Minnesota » Crunkilton - Ehrlich Neg

Crunkilton - Ehrlich Neg

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 15:49
  • T Plan must give expertise, material and money to be Dem Ass

    • Tournament: UNI 2011 | Round: 1 | Opponent: UMKC MN Egyptian Election Assistance Aff | Judge: Hingstman

  • Turkey Middle East Diplomacy good on case

    • Tournament: UNI 2011 | Round: 1 | Opponent: UMKC MN Egyptian election assistance Aff | Judge:

  • Securitization Discourse K

    • Tournament: UNI 2011 | Round: 1 | Opponent: UMKC MN Egyptian Election Assistance Aff | Judge:

  • EU CP

    • Tournament: UNI 2011 | Round: 1 | Opponent: UMKC MN Egyptian Election Assistance Aff | Judge:

  • SKFTA Politics DA

    • Tournament: UNI 2011 | Round: 1 | Opponent: UMKC MN Egyptian Election Assistance Aff | Judge:

    • It passed

    • It passed.

  • T Can't Result In Democracy

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • A. Interpretation-The affirmative plan should be a form of democracy assistance, not result in an increase in democracy.

      Lappin 10
      (Richard, What We Talk About When We Talk About Democracy Assistance: The Problem of Definition in Post-Conflict Approaches to Democratisation", Central European Journal of International and Security Studies, Vol. 4, No. 1, May 2010,)ASH

      Such fastidiousness on the boundaries of  [...] conflict democracy assistance can be drawn. 


      3.  Solvency deficit-failure to properly define democracy assistance risks a false feedback loop, they only appear to solve for democracy.  No impact and turns solvency.

      Lappin 10
      (Richard, What We Talk About When We Talk About Democracy Assistance: The Problem of Definition in Post-Conflict Approaches to Democratisation", Central European Journal of International and Security Studies, Vol. 4, No. 1, May 2010,)ASH

      It can therefore be argued that  [...] stimuli (Burnell 2008: 428). 

      4.  Failure to adhere to strict definitions makes rational discussion of policy impossible.  This makes debate as an activity impossible and is a voter for fairness.

      Lappin 10
      (Richard, What We Talk About When We Talk About Democracy Assistance: The Problem of Definition in Post-Conflict Approaches to Democratisation", Central European Journal of International and Security Studies, Vol. 4, No. 1, May 2010,)ASH

      The lack of definitional concreteness over  [...] inability to accurately disaggregate the data. 

  • China DA

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • The CCP perceives plan as subversion – their balancing attempts destroy relations and causes a US China war

      Aaron Friedberg 6-21-2011, Professor of Politics and International Affairs, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton, “Hegemony with Chinese Characteristics,” The National Interest, July-August Issue, June 21, http://nationalinterest.org/article/hegemony-chinese-characteristics-5439

      But the mistrust between Washington and  [...] more fuel to the competitive fire.

      War over Taiwan escalates to nuclear war

      Straits Times 2000 [“Regional Fallout: No one gains in war over Taiwan,” Jun 25, LN] 

      THE high-intensity scenario postulates  [...] China puts sovereignty above everything else. 

  • Cap Links v D&G

    • Tournament: GSU | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Deleuze & guattari are dead-wrong—automation has not transcended capital nor is labor a mutual relationship between ‘machines’.  Technology is not independent of history but is a result of revolutionizing production forces for the accumulation of profit.  Their method is merely a legitimation of capitalist tyranny over labor

      Wilkie (Hofstra University) 01
      [Rob, “Class, Labor and the “Cyber”, Red Critique, p. online]

      The substitution of the fundamental antagonism between capital and labor … tyranny of dead over living labor.

      Technology has not emancipated labor—so long as the forces of production are privately owned and subordinated to profit, the working class is still a slave to necessity.  This is why there is no freedom from within capitalism because the system has ruthlessly structured every option

      Wilkie (Hofstra University) 01
      [Rob, “Class, Labor and the “Cyber”, Red Critique, p. online]

      The technological determinism that informs …turns every economic progress into a social calamity" (490).

  • Case Cards for Bahrain

    • Tournament: Emporia | Round: 1 | Opponent: KSU PR | Judge: Russel


      Fifth fleet is obsolete – undermines US ability to solve regional crises and encourages destabilizing actions


      Toby Jones (Assistant Professor of History at Rutgers) Jun 10 2011 “Time to Disband the Bahrain-Based U.S. Fifth Fleet,”http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2011/06/time-to-disband-the-bahrain-based-us-fifth-fleet/240243/?single_page=true


      It is widely … much of a success.


      We’ll concede that it would become a floating base—that solves better

      Michael Koplovsky (currently a career Foreign Service officer , student of Public Affairs and a Master of Arts in National Security and Strategic Studies from the U.S. Naval War College) October 23 2006 A paper submitted to the Faculty of the Naval War College in partial satisfaction of the requirements of the Department of Joint Military Operations, “precipitating the inevitable: the surpringly benign impact of losing basing rights in bahrain” dodreports.com/pdf/ada463412.pdf


      Despite adamant arguments … challenges in the region.


      Shift away from Bahrain solves best

      Michael Koplovsky (currently a career Foreign Service officer , student of Public Affairs and a Master of Arts in National Security and Strategic Studies from the U.S. Naval War College) October 23 2006 A paper submitted to the Faculty of the Naval War College in partial satisfaction of the requirements of the Department of Joint Military Operations, “precipitating the inevitable: the surpringly benign impact of losing basing rights in bahrain” dodreports.com/pdf/ada463412.pdf


      What if the U.S. military … countries throughout the region.


      Heg not sustainable


      Kupchan (Professor of International Relations @ Georgetown) ‘02

      [Charles, The End of the American Era: US Foreign Policy and the Geopolitics of the 21st Century, Alfred A. Knopf, New York //wyo-tjc]


      UNIPOLARITY IS HERE, … gradually slip away [P. 61-62]


      Loss hegemony inevitable—other nations will take shortcuts to erode us advantages


      CARLE (Deputy Dir of UNIDIR) ‘01

      [Christophe, “Fighting Fire with Fire: Missiles Against Missiles”, Disarmament Forum, p. 21-29 //wyo-tjc]


      In competitions with … or disarmament treaties.


      Hard Power is no longer hegemony—military might can’t change outcomes like in the past


      Hingorani, Micky.  “The American Superpower: A Reappraisal of the United States Based on a Changing World Dynamic” AllAcademic.  copyright 2004 allacademic URL subject to change based on page (53 total) http://www.allacademic.com//meta/p_mla_apa_research_citation/0/7/3/2/0/pages73201/p73201-51.php


      Huntington's analysis makes …superpower is automatically a threat to other major powers.”


      Concede AFP – won’t move the base – just rumors


      No withdrawal – just rumors


      Toumi, Gulf News bureau chief, 7-22-2011 (Habib, “US Navy dismisses reports it is moving out of Bahrain,” http://gulfnews.com/news/gulf/bahrain/us-navy-dismisses-reports-it-is-moving-out-of-bahrain-1.841519


      Manama: The US Navy … has little desire to move.


      State department says navy will stay in Bahrain


      Haas 7-21-11 (Samual, Huffington Post Staff Writer, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/07/21/navy-bahrain-state-department_n_906193.html)


      Navy Staying in … security and stability.”



      Claims the navy will leave are speculation – US will stay


      Haas 7-21-11 (Samual, Huffington Post Staff Writer, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/07/21/navy-bahrain-state-department_n_906193.html)


      The Fifth Fleet is … reforms,” the State Department official said.

  • Democracy K

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Democracy assistance is a neo liberal farce. It creates a violent conceptual hierarchy for judging the globe presuming democracy is a neutral product that the West exports to tragic and victimized states. This turns the case. Neo-colonial democracy promotion exacerbates inequalities, reinforces violent dynamics, and enables the enlightened West to perpetually intervene to biopolitically improve the quality of life. Isolated instances of ‘assistance’ do little to alter these dynamics because they treat democracy as something that can be given or established rather than something constituted or produced. The relation to democracy is sour to the core.


      Christopher Hobson, Department of International Politics at Aberystwyth University, “The Limits of Liberal-Democracy Promotion,” Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, 34, October, 2009, p. 393-7


      There are serious shortcomings and difficulties  [...] still  seeking to make this transition.


      This results in global collective suicide, violence and destruction on a grand scale


      Boaventura de Sousa Santos, leading Portuguese social theorist, director of the Center for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra, April 2003, Bad Subjects, http://eserver.org/bs/63/santos.html, accessed January 1, 2004


      According to Franz Hinkelammert, the  [...] a machine of horror and destruction.


      Vote negative: Refuse the affirmative’s imaginary of neoliberal democracy assistance.


      The alternative questions what we mean by democracy. As long as we remain trapped within the confines of the liberal democratic imaginary we degrade the conceptual relevance of democracy in favor of establishing global hierarchies of domination. Abandoning the focus on empirical outcomes and policy prerogatives is critical to rethinking the meaning of democracy. This stance creates a better chance to impact domination and is mutually exclusive with quick fix approaches to politics.


      Christopher Hobson, Department of International Politics at Aberystwyth University, “The Limits of Liberal-Democracy Promotion,” Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, 34, October, 2009, p. 397-401


      Democracy promotion is now at a  [...] liberal-democracy promotion to date.

  • TDG is direct

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • A. Democracy assistance must DIRECTLY foster democracy as it’s primary purpose—indirect assistance undermines the value of the term and explodes the topic


      Richard Lappin, PhD Candidate, Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies, University of Leuven and Visiting Scholar, University of Belgrade, “Post-Conflict Democracy Assistance: A State of the Art, Center for Peace Research and Strategic Studies, 6—10, v. 85.


      By the end of the 1990s [...] .’174 pg. 33-35


      B. Violation



      C. Vote Negative


      Limits – They explode them on this topic – an expansive definition of democracy assistance creates a laundry list of anything that contributes to democracy.  That makes the topic resolved act towards one of these 6 countries. 


      Ground – on this topic should allow the negative to say US backlash and democracy promotion bad arguments – their interpretation allows the aff to avoid the central issues of the debate.


  • Marx vs Deleuze

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:


      Deleuze is a false prophet- he ends only reifying capitalism by assuming a transgressive act will actually upset the Master. This is useless and undermines struggles to subvert capitalism.

      Slavoj Zizek, researcher in sociology at the university of Ljubljana, The Ticklish Subject: The absent centre of political ontology, 1999, pg. 247-251

      One of the key conclusions to  [...] model of the false transgressive radicality.



      Deleuze & guattari are dead-wrong—automation has not transcended capital nor is labor a mutual relationship between ‘machines’.  Technology is not independent of history but is a result of revolutionizing production forces for the accumulation of profit.  Their method is merely a legitimation of capitalist tyranny over labor


      Wilkie (Hofstra University) 01

      [Rob, “Class, Labor and the “Cyber”, Red Critique, p. online]


      The substitution of the fundamental antagonism  [...] of dead over living labor.




      Technology has not emancipated labor—so long as the forces of production are privately owned and subordinated to profit, the working class is still a slave to necessity.  This is why there is no freedom from within capitalism because the system has ruthlessly structured every option


      Wilkie (Hofstra University) 01

      [Rob, “Class, Labor and the “Cyber”, Red Critique, p. online]


      The technological determinism that informs almost  [...] a social calamity" (490).




      This entrenches the root cause of exploitation, imperialism, war and eco-doom—threatens our extinction


      John Bellamy FosterUniversity of Oregon, “The Ecology of Destruction,” MONTHLY REVIEW, February 2007www.monthlyreview.org/0207jbf.htm


      My intention here is not of  [...] planet as a whole.3


      C. The Alternative: reject the affirmative by voting negative


      And, that solves


      Joel Kovel, Alger Hiss Professor, Social Studies, Bard College, THE ENEMY OF NATURE: THE END OF CAPITALISM OR THE END OF THE WORLD, 2002, p. 224.


      Relentless criticism can delegitimate the system  [...] is no greater responsibility for intellectuals.



      This is not the alternative, but in truth the only option— method is the foremost political question because one must understand the existing social totality before one can act on it—grounding the sites of political contestation or knowledge outside of labor and surplus value merely serve to humanize capital and prevent a transition to a society beyond oppression


      Tumino (Prof. English @ Pitt) 01 [Stephen, “What is Orthodox Marxism and Why it Matters Now More than Ever”, Red Critiqu]


  • T-DG must be conditioned

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:


      A. Democracy assistance must be conditioned on democratic reforms


      Ellen C. Collier, Congressional Research Service, “Democracy Building: The Foreign Policy Budget Request,” CRS REPORT FOR CONGRESS 4—12—94, http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PCAAA490.pdf


      Another issue is which countries to  [...] was a major reason.' 7


      B. Violation


      C. Vote Neg

      1. Neg Ground—unconditonal affs sidestep our best args, including international politics, NGO tradeoff, alt condition cp’s, and kritiks of bargaining


      2. Topic Education—they can avoid debating democracy entirely by providing unconditional aid sans reform links, meaning we don’t learn about the topic


  • Aspec

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:


      A.  The affirmative must specify the agency/agencies responsible for administering the plan.


      Stahn & Van Hullen 7

      (Andreas and vera, "different actors, different tools?  Approaching the eu and us democracy promotion efforts in the mediterranean and newly independent states", paper prepared for the european union studies association, tenth biennial international conference, may 17-19, 2007) ash


      Even if an actor does not  [...] promote democracy and in what ways.


      B.  Violation-They don't.


      C.  Reasons to prefer-


      1.  Ground-All our DA's and case arguments are based on the way the plan is implemented.  Because different actors do democracy assistance differently unless plan specifies actor we lose the ability to generate disadvantages and solvency presses skewing the debate affirmative which is a voter for fairness.


      2.  Predictability-Without specification we don't know what actor the aff will defend.  This allows the 2AC to shift advocacy at will, mooting 1NC strategy and skewing debate for the affirmative which is a voter for fairness.


      3.  Education-They moot education about how the actor affects policy implementation.  This denies real world education about U.S. policy and is a voter for education.


  • Security K (Alternate Version)

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:


      The affirmative operates within a framework of nation-state security that leads to serial policy failure.

      Burke 2007 (Anthony Burke, Int'l Studies @ U of New South Wales, “Ontologies of War,” in Theory & Event, Vol. 10, Iss. 2)

      This tells us much about the  [...] however ineffective, dysfunctional or chaotic. 

      Insecurity is inevitable – their ontological commitment to global order renders all life calculable and is the root cause of violent conflict

      Burke 2007 (Anthony Burke, Int'l Studies @ U of New South Wales, “Ontologies of War,” in Theory & Event, Vol. 10, Iss. 2)

      And what would be mankind's 'bread' [...] obstacles, useful or obstinate matter.


      The Alternative—vote Negative to refuse the affirmative as an instance of the violent logic of security

      Burke, School of Political Science and International Studies, University of Queensland 2002 [Anthony, Aporias of Security, Alternatives 27]


      It is perhaps easy to become  [...] its shimmering possibilities might be.



  • Democracy Word PIC

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:


      Text: The United States federal government should [plan without “democracy”]


      CP is textually and functionally competitive. Language of policy impacts its effects.

      Textual competition is key to prevent an infinitely regressive number of functional cps like consult the Norwegian fishing industry or Eritrea that are unpredictable, hose quality aff ground, and destroy education.


      The inclusion of democracy assistance in the plan text is only part and parcel of a broader discourse that transforms democracy and security into one another. This realigns our sense of the international community along biopolitical lines encouraging the “normality” of democratic states and defining otherness as madness, irrationality, and authoritarian. This discourse enables us to treat otherness like a political monster, legitimizes endless violent intervention, and operationalizes efforts. The effects of this discourse go far beyond the specific intervention of the plan only abandoning the paradigm of democracy can solve. Discursive shifts have material effects.


      Laura Zanotti, Associate Professor of Political Science at Virginia Tech, Governing Disorder: UN Peace Operations, International Security, and Democratization in the post-Cold War era, 2011, 14-17


      After the end of the Cold  [...] ” (Dean 1999, 196).


      The impact is genocide and nuclear war


      Michel Foucault, professor of philosophy at the college de france, The History Of Sexuality: An Introduction, Volume 1 78, pg. 136-137


      Since the classical age the West  [...] large-scale phenomena of population.



  • Round Reports

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Neg: Minnesota CE

      Round 2

      Vs Emory CP


      Off case args

      T for/direct

      India CP with an indian soft power NB

      Iran strikes CP

      EU coop adv CP

      Private actor/lobbying CP with branding and coercion NB

      Payroll tax cuts politics DA


      Case args

      IL defense to EU adv

      Impact defense to Balkans

      SQ solves for the democracy adv

      Impact defense to the demo adv


      Block strat


      India CP

      Iran strikes CP

      EU coop CP

      Politics DA


      2NR strat

      All 3 CP’s

      India soft power and US India relations 

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

  • Gonzaga KM Neg

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1


      A. Interpretation:

      Democracy assistance is assistance for civil society, political parties and elections


      Lincoln A. Mitchell and David I. Phillips, Columbia University, Enhancing Democracy Assistance, Atlantic Council 1—08, http://acus.org/files/publication_pdfs/65/Enhancing Democracy Assistance.pdf


      A toolbox of approaches and methods  [...] services, building confidence in democratization.


      Democracy assistance must have the primary purpose of democratization


      Carothers 2K (Thomas, vice president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, A.B., Harvard College; M.Sc., London School of Economics; J.D., Harvard Law School, “Taking Stock of US Democracy Assistance,” in American Democracy Promotion: Impulses Strategies and Impacts, Edited by Michael Cox, G. John Ikenberry and Takashi Inoguchi, Oxford University Press, pp. 181-199)


      The term ‘democracy assistance’ is  [...] include economic and social aid programmes.



      B. Violation – they are security assistance


      C. vote negative


      1.    Limits – Excluding affs that contribute to but are not primarily targeted at democratization is a crucial limiter, there could be any number of plans that effectuate democracy, including economic assistance packages, regime changes, trade agreements, etc. This un-limits the topic.

      2.    Topic Education - Democracy assistance is the central focus of topic, not simply assistance that aids in the building of democracy. Affs that don’t provide a form of democracy assistance sidestep the core question of the topic.




      PTC will pass, political capital key


      Lee, 1/1 [Carol, Wall Street Journal, http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204720204577131543017594740.html]


      President Barack Obama heads into 2012  [...] and grandchildren to grow up in."



      Military aid to Yemen is deeply divisive—State Department officials worry that the weapons could be used to destabilize the region


      Schmitt and Shane 10 (9/15/10, reporters, “Aid to Fight Qaeda in Yemen Divides U.S. Officials” New York Times) http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/16/world/middleeast/16yemen.html


      WASHINGTON — Senior State Department and  [...] governor and set off tribal unrest. 


      Solves double dip


      Stewart, 12/28 [Heather, The Guardian, “Extending Obama’s tax cuts should be new year’s resolution for Republicans”, http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/economics-blog/2011/dec/28/obama-tax-cuts-new-year-resolution?newsfeed=true]


      Republicans caved in at the last  [...] be the Republicans' reputation that suffers.


      That causes depression


      Isidore, 11 [Chris, CNN Money, “Recession 2.0 would hurt worse”, http://money.cnn.com/2011/08/10/news/economy/double_dip_recession_economy/index.htm]


      The risk of double dip recession  [...] virtually no policy effort to counteract it 




      Kerpen 8 (October 28, 2008 7:53 AM  From Panic to Depression? The dangers of blaming free trade, low taxes, and flexible labor markets for our current troubles.  By Phil Kerpen, Phil Kerpen is policy director for Americans for Prosperity.)


      It’s important that we avoid all  [...] conflicts on an even greater scale.   






      Unique-Link, US working through saudi Arabia and the GCC on yemen now, any change collapses alliance


      Stuster 9/28 [J. Dana Stuster, Joseph S. Nye National Security Research Intern at Center for a New American Security, What Can the U.S. Really do for Yemen?, http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2011/09/what-can-the-us-really-do-for-yemen/245688/]


      The amnesty provision is just one  [...] other words, is wasting time.


      Plan kills the alliance—4 reasons

      sphere of influence, spillover, want yemen disunified, alliances with autocrats


      Tehran Times 7/4 (Mohammad Farazmand, 7/4/11, " The Arab Spring and the role of regional powers ", http://www.tehrantimes.com/index_View.asp?code=243567)


      Saudi Arabia has historically tried to  [...] in a region dominated by monarchism.


      Breakdown of relations spurs Saudi prolif


      Lippman, 8/5 (Sr. Adjunct Scholar-Council on Foreign Relations, http://www.susris.com/2011/08/05/saudi-arabia’s-nuclear-policy-lippman/)


      So let us suppose that Saudi  [...] less secure, rather than more.


      That causes global nuclear war


      Edelman, 11 (Jan/Feb, Distinguished Fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments & Former U.S. Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, Foreign Affairs, http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/67162/eric-s-edelman-andrew-f-krepinevich-jr-and-evan-braden-montgomer/the-dangers-of-a-nuclear-iran)


      There is, however, at  [...] Great Game, with unpredictable consequences.






      The United States federal government should remove Internal Revenue Code lobbying restrictions and treasury ATF guidelines on charities and foundations that offer assistance to support democratic governance of the governorates of Yemen.


      The Executive Branch of the United States should create a donor advised and new donations terror free list of charities supporting democratic governance of the governorates of Yemen.


      Removing IRC lobbying restrictions ensures direct funding by charities and foundations of foreign NGOs that solve the aff


      CrimmProfessor - Law - St. John's, 05

      (Democratization, Global Grant-Making, and the Internal Revenue Code Lobbying Restrictions, 79 Tul. L. Rev. 587)


      This Article focuses on the latter  [...] risks of refraining from cautious experimentation.



      solves donations and credibility


      - Turner ‘9 (ACLU Report. Blocking Faith, Freezing Charity:  Chilling Muslim Charitable Giving in the “War on Terrorism Financing”  PUBLISHED: June 2009 Jennifer Turner, Human Rights Researcher of  the ACLU’s Human Rights Program, researched  and wrote this report. Jamil Dakwar, Director  of the Human Rights Program; Steven Shapiro,  ACLU Legal Director; and Hina Shamsi, former  Staff Attorney of the National Security Program,  reviewed and edited drafts of this report. Dan  Mach, Director of Litigation of the Program on Religious Freedom and Belief; Cecillia Wang, Managing Attorney, Immigrants’ Rights Project; Melissa  Goodman, Staff Attorney of the National Security  Program; Danielle Tully and Alex Abdo, Legal Fellows of the National Security Program; Chris Hansen, Senior Staff Attorney of the First Amendment  Working Group; and Ahilan Arulanantham, Director of Immigrants’ Rights and National Security  of the ACLU of Southern California, reviewed portions of this report and provided input. Michael W.  Macleod-Ball, Chief Legislative and Policy Counsel;  Chris Anders, Senior Legislative Counsel; Michelle  Richardson, Legislative Counsel; and Mike German, Policy Counsel, all of the ACLU Washington  Legislative Office, also reviewed portions of this  report and provided input.   The ACLU conducted 120 in-person and telephone  interviews with experts, Muslims community leaders, and American muslims for this report.


      Reports suggest that there are high  [...] blockage of the Muslim charities.”551 





      The affirmative operates within a framework of nation-state security that leads to serial policy failure.

      Burke 2007 (Anthony Burke, Int'l Studies @ U of New South Wales, “Ontologies of War,” in Theory & Event, Vol. 10, Iss. 2)

      This tells us much about  [...] however ineffective, dysfunctional or chaotic. 

      Insecurity is inevitable – their ontological commitment to global order renders all life calculable and is the root cause of violent conflict

      Burke 2007 (Anthony Burke, Int'l Studies @ U of New South Wales, “Ontologies of War,” in Theory & Event, Vol. 10, Iss. 2)

      And what would be mankind's  [...] obstacles, useful or obstinate matter.


      The Alternative—vote Negative to refuse the affirmative as an instance of the violent logic of security

      Burke, School of Political Science and International Studies, University of Queensland 2002 [Anthony, Aporias of Security, Alternatives 27]


      It is perhaps easy to become  [...] what its shimmering possibilities might be.




      Text: President Obama should order the United States Special Operations Command to substantially increase its support for democratic governance of the the governorates of Yemen.


      Civilian oversight key to civil-military relations


      Gregory D. Foster, George C. Marshall Professor, Industrial College of the Armed Forces, National Defense University, “Confronting the Crisis in Civil-Military Relations,” WASHINGTON QUARTERLY, v. 20 n. 4, Spring 1997, p. 15+.


      The crisis we face today transcends  [...] , is a military in crisis.


      Low CMR causes military reduction, making the US vulnerable to attack, turning case


                      Kima Megorden “EPISTEMOLOGY OF NUCLEAR DETERRENCE:  MANIFESTATIONS IN CIVIL-MILITARY RELATIONS” United                 States Air Force Academy, 01. Accessed online 8/28/09 at: http://www.usafa.af.mil/isme/JSCOPE01/Megorden01.html


      Among these differences is the changing  [...] -than-usual peacetime army.


      Poor civil-military relations undermine US foreign policy in three ways: (1) loss of policy coherence; (2) narrowing of options; (3) reduced international credibiltiy


      Ole R. Holsti, George V. Allen Professor of International Affairs, Department of Political Science, Duke University, “A Widening Gap Between the U.S. Military and Civilian Society?” INTERNATIONAL SECURITY, v. 23 no. 3, Winter 1998/1999, p. 5+.


      Yet even if we dismiss these  [...] result of perceived differences in Washington.


      Nuclear war


      Khalilzad (Rand Analyst, Envoy to Afghanistan) 1995

      [Zalmay, “Losing the Moment”, Washington Quarterly, Spring, ln


      Under the third option, the  [...] a multipolar balance of power system.




      1.    We’re within reach of defeating AQ – funding and recruiting problems since Osama’s death prove


      Zeenews 9/7

      [Zeenews, “US within reach of defeating al Qaeda’”, Wednesday, September 07, 2011, http://zeenews.india.com/news/south-asia/us-within-reach-of-defeating-al-qaeda_730225.html]


      Washington: The US is within  [...] a vital facilitation conduit for al Qaeda

      2.  Alt Causes

      A. Military presence


      Barfi 10

      (Barak, "Yemen on the Brink?  The Resurgence of Al Qaeda in Yemen", New America Foundation, http://www.newamerica.net/publications/policy/yemen_on_the_brink, January, 2010)ASH


      The United States must apply a  [...] to weaken and disrupt al Qaeda.

      4. Link turn- democracy in Yemen paves the way for a terrorist stronghold


      Lindo, Shoder, and Jones, 11 [Samuel, researcher with the CSIS Transnational Threats Project, Michael, researcher with TNT, infantry officer in the United States Marine Corps, and Tyler, researcher with TNT, “Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula”, Part of the CSIS Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Program Transnational Threat Project, Case Study Number 3 in the AQAM Future Project Case Studies Series, July, http://csis.org/files/publication/110722_Lindo_AQAP_AQAMCaseStudy3.pdf]


      A more permissive environment developing in  [...] on yemen’s political landscape at large.


      5, Attacks won’t escalate.  AQAP is only conducting small-scale attacks that result in security countermeasures, not war


      Riedel 11 – Senior Fellow in the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution and a professor at Georgetown University (Bruce, 08/01, “AQAP’s ‘Great Expectations’ for the Future,” http://www.ctc.usma.edu/posts/aqap%E2%80%99s-%E2%80%98great-expectations%E2%80%99-for-the-future)


      Strategy of a Thousand Cuts

       [...] 8] The police found a copy of an article from Inspire in his possession.[9]


      8. No war—mutually assured destruction


      Economic Times 11 (May 17th, 2011 “No chance of Indo-Pak nuclear war despite 'sabre rattling': Pak nuclear scientist A Q Khan”) http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2011-05-17/news/29552014_1_nuclear-blackmail-nuclear-secrets-india-and-pakistan


      NEW YORK: Pakistan's disgraced nuclear  [...] subjected to embargoes," he said. 


      9. Hotlines prevent conflict


      Nathan Hodge, “India, Pakistan pick up the Red Phone," wired, 12-29-08. http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2008/12/india-pakistan/, accessed 5-3-08.


      Over the weekend, the generals  [...] in India, also urged restraint.




      1. This attack already happened and there is no impact or uniqueness for your advantage.


      Daya and Hatern 10/15/11

      (Ayesha and Mohammed, “Yemen LNG Plant Production Halted After Gas Pipeline Attack”, Business Week, http://www.businessweek.com/news/2011-10-15/yemen-lng-plant-production-halted-after-gas-pipeline-attack.html)


      Yemen LNG, the Arab country’s  [...]

      was repaired in July.


      2. Yemen isn’t a major producer

      RATNER & NERURKAR 3/10 (Michael; Analyst in Energy Policy – Congressional Research Service AND Neelesh; Specialist in Energy Policy – Congressional Research Service, “Middle East and North Africa Unrest: Implications for Oil and Natural Gas Markets,” http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/mideast/R41683.pdf)


      Yemen Oil Exports: Yemen is a minor exporter of oil. Natural Gas Exports: Yemen is a minor exporter of natural gas


      3. Production has already resumed

      REUTERS 10/20 (“Yemen LNG to Resume Production at End of Month,” http://af.reuters.com/article/energyOilNews/idAFWEA868620111020)


      Production at Yemen LNG, which  [...] million tonnes a year of LNG.


      4. Yemeni LNG shutdown has virtually zero impact on the market

      REUTERS 10/20 (“Increased Yemen Attacks Menace Gas Exports,” http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/10/20/yemen-oil-pipeline-idUSL5E7LK30F20111020)


      The attacks on oil and gas  [...] of the pipeline outage on exports. 



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