Minnesota » Minn PS Plutowski & Svoboda Aff

Minn PS Plutowski & Svoboda Aff

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 15:49
  • UNI 1AC

    • Tournament: UNI | Round: 1 | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Plan: The United States federal government should provide political training to democratic civil society groups in Syria.

      Advantage One: Proxy Wars

      FIRST, Iran-Saudi War
      Status quo policy only strengthens the Iranians, risks Saudi-Iran confrontation—need to support the opposition

      Robert Rabil and Walild Phraes, “Syria to Become Iranian Vassal or Saudi Ally,” AMERICAN THINKER, 5—31—11, http://www.americanthinker.com/2011/05/syria_to_become_iranian_vassal.html

      But, most ominously for the  [...] vassal state paying tribute to Tehran. 

      U.S. inaction leaves a void in Syria—increases domestic instability and risks a Saudi-Iran confrontation

      Matthew Mainen, Institute for Gulf Affairs, “Saudi’s Dangerous Role in Syria,” MAINEN MIDDLE EAST ANALYSIS, 7—25—11, http://mainen.blogspot.com/2011/07/saudis-dangerous-role-in-syria.html

      While Saudi Arabia’s involvement in suppressing  [...] S. influence in the region. 

      Saudi/Iranian proxy disputes risk escalation to a full-blown war

      Gregory Gause, University of Vermont, “Is Saudi Arabia Really Counter-Revolutionary,” FOREIGN POLICY, 8—9—11, http://mideast.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/08/09/is_saudi_arabia_really_counter_revolutionary

      Would the monarchs of the Holy  [...] like al Qaeda and its sympathizers. 

      Syria risks becoming the OK Corral of the Middle East

      Frank Hardy, “Will Cries for Democracy Shift to Sectarian Violence in Syria?” SUITE 101, 3—27—11, http://www.suite101.com/content/will-cries-for-democracy-shift-to-sectarian-violence-in-syria-a362174

      The latest Arab uprising, on  [...] the root of her greatest destruction.


      John Steinbach, DC Iraq Coalition, Israeli Weapons of Mass Destruction: A Threat to Peace, March 2002, http://www.wagingpeace.org/articles/2002/03/00_steinbach_israeli-wmd.htm, accessed 4/19/04.

      Meanwhile, the existence of an  [...] a world conflagration." (44)

      Lack of credible U.S. action is emboldening Iran to expand throughout the region – only perception of U.S. regional influence checks expansionism

      Zuckerman, 10 (Mortimer, publisher and owner of the New York Daily News, 6/25/10, “3 Steps to Stop Iran From Getting a Nuclear Bomb” http://politics.usnews.com/opinion/mzuckerman/articles/2010/06/25/3-steps-to-stop-iran-from-getting-a-nuclear-bomb.html)

      As far as the war we're  [...] Gulf islands belonging to the UAE. 

      Allowing Iran to take over as the regional hegemon leads to nuclear terrorism and Middle East war

      Cook 09 (Alethia, Assistant Professor of Political Science and the Assistant Director of the Security Studies Program at East Carolina University, “The United States and Iran: policy challenges and opportunities” pages 4-5, 2009)

      However, there are so many  [...] the new Shia controlled Iraqi Government.

      Nuclear terrorism causes extinction

      Mohamed Sid-Ahmed, (Political Analyst for Al-Ahram Weekly), August 26, 2004. Al-Ahram Weekly. Issue No. 705. http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2004/705/op5.htm

      What would be the consequences of  [...] , we will all be losers. 

      Syria is key to solvency

      Haass, Richard [American Diplomat, President on the council on foreign relations since july 2003]88 Foreign Aff. 50 (2009)  Beyond Iraq - A New U.S. Strategy for the Middle East;  N.; Indyk, Martin http://heinonline.org/HOL/Page?handle=hein.journals/fora88&div=7&g_sent=1&collection=journals#56

      Syria is the principal conduit for  [...] the prospects for stability in Lebanon.

      SECOND, Turkey-Syria
      Inaction leaves Syria and Turkey on the brink of war—tensions are high and refugees are spilling over the border

      Bar’el 11 (Zvi, staff writer, 6/26/11, “Turkey concerned Syria border tension could escalate into violent clashes” Haaretz) http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/news/turkey-concerned-syria-border-tension-could-escalate-into-violent-clashes-1.369615

      The situation between Syria and Turkey  [...] city of Jisr al-Shughour.

      However, Turkey won’t intervene to stop it until military action is the only option

      Cameron-Moore 11 (Simon, staff writer, 8/8/11, “Turkey's friendship with Syria nears breaking point” Reuters) http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/08/08/us-turkey-syria-idUSTRE7773J320110808

      There is genuine outrage in Turkey [...] to national security," Idiz said.

      Independently, Iran and Turkey are clashing over Syria

      Rosenburg 11 (David Rosenberg, staff writer, 8/24/11, “Turkey, Iran Bump Heads Over Syria” The Media Line) http://www.themedialine.org/news/news_detail.asp?NewsID=33072

      When the call came in from  [...] and organization to the disparate groups.

      Tensions could escalate to all-out war between Turkey and Iran in Syria

      Roy 11 (Olivier Roy is professor of social and political theory at the European University Institute in Florence. 8/24/11, “The crisis in Syria is leading the Middle East into uncharted territory” New Statesman) http://www.newstatesman.com/middle-east/2011/08/syria-iran-turkey-regime-assad

      Syria is undoubtedly the country in  [...] situation from spiralling out of control.

      This escalates to World War III

      The American Dream 11 (6/28/11, “Could We Actually See A War Between Syria And Turkey?”) http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/could-we-actually-see-a-war-between-syria-and-turkey

      In recent days, there have  [...] the OK Corral of the Middle East

      U.S. action reigns in Turkey and solves the conflict

      Badran 11 (Tony, research fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, 8/16/11, “Obama's Options in Damascus” Foreign Affairs) http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/68129/tony-badran/obamas-options-in-damascus?page=show

      The Syrian crisis has demonstrated a  [...] role remains the United States' alone.  

      Advantage Two: Credibility

      U.S. regional influence is waning – the plan is key to change the face of the U.S.-Arab relationship and increases credibility throughout the region

      Shadi Hamid, director of research at the Brookings Doha Center, fellow at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy. “The Struggle for Middle East Democracy,” Brookings Institute, 4/26/2011. http://www.brookings.edu/articles/2011/0426_middle_east_hamid.aspx?rssid=LatestFromBrookings&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+BrookingsRSS%2Ftopfeeds%2FLatestFromBrookings+%28Brookings%3A+Latest+From+Brookings%29

      It would be a mistake,  [...] aspirations. This has not happened.

      US support for democracy in the is key to recover global hegemony
      Byron 11, [“Soft Power in the Middle East: Reforming American Foreign Policy”, March 11, 2011, http://www. presstorm.com/2011/03/soft-power-in-the-middle-east-reforming-american-foreign-policy CMR] (ADI)

      “The soft power of a  [...] for terrorists and other criminals.”3

      Power vacuums cause nuclear war

      Gray, Professor of International Politics and Strategic Studies at the University of Reading, and founded of the National Institute for Public Policy, 2004 (Colin, The Sheriff: America’s Defense of the New World Order)

      The United States could pick up  [...] destruction (WMD) at that.

      Indecisiveness over the Syrian conflict is a unique opportunity for Russia to expand influence—Russia is posturing as the “anti-NATO”

      LaFranchi 11 (Howard, staff writer, 6/17/11,  “As West labors in Libya and Syria, Russia seizes an opportunity” Christian Science Monitor) http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Foreign-Policy/2011/0617/As-West-labors-in-Libya-and-Syria-Russia-seizes-an-opportunity

      With the West, including the  [...] prefer to see negotiated settlements.”

      Russian expansion of influence in the Middle East causes miscalc and great power wars

      Laqueur 08 [Walter, co-founder and editor of the Journal of Contemporary History in London and the Washington Quarterly, “Russia and the Middle East”, Aug 17, http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/mesh/2008/08/russia_and_the_middle_east/]

      Some have said that the Kremlin  [...] open the door to serious miscalculations. 

      Independently, supporting the opposition cuts off Russia’s access to key bases and ensures NATO supremacy

      Bhadrakumar 11 (M.K., former Indian diplomat, 3/28/11, “Uprising in Syria threatens Russian interests”
      Diplomatic Perspective) http://bhadrakumarviews.blogspot.com/2011/03/uprising-in-syria-threatens-russian.html

      Reports indicated that Russia has modernized  [...] the struggle for influence in Syria.

      Maintaining NATO’s supremacy is key to check superpower conflict and European war

      John O'Sullivan, editor of the National Review and founder of the New Atlantic, 6-98 [American Spectator] 

      Some of those ideasnotably [...] the main guarantor of European stability.  

      The US must act to stop genocide in Syria now—we’re at a moral tipping point

      CS Monitor 11 (8/3/11, “The moral imperative in Syria”) http://www.csmonitor.com/Commentary/the-monitors-view/2011/0803/The-moral-imperative-in-Syria

      For many world leaders, a  [...] crush an opposition Islamist group there. 

      Passive non-intervention in the face of ongoing genocide is a direct and complicit act – the judge has a moral imperative to take a stand against genocide

      Arne Johan Vetleson, Department of Philosophy, University of Oslo, “Genocide:  A Case of Responsibility of the Bystander,” Journal of Peace Research, July 2000, p. 520-522.

      Most often, in cases of  [...] besides our attributing it to a part


      Spurs outside action and transforms US policy—spills over to further anti-assad actions

      Obama Can Stop the Killing in Syria The United States has leverage with the murderous Bashar al-Assad; it has simply chosen not to use it. BY TONY BADRAN 11 | JUNE 14, 2011 http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/06/14/obama_can_stop_the_killing_in_syria?page=0,2

      The administration could then induce other  [...] So what are they waiting for?

      The US should provide training and support for opposition groups—creates an orderly transition

      Karlin and Tabler 11 (Mara E. Karlin was Levant Director at the Pentagon in 2006-7 and Special Assistant to the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy in 2007-9. Andrew J. Tabler is Next Generation Fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy and the author of the forthcoming book In the Lion's Den: An Eyewitness Account of Washington's Battle With Syria. 5/26/11, “Washington should plan for a post-Assad Syria” CNN) http://globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn.com/2011/05/26/washington-should-plan-for-a-post-assad-syria/

      As the United States works to  [...] United States' most problematic regional adversaries.

  • Kentucky 1AC

    • Tournament: Kentucky | Round: 2 | Opponent: George Washington TS | Judge: Bankey

    • Text: The United States federal government should provide political training and support for democratic civil society groups in Syria. 



      Advantage One: Proxy Wars


      Inaction leaves Syria and Turkey on the brink of war—tensions are high and refugees are spilling over the border


      Bar’el 11 (Zvi, staff writer, 6/26/11, “Turkey concerned Syria border tension could escalate into violent clashes” Haaretz) http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/news/turkey-concerned-syria-border-tension-could-escalate-into-violent-clashes-1.369615


      The situation between Syria and Turkey  [...] city of Jisr al-Shughour.


      However, Turkey won’t intervene to stop it until military action is the only option


      Cameron-Moore 11 (Simon, staff writer, 8/8/11, “Turkey's friendship with Syria nears breaking point” Reuters) http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/08/08/us-turkey-syria-idUSTRE7773J320110808


      There is genuine outrage in Turkey [...] to national security," Idiz said.


      Independently, Iran and Turkey are clashing over Syria


      Rosenburg 11 (David Rosenberg, staff writer, 8/24/11, “Turkey, Iran Bump Heads Over Syria” The Media Line) http://www.themedialine.org/news/news_detail.asp?NewsID=33072


      When the call came in from  [...] and organization to the disparate groups.


      Tensions could escalate to all-out war between Turkey and Iran in Syria


      Roy 11 (Olivier Roy is professor of social and political theory at the European University Institute in Florence. 8/24/11, “The crisis in Syria is leading the Middle East into uncharted territory” New Statesman) http://www.newstatesman.com/middle-east/2011/08/syria-iran-turkey-regime-assad


      Syria is undoubtedly the country in  [...] situation from spiralling out of control.


      This escalates to World War III


      The American Dream 11 (6/28/11, “Could We Actually See A War Between Syria And Turkey?”) http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/could-we-actually-see-a-war-between-syria-and-turkey


      In recent days, there have  [...] the OK Corral of the Middle East


      Middle east instability draws in major powers and causes global nuclear war

      Russell 09  - James Russell, Editor of Strategic Insights, Senior Lecturer Department of National Security Affairs, “Strategic Stability Reconsidered: Prospects for Escalation and Nuclear War in the Middle East,” SECURITY STUDIES CENTER PROLIFERATION PAPERS, Spring 2009. http://www.analyst-network.com/articles/141/StrategicStabilityReconsideredProspectsforEscalationandNuclearWarintheMiddleEast.pdf

      Strategic stability in the region is  [...] substantial risk for the entire world.



      U.S. action reigns in Turkey and solves the conflict


      Badran 11 (Tony, research fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, 8/16/11, “Obama's Options in Damascus” Foreign Affairs) http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/68129/tony-badran/obamas-options-in-damascus?page=show


      The Syrian crisis has demonstrated a  [...] role remains the United States' alone. 

      Advantage Two: Credibility


      U.S. regional influence is waning – the plan is key to change the face of the U.S.-Arab relationship and increases credibility throughout the region


      Shadi Hamid, director of research at the Brookings Doha Center, fellow at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy. “The Struggle for Middle East Democracy,” Brookings Institute, 4/26/2011. http://www.brookings.edu/articles/2011/0426_middle_east_hamid.aspx?rssid=LatestFromBrookings&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+BrookingsRSS%2Ftopfeeds%2FLatestFromBrookings+%28Brookings%3A+Latest+From+Brookings%29


      It would be a mistake,  [...] aspirations. This has not happened.



      Syria is key test of U.S. cred in the Mideast—absent plan adversaries will test us, risks multiple aggression scenarios


      Michael Doran, formerly of U.S. National Security Council and current fellow, Saban Center for Middle East Policy, Brookings Institution, “The Nexus and the Olive Tree,” 8—22—11, www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/08/22/the_nexus_and_the_olive_tree?page=full


      Pressing though these questions may be [...] a different result in the future.


      Iran will exploit the Syrian revolution without a strong opposition leader


      Simon Sebag Monteiore [Award winning author of bestselling books, Yougn Stalin, Stalin: The Court of the Red Tsar and Cahterine the Great & Potemkin], “Every Revolution Is Revolutionary in Its Own Way,” Published: March 26, 2011


      At this stage, leadership becomes  [...] more potent than Twitter and democracy.



      Iranian hegemony would mean an attack on Israel – US credibility in Syria key to check expansionism

      Khalili 11 (Reza Kahlili is a pseudonym for an ex-CIA spy who is a fellow with EMPact America and the author of “A Time to Betray,” about his double life in Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, 8/24/11, “KAHLILI: Luring Israel into war” The Washington Times) http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2011/aug/24/luring-israel-into-war/


      Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Khamenei [...] in Tehran from checkmating the world. 


      Iran will use nuclear terrorists to attack Israel

      Davis 11 – Cam Davis, “ Nuclear Terrorism: Possible Sources and Gravity as a Threat to the United States,” OPPOSING VIEWPOINTS, 4-4-11.  http://www.opposingviews.com/i/nuclear-terrorism-possible-sources-and-gravity-as-a-threat-to-the-united-states. LAP


       Another country that may provide  [...] many terrorist groups that it supports.



      Terrorist attack would cause extinction

      Dennis Ray Morgan, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Yangin Campus, South Korea, “World on Fire: Two Scenarios of the Destruction of Human Civilization and Possible Extinction of the Human Race,” FUTURES v. 41, 2009, pp. 683-93, ScienceDirect.


      In a remarkable website on nuclear  [...] environment and fragile ecosphere as well.


      Plan undermines Iran’s regional influence


      Steven A. Cook, Senior Fellow, Middle Easter Studies, Council on Foreign Relations, “Unholy Alliance: How Syria is Bringing Israel, Iran, and Saudi Arabia Together,” THE ATLANTIC, 5—9—11, http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2011/05/unholy-alliance-how-syria-is-bringing-israel-iran-and-saudi-arabia-together/238084/


      The least surprising member of the  [...] what it takes to hang on.


      Additionally, indecisiveness over the Syrian conflict is a unique opportunity for Russia to expand influence


      LaFranchi 11 (Howard, staff writer, 6/17/11,  “As West labors in Libya and Syria, Russia seizes an opportunity” Christian Science Monitor) http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Foreign-Policy/2011/0617/As-West-labors-in-Libya-and-Syria-Russia-seizes-an-opportunity


      With the West, including the  [...] would prefer to see negotiated settlements.”


      Russian expansion in the Middle East causes miscalc and great power wars


      Laqueur 08 [Walter, co-founder and editor of the Journal of Contemporary History in London and the Washington Quarterly, “Russia and the Middle East”, Aug 17, http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/mesh/2008/08/russia_and_the_middle_east/]


      Some have said that the Kremlin  [...] open the door to serious miscalculations.





      Plan spurs outside action and transforms US policy—spills over to further anti-assad actions


      Obama Can Stop the Killing in Syria The United States has leverage with the murderous Bashar al-Assad; it has simply chosen not to use it. BY TONY BADRAN 11 | JUNE 14, 2011 http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/06/14/obama_can_stop_the_killing_in_syria?page=0,2


      The administration could then induce other  [...] So what are they waiting for?


      The US should provide training and support for opposition groups—creates an orderly transition


      Karlin and Tabler 11 (Mara E. Karlin was Levant Director at the Pentagon in 2006-7 and Special Assistant to the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy in 2007-9. Andrew J. Tabler is Next Generation Fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy and the author of the forthcoming book In the Lion's Den: An Eyewitness Account of Washington's Battle With Syria. 5/26/11, “Washington should plan for a post-Assad Syria” CNN) http://globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn.com/2011/05/26/washington-should-plan-for-a-post-assad-syria/


      As the United States works to  [...] United States' most problematic regional adversaries.


      Massive aid to the Middle East in the status quo – non uniques the disads


      MacAskill 11 –  Ewen MacAskill, “ Barack Obama to back Middle East democracy with billions in aid,” THE GUARDIAN, 5/19/11. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/may/19/barack-obama-middle-east-aid. LAP


       Barack Obama is to announce  [...] to encourage others to pursue democracy.


      But aid to Syria is only going to Muslim Brotherhood affiliates

      London 8/21/11 – Herbert London, President of the Hudson Institute and author of the book Decline and Revival in Higher Education “ U.S. Betrays Syria's Opposition,” HUMAN EVENTS, 8/21/11. http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=45642. LAP

       In an effort to understand  [...] that invariably opposes this political view.

  • SKFTA Bad Turns

    • Tournament: Kentucky | Round: 2 | Opponent: George Washington TS | Judge: Bankey

    • SKFTA kills the alliance
      Dong Sun Lee, Ph.D. Political Science, University of Chicago and Sung Eun Kim, Research Fellow at the Asiatic Research Institute and MA in Poli Sci from Korea University The Impact of a Free Trade Agreement on the U.S.-South Korean Alliance: A Theoretical and Empirical Assessment, 2009. Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, p. All Academic 

      IR theory suggests that the FTA  [...] away at public support for the alliance

      Failure to pass SKFTA will help the alliance more
      Manyin &  Cooper, Congressional Research Service, 2009, CAN THE UNITED STATES AND SOUTH KOREA SING WITHOUT KORUS? THE ECONOMIC AND STRATEGIC EFFECTS OF THE KORUS FTA, [Mark; William], p. http://www.keia.org/Publications/JointAcademicStudies/2009/Cooper.pdf

      Thus, if the KORUS FTA  [...] (p. 152-3)

      SKFTA causes Korean War

      Ian Stevenson, 10, Dec 13, 2010, (Blog Critics, KORUS: Good for South Korea, but Who Else?, http://blogcritics.org/politics/article/korus-good-for-south-korea-but/)

      KORUS is already being seen by  [...] the two sides closer to war.

      SKFTA kills trade and the economy

      Alan Tonelson, research fellow with the U.S. Business and Industry Council, 1/6/11 [“Korean trade pact retains many one-sided barriers against American products and should be scuttled”, http://www.bellinghamherald.com/2011/01/06/1802771/korean-trade-pact-retains-many.html]

      After all, the American deficits [...] economies are clearly incompatible with America's. 

      Nuke war
      Walter Russell Mead, Senior Fellow in U.S. Foreign Policy at the Council on Foreign Relations  (Walter Russell, The New Republic, “Only Makes You Stronger”, 2/4/2009, http://www.tnr.com/politics/story.html?id=571cbbb9-2887-4d81-8542-92e83915f5f8&p=2.  

      If current market turmoil seriously damaged  [...] we may still have to fight.  

      SKFTA kills Japan relations

      Konishi 07 Program Director at the Maureen and Mike Mansfield Foundation
      [Weston S. “Japan-U.S. FTA Worth Considering” (http://www.mansfieldfdn.org/pubs/commentary/wesyumiuri040706.htm)]

      Japan can do little more than  [...] .S. FTA sinks in. 

      Relations key to prevent war

      Michael Mochizuki, Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy Studies, Brookings, September 1996, Japan
      Quarterly p. 21

      In the context of East Asia [...] United States and Japan stand together.

      Those wars go nuclear
      Jonathan S. Landay, national security and intelligence correspondent, March 10, 2000, Knight Ridder/Tribune News Service, “Top administration officials warn stakes for U.S. are high in Asian conflicts,” p. Lexis

      Few if any experts think China  [...] , according to the Commerce Department. 

      SKFTA destroys Korean cultural heritage

      Thomas Kim, executive director of the Korea Policy Institute, 2007.  “The Second Opening of Korea: US South Korea Free Trade Agreement,” http://www.kpolicy.org/documents/policy/070614thomaskimsecondopening.html

       For many South Koreans,  [...] subsidized U.S. agribusiness.

      Culture is key to human survival

      Maivan Clech Lam, Visiting Associate Professor at American University Washington College of Law, 2K, At The Edge of the State: Indigenous Peoples and Self-Determination, p. 205-206

      Nevertheless, as anthropologists know,  [...] meaning, can lead to violence.  

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

  • Texas Swing 1AC

    • Tournament: T | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Contention 1 is transition


      Assad’s collapse inevitable, but transition will be messy


      Michael Doran and Salman Shaikh, Brookings Institution, “Getting Serious in Syria,” AMERICAN INTEREST, 8—2—11, http://www.the-american-interest.com/article.cfm?piece=1001


      The Syrian status quo, whatever  [...] genuine process of transition to begin.


      Supporting opposition solves sectarian war


      Mon Yacoubian, senior program officer, U.S. Institute of Peace, “Saving Syria from Civil War,” FOREIGN POLICY, Middle East Channel, 10—5—11, http://mideast.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/10/05/saving_syria_from_civil_war, accessed 11-10-11//dch


      As Syria's uprising lurches toward its  [...] directly or through proxies in Lebanon.


      Syrian conflict causes turkey iran war—tensions are rising dangerously


      Roy 11 (Olivier Roy is professor of social and political theory at the European University Institute in Florence. 8/24/11, “The crisis in Syria is leading the Middle East into uncharted territory” New Statesman) http://www.newstatesman.com/middle-east/2011/08/syria-iran-turkey-regime-assad


      Syria is undoubtedly the country in  [...] situation from spiralling out of control.


      Turkey is on brink of military intervention—risks massive regional war


      Jean Shaoul, “Turkey Preparing Military Intervention in Syria,” Mostly Water, 10—22—11, http://mostlywater.org/turkey_preparing_military_intervention_syria


      Turkey is playing a major role  [...] to supply anti-regime forces.


      World War III


      The American Dream 11 (6/28/11, “Could We Actually See A War Between Syria And Turkey?”) http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/could-we-actually-see-a-war-between-syria-and-turkey


      In recent days, there have  [...] the OK Corral of the Middle East


      U.S. key to solve Turkey intervention


      Badran 11 (Tony, research fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, 8/16/11, “Obama's Options in Damascus” Foreign Affairs) http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/68129/tony-badran/obamas-options-in-damascus?page=show


      The Syrian crisis has demonstrated a  [...] role remains the United States' alone. 



      Contention 2 Iran


      U.S. regional influence is waning – the plan is key to change the face of the U.S.-Arab relationship and increases credibility throughout the region


      Shadi Hamid, director of research at the Brookings Doha Center, fellow at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy. “The Struggle for Middle East Democracy,” Brookings Institute, 4/26/2011. http://www.brookings.edu/articles/2011/0426_middle_east_hamid.aspx?rssid=LatestFromBrookings&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+BrookingsRSS%2Ftopfeeds%2FLatestFromBrookings+%28Brookings%3A+Latest+From+Brookings%29


      It would be a mistake,  [...] aspirations. This has not happened.



      Syria is key test of U.S. cred in the Mideast—absent plan adversaries will test us, risks multiple aggression scenarios


      Michael Doran, formerly of U.S. National Security Council and current fellow, Saban Center for Middle East Policy, Brookings Institution, “The Nexus and the Olive Tree,” 8—22—11, www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/08/22/the_nexus_and_the_olive_tree?page=full


      Pressing though these questions may be [...] a different result in the future.


      Lack of credible U.S. action is emboldening Iran to expand throughout the region – only perception of U.S. regional influence checks expansionism


      Zuckerman, 10 (Mortimer, publisher and owner of the New York Daily News, 6/25/10, “3 Steps to Stop Iran From Getting a Nuclear Bomb” http://politics.usnews.com/opinion/mzuckerman/articles/2010/06/25/3-steps-to-stop-iran-from-getting-a-nuclear-bomb.html)


      As far as the war we're  [...] Gulf islands belonging to the UAE.


      Iranian hegemony would mean an attack on Israel – US credibility in Syria key to check expansionism

      Khalili 11 (Reza Kahlili is a pseudonym for an ex-CIA spy who is a fellow with EMPact America and the author of “A Time to Betray,” about his double life in Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, 8/24/11, “KAHLILI: Luring Israel into war” The Washington Times) http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2011/aug/24/luring-israel-into-war/


      Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Khamenei [...] in Tehran from checkmating the world. 


      Iran will use nuclear terrorists to attack Israel

      Davis 11 – Cam Davis, “ Nuclear Terrorism: Possible Sources and Gravity as a Threat to the United States,” OPPOSING VIEWPOINTS, 4-4-11.  http://www.opposingviews.com/i/nuclear-terrorism-possible-sources-and-gravity-as-a-threat-to-the-united-states. LAP


       Another country that may provide  [...] many terrorist groups that it supports.



      Terrorist attack would cause extinction

      Dennis Ray Morgan, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Yangin Campus, South Korea, “World on Fire: Two Scenarios of the Destruction of Human Civilization and Possible Extinction of the Human Race,” FUTURES v. 41, 2009, pp. 683-93, ScienceDirect.


      In a remarkable website on nuclear  [...] environment and fragile ecosphere as well.


      Transition contains Iran and checks its nuclear program


      James H. Anderson, Professor, Marshall European Center for Security Studies, and former director, Middle East Policy, Office of the Secretary of Defense, “After the Fall: What’s Next for Assad and Syria?” WORLD AFFAIRS, November/December 2011, 11—11, http://www.worldaffairsjournal.org/article/after-fall-what%E2%80%99s-next-assad-and-syria, accessed 11-10-11//dch


      Iran stands to lose the most  [...] external pressures hasten its inglorious end.


      Contention 4 is Russia


      Russia is trying to establish dominance in the region in the wake of Assad—a pro-Western opposition government shuts them out of the region


      Taheri 11 (Amir, CNN columnist, author of many books on Middle East policy, 10/9/11, “Russia’s Syria game” New York Post) http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/opedcolumnists/russia_syria_game_voe96d5WkBego04e6l1NRP


      A few weeks ago, a  [...] if, Ukraine throws it out.


      Syria key for Russian expansionism


      Nazemroaya 06 (Mahdi, Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization, “Russian Base in Syria, a Symmetrical Strategic Move” Global Research) http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=2839


      Russian military officials have consistently denied  [...] part of a global chess game.


      Russian expansion in the Middle East causes miscalc and great power wars


      Laqueur 08 [Walter, co-founder and editor of the Journal of Contemporary History in London and the Washington Quarterly, “Russia and the Middle East”, Aug 17, http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/mesh/2008/08/russia_and_the_middle_east/]


      Some have said that the Kremlin  [...] open the door to serious miscalculations.


      Russia would use nuclear weapons


      LAMBERT AND MILLER 97 (Stephen and David, USAF Institute for National Security Studies, “Russia’s Crumbling Tactical Nuclear Weapons Complex: An Opportunity for Arms Control” April www.usafa.af.mil/inss/OCP/ocp12.pdf)


      To compensate for Russia’s current conventional  [...] judgment of a local military commander.




      Supporting regime change in Syria creates a buffer zone and shuts Russia out of the Mideast


      Semaan 11 (George, journalist, 9/12, “The Eye is on Syria and the Target is Turkey?” http://www.daralhayat.com/portalarticlendah/306674


      The position of Russian President Dmitry  [...] in Syria or commit another one?




      Plan: The United States federal government should provide political training and support to democratic groups in Syria.



      Contention 4 is solvency


      The US should provide training and support for opposition groups—creates an orderly transition


      Karlin and Tabler 11 (Mara E. Karlin was Levant Director at the Pentagon in 2006-7 and Special Assistant to the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy in 2007-9. Andrew J. Tabler is Next Generation Fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy and the author of the forthcoming book In the Lion's Den: An Eyewitness Account of Washington's Battle With Syria. 5/26/11, “Washington should plan for a post-Assad Syria” CNN) http://globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn.com/2011/05/26/washington-should-plan-for-a-post-assad-syria/


      As the United States works to  [...] United States' most problematic regional adversaries.


      Aiding the opposition solves


      Foreign Policy Initiative (FPI) and Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD), “Towards a Post-Assad Syria: Options for the United States and Like-Minded Nations to Further Assist the Anti-Regime Syrian Opposition,” Discussion Paper Prepared for the Syrian Working Group, 11—8—11, http://www.defenddemocracy.org/media-hit/towards-a-post-assad-syria/, accessd 11-10-11//dch


      Option (2): Provide Assistance  [...] on this issue ought to change.


      U.S. aid solves opposition


      Gerecht and Dubowitz 11 (Marc, senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, and Mark, executive director of FDD, 9/1/11, “Obama, American liberator?” The Washington Post) http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/obama-american-liberator/2011/09/01/gIQA3e5HvJ_story.html


      Nevertheless, President Obama used American  [...] do the same for Barack Obama.


      The opposition movement is united in the Syrian National Council


      Aljazeera 11 (9/15/11, “Syrian opposition unites in new council”) http://english.aljazeera.net/news/middleeast/2011/09/2011915141543350254.html


      A group of Syrian activists have  [...] the Islamic Conference, he said.



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