The aesthetics of global democracy and the process of democratization are part and parcel with the process of colonial domination
Castronovo 03
(Russ, “Geo-Aesthetics: Fascism, Globalism, and Frank Norris,” boundary 2 30:3)
Aesthetics are doubly …a global unit.
The narrative of Western benevolence allows the AFF to spin tiny pieces of data into a plan of action that obscures imperial domination – their approach to harms and solvency reveals the continuity of thought between the AFF and Western colonialism
Cairo 06
(“The Duty of the Benevolent Master: From Sovereignty to Suzerainty and the Biopolitics of Intervention,” Heriberto, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Alternatives 31 285–311)
The narrative of …the Cold War.
Their performance of the colonial present is what makes violence possible – focus on spectacular violence mis-locates the social production of mundane violence that makes their impacts possible
Gregory, 04
(Derek, Distinguished University Scholar and Professor of Geography at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, The Colonial Present: Afghanistan, Palestine, Iraq)
Finally, I use …in its horrors.
There’s also pedagogical impact – the way that we debate foreign policy glosses over the ways colonial culture mediates the emergence of forms of society
Cairo 06
(“The Duty of the Benevolent Master: From Sovereignty to Suzerainty and the Biopolitics of Intervention,” Heriberto, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Alternatives 31 285–311)
This broad but …OUR political order.
Their advantage claims are imaginary – it is the FORM of thinking of the colonial aesthetic of utopia and dystopia that makes their advantages thinkable – if we defeat their aesthetic we sever their access to the impact
Rajaram 06
(Kumar, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary “Dystopic Geographies of Empire,” Alternatives 31, 475–506)
Though varying in …gridding of colonial space.
Colonialism depends on the continuous reproduction of its culture – our alternative is to reject the AFF to refuse to participate
Gregory 04
(Derek, Distinguished University Scholar and Professor of Geography at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, The Colonial Present: Afghanistan, Palestine, Iraq)
To recover the contemporary …relationships in themselves.