T Ans: DG Excludes Regime Change 2AC (50 sec)
1. We meet: we give training and support for democracy building, not regime change
2. Counter-interpretation: Democracy assistance includes promoting democratic transitions in countries that won’t reform—gives a caselist
Huber, 08 Hebrew University of Jerusalem Department of International Relations
Daniela, Mediterranean Politics, Vol. 13, No. 1, 43–62, March 2008, “Democracy Assistance in the Middle East and North Africa: A Comparison of US and EU Policies”, p. 45-6, http://pdfserve.informaworld.com/69109__790479070.pdf
What is Democracy Assistance? The term democracy
accountable. (USAID, 2005: 4)
3. We meet the counter-interpretation: we fund democratic civil society groups
4. Reasons to prefer:
A. Limits—our interpretation provides a reasonable number of cases. The neg interpretation eliminates half the topic—all Syria, Bahrain, and Yemen affs require regime change before democracy can take root. Aff ground is already horrible on this topic, don’t make it worse
B. Neg ground—best neg ground comes from regime change—K links are stronger, and there’s a bigger change from the status quo so more DAs will link
C. Other words check—definitions about the mechanics of democracy assistance prevent the less topical forms of regime change assistance like providing weapons—checks their abuse claims
D. Contextual evidence—the definition of “democracy assistance” depends on the type of regime
Mitchell and Phillips 08, Columbia University School of International and Political Affairs International Politics professor; National Committee on American Foreign Policy Project Director
[Lincoln A. and David L, January 2008, “Enhancing Democracy Assistance”, http://www.acus.org/ files/publication_pdfs/65/Enhancing%20Democracy%20Assistance.pdf, p.11, accessed 7-24-11]
Strategies by Regime Type Today’s democracy assistance must
presenting the United States as a political model.
5. Reasonability—as long as they get links, don’t vote us down—competing interpretations leads to a race to the bottom because they’ll always find a way to limit out the aff
6. Potential abuse is not a voter
Leadership Overview 2AC
US lead from behind strategy cedes Syria to Turkey and decreases our global credibility—absent the plan, enemies will test us and Turkey will start a military conflict in Syria—that’s Gilbert and Crowely. Loss of global US credibility collapses hegemony and causes great power wars—that’s Barnett. Independently, Turkey intervention in Syria escalates to global war—draws in NATO, China, and Russia—that’s American Dream.
Turns the DA—russia won’t listen to us
Cred: A2 “Heg Bad”
FIRST, Leads now: financial crisis overstated, relative power untouched, immigration, reserve currency
Moises Naim, "Why the United States Will Remain the Strongest Country in the World," FOX NEWS LATINO, 8--9--11, http://carnegieendowment.org/2011/08/09/why-united-states-will-remain-strongest-country-in-world/4lko
The downgrade crisis, and the financial mess
most powerful country in the world? Yes.
SECOND, No decline—other powers declining too, nor rival, alliance systems, education/tech, economy ensure American leadership
Michael O'Hanlon, senior fellow, Brookings Institution, "The U.S. Still Has a Promising Future," LOS ANGELES TIMES, 8--11--11, LN.
Yes, the United States has problems.
meantime let's not lose sight of what's right.
First, you can’t win a transition would happen—hegemon’s maximize power. They would never adopt self restraint
SCHWELLER (Assoc. Professor Political Science @ Ohio State) ‘01
[Randall, “The Problem of International Order Revisted”, International Security, Summer, p. asp//wyo-tjc]
First, although hegemonic decline may be inevitable
without historical precedent” (p. 270).
Offshore balancing undermines american power in the long run
KAGAN & KRISTOL (CEIP & Editor of Weekly Standard) 2K
[Robert & Bill, “National Interest and Global Responsibility”, Present Dangers: Crisis & Opportunity in American Foreign & Defense Policy, ed. Kagan & Kristol, Encounter Books //wyo-tjc]
In fact, a strategy aimed at preserving
capacity. [P. 15-16]
Offshore balancing fails and causes the impacts:
Iran, terrorism and Middle East war
Kim R. Holmes. Vice President for Foreign and Defense Policy Studies. 2010. Director of the Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for International Studies at The Heritage Foundation. Defending Freedom Is a Choice. The Heritage Foundation. 2010 May 3
Dismantling Defense: National defense is the first
values prevailed then. They can prevail again.
US hegemony solves terrorism – their evidence reflects too narrow a view of hegemony
Mendelsohn 09 (Barak Mendelsohn, assistant professor of political science, “Combating Jihadism: American Hegemony and Interstate Cooperation in the War,” University of Chicago Press, pg 220)
The actions of hegemony, too, are
a much greater extent than is generally assumed.
Containment Overview 2AC
Iran and Russia are poised to control Syria in the wake of Assad—only US leadership from the front shuts them out—that’s Rubin and Badran. Failure causes a nuclear strike on Israel by Hezbollah and Russian expansionist wars—those go global and nuclear—that’s Laquerer and Morgan.
Turns the DA
K Ans: Spanos 2AC
1. Perm do both
2. Case outweighs—Russia war and Middle East wars escalate to extinction which is a pre-requisite to the K
3. Blaming imperialism for all oppression masks violence
Fred Halliday (Middle East Report) 99 “The Middle East at the Millennial Turn” http://www.merip.org/mer/mer213/213_hallliday.html
Recent developments in the Middle East and the
and oppressive social practices within the Middle East.
4. Framework—allow the aff to weigh impacts—other frameworks kill education by mooting the 1AC and preventing us from learning about the topic
5. Prefer our method:
A. Empiricism is practical and accurate
Walt 05 annu rev polit sci 8 23-48 (“the relationship between theory and policy in international relations”)
Policy decisions can be influenced by several types
statistical analysis, and hermeneutical or interpretivist approaches.
B. Western knowledge production is universally applicable
Windschuttle, ’02 [Keith, Writer, Historian, and editor of Quadrant Magazine, January, “The Cultural War on Western Civilization,” The New Criterion, http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/guideDesc.asp?catid=127&type=issue]
Western knowledge is culturally relative: Despite the
Western science belongs to the whole of humanity.
6. Withdrawal causes great power competition and war
KHALILZAD (Rand Analyst, Envoy to Afghanistan) ‘95
[Zalmay, “Losing the Moment”, Washington Quarterly, Spring, ln// wyo-tjc]
What might happen to the world if the
including the United States, would be harmed.
7. Other imperial powers are worse—turns the alt
Victor Davis Hanson 2, Ph. D. in Classics, Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, a Professor Emeritus at California University, Fresno, “A Funny Sort of Empire: Are Americans really so imperial?” National Review Online, November 27, 2002, http://www.victorhanson.com/articles/hanson112702.html,
It is popular now to talk of the
, not constrain a blood-drunk rabble.
8. Alt can’t solve other instances—imperialism will still exist post-alternative which makes their impacts inevitable
9. We control uniqueness—global violence is declining
Tomkins 6 (Richard, consumer industries editor of the Financial Times, “Goodbye, cruel world”, Financial Times, 2/4, http://search.ft.com/nonFtArticle?sortBy=datearticle&page=77&queryText=egypt&y=0&javascriptEnabled=true&id=060204001016&x=0)
Is it possible that children in today's western
- is what we are struck by now."
10. Realism is inevitable and good
Mearscheimer, 01
[John J., Prof. of Pol. Sci @ U. of Chicago, The Tragedy of Great Power Warfare]
States operating in a self-help world
possible.” Survival would then be almost guaranteed.
11. Anti-imperialist strategies distort struggles for real global justice – resorting in massive violence in the periphery of your anti-western struggle
Martin Shaw (Professor of International Relations and Politics at the University of Sussex) April 01 “The Problem of the Quasi-Imperial State” http://www.sussex.ac.uk/Units/CGPE/Failed%20States/shaw.pdf
It is worth asking how the politics of
its actual role in relation to the victims.
12. It is the failure to imperialize that allows genocide to occur.
Boot, 2004 (Max, senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. "In Modern Imperialism, U.S. Needs to Walk Softly" Los Angeles Times, July 15. p B 13. Proquest)
But whatever happens in Iraq, there will
it did in Iraq over the past year.
13. They can't comprehend a world without American involvement- the violence they criticize goes both ways- the only difference is that our wars save lives and spread freedom
Peters, 5 (Ralph, retired U.S. Army intelligence officer, The New York Post, "Protest Therapy," 9-27-2005, http://terpsboy.com/Articles/protest¬therapy.html .)
It would be far easier to be sympathetic
a cause to lend their failed lives meaning.
14. Perm do the plan and reject all other instances
2AC Conditionality Bad
Conditionality is bad – vote aff
FIRST, skew – the aff doesn’t read their best offense because the neg can just kick the position and cross-apply the arguments to other flows
SECOND, depth of education – the neg can read multiple counterplans and pick whatever is answered least, meaning we don’t get any depth of argument on any position
THIRD, infinitely regressive – more than one justifies any number – any counter interpretation is arbitrary and self serving, which makes it unpredictable and unfair to the Aff
[FINALLY, Dispo solves their offense – prevents them from running contradictions and allows us to read our best offense by straight turning a position]
Int’l CP Ans: Qatar 2AC
Perm do both
Perm solves the net benefit
Russia Today 12-6 (Restricted Alliance: Us Breeds Qatar As Arab Heavy-weight, http://www.moneycontrol.com/news-topic/arab/video-restricted-alliance-us-breeds-qatar-as-arab-heavy-weight_gA-pUPx35S4.html)
Russia is downgrading its relations with Qatar following
com RT on Facebook www.facebook.com
Solvency deficit:
A. Iran
Badran 11 (Tony, research fellow at the foundation for the defense of democracy, 9/22/11, “Axis of Abuse: U.S. Human Rights toward Iran and Syria, Part II” Congressional Testimony) http://www.defenddemocracy.org/stuff/uploads/documents/Badran_Testimony_FINAL_9_21.pdf
As a New York Times report noted on
US leadership, Iran will fill that role.
B. Turkey—only a signal of change in official US policy shifts Turkey’s strategy—that’s Badran
C. Cred
Khattar Torbey et al., PhD Candidate, Kansas, “Breaking the Stalemate in Syria,” 12—16—11, http://pomed.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/POMED-Policy-Brief_Maalouf.pdf
When the United States did move in support
itself from its conservative, authoritarian Gulf counterparts.
D. Russia—US presence in Syria is necessary to shut Russia out of the region—that’s Badran
DB – can’t solve cred and Qatar SP – I/L to Qatar SP is US power vacuum
Links to politics
Reuters 11
Reuters, 9/21/11, Obama seeks to ease doubts on global leadership, mobile.reuters.com/article/topNews/idUSTRE78K39V20110921
Foreign policy has slipped down his policy list
approach undermines U.S. global prestige.
International is bad and a voting issue:
A. Destroys rational decision making—there would never be a situation where someone could choose between another nation and the US—divorcing debate from rational decision-making destroys its value
B. Infinitely Regressive—over 150 countries and thousands of organizations they could fiat—justifies object fiat like the “China wont attack Taiwan” counterplan
C. Interpretation: Neg gets suggestion CPs—solves all your offense
Qatar will say no and Iran’s leverage prevents effectiveness
Smith 9/5 (Sr. Editor-The Weekly Standard, "The Little Emirate That Could," www.weeklystandard.com/articles/little-emirate-could_591432.html?page=2)
The fact is that outside the Libyan rebels
wants—to stay on everyone’s speed dial.
Qatar favors Islamists—they’ll support the Muslim Brotherhood or say no
Ryan Mauro, national security adviser, Christian Action Network, “Syrian Opposition Council Meets with Extremist Cleric,” FRONTPAGE MAGAZINE, 11—11—11, http://frontpagemag.com/2011/11/11/syrian-opposition-council-means-with-extremist-cleric/
The SNC is also bidding for Qatari support
by the Islamist government of Prime Minister Erdogan.
Hypocrisy undermines Qatar’s credibility
Kiefer 11 (Francine Kiefer, staff writer, 5/27/11, “Qatar: The small Arab monarchy with the loud democratic voice” Christian Science Monitor) http://www.csmonitor.com/Commentary/Editorial-Board-Blog/2011/0527/Qatar-The-small-Arab-monarchy-with-the-loud-democratic-voice
It's a contradiction. Qatar, the Gulf
the democracy builders it is trying to help.
Qatar admits it won’t be able to do anything without the UN
Business Week 12 Syria Presses on With Crackdown as Qatar Suggests UN Help January 05, 2012, 11:57 AM EST By Dahlia Kholaif http://www.businessweek.com/news/2012-01-05/syria-presses-on-with-crackdown-as-qatar-suggests-un-help.html
Jan. 5 (Bloomberg) -- Syria
, will return and how they will operate.
Counterplan links to politics—US can’t keep a secret.
Wilson and Dilulio 98 James Q. Wilson, Professor of Political Science at UCLA, and John J. DiIulio, Professor of Political Science at Princeton, 1998 [American Government: Institutions and Policies, p. 291]
American government is the leakiest in the world
the press to receive and print government secrets.
Int’l CP Ans: Qatar 2AC Soft Power NB
Leadership in Syria doesn’t spill over to Qatari leadership in Afghanistan—they already have efforts there
Plan solves Turkish relations
Maggio 11
[Kelly Maggio, “Arab Spring Offers Opportunity to Split Syria from Iran”, The Foundry, 6-30-2011, http://blog.heritage.org/2011/06/30/arab-spring-offers-opportunity-to-split-syria-from-iran/]
The Syrian turmoil presents the United States with
in Turkey in promoting democracy in the region.
Key to Afghanistan
Werz et. al 11
[Michael Werz, Caroline Wadhams, Matthew Duss, and Sarah Margon, “After Turkey’s June Elections”, Center for American Progress, 6-23-2011, http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/2011/06/turkey.html]
Turkey is an important partner to the United
Afghanistan and Pakistan, whose relationship remains strained.
Promoting democracy kills Qatar’s soft power
Coates Ulrichsen 11 (Kristian Coates Ulrichsen, research fellow at the London School of Economics, 4/12/11, “Qatar and the Arab Spring” http://www.opendemocracy.net/kristian-coates-ulrichsen/qatar-and-arab-spring
Although (as explained above) significant unrest
Qatar following the World Cup bid and its support
Qatar’s soft power is inevitable
Rubin 10 Typology of Soft Powers in Middle East Politics Working Paper No. 5 Lawrence Rubin December 2010 Lawrence Rubin was a Research Fellow with the Dubai Initiative during the 2009-10 academic year. He is currently an assistant professor in the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Dubai Initiative Executive Director: Ashraf Hegazy Dubai School of Government http://www.dsg.ae/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=Q-q3-9-fwB4=
Qatar’s diplomatic soft power Described as a “
to host the world’s most popular sporting event.
Too many alt causes to solve Afghanistan
UN ‘8 (United Nations 10/14/08 US Fed News, “Build on Positive Trends to Reverse Deteriorating Situation in Afghanistan,” Lexis, 10/14/08
ZALMAY KHALILZAD (United States) said that
. More forces would be sent to Afghanistan.
No impact to Afghanistan- their impacts are inflated and incorrect
Friedman ‘9 (Hawks and Havens Posted by Benjamin H. Friedman Benjamin H. Friedman • October 6, 2009 @ 8:59 am Filed under: Foreign Policy and National Security
Cohen approvingly cites Obama’s foolish claim that
, and many Pakistani elites want it back.
Ptx Ans: Jackson Vanik
Jackson-Vanik won’t be repealed
Reuters, 12/14 [“Russia in WTO: US Congress Not Ready for Russian WTO Entry”, http://www.themoscowtimes.com/business/article/russia-in-wto-us-congress-not-ready-for-russian-wto-entry/449843.html]
The White House faces a major challenge next
trade body after nearly 18 years of negotiations.
Jackson-Vanik won’t be repealed
McQuillen, 12/14 [“Cold-War Law Blocks Doubling U.S. Trade With Russia Under WTO”, http://www.businessweek.com/news/2011-12-14/cold-war-law-blocks-doubling-u-s-trade-with-russia-under-wto.html]
The House Ways and Means Committee hasn’t scheduled
adoption of food safety regulations, he said.
Relations low – Russia hates McFaul
ALAN CULLISON, staff. “Russia Slams New U.S. Ambassador,” Wall Street Journal, 1/19/2012. http://www.wallstreetjournal.de/article/SB10001424052970203735304577168992039334260.html?mod=fox_australian
Russian authorities ripped into Washington's new ambassador to
December parliamentary polls on Western-funded critics.
Channel One.
Keystone thumps
The Hill 1/25 “State Department tells Republicans: Don’t mess with us on Keystone” http://thehill.com/blogs/e2-wire/e2-wire/206445-state-department-dont-mess-with-us-on-keystone-xl
Obama’s decision last week to reject the pipeline
Canada, to refineries on the Gulf Coast.
Expansionist Russia makes relations impossible
Motyl, 9
Alexander J. Motyl, Professor of Political Science, Deputy Director of the Division of Global Affairs, June 11, 2009, “Why Obama Can’t Reset Relations with Putin's Russia,” Atlantic Council, < http://www.acus.org/new_atlanticist/why-obama-can%E2%80%99t-reset-relations-putins-russia>
U.S. President Barack Obama wants
S.-Russia relations can improve only marginally.
Plan is bipartisan
Seung Min Kim, “Obama Almost Wins Over Hill on Syria,” POLITICO, 8—18—11, www.politico.com/news/stories/0811/61658.html
President Barack Obama almost caught a break on
a long history of anti-American hostility.”
Key to agenda
Christopher W. Hansen, President, AeA, “AeA: Advancing the Business of Technology,” 12—12—08, www.aeanet.org/GovernmentAffairs/gajl_Obama1208.asp
The Republicans are in disarray. It is
the impact on high tech will be considerable.
Even if relations are high there won’t be further cooperation
Alan Greenblat, staff. “For U.S. And Russia, Distrust Still Runs High,” NPR, 9/14/2011. http://www.npr.org/2011/09/13/140441171/for-u-s-russia-distrust-still-running-high
President Obama's policy of engagement with Russia has
a push on Capitol Hill for limited sanctions.
Obama will only push the payroll tax cut—and it thumps
David Jackson, USA TODAY, The Oval blog, 1—1—12, http://content.usatoday.com/communities/theoval/post/2011/12/obamas-2012-campaign-opponent-congress/1
On that occasion, Obama said "this
point is that that's no longer a requirement."
Relations low – multiple warrants
Nikolaus von Twickel, staff. “Lavrov Warns U.S. on Missile Deal,” Moscow Times, 1/19/2012. http://www.themoscowtimes.com/news/article/lavrov-warns-us-on-missile-deal/451270.html
Lavrov reiterated that Moscow’s concerns that the shield
said during the evening news on state-run
Volt controversy thumps
Sidney Morning Herald 1/26 “GM in damage control as Volt loses spark” http://smh.drive.com.au/motor-news/gm-in-damage-control-as-volt-loses-spark-20120126-1qihd.html
General Motors has been forced to mount a
for this administration," said Republican Mike Kelly.
Winners win
Marshall and Prins 11 (BRYAN W, Miami University and BRANDON C, University of Tennessee & Howard H. Baker, Jr. Center for Public Policy, “Power or Posturing? Policy Availability and Congressional Influence on U.S. Presidential Decisions to Use Force”, Sept, Presidential Studies Quarterly 41, no. 3)
Presidents rely heavily on Congress in converting their
managing political capital at home (Fordham 2002).
Plan doesn’t require Obama to expend capital
Smith and Smith 94 Craig A. Smith, professor of communications at UNC, and Kathy B. Smith, professor of politics at Wake Forest, 1994 The White House Speaks, p. 3
The second, and related, problem with
to relinquish anything for the sake of compliance.
No link uniqueness—bill for action in Syria now
Gormley 1/22 (Michael, staff writer, 1/22/12, “Syria Sanctions Sought By Schumer, Gillibrand” Huffington Post) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/22/syria-sanctions-chumer-gillibrand_n_1221840.html
ALBANY, N.Y. -- The
Syrian leaders involved in the crackdown on protests.