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MoState Frederick-Gilmore Aff

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 15:49
  • Syria Internet - Politics 2AC

    • Tournament: GSU | Round: 1 | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 2AC TAA politics
      SKFTA doesn’t spillover to security.
      Kim, 2010 (Sung Eun Kim, Research Fellow at the Asiatic Research Institute and MA in Poli Sci from Korea University, “Ties That Bind: Assessing the Impact of Economic Interdependence on East Asian Alliances” google)
      Table 1 summarizes the findings
      important subject
      Won’t pass—Schumer and Brown will start China currency debate first
      Smith 9/15 (Donna Smith,
      vote before trade pacts,” Reuters, google)
      A senior Democratic senator said on Thursday he
      .S. workers displaced by foreign competition.
      Won’t pass—Korea
      Dong-a Ilbo 9/16 (“Korean parliament speeding up FTA ratification process,” google)
      As the ruling party`s leadership including
      further delay in the bill`s submission.
      Won’t pass—China currency rider
      ICTSD 9/7 (International Center for
      the Table as US Congress Returns,” google)
      In a statement on 4 August, Brown
      the House and the Senate are very low.”
      Plan is bipart
      POMED ’11 Project on Middle East Democracy, 5-12.  “Senators call for stronger action and rhetoric on Syria” Online
      On Wednesday, a bipartisan group of senators
      refrain from violence and engage in political dialogue.
      Congress keeps its discontent over Internet policy aimed at Clinton/State Department
      By Mary Beth Sheridan, Published: April 13, 2011 Congress trims State’s Internet freedom funds Washington Post Online
      In a rebuke to the State Department,
      and other countries to connect to the Internet.
      Winners win—legislative success builds political capital.
      Green, 2010 (David Michael Green, professor of political science at Hofstra University, “The Do-Nothing 44th President” June 11, google)
      Moreover, there is a continuously evolving and
      Thomas, this is precisely what they did.
      Political capital theory is bankrupt
      Dickinson, 2009 (Matthew Dickinson, professor of political science at Middlebury College and taught at Harvard University, where he also received his Ph.D., “Sotomayor, Obama and Presidential Power” May, google)
      What is of more interest to me,
      the decision to present Sotomayor as his nominee.

      1AR card

      Conclusive studies indict their evidence.
      Kim, 2010 (Sung Eun Kim, Research Fellow at the Asiatic Research Institute and MA in Poli Sci from Korea University, “Ties That Bind: Assessing the Impact
      power—to a marked extent.

  • Syria Internet - Democracy assistance T 2AC

    • Tournament: GSU | Round: 1 | Opponent: | Judge:

    • \\

    • 2AC Democracy assistance topicality

      1. The plan mechanism is called “democracy assistance” by the USFG.
        GAO, 2006 (United States Government Accountability
        Cuba Needs Better Management and Oversight” google)
        Table 3: State and USAID Program Activities for Cuba Democracy Assistance
        society organizations in the United States and elsewhere.
        Counter-interpretation: “Democracy assistance” is- rule of law, civil society, elections, and governance.
        McMahon, 2001 (Edward R. McMahon
        ?” August 30 – September 2, google)
        III. Defining Democracy Assistance The concept of
        at the forefront of democratic change, Benin.
        We meet this interpretation: civil society and governance.
        Karamagioli, 2004 (Evika Karamagioli, International
        United Nations–civil society relations” google)
        Dialogue and deliberation are the only two accepted
        the basis of a democratic Information Society.18
        And there’s an education advantage: internet access is one of the key measurements of democracy- consensus.
        Freedom House, 2011 (“Nations in Transit 2011” February, google)
        The country reports in Nations in Transit 2011
        interest, and the efficacy of anticorruption initiatives.

  • Syria Internet - Orientalism 2AC

    • Tournament: GSU | Round: 1 | Opponent: | Judge:

    • \\

    • 2AC Chow Kritik
      Social injustices are not the root cause of war. Eliminating war actually offers a better chance of solving injustices than vice versa*
      Joshua S. Goldstein, pub. date
      Vice Versa, Cambridge University, pp. 412
      First, peace activists face a dilemma in
      of war seems to be empirically inadequate. 10
      The knowledge production argument is ad- hom dogma. 
      Thomas J. Dilorenzo. (PhD.
      . 2004. p. 30-31.
      Having been educated in a university system that
      evidence or denounces those who present it.3
      Ignoring the question of action because of ontology causes paralysis
      David McClean (philosopher, writer and business
      There is a lot of philosophical prose on
      reform as more important than Spirit and Utopia.
      The subaltern is not a monolithic entity to examine – the alternatives methodology is just another form of silencing the subaltern
      Ilan Kapoor (in the Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University) 2004 “Hyper-self-reflexive development? Spivak on representing the Third World ‘Other’” Third World Quarterly, Vol. 25, No. 4
      Thus, both Escobar and Shiva fail to
      , another form of silencing of the subaltern.

  • Syria Internet - G8 counterplan 2AC

    • Tournament: GSU | Round: 1 | Opponent: | Judge:

    • ~\~\

    • 2AC G8 CP

      Soft power and multilateralism are essential to address climate change.
      Joseph S. Nye, pub. date: 2002,  Former Assistant Secretary of Defense and Dean of Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government, The Paradox of American Power: Why the World's only Superpower Can't GO It Alone, p. 62, Google Books
      Fifth, multilateralism is essential on intrinsically cooperative
      that cannot be achieved except by multilateral means.

      Unchecked warming will obliterate the ecosystem and kill billions.
      Lester Milbrath, pub. date: 1994, The Futurist, "Climate and Chaos: Societal Impacts of Sudden Weather Shifts," Online
      Another scenario suggests that there could be an
      house of cards. P.27-8

  • Syria Internet- Assad Collapse 2AC

    • Tournament: GSU | Round: 4 | Opponent: Harvard KT | Judge: Vint

    • ~\~\

    • Assad collapse inevitable – professional class desertion, military defections, and public disapproval
      Salwa Ismail The Guardian, Friday 26 August 2011
      The dramatic developments in Libya … resources and hastening its demise.

      Assad will fail- it’s a question of how much violence happens in the interim
      Brian Whitaker Monday 9 May 2011 “Syria will change – with or without Assad” Whitaker is the Middle East editor for the Guardian.  The Guardian, Online
      If the protests are not succeeding, … usual appearance in suit and tie.

      Assad Regime will inevitably collapse – momentum is swinging towards the opposition
      Broning May 25, 2011 – Michael,  Director of the East Jerusalem office of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, a German political foundation affiliated with Germany’s Social Democratic Party. He is the author of The Politics of Change in Palestine: State-Building and Non-Violent Resistance. (End Of Days For Assad?,  Middle East Spectator,, MCL)
      On April 21, Syrian President … down continues in parallel.

      Muslim brotherhood will not be able to exercise “violent takeover” in Syria.  Damascus Declaration ensures peaceful change and movement toward democracy.
      Elliott Abrams | Published: June 12, 2011 After Assad, democracy in Syria?
      But in the end the regime .. indeed be built in Syria.

      Opposition coalescing now—won’t be hijacked—Regime and Brotherhood have no influence
      Al-Hatem 11 (A new opposition for Syria, Fadwa al-Hatem, Tuesday 7 June 2011 10.00 BST,
      Thankfully, events in Syria … Syria becomes ever more likely.

      No external lashout- too much to lose, all rhetoric
      The Economist Jun 30th 2011 “The squeeze on Assad” The Economist, Online
      Perhaps the regime … of the Palestinian issue.

      Post Assad regime is likely to be more stable and less likely to seek external adventurism.
      Amos Yadlin, the Kay Fellow in Israeli national security at The Washington Institute, is a retired major general in the Israel Defense Forces and former head of Israel's defense intelligence and Robert Satloff is executive director of the Institute. PolicyWatch #1809  Syria: The Case for 'The Devil We Don't Know'  May 19, 2011
      The fallacy of Assad … pay a heavy price.

  • Syria Internet- Israel DA 2AC

    • Tournament: GSU | Round: 4 | Opponent: Harvard KT | Judge: Vint

    • The current regime is a threat to Israel- Hezbollah, nukes, instability
      Prof. Eyal Zisser is the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, and former Head of the Department of Middle Eastern and African History and of the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies, both at Tel Aviv University. 9 August 2011 “The Syrian Uprising: Implications for Israel” Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, vol. 11, no. 12
      The Syrian regime has … will become more flexible.

      The loss of Assad weakens Syria geopolitically- comparatively better for Israel’s security
      Prof. Eyal Zisser is the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, and former Head of the Department of Middle Eastern and African History and of the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies, both at Tel Aviv University. 9 August 2011 “The Syrian Uprising: Implications for Israel” Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, vol. 11, no. 12
      I do not think it is … than this current regime.

      The Israeli president has called for Assad to step down- solves their perception arguments
      By M K Bhadrakumar a career diplomat in the Indian Foreign Service “Israel inherits the Arab Spring”  Asia Times Online, July 29 2011
      After having cautiously … Those who seek peace will prevail."

      Israel would react positively to restructuring in the region
      Patrick Seale Monday 11 April 2011 “If Assad falls, we will see all the region's alliances unravel” The Guardian, Online
      If the Syrian regime … America's pro-Israel neocons.

  • Syria Internet - Iran Sanctions DA 2AC

    • Tournament: GSU | Round: 4 | Opponent: Harvard KT | Judge: Vint

    • Sanctions by themselves fail- a comprehensive policy that includes the aff is key to solve prolif 

      Rubin 11 

       Iran sanctions failing, By Jennifer Rubin, 09:51 AM ET, 08/04/2011, Washington Post, online. Cites Mark Dubowitz, J.D., M.B.A., and M.A. in international public policy from Johns Hopkins University’s Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Executive Director of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. He is the Director of the Iran Energy Project[1] which provides leading research and analysis on sanctions as part of a comprehensive strategy to end the Iranian regime's pursuit of nuclear weapons, support for terrorism and human rights abuses. 

      Moves by Iran to deploy more… The answer at this point is obvious. 


       International sanctions fail regardless of Iran’s engagement – perception probably triggers their links anyway 

       NY Times 9/1/11 Iran's Nuclear Program Updated: Sept. 1, 2011 NYTIMES 

       On June 9, the United Nations … President George W. Bush. 

       Iran has acquired weapons tech despite sanctions 

       NY Times 9/1/11 Iran's Nuclear Program Updated: Sept. 1, 2011 NYTIMES 

       Iran's nuclear program … produces medical isotopes. 

       No IAEA cooperation now- prefer this card, it comes from the IAEA director-general… 

       General Amano 9/12/11 September 12, 2011 IAEA Chief Says Iran's 'Greater Transparency' Not Enough IAEA Director-General Yukiya Amano 

       The director-general … not a nuclear military facility.

    • We took out the prolif impact from the 1AC and added some Iran heg bad cards.  I have put those in the 1AC area.  Otherwise, here was our 2AC

      Opposition success key to check Iran influence and prolif
      Kelly Maggio Young Leaders Program at The Heritage Foundation June 30, 2011 ““Arab Spring” Offers Opportunity to Split Syria from Iran” Online
      The direct threat posed by Iran’s … stopping Iran’s ambitions.

      Iranian proliferation would not spark more prolif, allow for political cover, get in the hands of terrorists, or increase any hostility in the region
      Layne 2007, “American Empire: A Debate”, p. 79-81
      The same architects … successfully by the United States.

  • Syria Internet - Sanction CP 2AC

    • Tournament: GSU | Round: 6 | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Sanctions CP 2AC
      Sanctions are ineffective- at the very least, they cause saber rattling and not reform
      By the CNN Wire Staff May 19, 2011 “Obama to al-Assad: Embrace democracy or 'get out of the way'” Online
      "President Assad now has a choice:
      decision making and the completion of comprehensive reform."   
      Sanctions against Assad are ineffective – Western inaction sustains Assad’s regime.
      Dreazen May 18, 2011 – Yochi, senior correspondent for National Journal Group covering military affairs and national security (Syria Sanctions Won't Have Much Bite, Center for a New American Security, May 18, 2011,, MCL)
      May 18, 2011 — The Obama administration
      leave them even more set in their ways.
      Assad resists pressure with more crackdowns
      Nicholas Blanford, Correspondent / April 29, 2011 “Syria's Assad regime gets little sympathy from neighbors” Christian Science Monitor, online
      Bashar Assad more rigid, focused on foreign
      Assad confidently spoke of its immunity from upheaval.

  • Syria internet - China Bashing 2AC

    • Tournament: GSU | Round: 7 | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Politics 2AC
      Non-unique: no PC and pushing/losing on jobs.
      Staropoli, 9/15 (Adam Staropoli
      His Latest Jobs Plan” 2011, google)
      There is no doubt that the August political
      and actually do something to help the economy."
      Obama perceived as protectionist now- jobs bill.
      Chronicle Herald, 9/16 (“Protectionist
      Buy American' is back” 2011, google)
      IF THIS were a slasher movie, Buy
      foreigners, no exemptions, from taking part.
      More ev- it’s bipart AND Obama’s NOT involved.
      Reuters, 9/15 (“UPDATE 1
      vote before trade pacts” 2011, google)
      A senior Democratic senator said on Thursday he
      manipulating its currency for an unfair trade advantage.
      No impact: currency issue resilient- negotiations.
      International Business Times, 9/7 (“
      squarely in presidential race” 2011, google)
      The threat to force China to allow its
      to do it," said the AMA's Paul.
      No impact: Zero risk of trade restrictions even if it passes.
      Goldstein, 2010 (Steve Goldstein, MarketWatch
      experts” October 7, 2010, google)
      “The credibility of the threat is contingent
      of seeing the WTO endorse China’s currency regime.

  • Syria Internet - 1AC Kentucky

    • Tournament: Kentucky | Round: 1 | Opponent: Wake MM | Judge:

    • Plan: The United States federal government should provide internet access technology to Syrian democratic opposition groups.

      Soft Power 1AC

      Syrian Internet being restricted now as a result of protests
      By Jonathan Browning Bloomberg “Syrian Internet Networks Shut Down as Protests Intensify” Online June 03, 2011
      About two-thirds of Syria’s Internet networks
      are arms and ammunition confiscated from opposition groups. 

      US should provide internet support- keeps protests peaceful, key to success
      Radwan Ziadeh is a former Reagan-Fascell fellow at the National Endowment for Democracy. June 8, 2011 DemDigest Online ‘Democracies must support ‘the most liberal and Western-friendly’ of Arab Spring uprisings”
      The democratic West has provided substantial assistance to
      searching for friends who might someday become allies.  

      US tech is successful- it’s been modeled in Afghanistan
      JAMES GLANZ and JOHN MARKOFF Published: June 12, 2011  “U.S. Underwrites Internet Detour Around Censors” NYT Online
      The Obama administration is leading a global effort
      , to their governments and to the world.”
      We have two internal links:
      The first is Internet- it’s key to new US projections of soft power
      Dr Ellen Hallams King's College London,  Joint Services Command and Staff College Paper presented to the Political Studies Association Annual Conference,  Edinburgh, 30 March, 2010. “DIGITAL DIPLOMACY:  THE INTERNET, THE BATTLE FOR IDEAS & US FOREIGN POLICY” Online
      On 11 September 2001 (9/11
      combine it with information strategies and public  diplomacy.        

      Second is strategy: Only genuinely embracing democratic reforms solves our soft power strategy
      PressStorm ’11 “Investigative Analysis: Soft Power in the Middle East – Reforming American Foreign Policy” 8-26, Online
      The lack of a consistently supportive stance on
      access to the power that comes from information.”

      Specifically, Syria is key- overcomes other hypocrisy
      Syrian Violence Requires U.S. Response, By Michael Werz, Matthew Duss, and Tyler Evans, June 17, 2011. 1Center for American Progress, Michael Werz is a Senior Fellow at American Progress where his work focuses on climate migration and security and transatlantic foreign policy including Turkey. Matthew Duss is a Policy Analyst and Director of Middle East Progress, and Tyler Evans is an intern with the National Security team.
      While the options to resolve the crisis are
      in the complicated world of diplomatic double standards. 

      The impact is leadership
      Increases in soft power key to effective leadership
      By Joseph S. Nye Jr. July/August 2009 “Get smart: combining soft and hard power” Foreign Affairs Magazine, Online
      In 2007, former U.S.
      challenges. That would be true smart power.

      Leadership is key to solve every major impact
      Bradley A. Thayer, November/December, 2006 “In Defense of Primacy,” NATIONAL INTEREST Issue 86
      THROUGHOUT HISTORY, peace and stability have been
      humanitarian missions are the equivalent of a blitzkrieg.

      Continued regional subversion key to Iran’s influence- they are quelling protests in Syria to maintain power
      By JOHN BOLTON APRIL 15, 2011 “Iranian Winter Could Chill the Arab Spring” WSJ, Online
      Since the "Arab Spring" began four
      and Egypt, sowing trouble in both places.
      Specifically, Iran is helping block Syria’s internet usage
      Reuters April 15 2011 “Iran said to help Syria track protesters' Web use” Online
      There are signs Iran is helping Syria put
      greatest challenge to his 11-year rule. 

      U.S. support key to solve shutdown and opposition success
      KARLIN: Mr. Chairman, to concur
      and democracy there found ways to do so. 

      The A subpoint is the alliance
      Change in Syria stabilizes the region and offsets Iran’s regional influence
      By Dr. Robert Satloff, Executive Director, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy Testimony prepared for delivery to the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs Thursday, June 23, 2011 “Iran and Syria: Next Steps”
      Four months ago, I had the privilege
      and act—with similar clarity and determination. 

      Iran is reading the Syria situation wrong- any shift in Syria’s leadership would have devastating results for the alliance
      By Mahan Abedin “Iran banks all on Assad's survival” Aug 17, 2011 Asia Times Online
      Despite growing realization in Tehran that the country's
      of the Mediterranean Sea will become increasingly vulnerable.

      The B subpoint is sectarian violence…
      US opposition assistance is key to prevent crackdowns and sectarian violence
      Posted By John Hannah Wednesday, May 11, 2011 “Obama and Syria: Courting Disaster” Foreign Policy Magazine, Online
      As proved tragically the case with Iran in
      , we must, try to do better.

      That sectarian conflict spills over- Iran’s place means great power escalation is likely
      By VALI NASR, professor at Tufts University and senior fellow at the Brookings Institution “If the Arab Spring Turns Ugly” Published: August 27, 2011
      Syria today stands at the edge of such
      Syria and Iraq, it is already happening.

      The impact is Great Power War in the middle east-
      That’s inevitable in the squo- Iran’s rise and U.S. disengagement causes multiple scenarios for war
      by Herbert I. London  president of Hudson Institute and professor emeritus of New York University “The Coming Crisis In The Middle East” June 28, 2010 Hudson Online
      The coming storm in the Middle East is
      in its veracity  a truly bad sign.

      This is most likely – Asymmetric security relations and lack of deterrent framework
      James A. Russell (managing editor of Strategic Insights, senior lecturer in the Department of National Security Affairs at NPS, From 1988-2001 held a variety of positions in the Office of the Assistant Secretary Defense for International Security Affairs, Near East South Asia, Department of Defense) Spring 2009 “Strategic Stability Reconsidered: Prospects for Escalation and Nuclear War in the Middle East”
      The basis of the argument that escalation is
      of pre-emptive attack and conflict escalation.

      Solvency 1AC
      Assad Regime will inevitably collapse – momentum is swinging towards the opposition
      Broning May 25, 2011 – Michael,  Director of the East Jerusalem office of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, a German political foundation affiliated with Germany’s Social Democratic Party. He is the author of The Politics of Change in Palestine: State-Building and Non-Violent Resistance. (End Of Days For Assad?,  Middle East Spectator,, MCL)
      On April 21, Syrian President Bashar al
      the violent crack-down continues in parallel.
      But regime collapse will be slow and violent now- the U.S. needs to take fast action to change regional politics and get Assad out
      Michael S. Doran is senior fellow at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy of the Brookings Institution. And Salman Shaikh is director of the Brookings Doha Center and fellow at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy. 2011 “Getting Serious in Syria” The American Interest, Online
      Consequently, we should expect the regime to
      Assad to go, and to go soon.

      Opposition uniting now- aid would be provided to a committee
      By Liz Sly, Published: June 2, 2011 “Syrian opposition calls for ouster of Assad” The Washington Post, Online
      The statement also called for the creation of
      security forces kept them a safe distance away.

      Communication technologies catalyze political movements – increases transparency and accountability
      Fontaine and Rogers June 2011 –Richard Fontaine is a Senior Fellow at the Center for a New American Security. Will Rogers is a Research Associate at the Center for a New American Security (Internet Freedom, A Foreign Policy Imperative in the Digital Age, Center for a New American Security, June 2011,, MCL)
      In a sense, the Internet represents just
      the protests had been confined only to cyberspace.

  • Syria internet - Tax Credit CP 2AC

    • Tournament: Kentucky | Round: 3 | Opponent: Michigan State HZ | Judge:

    • Tax Credit CP
      Private contractors cause confusion- ensures no solvency
      Garrett 9 (Laurie, Senior Fellow for Global Health – Council of Foreign Relations, “The Future of Foreign Assistance Amid Global Economic and Financial Crisis,” January,
      Beyond the question of what America buys with
      versus on-the-ground salary support.

      Private contractors don’t solve lack of coordination makes education meaningless shatters credibility proven in military contractors
      Dobransky 11 (Steve, Adjunct Professor of Political Science – Cleveland State University, and MA – Ohio University, “The Coming Crisis in U.S. Foreign Aid: Policy Options for the 21st Century”, American Diplomacy, 3-7,
      The argument against privatized foreign aid is based
      with the contractor Blackwater (now, Xe).

  • Syria internet - Russia DA 2AC

    • Tournament: Kentucky | Round: 5 | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 2AC Russian Relations DA
      Russia and US not fighting over Arab Spring.
      CSIS, 11, September, Center for Strategic and International Studies, “What Does the Arab Spring Mean for Russia, Central Asia, and the Caucasus?”,
      Mark N. Katz, professor of government
      .S. reactions to the same events.

      Russia would support an end to the violence- they’re joining in international criticism of Assad
      The Turkish Weekly Tuesday, 2 August 2011 “Defiant Assad Praises Troops After Deadly Syria Crackdown”
      However, Moscow on Monday urged Damascus to
      "the situation to the International Criminal Court."

  • Syria internet - 2AC/1AR EU CP

    • Tournament: Kentucky | Round: 5 | Opponent: Wayne State GR | Judge:

    • EU CP 2AC

      Unilateral action is key
      J.D. Gordon  is a communications consultant to several Washington-D.C. think tanks and a retired Navy Commander who served as a Pentagon spokesman in the Office of the Secretary of Defense from 2005-2009. August 20, 2011 “Libya, Syria Show Obama in Way Over His Head” Fox News Opinion, Online
      On Syria, instead of waiting for the
      regimes to build up their own military arsenals.

      US key to pressure assad
      By OREN KESSLER 08/18/2011 “Turkey: Syrian situation may become Libya-style civil war” The Jerusalem Post, Online
      Michael Singh, a former Middle East director
      tolerate this kind of activity on US soil.”
      And, normal means is for the EU to give veto power to incumbent regimes- Assad would obviously reject it since it is a direct counter to his squo strategy – fiat doesn’t overcome this because it’s about IMPLEMENTATION
      Youngs 2006 Richard Youngs is director of the democratisation programme at the Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior (FRIDE) in Madrid, and lecturer at the University of Warwick. “Europe’s flawed approach to Arab democracy” October, Online
      Individual member-states have not performed much
      Relaciones Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior, 2006.
      EU CP 1AR
      EU soft power fails
      Bruce Thornton, pub. date: 3-7-2011, is a National Fellow at the Hoover Institution and the author of Decline and Fall: Europe’s Slow-Motion Suicide, from which this essay is adapted, his new book is The Wages of Appeasement: Ancient Greece, Munich, and Obama’s America, The Heritage Foundation, “America the Delusional? Overcoming Our European Temptation,”
      Once a colossus dominating the globe, Europe
      Europe, America must become less like America.
      EU soft power impossible – energy motivations
      C. Akca Atac (Faculty Member, Political Science and International Relations at Cankaya Univeristy) June 2008 “Another Soft Power Dilemma: The European Union's Central Asia Strategy”
      All in all, the EU has not
      the EU at risk. The dilemma persists.

  • More EU/NED 2AC/1AR

    • Tournament: Kentucky | Round: 7 | Opponent: MSU GP | Judge:

    • New EU CP 2AC cards
      NED is a terrible implementer of assistance – unclear records, improper documentation, improper monitoring, misuse of funds – plus secretive nature proves it doesn’t solve soft power*
      Eric T. Hale , December 2003, Ph.D. political science, Hendrix College, Louisiana State University, “A QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE EVALUATION OF TH NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR DEMOCRACY, 1990-1999,”
      Critics also charge that Congressional oversight of NED
      was more forthcoming with details of its activities.
      NED bad – is loosely coordinated – history of the NGO taints all aid given – makes solving U.S. soft power impossible.
      Ron Paul, 10-11-2003, a Republican Congressman from Texas,, “National Endowment for Democracy: Paying to Make Enemies of America,”
      The misnamed National Endowment for Democracy (NED
      and manipulation in the internal affairs of others.

  • Syria 1AC - Wake

    • Tournament: Wake Forest | Round: 2 | Opponent: Harvard DT | Judge: Harrigan


      Advantage 1 is Stability

      Continued regional subversion key to Iran’s influence- they are quelling protests in Syria to maintain power

      By JOHN BOLTON APRIL 15, 2011 “Iranian Winter Could Chill the Arab Spring” WSJ, Online

      Since the "Arab Spring" began four


      and Egypt, sowing trouble in both places.

      US should provide support- keeps protests peaceful, key to success

      Radwan Ziadeh is a former Reagan-Fascell fellow at the National Endowment for Democracy. June 8, 2011 DemDigest Online ‘Democracies must support ‘the most liberal and Western-friendly’ of Arab Spring uprisings”

      The democratic West has provided substantial assistance to


      searching for friends who might someday become allies. 

      US opposition assistance is key to prevent crackdowns and sectarian violence

      Posted By John Hannah Wednesday, May 11, 2011 “Obama and Syria: Courting Disaster” Foreign Policy Magazine, Online

      As proved tragically the case with Iran in


      , we must, try to do better.

      That sectarian conflict spills over- Iran’s place means great power escalation is likely

      By VALI NASRprofessor at Tufts University and senior fellow at the Brookings Institution “If the Arab Spring Turns Ugly” Published: August 27, 2011

      Syria today stands at the edge of such


      Syria and Iraq, it is already happening.

      The impact is Great Power War in the middle east-

      That’s inevitable in the squo- Iran’s rise and U.S. disengagement causes multiple scenarios for war

      by Herbert I. London  president of Hudson Institute and professor emeritus of New York University “The Coming Crisis In The Middle East” June 28, 2010 Hudson Online

      The coming storm in the Middle East is


      in its veracity -- a truly bad sign.

      This is most likely – Asymmetric security relations and lack of deterrent framework

      James A. Russell (managing editor of Strategic Insights, senior lecturer in the Department of National Security Affairs at NPS, From 1988-2001 held a variety of positions in the Office of the Assistant Secretary Defense for International Security Affairs, Near East South Asia, Department of Defense) Spring 2009 “Strategic Stability Reconsidered: Prospects for Escalation and Nuclear War in the Middle East”

      The basis of the argument that escalation is


      of pre-emptive attack and conflict escalation.

      Russia 1AC

      Advantage 2 is Russia

      A deal is on the table now for Iskander scud missiles and the  – the U.S. and Israel won’t be able to stop it

      “Syria may buy more Russian air defense systems” The Turkish Weekly, Online Tuesday, 13 September 2011

      Syria has shown interest in buying a whole


      Tehran and the fall of Muammar Gaddafi's regime.

      Russia sells a ton of arms to Assad- regime change removes them of their prime customer and the port in Tartus

      By Nicholas Blanford  September 21, 2011  “Russia banks on Assad’s survival as billions in arms deals hang in balance” The Daily Star

      Yet Russia holds a contrary view from the


      overthrown or the country descends into violent chaos.

      The first impact is Golan:

      That causes Syrian aggression in the Heights

      Fear of new Mid East 'Cold War' as Syria strengthens military alliance with Russia Kevin O’Flynn 2008 08 20 Times UK Online

      Russia has wooed Syria, internationally isolated and


      now I think no one thinks that way.”

      Causes multiple scenarios for Syria-Israel war with Iran backup

      by Martin Sieff Washington (UPI) Oct 3, 2008 “Russia Eyes New Customers For Iskander E Missile”

      The Iskander is the ideal weapon to use


      defense systems that nations put their trust in.

      Syria would use CBWs

      “Syria ready with bio-terror if U.S. hits Iran” By Jerome R. Corsi March 05, 2007

      Bellamy-Decker currently directs the Public Health


      . I think it is a real threat."


      Clifford E. Singer, professor of nuclear engineering and director of the Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2001, Will Mankind Survive the Millennium?

      There are, however, two technologies currently


      in question when and if this is achieved.

      Scenario 2 is relations


      Arms sales cause Russia to be more aggressive against the West- relations would collapse

      Stratfor “Russia: Syrian Missile Sale as Litmus Test” January 18, 2005

      Russia is considering selling Syria several different missile


      in the FSU — in a major way.

      U.S. Russian tensions spill over globally and risk major power wars

      CFR Task Force 200[Council on Foreign Relations Independent Task Force for Russia, Chaired by John Edwards and Jack Kemp, “RUSSIA’S WRONG DIRECTION: WHAT THE UNITED STATES CAN AND SHOULD DO,”]

      Over time, accumulating disagreements between Russia and


      West or East—can affect the outcome.

      A U.S.-Russian nuclear war is the ONLY scenario for extinction – other nuclear wars won’t cause it

      Nick Bostrom, Ph.D. and Professor of Philosophy at Oxford University, March 2002, Journal of Evolution and Technology, Existential Risks: Analyzing Human Extinction Scenarios and Related Hazards 

      A much greater existential risk emerged with the


      that we will encounter in the 21st century.

      Scenario 3 is leadership

      Russia is using the Syrian bases as pawns for their anti-American agenda

      “Russia seeks its place in the sun” Simon Tisdall The Guardian Online, Thursday 16 August 2007

      A brief by, a


      bid to challenge US regional and global leadership.

      Russia can’t compete with the U.S. if it loses arms sales

      Ariel Cohen May 2, 2011 “Russia Fighting to Save Arms Sales to the Middle East” Senior Research Fellow for Russian and Eurasian Studies and International Energy Policy, The Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for International Studies Heritage Blogs, Online

      Ambitious efforts to modernize Russia’s defense and industrial


      and/or President Bashar Assad be replaced.

      US hegemony is key to solve multiple hotspots that escalate to global war

      Robert Kagan (Senior Associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and Senior Transatlantic Fellow at the German Marshall Fund) 2007 “End of Dreams, Return of History,” Hoover Institution, No. 144, August/September,

       The jostling for status and influence among


      to draw the United States back in again.

      Scenario 4 is Tartus

      Russia will use the Tartus port to challenge U.S. heg and dominate the Central Asian energy market

      Ed Blanche "The Russians are coming". Middle East, The. 08 Nov, 2011.

      In the eastern Mediterranean, Moscow's Itar-


      so far they are seeking to reactivate it.


      Russian domination of Central Asian energy leads to conflict using WMD

      Ariel Cohen, Senior Policy Analyst at the Heritage Foundation, 1/25/1996, Heritage Foundation Reports

      Much is at stake in Eurasia for the


      of Eurasian energy resources on an equal footing.




      The United States federal government should provide democracy assistance for democratic political organizations that oppose the government of Bashar al-Assad.


      Crackdowns mean the regime is unsustainable- aiding the opposition is key to a peaceful transition- the longer it takes, the more violence occurs

      Amir Taheri writes for the NY Post and the Wall Street Journal. November 1, 2011 “Syria: The West can Shorten Syrian Regime's Deadly Campaign” Family Security Matters, Online

      When they started protest marches, Syrians were


      a century to evaporate in a few days.

      U.S. is key- training and rule of law assistance

      Mara E. Karlin was Levant Director at the Pentagon in 2006-7 and Special Assistant to the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy in 2007-9. Andrew J. Tabler is Next Generation Fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy and the author of the forthcoming book In the Lion's Den: An Eyewitness Account of Washington's Battle With Syria. May 26th, 2011 “Washington should plan for a post assad Syria”

      As the United States works to push Assad


      of the country over the Web each day.

      Shortening the collapse is key to prevent Russian engagement with the opposition

      Itar-Tass 29/06/2011 RUSSIAN PRESS REVIEW “Syria’s opposition welcomed in Moscow” Russian news agency, Online

      Bashar Assad’s political opponents came to Moscow to


      to support the resolution, the Vedomosti says.

      Collapse is inevitable- assistance is key to peel away business and military support – without the aff we risk intervention

      Mona Yacoubian is a senior program officer for the Middle East at the U.S. Institute of Peace.  Wednesday, October 5, 2011 “Saving Syria from civil war”

      As Syria's violence deepens, pressure for international


      key actors' strategic interests away from the regime.

      Western assistance is key- makes a strategy that foregoes military options

      Elliott Abrams, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, handled Middle East affairs at the National Security Council from 2001 to 2009. “Preventing Civil War in Syria” 8-2-11

      Syria remains rocked by antiregime protests that have


      through whatever intelligence or military channels are available.

      U.S. is key- democracy promotion has to be backed by a credible force

      Dr. Jakub Grygiel is a Senior Fellow at the Center for European Policy Analysis and the George H.W. Bush Associate Professor of International Relations at Johns Hopkins-SAIS. October 6, 2011 “Democracy promotion – a geostrategic contest” Dem Digest, Online

      Finally, we cannot outsource democracy promotion to


      the potentially dangerous geopolitical consequences of their actions.



      Extra Cards

      Military defections make assad collapse inevitable

      Economist 10-29 (“Cracks in the army Defections from Bashar Assad’s armed forces are growing” Oct 29th 2011 | BEIRUT  from the print edition, The Economist,

      THE glue and the guts of President Bashar


      a televised retraction of his previous rebellious statements.

      Assad will collapse- no regional support- allows the U.S. to fill in

      Wall Street 11-1 (REVIEW & OUTLOOK, NOVEMBER 1, 2011 “Turkey Turns on Assad,” Wall Street Journal, Online.)

      President Obama has been reluctant to call for


      oust Iran's terrorist-supporting ally in Damascus.



  • Round Reports

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Aff:Missouri State FG

      Round # 2 Tournament: Shirley

      vs: Harvard DT

      Judge:Casey Harrigan



      Plan Text

      All on wiki 


      1ac Advantages

      On wiki 


      2ac Offense



      1ar Strategy

      PC not key to politics 


      2ar Strategy

      PC not key

       International fiat 


       Solvency deficits on CP

  • Syria/Turkey 1AC - USC

    • Tournament: USC | Round: 2 | Opponent: Michigan | Judge: Matt Struth

    • PLAN

      The United States Federal Government should provide civil society assistance, in joint cooperation with the Republic of Turkey, for Syrian democratic political organizations that oppose the government of Bashar al-Assad.

      Advantage 1 is Turkey

      Continued crackdowns in Syria result in massive refugee flows into Turkey

      Soner Cagaptay is director of the Turkish Research Program at The Washington Institute. Andrew J. Tabler is a Next Generation fellow in the Institute's Program on Arab Politics. CNN Global Public Square, June 14, 2011 “The Consequences of Syrian Refugees in Turkey” Washington Institute for Near East Policy

      If the Syrian regime continues its violent crackdown


      refugee flow numbering in the hundreds of thousands.

      Refugee flows into Turkey cause radicalization of the PKK

      Soner Cagaptay is director of the Turkish Research Program at The Washington Institute. Andrew J. Tabler is a Next Generation fellow in the Institute's Program on Arab Politics. CNN Global Public Square, June 14, 2011 “The Consequences of Syrian Refugees in Turkey” Washington Institute for Near East Policy

      A flow of Syrian refugees into Turkey could


      nationalist movement in Turkey toward a violent stance.

      PKK radicalization from Syria causes global escalation

      Gulriz Gigi Gokcek, Department of Political Science, UC Santa Barbara, 3/27/2002, “Ethnic Conflict and Interstate War: An Analysis of the Kurdish Problem,”

      Fortunately, the 1998 crisis ended peacefully with


      the ethnic conflict to a whole new level.


      A Turkish role in Assad’s fall is key to ensure growing Turkish soft power- Syria is the key country

      Soner Cagaptay is director of the Turkish Research Program at The Washington Institute 12-4-2011 “Under the Influence: Syria's Unique Relationship with Turkey” Washington Institute for Near East Policy

      Turkey has recently emerged as a patron country


      , Damascus will again be linked to Istanbul.


      Turkish influence is inevitable- US action is key to moderate it and ensure they don’t bash Israel

      Thomas L. Friedman three time Pulitzer Prize winning journalist June 15, 2010 New York Times “Letter From Istanbul”

      But as Turkey started looking more South,


      get where they’re going — over a cliff.


      Global nuclear war

      Roberta D. Tate, pub. date: 9-15-2002, MA Srategic Intellegence American Military University in Manassas Virginian; Project Analyst, “The Cold War Era (1946-1991),” Bobbi's Political Space,

      I honestly believe that the posturing to end


      Russia. What a tangled web we weave.


      Israel responds to those threats with nuclear retaliation

      Louis Rene Beres (professor of political science and international law at Purdue University) August 17, 2011 “Israel, anarchy and global chaos”

      In history, there is a powerful difference


      prevent a much longer-term collective disappearance.


      Advantage 2 is Strategic Cooperation


      Iran is emboldened by the withdrawal in Iraq- using it to act more aggressively throughout the region

      Frederick W. Kagan is director of the Critical Threats Project at the American Enterprise Institute. Kimberly Kagan is president of the Institute for the Study of War, where Marisa Cochrane Sullivan is deputy director Nov 7, 2011, The Weekly Standard Vol. 17, No. 08 “Defeat in Iraq”

      Iranians and their allies have hastened to take


      continued Iranian involvement in Syria and the Levant.


      Turkey-US cooperation on Iraq is key to prevent civil war and Iran influence- key to prevent regional escalation

      Kimberly Kagan is president of the Institute for the Study of War. Frederick W. Kagan is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and director of AEI’s Critical Threats Project 1-2-2012 The Weekly Standard Vol. 17, No. 16  “Is Iraq Lost?”

      With administration officials celebrating the “successful”


      of the White House and the State Department.

      Iran regional dominance causes nuclear war- US engagement key to prevent it

      Herbert London is President Emeritus of Hudson Institute and Professor Emeritus of New York University June 23, 2010 “The Coming Crisis in the Middle East” Hudson Institute

      Iran is poised to be the hegemon in


      the Iranian leadership looks to with imperial exhilaration.


      Middle East wars are most likely – Asymmetric security relations and lack of deterrent framework

      James A. Russell (managing editor of Strategic Insights, senior lecturer in the Department of National Security Affairs at NPS, From 1988-2001 held a variety of positions in the Office of the Assistant Secretary Defense for International Security Affairs, Near East South Asia, Department of Defense) Spring 2009 “Strategic Stability Reconsidered: Prospects for Escalation and Nuclear War in the Middle East”

      The basis of the argument that escalation is


      of pre-emptive attack and conflict escalation.


      Middle East war causes nuclear war, biowar– causes extinction

      Timothy Alexander (Advance warfare technology consultant writer for Rense Magazine,) July 2008 “War On Iran The Perfect Storm From Hell”

      As the global bankers' plan to bring down


      a few months of the initial attacks on Iran


      Stable Iraq is key to the success of Iran sanctions- key to stop Iran prolif

      Frederick W. Kagan is director of the Critical Threats Project at the American Enterprise Institute. Kimberly Kagan is president of the Institute for the Study of War, where Marisa Cochrane Sullivan is deputy director Nov 7, 2011, The Weekly Standard Vol. 17, No. 08 “Defeat in Iraq”

      U.S. strategy for preventing Iran’s


      a fundamental reevaluation of America’s strategy toward Iran.


      Sanctions are inevitable and working to stop Iran prolif- continued multilateral engagement is key to effectiveness

      Matt Duss is a Policy Analyst with the National Security team at the Center for American Progress and Director of its Middle East Progress project May 16 2011 “Corralling Iran New U.N. Report Confirms Nuclear Sanctions Are Working”

      In a just-released report, a


      multilateral resolve that Obama has so painstakingly forged.

      Iran is on the verge of nuclear weapons- most recent and qualified reports confirm

      Market Watch 9-4-2011“AJC: New IAEA Report Reaffirms Dangers of Iran's Nuclear Program”

      "This latest IAEA report underscores yet again


      starting with the nations in Iran's immediate neighborhood."


      Nuclear Iran creates unstable multipolar deterrence relationship- lack of communication means escalation is likely

      Gerald M. Steinberg (Fellow of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, is Director of the Program on Conflict Management and Negotiation at Bar-Ilan University) April 2005 “Deterrence Instability: Hizballah's Fuse to Iran's Bomb” Jerusalem Viewpoints

      Historically, in response to other threats to


      this relationship will be highly dangerous and unstable.


      Iran prolif causes wildfire regional prolif- makes nuclear escalation inevitable

      Dr. Shmuel Bar is Director of Studies at the Institute of Policy and Strategy in Herzliya, Israel. He served for thirty years in the Israeli intelligence community and since 2002 has headed research projects – many of them for U.S. government agencies – on issues such as Iranian defense doctrine, negotiating behavior and susceptibility to signaling, command and control culture in the Middle East, potential paradigms of command and control over nuclear weapons in Middle Eastern regimes, deterrence of terrorism, the influence of religion on deterrence, and implications of a polynuclear Middle East, among others Strategic Perspectives Number 7 2011 “Can Cold War Deterrence Apply to a Nuclear Iran?”

      We should ask whether a polynuclear Middle East


      the tendency to opt for a first strike.


      Middle East prolif not stable- geography causes use of lose pressures and ensures countervalue targeting

      Ian O. Lesser Senior Transatlantic Fellow, The German Marshall Fund of the United States 2004 “The Future Security Environment in the Middle East Conflict, Stability, and Political Change” RAND

      Compared with the intercontinental competition of the Cold


      about the stabilizing affects of nuclear proliferation unconvincing.


      That causes extinction

      Robock 09 – Professor of climatology @ Rutgers University [Alan Robock (Associate director of Rutger’s Center for Environmental Prediction. 30 year researcher in the area of climate change. Holds a doctorate in meteorology from MIT. Published over 150 peer-reviewed papers on climate change), “Nuclear winter” The Encyclopedia of Earth, January 6, 2009, Pg.]

      Nuclear winter is a term that describes the


      prevent the possibility of a nuclear environmental catastrophe.


      Syria is the key test of the new emerging Turkey-US partnership- its weak now but cooperation will revitalize it- key to counter Iran influence in post US Iraq

      Ilhan Tanir October 28, 2011 Hurriyet Daily News “Syria to test Turkish-American partnership”

      I have been coming to the U


      bragged about new Turkish-American partnership’s vibrancy.


      Strategic partnership key to US power projection and heg

      Ian O. Lesser Senior Transatlantic Fellow, The German Marshall Fund of the United States 2000 RAND “Western Interests in a Changing Turkey”

      Only the narrowest (“homeland defense”) approach


      reconstruction in the Balkans or the Middle East).

      Heg solves conflict

      Thomas P.M. Barnett 11 Former Senior Strategic Researcher and Professor in the Warfare Analysis & Research Department, Center for Naval Warfare Studies, U.S. Naval War College American military geostrategist and Chief Analyst at Wikistrat., worked as the Assistant for Strategic Futures in the Office of Force Transformation in the Department of Defense, “The New Rules: Leadership Fatigue Puts U.S., and Globalization, at Crossroads,” March 7

      It is worth first examining the larger picture


      the stage for the Pacific Century now unfolding.



      US offers of technical assistance will be accepted- US leadership will get Turkey to follow

      Reuel Marc Gerecht, a former CIA officer, is a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the author of “The Wave: Man, God, and the Ballot Box in the Middle East.” Mark Dubowitz is the executive director of FDD, where he heads projects on sanctions and the use of technology to encourage democratic change. 9-1-2011 “Obama, American liberator?”

      Obama wouldn’t necessarily have to lead from the


      It may do the same for Barack Obama.

      Cooperation with Turkey on democracy in Syria is key to revitalizing the strategic partnership

      Joshua W. Walker is a Transatlantic Fellow at the German Marshall Fund October 3 2011 Foreign Policy “Turkey’s muscular maneuvers on the world stage”

      Erdogan and Turkey's dramatic arrival and performance on


      Erdogan as leader in the new democratic Turkey.


      Working with Turkey is key to influence opposition groups

      Michael Weiss is the Communications Director of The Henry Jackson Society, a London-based think tank that promotes democracy and human rights abroad Oct 26, 2011 The Atlantic “Turkey's Hand in the Syrian Opposition”

      After seven months of wrangling to form a


      the political landscape of post-Assad Syria.




  • Syria/Turkey Politics 2AC -USC

    • Tournament: USC | Round: 3 | Opponent: Wake BC | Judge: Nick Watts

    • Payroll tax cuts won’t pass – Republicans pissed with Boehner and McConnell forcing their hand on the extension bill

      Bolton, 1/2 [Alexander, “McConnell, Boehner face tough job of smoothing tensions when they return,” January 2, 2012,]

      Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-


      his back on it a few days later.

      Obama PC low-

      a. He refuses to engage Congress

      Helene Cooper 12-28-2011 New York Times “Bipartisan Agreement: Obama Isn’t Schmoozing”

      Mr. Obama, in general, does


      Dennis A. Cardoza, Democrat of California.


      b. structural issues

      Steven E. Schier is Dorothy H. and Edward C. Congdon Professor of Political Science at Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota Presidential Studies Quarterly December 1, 2011 “The contemporary presidency: the presidential authority problem and the political power trap” lexis

      The evidence presented here depicts a decline in


      backing for a president than in times past.


      Plan is bipart

      POMED ’11 Project on Middle East Democracy, 5-12.  “Senators call for stronger action and rhetoric on Syria” Online

      On Wednesday, a bipartisan group of senators


      refrain from violence and engage in political dialogue.

      Winners win

      Green, 2010 (David Michael Green, professor of political science at Hofstra University, “The Do-Nothing 44th President” June 11, google)

      Moreover, there is a continuously evolving and


      Thomas, this is precisely what they did.

      Engaging with Turkey is popular- Several powerful Congressmen head the Turkey caucus

      Enginsoy 2011 (Umit Enginsoy, April 5, 2011, “Turkish lobby group in US celebrates 10th anniversary,” Hurriyet Daily News,

      The U.S. Congressional Caucus on


      the Turkish lobby in the U.S.

      The DA is not intrinsic- our interp is supported by theory- congress considers issues serially

      Edwards 00 [Distinguished Professor of Political Science, director of the Center for Presidential Studies, Texas A&M University (George C. III, March. “Building Coalitions.” Presidential Studies Quarterly, Vol. 30, Iss. 1.)]

      Besides not considering the full range of available


      especially true when the opposition party controls Congress.


  • Syria/Turkey Assad Collapse 2AC - v. Wake BC, USC

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Assad Collapse

      Collapse is inevitable- Kurds, opposition momentum- longer it takes the more sectarian violence

      “The Long Fall of Assad What are the prospects for the future of Syria?” Federico Manfredi, a specialist on insurgencies and counterinsurgencies. He has conducted extensive field research in conflict zones, including Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, and Colombia. Wednesday, 28 Dec, 2011 The Majalla, Online

      The seasons go by but Syria’s Arab Spring


      ultimately prove crucial in the overthrowing of Assad.

      The fall of Assad can only be beneficial- intelligence and stability

      WALTER RUSSELL MEAD April 23, 2011 “War In Syria Next?” His blog, the American Interest, Online.  You know him, you love him.  Don’t deny it. 

      From a US point of view, regime


      what the bad guys have been up to.


  • Syria/Turkey Russia DA 2AC/1AR v Wake BC, USC

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Russia DA

      No North Korea war—Fear of US response

      Andrew Scobell (Associate Research Professor at the Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College) July 2005 “North Korea’s strategic intentions”

      At a minimum, the North Korean leadership


      In short, deterrence seems to have worked.

      Russia sells a ton of arms to Assad- regime change removes them of their prime customer and the port in Tartus

      By Nicholas Blanford  September 21, 2011  “Russia banks on Assad’s survival as billions in arms deals hang in balance” The Daily Star

      Yet Russia holds a contrary view from the


      overthrown or the country descends into violent chaos.

      That causes Syrian aggression in the Heights

      Fear of new Mid East 'Cold War' as Syria strengthens military alliance with Russia Kevin O’Flynn 2008 08 20 Times UK Online

      Russia has wooed Syria, internationally isolated and


      now I think no one thinks that way.”

      Syria would use CBWs

      “Syria ready with bio-terror if U.S. hits Iran” By Jerome R. Corsi March 05, 2007

      Bellamy-Decker currently directs the Public Health


      . I think it is a real threat."

      Extinction- their 1NC assad collapse card 

      Arms sales= relations collapse

      Stratfor “Russia: Syrian Missile Sale as Litmus Test” January 18, 2005

      Russia is considering selling Syria several different missile


      in the FSU — in a major way.

      U.S. Russian tensions spill over globally and risk major power wars

      CFR Task Force 200[Council on Foreign Relations Independent Task Force for Russia, Chaired by John Edwards and Jack Kemp, “RUSSIA’S WRONG DIRECTION: WHAT THE UNITED STATES CAN AND SHOULD DO,”]

      Over time, accumulating disagreements between Russia and


      West or East—can affect the outcome.

      Russia arms sales collapse heg

      “Russia seeks its place in the sun” Simon Tisdall The Guardian Online, Thursday 16 August 2007

      A brief by, a


      bid to challenge US regional and global leadership.

  • Syria/Turkey Russia CP 2AC v Wake BC, USC

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Consult Russia


      Russia has been conceding some ground with the UN security council but is pushing for negotiations- they’ll do what they can to keep Assad in power – they’d say no to the plan

      Reuters Dec 18, 2011 “ANALYSIS: Russia’s Syria shift a bid to guard interests” accessed via Taipei Times, Online

      Russia’s offer of a new UN Security Council


      Council — could also send monitors if asked.

      Certainty-based competition is bad: makes it impossible to weigh the AFF; there are infinite, unpredictable conditions, shifts debate away from the topic, and “should” does not mean ‘mandatory.’

      Atlas, 1999 (Collaboration, “Use of shall, should, may can”

      shall' describes something that is mandatory. If


      be discarded entirely, so much the better.

      Lead from behind collapses heg

      L. Sue Hulett is the Richard P. and Sophia D. Henke Distinguished Professor of Political Science and chair of the Political Science Department at Knox College Sept 3, 2011 “Sue Hulett: Has Obama abandoned global leadership?”

      We also know a bit more about Obama’s


      leadership on behalf of promoting democracy and liberty.

      US leadership key to prevent spoilers.

      Tony Badran, Foundation for Defense of Democracies research fellow, 9-29-11 “The Uncomfortable Reality in Syria”,,

      But without a fallback plan, Washington is


      : ensuring the demise of the Assad regime.

  • Syria/Turkey T 2AC

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 2AC T Democracy Assistance

      Wm- DA is a transfer of funds to help build parties or civil society- that’s the aff

      Peter Burnell is a Professor of Politics in the Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Warwick, England. “Does international democracy promotion work?” 17/2007 German Development Institute, Online

      All things considered, however, there is


      public policy for things like managing the economy.

      Counter interpretation: joint assistance can only be done with countries that are supporting democracy in the topic country – Turkey’s doing that now

      Mustafa el-Labbad, expert on Turkish-Arab relations. “Turkey Regards the Assad Regime as Finished” 31.08.2011 Qantara, Online

      Mustafa el-Labbad: They reflect deep


      that it holds trump cards in its hands?

      For is purpose or intended goal

      Merriam-Webster Online 2011

      Definition of FOR 1 a —used as a function word to indicate purpose <a grant for studying medicine> b —used as a function word to indicate an intended goal <left for home> <acted for the best>

      “Its” means associated with

      Oxford Dictionary10


      possessive determiner belonging to or associated with a thing previously mentioned or easily identified:turn the camera on its side he chose the area for its atmosphere

      It’s best:

      Multilateral democracy assistance is the most historically accurate interp

      David L. Phillips is a project director of the National Committee on American Foreign Policy and

      currently a visiting scholar at Columbia University’s Center for the Study of Human Rights.

      Lincoln A. Mitchell is the Arnold A. Saltzman Assistant Professor in the Practice of International

      Politics at Columbia University’s School of International and Political Affairs. Dr. Mitchell is also

      a practitioner of democracy assistance. “Enhancing democracy assistance”  January 2008 NCAFP online

      In 2007, the US Government (USG


      democratization track for countries that aspire to membership. 




    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:



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