Michigan » Michigan Allen - Liu Negative

Michigan Allen - Liu Negative

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 15:48
  • 1nc vs Iowa AL

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    • GSt- elections


      A. Democracy assistance is the support provided to electoral laws, processes, and institutions

      IFES, 11 – International Foundation for Electoral Systems, http://www.ifes.org/Content/Topics/Democracy-Assistance.aspx


      Democracy assistance can be defined as the legal


      provided to electoral laws, processes and institutions.


      B. Violation – they are broader than elections


      C. Voter for limits – the topic


      depth, which is impossible on a broad topic




      SKFTA will pass --- capital is key

      Palmer 9-1

      (Doug,- Reuters journalist )

      This month business groups expect …without TAA," said Trumka.


      Plan saps capital

      Cordesman, 11 - Arleigh A. Burke Chair in Strategy at CSIS. (Anthony, “Shaping and Communicating US Plans for the Future in a Time of Region-Wide Change and Instability,” 4/14, http://csis.org/publication/us-strategy-gulf


       The US will have to rebalance …excessive security measures are over.


      The impact is global trade and trade leadership

      Bower 2010 – CSIS Southeast Asia Senior Adviser and Program Director (12/2, Ernie, “Will political capital be spent on trade?”, http://cogitasia.com/2010/12/02/will-political-capital-be-spent-on-trade-obama-congress-republicans-deal-negotiate/)


      As President Obama left Seoul last …country’s future depends on it.


      Nuclear war

      Copley 1999 (12/1, Copley News Service, Lexis)


      For decades, many children in America and... They should be celebrating it.



      American Arab Spring policies have put Saudi Arabia on edge—additional support for democracy ensures backlash

      Hanna 2011 — fellow and program officer at The Century Foundation, former senior fellow at the International Human Rights Law Institute, term-member of the Council on Foreign Relations (3/8, Michael Wahid, World Politics Review, “Saudi Arabia: Royal Succession, Regional Turmoil”, http://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/articles/8120/saudi-arabia-royal-succession-regional-turmoil, WEA)



      The kingdom's current defensive determine royal succession.


      Yemen is unique – whatever the US does in other Arab countries doesn’t matter for the Saudis

      Bhadrakumar, 10 – former career diplomat in the Indian Foreign Service. His assignments included the Soviet Union, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Germany, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Kuwait and Turkey (MK, Obama's Yemeni odyssey targets China,” Asia Times, 1/9,



      Yemenis are an intelligent people….has profound interests. 


      The result is alliance collapse

      Takeyh 2011 — PhD from Oxford, Adjunct professor, Center for Peace and Security Studies, Georgetown University, Senior adviser to special adviser for Gulf and Southwest Asia, Department of State, Professor of National Security Studies, National War College, Fellow in International Security Studies, Yale University (6/8, Ray, New York Times, “A Post-American Day Dawns in the Mideast”, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/09/opinion/09iht-edtakeyh09.html?_r=2, WEA)


      For nearly 60 years, Saudi Arabia ….in the House of Saud.


      Making Saudis doubt the alliance spurs nuclearization

      Rozen 2011 – the chief foreign policy reporter for Politico, quoting Patrick Clawson, a Persian Gulf expert at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy and Marc Lynch, a Middle East expert at George Washington University (4/18, Laura, Yahoo News, “Arab spring setbacks in the shadow of complicated U.S.-Saudi alliance”, http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_theenvoy/20110418/ts_yblog_theenvoy/optimism-for-arab-spring-fades-in-face-of-complicated-u-s-saudi-alliance, WEA)


      Riyadh, alarmed by the Obama ,…

      accused of being Iranian agents."


      The impact is rapidfire prolif and multiple nuclear war scenarios

      Edelman et al 2011 – *Distinguished Fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments; he was U.S. Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, **President of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, ***Research Fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (Eric S. Edelman, Andrew Krepinevich, Evan Montgomery, Foreign Affairs, “The dangers of a nuclear Iran”, )


      There is, however, at least one state that could …Game, with unpredictable consequences.


      opic cp


      COUNTERPLAN TEXT: The United States federal government should establish a Consolidated U.S. Development Bank by authorizing OPIC to invest in Yemen, requiring local informed consent over each investment, and allow it to set aside profits to make small equity investments to complement its lending, and to reinvest in judicial training for domestic police forces in Yemen


      It competes—not democracy assistance

      Burnell, 2k - Department of International Studies, University of Warwick (Peter, Democracy assistance: international co-operation for democratization, p. 18-19)


      In principle democracy assistance Development Assistance Committee's terms.


      The counterplan corrects problems in current US overseas


      stability for transitional governments – it also avoids politics

      Moss and Leo, 11 – fellows at the Center for Global Development (Todd and Benjamin, “ A Consolidated U.S. Development Bank: Reorganizing Private Sector Policy Tools in Emerging Markets and Fragile States,” 4/6, http://www.cgdev.org/doc/blog/globaldevelopment/USDB%20White%20Paper%20-%20April%202011.pdf


      BACKGROUND: Promoting the private 

      in creating a new USG agency.


      turkey cp


      COUNTERPLAN TEXT: The Government of Turkey should provide judicial training for domestic police forces in Yemen.  Turkey should reform its constitution for greater protection of due process, press freedom, and women and minority rights, and should maintain a parliamentary system of government.


      Solves best – perceived as non-imperialist, builds greater trust and helps consolidate Turkish democracy

      Kirişci, 10 - fellow with the Transatlantic Academy. He is a professor at the Department of Political Science and International Relations at Boğaziçi University, Istanbul and holds a Jean Monnet Chair in European Integration. (Kemal, “Diffusing Liberal Market and Democratic Values: Assessing Turkey's 'Soft Power' in Transforming its Neighborhood,” APSA 2010 Annual Meeting Paper http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1644657) TIKA = Turkish International Cooperation and Development Agency

      One striking aspect of Turkey’s …

      civil society with suspicion.



      Key to Turkish soft power

      Yilmaz and Kanat, 11 - Nuh Yilmaz is the director of SETA Foundation at Washington, D.C. Kilic Bugra Kanat is a doctoral candidate in Syracuse University's Political Science Department (“Turkish foreign policy after the elections,” 6/21, http://mideast.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/06/21/turkish_foreign_policy_after_the_elections)


      In the AKP's next government term, …

      stature in the foreign-policy realm.


      Turkish diplomacy is vital to stabilize the Balkans

      Werz et al, 11 - Michael Werz and Caroline Wadhams are Senior Fellows with the National Security Team at the Center for American Progress, Matthew Duss is a Policy Analyst and Director of Middle East Progress at the Center, and Sarah Margon is the Associate Director of the Sustainable Security and Peacebuilding Initiative at the Center (Michael, “After Turkey’s June Elections,” 6/23,



      A strategic partner: Turkey’s policy …

      other parts of the world.


      World War 3

      Baker 95 - Former Secretary of State (James, Flash Point in the Balkans: Drawing the Line at Macedonia (Los Angeles Times)


      The first great European conflict of this ….price of broader conflict later.



      Don’t evaluate terrorism—the combined probability is insanely low

      Schneidmiller 9 (Chris, Experts Debate Threat of Nuclear, Biological Terrorism, 13 January 2009, http://www.globalsecuritynewswire.org/gsn/nw_20090113_7105.php, AMiles)


      There is an "almost vanishingly small" … use one that has been stolen.


      No extinction

      Friedman 6 – MIT security studies program (Ben, 2/19, The War on Hype, http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2006/02/19/INGDDH8E2T1.DTL&type=printable)


      Most homeland security experts …

      existential, as some would have it.


      Many alt causes – US counterterrorism in one country solves nothing

      Khalilzad, 9/9/11 (Zalmay, “The Next Ten Years of Al-Qaeda,” )

      Overall, the future of al-Qaeda 

      and instability creating opportunities for al Qaeda.


      Yemen is only a tiny part of US CT – threats elsewhere are greater

      Scheuer, 8/24/11 - Adjunct Professor of Security Studies, Georgetown University (Michael, “The Zawahiri Era,” The National Interest, September/October, http://nationalinterest.org/article/zawahiri-era-5732)

      For all the Obama-administration…, South Africa and India.


      Democracy assistance boosts Al Qaeda recruiting

      Scheuer, 8/24/11 - Adjunct Professor of Security Studies, Georgetown University (Michael, “The Zawahiri Era,” The National Interest, September/October, http://nationalinterest.org/article/zawahiri-era-5732)

      Then there is the Hillary Clinton–…

      invasion and occupation of Iraq.


      AQAP threat is overblown

      Taylor, 11 (Guy, World Politics Review, 4/5, “Is the Al-Qaida Threat in Yemen Real or Overblown?,”


      economist… been doing," he said.

      Tribes will crush AQAP

      Spencer, 11 - retired British infantry commander. He is a strategic analyst on political, security, and trade issues of the Middle East and North Africa and a specialist on Yemen (James, “A False Dawn for Yemen’s Militants” 6/8,

      But this catalogue of putative …

      alcohol into Saudi Arabia.


      Saudi Arabia checks

      Fallon and Kemel, 11 - members of Eurasia Group's Middle East practice (James and Ayham, “,” 4/12,


      In the short term, any …just because Saleh got the boot.


      Reform boosts AQAP

      Browne, 11 – Researcher for RUSI Qatar, received an MA in Near and Middle Eastern Studies in 2010 from the School of Oriental and African Studies, London. He also received a BA in Egyptology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies from Oxford University in 2008. Prior to graduate work at SOAS, Peter spent an academic year studying Arabic in Yemen (Peter, “Regime Change in Yemen,” 4/19, )


      The economic challenges that ….

      down in a year's time.[12]




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      1nc politics

      SKFTA is likely to pass soon

      Asia Pulse 9-15 (lexis) 

      In an interview with ….as early as this week.  

      Political capital key

      Wharton 11 – Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania (1/12, "U.S.-South Korea Trade Pact: A Turning Point for American Exports," http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article.cfm?articleid=2671) 

      With Portman now ….

      China trade" as a key target. 

      Increasing military assistance drains capital- budget cutting mood- want to target foreign militaries 

      VOA, 2-16-2011 http://www.voanews.com/english/news/middle-east/Mullen-Warns-Against-Cutting-US-Aid-to-Egypt----116321364.html 

      Senior U.S. defense officials …are evidence of their value. 

      The impact is global trade and trade leadership

      Bower 2010 – CSIS Southeast Asia Senior Adviser and Program Director (12/2, Ernie, “Will political capital be spent on trade?”, http://cogitasia.com/2010/12/02/will-political-capital-be-spent-on-trade-obama-congress-republicans-deal-negotiate/) 

      As President Obama left Seoul last …country’s future depends on it. 

      Nuclear war

      Copley 1999 (12/1, Copley News Service, Lexis) 

      For decades, many children in …be protesting world trade. They should be celebrating it.

      1nc t-elections

      A. Democracy assistance is the support provided to electoral laws, processes, and institutions

      IFES, 11 – International Foundation for Electoral Systems, http://www.ifes.org/Content/Topics/Democracy-Assistance.aspx  

      Democracy assistance can be defined as the legal, technical and logistic support provided to electoral laws, processes and institutions. 

      B. Violation – they are broader than elections 

      C. Voter for limits – the topic is huge, we have 6 countries with unpredictable literature bases and no common links – every affirmative by definition will be TINY because overall assistance is tiny – which means you should err on the side of a narrower topic because the negative’s only chance is to have sufficient research depth, which is impossible on a broad topic

      1nc - turkey


      COUNTERPLAN TEXT: The Government of Turkey should a substantial increase in the democracy assistance portions of Turkey’s military training program that promotes civil-military relations is modeled after the United States Expanded-International Military Education and Training programs to Egypt.  Turkey should reform its constitution for greater protection of due process, press freedom, and women and minority rights, and should maintain a parliamentary system of government. 

      Solves best

      Kirişci, 10 - fellow with the Transatlantic Academy. He is a professor at the Department of Political Science and International Relations at Boğaziçi University, Istanbul and holds a Jean Monnet Chair in European Integration. (Kemal, “Diffusing Liberal Market and Democratic Values: Assessing Turkey's 'Soft Power' in Transforming its Neighborhood,” APSA 2010 Annual Meeting Paper http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1644657) TIKA = Turkish International Cooperation and Development Agency

      One striking aspect of Turkey’s ….

      at civil society with suspicion. 


      Key to Turkish soft power

      Yilmaz and Kanat, 11 - Nuh Yilmaz is the director of SETA Foundation at Washington, D.C. Kilic Bugra Kanat is a doctoral candidate in Syracuse University's Political Science Department (“Turkish foreign policy after the elections,” 6/21, http://mideast.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/06/21/turkish_foreign_policy_after_the_elections) 

      In the AKP's next government ….

      in the foreign-policy realm. 

      Turkish soft power is vital to solving Afghanistan

      Dogan, 10 [Salih Doğan is a researcher at the International Strategic Research Organization and the managing editor of the journal Turkish Weekly, “[Opinion] Turkey’s Presence and Importance in Afghanistan”, http://www.turkishweekly.net/news/106578/-opinion-turkey%E2%80%99s-presence-and-importance-in-afghanistan.html]

      Turkey and Afghanistan have …. Afghans from Taliban militants. 


      Twining, 9 - Senior Fellow for Asia at the German Marshall Fund of the United States (Dan, “The Stakes of Afghanistan Go Well Beyond Afghanistan”,


      As Chris Brose and I recently …weapons on its border 

      Increases in US democracy assistance are the kiss of death for democratic movements – it’s not the content, it’s the sponsor

      Lynch, 7 – associate professor of government at Williams College (Marc, Anti-Americanisms in World Politics, ed: Katzenstein and Keohane, p. 215-216)

      ….alleged to lie behind it.”58 

      This will collapse democratic movements and boost extremism – it’s linear

      Krebs 8 (Ronald R. Krebs is Assistant Professor and McKnight Land-Grant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Minnesota, 2008, “Rethinking the Battle of Ideas: How the United States Can Help Muslim Moderates,” http://www.polisci.umn.edu/~ronkrebs/Krebs,%20Orbis,%20Spring%202008.pdf) 

      The designers and critics of American … can establish themselves as moderates.

      1nc - dipcap

      The US is investing its diplomatic capital in delaying a security council vote over Palestine - it will succeed now and avoid veto

      Ignatius, 9/15/11 – Washington Post columnist (David, The Daily Star, “Amid Arab democracies, Israel must compromise,” http://www.dailystar.com.lb/Opinion/Columnist/2011/Sep-15/148778-amid-arab-democracies-israel-must-compromise.ashx#axzz1Y1eWl3Is 

      Here’s what U.S. officials expect: ….

      be relieved at that outcome. 

      The plan consumes substantial diplomatic capital from other priorities

      Singh, 11 – Washington Institute for Near East Policy (Michael, “Democratic Change in the Arab Region: State Policy and the Dynamics of Civil Society,” 4/2, http://www.scribd.com/doc/59127297/Seminar-English-Report) 

      While top-down pressure …promotion policy truly resides. 

      Diplomatic capital is finite and the plan causes tradeoffs

      Anderson and Grewell 2k - Executive Director of the Property and Environment Research Center, J. Bishop, former  research associate for PERC. He is a graduate of Stanford University, the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, and Northwestern Law School, (Terry L., “The Greening of Foreign Policy”, PERC Policy Series: PS-20, December 2000, http://www.perc.org/pdf/ps20.pdf) 

      Greater international environmental …access to foreign economies.” 

      Voting for statehood will set a global precedent for violent secession and terrorism

      Rubin, 9/12/11 - resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute; senior lecturer at the Naval Postgraduate School's Center for Civil-Military Relations; and a senior editor of the Middle East Quarterly (Michael, Commentary, “The UN’s Palestinian Precedent,”


      Many states will vote for …

      -ethnic areas and conflict zones. 

      Causes global nuclear war

      Gottlieb, 93  (Gidon Gottlieb, Leo Spitz Professor of International Law and Diplomacy University of Chicago Law School, 1993, Nation Against State, p. 26-27) 

      Self-determination unleashed …drove this point home.

      1nc – t- $

      A. Violation—democracy assistance is defined by money transfer

      Vongalis-Macrow, 6 – Lecturer in the School of Educational Studies at LaTrobe University, Melbourne (Athena, “The ambiguous politics of teachers in the reconstruction of Iraq.”, Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies, http://www.jceps.com/index.php?pageID=article&articleID=75) 

      Under the broad rebuild governing institutions. 

      B. Vote neg 

      1. ground – we can’t win a disad link if the aff is just allowed to do diplomacy, all arguments, like politics, spending, aid tradeoff or backlash disads involve the provision of material support 

      2. limits – diplomacy is a different topic – it explodes the number of affirmatives and makes almost every article written about the Arab Spring a solvency advocate

      1nc aqsp


      No Al Qaeda

      JERUSALEM POST 8/24 “US Reportedly Probing al-Qaida Link to Eilat Attacks,” l/n 

      US intelligence agencies ….incident, al-Qaida in the Sinai Peninsula. 

      They are threat inflation

      RIEDEL 8/21 (Bruce; Senior Fellow in Foreign Policy – Saban Center for Middle East Policy, “Al Qaeda’s New Sinai Front,” http://www.brookings.edu/opinions/2011/0822_sinai_riedel.aspx) 

      Al Qaeda is not about to ….resources of the group.  

      Squo solves

      MER 8/27 (The Middle East Reporter, “EGYPT-ISRAEL,” l/n) 

      Egypt and Israel have agreed…. be allowing additional tanks. 

      Neither side wants conflict

      BLANCHE 9/3 (Ed; The Middle East Reporter, “Danger in the Desert: Sinai Tensions Threaten 1979 Peace Pact,” l/n) 

      Despite the alarmism in the …most of Egypt's 82 million people. 

      Alt causes

      SPENCER 8/19 (Richard; Staff Writer – Daily Telegraph, “The Chill After the Arab Spring,” National Post, l/n) 

      Israelis disliked the ….major test of the country's intentions.  

      Can’t solve their economy

      Young, 9/15/11 – Business reporter, BBC World Service (Rob, Egyptians still await economic change, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-14907631) 

      Food prices have been rising ….to get the transition going."

      1nc solvency


      Military Assistance has little influence on Egyptian behavior

      SCHENKER 9/15 (David; Aufzien Fellow and Director – Program on Arab Politics – Washington Institute for Near East Policy, “Washington’s Limited Influence in Egypt,” Weekly Standard, http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/templateC06.php?CID=1715) 

      Washington used to be ….advised to prioritize judiciously.  

      All of your evidence is based on flawed reporting and misperception – the military is loved and activists have bigger issues

      HELLYER 6/1 (H.A.; Fellow – Institute of Social Policy and Understanding – University of Warwick and Former Fellow – Brookings Institution, “The Next Phase of the Revolution,” Arab Uprisings: The State of the Egyptian Revolution, POMEPS Briefing 6) 

      Other portrayals are ….to their best interests.  

      Despite anger at specific polities – the Military is not resented – and activists often push for the same policies they decry

      LYNCH 9/7 (Marc; Director of Project on Middle East Political Science, Arab Uprisings: The State of the Egyptian Revolution, POMEPS Briefing 6) 

      What made January 25 …would badly stunt their legitimacy.  

      Status Quo is the best course – no risk of military power grab

      WAHID HANNA 8/23 (Michael; Fellow and Program Officer – Century Foundation, “The Mind of Egypt’s Military,” Foreign Policy) 

      The haphazard and at …determining the country's future.  

      Egypt will say ‘no’ – too busy

      AFP 8/17 “US, Egypt Cancel Military Exercise,” online 

      The United States and Egypt …year as previously scheduled, accordin 

      Saudi Arabia-Iran conflict all hype- won’t significantly escalate

      Alaaldin 9

      Ranj Alaaldin, Senior analyst at the Next Century Foundation and is doing a doctorate on the Shias of Iraq at the London School of Economics and Political Science, The Guardian, “Yemen's proxy war that isn't”, December 10, 2009, p. http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2009/dec/10/yemen-proxy-war-saudi-arabia

      The conflict in Yemen …

      Hosni Mubarak on February 11.  

      Military won’t cede control – has a vested interest in the squo that professionalism can’t overcome

      GOLDBERG 2/11 (Ellis; Professor of Political Science – University of Washington and American University-Cairo, “Mubarakism Without Mubarak: Why Egypt’s Military Will Not Embrace Democracy,” Foreign Affairs) 

      Today, the army presents …authoritarianism of decades past.

      1nc regional heg

      Can’t solve cred

      Spiegel, 11 - Director of the Center for Middle East Development and Professor of Political Science, UCLA (Steven, “The Uncertainty Doctrine,” 3/24, Democracy Journal, http://www.democracyjournal.org/arguments/2011/03/the-uncertainty-doctrine-1.php) 

      The United States has confronted ….

      approach our competing perspectives will allow. 

      No impact

      MacDonald and Parent 2011 - *Assistant Professor of Political Science at Williams College, **Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Miami (Paul and Joseph, International Security, 35.4, "Graceful decline? The surprising success of great power retrenchment", http://belfercenter.ksg.harvard.edu/files/ISEC_a_00034-MacDonald_proof2.pdf, WEA) 

      These arguments have a ….in the present.  

      No leadership

      Hill, 11 - former U.S. assistant secretary of state for East Asia, was U.S. ambassador to Iraq, South Korea, Macedonia and Poland, U.S. special envoy for Kosovo, a negotiator of the Dayton Peace Accords, and chief U.S. negotiator with North Korea from 2005 to 2009. He is now dean of the Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver (Christopher, “America’s fiscal woes heighten its foreign policy isolationism,” The Daily Star, 8/2, http://www.dailystar.com.lb/Opinion/Commentary/2011/Aug-02/Americas-fiscal-woes-heighten-its-foreign-policy-isolationism.ashx#axzz1TmPj6RPx) 

      As a result, basic assumptions are…

      , and find that nobody is bothering to listen. 

      No change

      John Glaser, 8-18-2011;  Assistant Editor at Antiwar.com A planned military exercise between the two countries has been postponed, yet US military support still strong http://news.antiwar.com/2011/08/18/us-egypt-military-cooperation-still-strong-despite-transitions-missteps/ 

      Egypt and the United States …or military cooperation. 


      PGS solves conventional deterrence

      Alankrita Sinha 9-18-2011; Research Officer, IPCS http://www.ipcs.org/article/military/ten-years-after-prompt-global-strike-and-us-deterrence-post-3457.html


      11 September 2011 proved …backbone of strategic planning.


      No Iran aggression or war

      Boroujerdi and Fine, 07 – Associate Professor of Political Science and Director of the Middle Eastern Studies Program at Syracuse University AND graduate student in International Relations at the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University  (Mehrzad and Todd, “A Nuclear Iran: the Legal Implications of A Preemptive National Security Strategy: Iranian Nuclear Miasma”, 57 Syracuse L. Rev. 619, lexis) 

      Even though Ahmadinejad uses ….

      miscalculated action less realistic. 

      No escalation or draw in

      Gelb, 10 – President Emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations. He was a senior official in the U.S. Defense Department from 1967 to 1969 and in the State Department from 1977 to 1979 (Leslie, Foreign Affairs, “GDP Now Matters More Than Force: A U.S. Foreign Policy for the Age of Economic Power,” November/December, proquest) 

      Also reducing the likelihood …short of direct confrontation. 

      No CBWs

      Palmquist 2008 (Matt, “How and why the threat of bioterrorism has been so greatly exaggerated.” 5-19-08. http://www.miller-mccune.com/politics/bioterror-in-context-355) 

      Clark: The more I looked …

      lot of them had Ph.D.s. 


      No prolif impact

      Amuzegar, 06  - finance minister and economic ambassador in Iran's pre-1979 government.  (Jahangir, Middle East Policy, “Nuclear Iran: perils and prospects”, 6/22, lexis)

      Questioning the validity …

      habit of always looking for the best deal.

      1nr add-on

      4th gen warfare won’t escalate – only nation state wars matter

      Friedman, '8 (Stratfor, June 11, http://www.stratfor.com/weekly/geopolitical_weekly_u_s_air_force_and_next_war) 

      This should be the key …nation-state could be catastrophic.  

      1nr dipcap

      The UN Palestine vote will completely collapse US Middle East leadership

      Levy, 9/14/11 - directs the Middle East Task Force at the New America Foundation and is an editor of the Middle East Channel (Daniel, “A Palestinian Autumn in New York -- what to expect at the U.N.,”


      Europe's salience is a bi-product ….

      a competent world leader. 

      It entirely wrecks their affirmative

      Brinkley, 9/16/11 (Joel, Kansas City Star, “Obama should pause on veto to Palestinian state,’ http://www.kansascity.com/2011/09/16/3147438/obama-should-pause-on-veto-to.html 

      As Palestinians head to the United …

      York Times on Monday.

      1nr politics

      Trade outweighs— 

      A) Best war scenario, Copley says it creates financial stakes in peace via connectivity and interdependence which increases cost of war and cross-border understanding.  Without it, protectionist paranoia causes fast outbreak since KORUS failure sends an immediate signal. 

      Advancing Obama’s trade agenda is key to solve every transnational threat—KORUS is key

      Dreier 11 – Rep. Chairman of the House Rules Committee (Rep. David Dreier, 1/5/11, Politico, “Bipartisanship can revive economy,” http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0111/47044.html) 

      At the same time, there are areas in which …

      global leadership through trade. 

      Environmental collapse causes extinction

      Coyne and Hoekstra 7 – *professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolution at the University of Chicago, **Associate Professor in the Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University (Jerry and Hopi, The New Republic, “The Greatest Dying,” 9/24, http://www.truthout.org/article/jerry-coyne-and-hopi-e-hoekstra-the-greatest-dying)    

      But it isn't just the destruction of the rainforests ….

      greatest dying of them all. 

      Studies prove our war impact

      Griswold 5 – director of the Center for Trade Policy Studies at the Cato Institute (Daniel, “Peace on earth? Try free trade among men,” 12-29-2005, http://www.freetrade.org/node/282) 

      Buried beneath the daily …own peace dividend. 

      Issues are being resolved in a bipartisan manner

      Wall Street Journal, September 13, 2011, “Kirk Working with Senate on Trade Bills”, p. ProQuest 

      Congress finally began making progress …

      imports from developing countries. 

      Vote counts

      Needham 9-14

      (Vicki,-staff writer covering budget and appropriations @ CongressNow “Deal to pass trade bills remains elusive”)

      “We’ve got to move forward ….to move forward on those.”  

      Insiders concur

      Reuters, September 15, 2011, p. http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/09/16/usa-china-trade-idUSS1E78E20V20110916 

      The push for China currency …

      the three trade pacts. 

      TAA vote first thing next week

      Needham 9-14 (Vicki,-staff writer covering budget and appropriations @ CongressNow “Deal to pass trade bills remains elusive”) 

      The call comes a day after Senate …that’s why I intend to move forward on those.”  

      Congressional Republicans will go along with re-authorizing the expansion of TAA

      NewsMax, 9/16, 2011, p. http://www.newsmax.com/US/chocola-trade-TAA-congress/2011/09/16/id/411293 

      President Barack Obama is holding…,” Chocola writes in The Hill.  


      Push by Korean leaders checks

      Dong-A Libo, September 16, 2011, p. http://english.donga.com/srv/service.php3?bicode=020000&biid=2011091617868 

      The administration and the …

      have increased significantly.  

      Top officials agree

      Jim Wayman, Political counselor for the U.S. Embassy in South Korea, Daily Astorian, September 16, 2011, p. http://www.dailyastorian.com/news/northwest/embassy-official-fta-delay-threatens-deal/article_36d77220-e08d-11e0-afb0-001cc4c03286.html 

      Despite the uncertainty surrounding …

      no means guaranteed." 

      Korea will ratify KORUS

      Business Spectator 11 4/16, (" US wants South Korea FTA in 2011 ", http://www.businessspectator.com.au/bs.nsf/Article/Obama-wants-SKorea-FTA-passed-this-year--Clinton-FYVYJ?OpenDocument&src=hp3) 

      US Trade Representative Ron Kirk has previously ….expected to be passed. 

      PC high

      Blake 9/15/2011 (Aaron, Washington Post, “Obama’s chance to bounce back,” http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/post/obamas-chance-to-bounce-back/2011/09/14/gIQAj4lNTK_blog.html) 

      Two new polls show more Americans …granted anonymity to speak candidly. 

      Congressional consideration of the Jobs bill has been pushed backed until December- it will be defeated

      The National Journal, September 15, 2011, p. Lexis

      As Congress heads toward ….form the president proposed. 


      Issue specificity overwhelms—impossible to quantify levels of capital but possible to know he has sufficient to get it done 

      Our evidence assumes foreign policy context

      The American Prospect, September, 2011, p. Lexis 

      At least in regard to foreign policy, ….one--because of 9/11. 

      Unconditional Military Assistance to Egypt costs political capital – budget pressure and Israel lobby 

      Dreyfuss 11 

      (Robert, Nation contributing editor, is an investigative journalist in Alexandria, Virginia, specializing in politics and national security, “Egypt, Hamas and Obama”, 5-26-11, http://www.thenation.com/blog/160970/egypt-hamas-and-obama) 

      Last week, President Obama called for …to see about that as well.” 

      Budget fears and opposition to foreign spending swamp military support – turn only ensures the fight 

      Bennet, 11(John, Defense Reporter @ The Hill, The Hill, 3/18) 

        Senior Pentagon officials are making …cut spending,” the GOP aide said.  

      Our link precedes the turn – convincing opponents of national security justification requires political capital 

      Bennet, 11 (John, Defense Reporter @ The Hill, The Hill, 3/18) 

      For several years, Gates has argued …United States be able to do?” 

      Capital determines agenda above all else

      Light 99 – Senior Fellow at the Center for Public Service (Paul, the President’s Agenda, p. 34) 

      In chapter 2, I will consider just how …force behind the domestic agenda. 

      Capital is key – it outweigh ideology, party support, or concessions

      Light 99 – Senior Fellow at the Center for Public Service (Paul, the President’s Agenda, p. 24-25) 

      Call it push, pull, punch, ….disadvantages to the table. 

       2NC CITES

      Turkey will distance itself from US efforts – no cooperation

      Carothers and Youngs, 11 - * vice president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He is the founder and director of the Democracy and Rule of Law Program AND ** director general of FRIDE. He is also assistant professor at the University of Warwick in the UK (Thomas and Richard, “Looking for Help: Will Rising Democracies Become International Democracy Supporters?”, July, http://carnegieendowment.org/files/Rising_democracies_final.pdf)

      If governments of rising democracies take more and 


      ways that Brazil does not deem appropriate.”66

      Turkish soft power competes with the US for influence

      Feffer, 10 – co-director of Foreign Policy In Focus (John, “Stealth Superpower”, 6/14, Foreign Policy in Focus,


      Today, a dynamic neo-Ottoman spirit 


      , and Syria have become the dark trinity.

      Independence means rejecting common policies with the US

      Krastev, 11 – chair of the board of the Centre for Liberal Strategies, an independent policy research institute in Sofia, Bulgaria, and permanent fellow at the Institute of Human Sciences (IWM) in Vienna, a founding board member of the European Council on Foreign Relations and a member of the council of the International Institute for Strategic Studies. (Ivan, “What does Turkey Think?” June, 


      Turkish foreign policy has broad support and is 


      more – not less – independent foreign policy.


      Now key time to establish Turkey model---their army is subordinate now  

      Fishman 11—assistant professor of history at Brooklyn College (Loius, The region’s only real democracy?, 8/5/11 http://www.haaretz.com/opinion/the-region-s-only-real-democracy-1.377104?localLinksEnabled=false)

      The Turkish military elite, known for decades 


      and denial of basic rights to the Palestinians.

      Turkey has strong links with the Egyptian military and the military will say yes

      Daly, 11 - associate director of global strategy at Alpha Creative Capital, a New York-based investment advisory group (Sean, “The Brotherhood’s Big Brother?,” 3/15, http://www.worldpolicy.org/blog/2011/03/15/brotherhoods-big-brother)

      Even some members of the military transitional government 


      a trusted diplomatic interlocutor between East and West.

      Especially true for training

      Kirişci, 10 - fellow with the Transatlantic Academy. He is a professor at the Department of Political Science and International Relations at Boğaziçi University, Istanbul and holds a Jean Monnet Chair in European Integration. (Kemal, “Diffusing Liberal Market and Democratic Values: Assessing Turkey's 'Soft Power' in Transforming its Neighborhood,” APSA 2010 Annual Meeting Paper http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1644657) TIKA = Turkish International Cooperation and Development Agency

      However, Turkey’s experience in this respect is 


      as part of a Turkish democracy assistance program.


      Military resignations created civilian supremacy over the military

      Turan, 11 - professor of political science at Istanbul’s Bilgi University (Ilter, “Exit the Commanders,” 8/10, http://www.gmfus.org/galleries/ct_publication_attachments/Turan_CommandersExit_Aug11_final.pdf)

      Gone with the Wind The recent resignation of 


      fact of which the military is also aware.

      Military resignations were vital to democracy – they established firm civilian control

      Taspinar, 11 – expert on Turkey, the European Union, Muslims in Europe, political Islam, the Middle East and Kurdish nationalism. He is a professor at the National War College and an adjunct professor at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies. (Omer, “Turkey’s General Dilemma,” 8/8, http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/68019/omer-taspinar/turkeys-general-dilemma?page=2)

      In a sense, the generals' resignation was 


      have a legitimate role to play in politics. 


      Unilateral Turkish action solves US power

      Kilman and Walker, 10 - a visiting fellow at the Center for a New American Security, is completing a book on rising powers AND **a postdoctoral fellow at the Crown Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Brandeis University [8/3/10, Daniel and Joshua, Christian Science Monitor: “The West must engage, not demonize, Turkey” http://www.csmonitor.com/Commentary/Opinion/2010/0803/The-West-must-engage-not-demonize-Turkey)

      A hundred years ago, debate raged in 


      a credible beacon for democracy in the region. 

      And fills in

      Zedler, 9/7/11 - currently attending the Hertie School of Governance Master's Program of Public Policy (Marc, “Turkey's De Facto Moral Compass,” http://www.atlantic-community.org/app/index.php/Open_Think_Tank_Article/Turkey%27s_De_Facto_Moral_Compass)

      Experts, analysts and politicians have deliberated, 


      is a true test of Turkey's regional influence.


      Turkish soft power prevents escalation of Middle East war

      Perthes, 10 – Executive Chairman and Director, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (Volker, “Turkey’s Role in the Middle East: An Outsider’s Perspective,” Insight Turkey, October, ebsco)

      Turkish foreign policies towards the Middle East could 


      relevant actors in its wider Middle Eastern neighborhood.


      Their claim about demand for US assistance is backwards

      GÜLERCE, 9/8/11 – columnist for Today’s Zaman (HÜSEYİN, “The Turkish wind in the Arab Spring,” Today’s Zaman, 9/8, 


      Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s visit to Egypt


      this period with Egypt, Tunisia and Libya.

      NO AQSP

      Not an official branch of Al-Qaeda – has only rudimentary capabilities

      LAKE 8/23 (Eli; Washington Times, “Al Qaeda linked to Israel bus ambush; U.S. investigates faction in Sinai,” l/n)

      A U.S. counterterrorism official said 


      gas pipeline in Israel, Jordan and Egypt.


      The economy is resilient

      Washington Times 2008 – chief political correspondent for The Washington Times (7/28, Donald Lambro, The Washington Times, "Always darkest before dawn", lexis, WEA)

      The doom-and-gloomers are still 


      ever on our economy's long-term prospects.


      Patronage concerns will prevent the military from ever agreeing to civilian control

      HENRY AND SPRINGBORG 2/21 (Clement M.; Professor Emeritus of Government and Middle East Studies – University of Texas-Austin, AND Robert; Professor of National Security Affairs – Naval Postgraduate School and Program Manager for the Middle East – Center for Civil-Military Relations, “A Tunisian Solution for Egypt’s Military,” Foreign Affairs)

      By contrast, former President Hosni Mubarak’s Egypt 


      it has been involved in many of them. 


      Relations high and Egyptian democracy is progressing – increasing assistance threatens relations by bringing old disputes to the fore

      Chick, 9/15/11 (Kristen, “New US ambassador says Egypt's democratic process is 'on track,” Christian Science Monitor, 


      The new American ambassador made her first major 


      to try them in state special security courts.

      Current military aid means relations won’t collapse – also solves their Israel impact

      Farley, 9/14/11 - assistant professor at the Patterson School of Diplomacy and International Commerce at the University of Kentucky (Robert, World Politics Review, “Over the Horizon: Israel's 'Zero Friendships With Neighbors' Future,” http://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/articles/10006/over-the-horizon-israels-zero-friendships-with-neighbors-future)

      U.S. influence on both sides 


      government to intervene by driving off the protestors. 


  • Ky RR 3 Gonzaga

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • SKFTA

      Will pass, top of the docket but capital is key 

      Yonhap 9-24
      (“U.S. Senate clears one hurdle to FTA with S. Korea”)
      The U.S. Senate, led by Democrats, voted Thursday to approve the
      by President Lee into consideration."

      Plan saps capital
      Cordesman, 11 - Arleigh A. Burke Chair in Strategy at CSIS. (Anthony, “Shaping and Communicating US Plans for the Future in a Time of Region-Wide Change and Instability,” 4/14, http://csis.org/publication/us-strategy-gulf

       The US will have to rebalance its relationships
      stability and excessive security measures are over.

      Political capital key
      Wharton 11 – Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania (1/12, "U.S.-South Korea Trade Pact: A Turning Point for American Exports," http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article.cfm?articleid=2671)

      With Portman now in the Senate and other pro-trade
      developed this populist tinge, and they are focusing on the China trade" as a key target.

      The impact is global trade and trade leadership
      Bower 2010 – CSIS Southeast Asia Senior Adviser and Program Director (12/2, Ernie, “Will political capital be spent on trade?”, http://cogitasia.com/2010/12/02/will-political-capital-be-spent-on-trade-obama-congress-republicans-deal-negotiate/)

      As President Obama left Seoul last month without a U.S.-Korea trade
      future depends on it.

      Nuclear war
      Copley 1999 (12/1, Copley News Service, Lexis)

      For decades, many children in America and other countries went to bed fearing annihilation by nuclear war. The specter of nuclear winter freezing the life out of planet Earth seemed very real. Activists protesting the World Trade Organization's meeting in Seattle apparently have forgotten that threat. The truth is that nations join together in groups like the WTO not just to further their own prosperity, but also to forestall conflict with other nations. In a way, our planet has traded in the threat of a worldwide nuclear war for the benefit of cooperative global economics. Some Seattle protesters clearly fancy themselves to be in the mold of nuclear disarmament or anti-Vietnam War protesters of decades past. But they're not. They're special-interest activists, whether the cause is environmental, labor or paranoia about global government. Actually, most of the demonstrators in Seattle are very much unlike yesterday's peace activists, such as Beatle John Lennon or philosopher Bertrand Russell, the father of the nuclear disarmament movement, both of whom urged people and nations to work together rather than strive against each other. These and other war protesters would probably approve of 135 WTO nations sitting down peacefully to discuss economic issues that in the past might have been settled by bullets and bombs. As long as nations are trading peacefully, and their economies are built on exports to other countries, they have a major disincentive to wage war. That's why bringing China, a budding superpower, into the WTO is so important. As exports to the United States and the rest of the world feed Chinese prosperity, and that prosperity increases demand for the goods we produce, the threat of hostility diminishes. Many anti-trade protesters in Seattle claim that only multinational corporations benefit from global trade, and that it's the everyday wage earners who get hurt. That's just plain wrong. First of all, it's not the military-industrial complex benefiting. It's U.S. companies that make high-tech goods. And those companies provide a growing number of jobs for Americans. In San Diego, many people have good jobs at Qualcomm, Solar Turbines and other companies for whom overseas markets are essential. In Seattle, many of the 100,000 people who work at Boeing would lose their livelihoods without world trade. Foreign trade today accounts for 30 percent of our gross domestic product. That's a lot of jobs for everyday workers. Growing global prosperity has helped counter the specter of nuclear winter. Nations of the world are learning to live and work together, like the singers of anti-war songs once imagined. Those who care about world peace shouldn't be protesting world trade. They should be celebrating it.

      T – democracy assistance

      The aff’s not topical – it isn’t a transfer of resources and isn’t directly tied to democracy
      Lappin, 10 [Richard, Ph.D. Candidate Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies at the University of Leuven (Belgium), “Post-Conflict Democracy Assistance: A State of the Art”, Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies, 28(85), http://soc.kuleuven.be/web/files/9/51/Vol85.pdf]

      Democracy assistance can be most accurately defined as the non-profit
      assistance is therefore a very precise instrument within a broader democracy promotion paradigm.

      Police isn’t topical unless it is explicitly linked to democracy
      Thomas Carothers 9 is vice president for studies at Carnegie, a visiting faculty member at Oxford University, Central European University, and the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, AB from Harvard, M.SC London School of Economics and JD Harvard, and and has written extensively on democratic issues Critical mission: essays on democracy promotion p16
      Those involved in police aid programs that are part of democracy
      abusive interrogations and other wrongdoing.

      Voting issue 

      1. Limits, which are key to clash and in depth education  tying democracy assistance explicitly to direct support of democracy is key to a stable limit on the topic
        Burnell, 2k [Peter J., Professor of Politics and International Studies University of Warwick, “Democracy Assistance: International Co-operation for Democratization”, p. 12-13]
        Democracy Assistance and Democracy's Conditions
        Democratization may be served best by applying assistance to a selection of
        literature provides conflicting answers to questions such as these.

      Saudi arabia

      American Arab Spring policies have put Saudi Arabia on edge—additional support for democracy ensures backlash
      Hanna 2011 — fellow and program officer at The Century Foundation, former senior fellow at the International Human Rights Law Institute, term-member of the Council on Foreign Relations (3/8, Michael Wahid, World Politics Review, “Saudi Arabia: Royal Succession, Regional Turmoil”, http://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/articles/8120/saudi-arabia-royal-succession-regional-turmoil, WEA)

      The kingdom's current defensive posture with regard to the wave of popular
      would affect its authority to determine royal succession.

      The result is alliance collapse
      Takeyh 2011 — PhD from Oxford, Adjunct professor, Center for Peace and Security Studies, Georgetown University, Senior adviser to special adviser for Gulf and Southwest Asia, Department of State, Professor of National Security Studies, National War College, Fellow in International Security Studies, Yale University (6/8, Ray, New York Times, “A Post-American Day Dawns in the Mideast”, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/09/opinion/09iht-edtakeyh09.html?_r=2, WEA)

      For nearly 60 years, Saudi Arabia predicated its security
      contemplated in the House of Saud.

      Making Saudis doubt the alliance spurs nuclearization
      Rozen 2011 – the chief foreign policy reporter for Politico, quoting Patrick Clawson, a Persian Gulf expert at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy and Marc Lynch, a Middle East expert at George Washington University (4/18, Laura, Yahoo News, “Arab spring setbacks in the shadow of complicated U.S.-Saudi alliance”, http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_theenvoy/20110418/ts_yblog_theenvoy/optimism-for-arab-spring-fades-in-face-of-complicated-u-s-saudi-alliance, WEA)

      Riyadh, alarmed by the Obama administration's failure to prop up its ally
      for political rights, they are accused of being Iranian agents."

      The impact is rapidfire prolif and multiple nuclear war scenarios
      Edelman et al 2011 – *Distinguished Fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments; he was U.S. Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, President of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, *Research Fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (Eric S. Edelman, Andrew Krepinevich, Evan Montgomery, Foreign Affairs, “The dangers of a nuclear Iran”, http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/67162/eric-s-edelman-andrew-f-krepinevich-jr-and-evan-braden-montgomer/the-dangers-of-a-nuclear-iran)

      There is, however, at least one state that could receive significant outside
       Great Game, with unpredictable consequences.


      Belief in the necessity of US intervention for democracy is steeped in Orientalist logic
      Fred M. Shelley Department of Geography and Environmental Sustainability, University of Oklahoma,  Orientalism, Idealism, and Realism: The United States and the "Arab Spring"  The Arab World Geographer / Le Geographe du monde arab Vol 14, no 2 (2011) 169-173 

      Edward Said's classic work on Orientalism (1978) provides
      governments and the West.
      These understandings are not neutral, and their propagation furthers limitless violence and inequality
      Pinar Batur, PhD @ UT-Austin – Prof. of Sociology @ Vassar, 07 [“The Heart of Violence: Global Racism, War, and Genocide,” in Handbook of The Sociology of Racial and Ethnic Relations, eds. Vera and Feagin, p. 446-7]

      At the turn of the 20th century, the “Terrible Turk” was the
       21st century opened up with genocide, in Darfur.

      The alternative is to refuse the plan for its stake in Orientalist scholarship.  It’s vital to unseat the way they pose their findings, which buttress inequality by feigning neutrality
      Anand 7 — Reader, IR, U Westminster. PhD, politics, Bristol (Dibyesh, Western Colonial Representations of the Other, http://staff.bath.ac.uk/ecsda/DAnandNPSArticleMar07.pdf) Note – epiphenomenal = a secondary question/phenomenon  

      Within the context of European imperialism, the issue of the
      negation of most non-Western natives and idealization of some. 

      CP – intel-based policing

      CP Text: The United States Department of Defense should substantially increase its support for intelligence-based policing in Yemen.

      Solves better – focuses on technology analyze actionable intelligence
      David E. Dial, March 2006;   MA Security Studies from the Naval Postgraduate School and Chief, Naperville, Illinois Police Department M.P.A., University of Colorado, 1980 ENTERPRISE POLICING FOR THE SEPTEMBER 12 ERA http://www.semp.us/_images/biots/Biot423.pdf

      The word “enterprise” suggests an industrious undertaking
      local concerns that may impact public safety in a community. 

      Intelligence analysis from enterprise policing is key to solve terrorism
      David E. Dial, March 2006;   MA Security Studies from the Naval Postgraduate School and Chief, Naperville, Illinois Police Department M.P.A., University of Colorado, 1980 ENTERPRISE POLICING FOR THE SEPTEMBER 12 ERA http://www.semp.us/_images/biots/Biot423.pdf

      “To deal effectively with the threat of domestic terrorism, the police
      standard than was acceptable ten, or even, five years ago.

      A2 terrorism

      No risk of short term oil shocks – market adaptability
      Boston Globe 2-13-2011; (Jeremy Kahn) “Crude reality” http://articles.boston.com/2011-02-13/news/29336191_1_crude-oil-shocks-major-oil-producers

      But a growing body of economic research suggests that this conventional
      in crude prices overall than it was in 1973.

      Its whack-a-mole – Al Qaeda will just go somewhere else
      Metz 10 - Chair of the Regional Strategy and Planning Department and Research Professor of National Security Affairs at the Strategic Studies Institute (Steven, "Don't Mess With Yemen,” The New Republic, November 4, http://www.tnr.com/blog/foreign-policy/78906/al-qaeda-yemen-foreign-policy)

      The dilemma, needless to say, hardly comes as news to
      spaces presented us with this week offers a preview of something much worse to come.

      Intelligence sharing now – and the SQ solves your terrorism advantage
      LA Times 9/15/11 (http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-yemen-intel-20110915,0,6851490.story)

      The embattled regime in Yemen has boosted
      entangled in Yemen's internal political strife.
      America's role clearly is growing, however. Last May, the radical Yemeni-based cleric, Anwar Awlaki, was targeted by a U.S. missile strike in Yemen. He escaped injury and remains active.
      Awlaki, who was born in New Mexico and delivers fiery online sermons in English, has been linked to numerous terrorist plots, including the failed bombing of a Northwest flight bound for Detroit in December 2009 and a shooting rampage at Ft. Hood, Texas, that left 13 people dead in November 2009.

      Briefing reporters at the Pentagon on Wednesday, the officials amplified
      that the group could fragment."

      AQAP isn’t a threat – it’s Saleh propaganda
      Haykel, 11 - Professor of Near Eastern Studies, Princeton University (Bernard, “Yemen's Uncertain Political Future,” CFR Interview, 6/7,

      The United States government has been myopic, in that it
      Americans have fallen victim to the claims of Saleh and his tricks.

      Tribes will crush AQAP
      Spencer, 11 - retired British infantry commander. He is a strategic analyst on political, security, and trade issues of the Middle East and North Africa and a specialist on Yemen (James, “A False Dawn for Yemen’s Militants” 6/8, http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/67883/james-spencer/a-false-dawn-for-yemens-militants)

      Saleh and a number of Western analysts have argued that
      smuggling drugs and alcohol into Saudi Arabia.

      Resource limitations check
      Spencer, 11 - retired British infantry commander. He is a strategic analyst on political, security, and trade issues of the Middle East and North Africa and a specialist on Yemen (James, “A False Dawn for Yemen’s Militants” 6/8, http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/67883/james-spencer/a-false-dawn-for-yemens-militants)

      The special operations group of AQAP, mostly constituted
      special operations group's capability will be lost.

      No attacks
      Mueller 8/2/11—IR prof at Ohio State. PhD in pol sci from UCLA (2 August 2011, John, The Truth about Al Qaeda, http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/68012/john-mueller/the-truth-about-al-qaeda?page=show)

      As a misguided Turkish proverb holds, "If your enemy be
      3.5 million per year, even with 9/11 included.

      A2 model

      US law crushes solvency – makes training impossible
      JASON H. BEERS, 2007; MAJOR, USAF B.S., United States Air Force Academy, Colorado, 1995 COMMUNITY-ORIENTED POLICING AND COUNTERINSURGENCY: A CONCEPTUAL MODEL A thesis presented to the Faculty of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree MASTER OF MILITARY ART AND SCIENCE General Studies by Fort Leavenworth, Kansas 2007 

      The second recommendation is to thoroughly re-examine the United States
      to train foreign police forces must be expanded.

      Their evidence describes the squo – USAID and counterterrorism initiatives are already integrated
      Kotlow 11 - Visiting Senior Service College Fellow at the Washington Institute, (Kazimierz, “Countering Extermism in Yemen: Beyond Interagency Cooperation,” Small Wars Journal, March 31, smallwarsjournal.com/blog/journal/docs-temp/720-kotlow.pdf)

      Most sectors in Yemen, including internal politics, security
      more systemic and less personality dependent.

      No internal link—at best they create a more multilateral approach to regional CT—no ev connects that to broader global cooperation.

      Diplomacy fails—states have different priorities
      Patrick, 10 - Senior Fellow and Director of the Program on International Institutions and Global Governance at the Council on Foreign Relations (Stewart, “Irresponsible Stakeholders? The Difficulty of Integrating Rising Powers,” Foreign Affairs, November/December, proquest)

      Rivalry among the emerging powers may also complicate
      the obvious perpetrator, North Korea.

      Domestic politics block solvency
      Patrick, 10 - Senior Fellow and Director of the Program on International Institutions and Global Governance at the Council on Foreign Relations (Stewart, “Irresponsible Stakeholders? The Difficulty of Integrating Rising Powers,” Foreign Affairs, November/December, proquest)

      In the end, the biggest obstacle to integrating rising
      become a more consistent exemplar of multilateral cooperation.

      Global multilat is a pipe dream, but regional coop checks
      Khanna, 10 – senior research fellow at the New America Foundation (Parag, “How’s That New World Order Working Out?,” Foreign Policy, December,

      Bush Sr. chose to give the speech at the United Nations
      bottom up rather than the top down.

      Fragmentation obstructs plan – any assistance requires a new working government first
      Stuster, 9/27/11 - a Joseph S. Nye National Security Research Intern at Center for a New American Security (Dana, “What Can the U.S. Really Do for Yemen?,” The Atlantic, http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2011/09/what-can-the-us-really-do-for-yemen/245688/)

      With all the focus on the unrest
      before Yemen falls apart completely.

      Saleh will cling—makes all civil war inev
      Solomon, 9/23/11 (Erika, Reuters, “Analysis: Yemen at crossroads with Saleh's unannounced return,” http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/09/23/us-yemen-saleh-analysis-idUSTRE78M52M20110923)

      If Saleh clings to power, all-out war
      political talks diminished his role as Yemen's kingmaker.

      Conflict blocks assistance
      Steil, 11 - former editor of the Sana’a-based newspaper the Yemen Observer  (Jennifer, World Policy Journal, Fall, “Yemen: Descending into Despair,” http://www.worldpolicy.org/journal/fall2011/yemen)

      The problem is about to get much worse—reaching famine proportions
      edge of this humanitarian disaster.

      Assistance doesn’t work fast enough and can’t overcome overwhelming structural problems
      Cordesman 10 (Anthony, Arleigh A. Burke Chair in Strategy, "The True Lessons of Yemen and Detroit: How the US Must Expand and Redefine International Cooperation in Fighting Terrorism," Center for Strategic and International Studies, January 25, csis.org/files/publication/100125_Terrorism-USRoleIntCoopRev.pdf)

      Yemen is a case in point. US officials have recently issued reassuring
      combination of counter terrorism and aid.

      *the block*

      More T

      1. Limits – they allow a litany of affs which provide economic support, governance assistance or any mechanism like dialogue which doesn’t directly provide funding.  If there’s no direct tie to demoracy there’s no limit on what they can do
        Lappin, 10 [Richard, Ph.D. Candidate Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies at the University of Leuven (Belgium), “Post-Conflict Democracy Assistance: A State of the Art”, Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies, 28(85), http://soc.kuleuven.be/web/files/9/51/Vol85.pdf]

      Such fastidiousness on the boundaries of what
      democracy assistance can be drawn. 

      That outweighs
      Rowland, 84 (Robert C., Debate Coach – Baylor University, “Topic Selection in Debate”, American Forensics in Perspective, Ed. Parson, p. 53-54)

      The first major problem identified by the work group as relating to
      has led some small schools to cancel their programs. 

      1. Effect not a mandate – security might be needed for effective democracy, but its explicit goal is security not democracy
        USAID Field Guide, 11 [“A FIELD GUIDE FOR USAID DEMOCRACY AND GOVERNANCE OFFICERS: ASSISTANCE TO CIVILIAN LAW ENFORCEMENT”, http://www.usaid.gov/our_work/democracy_and_governance/publications/pdfs/AFieldGuideforUSAIDDemocracyGovernance%20Officers.pdf]
        People everywhere seek the peace of mind that only
        context in which there is at least some host country civilian police presence.4

      And, the aff takes a few steps – kills core da ground
      Bayley, 01 [Issues In International Crime, Democratizing the Police Abroad: What to Do and How to Do It, https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/188742.pdf]
      In sum, during the 1990s, the U.S. Government gradually learned a major policy lesson: that security is important to the development of democracy and police are important to the character of that security. Assisting in the democratic reform of foreign police systems has become a front-burner issue in American foreign policy.

      2. Extra topicality – police affs could facilitate development which is infinite – extra t is a voting issue because it gets them unlimited ground and makes us debate irrelevant extra topical planks.
      USAID Field Guide, 11 [“A FIELD GUIDE FOR USAID DEMOCRACY AND GOVERNANCE OFFICERS: ASSISTANCE TO CIVILIAN LAW ENFORCEMENT”, http://www.usaid.gov/our_work/democracy_and_governance/publications/pdfs/AFieldGuideforUSAIDDemocracyGovernance%20Officers.pdf]
      USAID has broad experience in supporting the reform of democratic
      that can save money and improve results.

      The aff is police assistance which falls under rule of law
      Diamond, 02 [Larry, Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, and founding co-editor of the Journal of Democracy At Stanford University, he is professor by courtesy of political science and sociology, and he coordinates the democracy program of the Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law (CDDRL), within the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies (FSI). Advancing Democratic Governance: A Global Perspective on the Status of Democracy and Directions for International Assistance, http://www.stanford.edu/~ldiamond/papers/advancing_democ_%20governance.pdf]
      Police assistance and reform is also a vital dimension of improving
      professional policing that is also more respectful of human rights.

      And, rule of law isn’t topical – conceptually distinct
      Fukuyama, 9 - Professor of International Political Economy at the School of Advanced International Studies of Johns Hopkins University and the director of its International Development program. He is also a member of advisory boards for the National Endowment for Democracy, the Journal of Democracy, and chairman of the editorial board of The American Interest. (Francis, Democracy in U.S. Security Strategy From Promotion to Support http://csis.org/files/publication/110624_Lennon_Democracy_Web.pdf )

      One of the persistent criticisms of American democracy assistance
      broad development to U.S. foreign policy goals.

      They get no offense—there are a couple programs within DOJ ICITAP which are training FOR democracy, not the plan.  These are conceptually different
      Carothers, 2k - vice-president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (Thomas, American Democracy Promotion, eds: Cox, Ikenberry and Inoguchi, p. 189-190)

      The Department of Justice is also involved in democracy
      focused on law enforcement goals.13

      More ev  - only ICITAP
      Bayley, 01 distinguished professor in the School of Criminal Justice at the State University of New York at Albany. (David,Democratizing the Police Abroad: What to Do and How to Do It, http://conference2000.dnapolicy.net/NIJ/pdf/188742.pdf)

      The key word here is “institutional.” Programs that might contribute
      beginning to recognize that it will be.

      The explicit requirement means it must be the stated purpose
      Dictionary.com (based on Collins English Dictionary, 2009, http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/explicit)

      — adj

      1. precisely and clearly expressed, leaving nothing to implication; fully stated: explicit instructions

      Turn—limits are vital to creativity and innovation
      INTRATOR, 10 [David President of The Creative Organization, October 21, “Thinking Inside the Box,” http://www.trainingmag.com/article/thinking-inside-box 

      One of the most pernicious myths about
      the rules you’re creating as you build your box.

      Overwhelming weight of empirical experience with art and music demonstrates that limits are best for creativity
      SLEE, 10 [Mark Slee, May 24, 2010, “Are limitless resources or a certain number of constraints more beneficial for creativity?,” online: http://www.quora.com/Art-Creativity/Are-limitless-resources-or-a-certain-number-of-constraints-more-beneficial-for-creativity

      There are countless clear examples of this
      of which are self-imposed.

      Constraints ensure focus and innovation – strict limits ensure productivity
      SLEE, 10 [Mark Slee, May 24, 2010, “Are limitless resources or a certain number of constraints more beneficial for creativity?,” online: http://www.quora.com/Art-Creativity/Are-limitless-resources-or-a-certain-number-of-constraints-more-beneficial-for-creativity

      Both anecdotally and from personal experience, I'm inclined
      competing new concepts, thereby enabling a more intense focus. 


      Emerging powers won’t cooperate with the US
      Patrick, 10 - Senior Fellow and Director of the Program on International Institutions and Global Governance at the Council on Foreign Relations (Stewart, “Irresponsible Stakeholders? The Difficulty of Integrating Rising Powers,” Foreign Affairs, November/December, proquest)

      The emerging non-Western powers do not share
      aligned with those of the United States.

      Multilateralism fails – partners are unreliable and their actions taint the entire effort
      Farah, 4 (Joseph, “The danger of multilateralism,” WorldnetDaily, 3/18, http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.printable&pageId=23783)

      Since the first Persian Gulf War, American leaders
      standing up against the Islamist "holy warriors."


      Terrorists won’t target agriculture
      Chalk 4 (Peter, Senior Policy Analyst – RAND Corporation, Hitting America’s Soft Underbelly: The Potential Threat of Deliberate Biological Attacks Against the US Agricultural and Food Industries, RAND, p. 28)

      Despite the ease with which an act of agroterrorism
      creating the hostility and panic that such acts are designed to elicit.18


      The US is withdrawing from the world now
      Barnett, 11 - chief analyst at Wikistrat, former visiting scholar at the University of Tennessee’s Howard Baker Center for Public Policy and a visiting strategist at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, former Senior Strategic Researcher and Professor in the Warfare Analysis & Research Department, Center for Naval Warfare Studies (Thomas, “The New Rules: U.S. Must Get Back in Touch With Its True Exceptionalism,” 8/8, http://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/articles/9708/the-new-rules-u-s-must-get-back-in-touch-with-its-true-exceptionalism)

      The fundamental problem we currently face with our political leadership
      by a global power in human history.

      Palestine overwhelms
      Shamoo, 8/23/11 - senior analyst for Foreign Policy In Focus, writes on ethics and public policy (Adil, “The Upcoming Palestinian Uprising,” 8/23, http://www.fpif.org/articles/the_upcoming_palestinian_uprising)

      If conditions do not change quickly by the time of the U.S.-promised
      Arab Spring that the United States can still learn.

      Regional cooperation will fill in
      Sachs, 11 - Director of The Earth Institute, Quetelet Professor of Sustainable Development, and Professor of Health Policy and Management at Columbia University. He is also Special Advisor to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (Jeffrey, “A World of Regions,” 5/26, http://www.social-europe.eu/2011/05/a-world-of-regions/)

      In almost every part of the world, long-festering problems
      long-standing rivalries and conflicts.

      Vacillations between topic countries
      Spiegel, 11 - Director of the Center for Middle East Development and Professor of Political Science, UCLA (Steven, “The Uncertainty Doctrine,” 3/24, Democracy Journal, http://www.democracyjournal.org/arguments/2011/03/the-uncertainty-doctrine-1.php)

      The United States has confronted the upheavals in the Middle East
      approach our competing perspectives will allow.

      More k

      Third, it fetishizes immediate crises to obscure violent thought practices.  There’s a difference between impact comparison and assessment—their terminal disasters rig the game and plays into the hands of power by using worst-case scenarios to compel reaction.  Since disaster can only be justified in reference to an even greater disaster, the aff’s self-constitutive discourse is dangerous
      Bilgin 2005 – Prof IR, Bikent University, Regional Security in the Middle East a Critical Perspective, Page 164-165

      Thinking about the future from a critical security
      perpetuating regional insecurity in the Middle East.

      Our alt is more attuned to those aided by the aff itself—reflecting differently yields alternate readings more cognizant of their global importance
      Bilgin 2005 – Prof IR Bikent University, Regional Security in the Middle East a Critical Perspective, PAGE 7 and 58

      PAGE 7
      From a critical perspective, thinking differently about security
      approach to security in theory and practice.

      (continued) PAGE 58
      Emphasising the mutually interactive relationship
      could make on the subject of research (Wyn Jones 1999:148-50).

      Theory fatalism ensures policy failure—the cynical claim that this is “just philosophy” reflects interests of the powerful
      Marysia Zalewski Women’s Studies @ Queens (Belfast) 96 in International Theory: Postivism and Beyond eds. Smith, Booth and Zalewksi p.  351-352

      All these theories yet the bodies keep piling
      reflects the interests of the already powerful.    

      The demand for an instant policy recipe is symptomatic of the problem—the alt raises questions about the role of knowledge in the Middle East that conditions our acceptance of oppression
      Shampa BISWAS Politics @ Whitman 07 “Empire and Global Public Intellectuals: Reading Edward Said as an International Relations Theorist” Millennium 36 (1) p. 117-125

      The recent resuscitation of the project of Empire should
      fundamental and important senses of the vocation.21

      5. Perm is worse—even if they aim to support reformers, their reps still provide misguided vision
      Bilgin 2005 – Prof IR, Bikent University, Regional Security in the Middle East a Critical Perspective, PAGE 12-14
      The significance of questioning - what Simon Dalby (1991:274) has referred
      share is the damaging effect representations have had on both groups of actors.

      They make it worse.  Addressing rights for security interests fuels one-dimensional priorities and further insecurity
      Bilgin 2004 – Prof IR, Bikent U, Whose Middle East, International Relations, VOL 18 NO 25

      The four approaches outlined here serve as reminders
      myriad non-state actors.

      Their metrics rely on a false separation between theory and policy—instead, focus on who has a better conception of knowledge, because knowledge underlies all political choices and outcomes
      Bilgin 04—assistant prof, IR, Bilkent U. PhD, IR, U Wales (Pinar, Is the 'Orientalist' past the Future of Middle East Studies?, Third World Quarterly, Vol. 25, No. 2, 423-433, JSTOR

      To go back to Little's argument about American Orientalism,
      is what Said sought to do in his lifetime.52

      More politics

      Advancing Obama’s trade agenda is key to solve every transnational threat—KORUS is key
      Dreier 11 – Rep. Chairman of the House Rules Committee (Rep. David Dreier, 1/5/11, Politico, “Bipartisanship can revive economy,” http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0111/47044.html)

      At the same time, there are areas in which both parties can
       economic growth and global leadership through trade.

      FTAs are inevitable in Asia—only KORUS gives us a foothold in open market regionalism
      Cooper et al 10 (11/12, William, Mark Manyin, Remy Jurenas, Michaela Platzer, Specialists in Trade + Asian Affairs @ Congressional Research Affairs, "The Proposed U.S.-South Korea Free Trade Agreement (KORUS FTA): Provisions and Implications," http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/row/RL34330.pdf)

      The fate of the KORUS FTA could affect U.S. efforts to institutionalize
      decelerating the move to open market regionalism in East Asia. 

      KORUS enables more ambitious trade initiatives
      Wharton 11 – Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania (1/12, "U.S.-South Korea Trade Pact: A Turning Point for American Exports," http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article.cfm?articleid=2671)

      A great deal is at stake beyond Korea. Approval
      area of U.S. partners that already encompasses Australia and Chile. 

      More reasons it’ll pass

      Momentum and bipart

      Baker 9-27
      (Leroy,- Washington correspondent for Tax-News.com)
      US Senate Tries To Push Pending FTA Approval
      The United States Senate has voted, on a bipartisan
      pending trade agreements, GSP and TAA.”

      Will pass - momentum 

      Sonmez 9-22
      (Felicia,- congressional reporter for The Washington Post “Senate passes Trade Adjustment Assistance extension, paving way for trade deals”)
      The Senate on Thursday passed a measure renewing an aid
      on the trade pacts during the first week of October at the earliest. 

      Will pass and top of the docket 

      South East Farm Press 9-23
      (“Senate votes clear path for FTA action in October”)
      The Senate on Thursday approved a bill 70 to 27 that should
      more favorable trade preferences.  

      Will pass in the next month 

      Donga 9-25
      ("`US to submit bill to ratify FTA with Korea early next month`" english.donga.com/srv/service.php3?bicode=060000&biid=2011092668408)
      The U.S. is expected to submit a bill to ratify the free trade deal
      Lee`s visit to Washington will reaffirm the solid bilateral alliance. 

      Default to consensus 

      Dow Jones Newswire 9-21
      (“Sen Brown: To Seek Amendment To Tariff Bill Targeting China Forex Manipulation”)
      Sen. Sherrod Brown (D., Ohio) said Wednesday he will try to attach
      have the trade pacts sent up before they vote on the retraining program. 

      Their thumpers don’t drain capital - aren’t a final vote 

      Drum ‘10  
      (Kevin, Political Blogger, Mother Jones, former contributing writer for the WASHINGTON MONTHLY http://motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2010/03/immigration-coming-back-burner)
      Not to pick on Ezra or anything, but this attitude betrays a surprisingly
      not. But they will be soon.

      More ev - top of the docket
      Palmer 9-13
      (Doug,-Washington correspondent for Reuters “Momentum builds for U.S. action on trade deals”)

      Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on Tuesday
      crack down on China currency manipulation.

      No PC spent
      Ghaith Al-Omari, Former adviser to the Palestinian leadership and peace negotiating team, The Guardian, September 16, 2011, p. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/blog/2011/sep/16/barack-obama-usforeignpolicy

      Ghaith Al-Omari, a former adviser to the Palestinian
      to expend any political capital over Israel," he said.

      Palestine issue won’t hurt Obama
      The New York Times, September 10, 2011, p. Lexis

      American and Palestinian officials insist that there is no animosity
      with greater ambition than virtually any of his predecessors.

      Won’t drain capital
      Caldwell 9-14
      (Patrick,- Writing Fellow at The American Prospect)

      Why a Budget Battle Is Looking Unlikely
      While Obama’s jobs proposal and the Super Committee
      neither showed any desire to raise the threat of a shutdown

      Solyndra issue will pass quickly- will be forgotten by next month
      Julian Zelizer, Professor of history and public affairs at Princeton University, Politico, 9-18-11, p. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0911/63795_Page2.html

      Julian Zelizer, a professor of history and public affairs at
      October no one will know what this was about.”

      Only the plan requires Obama to push legislation - the scandal is only a talking point, not something he has to expend capital on 

      Solyndra won’t impact Obama’s agenda
      Politico, 9-18-11, p. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0911/63795_Page2.html

      The upside for Obama, though, is that “so far he and his administration have been squeaky clean,” Troy said — unlike Clinton, who had been embroiled in years of special prosecutor investigations before the revelations of his affair emerged.
      Troy said Obama is also fortunate the scandal doesn’t involve an issue like health-care reform that is truly central to his presidency.

      Jobs isn’t top of the docket
      Steinhauer 9-14
      (Jennifer,- Los Angeles bureau chief of The New York Times “Democrats in Congress Balking at Obama’s Jobs Bill”)
      “I think the American people are very skeptical of big pieces of
      brief Democratic senators on the granular aspects of the proposal Thursday. 

      Capital is key - key to break impasse 

      Kim 9-6
      (Sukhan Kim senior partner specializing in international trade at Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP "Pushing the FTA to the finish line" koreajoongangdaily.joinsmsn.com/news/article/Article.aspx?aid=2941157)
      Despite these hurdles, the time has come for political leaders in both countries
      for both countries to finally get on with ratification of Korus FTA.

      Yes vote switching—even due to unrelated legislation
      Simes and Saunders 2010 – *publisher of the National Interest, Executive Director of The Nixon Center and Associate Publisher of The National Interest, served in the State Department from 2003 to 2005 (12/23, Dimitri and Paul, National Interest, “START of a Pyrrhic Victory?”, http://nationalinterest.org/commentary/start-pyrrhic-victory-4626, WEA)

      Had the lame-duck session not already been so contentious,
      for the low vote count onto Republicans.

      Obama’s lack of total power is why persuasion matters
      Ryan, 2009 – Former Director of the Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies (1/18, Selwyn, Trinidad Express, “Obama and Political Capital”, www.trinidadexpress.com/index.pl/article_opinion?id=161426968, WEA)

      One of the "realities" that Obama has to face
      you do what I the leader say you do.

      Backlash to DoD police training 

      Keller 10 (Dennis, "US Military Forces and Police Assistance in Stability Operations: The Least-Worst Option to Fill the US Capacity Gap," US Army War College, STrategic Studies Institute, August, www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA527772&Location=U2&doc=GetTRDoc.pdf)
      The work of the Office of Public Safety came to an end
      by civilian agencies that possess these skills.

      The plan causes backlash from the State Department
      Keller 10 (Dennis, "US Military Forces and Police Assistance in Stability Operations: The Least-Worst Option to Fill the US Capacity Gap," US Army War College, STrategic Studies Institute, August, www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA527772&Location=U2&doc=GetTRDoc.pdf)

      Developing this longer-term domestic training
      foreign policy goals for the country in question.

      The President is held accountable for all agency decisions, even those they have no control over.
      Peter M. Shane (Dean and prof. Law @ Univ. Pittsburgh) 1995 Political Accountability in a System of Checks and Balances: The Case of Presidential Review of Rulemaking, Arkansas Law Review
      The reason for the insignificance of the transparency argument
      over "independent" agencies than they do over "purely executive" establishments. 185

      Congress prefers giving little aid to Yemen because of several concerns
      Jeremy Sharp, Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs, 6-8-11, p. http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/mideast/RL34170.pdf
      There are a number of reasons why FMF to Yemen has remained
      trust between allies as well as between governments and their citizens.”

      GOP Congress in favor of cutting aid to Yemen in order to cut the budget deficit
      Islamabad Dateline, 7-23-11, p. Lexis
      It came only on the heels halting military assistance worth
      managed to hide for years inside the country.

      Casey isn’t key - outweighed by senior members

      Zito 10
      (Salena, "State's heavyweight political clout growing thin," Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, February 21,  http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburghtrib/news/pittsburgh/s_668267.html)
      'UP-AND-COMING LEADER'?  "Seniority is much more significant in the U.S. Senate," Brauer says. "In the House, with its two-year terms and higher turnover, seniority is not paramount."  He believes U.S. Sen. Bob Casey Jr., D-Scranton, has "established himself as an astute
      the whole state, not just his or her districts  as Murtha did.

      Senator Casey opposes spending increases- wants to cut
      Bob Casey, Democratic Senator- Pennsylvania, MSNBC Hardball, 8-3-11, p. Lexis
      SEN. BOB CASEY (D), PENNSYLVANIA: Well, Chris, I don`t think there`s any question when I talk to people in Pennsylvania, they want us to cut spending.
      As you know, we cut by a record amount in the 2011 budget. We cut a lot of spending  or will be cutting as a result of this recent agreement. So, there`s no question we have to do that. But I think the debate now is going to be, when you propose cuts to the federal budget, what effect will that have on the economy and jobs, as you assert, but also what`s the difference between a smart cut and a cut that really hurts investments, hurts jobs, and really doesn`t make us grow?

  • KY RR- Round 5- vs. Gtown

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • T-DA


      A. Interpretation – democracy assistance is non-profit transfers to pro-democracy groups.


      Lappin, 10 - University of Leuven (Belgium) Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies PhD candidate, participant in democracy assistance missions with the UN, EU, OSCE, and Carter Center, University of Belgrade political sciences visiting scholar, (Richard, Central European Journal of International & Security Studies, Volume 4 Issue 1, “What we talk about when we talk about democracy assistance: the problem of definition in post-conflict approaches to democratization” http://www.cejiss.org/issue/2010-volume-4-issue-1/lappin)


      Democracy assistance can … promotion paradigm.


      B. the plan isn’t limited to pro-democracy groups, the brightline is that it requires an express linkage to democracy practices


      C. Voting issue


      1. limits – there are 14,000 civil society organizations in Egypt alone, not having express democracy linkage means they can fund anything, like unions with a transnational labor advantage or schools with an education advantage, etc


      2. ground – they make the topic bidirectional, the absence of a pro-democracy requirement means they could fund Assad or Saleh and claim to shore up anti-democratic regimes



      Will pass, top of the docket but capital is key

      Yonhap 9-24

      (“U.S. Senate clears one hurdle to FTA with S. Korea”)

      The U.S. Senate, led by Democrats, voted … President Lee into consideration."


      No support for aid to Egypt --- even raising the issue drains capital

      Guttman ’11 (Nathan,- Washington-based correspondent for the Israeli newspaper Haaretz 5-17 “Congress Wielding Foreign Aid Budget in Effort to Influence Shape of New Middle East”)

      WASHINGTON — Congress’s power of … raise the issue in Congress, he said.


      Capital is key

      Palmer 9-1

      (Doug,- Reuters journalist )

      This month business groups … without TAA," said Trumka.



      Solves U.S. influence in Asia, also hege, econ, trade, korea conflict, and soft power (diplomatic, economic, and hard power)


      Hubbard ’11

      (Thomas,- Senior Director for Asia, McLarty Associates and Former Ambassador to South Korea 4/7/ Congressional Documents and Publications, “House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Trade Hearing - Brady Announces Third in a Series of Three Hearings on the Pending, Job-Creating Trade Agreements: South Korea Trade Agreement,” Factiva,)

      The United States-South Korea Free … economic interests into the future.



      U.S. trade leadership in Asia solves many scenarios extinction --- now is key


      Rudd 9-15

      (Kevin,- Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs “The case for American engagement in Asia: the Australian perspective”)

      These decades have not … leadership and capabilities into the future are essential.





      Belief in the necessity of US intervention for democracy is steeped in Orientalist logic

      Fred M. Shelley Department of Geography and Environmental Sustainability, University of Oklahoma,  Orientalism, Idealism, and Realism: The United States and the "Arab Spring"  The Arab World Geographer / Le Geographe du monde arab Vol 14, no 2 (2011) 169-173


      Edward Said's classic work on …. these governments and the West.


      These understandings are not neutral, and their propagation furthers limitless violence and inequality

      Pinar Batur, PhD @ UT-Austin – Prof. of Sociology @ Vassar, 07 [“The Heart of Violence: Global Racism, War, and Genocide,” in Handbook of The Sociology of Racial and Ethnic Relations, eds. Vera and Feagin, p. 446-7]


      At the turn of the 20th century, the “…. The 21st century opened up with genocide, in Darfur.


      The alternative is to refuse the plan for its stake in Orientalist scholarship.  It’s vital to unseat the way they pose their findings, which buttress inequality by feigning neutrality

      Anand 7 — Reader, IR, U Westminster. PhD, politics, Bristol (Dibyesh, Western Colonial Representations of the Other, http://staff.bath.ac.uk/ecsda/DAnandNPSArticleMar07.pdf) Note – epiphenomenal = a secondary question/phenomenon 


      Within the context of European imperialism,  most non-Western natives and idealization of some.






      The United States Federal Government should begin negotiations on a free trade agreement with the Arab Republic of Egypt and pass any agreement reached.


      Sends a strong signal of US commitment to democracy and increases FDI and growth
       Dunne 11
      (Michelle, Director of the Atlantic Council's Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East, “Egypt’s Democratic Transition:  Five Important Myths About the Economy and International Assistance,” 7-21,


      Far-reaching reforms that stimulate … in the trade and transport infrastructure.


      And it solves elections, US influence, and soft power.

      Kleckner,11 - chairs Truth About Trade & Technology, (Dean, “Time to Trade with Egypt,” 2/24/2011, http://www.truthabouttrade.org/news/editorials/kleckner-speaks-out/17462-time-to-trade-with-egypt


      Our top concern, however, involves U.S. national security… for a free-trade agreement is right now.




      1nc muslim brotherhood


      Pragmatism will prevail in their foreign policy despite anti-Semitism

      Fiore 11 - Massimiliano Fiore is a Fellow at the Department of War Studies, King's College London, where he teaches on the BA and MA programs “How Israel Can Turn the Unrest in the Middle East into an Opportunity for Peacemaking”  IAI WORKING PAPERS 11 | 05 – March 2011 www.iai.it/pdf/DocIAI/iaiwp1105.pdf)


      Although the Brotherhood is … of Turkey’s Justice and Development Party.7


      Plan emboldens the MB to pursue more aggressive policy

      GAFFNEY 7/6 (Frank J., Jr.; President – Center for Security Policy, “Obama’s Destructive Foreign Policy,” Washington Times, l/n)


      Sounds crazy, right? Or at least unachievable? … Shariah-adherent Islamist stronghold.


      The aff can’t mollify them – only a risk we turn the case

      Cohen, 11 - Richard Cohen 11 is a weekly columnist for The Post "Obama should just shut up on Egypt" 2/3/11 voices.washingtonpost.com/postpartisan/2011/02/obama_should_just_shut_up_on_e.html)


      The fact is that history cannot … to just get out of the way and, in the process, just shut up.


      Engagement is already unlikely; breakthroughs are impossible
       Vidino 11
      Lorenzo Vidino is a Senior Fellow in International Security Studies at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University and a visiting fellow @ RAND J.D. from U Milan Law School, and M.A. in IR from Tufts, "Five myths about the Muslim Brotherhood" March 6 www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2011/03/04/AR2011030406231.html

      5U.S. and Brotherhood officials … - and that probably won't change.


      The military will maintain control and control Egyptian foreign policy

      Martini and Taylor, 8/25/11 – RAND Corporation (Jeffrey and Julie, “Commanding Democracy in Egypt: The Military's Attempt to Manage the Future,” http://www.rand.org/commentary/2011/08/25/FA.html)


      Many of the iconic images .. civilian oversight. The elected government, in their vision, would carry the burden of day-to-day rule — and bear the brunt of any public displeasure.


      They’ll be moderate and maintain peace with Israel
       NPR 11
      “Egypt Military Promises To Abide By Peace Deal” Feb 12 www.wbur.org/2011/02/12/egypt-14


      Egypt’s ruling military reassured … an elected civil authority to be in charge of the country, to build a democratic free nation,” he said.


      They can push the Brotherhood any way they want
      Rosen 11 - New York-based freelance writer. Armin Rosen The New Republic “Cairo Dispatch: Can Egypt’s Liberals Challenge the Military’s Hegemony?” Aug 15 http://www.tnr.com/article/93642/egypt-liberals-military-cairo


      It’s unsurprising, then, that many liberals remain unconvinced … Brotherhood, and the military knows how to deal with them.”


      Plan causes SCAF backlash - causes rejection of US assistance and expulsion of the military

      Martini and Taylor, 11 [JEFF MARTINI is a Project Associate at the RAND Corporation, JULIE TAYLOR is a Political Scientist at the RAND Corporation, “Commanding Democracy in Egypt” Foreign Affairs, September/October, p. ebscohost.]


      Yet the United States' capacity to  peace with Israel, an attitude that the United States can do little to change.


      Relations high now but backlash crushes overall hegemony, causes Israel war, and prevents Iranian containment-it’s a bigger and faster internal link to the case

      WOOD 11 - DAVID WOOD Chief Military Correspondent for Politics Daily “At Risk in Egypt's Turmoil: U.S. Military Access to the Middle East” www.politicsdaily.com/2011/02/05/at-risk-in-egypts-turmoil-u-s-military-access-to-the-middle-e/


      Whatever the outcome … which smaller transports would ferry troops into action.


      Sustainable military control contains their impacts and means we control uniqueness-they’ll preserve a rickety SQ

      Zarpli 11—worked at Carnegie and prepared research for Human Rights Agenda Association. (Omer, US-Egypt Relations After the Mubarak Government: What’s Next?, 4 May 2011, http://www.bilgesam.org/en/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=353:us-egypt-relations-after-the-mubarak-government-whats-next&catid=77:ortadogu-analizler&Itemid=147)


      During the protests, the army … relations won’t change radically in the foreseeable future. 


      Even if they could overcome the SCAF, any new government undermines US-Egyptian relations

      Zarpli 11—worked at Carnegie and prepared research for Human Rights Agenda Association. (Omer, US-Egypt Relations After the Mubarak Government: What’s Next?, 4 May 2011, http://www.bilgesam.org/en/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=353:us-egypt-relations-after-the-mubarak-government-whats-next&catid=77:ortadogu-analizler&Itemid=147)


      Another view is that Egypt will … demands and sentiments of the people in the region. 


      That turns the case and their cred arguments

      Martini and Taylor, 8/25/11 – RAND Corporation (Jeffrey and Julie, “Commanding Democracy in Egypt: The Military's Attempt to Manage the Future,” http://www.rand.org/commentary/2011/08/25/FA.html)


      Such tactics, of course, …o undermine cooperation between the two countries.


      Plan is the kiss of death for liberal groups

      Carpenter, 11 - vice president for defense and foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute (Ted, “What Should U.S. Do about Egypt? Very Little,” http://www.cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=12780)


      The danger of meddling… for those movements. Like it or not, the United States needs to adopt a low-profile role during these turbulent days.


      The plan gives legitimacy to illiberal groups-perception of foreign interference causes a public backlash to the US

      Strasser, 11 - Max Strasser 11 is a freelance journalist and writer in Istanbul who covers Turkey, Egypt and the Middle East. “Can USAID Be a Force For Good In Egypt?” Middle East Online 7/26 http://www.middle-east-online.com/english/?id=47350


      Suspicion of foreign interference … there may be little other recourse for Egypt.


      Lack of credibility eviscerates the aff--it means recipients will be skeptical and will smear liberal groups

      Carpenter, 11 - vice president for defense and foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute (Ted, “What Should U.S. Do about Egypt? Very Little,” http://www.cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=12780)


      Though the spectacular events in Cairo … seen as much too little, much too late.


      New parliamentary laws make it impossible for liberal groups to compete

      Trager, 9/27/11 - The Washington Institute's Ira Weiner fellow, is a doctoral candidate in political science at the University of Pennsylvania, where he is writing his dissertation on Egyptian opposition parties (Eric, “Egypt's New Elections Laws: Another Democratic Setback,” PolicyWatch #1851http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/templateC05.php?CID=3401

      Egypt's complicated new parliamentary …, mostly illiberal parties.


      Israeli defense spending increasing now

      IHT 7/30 (International Herald Tribune, “Netanyahu’s Fading Opportunity,” l/n)


      Israel came to think of any …. One close associate described his mood to me in one word: ''Masada,'' evoking the desperation of an ancient siege.


      Alternate Causality-Climate Change

      Flynn ‘08

      [Daniel, Columbia University, National Science Foundation (Fellow), “Climate Change can stoke African Conflicts”, http://africa.reuters.com/top/news/usnBAN246627.html]


      ACCRA (Reuters) - Climate change in … fostered conflict and corruption.



      1nc cred



      No war—group decisionmaking and rationality

      Boroujerdi and Fine, 07 – Associate Professor of Political Science and Director of the Middle Eastern Studies Program at Syracuse University AND graduate student in International Relations at the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University  (Mehrzad and Todd, “A Nuclear Iran: the Legal Implications of A Preemptive National Security Strategy: Iranian Nuclear Miasma”, 57 Syracuse L. Rev. 619, lexis)


      Even though Ahmadinejad uses foreign …miscalculated action less realistic.


      Ignore Iran’s rhetoric–their primary interest is survival and won’t take dramatic actions.

      Simon and Takeyh 2006 (Steven Simon and Ray Takeyh, Senior fellows at the Council on Foreign Relations, CSM, “Cautious Iran Tehran may want to 'wipe Israel off the map,' but it won't do it with nukes.”)


      The answer to such questions … would indeed threaten their hold on power.




      --General isolationism and budget disputes tank solvency

      Hill, 11 - former U.S. assistant secretary of state for East Asia, was U.S. ambassador to Iraq, South Korea, Macedonia and Poland, U.S. special envoy for Kosovo, a negotiator of the Dayton Peace Accords, and chief U.S. negotiator with North Korea from 2005 to 2009. He is now dean of the Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver (Christopher, “America’s fiscal woes heighten its foreign policy isolationism,” The Daily Star, 8/2, http://www.dailystar.com.lb/Opinion/Commentary/2011/Aug-02/Americas-fiscal-woes-heighten-its-foreign-policy-isolationism.ashx#axzz1TmPj6RPx)


      As a result, basic assumptions …ind that nobody is bothering to listen.


      --Vacillations between topic countries

      Spiegel, 11 - Director of the Center for Middle East Development and Professor of Political Science, UCLA (Steven, “The Uncertainty Doctrine,” 3/24, Democracy Journal, http://www.democracyjournal.org/arguments/2011/03/the-uncertainty-doctrine-1.php)


      The United States has confronted …approach our competing perspectives will allow.


      --Debt ceiling, Obama weakness, election season and NATO wrecks US credibility inevitably

      Ullman, 9/21/11 - Senior Advisor at the Atlantic Council, Chairman of the Killowen Group that advises leaders of government and business, and a frequent advisor to NATO (Harlan, “America Don't Get No Respect,” http://www.acus.org/new_atlanticist/america-dont-get-no-respect)


      The sorry fiasco in Congress over raising …y if it happens at all.


  • KY RR Round 5 Block Cites

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 2nc everything


      Naval power independently solves great power wars

      Conway et al 7 [James T., General, U.S. Marine Corps, Gary Roughead, Admiral, U.S. Navy, Thad W. Allen, Admiral, U.S. Coast Guard, “A Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower,” October, http://www.navy.mil/maritime/MaritimeStrategy.pdf]


      Deter major power  campaigns ashore.


      Timeframe and probability-US has just enough influence to keep Israeli peace and access to military ties---any power change will trigger our impacts

      Schenker 9/15 David Schenker is Aufizen fellow and director of the Program on Arab Politics at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy “Washington’s Limited Influence in Egypt”September 15 www.weeklystandard.com/print/blogs/washington-s-limited-influence-egypt_593552.html?nopager=1)


      Notwithstanding devoting  soon be in jeopardy.


      that’s a bigger internal link to their impacts than credibility

      Adelman 11—Master’s and PhD from Georgetown’s School. Frmr director of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, former Ambassador to the UN, and former member of Pentagon's Defense Policy Board (6/18/11, Ken, Not-So-Smart Power, http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/04/18/not_so_smart_power)


      To his credit, even , if not altogether squishy.


      US support for democratic groups signals weakness

      Bar 11 - Shmuel Bar, director of studies at the Institute for Policy and Strategy in Herzliya, Israel, April 2011, “America’s Fading Middle East Influence,” Hoover Policy Review, online: http://www.hoover.org/publications/policy-review/article/73161


      The chances of democracy in  the future power in the region.


      That radicalizes the brotherhood and causes aggression

      Cohen, 11 - Richard Cohen 11 is a weekly columnist for The Post "Obama should just shut up on Egypt" 2/3/11 voices.washingtonpost.com/postpartisan/2011/02/obama_should_just_shut_up_on_e.html)


      When it comes to crises like then we at least ought to shut up.


      the military drummed up anti-US sentiment for all democracy programs – they oppose democracy, not just the unregistered NGOs – they want to crack down on all of them

      Washington Post 7/30/11 (Leila Fadel and Ernesto Londono, Military stokes xenophobia in Egypt, http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle-east/military-stokes-xenophobia-in-egypt/2011/07/28/gIQAFnGjjI_story.html)


      Facing mounting challenges and  Armed Forces.


      Part of SCAF opposition to USAID funding was that it was to unregistered NGOs – the other, more significant part is that they fear democracy movements and all foreign funding of them.  And the plan doesn’t solve their opposition by limiting itself to registered NGOs – because it still directly funds them – which also pisses them off

      Chick, 8/12/11  (Kristen, Christian Science Monitor, “Why Egypt is angry over $65 million in US democracy grants,”



      Egyptian government opposition  our own hands as well."


      Resiliency not responsive

      Schenker 11 - David Schenker is the Aufzien fellow and director of the Program on Arab Politics at The Washington Institute "Egypt’s Enduring Challenges as it Faces the United States" July 18 www.thecuttingedgenews.com/index.php?article=52417&pageid=&pagename=


      In an effort to reinvigorate would be at odds with the United States.


      Military aid doesn’t buy resiliency - SCAF decisions are based on pragmatism and self-preservation - our links prove the aff alters their calculations of prudence-  and, if they cause the military to return to the barracks that collapses influence

      Schenker 9/15 David Schenker is Aufizen fellow and director of the Program on Arab Politics at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy “Washington’s Limited Influence in Egypt”September 15 www.weeklystandard.com/print/blogs/washington-s-limited-influence-egypt_593552.html?nopager=1


      Putting aside White House military eventually returns to the barracks.


      US aid will trigger a crackdown used to drive up xenophobia against the US

      Washington Post 7/30/11 (Leila Fadel and Ernesto Londono, Military stokes xenophobia in Egypt, http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle-east/military-stokes-xenophobia-in-egypt/2011/07/28/gIQAFnGjjI_story.html)


      Facing mounting challenges  the Armed Forces.


      The military will block aid to NGOs

      Schenker 11 (David, director of the Program on Arab Politics at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, “Egypt’s Enduring Challenges,” http://www.thecuttingedgenews.com/index.php?article=52459)


      Some NGOs in  may remain somewhat constrained.


      US aid to NGOs undermines civil society—the perception of being tied to the US enrages everyone in Egypt and undermines their ability to push reform

      Cook, 11 (Senior Fellow-Council on Foreign Relations, “America Shouldn't Hijack Egypt's Revolution,” 3/9, http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/03/09/america_shouldnt_hijack_egypts_revolution)


      An aggressive American effort  embitter all parties involved.


      Numerous ALT CAUSES – Egypt is the least of Israel’s problems

      SPENCER 8/19 (Richard; Staff Writer – Daily Telegraph, “The Chill After the Arab Spring,” National Post, l/n)


      Israelis disliked the  of the country's intentions.


      No water wars–empirically false for decades

      Victor, 07 – professor of law at Stanford Law School and the director of the Program on Energy and Sustainable Development. He is also a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, where he directed a task force on energy security  (David, “What Resource Wars?”, The National Interest, 11/12, http://nationalinterest.org/Article.aspx?id=16020)


      While there are many  the deeper causal forces.



      Palestine overwhelms

      Shamoo, 8/23/11 - senior analyst for Foreign Policy In Focus, writes on ethics and public policy (Adil, “The Upcoming Palestinian Uprising,” 8/23, http://www.fpif.org/articles/the_upcoming_palestinian_uprising)


      If conditions do not change  that the United States can still learn.



      Even though an FTA takes time to negotiate, the immediate message sent by the CP is enough to solve Egypt-Israel peace, US regional influence, liberal elections, and US-Egypt relations

      Satloff, 9/13/11 - executive director of The Washington Institute (Robert, “Needed: High-Level U.S. Attention to the Dire Situation in Egypt,” 9/13/2011, http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/templateC06.php?CID=1714


      For the United States, the  is fundamentally anti-U.S. and anti-West.



      Don’t evaluate their terrorism impact—the combined probability is insanely low

      Schneidmiller 9 (Chris, Experts Debate Threat of Nuclear, Biological Terrorism, 13 January 2009, http://www.globalsecuritynewswire.org/gsn/nw_20090113_7105.php, AMiles)


      There is an "almost  one that has been stolen.



      1nr everything


      Failure to assert trade leadership turns the effectiveness of heg

      Posen 9 – deputy director and senior fellow of the Peterson Institute for International Economics (Adam, “Economic leadership beyond the crisis,” http://clients.squareeye.com/uploads/foresight/documents/PN%20USA_FINAL_LR_1.pdf)


      Thus, the US faces a … on the following priority measures.



      Korea conflict ensures extinction

      Hayes and Green 10 – *Victoria University AND **Executive Director of the Nautilus Institute (Peter and Michael, “-“The Path Not Taken, the Way Still Open: Denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia”, 1/5,



      The consequences of … from the international community


      the US must focus on the Asia Pacific region – risk of conflict is higher and will determine the global order.

      Colby August 10, 2011 – Elbridge, research analyst at the Center for Naval Analyses and a consultant to a number of government and military components. He has served as policy advisor to the Secretary  of Defense’s Representative to the New START talks, an expert advisor to the Congressional Strategic Posture Commission, and in a number of other government positions (Why US Needs its Liberal Empire, The Diplomat, http://the-diplomat.com/2011/08/10/why-us-needs-its-liberal-empire/, MCL)


      But, in part due to poor … too important to be so wasted.


      KORUS is a bellwether for US commitment

      Cooper et al 10 (William, Mark Manyin, Remy Jurenas, Michaela Platzer, Specialists in Trade + Asian Affairs @ Congressional Research Affairs, "The Proposed U.S.-South Korea Free Trade Agreement (KORUS FTA): Provisions and Implications," http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/row/RL34330.pdf)


      Similarly, the fate … with major  trading partners.


      Nuclear war

      Copley 1999 (12/1, Copley News Service, Lexis)


      For decades, many … They should be celebrating it.



      Potential fights still exist

      Palmer 9-1 (Doug,- Reuters journalist http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/09/02/us-usa-obama-trade-idUSTRE7814CZ20110902)


      This month business groups … agreements without TAA," said Trumka.


      Passage isn’t guaranteed --- but it’ll pass

      Hooper 9-10

      (Molly,-correspondent for The Hill “Obama-backed trade pacts could be heavy lift for House GOP”)


      House Republican leaders …Senate is not as challenging.


      Bipartisan Congressional consensus on SKFTA and TAA- will pass soon

      Richmond Times-Dispatch, 9-19-11, p. http://www2.timesdispatch.com/news/rtd-opinion/2011/sep/19/tdopin01-progress-ar-1319291/


      During the recess, … that serves the nation's best interests.



      Momentum and bipart


      Baker 9-27

      (Leroy,- Washington correspondent for Tax-News.com)

      US Senate Tries To Push Pending FTA Approval

      The United States Senate has voted, … trade agreements, GSP and TAA.”


      The link alone turns the case – lack of a bipartisan consensus eviscerates solvency

      Hamid, 10 [February 1, Shadi, deputy director of the Brookings Doha Center and a fellow at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, Promoting Democracy to Stop Terror, Revisited, http://www.hoover.org/publications/policy-review/article/5285]


      But before moving … opportunity will be lost


      The plan is controversial even if it trades off – because it will enrage champions of the programs it cuts

      McInerney, 11 - Project on Middle East Democracy (POMED) (Stephen, “Democratic Change in the Arab Region: State Policy and the Dynamics of Civil Society,” 4/2, http://www.scribd.com/doc/59127297/Seminar-English-Report


      Beyond Egypt and Tunisia, … undermined by considerable obstacles.



      Political capital is high – transportation and FAA bills prove

      Publius 9-26

      (Free market blogger @ Bacon’s Rebellion, funded by the Piedmont Environmental Council (PEC), Bacon’s Rebellion was the first digital enterprise in Virginia to conduct serious, in-depth journalism on topics related to state and local governmental policy “Congressional Republicans Cave — Again”)


      Flanked by the leaders … relentless combat common to revolutions.


      Our evidence assumes foreign policy

      The American Prospect, September, 2011, p. Lexis


      At least in regard to foreign … the next one--because of 9/11.


      No congressional activity until then

      Sonmez 9-22

      (Felicia,-congressional reporter … week of October at the earliest.


      No capital spent until the finish line

      Drum 2010 (Kevin, political blogger and reporter for Mother Jones, http://motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2010/03/immigration-



      Not to pick on Ezra … But they will be soon.


      Jobs focus means SKFTA will come first

      Washington Post, 9/16, 2011, p. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/2chambers/post/five-things-to-watch-on-the-hill-next-week/2011/09/16/gIQAUsHxXK_blog.html


      Trade deals: The three …working on creating jobs.


      We assume thumpers—avoiding crippling fights that could jeopardize the bill

      Dennis 9-9

      (Steven,- staff writer for the Hill “GOP Leaders Soften Tone Against White House”)


      With August poll ratings … shutdown earlier this year.


      Solyndra issue will pass quickly- will be forgotten by next month

      Julian Zelizer, Professor of history and public affairs at Princeton University, Politico, 9-18-11, p. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0911/63795_Page2.html


      Julian Zelizer, a professor … what this was about.”


      Jobs isn’t top of the docket

      Steinhauer 9-14

      (Jennifer,- Los Angeles bureau chief of The New York Times “Democrats in Congress Balking at Obama’s Jobs Bill”)

      “I think the American … of the proposal Thursday.


      Jobs won’t drain capital

      Dennis 9-9

      (Steven,- staff writer for the Hill “GOP Leaders Soften Tone Against White House”)


      With August poll ratings … shutdown earlier this year.



      Not top of the docket --- their ev is only about a procedural vote, not the real deal

      Schroeder 9-27  (Robert,-reporter for MarketWatch in Washington “Senate tees up vote on China currency bill”)


      The Senate is preparing … when that would happen.


      Obama not spending capital on currency

      Bolton 9-28

      (Alexander,- writer for the Hill “Reid playing for leverage with jobs bill” http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/184289-china-currency-reid-playing-for-leverage-with-jobs-bill)


      Some Senate Democrats …is reviewing the legislation and has not yet taken a position.


      Capital is key --- key to break impasse


      Kim 9-6

      (Sukhan Kim senior partner specializing in international trade at Akin Gump Strauss Hauer& Feld LLP "Pushing the FTA to the finish line" koreajoongangdaily.joinsmsn.com/news/article/Article.aspx?aid=2941157)

      Despite these hurdles, the time has come for political leaders in both countries to exercise decisive leadership, disentangle the FTA from other issues and find an expeditious … ratification of Korus FTA.


      Obama’s push is vital


      Reuters 9-6

      (“U.S. trade deals face tricky approval path”)

      But to get past distrust … so we can finally ratify them."


      Yes vote switching—even due to unrelated legislation

      Simes and Saunders 2010 – *publisher of the National Interest, **Executive Director of The Nixon Center and Associate Publisher of The National Interest, served in the State Department from 2003 to 2005 (12/23, Dimitri and Paul, National Interest, “START of a Pyrrhic Victory?”, http://nationalinterest.org/commentary/start-pyrrhic-victory-4626, WEA)


      Had the lame-duck …vote count onto Republicans.


      Obama’s lack of total power is why persuasion matters

      Ryan, 2009 – Former Director of the Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies (1/18, Selwyn, Trinidad Express, “Obama and Political Capital”, www.trinidadexpress.com/index.pl/article_opinion?id=161426968, WEA)


      One of the "realities" … I the leader say you do.

  • T-Intermediary Cites

    • Tournament: Kentucky | Round: 3 | Opponent: Emory CP | Judge: Nate Cohn


      ‘Its’ is a possessive pronoun showing ownership
      Glossary of English Grammar Terms, 2005 (http://www.usingenglish.com/glossary/possessive-pronoun.html)

      Mine, yours, his, ….
      it belongs to me.)

      This is determined by branding requirements
      Boudreau, 7 - Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Political Science, The City College of New York and Director of the Colin Powell Center for Policy Studies, USA. (Vincent, Security and Democracy: Process and Outcome in a New Policy Context, Democratization, 14:2, 313-330, Taylor and Francis) 

      Finally, democracy assistance programmes …on democracy down the line.

      For requires a direct relationship, it can’t be something that just affects the object
      Words and Phrases, 4 (Words and Phrases Permanent Edition, “For,” Volume 17, p. 338-343 November 2004, Thomson West)

      W. D. Tenn. 1942. The Fair …which implies an indirect relation.

      Violation – multilat assistance is distinct from providing aid to NGOs – it’s indirect because it involves separate steps
      Congressional Research Service, 2 (“Africa: U.S. foreign assistance issues”, Policy Papers, 1/22, lexis)

      U.S. assistance finds its …through their own programs.


      the core meaning’s impact on predictability outweighs limits
      Pregerson, 06 – US Judge for the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit (Harry, ARMANDO NAVARRO-LOPEZ, Petitioner, v. ALBERTO R. GONZALES, Attorney General, Respondent.  No. 04-70345  UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE NINTH CIRCUIT  503 F.3d 1063; 2007 U.S. App. LEXIS 22312, 11/19, lexis) 

      Expanding these categories beyond …law that inevitably results.


      We are best middle ground.
      Melia, 5 - Institute for the Study of Diplomacy Walsh School of Foreign Service Georgetown University (Thomas, “ The Infrastructure of American Democracy Promotion”, September, http://www.princeton.edu/~ppns/papers/democracy_bureaucracy.pdf

      Another complaint heard from …
      business cards, office signs, and more.28


      Turn—limits are vital to creativity and innovation
      INTRATOR, 10 [David President of The Creative Organization, October 21, “Thinking Inside the Box,” http://www.trainingmag.com/article/thinking-inside-box 

      One of the most pernicious myths ….creating as you build your box.

      Anyone can find contextual ev—that’s the point
      Lappin, 10 University of Leuven (Belgium) Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies PhD candidate, [Richard, Central European Journal of International & Security, Studies, Volume 4 Issue 1, “What we talk about when we talk about , democracy assistance: the problem of definition in post-conflict , approaches to democratization,” http://www.cejiss.org/issue/2010-volume-4-issue-1/lappin, p.190

      Furthermore, as democracy has become ….with fashionable governance themes.

  • 1nc vs kansas kk

    • Tournament: Kentucky | Round: 8 | Opponent: Kansas KK | Judge: Eric Morris

    • 1nc framework

      A) Interpretation.  The aff should defend a topical plan is good for reasons tied to that plan.  They can justify the action however they want, but stances against the resolution are neg ground.  The topic is the foundation of aff debates.

      The topic is about hypothetical government change
      Ericson 3 (Jon M., Dean Emeritus of the College of Liberal Arts – California Polytechnic U., et al., The Debater’s Guide, Third Edition, p. 4)

      The Proposition of Policy: ….the future action that you propose. 

      B) Vote neg:

      First, predictability—ignoring the rez enables infinite frameworks which undermines ability to deeply research and understand arguments

      Second, ground.  The resolution exists to create roughly equal division of aff and neg ground.  Letting them pick the moral high ground prevents engagement with their claims and distorts understanding.

      1nc t

      “Democracy Assistance” must include transfer of resources – grants or loans
      Burnell, professor of politics and international studies at Warwick, 2000
      (Peter, Democracy Assistance: International co-operation for democratization, pg. 5
      When defining democracy ….somewhat arbitrary judgments.

      [B] Violation: the plan gives no funding or material transfer

      [C] Vote negative:

      1. Precision: Education and meaningful discussion require our definition. They are “democracy support.”

      2. Limits: Hundreds of small interventions like Obama phone calls, State Department delegations, cultural exchanges, athletic events, etc.

      1nc cp

      Text: The United States Federal Government should hold a truth and reconciliation commission on the war on terror. The commission should investigate both the national and international effects of United States policies during the war on terror. 

      This solves
      Peltz and Lifton, 1AC author 2k8 (Rachel, and Robert, “Learning From History: An Interview With Robert Jay Lifton” Psychoanalytic Dialogues Volume 18, Issue 5,

      Lifton: Yes, but it is also the …open to a self-critical view.

      The TRC filters knowledge and power through neocolonial statist projects, turns the aff
      Neocosmos 2011 (Michael, prof soc @ Monash U “Mass mobilisation, ‘democratic transition’ and ‘transitional violence’ in Africa” http://libcom.org/library/mass-mobilisation-%E2%80%98democratic-transition%E2%80%99-%E2%80%98transitional-violence%E2%80%99-africa)

      They also include the case of xenophobic ….the object of thought.

      1nc saudi relations da

      American Arab Spring policies have put Saudi Arabia on edge—additional support for democracy ensures backlash
      Hanna 2011 — fellow and program officer at The Century Foundation, former senior fellow at the International Human Rights Law Institute, term-member of the Council on Foreign Relations (3/8, Michael Wahid, World Politics Review, “Saudi Arabia: Royal Succession, Regional Turmoil”, http://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/articles/8120/saudi-arabia-royal-succession-regional-turmoil, WEA)

      The kingdom's current ….determine royal succession. 

      The result is alliance collapse
      Takeyh 2011 — PhD from Oxford, Adjunct professor, Center for Peace and Security Studies, Georgetown University, Senior adviser to special adviser for Gulf and Southwest Asia, Department of State, Professor of National Security Studies, National War College, Fellow in International Security Studies, Yale University (6/8, Ray, New York Times, “A Post-American Day Dawns in the Mideast”, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/09/opinion/09iht-edtakeyh09.html?_r=2, WEA)

      For nearly 60 years, Saudi Arabia …in the House of Saud.

      Relations prevent OPEC Euro-switch, the impact is growth and dollar
      Freeman 2004 – President of the Middle East Policy Council (9/17, Chas, Federal News Service, lexis)

      The second matter, and …
      a minor, minor matter.

      solves conflict
      Royal 10 – Jedediah Royal, Director of Cooperative Threat Reduction at the U.S. Department of Defense, 2010, “Economic Integration, Economic Signaling and the Problem of Economic Crises,” in Economics of War and Peace: Economic, Legal and Political Perspectives, ed. Goldsmith and Brauer, p. 213-215

      Less intuitive is how periods …..and deserves more attention. 

      1nc korus
      Will pass, top of the docket but capital is key
      Yonhap 9-24
      (“U.S. Senate clears one hurdle to FTA with S. Korea”) 

      The U.S. Senate, led by Democrats, ….trip by President Lee into consideration."

      No support for aid to Egypt - even raising the issue drains capital Guttman ’11 (Nathan,- Washington-based correspondent for the Israeli newspaper Haaretz 5-17 “Congress Wielding Foreign Aid Budget in Effort to Influence Shape of New Middle East”)  WASHINGTON — Congress’s power of ….the issue in Congress, he said.

      Capital is key
      Palmer 9-1 (Doug,- Reuters journalist http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/09/02/us-usa-obama-trade-idUSTRE7814CZ20110902) 

      This month business groups …agreements without TAA," said Trumka. 

      That accesses every manifestation of regional engagement and trade leadership
      Hubbard ’11 (Thomas,- Senior Director for Asia, McLarty Associates and Former Ambassador to South Korea 4/7/ Congressional Documents and Publications, “House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Trade Hearing - Brady Announces Third in a Series of Three Hearings on the Pending, Job-Creating Trade Agreements: South Korea Trade Agreement,” Factiva,)

      The United States-South Korea ….economic interests into the future. 

      Extinction—now is key, trade leadership implicates every existential threat
      Rudd 9-15
      (Kevin,- Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs “The case for American engagement in Asia: the Australian perspective”)
      These decades have ….the future are essential.
      1nc case

      No spillover solvency
      Ferguson 2009 (Niall, American Interest, http://www.the-american-interest.com/ai2/article.cfm?Id=335&MId=16)

      So much for the American …grand strategy, that is pretty rich.  

      We control uniqueness
      Pinker 9-24-2011 (Steven, Professor of Psychology at Harvard University, “Violence Vanquished: We believe our world is riddled with terror and war, but we may be living in the most peaceable era in human existence. Why brutality is declining and empathy is on the rise,” 9-24-2011, http://online.ws j.com/article/SB10001424053111904106704576583203589408180.html?mod=googlenews_wsj)

      On the day this article appears, …enlightenment that made it possible. 

      We are more ethical—accounting for consequences trumps vain idealism
      Gvosdev 5 – Rhodes scholar, PhD from St. Antony’s College, executive editor of The National Interest (Nikolas, The Value(s) of Realism, SAIS Review 25.1, pmuse, AG)

      As the name implies, realists …also been roundly condemned on moral grounds.

      Root cause dumb
      Moore 4 – Professor of Law at the University of Virginia. He formerly served as the first Chairman of the Board of the United States Institute of Peace and as the Counselor on International Law to the Department of State. (John Norton, Winter, “Beyond the Democratic Peace: Solving the War Puzzle”, 44 Va. J. Int'l L. 341, Lexis Law)

      If major interstate war is …
      increased or decreased?

      No reconciliation—aff fails
      Bloomfield 2k3 (David, phd in peace studies, fellow @ center for peace and reconciliation “Reconciliation After Conflict” http://www.idea.int/publications/reconciliation/upload/reconciliation_full.pdf)

      The role of the public ….again, justice and retribution.

      It would not change mindsets
      Heller 2k8 (Kevin, senior lecturer in law @ Melbourne U “Does the US Need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission? (Answer: No.)” http://opiniojuris.org/2008/07/21/does-the-us-need-a-truth-and-reconciliation-commission-answer-no/)

      Though I am certainly sympathetic …can be counted on two hands.

      Accurate and verifiable scholarship shows low deterrence is the most important correlate of war
      Moore 4 – Professor of Law at the University of Virginia. He formerly served as the first Chairman of the Board of the United States Institute of Peace and as the Counselor on International Law to the Department of State. (John Norton, Winter, “Beyond the Democratic Peace: Solving the War Puzzle”, 44 Va. J. Int'l L. 341, Lexis Law)

      As so broadly conceived, there is strong …
      deterrence, that become crucial.

      Deterrence doesn’t make securitization inevitable – it can break cycles of hostility and generate cooperation
      Lupovici 8 – Post-Doctoral Fellow Munk Centre for International Studies University of Toronto (Amir, “Why the Cold War Practices of Deterrence are Still Prevalent: Physical Security, Ontological Security and Strategic Discourse,”  http://www.cpsa-acsp.ca/papers-2008/Lupovici.pdf  

      Since deterrence can become …
      expectations of avoiding violence.

      Security threats understated not fabricated
      Schweller 4 [Randall, Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science at Ohio State University, “Unanswered Threats A Neoclassical Realist Theory of Underbalancing,” International Security 29.2 159-201, Muse] 

      Despite the historical …thwart balance of power predictions.

      No prior questions
      David Owen, Reader of Political Theory at the Univ. of Southampton,  Millennium Vol 31 No 3 2002 p. 655-7

      Commenting on the ‘philosophical …
      so a potentially vicious circle arises.

      Refute claims directly, inductive observation is dece
      Houghton 2008 – associate professor of IR theory at the University of Central Florida (David Patrick, International Politics 2008 45, “Positivism ‘vs’ Postmodernism: Does Epistemology Make a Difference?”)

      As long ago as 1981, Yale Ferguson ….international relations scene today.

  • Block cites vs Kansas KK

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 8 2nc case

      No mindset shift – Big Dick Cheney is definitely not apologizing at a truth commission

      Heller 2k8 (Kevin, senior lecturer in law @ Melbourne U “Does the US Need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission? (Answer: No.)” http://opiniojuris.org/2008/07/21/does-the-us-need-a-truth-and-reconciliation-commission-answer-no/)


      There is also no reason …TRC ever could.



      Tons of different groups have a stake in active presence.  This will not change

      Mead, ’09 (Walter Russell, American Interest, http://www.the-american-interest.com/ai2/article.cfm?Id=334&MId=16)


      Barry Posen puts his …change any time soon.


      That’s what happens

      McDonough 9 (David. S. McDonough, Fellow at the Centre for Foreign Policy Studies at Dalhousie University, “Beyond Primacy: Hegemony and ‘Security Addiction’ in U.S. Grand Strategy”, Winter 2009, Orbis, ScienceDirect)


      The reason that the current debate …‘‘beyond primacy’’–for much of the Long War.


      Extinction outweighs—only we access value of future generations

      Nye, 86 (Joseph S. 1986; Phd Political Science Harvard. University; Served as Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs; “Nuclear Ethics” pg. 45-46)


      Is there any end that prudential and moral reasoning.



      Too soon to provide reconciliation

      Bloomfield 2k3 (David, phd in peace studies, fellow @ center for peace and reconciliation “Reconciliation After Conflict” http://www.idea.int/publications/reconciliation/upload/reconciliation_full.pdf)


      What is the appropriate cadence …leads from open hostility to trustful relations.


      They don’t solve – their TRC moots out and ignores the suffering of people

      Bloomfield 2k3 (David, phd in peace studies, fellow @ center for peace and reconciliation “Reconciliation After Conflict” http://www.idea.int/publications/reconciliation/upload/reconciliation_full.pdf)


      This Handbook recommends a …combine is the reconciliation process.



      2nc saudi


      US-Saudi relations are high because of the expectation that the US won’t support democracy movements

      AFP, 9/16/11 (“US, Saudi relationship in good shape: top US official,”



      The key diplomatic relationship …

      or any other external forces.


      Palestine veto answers


      It’s a bluff – Saudi Arabia historically fronts this and it doesn’t matter.  The Arab Spring is what they actually care about

      Satloff, 11 - executive director of The Washington Institute (Robert, “Filling the Strategy Vacuum in the Middle East,” 6/14,



      The first such effort -- the false 

      the UN is patently absurd.


      The US won’t have to veto – it can abstain

      LaFranchi, 9/26/11 (Howard, “How US could avoid vetoing Palestinian statehood,” Christian Science Monitor, http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Foreign-Policy/2011/0926/How-US-could-avoid-vetoing-Palestinian-statehood)


      The United Nations Security …

      through negotiations with Israel.


      Less important than Arab Spring

      Joffe 2011 – IR fellow at Stanford (4/26, Josef, Hoover, “The Arab Spring and the Palestine distraction”, http://www.hoover.org/news/daily-report/76576)


      In politics, shoddy theories never consent—makes for peace abroad.


      1nr politics – uniqueness/link

      aid now

      Framing issue—aid now is almost a total lie based on shoddy journalism and vague evidence, scrutinize their evidence – to give it credit it needs to say:

      1. The US is making a new decision to increase aid, and not just allocating prior committed money that wasn’t spent

      2. The US increased the budgetary allocation for the country as opposed to shifted funds


      Cuts now

      LA Times 9/18/11, “Technology that protects protesters.” Doyle McManus WM

      "There often wasn't …

      one program it ought to spare.


      This isn’t a new increase – it’s already appropriated aid, not new spending – and attempts to change the appropriation link to politics

      Emery, 8/23/11 (Theo, Boston Globe, “Congress could resist additional aid to Libya,” http://www.boston.com/Boston/politicalintelligence/2011/08/congress-could-resist-additional-aid-libya/DMmIHbENjJ0A6QBAednf0M/index.html


      This year’s federal budget ...

      nascent government in Libya.


      The US is shifting the nature of current assistance, not increasing it

      Galey, 9/16/11 (Patrick, Daily Star, “USAID promises to empower civil society groups,”



      The United States will focus 

      needs of its citizens.”


      The whole deal will be voted on next week --- that’s Yonhap.


      No congressional activity until then

      Sonmez 9-22 (Felicia,- congressional reporter for The Washington Post “Senate passes Trade Adjustment Assistance extension, paving way for trade deals”)


      Baucus called Thursday’s …of October at the earliest.


      Their thumpers don’t drain capital --- aren’t a final vote

      Drum ‘10 (Kevin, Political Blogger, Mother Jones, former contributing writer for the WASHINGTON MONTHLY http://motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2010/03/immigration-coming-back-burner)


      Not to pick on Ezra or anything… not. But they will be soon.



      Our uniqueness evidence assumes all their thumpers --- tons of Solyndra and a host of minor budget / jobs fights recently didn’t drain enough capital because Obama could just stay above the fray, the plan pushes through assistance to the Muslim Brotherhood --- that’s a whole different level of presidential involvement


      Now is a critical negotiating time ---- spending capital on SKFTA now

      Wallace’s Farmer 9-29 (“Struggle over FTAs Continues”)


      Wrangling over TAA is quickly will they be implemented?


      Lobbying involved in legislative agenda items is key --- only the plan causes resource trade-offs in agenda setting

      Barrett ’99

      (Andrew,- PhD in political science from Texas A&M University “Presidential Agenda Setting in Congress”)


      Influencing the policy agenda, the …influence” in agenda setting (1994, 181).


      No action in Congress over payroll tax cuts in 2011

      Patriot News (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania), 9-26-11, p. Lexis

      There is no magic formula …there is any action at all.


      Obama not expending political capital on payroll tax cuts

      Wall Street Journal, 9-28-11, p. http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2011/09/28/why-obamas-strategy-for-jobs-legislation-doesnt-involve-legislators/

      Meantime, he said the 

      summer, won’t even be needed.


      political capital


      Political capital is high – transportation and FAA bills prove

      Publius 9-26

      (Free market blogger @ Bacon’s Rebellion, funded by the Piedmont Environmental Council (PEC), Bacon’s Rebellion was the first digital enterprise in Virginia to conduct serious, in-depth journalism on topics related to state and local governmental policy “Congressional Republicans Cave — Again”)


      Flanked by the leaders …combat common to revolutions.


      Issue specificity overwhelms—impossible to quantify levels of capital but possible to know he has sufficient to get it done


      Our evidence assumes foreign policy

      The American Prospect, September, 2011, p. Lexis


      At least in regard to …one--because of 9/11.


      Obama still has political capital and has been focused like a laser on his agenda

      Washington Post, 9/15/2011, p. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/post/obamas-chance-to-bounce-back/2011/09/14/gIQAj4lNTK_blog.html


      In fact, multiple data points 

      people’s clear top priority, jobs, for a while now.



      obama will push plan


      Obama will take the fall

      Politico, 1-7-10, p. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0110/31259.html


      Taking a decidedly different 

      George W. Bush was not.


      Even if it’s not seen as his fault, it will still be his political problem

      Boston Globe, 8-10-11, p. http://articles.boston.com/2011-08-10/bostonglobe/29872956_1_deficit-reduction-stock-market-obama


      Given that, it’s bizarre 

      it is mostly his fault.



      1nr impact turns


      The impact is global trade and trade leadership

      Bower 2010 – CSIS Southeast Asia Senior Adviser and Program Director (12/2, Ernie, “Will political capital be spent on trade?”, http://cogitasia.com/2010/12/02/will-political-capital-be-spent-on-trade-obama-congress-republicans-deal-negotiate/)


      As President Obama left …future depends on it.



      KORUS is key to US trade leadership and strengthens the WTO

      Kim and Markheim 6 (Anthony and Daniella, Research Fellows @ Heritage Foundation, "Time to Put a U.S.-South Korea Free Trade Agreement on the Fast-Track Agenda,"  http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2006/01/time-to-put-a-us-south-korea-free-trade-agreement-on-the-fast-track-agenda)


      In addition to expanding …applied on a worldwide scale.


      Serves as a key template for open, not mercantilist, forms of trade

      Snyder 10 (12/23, Scott, Director of the Center for U.S.-Korea Policy at The Asia Foundation and Adjunct Senior Fellow for Korean Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, “Economic Interdependence, Alliance Cooperation, and Sino-U.S. Complex Interdependence,” http://www.eai.or.kr/type/panelView.asp?bytag=p&catcode=&code=eng_report&idx=9721&page=1)


      One significant implication …U.S.-ROK alliance relationship.


      north korea


      KORUS key to fend off war with the DPRK

      USA Today 12/27/10 ("Our view on commerce: Trade deal with South Korea deserves rapid ratification," http://www.usatoday.com/news/opinion/editorials/2010-12-27-editorial27_ST_N.htm)


      Another trade deal, another …

      be high on the Senate's agenda for 2011.


      at: rising expectations


      We would be able to meet the rising expectations

      Meltzer 12/8/10 (Joshua, Fellow for Global Economy/Development @ Brookings, "A Closer Look at the Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement," http://www.brookings.edu/opinions/2010/1208_us_korea_trade_meltzer.aspx?p=1)


      In addition to the …signed in October 2010.


      KORUS signals parity in the partnership, which puts it on a more sustainable foundation

      Hill 7 (Chris, Asst Secretary for East Asian/Pacific Affairs @ State Dept., "The United States-South Korea FTA:  The Foreign Policy Implications," http://cc.bingj.com/cache.aspx?q=the+KORUS+fta+will+give+impetus+to+global+trade+liberalization&d=4562582578987016&mkt=en-US&setlang=en-US&w=189a795d,7ccf3009)


      First, the KORUS FTA will …global issues of shared concern.


      Even if they win their turn, the FTA plays a psychological role via sunken costs that neither side will bail on

      Snyder 12/23/10  (Scott, Director of the Center for U.S.-Korea Policy at The Asia Foundation and Adjunct Senior Fellow for Korean Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, “Economic Interdependence, Alliance Cooperation, and Sino-U.S. Complex Interdependence,” http://www.eai.or.kr/type/panelView.asp?bytag=p&catcode=&code=eng_report&idx=9721&page=1)


      The authors argue …economic relationship with China.   


      No risk of South Korean adventurism—Kim and Lee’s view is challenged by the shift in economic patterns in the post-cold war world

      Snyder 12/23/10  (Scott, Director of the Center for U.S.-Korea Policy at The Asia Foundation and Adjunct Senior Fellow for Korean Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, “Economic Interdependence, Alliance Cooperation, and Sino-U.S. Complex Interdependence,” http://www.eai.or.kr/type/panelView.asp?bytag=p&catcode=&code=eng_report&idx=9721&page=1)


      hypothesis that Lee and …conclusions are self-contradictory.




  • FYIs

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

  • Round Reports

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • hirdlNeg: Michigan AL
      Round #8  Tournament: Shirley
      Vs Team: Baylor FK
      Judge: Polin



      Off Case Args:

      Payroll Tax Politics DA


      Qatar CP

      Turkey CP



      Case Args:

      Case defense

      SKAF backlash turn


      Block Strategy:

      Case defense




      2nr Strategy:

      Case Defense


      Neg: Michigan AL
      Round 5  Tournament: Shirley
      Vs Team: Kansas WP
      Judge: Harrigan



      Off Case Args: EU CP, EU SoPo NB, Turkey CP, Turkey SoPo NB, Orientalism, Payroll Tax ptx



      Case Args: Assad inevitable, alt cause to civil war, no Saudi-Iran war, no intervention, cbw defense, no Syria-Israel war, no escalation, MB moderate



      Block Strategy: Turkey CP, SoPo NB, Ptx, Case



      2nr Strategy: Turkey CP + SoPo NB


      Neg:Michigan AL
      Round #4  Tournament: Wake
      Vs Team: NU VL
      Judge: Alex Parkinson



      Off Case Args:

      Turkey CP- Soft Power NB


      Saudi Arabia Disad



      Case Args:



      Block Strategy:

      Turkey CP- Soft Power


      Saudi 1NR


      2nr Strategy:

      Turkey CP- Soft Power


      Saudi 1NR


      Neg: Michigan AL
      Round 2  Tournament: Shirley
      Vs Team: MSU



      Off Case Args: Payroll Tax PTX, T: can’t use third party, Orientalism K, India Dialogue CP, Saudi DA



      Case Args: SCAF backlash turn, Kiss of death, MB good (heg, terror), warming defense, India say no



      Block Strategy:

      CP: dialogue over democracy = better starting point than assistance, no DA key warrant

      Case: India coop inevitable, India backlash turn, MB won’t get power and won’t control foreign policy, can’t solve in time of elections, no aid now, impact defense

      K: epistemology first, error replication, link turn cede the political, discourse of danger link, our K is not Said





      2nr Strategy:

      CP: kick, go for internal net benefit, India says no vote neg presumption + causes backlash

      Saudi: turns case causes intervention means aff doesn’t happen vote neg presumption, escalation outweighs on time frame da takes too long for solvency

      Case: MB – SCAF control inevitable they would just cancel elections and they solve the impact by controlling foreign policy, aff solvency too long, no chinese lashout Coop – can’t get clean tech fast enough, status quo solves ideological cooperation inevitable, say no


  • Shirley 1NC Payroll Tax Cuts Politics

    • Tournament: Shirley | Round: 2 | Opponent: MSU RM | Judge: Ross Garrett

    • Congress will soon pass payroll tax cuts

      Zacks Investment Research, 11-10-11, p. Lexis

      However, the first quarter may ….some hope that we will get at least an extension.


      PC Key


      Werner 10-25

      (Erica, AP, 10/25/2011, “For Obama, new focus on the piecemeal,” http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5jBBAuCkwwz36b0l5ZSe63veDz47Q?docId=c480f4a9b7634e9f8e0fd60ddd74c5ef)

      LOS ANGELES (AP) — The president who …try to do everything he can."



      No support for aid to Egypt --- even raising the issue drains capital

      Guttman ’11 (Nathan,- Washington-based correspondent for the Israeli newspaper Haaretz 5-17 “Congress Wielding Foreign Aid Budget in Effort to Influence Shape of New Middle East”)


      WASHINGTON — Congress’s power of the …raise the issue in Congress, he said.


      Payroll inclusion key to avert economic shock and a second recession

      Washington Post, 9-8-11, p. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/ezra-klein/post/just-how-effective-is-the-payroll-tax-cut/2011/09/08/gIQAodirCK_blog.html


      President Obama is expected to call 

      will at least avert further degradation.


      Spills over globally

      CNN, 8-10-11, p. http://money.cnn.com/2011/08/10/news/economy/double_dip_recession_economy/index.htm


      Another recession could be 

      no policy effort to counteract it.’’



      Austin 9 (Michael, Resident Scholar – American Enterprise Institute, and Desmond Lachman – Resident Fellow – American Enterprise Institute, “The Global Economy Unravels”, Forbes, 3-6, http://www.aei.org/article/100187)


      What do these trends mean in the short …explosions that coalesce into a big bang.


      cites politics 1nr


      Economy turns their impact—delayed recovery or collapse makes every impact worse

      Blair 2009 - Director of National Intelligence (2/12, Dennis, CQ Congressional Testimony)


      The primary near-term security the international financial structure.


      AND Theory is on our side – 
      Royal 10 – Jedediah Royal, Director of Cooperative Threat Reduction at the U.S. Department of Defense, 2010, “Economic Integration, Economic Signaling and the Problem of Economic Crises,” in Economics of War and Peace: Economic, Legal and Political Perspectives, ed. Goldsmith and Brauer, p. 213-215


      Less intuitive is how periods of economic debate and deserves more attention.


      Yes pol cap --- jobs debate helping Obama’s leverage


      Youngman 11-10

      (Sam,- writer for The Hill “White House thinks Obama has regained 'upper hand' with GOP on economy”)

      President Obama has regained the “upper extended time to visit Indonesia and Australia. 



      Will pass


      Ohlemacher 10-24

      (Stephem- writer for the AP “Yes, parts of the jobs bill will pass”)

      Congress will almost certainly approve …significant opposition from Republicans.


      Payroll tax cuts will pass Congress and are key to the US economy

      Christian Science Monitor, 11-2-11, p. Lexis

      Here's an analysis of the job-creation potential …to pass the divided Congress.


      Congressional bipartisanship over Obama’s Jobs Bill

      Politico, 11-10-11, p. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1111/68095.html

      With partisan sniping dominating deficit ….

      think they deserve bipartisan support.”


      Passage of payroll tax cuts needed to avert a new US economic downturn

      Mark Zandi, Chief economist of Moody's Analytics, where he directs research and consulting, 9-9-11, p. http://www.economy.com/dismal/article_free.asp?cid=224641


      Given the current political environment

       work quickly and decisively.


      Payroll tax cuts will reverse the drag on national economic growth and avert another recession

      Christian Weller, Associate Professor at the Department of Public Policy and Public Affairs, University of Massachusetts, Boston and a Senior Fellow at Center for American Progress, National Public Radio, 9-12-11, p. http://www.npr.org/2011/09/12/140393524/new-republic-why-we-need-payroll-tax-cuts

      These criticisms miss the mark. A cut in payroll 

      extending tax cuts for the rich.


      Will pass --- Obama pushing


      Lee 11-10

      (Carol E,- writer for the WSJ, former writer for Politico “White House to Push to Extend Payroll Cut”)

      The White House is gearing up to …year,” a senior administration official said.





      Payroll tax cut portion of Jobs Bill will come up for a vote in a few weeks

      Roll Call, 11-8-11, p. Lexis

      That doesn't mean they won't return to the …off that," one House aide said.



      Obama will expend a tremendous amount of political capital to get payroll tax cuts passed soon

      Sam Stein, Politics Reporter for the Huffington Post, 11-10-11, p. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/11/10/payroll-tax-cut-obama-administration-year-end-showdown_n_1086761.html

      WASHINGTON -- Top officials in the …

      Democratic aides on Capitol Hill have largely agreed.


      Yes vote switching—even due to unrelated legislation

      Simes and Saunders 2010 – *publisher of the National Interest, **Executive Director of The Nixon Center and Associate Publisher of The National Interest, served in the State Department from 2003 to 2005 (12/23, Dimitri and Paul, National Interest, “START of a Pyrrhic Victory?”,http://nationalinterest.org/commentary/start-pyrrhic-victory-4626, WEA)


      Had the lame-duck session not already …

      for the low vote count onto Republicans.


      Obama’s lack of total power is why persuasion matters

      Ryan, 2009 – Former Director of the Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies (1/18, Selwyn, Trinidad Express, “Obama and Political Capital”, www.trinidadexpress.com/index.pl/article_opinion?id=161426968, WEA)


      One of the "realities" that Obama has to ….I the leader say you do.


      Congress doesn’t want to abandon Assad --- they’ll backlash



      (Elliott,-  Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies 5-11 “Can Anyone Explain Our Syria Policy?”)

      U.S. policy in the face of these horrors …policies toward Syria are nothing new.


      Drains capital --- it’s a tough sell


      Rogin ‘11

      (Josh,- staff writer for Foreign Policy 9-12 “State Department opens Middle East Transitions office”)

      In a Monday interview with The Cable, …does have some support in both parties.


      Plan is not a win

      Miller, 9/22/11 - public policy scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and a former U.S. Middle East negotiator (Aaron, “The Do-Nothing Strategy,” http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/09/22/the_do_nothing_strategy?page=0,2


      Still, amid all the fog and confusion, the road for this …highly combustible issues like Israel.



      Suddenly forcing bills doesn’t help.  The aff overstretches and even Ornstein agrees

      Ornstein 2009 – resident scholar at AEI, PhD in political science from U Mich (7/8, Norman, "Is Obama Too Weak in Dealing with Congress?", Roll Call, WEA)


      But even in a wonderfully functional 

      either chamber, you get nowhere.


  • Shirley 1NC India Dialogue CP

    • Tournament: Shirley | Round: 2 | Opponent: MSU RM | Judge: Ross Garrett

    • The United States federal government should engage in a dialogue with the Republic of India over aid programs relevant to political reform in Egypt, offering to share United States experiences with political party training in Egypt with India about what strategies have worked or not worked and provide any requested expertise for Indian democracy assistance.


      The CP builds democracy cooperation with India but competes because it isn’t democracy assistance

      Carothers and Youngs, 11 - *vice president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He is the founder and director of the Democracy and Rule of Law Program AND **director general of FRIDE. He is also assistant professor at the University of Warwick in the UK (Thomas and Richard, “Looking for Help: Will Rising Democracies Become International Democracy Supporters?”, July,http://carnegieendowment.org/files/Rising_democracies_final.pdf)


      A promising approach might be ….

      top-down, high-profile political initiatives.


      The plan is a model of US ownership that undermines cooperation – it wrecks US credibility and relations

      Carothers and Youngs, 11 - *vice president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He is the founder and director of the Democracy and Rule of Law Program AND **director general of FRIDE. He is also assistant professor at the University of Warwick in the UK (Thomas and Richard, “Looking for Help: Will Rising Democracies Become International Democracy Supporters?”, July,http://carnegieendowment.org/files/Rising_democracies_final.pdf)


      Second, keep an open mind with regard …

      their efforts are in fact bearing fruit.



  • Shirley Rd 2 1NC/Block vs. MSU RM

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1nc ptx



      Congress will soon pass payroll tax cuts

      Zacks Investment Research, 11-10-11, p. Lexis

      However, the first quarter may ….some hope that we will get at least an extension.


      PC Key


      Werner 10-25

      (Erica, AP, 10/25/2011, “For Obama, new focus on the piecemeal,” http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5jBBAuCkwwz36b0l5ZSe63veDz47Q?docId=c480f4a9b7634e9f8e0fd60ddd74c5ef)

      LOS ANGELES (AP) — The president who …try to do everything he can."



      No support for aid to Egypt --- even raising the issue drains capital

      Guttman ’11 (Nathan,- Washington-based correspondent for the Israeli newspaper Haaretz 5-17 “Congress Wielding Foreign Aid Budget in Effort to Influence Shape of New Middle East”)


      WASHINGTON — Congress’s power of the …raise the issue in Congress, he said.


      Payroll inclusion key to avert economic shock and a second recession

      Washington Post, 9-8-11, p. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/ezra-klein/post/just-how-effective-is-the-payroll-tax-cut/2011/09/08/gIQAodirCK_blog.html


      President Obama is expected to call …

      will at least avert further degradation.


      Spills over globally

      CNN, 8-10-11, p. http://money.cnn.com/2011/08/10/news/economy/double_dip_recession_economy/index.htm


      Another recession could be …

      no policy effort to counteract it.’’



      Austin 9 (Michael, Resident Scholar – American Enterprise Institute, and Desmond Lachman – Resident Fellow – American Enterprise Institute, “The Global Economy Unravels”, Forbes, 3-6, http://www.aei.org/article/100187)


      What do these trends mean in the short …explosions that coalesce into a big bang.



      1nc topicality



      ‘Its’ is a possessive pronoun showing ownership

      Glossary of English Grammar Terms, 2005 (http://www.usingenglish.com/glossary/possessive-pronoun.html)


      Mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, …

      that it belongs to me.)


      This is determined by branding requirements

      Boudreau, 7 - Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Political Science, The City College of New York and Director of the Colin Powell Center for Policy Studies, USA. (Vincent, Security and Democracy: Process and Outcome in a New Policy Context, Democratization, 14:2, 313-330, Taylor and Francis)


      Finally, democracy assistance programmes …effects on democracy down the line.


      For requires a direct relationship, it can’t be something that just affects the object

      Words and Phrases, 4 (Words and Phrases Permanent Edition, “For,” Volume 17, p. 338-343 November 2004, Thomson West)


      W. D. Tenn. 1942. The Fair Labor Standards ….purpose which implies an indirect relation.


      Violation – they channel aid through an alternate intermediary


      Vote neg –


      1. Limits – intermediaries explode the topic – it means channeling assistance through the UN, IMF, World Bank, GCC or any organization is topical – this creates an entirely different topic


      2. Ground – we can only have disad links if the aid is provided identifiably by the US.  Err negative because the quality of disad links on this topic is terrible given small affirmative mechanisms.





      1nc k



      Belief in the necessity of US intervention for democracy is steeped in Orientalist logic

      Fred M. Shelley Department of Geography and Environmental Sustainability, University of Oklahoma,  Orientalism, Idealism, and Realism: The United States and the "Arab Spring"  The Arab World Geographer / Le Geographe du monde arab Vol 14, no 2 (2011) 169-173


      Edward Said's classic work on Orientalism (1978) provides ….between these governments and the West.


      These understandings are not neutral, and their propagation furthers limitless violence and inequality

      Pinar Batur, PhD @ UT-Austin – Prof. of Sociology @ Vassar, 07 [“The Heart of Violence: Global Racism, War, and Genocide,” in Handbook of The Sociology of Racial and Ethnic Relations, eds. Vera and Feagin, p. 446-7]


      At the turn of the 20th century, the “Terrible Turk” ….century opened up with genocide, in Darfur.


      The alternative is to refuse the plan for its stake in Orientalist scholarship.  It’s vital to unseat the way they pose their findings, which buttress inequality by feigning neutrality

      Anand 7 — Reader, IR, U Westminster. PhD, politics, Bristol (Dibyesh, Western Colonial Representations of the Other, http://staff.bath.ac.uk/ecsda/DAnandNPSArticleMar07.pdf) Note – epiphenomenal = a secondary question/phenomenon


      Within the context of European imperialism, the ….negation of most non-Western natives and idealization of some.





      1nc cp



      The United States federal government should engage in a dialogue with the Republic of India over aid programs relevant to political reform in Egypt, offering to share United States experiences with political party training in Egypt with India about what strategies have worked or not worked and provide any requested expertise for Indian democracy assistance.


      The CP builds democracy cooperation with India but competes because it isn’t democracy assistance

      Carothers and Youngs, 11 - *vice president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He is the founder and director of the Democracy and Rule of Law Program AND **director general of FRIDE. He is also assistant professor at the University of Warwick in the UK (Thomas and Richard, “Looking for Help: Will Rising Democracies Become International Democracy Supporters?”, July, http://carnegieendowment.org/files/Rising_democracies_final.pdf)


      A promising approach might be ….

      top-down, high-profile political initiatives.


      The plan is a model of US ownership that undermines cooperation – it wrecks US credibility and relations

      Carothers and Youngs, 11 - *vice president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He is the founder and director of the Democracy and Rule of Law Program AND **director general of FRIDE. He is also assistant professor at the University of Warwick in the UK (Thomas and Richard, “Looking for Help: Will Rising Democracies Become International Democracy Supporters?”, July, http://carnegieendowment.org/files/Rising_democracies_final.pdf)


      Second, keep an open mind with regard …

      their efforts are in fact bearing fruit.



      1nc saudi



      Plan causes Saudi Backlash

      Hanna 2011 — fellow and program officer at The Century Foundation, former senior fellow at the International Human Rights Law Institute, term-member of the Council on Foreign Relations (3/8, Michael Wahid, World Politics Review, “Saudi Arabia: Royal Succession, Regional Turmoil”, http://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/articles/8120/saudi-arabia-royal-succession-regional-turmoil, WEA)

      The kingdom's current defensive posture ….its authority to determine royal succession.


      Link comes first—plan turns tension into cataclysm and ruins US calibration policy

      Pollack et al 6/28/2011 – *Director, Saban Center for Middle East Policy, **Hertog Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy, Saban Center for Middle East Policy, ***Nonresident Fellow, Foreign Policy, Brookings Doha Center (Kenneth M. Pollack, Michael Doran, Leigh Nolan, Brookings, Event Summary, “Managing Reform? Saudi Arabia and the King's Dilemma”, http://www.brookings.edu/events/2011/0628_saudi_arabia.aspx?p=1, WEA)


      The second speaker began by asking two ….that this is crucial for jobs and social stability.


      The result is alliance collapse

      Takeyh 2011 — PhD from Oxford, Adjunct professor, Center for Peace and Security Studies, Georgetown University, Senior adviser to special adviser for Gulf and Southwest Asia, Department of State, Professor of National Security Studies, National War College, Fellow in International Security Studies, Yale University (6/8, Ray, New York Times, “A Post-American Day Dawns in the Mideast”, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/09/opinion/09iht-edtakeyh09.html?_r=2, WEA)


      For nearly 60 years, Saudi Arabia predicated its …seriously contemplated in the House of Saud.


      The impact is Saudi prolif

      Rozen 2011 – the chief foreign policy reporter for Politico, quoting Patrick Clawson, a Persian Gulf expert at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy and Marc Lynch, a Middle East expert at George Washington University (4/18, Laura, Yahoo News, “Arab spring setbacks in the shadow of complicated U.S.-Saudi alliance”, http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_theenvoy/20110418/ts_yblog_theenvoy/optimism-for-arab-spring-fades-in-face-of-complicated-u-s-saudi-alliance, WEA)


      Riyadh, alarmed by the Obama ….

      are accused of being Iranian agents."


      The impact is rapidfire prolif and multiple nuclear war scenarios

      Edelman et al 2011 – *Distinguished Fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments; he was U.S. Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, **President of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, ***Research Fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (Eric S. Edelman, Andrew Krepinevich, Evan Montgomery, Foreign Affairs, “The dangers of a nuclear Iran”, http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/67162/eric-s-edelman-andrew-f-krepinevich-jr-and-evan-braden-montgomer/the-dangers-of-a-nuclear-iran)


      There is, however, at least one state that could receive ….Game, with unpredictable consequences.





      1nc brotherhood



      SCAF domination inevitable

      Hokayem, November, 11 (Emile, “Mounting fears over Egyptian Army's 'counter-revolution', http://www.iiss.org/whats-new/iiss-voices/revolutionary-road/mounting-fears-over-egyptian-armys-counter-revolution/


      It is undeniable that the Egyptian …the despised Brotherhood.


      New constitutional rules guarantee the SCAF a behind the scenes ruling power

      Washington Post, 11/3/11 (Editorial, “Washington should dissuade Egyptian military’s bid to perpetuate power,” http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/washington-should-dissuade-egyptian-militarys-bid-to-perpetuate-power/2011/11/03/gIQARLELjM_story.html)


      EGYPT’S MILITARY rulers, who pledged ….

      use it to reverse what amounts to a coup.


      Solves Brotherhood

      Abdelhadi, 10/31/11 - a freelance writer and broadcaster, until recently he was the BBC's Arab affairs analyst (Magdi, The Guardian, “History haunts Egypt's revolution,” http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/oct/31/history-haunts-egypt-revolution


      Back in March, Scaf promised to hand power to a ….

      an all-out confrontation with the army if it does not honour its pledge.


      Solvency is stupid—they have no evidence the aff can solve Brotherhood ascendancy IN TIME for the election, which means they only access long term party development when it’s too late.


      Plan causes SCAF backlash - causes rejection of US assistance and expulsion of the military

      Martini and Taylor, 11 [JEFF MARTINI is a Project Associate at the RAND Corporation, JULIE TAYLOR is a Political Scientist at the RAND Corporation, “Commanding Democracy in Egypt” Foreign Affairs, September/October, p. ebscohost.]


      Yet the United States' capacity to advance …that the United States can do little to change.


      Relations high now but backlash crushes overall hegemony, causes Israel war, and prevents Iranian containment-it’s a bigger and faster internal link to the case

      WOOD 11 - DAVID WOOD Chief Military Correspondent for Politics Daily “At Risk in Egypt's Turmoil: U.S. Military Access to the Middle East” www.politicsdaily.com/2011/02/05/at-risk-in-egypts-turmoil-u-s-military-access-to-the-middle-e/


      Whatever the outcome of the tumult …

      would ferry troops into action.


      Plan is the kiss of death for liberal groups

      Carpenter, 11 - vice president for defense and foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute (Ted, “What Should U.S. Do about Egypt? Very Little,” http://www.cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=12780)


      The danger of meddling…

       role during these turbulent days.


      The plan gives legitimacy to illiberal groups- causes backlash

      Strasser, 11 - Max Strasser 11 is a freelance journalist and writer in Istanbul who covers Turkey, Egypt and the Middle East. “Can USAID Be a Force For Good In Egypt?” Middle East Online 7/26 http://www.middle-east-online.com/english/?id=47350


      Suspicion of foreign interference is a ….

      may be little other recourse for Egypt.


      No China impact

      Ross, 9 – professor of political science at Boston College (Robert, The National Interest, “Myth”, 9/1,



      Despite impressive Chinese advances, in …undermining U.S. security.


      They assume inordinate PLA control

      Ko 2010 – quoting PLA general, a former senior adviser at the National Security Council in Taipei, and professor of political science at the Graduate Institute of East Asian Studies at National Chengchi University (10/5, Ko Shu-ling, Taipei Times, “Politics and the military blur in China”, http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/print/2010/10/05/2003484611, WEA)


      What, then, lies behind the mixed signals from …

      military’s influence on politics.


      Econ ties check

      Perry and Scowcroft 9 William (Michael and Barbara Berberian professor at Stanford University.) and Brent (resident trustee of the Forum for International Policy.) “US Nuclear Weapons Policy.” 2009. Council on Foreign Relations. Online.


      Economic interdependence provides …dialogues on larger strategic issues.


      1nc india energy



      No Sino-India conflict

      Nalapat, 11/3/11 - Vice-Chair, Manipal Advanced Research Group, UNESCO Peace Chair & Professor of Geopolitics, Manipal University, Haryana State, India (MD, Pakistan Observer, “China wary as India looks East,”



      The rapid economic growth since …to resources and economic development for all sides.


      Strong incentives exist to deescalate energy conflicts – tensions fuels cooperation and codes of conduct – solves their trade impact

      Gupta, 10/17/11 - Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (Rukmani, “The South China Sea Disputes: Why Conflict Is Not Inevitable? – Analysis,” Eurasia Review, http://www.eurasiareview.com/17102011-the-south-china-sea-disputes-why-conflict-is-not-inevitable-analysis/)


      These suggestions to recalibrate Indian …

      SLOCS thus seems somewhat exaggerated.



      Energy cooperation is more likely than conflict

      Kim, 10/17/11 - Consultancy Africa Intelligence’s Asia Dimension Unit (Yejoo, “Chinese and Indian cooperation in Africa: The case of Sudan,”



      When looking at the relations between ….

      important for China as well.(21)


      Current diversification measures solve – both to non-oil sources of energy and non-Middle East sources of oil

      OxResearch Daily Brief Service. 11 (“INTERNATIONAL: China, India try to cut oil dependency”, 3/3,  http://www.relooney.info/SI_Routledge-Oil/Oxford-Oil_6.pdf)


      SIGNIFICANCE: High and volatile oil prices ….

      China has already made significant investments.


      Inevitable – escalating Iran threats

      Blas, 11/9/11 (Javier, “China and India’s oil reserve problem,” Financial Times,



      The war of words between Washington …

      oil similar to that witnessed in the late 1970s after the Shah’s collapse.


      1nc india partnership



      Partnership is strong and long-term – pessimists are wrong look too much at singular events over long term trends

      Tellis, 11 – senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment (Ashley, “THE FUTURE OF THE U.S.-INDIA PARTNERSHIP,” 9/27, http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/Files/events/2011/0927_india_us/20110927_us_india_partnership_panel2.pdf)


      There were three reasons why the ….

      with the challenges ahead of us.


      India fails

      Pant, 11 - Lecturer Kings College, London (Harsh, “THE FUTURE OF THE U.S.-INDIA PARTNERSHIP,” 9/27, http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/Files/events/2011/0927_india_us/20110927_us_india_partnership_panel2.pdf)


      The second on the question of …as a regional security provider.


      India says no

      Carothers and Youngs, 11 - *vice president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He is the founder and director of the Democracy and Rule of Law Program AND **director general of FRIDE. He is also assistant professor at the University of Warwick in the UK (Thomas and Richard, “Looking for Help: Will Rising Democracies Become International Democracy Supporters?”, July, http://carnegieendowment.org/files/Rising_democracies_final.pdf)


      At the same time, India is suspicious ….maneuver on other issues.16




      2nc solves cooperation



      Your solvency author concedes dialogue alone solves the case – this is the entire article and does not conclude the US should increase anything – consultation and dialogue are sufficient

      Latif 11 (S. Amer, Visiting Fellow and Wadhwani Chair in U.S.-India Policy Studies – Center for Strategic and International Studies, “Talking Over the Arab Spring”, CSIS Blog, 7-12, http://csis.org/publication/talking-over-arab-spring)


      Clearly, India and the United States ….

      strategic convergence in this critical region.




      2nc perm both



      Doesn’t solve – it’s perceived as a US owned process – our 1nc Carothers and Youngs evidence slays the perm.  Think of the counterplan as a genuine consultation counterplan that never fiats the plan.  We engage in a process of genuine consultation over methods of assistance and provides whatever advice and expertise India wants so India can increase its own assistance


      The perm fials because it’s not genuine consultation – it has us provide democracy assistance regardless – the type and amount is decided in advance by the plan.  This gets perceived as trying to get India to rubber stamp our agenda, rather than India driving the process itself.


      The point of dialogue is that India hasn’t made up its mind over what kind of democracy assistance works the best or what exactly should occur in Egypt – the permutation short-circuits the dialogue by getting the US to act first.

      Pant, 9/27/11 - Lecturer Kings College, London (Harsh, “THE FUTURE OF THE U.S.-INDIA PARTNERSHIP,” 9/27, http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/Files/events/2011/0927_india_us/20110927_us_india_partnership_panel2.pdf)


      MR. PANT: I would respond to …to say, but it would take a long time for it.


      India and the US disagree over approach – if the perm increases assistance, it pushes India in a direction it isn’t willing to go

      CFR, 11 – Joint Study Group Report between the Aspen Institute and the Council on Foreign Relations (“The United States and India A Shared Strategic Future” September, http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=8&ved=0CE4QFjAH&url=http%3A%2F%2Fi.cfr.org%2Fcontent%2Fpublications%2Fattachments%2FUSIndia_jointstudygroup_IIGG.pdf&ei=ibG9Tp-MCtCDtgeJz4HOBg&usg=AFQjCNE7_JtNUI8fUzMOzxawlu7_1PhkQw)


      India has favored a much less …India’s policy toward West Asia.









      Our approach to moderates will have to vary by region – plan can’t be a model

      KREBS ‘8 (Ronald R.; Assistant Professor and McKnight Land-Grant Professor – Department of Political Science – University of Minnesota, “Rethinking the Battle of Ideas: How the United States can Help Muslim Moderates,” Orbis, v. 52, i. 2)


      Properly calibrating such a …Middle East to Europe to Southeast Asia.



      Their argument seriously misreads Turkish foreign policy – all available data say that Turkey is aligned with US interests despite acting independently

      Saunders, 9/16/11  - internally qualified (Doug, “The Middle East’s new emperor: Why the West quietly cheers Turkey’s rise,”  The Globe and Mail, http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/africa-mideast/the-middle-easts-new-emperor-why-the-west-quietly-cheers-turkeys-rise/article2169665/)


      But it is exactly those sort of imperial …

      bankrolling terrorists groups like Hezbollah.



      religious freedom



      Our stance won’t matter

      Doug Bandow 11, senior fellow at the Cato Institute, “What Kind of Revolution?”, 7-13, http://spectator.org/archives/2011/07/13/what-kind-of-revolution/2


      For the first time the USCIRF …had no effect on events on the street in any case.



      Plan looks like self-interest and doesn’t solve

      Thomas F Farr 2008, visiting associate professor of religion and international affairs at the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University. He is a senior fellow at Georgetown's Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs, where he directs the Religious Freedom Project and the program on Religion and US Foreign Policy. He also directs the Task Force on International Religious Freedom for the Witherspoon Institute in Princeton, N.J. He is a member of the Board of Advisors of the John Templeton Foundation, “Bringing Religion into International Religious Freedom Policy”, http://repository.berkleycenter.georgetown.edu/Farr_God-GlobalOrder.pdf


      Those factors have in some ways …religious beliefs as a public matter.



      Promoting religious freedom hurts US-China relations

      Christian Post 9-16-2011;  China Slams US for Pushing Religious Freedom http://www.christianpost.com/news/china-slams-u-s-for-pushing-religious-freedom-55735/


      Leaders in China are not pleased …development of bilateral relations.”



      US-China relations key to solve every scenario for extinction better than the aff

      Cohen and Greenberg, 09 (William S. Cohen is chairman and CEO of The Cohen Group, a strategic business consulting firm based in Washington, D.C. Secretary Cohen served as U.S. secretary of defense, Maurice R. Greenberg is chairman and CEO of C.V. Starr & Co., Inc. Mr. Greenberg retired four years ago as chairman and CEO of American International Group (AIG) after more than 40 years of leadership, creating the largest insurance company in history, “Smart Power in U.S.-China Relations,” pg online @ http://csis.org/files/media/csis/pubs/090309_mcgiffert_uschinasmartpower_web.pdf)


      The evolution of Sino-U.S. relations …the EP-3 reconnaissance plane collision in April 2001.

      at: ideational coop key



      This argument is dumb, India and the US are both democracies, they have shared ideational interests, our 1nc Tellis evidence forecasts long-term partnership – it may not use the word ‘ideational’ but the warrants predict sustained cooperation despite occasional disagreements


      Current economic cooperation answers their ideational argument – it explicitly outweighs democracy in the relationship

      Taylor, 10 – masters thesis from the School of Contemporary South Asian Studies at the University of Oxford (Chris, Profitable Partners: Theorising the relationship between India and the United States since the end of the Cold War http://www.southasia.ox.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0020/37019/Taylor,_C_MSc_thesis_June_2010.pdf )


      The India-US relationship suggests …

      schools, but led by liberalism.




      at: aid now



      This argument refers to an Obama phone call where he mentioned his Egypt budget request in the foreign aid bill – it’s not anything new and it’s about his economic package

      Hispanic Business News, 10/25/11 (Obama Stresses Full Support for Egypt's Transition, http://www.hispanicbusiness.com/news/2011/10/25/obama_stresses_full_support_for_egypts.htm)


      President Obama on Monday called Hussein …

      needs, the White House said in a statement.


      Those appropriations are old news – that’s what was announced in February

      McInerney 11 (Stephen, Executive Director of the Project on Middle East Democracy, “The Federal Budget and Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2012,” July 2011, http://pomed.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/FY2012-Budget-Report-web.pdf)


      The administration submitted to …administration’s carefully constructed FY12 budget.


      And the FY2012 budget debate won’t occur until halfway through 2012 which means it doesn’t hurt politics

      McInerney 11 (Stephen, Executive Director of the Project on Middle East Democracy, “The Federal Budget and Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2012,” July 2011, http://pomed.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/FY2012-Budget-Report-web.pdf)


      In theory, Congress should pass …information lacking on both sides.



      2nc cede the political block3



      We don’t cede it, we rehabilitate it—they link harder

      Brown 5 – Professor of political science at UC Berkeley (Edgework: Critical Essays on Knowledge and Politics, Wendy, Professor of Poli Sci, UC Berkeley)


      On the one hand, critical theory cannot …their imaginative reach and vigor.




      2nc impact overview1



      it fetishizes immediate crises to obscure violent underpinnings.  There’s a difference between impact comparison and assessment—their terminal disasters rig the game by using worst-case scenarios to compel reaction.  Since imperialism can only be justified in reference to an even greater disaster, self-constitutive discourse is dangerous       

      Bilgin 2005 – Prof IR, Bikent University, Regional Security in the Middle East a Critical Perspective, Page 164-165


      Thinking about the future from a critical security …insecurity in the Middle East.



      2nc said indicts block2




      Even if they win Said mis-construed reality, they have no evidence saying EVERYTHING he ever said was wrong, and lacking that means you shouldn’t automatically assume parts of his knowledge we draw upon are the flawed parts.


      Criticisms of Said don't apply to modern scholars

      Zachary Lockman is professor of modern Middle East history at New York University, PhD Harvard, Behind the Battles Over US Middle East Studies , January 2004 http://www.merip.org/mero/interventions/lockman_interv.html


      Overall, Kramer’s approach is deeply ….is shallow and tendentious.


      1nr saudi overview


      Saudi prolif outweighs, that's Edelman:


      A) Escalation potential—you should distinguish nuclear wars by manageability.  Saudi prolif is unique because there no normal checks like communication, stable dyads, regular alliances, command and control, verifiability and time to decide.  External factors and interventions cannot de-escalate this.


      B) That means we access an immediate escalation of tension in the immediate term even before full nuclearization, that’s a quicker timeframe

      Mitchell and Phillips, 8 – *professor in the Practice of International Politics at Columbia University’s School of International and Political Affairs AND ** project director of the National Committee on American Foreign Policy and currently a visiting scholar at Columbia University’s Center for the Study of Human Rights (Lincoln and David, “Enhancing Democracy Assistance”, http://www.acus.org/files/publication_pdfs/65/Enhancing%20Democracy%20Assistance.pdf)


      Democracy assistance requires a …are fluid, fast-moving and unpredictable.


      Turns case—they will squash the actors we support

      Nasr 2011 - professor of international politics at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy of Tufts University, former advisor to Holbrooke, the Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, adjunct senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and a senior fellow at the Belfer Center of the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University (5/23, Vali, Bloomberg, “Will the Saudis Kill the Arab Spring?”, http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-05-23/will-the-saudis-kill-the-arab-spring-.html, WEA)


      Washington had encouraged ….

      qualify on neither count.

      1nr uniqueness



      Each revolution is unique—anger on other issues hasn’t spilled over, but the plan could change this

      MacFarquhar 2011 (5/27, Neil, New York Times, “Saudis Scramble in Bid to Contain Regional Unrest”)


      RIYADH, Saudi Arabia -- Saudi Arabia is flexing its ….and Oman, which has also faced protests.


      Not an alt cause—disregard their sources

      Teitelbaum 10/26/2011 – Principal Research Associate at the GLORIA Center and teaches Middle Eastern history at Bar-Ilan University, visiting positions at the Hoover Institution and the Center for Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law at Stanford (Joshua, GLORIA Center, “Saudi Arabia Faces a Changing Middle East”, http://www.gloria-center.org/2011/10/saudi-arabia-faces-a-changing-middle-east/, WEA)


      On June 10, 2011, former Ambassador to Washington …

      using this tone in the Saudi press.


      It’s a bluff – Saudi Arabia historically fronts this and it doesn’t matter.  The Arab Spring is what they actually care about

      Satloff, 11 - executive director of The Washington Institute (Robert, “Filling the Strategy Vacuum in the Middle East,” 6/14,



      The first such effort -- the false bravado of …

      idea at the UN is patently absurd.



      Less important than Arab Spring

      Joffe 2011 – IR fellow at Stanford (4/26, Josef, Hoover, “The Arab Spring and the Palestine distraction”, http://www.hoover.org/news/daily-report/76576)


      In politics, shoddy theories never die. In the ….consent—makes for peace abroad.


      1nr resilience


      Resilience doesn’t assume this particular king—plan turns tension into anger

      Molavi 2011 – Middle East scholar at the New American Foundation (Afshin, interview with Fareed Zakaria, CNN, “The state of the Saudi-U.S. relationship”, globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn.com/2011/03/22/the-state-of-the-saudi-u-s-relationship/, WEA)


      At the bureaucratic level, the Saudi-U.S. …

      there is this tension right now.


      Economic and security ties are not enough

      Marone 9 (David, Master’s candidate. “The U.S. Footprint on the Arabian Peninsula: Can We Avoid a Repeat of the Pullout from Saudi Arabia? (thesis)” Naval Postgraduate School: December 2009. http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA514375&Location=U2&doc=GetTRDoc.pdf.)


      Primarily, historical research explains …other bilateral relationships the United States shares with GCC countries.


      Teitelbaum isn’t conclusively aff—past events disprove resilience, so it’s a function of whether we make things worse by acting against their perceived interests.  Their argument doesn’t assume future policy shifts after the Obama recalibration

      Teitelbaum 10/26/2011 – Principal Research Associate at the GLORIA Center and teaches Middle Eastern history at Bar-Ilan University, visiting positions at the Hoover Institution and the Center for Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law at Stanford (Joshua, GLORIA Center, “Saudi Arabia Faces a Changing Middle East”, http://www.gloria-center.org/2011/10/saudi-arabia-faces-a-changing-middle-east/, WEA)


      The so-called Arab Spring was the …

      hedging their bets.[77]



      1nr link


      Egypt is a key concern for Saudis—they fear new regimes aligning closer with Iran

      Teitelbaum 2011 – PhD, lecturer at Bar-Ilan University, senior research associate at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, visiting fellow and contributor to the Task Force on Islamism and the International Order at Stanford’s Hoover Institution (4/23, Joshua, Perspectives 140, Papers on Current Affairs, "Saudi Arabia, Iran and America in the Wake of the Arab Spring", http://www.biu.ac.il/SOC/besa/perspectives140.html, WEA)


      Saudi-Egyptian Relations

      A pro-Western ally of Egypt …more favorable toward Iran.


  • Shirley R 1NC/Block vs. NU LV

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • saudi arabia da


      American Arab Spring policies have put Saudi Arabia on edge—additional support for democracy ensures backlash

      Hanna 2011 — fellow and program officer at The Century Foundation, former senior fellow at the International Human Rights Law Institute, term-member of the Council on Foreign Relations (3/8, Michael Wahid, World Politics Review, “Saudi Arabia: Royal Succession, Regional Turmoil”, http://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/articles/8120/saudi-arabia-royal-succession-regional-turmoil, WEA)


      The kingdom's current defensive … to determine royal succession.


      Link comes first—plan turns tension into cataclysm and ruins US calibration policy

      Pollack et al 6/28/2011 – *Director, Saban Center for Middle East Policy, **Hertog Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy, Saban Center for Middle East Policy, ***Nonresident Fellow, Foreign Policy, Brookings Doha Center (Kenneth M. Pollack, Michael Doran, Leigh Nolan, Brookings, Event Summary, “Managing Reform? Saudi Arabia and the King's Dilemma”, http://www.brookings.edu/events/2011/0628_saudi_arabia.aspx?p=1, WEA)


      The second speaker began by … for jobs and social stability.


      The result is alliance collapse

      Takeyh 2011 — PhD from Oxford, Adjunct professor, Center for Peace and Security Studies, Georgetown University, Senior adviser to special adviser for Gulf and Southwest Asia, Department of State, Professor of National Security Studies, National War College, Fellow in International Security Studies, Yale University (6/8, Ray, New York Times, “A Post-American Day Dawns in the Mideast”, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/09/opinion/09iht-edtakeyh09.html?_r=2, WEA)


      For nearly 60 years, Saudi Arabia … in the House of Saud.


      The impact is Saudi prolif

      Rozen 2011 – the chief foreign policy reporter for Politico, quoting Patrick Clawson, a Persian Gulf expert at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy and Marc Lynch, a Middle East expert at George Washington University (4/18, Laura, Yahoo News, “Arab spring setbacks in the shadow of complicated U.S.-Saudi alliance”, http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_theenvoy/20110418/ts_yblog_theenvoy/optimism-for-arab-spring-fades-in-face-of-complicated-u-s-saudi-alliance, WEA)


      Riyadh, alarmed by the Obama … are accused of being Iranian agents."


      The impact is rapidfire prolif and multiple nuclear war scenarios

      Edelman et al 2011 – *Distinguished Fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments; he was U.S. Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, **President of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, ***Research Fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (Eric S. Edelman, Andrew Krepinevich, Evan Montgomery, Foreign Affairs, “The dangers of a nuclear Iran”, http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/67162/eric-s-edelman-andrew-f-krepinevich-jr-and-evan-braden-montgomer/the-dangers-of-a-nuclear-iran)


      There is, however, at least one … with unpredictable consequences.


      Turns case—they will squash the actors we support

      Nasr 2011 - professor of international politics at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy of Tufts University, former advisor to Holbrooke, the Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, adjunct senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and a senior fellow at the Belfer Center of the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University (5/23, Vali, Bloomberg, “Will the Saudis Kill the Arab Spring?”, http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-05-23/will-the-saudis-kill-the-arab-spring-.html, WEA)


      Washington had encouraged Bahrain’s … qualify on neither count.


      Saudi Nukes causes Indo Pak war

      Roberts 11 (Andrew Roberts -  fellow of the Royal Society of Literature,"Iran's Nuclear Domino Effect," Jan 2, 2011, www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2011/01/02/irans-nuclear-weapons-could-lead-to-a-saudi-and-pakistan-alliance.html


      The Saudis have already indicated … South Asia significantly more dangerous.


      Saudi prolif causes nuke terror

      Blank 2003 (Stephen, “Saudi Arabia's nuclear gambit” Asia Times http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/EK07Ak01.html)


      Obviously, that kind of transformation of … technology becomes that much more real


      Saudi nukes crushes heg—sends a devastating signal and forfeits a key ally

      Russell 2005 (Richard l, Weapons Proliferation and War in the Greater Middle East:  Strategic Contest p. 118 google books.)


      The easing of a Saudi nuclear weapons … be as effective as envisioned in theory.


      Each revolution is unique—anger on other issues hasn’t spilled over, but the plan could change this

      MacFarquhar 2011 (5/27, Neil, New York Times, “Saudis Scramble in Bid to Contain Regional Unrest”)


      RIYADH, Saudi Arabia -- Saudi Arabia is flexing its financial and diplomatic …and Oman, which has also faced protests.


      This disad is too specific—we upset them and then intentionally backed off over Bahrain because the disad is true

      Ghazal 11 (Amal, Assistant professor of Middle Eastern History, Dalhousie University, “Underneath Bahrain's struggle for democracy lie long-running sectarian tensions, exacerbated by a fearful Saudi Arabia.,” http://www.themarknews.com/articles/4185-saudi-interests-stand-in-the-way-of-bahrain-s-democracy)


      Saudi Arabia looks at Bahrain as a buffer … scapegoated Mubarak too quickly).


      US is making a deliberate exception

      Mutter 11 — contributor to Foreign Policy In Focus and The Arabist (Paul, The U.S.-Saudi “Special Relationship” and The Arab Spring, 28 June 2011, http://www.arabist.net/blog/2011/6/28/the-us-saudi-special-relationship-and-the-arab-spring.html)


      Protests have already removed … a significant influence on U.S. politics.


      Solvency is a link

      Wright 2011 — journalist, winner of the U.N. Correspondents Gold Medal, the National Magazine Award for reportage from Iran in The New Yorker, and the Overseas Press Club Award, reported from more than a 140 countries on six continents for The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, The Sunday Times of London, CBS News and The Christian Science Monitor (6/8, Robin, interview with Diane Rehm, Carnegie Endowment, “The United States, Saudi Arabia, and the Arab Spring”, http://www.carnegieendowment.org/2011/06/08/united-states-saudi-arabia-and-arab-spring/1yq, WEA)



      Robin Wright, how would you characterize … openings, economic liberalization.


      They will terminate the alliance if we support reform movements

      Nasr 2011 - professor of international politics at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy of Tufts University, former advisor to Holbrooke, the Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, adjunct senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and a senior fellow at the Belfer Center of the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University (5/23, Vali, Bloomberg, “Will the Saudis Kill the Arab Spring?”, http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-05-23/will-the-saudis-kill-the-arab-spring-.html, WEA)


      The kingdom has emerged as the leader of a …policy as a direct threat to them.


      And, leaders are tactical and reactive—no guarantee they stay faithful

      Katulis 2011 — Fulbright scholar in Jordan, masters degree from Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School for Public and International Affairs, senior fellow at the Center for American Progress (7/19, Brian, World Politics Review, “Strategic Posture Review: Saudi Arabia”, WEA)


      Saudi Arabia, despite its oil … approach to the changes in the region.


      Resilience doesn’t assume this particular king—plan turns tension into anger

      Molavi 2011 – Middle East scholar at the New American Foundation (Afshin, interview with Fareed Zakaria, CNN, “The state of the Saudi-U.S. relationship”, globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn.com/2011/03/22/the-state-of-the-saudi-u-s-relationship/, WEA)


      At the bureaucratic level, the … this tension right now.


      Economic and security ties are not enough

      Marone 9 (David, Master’s candidate. “The U.S. Footprint on the Arabian Peninsula: Can We Avoid a Repeat of the Pullout from Saudi Arabia? (thesis)” Naval Postgraduate School: December 2009. http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA514375&Location=U2&doc=GetTRDoc.pdf.)


      Primarily, historical research explains the … relationships the United States shares with GCC countries.


      Teitelbaum isn’t conclusively aff—past events disprove resilience, so it’s a function of whether we make things worse by acting against their perceived interests.  Their argument doesn’t assume future policy shifts after the Obama recalibration

      Teitelbaum 10/26/2011 – Principal Research Associate at the GLORIA Center and teaches Middle Eastern history at Bar-Ilan University, visiting positions at the Hoover Institution and the Center for Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law at Stanford (Joshua, GLORIA Center, “Saudi Arabia Faces a Changing Middle East”, http://www.gloria-center.org/2011/10/saudi-arabia-faces-a-changing-middle-east/, WEA)


      The so-called Arab Spring was the kind of development … administration, the Saudis have been hedging their bets.[77]


      turkey cp


      Solves best – perceived as non-imperialist, builds greater trust and helps consolidate Turkish democracy

      Kirişci, 10 - fellow with the Transatlantic Academy. He is a professor at the Department of Political Science and International Relations at Boğaziçi University, Istanbul and holds a Jean Monnet Chair in European Integration. (Kemal, “Diffusing Liberal Market and Democratic Values: Assessing Turkey's 'Soft Power' in Transforming its Neighborhood,” APSA 2010 Annual Meeting Paper http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1644657) TIKA = Turkish International Cooperation and Development Agency


      One striking aspect of Turkey’s transformed external …once looked at civil society with suspicion.


      Even if Turkey isn’t a direct model, its experience with democracy means its assistance will be better

      Negron-Gonzales, 11 – lecturer of Politics and Society at the University of New Hampshire at Manchester. (Melinda, “Building Civil Society after the Arab Spring: Lessons from Turkey,” May, http://encompassingcrescent.com/2011/05/building-civil-society-after-the-arab-spring-lessons-from-turkey/)


      In sum, although Turkey may not be a model … new life into its stalled reform process.


      Turkey can promote MENA democracy more effectively than the US and it boosts Turkish soft power

      CSM, 11 (Christian Science Monitor, “Outsourcing democracy promotion,” 6/16, http://www.csmonitor.com/Commentary/the-monitors-view/2011/0616/Outsourcing-democracy-promotion)


      Turkey joined a unique club of leaders …leadership in Latin America and beyond.


      Turkey can provide democracy assistance for governance, women’s rights, and political participation

      Kirişci et al, 10 - fellow with the Transatlantic Academy. He is a professor at the Department of Political Science and International Relations at Boğaziçi University, Istanbul and holds a Jean Monnet Chair in European Integration (Kemal, “A Neighborhood Rediscovered Turkey’s transatlantic value in the Middle East” http://www.setav.org/ups/dosya/28755.pdf


      In the field of democracy … Turkey’s own democratizing efforts.


      Turkey has strong capability to address civil society, governance and human rights

      Kirişci, 10 - fellow with the Transatlantic Academy. He is a professor at the Department of Political Science and International Relations at Boğaziçi University, Istanbul and holds a Jean Monnet Chair in European Integration. (Kemal, “Diffusing Liberal Market and Democratic Values: Assessing Turkey's 'Soft Power' in Transforming its Neighborhood,” APSA 2010 Annual Meeting Paper http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1644657) TIKA = Turkish International Cooperation and Development Agency


      In Turkey a section of the growing civil … Relief and Development Foundation (IBC).


      Solves the impact to heg                        

      Kilman and Walker, 10 - a visiting fellow at the Center for a New American Security, is completing a book on rising powers AND **a postdoctoral fellow at the Crown Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Brandeis University [8/3/10, Daniel and Joshua, Christian Science Monitor: “The West must engage, not demonize, Turkey” http://www.csmonitor.com/Commentary/Opinion/2010/0803/The-West-must-engage-not-demonize-Turkey)


      A hundred years ago, debate raged in Europe over … beacon for democracy in the region.


      Key to Turkish soft power

      Yilmaz and Kanat, 11 - Nuh Yilmaz is the director of SETA Foundation at Washington, D.C. Kilic Bugra Kanat is a doctoral candidate in Syracuse University's Political Science Department (“Turkish foreign policy after the elections,” 6/21, http://mideast.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/06/21/turkish_foreign_policy_after_the_elections)


      In the AKP's next government term, Turkey will continue … independent stature in the foreign-policy realm.


      Turkish soft power is vital to solving Afghanistan

      Dogan, 10 [Salih Doğan is a researcher at the International Strategic Research Organization and the managing editor of the journal Turkish Weekly, “[Opinion] Turkey’s Presence and Importance in Afghanistan”, http://www.turkishweekly.net/news/106578/-opinion-turkey%E2%80%99s-presence-and-importance-in-afghanistan.html]


      Turkey and Afghanistan have always … regular Afghans from Taliban militants.


      Nuke war

      Twining, 9 - Senior Fellow for Asia at the German Marshall Fund of the United States (Dan, “The Stakes of Afghanistan Go Well Beyond Afghanistan”,



      As Chris Brose and I recently argued, it is vital for … state armed with nuclear weapons on its border.


      Solves escalation

      Perthes, 10 – Executive Chairman and Director, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (Volker, “Turkey’s Role in the Middle East: An Outsider’s Perspective,” Insight Turkey, October, ebsco)


      Turkish foreign policies towards the Middle East could … actors in its wider Middle Eastern neighborhood.


      Turkish soft power competes with the US for influence

      Feffer, 10 – co-director of Foreign Policy In Focus (John, “Stealth Superpower”, 6/14, Foreign Policy in Focus,



      Today, a dynamic neo-Ottoman spirit … Syria have become the dark trinity.


      Independence means rejecting common policies with the US

      Krastev, 11 – chair of the board of the Centre for Liberal Strategies, an independent policy research institute in Sofia, Bulgaria, and permanent fellow at the Institute of Human Sciences (IWM) in Vienna, a founding board member of the European Council on Foreign Relations and a member of the council of the International Institute for Strategic Studies. (Ivan, “What does Turkey Think?” June,



      Turkish foreign policy has broad support and …independent foreign policy.


      Turkish foreign policy is only possible because it is taking advantage of the decline in US soft power

      Feffer, 10 - co-director of Foreign Policy In Focus (John, “Stealth Superpower”, 6/14, Foreign Policy in Focus,



      It’s not just the Balkans. The new Turkey is establishing … Washington on an issue-by-issue basis.


      Al Qaeda is a joke

      Innocent and Carpenter, 9 – *foreign policy analyst at Cato who focuses on Afghanistan and Pakistan AND **vice president for defense and foreign policy studies at Cato (Malou and Ted, “Escaping the Graveyard of Empires: A Strategy to Exit Afghanistan,”  http://www.cato.org/pubs/wtpapers/escaping-graveyard-empires-strategy-exit-afghanistan.pdf)


      Finally, it is important to recognize that people … obsession that it currently receives.


      case defense


      Aff doesn’t solve cred

      Adelman, 11 - a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and arms control director in the Reagan Ronald's administration (Ken, “Not-So-Smart Power,” 4/18, http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/04/18/not_so_smart_power?page=full


      Huge recipients of U.S. foreign aid… world. Quite the contrary.


      Regional actors check—US not key

      Sachs, 11 – Director of The Earth Institute, Quetelet Professor of Sustainable Development, and Professor of Health Policy and Management at Columbia University. He is also Special Advisor to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (Jeffrey, “A World of Regions,” 5/26, http://www.social-europe.eu/2011/05/a-world-of-regions/)


      In almost every part of the world, long-festering problems … long-standing rivalries and conflicts.


      No impact

      MacDonald and Parent 2011 - *Assistant Professor of Political Science at Williams College, **Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Miami (Paul and Joseph, International Security, 35.4, "Graceful decline? The surprising success of great power retrenchment", http://belfercenter.ksg.harvard.edu/files/ISEC_a_00034-MacDonald_proof2.pdf, WEA)


      These arguments have a number of … inviting the hazards of war in the present.


      Cred fails

      Abrams, 11 - Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies at CFR (Elliot, “Against the Obama Doctrine of Decline,” Standpoint Magazine, October, http://standpointmag.co.uk/features-october-11-against-the-obama-doctrine-of-decline-elliott-abrams-foreign-policy-president-obama-middle-east-jimmy-carter


      Just as Obama sought to differentiate himself … nor its own internal contradictions will change it.





      Rubin, 8/28/11 [ Philadelphia Inquirer, “Worldview: Don't forget Tunisia, where democracy has a better chance to work”, http://articles.philly.com/2011-08-28/news/29938479_1_mohamed-bouazizi-ben-ali-tunisian-economy/2]


      While the media are saturated with stories from … and the Tunisian example lit up the entire Arab world.



      Khouri, 10/11/11 - editor-at-large of The Daily Star, and director of the Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs at the American University of Beirut (Rami, New York Times, “Mideast Power and Confusion,” http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/12/opinion/12iht-edkhouri12.html?ref=global)


      The most dramatic illustration of America’s … the United States seems unsure how to react.


      Isolationism and budget

      Hill, 11 - former U.S. assistant secretary of state for East Asia, was U.S. ambassador to Iraq, South Korea, Macedonia and Poland, U.S. special envoy for Kosovo, a negotiator of the Dayton Peace Accords, and chief U.S. negotiator with North Korea from 2005 to 2009. He is now dean of the Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver (Christopher, “America’s fiscal woes heighten its foreign policy isolationism,” The Daily Star, 8/2, http://www.dailystar.com.lb/Opinion/Commentary/2011/Aug-02/Americas-fiscal-woes-heighten-its-foreign-policy-isolationism.ashx#axzz1TmPj6RPx)


      As a result, basic assumptions are being questioned at every … bothering to listen.


      No heg impact

      Friedman 10—research fellow in defense and homeland security, Cato. PhD candidate in pol sci, MIT (Ben, Military Restraint and Defense Savings, 20 July 2010, http://www.cato.org/testimony/ct-bf-07202010.html)


      Another argument for high military spending is … while providing no obvious benefit.


      No Indo-Pak

      Enders, 2002 – quoting lots of professors (David, Daily News Editor for the Michigan Daily, “Experts say nuclear war still unlikely,” http://media.www.michigandaily.com/media/storage/paper851/news/2002/01/30/News/Experts.Say.Nuclear.War.Still.Unlikely-1404620.shtml) 


      University political science … of the current tension," Lieberthal said.


      Scholarships refutes credibility as a factor in IR

      Fettweis 10 [Christopher J., fifth year doctoral student in the University of Maryland's Department of Government and Politics. His primary interests include US foreign and national security policies. His dissertation, currently titled The Geopolitics of Energy and the Obsolescence of Major War, focuses on the relationship between oil and conflict. Mr. Fettweis has a BA in History from the University of Notre Dame, Threat and Anxiety in US Foreign Policy, April 2010 Survival, 52:2, 59 - 82]


      For individuals as well as states, … small the issue or large the odds.


      Legitimacy is inevitable and isn’t key to cooperation anyway

      Wohlforth 9 — Daniel Webster Professor of Government,  Dartmouth.  BA in IR, MA in IR and MPhil and PhD in  pol sci, Yale (William and Stephen Brooks, Reshaping the World Order, March / April 2009, Foreign Affairs Vol. 88, Iss. 2; pg. 49, 15 pgs)


      FOR ANALYSTS such as Zbigniew Brzezinski and Henry Kissinger, the key reason for …shepherd reform of the international system.


      Signal of weakness inevitable on 6 other issues  - doubts of US resolve overwhelm US capabilities

      Bar 11 - Shmuel Bar, director of studies at the Institute for Policy and Strategy in Herzliya, Israel, April 2011, “America’s Fading Middle East Influence,” Hoover Policy Review, online: http://www.hoover.org/publications/policy-review/article/73161


      The policies of the United States under the Obama …these regimes therefore has been dramatically degraded.


      Democracy isn’t key

      Daniel Serwer, August 2011;  professorial lecturer and senior fellow at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies and a scholar at the Middle East Institute. “Post-Qaddafi Instability in Libya” http://www.cfr.org/libya/post-qaddafi-instability-libya/p25612


      There are many possible gradations of … rebellion would be inclined in that direction.


      US isn’t key

      Saeb El Kasm, 11-10-2011; anti-corruption consultant and a contributor to Foreign Policy In Focus; professor of Middle East politics and law at the University of California, Irvine; “Rebuilding Libya” http://truth-out.org/rebuilding-libya/1320958361


      With the declaration of liberation, the Libyan … from other multilateral and bilateral actors.”


      Libya is pretty irrelevant and every impact outweighs the aff

      Stephen Walt 8-24-2011, professor of international relations at Harvard University, "Why the Libyan revolution may not matter very much," 2011, walt.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/08/23/why_the_libyan_revolution_may_not_matter_very_much


      All eyes have been riveted on the endgame in … and we ought to keep that in mind too.

  • Shirley Rd 8 vs. Baylor FK

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    • 1nc topicality


      This isn’t the Arab Spring topic, it’s the democracy assistance topic.  The aff does not advocate an increase in democracy assistance, which is a term of art we’ll define here

      Carothers, 2k – vice-president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (Thomas, American Democracy Promotion, eds: Cox, Ikenberry and Inoguchi, p. 188)


      The term 'democracy assistance' is sometimes ….

      educational exchange programmes.


      For refers to the beneficiary of an action—it’s the country, not the debaters

      American Heritage, 2k (Dictionary.com, http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=FOR&r=66)


      3. a.Used to indicate the recipient or beneficiary of an action: prepared lunch for us.


      Vote neg—


      Education—the topic exists for a reason, engagement with the precise wording is key to gain from it

      Lappin, 10 - University of Leuven (Belgium) Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies PhD candidate, participant in democracy assistance missions with the UN, EU, OSCE, and Carter Center, University of Belgrade political sciences visiting scholar, (Richard, Central European Journal of International & Security Studies, Volume 4 Issue 1, “What we talk about when we talk about democracy assistance: the problem of definition in post-conflict approaches to democratization” http://www.cejiss.org/issue/2010-volume-4-issue-1/lappin)


      Yet despite its growing recognition, …the appropriate means are to best achieve those ends.


      Ground—topic wording compels strategies based on the topic itself.  Engagement with the aff and pertinence to the topic is vital, even if they don’t defend instrumental bureaucratic minutiae of it.




      1nc k


      The battle for the public sphere is over—we lost.  Conservatives and Liberals are now two sides of the same coin, and any movement that actually promises radical change will be destroyed as soon as it becomes visible.  An invisible movement has the most subversive potential—rejecting politics is the only political act


      The Invisible Committee, ‘7 [an anonymous group of French professors, phd candidates, and intellectuals, in the book “The Coming Insurrection” published by Semiotext(e) (attributed to the Tarnac Nine by the French police), http://tarnac9.noblogs.org/gallery/5188/insurrection_english.pdf]


      Whatever angle you look at it from… see and not avoid the conclusions to be drawn from it.


      To make micropolitics visible is to coopt it by giving resistance an object – this understanding allows resistance to be framed, to be declared a failure and prevents the immanence of imperceptible politics from coalescing around mundane practices and habitudes of existence


      Tsianos et al. ‘8 Vassilis, teaches sociology at the University of Hamburg, Germany, Dimitris Papadopoulos teaches social theory at Cardiff University, Niamh Stephenson teaches social science at the University of New South Wales. “Escape Routes: Control and Subversion in the 21st Century” Pluto Press


      In this sense imperceptible politics vital force for imperceptible politics.


      Their arguments about personal agency are ultimately conservative and de-politicizing – arguments for localizing activism within the purview of social location are the equivalent of privatizing social change, creating us as dependent on the necessity of their advocacy. The more successful their strategy is the more damage it does by making institutions necessary to an understanding of social change


      Hershock, East-West Center, 1999.  [“Changing the way society changes”, Journal of Buddhist Ethics, 6, 154; http://jbe.gold.ac.uk/6/hershock991.html]


      The trouble is that, like other technologies ….improvised and liberating intimacy with all things.

      1nc framework


      A) Interpretation—the affirmative does not deserve your ballot because they are not a topical advocacy.  Topical affirmatives must advocate that the federal government should substantially increase its democracy  assistance in one or more of the topic countries. 


      The structure of the resolution means it’s about what should happen in terms of the government—their constructions of should and resolved are contrived and unpredictable

      Ericson 3 (Jon M., Dean Emeritus of the College of Liberal Arts – California Polytechnic U., et al., The Debater’s Guide, Third Edition, p. 4)


      In policy propositions, each topic contains for an audience to perform the future action that you propose.


      B) Vote neg:


      First, predictability—their standards enables infinite criteria, undermining our ability to deeply research and understand arguments

      Harrigan 08 (Casey, MA Wake Forest, NDT Champion and BA from Michigan State, “Against Dogmatism: a Continued Defense of Switch Side Debate”, Contemporary Argumentation and Debate, Vol. 29 (2008) 

      A second exception to the rule of free …issues are up for debate, or none can be.


      Second, ground.  The resolution exists to create roughly equal division of aff and neg ground.  Letting them pick the high ground prevents engagement with their claims and distorts understanding.


      Relevance—mutual contestation over a stable point of advocacy is a precondition for both debate and knowledge

      James Zappen 2004 Professor of Language and Literature at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. “The Rebirth of Dialogue: Bakhtin, Socrates, and the Rhetorical Tradition,” p. 35-36.


      Finally, Bakhtin describes the Socratic …and humiliations of Gorgias, Polus, and Callicles.


      Agonism based on the rules of fair play is the best way to achieve justice – their opening move has excluded the negative from meaningful participation and undermined our personhood

      Rawls, ’58 – a leading figure in moral and political philosophy (John, Justice as Fairness, Philosophical Review, April, JSTOR)


      Similarly, the acceptance of the duty …and the acknowledgment of the duty of fair play.


      The mutual contestation we enable solves their offense and generates reasoned beliefs

      Star Muir, 1993. Professor of Communication at George Mason. “A Defense of the Ethics of Contemporary Debate,” Philosophy and Rhetoric 26.4, p. 291-292.


      Firm moral commitment to …students to form their own moral identity.


      Their role-playing arguments assume that we mistakenly think that we're the USFG and are acting in its name -- SILLY THEM -- we know we are debaters playing a game, but the GAME OF DEBATE has intrinsic value regardless of whether or not you like the politics of the PLAYERS -- their argument  is like refusing to play Monopoly because the money is fake -- YES it's true that nothing leaves the room but the pedagogical value of comparing distinct hypotheticals within rigid disciplinary constraints allows for a starting point for thebest kind of experimentation -- this is an independent reason to reject them if they don't prove that the USFG doing the plan is worse than the USFG doing nothing
      Armstrong '0

      (Paul B., Dean and Professor of Literature at Brown University, New Literary History, 31: 211–223, “The Politics of Play: The Social Implications of Iser’s Aesthetic Theory”)

       The contradic-  tory combination of …by the limits shaping their interactions.

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