Michigan State » MSU Miller Rossman Neg

MSU Miller Rossman Neg

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 15:48
  • KY Rd 2 vs Kansas KK

    • Tournament: Kentucky | Round: 2 | Opponent: Kansas | Judge: Sydney Pasquinelli

    • Neg: Michigan State RM

      Round #1 Tournament: Shirley

      Vs Team: Johnson County PC

      Judge: Heather Walters



      Off Case Args:

      Payroll Tax Cuts DA

      Saudi Relations DA

      T – Increase

      Memo CP


      Case Args:

      Cede the political

      Solvency defense


      Block Strategy:

      Politics DA

      Memo CP



      2nr Strategy:

      Politics DA

      Memo CP





      SKFTA Will pass – top of docket – but Obama must use capital to ensure TAA compromise – NEXT WEEK is the key lobbying push

      Yonhap 9/24 2011, South Korean Newspaper, “U.S. Senate clears one hurdle to FTA with S. Korea,” lexis

      U.S. and South Korean government


      upcoming) trip by President Lee into consideration."


      B. LINK 4 links – unrelated amendments, congressional controversy, bureaucratic resistance, and powerful lobbies – no turns because supporters are divided and weak

      Lancaster 8 (Board of Directors, CENTER FOR GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT. THE CHANGING LANDSCAPE OF U.S. FOREIGN AID. www.cgdev.org/files/16085_file_Lancaster_WEB.pdf)

      No matter how much


       any major federal program.



      GALLI 10. [Teresa, Global Market Research Analyst @ Global Marketing Associates, “The South Korea - US Free Trade Agreement” June 21 -- http://ezinearticles.com/?The-South-Korea---US-Free-Trade-Agreement&id=4520289]

      Although riddled with the imperfections inherent to free


      require strength, persistence, and much compromise.



      PRITCHARD ET AL 9. [Jack, President, Korea Economic Institute, John Tilelli, Chairman and CEO, Cypress Int’l, and Scott Snyder, Adjunct Senior Fellow for Korea Studies, “A New Chapter for U.S.-South Korea alliance” Council on Foreign Relations -- June 16 http://www.cfr.org/publication/19635/new_chapter_for_ussouth_korea_alliance.html]

      While all eyes have been trained on North


      cooperation in the service of our shared interests.







      Democracy assistance must be focused exclusively on direct political variables --- expanding it unlimits and makes effective topic discussion impossible

      Burnell 2K

      (Peter J., Professor of Politics and International Studies – University of Warwick, Democracy Assistance: International Co-operation for Democratization, p. 12-13)


      Democracy Assistance and Democracy's Conditions

      Democratization may be served best by applying assistance


      provides conflicting answers to questions such as these.


      This restricts the topic to a core set of democratic areas

      Řiháčková 8 (Věra, EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, “EU Democracy Assistance through Civil Society - Reformed?”, August, p. 2)


      “Democracy assistance” is not a mainstream


      and work towards establishing the rule of law.


      Violation --- the Aff affects supporting conditions for democracy --- not direct political variables


      Voting issue ---


      1. Limits --- they destroys them --- that’s Brunell. It might be the best T card ever written.


      2. Core ground --- “democracy assistance” is distinct from “development”, “security”, and “humanitarian” aid --- they use different budgets and affect links to generics like politics, spending, aid trade-off, etc. --- core ground is key to fairness: without it, we’re behind from the start




      Relations are strong now – strong US commitment to Israel’s security

      Keinon 9/6/2011 (Herb, “Gov't official: Cooperation with US better than ever”, http://www.jpost.com/DiplomacyAndPolitics/Article.aspx?id=236908)

      Israeli–US cooperation and coordination has improved


      statehood recognition in two weeks at the UN.


      Democracy Assistance guarantees Israeli backlash – prefers status quo

      Kirchik ’11  (James Kirchick is a New Republic contributing editor and writer at large with Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty based in Prague, 2/28)

      But the events in Egypt have laid bare


      without any instruction, acts the same way.”


      Strategic consensus on security key to relations – it’s the only internal link

      Tov 2 (Yaacov Bar-Simon-Tov, Professor of International Relations – Hebrew University, “The United States and Israel Since 1948: A “Special Relationship?”, Diplomatic History, 22(2), Spring, p. 231-232)

      The special relationship thesis generally maintains that the


      different from any other patron-client relationship.


      Perception of Abandonment causes conflict and nuclear retaliation 

      Longstreet 4-7-2011 (JD, “Israel's Samson Option”, http://www.thejerusalemconnection.us/blog/2011/04/07/israels-samson-option.html)

      Without America standing with Israel, Israel stands


      shown no favor towards Israel or its plight.





      US primacy is key to global stability – empirically proven

      Walt 02 (Dr. Stephen M. Walt, professor of international affairs at Harvard, professor of political science at the University of Chicago, assistant professor of politics and international affairs at Princeton, guest scholar at Brookings, associate at Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, “American Primacy,” Naval War College Review, Spring 2002)


      Primacy Provides Security Perhaps the most obvious reason


      things if the United States had been weaker.


      Even in a world without hegemony, global conflicts will still exist – conditions and overtones prove

      Muzaffar 05 (Chandra Muzaffar, political analyst and president of the International Movement for a Just World, “Hegemony, Terrorism, and War --- Is Democracy the Antidote?” http://static7.userland.com/ulvs1-j/gems/wlr/08muzaffar.pdf)


      This brings us to the question that we


      hegemony should be acknowledged as a significant contributor.


      US primacy reduces risk of power wars – no risk of challenge or miscalc

      Walt 02 (Dr. Stephen M. Walt, professor of international affairs at Harvard, professor of political science at the University of Chicago, assistant professor of politics and international affairs at Princeton, guest scholar at Brookings, associate at Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, “American Primacy,” Naval War College Review, Spring 2002)


      A second consequence of U.S.


      to war and weaker states dare not try.


      US primacy is key to the global economy – peace is a prereq to interdependence

      Walt 02 (Dr. Stephen M. Walt, professor of international affairs at Harvard, professor of political science at the University of Chicago, assistant professor of politics and international affairs at Princeton, guest scholar at Brookings, associate at Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, “American Primacy,” Naval War College Review, Spring 2002)


      By facilitating the development of a more open


      them at a relative disadvantage over time.11


      Economic collapse causes extinction

      Austin 9 (Michael, Resident Scholar – American Enterprise Institute, and Desmond Lachman – Resident Fellow – American Enterprise Institute, “The Global Economy Unravels”, Forbes, 3-6, http://www.aei.org/article/100187)


      What do these trends mean in the short


      small explosions that coalesce into a big bang.


      Heg solves terrorism

      Walt 02  professor of international affairs at Harvard  (Stephen, “American Primacy” http://www.nwc .navy.mil/press/review/2002/spring/art1-sp2.htm))


      Perhaps the most obvious reason why states seek


      emboldened and overt challenges would be more likely.


      Terrorism will go nuclear, sparking global nuclear war

      Speice 6 (Patrick, JD Candidate, 47 Wm and Mary L. Rev. 1427, February, Lexis)

      Terrorist groups could acquire a nuclear weapon by


      and escalate to the use of nuclear weapons.


      US hegemony key to Mid East stability –


      to draw the United States back in again.


      That goes nuclear and draws in great powers

      Gold 7 (Thomas J., Masters in Strategic Intelligence – Joint Military Intelligence College, Nuclear Conflict in the Middle East: An Analysis of Future Events, p. 53-55)


      If the political, ethnic, and military


      or global nuclear war is now a possibility.


      Primacy is the lynchpin of Asian stability—decline risks war, deterrence breakdowns, and prolif

      Lieber 2005 – PhD from Harvard, Professor of Government and International Affairs at Georgetown, former consultant to the State Department and for National Intelligence Estimates (Robert, “The American Era”, page 158)


      Parallels between America’s role in East Asia and


      to emerge as a true major power competitor.


      Goes global and nuclear

      Landay 00 (Jonathan S., National Security and Intelligence Correspondent, Knight Ridder/Tribune News Service, 3-10, Lexis)


      Few if any experts think China and Taiwan


      last year, according to the Commerce Department.


      Hege Good - Indo-Pak

      Hegemony key to solve indo-pak conflict.

      Goh -04(Goh Chok, Senior Minister of Singapore, International Institute for Strategic Studies, June 4, 2004  (http://www.iiss.org/conferences/the-shangri-la-dialogue/shangri-la-dialogue-2005/2004-speech-archive/keynote-address-prime-minister-goh-chok-tong)

      In Asia, as in Europe, unease


      in 2001 to avert a possible nuclear war.


      And, extinction – this is a highly probable impact.

      Fai -2K (Ghulam Fai, PhD, Executive Director of the Kashmiri American Council, Business Recorder, 12-17-2000)

      India has suffered modest economic sanctions for its


      as the most dangerous place on the earth.


      Hege Good – Democracy

      Hegemony is key to democracy.

      Walt -02 (Stephen Walt, Professor of International Affairs at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, “American Primacy: Its Prospects and Pitfalls” Naval War College Review, Spring 2002)

      Finally, primacy gives the United States greater


      as upon good will and good deeds."17


      And, extinction.

      Diamond -95 (Larry Diamond, Snr Research Fellow at the Hoover Institute, Promoting Democracy in the 1990s, 1995  p. 6-7)

      This hardly exhausts the lists of threats to


      of international security and prosperity can be built.


      No willful restraint—their turns are inevitable and non-unique

      Shalmon and Horowitz  ’09 (Dan, total badass, Mike, less of a badass, Orbis, Spring)

      It is important to recognize at the outset


      given America’s role in the global order.24


      they’re the vital access point for any theory impact --- research burden, generics, participation

      Rowland 84 (Robert C., Debate Coach – Baylor University, “Topic Selection in Debate”, American Forensics in Perspective, Ed. Parson, p. 53-54)


      The first major problem identified by the work group as relating to topic selection is the decline in participation in the National Debate Tournament (NDT) policy debate. As Boman notes: There is a growing dissatisfaction with academic debate that utilizes a policy proposition. Programs which are oriented toward debating the national policy debate proposition, so-called “NDT” programs, are diminishing in scope and size.4 This decline in policy debate is tied, many in the work group believe, to excessively broad topics. The most obvious characteristic of some recent policy debate topics is extreme breath. A resolution calling for regulation of land use literally and figuratively covers a lot of ground. Naitonal debate topics have not always been so broad. Before the late 1960s the topic often specified a particular policy change.5 The move from narrow to broad topics has had, according to some, the effect of limiting the number of students who participate in policy debate. First, the breadth of the topics has all but destroyed novice debate. Paul Gaske argues that because the stock issues of policy debate are clearly defined, it is superior to value debate as a means of introducing students to the debate process.6 Despite this advantage of policy debate, Gaske belives that NDT debate is not the best vehicle for teaching beginners. The problem is that broad policy topics terrify novice debaters, especially those who lack high school debate experience. They are unable to cope with the breadth of the topic and experience “negophobia,”7 the fear of debating negative. As a consequence, the educational advantages associated with teaching novices through policy debate are lost: “Yet all of these benefits fly out the window as rookies in their formative stage quickly experience humiliation at being caugh without evidence or substantive awareness of the issues that confront them at a tournament.”8 The ultimate result is that fewer novices participate in NDT, thus lessening the educational value of the activity and limiting the number of debaters or eventually participate in more advanced divisions of policy debate. In addition to noting the effect on novices, participants argued that broad topics also discourage experienced debaters from continued participation in policy debate. Here, the claim is that it takes so much times and effort to be competitive on a broad topic that students who are concerned with doing more than just debate are forced out of the activity.9 Gaske notes, that “broad topics discourage participation because of insufficient time to do requisite research.”10 The final effect may be that entire programs either cease functioning or shift to value debate as a way to avoid unreasonable research burdens. Boman supports this point: “It is this expanding necessity of evidence, and thereby research, which has created a competitive imbalance between institutions that participate in academic debate.”11 In this view, it is the competitive imbalance resulting from the use of broad topics that has led some small schools to cancel their programs.

      A2: We Meet (not even close)

      We get that they will say the bright line is not PREFECTLY bright and we have the best card ever to answer it, Even if there’s potential overlap, it should be carefully distinguished from democracy assistance --- otherwise effective learning is impossible. This card is on-point to Truth and Rec Commissions. This is the same author as the 1NC.


      Burnell 7

      (Peter J., Professor of Politics and International Studies – University of Warwick, “Does International Democracy Promotion Work?”, German Development Institute Discussion Paper, 17, http://www.die-gdi.de/CMS-Homepage/openwebcms3.nsf/(ynDK_contentByKey)/ADMR-7BRF46/$FILE/BurnellPromotionWork.pdf)


      All things considered, however, there is


      simpler question: does direct democracy assistance work.






      The plan only has indirect effects on democracy --- that’s not “democracy assistance”, and including it makes the topic overly expansive

      Lappin 10 (Richard, Ph.D. Candidate – Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies at the University of Leuven (Belgium), “What We Talk About When We Talk About Democracy Assistance: The Problem of Definition in Post-Conflict Approaches to Democratisation1”, http://soc.kuleuven.be/iieb/docs/2010/CEJISS-lappin.pdf)


      Such fastidiousness on the boundaries of what should


      post-conflict democracy assistance can be drawn.


      “Rule of law” is limited to assistance for criminal justice institutions

      UN 10 (United Nations, “Rule of Law Indicators”, 8-6, http://www.un.org/en/peacekeeping/publications/un_rule_of_law_indicators.pdf)


      2. Rule of law indicators The rule


      vulnerable social groups are treated by these institutions.


      “Rule of law” means a legal regime that restrains the government by promoting liberties

      Yu 10 (Helen and Alison Guernsey, University of Iowa School of Finance and Development, “What is the Rule of Law?”, 9-28, http://www.uiowa.edu/ifdebook/faq/faq_docs/Rule_of_Law.htm)


      I. Introduction to the Rule of Law


      from arbitrary and abusive use of government power.

      A2: C/I – 2NC-must read


      Destroys limits --- that’s above.


      Ground --- “democracy assistance” is distinct from “development”, “security”, and “humanitarian” aid --- they use different budgets and affect links to generics like spending, aid trade-off, etc.


      Specifically, links to politics and relations DAs are way different

      Cohen 9 (Michael A., Senior Research Fellow – New America Foundation, and Maria Figueroa Küpçü, Senior Research Fellow of the American Strategy Program and the Co-Director of the Privatization of Foreign Policy Initiative – New America Foundation, “Revitalizing U.S. Democracy Promotion: A Comprehensive Plan for Reform”, New American Foundation Report, April, http://www.newamerica.net/files/Revitalizing_US_Democr acy_Promotion.pdf)


      2) Sharper delineations should be made between


      guidance of the proposed Department of International Development.

      A2: C/I – 2NC-A2: predictability

      Our interpretation is most predictable --- it’s used by USAID, the gold standard agency on this topic

      Stahn 7 (Andreas and Vera van Hüllen, Research Associates – Free University Berlin, “Different Actors, Different Tools? Approaching EU and US Democracy Promotion in the Mediterranean and the Newly Independent States”, 5-19, http://aei.pitt.edu/7911/1/hullen-v-03e.pdf)


      The governmental agency of most importance with regard


      readiness for a conflictive approach under certain circumstances.


      Predictability outweighs: it’s the basis for all research and strategy. Particularly because the topic says “its”, referring to only U.S. assistance.

      English Grammar 5 (Glossary of English Grammar Terms, http://www.usingenglish.com/glossary/possessive-pronoun.html)


      Mine, yours, his, hers,


      disk and shows that it belongs to me.)


      A2: C/I – 2NC-substantial

      “Substantially” means “in the main”

      Words and Phrases 2 (Volume 40A, p. 469)


      Ill.App.2 Dist. 1923


      main, essential, including material or essential parts


      It’s a voting issue --- being “in the main” is key to core link ground – most literature about DA assumes the usual practice of a political focus. Mooting any word justifies mooting others, destroying all resolutional meaning – and ‘substantially’ must be given meaning

      Words and Phrases 64 (p. 819)


      “Substantially” is a relative word which


      them to be of exactly the same things.

      The range of topical action is wide

      Newman 7 (Edward, Senior Lecturer in International Relations and Deputy Head of the Department of Political Science and International Studies – University of Birmingham, A Crisis of Global Institutions?: Multilateralism and International Security, p. 110-111)


      Democracy promotion The clearest expression of the international


      and concentrates more on formal institutions and processes.


      They could target elections, governing institutions, or civil society

      Santiso 1 (Carlos, Ph.D. Candidate – Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, “International Cooperation for Democracy and Good Governance: Moving Toward a Second Generation?”, European Journal of Development Research, 13(1), June, http://www.eldis.org/fulltext/secondgeneration.pdf)


      Democracy assistance is constituted of three main types


      ; Phillips, 1999; Mair, 2000].


      Emphasizing a singular method hurts critical thinking


      Avdela from the University of Athens explains in 2000

      (Efi Avdela, Associate Professor Dept of Early childhood Education – Univ of Athens -- Journal of Modern Greek Studies - Volume 18, Number 2, October 2000, pp. 239-253 – available via online database Project Muse -- http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/journal_of_modern_greek_studies/v018/18.2avdela.pdf)


      As a result of this situation, a


      between the presentation of conclusions and their documentation. 


      (  ) Critical thinking vital to education


      Tchudi ’88        

      (Stephen Tchudi  -- professor of English at the University of Nevada, Reno, The English Journal, Vol. 77, No. 1. (Jan., 1988), pp. 22-30 – JSTOR)


      There is also a dangerous implication in the


      that this growth takes place largely through language.  


      A2:  Methodology First

      Methods don't come first - method-focus ignores important insights of other perspectives.

      Fearon and Wendt, Professor of Poli Sci at Stanford and Professor of IR at Ohio State,2002 (James and Alexander, Handbook of International Relations, ed. Carlsnaes, p.68)


      It should be stressed that in advocating a


      a conversation should continue on all three levels.


      A2:  Ontology First

      Ontological pluralism is the best option - their argument ignores the capacity to proceed pragmatically without ruling out any ontologies - their alternative lapses into perpetual inaction.

      Fearon and Wendt, Professor of Poli Sci at Stanford and Professor of IR at Ohio State,2002 (James and Alexander, Handbook of International Relations, ed. Carlsnaes, p.53)


      It is important to understand these ontological issues


      , adopting a stance of ontological pluralism instead.


      Hege Is Sustainable

      The US can continue its dominance well into the future

      Thayer, 07 – Associate Professor in the Department of Defense and Strategic Studies, Missouri State University (Bradley A., American Empire, Routledge, page 12)


      The United States has the ability to dominate


      “Should America domi-nate international politics?”


      Even if they win collapse inevitable – we should retain hegemony as long as possible

      Thayer, 07 – Associate Professor in the Department of Defense and Strategic Studies, Missouri State University (Bradley A., American Empire, Routledge, page 105)

      Knowing that American hegemony will end someday does


      work to preserve it as long as possible.



      AT: Studies Proves Economic Decline Doesn’t Cause War

      Studies prove recessions increase the risk of conflict.

      S. Brock Blomberg and Gregory Hess, Department of Economics at Wellesley and Professor of Economics at Oberlin, February 2002, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Proquest


      Using an unbalanced panel of 152 countries from


      to identify and implement in just such circumstances. 








      FIRST Korean war.

      Africa News -99 (AFRICA NEWS, December 25, 1999, p. online)

      Lusaka - If there is one place today


      was moving towards normalising relations with North Korea.


      MORGAN 7. [Stephen J. former member of the British Labour Party Executive Committee, political writer including books such as The Mind of a Terrorist Fundamentalist – the Cult of Al Qaeda -- “Better Another Taliban Afghanistan, than a Taliban NUCLEAR Pakistan” March 4 -- http://ezinearticles.com/?Better-Another-Taliban-Afghanistan,-than-a-Taliban-NUCLEAR-Pakistan?&id=475808]

      However events may prove him sorely wrong.


      with China and Russia pitted against the US.





      Sang-Keun 6. [Byun, senior columnist of the Joongang Ilbo, “Work for a win-win agreement,” JoongAng Ilbo, Korea, http://www.bilaterals.org/article.php3?id_article=3746]

      When the world is making strenuous efforts to


      the North American Free Trade Agreement was reached.



      Copley News Service 99 (December 1, L/N)

      For decades, many children in America and


      has helped counter the specter of nuclear winter.





      MILES 9. [Donna, American Forces press service writer, “North Korean provocations underscore importance of U.S., South Korean alliance “ 7/15 -- http://www.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123158762]

      "As President Obama recently reaffirmed, the


      opportunities and challenges facing it have also changed." 



      AP 9. [Associated Press, “Obama: Nuclear N. Korea poses 'grave threat'” 6/16]

      Threat of attack?  Asked byq a reporter


      strong U.S.-South Korean alliance.


      2NC A2:  Overconfidence (Lee and Kim)


      Lee and Kim are wrong-even if skfta doesn’t have intrinsic security implications, it has psychological benefits that strengthen the alliance

      Snyder ’10 (Scott Snyder, Director of the Center for U.S.-Korea Policy at The Asia Foundation and Adjunct Senior Fellow for Korean Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, 12-23-10, “Economic Interdependence, Alliance Cooperation, and Sino-U.S. Complex Interdependence,” http://www.eai.or.kr/data/bbs/eng_report/2010122410381337.pdf)


      The authors argue correctly that on the basis


      reinforce that structure based on shared mutual interest.


      Your Authors Agree

      Lee and Kim ’10 (Dong Sun Lee, an assistant professor at the Department of Political Science and International Relations at Korea University, and Sung Eun Kim, Research Fellow at the Asiatic Research Institute, 1-10, “Ties That Bind?: Assessing the Impact of Economic Interdependence on East Asian Alliances,” http://www.eai.or.kr/data/bbs/eng_report/201002251819214.pdf)

      Our findings, however, do not imply


      are already closely linked in the public’s perception.


      Won’t cause entrapment or attempts to bail on alliance – gives US necessary leverage to constrain South Korean security behavio

      Snyder ’10 (Scott Snyder, Director of the Center for U.S.-Korea Policy at The Asia Foundation and Adjunct Senior Fellow for Korean Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, 12-23-10, “Economic Interdependence, Alliance Cooperation, and Sino-U.S. Complex Interdependence,” http://www.eai.or.kr/data/bbs/eng_report/2010122410381337.pdf)


      A hypothesis that Lee and Kim put forward


      , but these conclusions are self-contradictory.



      All data goes neg

      Snyder ’10 (Scott Snyder, Director of the Center for U.S.-Korea Policy at The Asia Foundation and Adjunct Senior Fellow for Korean Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, 12-23-10, “Economic Interdependence, Alliance Cooperation, and Sino-U.S. Complex Interdependence,” http://www.eai.or.kr/data/bbs/eng_report/2010122410381337.pdf)

      The paper challenges conventional wisdom that economic interdependence


      high and investments in the alliance rose dramatically.


      No South American war ---


      Stratfor ’08 (“Geography and Conflict in South America” 3-6)


      Geography has led most practitioners of geopolitics to


      Falklands War between Argentina and the United Kingdom.)





      Haas 7. (Lawrence, visiting senior fellow at the Georgetown Public Policy Institute, Augusta Chronicle, 6/23)

      The pending U.S.-Colombia Trade


      endorsement will do the United States great harm.





      Walser ‘9           (Ray Walser, Senior Policy Analyst for Latin America at the Heritage Foundation -- What to Do about Hugo Chávez: Venezuela’s Challenge to Security in the Americas – Backgrounder # 2243 – Feb 19th -- http://www.heritage.org/research/latinamerica/bg2243.cfm)

      This analysis focuses primarily on President Chávez's actions


      forces in opposition to the empire."[12]



      Walser ‘8           (Ray Walser, Senior Policy Analyst for Latin America at the Heritage Foundation – Chávez, Venezuela, and Russia: A New Cuban Missile Crisis? – WebMemo #2064 -- September 15th http://www.heritage.org/Research/LatinAmerica/wm2064.cfm)

      Like his iconic mentor, Fidel Castro,


      its policy toward America's neighbors in the hemisphere.



      US Russia tension cause massive arms race

      Russian and CIS General Newswire, 9/11/07

      The head of a Russian foreign policy think


      American relations to seriously improve, he argued.



      Bostrom ‘02      (Nick, PhD Philosophy – Oxford U., Existential Risks, http://www.nickbostrom.com/existential/risks.html)

      A much greater existential risk emerged with the


      that we will encounter in the 21st century.



      SKFTA Key to prevent south Korean economic collapse

      Cooper et al, 8/9/11  (William, Specialist in International Trade, Congressional Research Service, http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/row/RL34330.pdf)


      For South Korea, entering an FTA with


      including Canada, Mexico, and Australia.159


  • Round Reports

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Neg: MSU MR
      Round # 3
       Tournament: Shirley
      Vs Team: Dartmouth AR
      Judge: Jason Peterson



      Off Case Args:

      T-DA must affect direct political variables

      Egypt FTA CP

      Payroll tax cuts politics DA

      Saudi Relations DA


      Case Args:

      Plan kills Egypt relations

      Plan kills Egyptian econ

      Impact defense


      Block Strategy:

      CP, politics, case


      2nr Strategy:

       CP, politics

      Neg: Michigan State RM

      Round #1 Tournament: Shirley

      Vs Team: Johnson County PC

      Judge: Heather Walters



      Off Case Args:

      Payroll Tax Cuts DA

      Saudi Relations DA

      T – Increase

      Memo CP


      Case Args:

      Cede the political

      Solvency defense


      Block Strategy:

      Politics DA

      Memo CP



      2nr Strategy:

      Politics DA

      Memo CP




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