the foreign policy analysts propose to support to subvert these bodies. Peoples, bodies, ideas, and organizations are pawns in a game of American geostrategics. As Michael Dillon says:
Part 4 is infinite war:
To assume we must assist democracy is to presuppose its not already inherent. Ongoing struggles for democracy abroad are not aiming for democracy but actively practicing it. Only when we see democracy as something we must cultivate do we fall back into a metaphysical inquiry which necessitates imperialism and infinite war.
And humanitarian intervention necessitates war without limits against evil- this is infinite war
Therefore Alec and I affirm democracy in the topically designated countries.
Democracy is not a regime but the interruption thereof. It is the intrusion on the political stage of those who have no business in doing so.
Ranciere 09[Jacques, A few remarks on the method of Jacques Ranciere, parallax, 2009, vol. 15, no. 3, 114–123 pg 119]
How is it possible to weave such a logic, he has often been reproached?... continuously discovers new landscapes, paths or obstacles which oblige to reframe the conceptual net used to think where we are.
We stand here as a dramaturgy against the commonsense assertion of what democracy is, to break with the notion of what can be said and done in debate against the consensual logic that kills democracy.
Against the topic’s hypocritical call to assist democracy is actual democracy, the disruption of the police order in the name of equality. Only when we understand this can we begin to assist democracy.