Michigan » Michigan Hirn - Krakoff Affirmative

Michigan Hirn - Krakoff Affirmative

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 15:48
  • Experimentation 1AC

    • Tournament: GSU | Round: 1 | Opponent: Wichita State | Judge: Samuels

    • p1ac—predictions
      The Arab spring is characterized by Black Swans—moments of historical bifurcation that are impossible to predict and even more difficult to make value judgments about. The status quo is characterized by specific attempts to control and manage the everyday politics of dissent, structures of reactive knowledge that prevent us from foreseeing cataclysmic change. Rather than attempting to know Arab Spring and artificially orchestrate its outcomes, we should experiment and allow the political noise to rise to the surface.
      Taleb and Blyth, ‘11 - * Distinguished Professor of Risk Engineering at New York University's Polytechnic Institute AND  Professor of International Political Economy at Brown University (Nassim and Mark, “The Black Swan of Cairo: How Suppressing Volatility Makes the World Less Predictable and More Dangerous,” Foreign Affairs, May/June, proquest)

      Complex systems that have … from those of an artificially controlled price. 

      Attempts to apply linear causality to our aff fail—the problem with this topic is that most advocates apply obsolete Eurocentric metrics to novel political becomings. We need to study the systems that produce events before attempting to know events in and of themselves
      Taleb and Blyth, ‘11 - * Distinguished Professor of Risk Engineering at New York University's Polytechnic Institute AND  Professor of International Political Economy at Brown University (Nassim and Mark, “The Black Swan of Cairo: How Suppressing Volatility Makes the World Less Predictable and More Dangerous,” Foreign Affairs, May/June, proquest)

      DON'T BE A TURKEY The life of a turkey … freedom without noise-and no stability without volatility.

      More generally, predictions about the international system are always impossible—changing variables, lack of a linear relationship, and the failure of decades of theoretical efforts prove.
      Bernstein et al 2k. Steven Bernstein, Richard Ned Lebow, Janice Gross Stein and Steven Weber, University of Toronto, The Ohio State University, University of Toronto and University of California at Berkeley. “God Gave Physics the Easy Problems” European Journal of International Relations 2000; 6; 43

      A deep irony is embedded in … future time.5

      Uncertainty is an inevitable hallmark of life. Our existence is overwhelming, we are constantly bombarded by chaos. Refuse attempts to map order onto a world that is not and cannot be ordered—the impact is fascism.
      Gordan 2k3. Kerry Gordan, PhD psychology of philosophy/ director of research center on chaos/uncertainty, “The Impermanence of Being: Toward A Psychology Of Uncertainty” Journal of Humanistic Psychology 2003; 43; 96 

      UNCERTAINTY I have a recurring dream: … of nature” (Prigogine & Stengers, 1984, p. 37). 


      United States federal government should substantially increase assistance for radical democracy to Syria using an experimental feedback-driven methodology for implementation.


      The Arab spring is an opportunity for political experimentation and transformations in world politics. We do not predetermine how our democracy assistance works—it simply exists and people in Syria can use it however they see fit. Moreover, political experimentation is inevitable – it’s only a question of how the rest of the world learns from and participates in the Arab experience
      Hardt and Negri 2k11. Michael Hardt, professor of philosophy at Duke University, and Antonio Negri, former professor at the University of Padua, “Arabs are democracy's new pioneers” http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/feb/24/arabs-democracy-latin-america, February 24, 2011

      One challenge facing observers of … world over the next decade.

      We should refuse the position of the intellectual guardian who writes the history of the Arab spring. Instead, the plan functions as an experiment in the possibility of democracy assistance being effective in the Arab spring.
      Bamyeh 2k11. Mohammad Bamyeh, professor of sociology at Pitt, “Anarchist, Liberal and Authoritarian Enlightenments: Notes from the Arab Spring,”http:libcom.org/library/anarchist-liberal-authoritarian-enlightenments-notes-arab-spring, July 30, 2011

      The Arab spring, as far as we can … hero or the savior. 

      Our affirmation of the plan is NOT linked to an uncritical affirmation of the policy process, but as a part of an ‘unraveling’ of structures of control. The plan culminates in a paradigm shift towards the unknown.
      TRIADAFILOPOULOS ’10 (Triadafilos; Assistant Professor of Political Science – University of Toronto, “Global Norms, Domestic Institutions and the Transformation of Immigration Policy in Canada and the US,” Review of International Studies, 36)

      The concept of stretching speaks to the … were institutionalised.21

      The plan’s commitment to dialogue-driven experimentation functions as a mechanism to rupture the collective American identity and reshape our international politics in solidarity with other countries
      Schwedler et al, 11 - teaches political science at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, also Josh Stacher, assistant professor of political science at Kent State University. He specializes on politics in Egypt and Syria, and Stacy Yadov, coordinator of the Middle Eastern Studies program and Assistant Professor of Political Science at Hobart and William Smith Colleges (Jillian, “Three Powerfully Wrong – and Wrongly Powerful – American Narratives about the Arab Spring,” Jadaliyya, 6/10, http://www.jadaliyya.com/pages/index/1826/three-powerfully-wrong_and-wrongly-powerful_americ

       “We really want to promote democracy and … or Manal al-Sharif, but we can do more to show our support for what they have come to represent.

      Solidarity is a critical nexus point for solvency and the starting point for peace – only through solidarity can we recognize that the Arab Spring is a mirror of America and create the possibilities of educational activism.
      Myerson 11 [“"Arab Spring" Label Hampers Global Protests' Solidarity Potential”, J.A. Myerson, Truthout, News Analysis, http://www.truth-out.org/arab-spring-label-hampers-global-protests-solidarity-potential/1308254983

      The Middle East's younger generation understands … by the thread of solidarity.

      This form of activism is crucial NOW—the looming authoritarianism in the US risks war, military interventions, and cyclical violence.
      Giroux 2k7. Henry Giroux, professor of communications at McMaster University, “Dirty Democracy and State Terrorism,” Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 26.2 (2006) 163-177, muse

      Recent revelations in the New …  prisons around the world.

      Experimentation in Syria is crucial—Syria is in the throws of such an unpredictable transition that experimentation is the ONLY response.
      Halverson 2k11. Jeffry Halverson, Assistant Research Professor in the Hugh Downs School of Human Communication at Arizona State University, “Seeing the Syrian Conflict through Narrative,” COMPOS Journal, http://comops.org/journal/2011/07/27/seeing-the-syrian-conflict-through-narrative/, July 27, 2011

      For those interested in … an effort worth supporting.

      Prioritizing the suffering of specific dissenters in our impact calculus is necessary to identify with the disruptive character of the Arab Spring as singularities – in order to avoid betraying the sacrifices of these singularities we must resist the attempt to instrumentalize social upheavals to write our desired outcomes – the “Arab Spring” must not become simply another American “Choose-Your-Own-Adventure” novel – it is not ours to read. Do not mistakenly reduce the experience of imprisoned dissidents to the goals or outcomes of the movements which they are aligned with – this refusal is a vital condition of possibility for articulating new spaces of a meaningful existence untruncated by boredom and cliche

      Faraz ’11 Milal, guerilla intellectual contributor to OccupyEverything, an artist-run platform dedicated to militant research, critical pedagogy and public practices that include mediatic intervention, feminism and the anti-enclosure movement. “Notes from Teheran (A Green Movement after the Arab Spring?)” http://occupyeverything.org/2011/notes-from-tehran-a-green-movement-after-the-arab-spring-by-milad-faraz/

      It is not easy to remain … worthy of its name.

  • New Stuff Rd 6

    • Tournament: GSU | Round: 6 | Opponent: Harvard | Judge: Bunas

    • Plan - Affirmation! Experiment with knowledge production of the topic. 

      New cards - 

      Politics is increasingly mobilized in an irrational war against uncertainty that is impossible to win because we can never know what we don’t know. All attempts to plan against specific scenarios are equivalent to building Maginot lines against “the dangers we know” that will always be swamped by the limitless “dangers we don’t know”. Only a politics that embraces uncertainty is able to configure responses to the contingent threats presented by an uncertain world
      Claudia Aradau and Rens Van Munster, Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Southern Denmark, 2k5, “Governing Terrorism and the (Non-) Politics of Risk,” Political Science Publications No. 11, pg 14-19
      The infinity of risk is doubly ... the future’ (Coker, 2002b).

      Risk is not an objective fact but rather is shaped by the cultural, historical, and political institutions that we have been thrown into. Continuing our attempts to master the uncertain world will fail because they exclude and devalue individual and collective agency which necessarily produces political outcomes - accepting the unknown displaces the need make predictions by planning through an interrogation of the limits of human knowledge. The greatest threats do not hide in the darkness but rather lurk behind our illusions of certainty
      Gunder senior planning lecturer, U Auckland, expert in policy/scenario planning 2k8 (Michael, “Ideologies of Certainty in a Risky Reality: Beyond the Hauntology of Planning” Planning Theory 2008; 7; 186)
      In the wider social science literature, ... illusions of certainty to the future – and what this may imply for hope. 

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:


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