Michigan » Michigan Liu - Hirn Negative

Michigan Liu - Hirn Negative

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 15:48
  • Baudrillard

    • Tournament: UNLV | Round: 5 | Opponent: Idaho State | Judge: Cram

    • We are living in the state of “after the orgy”—the struggles for liberation have come and passed, but we are reliving these struggles in an effort to realize freedom. Refracting the utopian vision of the sixties, the aff repeats this struggle for freedom to the nth degree. What they fail to realize is that these simulations of liberation do nothing more than feed status quo tactics of domination—they create a culture of representative freedom without any real agency.
      Baudrillard 90. Jean Baudrillard, French philosopher, writer, and professor of sociology at the Universite de Paris-X, The Transparency of Evil: Essays on Extreme Phenomena, Verso Books 1990.

      If I were asked to characterize the present state of … whereby their own very existence is put at risk.

      The aff’s engagement of solidarity ensures an endless pursuit to achieve universalism- this fails and becomes coproductive with the feminism they criticize, turning the case.
      Bruckner ’86 (Pascal, Associate professor, Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris) The Tears of the White Man, p 34-37 

      What looked like an opening to the outside world was … guilty in their turn.

      Solidarity manifests in the hatred of the self, the West, and creates delight in the systemic ruin of millions
      Bruckner ’86 (Pascal, Associate professor, Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris) The Tears of the White Man, p.66-68 

      That is the wellspring of this religion of … and Lenin’s tomb under the patronage of a weeping Jesus Christ of Naples. 

      The terminal impact is lashout against the West, a hatred of all cultures, and the inability to love others
      Bruckner ’86 (Pascal, Associate professor, Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris) The Tears of the White Man, p.146-147 

      The foregoing teaches … end of the world. 

      The move to reconcile the sexes seeks to destroy difference, but in the absence of difference, the other is reconstructed in the form of the self – women become reflections of men, which further entrenches patriarchal power structures and maintains a form of solipsist alienation far worse than simple gender oppression
      Baudrillard in 95 [Jean, November 22, “Plastic Surgery for the Other”]
      Starting with modernity, we have entered … attraction lies here. 

      Their attempt at academic change sustains power’s ability to constrain ANY resistance by turning those victims of power into ghosts.  The tradition of liberal citizenship is a ghostly attempt to remember past political struggles that ultimately fetishize movements of the past, especially in academic subculture—this turns the case.
      Occupied UC Berkeley 2k9. http://anticapitalprojects.wordpress.com/2009/11/19/the-necrosocial/, the necrosocial: civic life, social death, and the UC, nov. 19

      Totally managed … in this graveyard?

      Lives are meaningless if you vote affirmative—endless simulation causes lack of creativity and originality that kills value to life.
      Baudrillard 90. Jean Baudrillard, French philosopher, writer, and professor of sociology at the Universite de Paris-X, The Transparency of Evil: Essays on Extreme Phenomena, Verso Books 1990.

      There is something … absolute inertia.

      The alternative is to reject the affirmative in favor of creating OUR OWN illusions.  Grounding analysis in a search for truth and objectivity in politics is backwards and pointless.  Instead, vote neg to scramble the technological illusion like a radio—this is the only possibility for making life meaningful.
      Baudrillard 94. Jean Baudrillard, “Radical Thought,” translated by Francois Debrix, http://www.egs.edu/faculty/jean-baudrillard/articles/radical-thought/

      We have lost the … to paint light on this wall."

      Our alternative spreads like wildfire—our counter-illusionary strategy ciphers meaning in new and creative ways, creating a terroristic confusion that does not allow simulation of the orgy to continue to function.
      Baudrillard 94. Jean Baudrillard, “Radical Thought,” translated by Francois Debrix, http://www.egs.edu/faculty/jean-baudrillard/articles/radical-thought/

      Such a passion for the artificial, … little bit more enigmatic.

      The destruction of the real decenters life and makes a playful approach the best response.
      Baudrillard 94. Jean Baudrillard, “Radical Thought,” translated by Francois Debrix, http://www.egs.edu/faculty/jean-baudrillard/articles/radical-thought/

      It is not true … one's own experience.

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  • Desire

    • Tournament: UNLV | Round: 2 | Opponent: UNLV EM | Judge: Robinson

    • Desire creates the illusion of the self and the suffering that defines the human condition. Our only capacity is thus to affirm the extermination of this desire in the face of perpetual death and an impermanent reality

      DOLLIMORE 1998 (Jonathan Dollimore 1998 (Death, Desire and Loss in Western Culture, p 54-56.)

      Siddhartha Gautama (560-477 BC) was a prince …; it means extinction.

      Just as Don Quixote fought windmills, the aff team is the spectre of Middle Eastern crazies. Desire creates suffering, which motivates imaginary enemies and is the root cause of all wars.  

      Khema 1994 (Ayya Khema 1994 Buddhist monk, “All of us beset by Birth, Decay, and Death.” Buddhism Today, http://www.buddhismtoday.com/english/philosophy/thera/003-allofus-5.htm)\

      If you have ever read Don Quixote, you'll … and work outward. Unless that becomes clear to us, we will always find another crusade. 

      Lastly – The Middle Path 

      A rejection of the cycle of desire allows us to have enlightened engagement with the world

      DAVIS 2004 (Bret W. Davis, 2004 (Department of Japanese Philosophy Kyoto University “Zen After Zarathustra: The Problem of the Will in the Confrontation Between Nietzsche and Buddhism” The Journal of Nietzsche Studies 28 (2004) 89-138, accessed through muse.edu)

      The Vimalakirti Sutra tells us that the Buddha Lands are not … suchness of phenomenal be-ings in their dependent co-origination.

  • Colonialism

    • Tournament: UNLV | Round: 2 | Opponent: UNLV EM | Judge: Robinson

    • iThe plan is a discursive attempt to remake the East in our image, that will shape policy implementation by recreating colonialist patterns and continue cycles of violence

      Assayag 7 [“East and West. Orientalism, war and the colonial present” Jackie Assayag, Professor of Research at the CNRS affiliated at the Maison Française, Oxford, 2007]

      To picture an unknown situation, the imagination borrows … peace, to paraphrase Tacitus.

      American intervention causes massive backlash – local groups will gladly take up arms against any action America takes in order to destroy the evil Empire, and America will respond by ratcheting up violence – causes spiraling escalation 

      Assayag 7 [“East and West. Orientalism, war and the colonial present” Jackie Assayag, Professor of Research at the CNRS affiliated at the Maison Française, Oxford, 2007]

      The world does not exist to provide us with … that are both disputed and derealizing.

      Colonialism outweighs any other atrocity

      Barsh 93 – (Russel Lawrence, Professor of Native American Studies at the University of Lethbridge, University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform, Winter, 1993, 25 U. MICH. J. L. REF. 671)

      If there is a fundamental … genuine self-determination.

      This means you shouldn’t evaluate our impacts in a utilitarian framework—solving colonialism is never reasonable in the cost-benefit analysis of the colonizer.

      Churchill, 3 -- professor of ethnic studies at University of Colorado, 03 (Ward, Acts of Rebellion, “The Earth is Our Mother”, pg. 106-7 published by Taylor & Francis group)

      The question which inevitably arises with regard … maintenance of a perceived confluence of interest be¬tween prevailing governmental/corporate elites and common nonindian citizens.

      It’s time to stop asking what we should do for the Other. American rejection of realist action galvanizes the resolve of revolts abroad

      ZUNES ’11 (Stephen; Professor of Politics and Chair of the Middle Eastern Studies Program – University of San Francisco AND Senior Analyst – Foreign Policy in Focus Project – Institute for Policy Studies AND Chair of the Academic Advisory Committee – International Center on Nonviolent Conflict, “The United States and the Arab Pro-Democracy Insurrections,” Revolution and Political Transformation in the Middle East Volume II: Government Action and Response, Middle East Institute Viewpoints, September)


      US diplomatic history is replete … the people to chart their own future.

      The role of the scholar should be to interrogate systems of knowledge- the 1AC representations are tainted by colonialist modes of thought which renders them suspect. Interrogation of representations outweighs policy making 

      Anand 07—Reader, IR, U Westminster. PhD, politics, Bristol (Dibyesh, Western Colonial Representations of the Other, http://staff.bath.ac.uk/ecsda/DAnandNPSArticleMar07.pdf)

      Note – epiphenomenal = a secondary question/phenomenon  

      Within the context of European imperialism, the issue … and idealization of some. 

  • Cybersecurity Politics

    • Tournament: Harvard | Round: 4 | Opponent: Gonzaga KM | Judge: Polin

    • tCybersecurity bill will pass --- top of the docket


      Christopherson 10-25

      (Marc,- reporter for Insurance News “Legislators meet to determine a course of action for cybersecurity”)

      A bipartisan cybersecurity bill  come in the months ahead.


      Plan would face massive congressional resistance

      KNOETGEN 5/16 (Peter, Captain – US Naval Reserve, “Chaos and Terrorism: How to Fight al-Qaeda in Yemen Amid Political Turmoil,” Central European Journal of International & Security Studies, http://www.cejiss.org/columns/chaos-and-terrorism-how-fight-al-qaeda-yemen-amid-political-turmoil)


      Some policy makers will  prove counterproductive.


      Capital key --- solves private sector security


      Etzioni ‘11

      (Amitai,- University Professor and director of the Institute for Communitarian Policy Studies at The George Washington University “Cybersecurity in the Private Sector.” Issues in Science and Technology. 28.1, Fall)

      After major online breaches in 2011 into the CIA, the … firm government action-is far from a secure bet.



      This is vital to secure critical infrastructure --- impact is hege, the economy, food prices, energy shocks, and chemical industry


      Sebastian ’09

      (Rohan,- research for the office of Virginia Senator Mark Warner  CS Computer Science from UVA, 6-24 “The Federal Government’s Role in Preserving Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure”)

      The intersection of critical infrastructure .… political feasibility and industry acceptance.





      Adhikari ’09

      (Richard,- leading journalist on advanced-IP issues for several major publications, including The Wall Street Journal  “Civilization's High Stakes Cyber-Struggle: Q&A With Gen. Wesley Clark (ret.)”)

      The conflicts in the Middle East … global civilization.


  • Round Reports

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • yNeg: Michigan LH
      Round # 7 Tournament: Shirley
      Vs Team: Wayne State MS



      Off Case Args:

      T-demo assistance not judicial reform

      Payroll tax cut politics – economy impact

      Russia relations DA

      Nietzsche/ predictions K

      EU transatlantic forum CP (internal EU soft power and US-EU relations NBs)



      Case Args:

      High oil good – renewables, terminal defense



      Block Strategy:



      Case (renewables turn and defenses)



      2nr Strategy:



      Case (defense)


      Neg: Michigan LH
      Round #3 Tournament: Shirley
      Vs Team: Liberty TW
      Judge: Dave Strauss



      Off Case Args:

      Nietzsche K

      Saudi Relations DA

      Payroll Tax Cuts DA

      Turkey CP

      Indo-China Ocean CP


      Case Args:

      Yemen population hates U.S.

      No impact to oil shocks

      No nuclear terror

      AQAP will move

      ME instability keeps oil prices high

      High oil prices cause a shift to renewables

      Renewables solve warming

      SQ solves AQAP

      Saleh blocks plan

      Naval power high

      Heg doesn’t solve war

      No Indo-China war

      U.S.-India cooperation now

      Alternate bases solve


      Block Strategy:

      Turkey CP

      Indo-China Ocean CP

      Saudi Relations DA



      2nr Strategy:

      Not given

  • Cybersecurity (Coast)

    • Tournament: Coast | Round: 4 | Opponent: Kansas State ZH | Judge: Baker

    • Cybersecurity legislation will pass early in 2012 – it’s at the top of the agenda and has bipartisan support

      Business Insurance 1/1

      (“Data breach notification could benefit from federal action,” pg online @ http://www.businessinsurance.com/article/20120101/NEWS07/301019997?tags=|299|303|335 //ef)

      There is growing ... whether or not such agreement can be reached.”

      B. Political capital key

      Packel 2k11 

      (Eric A. Political analyst. “Will there finally be a US National Data Breach Law?”,  Data Breech Legal Watch, May 15, http://www.databreachlegalwatch.com/2011/05/will-there-finally-be-a-u-s-national-data-breach-law/)

      While massive ...  is considered a breach.  

      This is critical to protect vital infrastructure --- Prevents Collapse of Heg, Food Prices and the Chemical Industry

      Sebastian 2k9 

      (Rohan,- research for the office of Virginia Senator Mark Warner  CS Computer Science from UVA, 6-24 “The Federal Government’s Role in Preserving Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure”)

      The intersection ... and industry acceptance. 

      E. Extinction 

      Adhikari ’09 

      (Richard, leading journalist on advanced-IP issues for several major publications, including The Wall Street Journal  “Civilization's High Stakes Cyber-Struggle: Q&A With Gen. Wesley Clark (ret.)”)

      The conflicts ... ultimately, global civilization. 

  • Taoism

    • Tournament: USC | Round: 2 | Opponent: Kansas KK | Judge: Odekirk

    • No one knows what is good and bad. Reject the aff’s judgments, even if we lose all life on earth

      Kirkland, professor of Asian religions and Taoism at the University of Georgia, 2001

      (Russell, “'Responsible Non-Action' in a Natural World: Perspectives from the Neiye, Zhuangzi, and Daode jing,” Daoism and Ecology: Ways within a Cosmic Landscape, http://kirkland.myweb.uga.edu/rk/pdf/pubs/ECO.pdf)

      In the .. state of things.’

      Vote for the status quo – there is no alternative – Take no action to create desired ends

      Kirkland, professor of Asian religions and Taoism at the University of Georgia, 1996

      (Russell, “The Book of the Way,” Great Literature of the Eastern World, http://kirkland.myweb.uga.edu/rk/pdf/pubs/DAODE.pdf)

       Specifically, the Tao is ... thwart its unceasing operation. 

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:



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