T Democracy Assistance
E-IMET’s goal is democracy assistance
Carothers, 1999 (Thomas Carothers, Carnegie
p. 52-53, google books)
The Department of Defense increasingly emphasizes promotion in
, as an important part of its program.
Democracy assistance is divided into four categories: CMR falls under governance.
McMahon, 2002 (Director, Center on
U.S. Democracy Assistance Donor agencies
a result of U.S. assistance.
The core of security-focused democracy assistance is the AFF.
Mitchell and Phillips, 2008 (Lincoln A
.pdf, p.14-15)
Reform the Security Sector Organs of the security
. the International Military Assistance and Training Program).
– Create standards drawing upon the Code of
Switzerland’s “Democratic Control of the Armed Forces”).
– Offer instruction at staff colleges on “
the security services to the democratically elected government.
– Guard against abuses by providing human rights
legitimate law enforcement activities and human rights offenses.
– Provide instruction on the norms that govern arrest, detention, and the use of force.
– Pay adequate salaries and benefits to security personnel to discourage plunder and corruption.
– Emphasize prevention through community-based policing
areas where they have family or communal affiliations.
– Mainstream security sector reform into an overall
uses both civilian and military agencies for implementation.
– Enhance the role of civilians in military affairs, including legislative oversight of military budgets and operations.
Transition is inevitable
No impact on camp david accord
Plan is single action doesn’t lead to other stuff
Heg globaly might be bad, but Regional is bad
Their Inherency cards only talk about IMET, which is different from Eimet which is about how
They will say yes- reverence for the US military
Mark Thompson Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter covered national security in Washington since 1979 February 1, 2011 TIME “Sharing Democracy With the Egyptian Military” http://battleland.blogs.time.com/2011/02/01/sharing-democracy-with-the-egyptian-military/
"This new generation of Egyptian officers has
exposure to the U.S. military."
They would perceive the training as a condition for the rest of their aid
Mark Thompson Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter covered national security in Washington since 1979 February 1, 2011 TIME “Sharing Democracy With the Egyptian Military” http://battleland.blogs.time.com/2011/02/01/sharing-democracy-with-the-egyptian-military/
"Egypt, more so than anyone else
is how much has this American socialization taken?"
American hegemony solves WMD war.
Zbigniew Brzezinski (Counselor at the Center for
: Global Domination or Global Leadership” p xi
This book is thus partially predictive and partially
is between dominating the world and leading it.
US key affect Egypt military- unique leverage
James Kitfield has written on defense, national security and foreign policy issues from Washington, D.C. for over two decades 2/12/2011 The National Interest “Ghosts of the 'Arab Spring' “ EBSCO
"Arab regimes tend to politicize their militaries
that may prove critical in times of crisis.
US educational model best
Thomas C. Bruneau et al Professor in the Department of National Security Affairs, Naval Postgraduate School Kathleen Peggar the Global Center for Security Cooperation (GCSC) EUCOM Liaison Officer Elisabeth Wright program manager for the International Defense Acquisition Resource Management program in the School of International Graduate Studies, Naval Postgraduate School 2007-2008 Center for Civil – Military Relations Naval Postgraduate School “IMPACT OF INTERNATIONAL MILITARY EDUCATION (IMET) ON GRADUATE EDUCATION”
IMET exposes participants to US teaching methodology which emphasizes analysis and
problem-solving. Participants adopt US teaching
are selected to attend the most important meetings.
E-IMET key to naval interoperability- key to naval power
Stephen W. Walsh is a naval analyst at the Center for Security Strategy and Operations Seapower Archives 2002 “The Interoperability Issue” http://www.navyleague.org/seapower/interoperability_issue.htm
Faster, smaller, smarter, and stealthier
many issues resulting from the incompatibility of equipment.
Solves major power war—biggest impact.
Conway et al, 2007 (James T., General, U.S. Marine Corps, Gary Roughead, Admiral, U.S. Navy, Thad W. Allen, Admiral, U.S. Coast Guard, "A Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower," October, google)
Deter major power war. No other disruption
control and power projection enable extended campaigns ashore.
Neoliberalism Solves Poverty
Neoliberalism solves poverty
Doug Bandow (senior fellow at the CATO Institute) March 25th, 2001 “Globalization Serves the World's Poor” http://www.cato.org/dailys/04-25-01.html
Indeed, the problems of globalization must always
market reforms. With them comes increased wealth.
Neoliberalism Solves Extinction
Neoliberal democracy solves extinction
Henry Teune, Political Science Department at the University of Pennsylvania, May, 2002 “Global Democracy”, The Annals of The American Academy of Political and Social Science, 581 Annals 22, Lexis
During the past three decades, social scientists
century's end, following the spread of democracy.
Neoliberalism Solves War
Neoliberalism solves war – interdependence
Daniel T. Griswold (director of the Center for Trade Policy Studies at the Cato Institute) 2006 CATO Institute, “Peace on earth? Try free trade among men” http://www.freetrade.org/node/282
First, trade and globalization have reinforced the
away what they can produce best at home.
Subaltern Studies Bad – Reinforces Oppression
Ilan Kapoor (in the Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University) 2004 “Hyper-self-reflexive development? Spivak on representing the Third World ‘Other’” Third World Quarterly, Vol. 25, No. 4 http://www.seedwiki.com/accounts/Andreotti_Vanessa_14720/selreflexive.pdf
Thus, for Spivak, it is dangerous
speak and be heard’ (1991: 26).
Subaltern Studies Bad - Monolithic
Ilan Kapoor (in the Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University) 2004 “Hyper-self-reflexive development? Spivak on representing the Third World ‘Other’” Third World Quarterly, Vol. 25, No. 4 http://www.seedwiki.com/accounts/Andreotti_Vanessa_14720/selreflexive.pdf
Thus, both Escobar and Shiva fail to
, another form of silencing of the subaltern.
Colonialism Key to Hegemony
Colonial scholarship is key to US hegemony
Rachel Bailey Jones 7 (JONES, RACHEL
the Creation of Postcolonial Pedagogy. (2007)
American global power has been built since World
of Islam and women, see Chapter 7).
2AC Politics
No war
Takashi Yokota, pub. date: 1
The question, then, is whether North
issues to deal with on the Korean Peninsula.
KORUS won’t pass it’s a chicken or egg question and this assumes it being at the top of the agenda
Ana Carolina Lessa, Staff Writer, August 29, 2011, Left Behind on Trade, International Affairs Review, http://www.iar-gwu.org/node/342
After Congress returns from its August recess,
is blaming the other for stalling the agreements.
Won’t pass—republicans
Kent Klein, White House Correspondent, 09.01.11, Stakes are High as Obama Prepares Economic Plan, Voice of America, http://www.voanews.com/english/news/usa/Stakes-Are-High-as-Obama-Prepares-Economic-Plan-128933198.html
In addition, Obama is expected to continue
has done, not more of the same.”
No talks of KORUS coming to the table
Arirang, 08.30.11, US Think Tank Warns 'Failure or Delay' in KORUS FTA Threatens Bilateral Ties, http://www.arirang.co.kr/News/News_View.asp?nseq=119778&code=Ne2&category=2
Congress will return from its month-long
Affairs, Unification and Trade Committe meeting on Wednesday
Won’t pass—Sequencing
Steinhauer 8/25 (Jennifer Steinhauer,
Even with almost zero common ground between them
bills are still sitting on the president's desk."
Winners win.
Singer, 2009 (Jonathan Singer, JD candidate at Berkeley and editor of MyDD, April 3, 2009, google)
Peter Hart gets at a key point.
energy reform to ending the war in Iraq.