Michigan State » MSU Gannon Patel Aff

MSU Gannon Patel Aff

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:35
  • GSU Aff

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

          • 1AC – MSU Gannon Patel
            PLAN: The United States Federal Government should provide substantial technical assistance for political organization in Egypt.

      Contention 1 - brotherhood 

      The MB is gaining power in Egypt
      Urban 11 (Mark, Diplomatic and Defence Editor – Newsnight (BBC), “Egypt's Islamists Mobilising Mass Support”, BBC News World, 8-3, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-14396488)

      Since Friday a new factor has also entered
      military rulers portrayed them as for so long.

      They’re stronger than ever because of U.S. isolation - “picking winners” creates a perception of hostility that’s the basis of recruiting and radicalism
      Duss 11 (Matthew, Policy Analyst and Director of Middle East Progress – Center for American Progress and MA in Middle East Studies – University of Washington, “Recognizing Reality in the Middle East”, Center for American Progress Report, 7-1, http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/2011/07/middle_east_reality.html)

      It appears the U.S. government
      Clinton’s comments were a step in that direction.

      U.S. assistance gives secular groups the resources and skills necessary to compete and prevent MB control
      Ali 11 (Ayaan Hirsi, Fellow – American Enterprise Institute and Founder – AHA Foundation, “Get Ready for the Muslim Brotherhood”, New York Times, 2-3, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/04/opinion/04iht-edali04.html?page wanted=all)

      Those two experiences gave me some insights that
      one tyranny aside could easily succumb to another.

      Strong demand exists for U.S. technical assistance - including the MB defuses anti-American resistance
      Slavin 11 (Barbara, Senior Fellow – Atlantic Council, Senior Diplomatic Correspondent – USA Today, and Assistant Managing Editor for World and National Security – Washington Times, “U.S. "Democracy" Advisors Suddenly in Demand”, Inter-Press Service, 4-14, http://ipsnews.net/wap/news.asp?idnews=55266)

      For years, U.S. officials
      parties formed by the Muslim Brothers in Egypt.

      Making it openly available without restriction enables an effective democratic transition
      Strasser 11 (Max, Cairo-Based

      In Egypt, as in much of the
      post-Mubarak, pre-election Egypt.

      A consistent mandate of open access to U.S. democracy aid is critical to shift on-the-ground policy to accommodate the Brotherhood
      Hamid 10 (Shadi, Director of Research – Brookings Doha Center and Fellow – Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, “The Islamist Response to Repression: Are Mainstream Islamist Groups Radicalizing?”, Brookings Doha Center Policy Briefing, August, http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/Files/rc/papers/ 2010/0809_islamist_groups_hamid/0809_islamist_groups_hamid.pdf)

      Islamist leaders often speak of an “American
      -hoc meetings lacking a substantive agenda. 3

      Even if the Brotherhood takes control, assistance now gives the U.S. leverage to moderate its behavior
      Duss 11 (Matthew, Policy Analyst and Director of Middle East Progress – Center for American Progress and MA in Middle East Studies – University of Washington, “Are We Serious About A Democratic Egypt?”, ThinkProgress Security, 2-4, http://thinkprogress.org/security/2011/02/04/176481/are-we-serious-about-a-democratic-egypt/)

      I agree that U.S. has
      We should start getting used to that idea.

      Engagement undermines MB radicalism. Exclusion drives violent elements underground.
      al-Anani 10 (Khalil, Visiting Fellow at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy – Brookings Institution and Assistant to the Managing Editor – al-Siyassa al Dawliya (Cairo Newspaper), “Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood: Opposite Effects”, Ikkwan Web, 3-1, http://www.ikhwanweb.com/article.php?id=23446)

      Suppression may tax the Muslim Brotherhood organizationally but
      throw it into ideological confusion and organizational disarray.
      The Muslim Brotherhood, like most closed organizations
      the Turkish Prosperity Party led by Nijmeddin Erbakan.
      The generation gap in the Muslim Brotherhood would
      being there is nowhere for them to go.
      If the regime can not tolerate the Muslim
      least then they would fall under the law.
      Let me make three observations that relate to
      carve up the political spoils with the regime.
      The Muslim Brotherhood as a legitimate political faction
      on the Muslim Brotherhood will drive it underground.

      Un-moderated MB control causes global nuclear war
      Rose 11 (Taylor, International Relations and Strategic Intelligence – Liberty University, “The Islamic Revolution Part II”, Youth for Western Civilization, 2-1, http://www.westernyouth.org/articles/the-islamic-revolution-part-ii/)

      The riots in Tunisia, Egypt, Algeria
      allowing the further global advancement of her enemies.

      Exclusion fosters radicalism and violence that destabilizes the Middle East
      Philpott 11 (Daniel, Associate Professor of Political Science and Peace Studies – University of Notre Dame, Timothy Shah, Associate Director of the Religious Freedom Project – Georgetown University's Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, and Monica Duffy Toft, Professor of Public Policy – Harvard University and Director – Initiative on Religion in International Affairs, “The Dangers of Secularism in the Middle East”, The Christian Science Monitor, 8-11, Lexis)

      Since the Arab Spring began last December,
      an enemy, of American interests and ideals.

      That goes nuclear and draws in great powers
      Gold 7 (Thomas J., Masters in
      Future Events, p. 53-55)

      If the political, ethnic, and military
      or global nuclear war is now a possibility. 

      Contention 2 - WE DA BEST

      U.S. credibility in the Middle East is plummeting
      Zogby 11 (Dr. James J., Founder and President – Arab American Institute, “America in Trouble in the Middle East: Obama Understands, But GOP Gloats”, Huffington Post, 7-16, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/james-zogby/ameri ca-in-trouble-in-the_b_900649.html?ir=World)

      Well, the results are in, and
      that is being paid by the entire country.

      Obama won’t follow through on pledged election assistance for Egypt. That devastates regional influence.
      Dorsey 11 (James A., Senior Research Fellow – Middle East Institute, National University of Singapore, “US Risks Missing Opportunity to Play Leading Role in Middle East Transition”, Al Arabiya News, 7-5, http://english.alarabiya .net/articles/2011/07/05/156264.html)

      The window of opportunity to throw off the
      encourage economic reform, and promote democratic change. 

      U.S. technical assistance secures credit and revives Arab relations
      Hamid 11 (Shadi, Director of Research – Brookings Doha Center and Fellow – Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, “The Struggle for Middle East Democracy”, Ikhwan Web, 4-28, http://ikhwanmisr.net/article.php?id=28468&ref=search.php)

      The revolutions are far from complete. Tunisia
      to helping democratize a still-troubled region.
      A great deal is at stake. America
      2009 Cairo address but failed to deliver on.
      To be sure, the United States has
      their democratic aspirations. This has not happened.
      Egypt and Tunisia, despite all their problems
      and made an already explosive situation even worse.
      Thus far, the Obama administration has been
      . Otherwise, their revolutions may still fail.

      Making it open reverses “ala carte democracy” and boosts U.S. standing
      Guéhenno 11 (Jean-Marie, Nonresident Senior Fellow – Brookings Institution, “The Arab Spring is 2011, Not 1989”, New York Times, 4-21, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/22/opinion/22iht-edguehenno22.html)

      The Arab revolutions are beginning to destroy the
      no political process will have a sustainable outcome.

      Only unequivocal and clear assistance sends the right message
      HRF 11 (Human Rights First – Nonprofit, Nonpartisan International Human Rights Organization, “How to Seize the Moment in Egypt”, April, http://www.humanrightsfirst.org/wp-content/uploads/pdf/Egypt-Blueprint-Seize-the-Moment.pdf)

      Over more than three decades since the Camp
      the U.S. government should contribute.

      Tangible signals of U.S. support are critical - Egypt’s the test case
      Elshinnawi 10 (Mohamed, Foreign Affairs Writer – VOA, “Egypt Key to Proving Obama's Commitment to Middle East Democracy”, Voice of America News, 6-30, http://www.voanews.com/english/news/special-reports/american-life/Egypt-Key-to-Proving-Obamas-Commitment-to-Middle-East-Democracy.html)

      There has been widespread public agreement in the
      the region are still a work in progress.

      The impact’s nuclear and biological war in every global hotspot
      Asali 9 (Ziad, President and Founder – American Task Force on Palestine, et al., “Changing Course: A New Direction for U.S. Relations with the Muslim World”, February, p. 9-16)

      Improving relations with Muslim majority countries and communities
      needs at home or other critical challenges abroad.

      It spills over - credible democracy assistance builds US/Arab cooperation on a array of issues - including global economic stability
      Wittes 8 (Tamara Cofman, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs – U.S. Department of State and Former Senior Fellow – Brookings Institution, Freedom's Unsteady March: America's Role in Building Arab Democracy, p. 2-12)

      So it is with full awareness of the
      neutral stance toward the question of Arab democracy.

      Mideast is critical for the global economy - careful diplomacy’s key to sustain access
      Habibi 9 (Nader, Professor of Economics of the Middle East – Brandeis University and Dr. Eckart Woertz, Director of the Economic Research Program – Gulf Research Center (Dubai), “U.S. - Arab Economic Relations and the
      Obama Administration”, 34, February, http

      In this Brief we have identified four issues
      its perceived role in the Middle East conflict.

      Economic collapse causes extinction
      Austin 9 (Michael, Resident Scholar – American Enterprise Institute, and Desmond Lachman – Resident Fellow – American Enterprise Institute, “The Global Economy Unravels”, Forbes, 3-6, http://www.aei.org/article/100187)

      What do these trends mean in the short
      small explosions that coalesce into a big bang. 

      Egyptian aid boosts regional support necessary for reliable energy access
      HRF 11 (Human Rights First – Nonprofit, Nonpartisan International Human Rights Organization, “How to Seize the Moment in Egypt”, April, http://www.humanrightsfirst.org/wp-content/uploads/pdf/Egypt-Blueprint-Seize-the-Moment.pdf)

      President Obama noted in Cairo that governments that
      the United States and thereby serve its interests. 

      That prevents shocks that go global
      Cohen 5 (William, Cohen Group, Former U.S. Secretary of Defense, and Chair – CSIS Advisory Committee on U.S. Policy in the Arab World, et al., “From Conflict to Cooperation: Writing a New Chapter in U.S.-Arab Relations”, March, http://csis.org/files/media/csis/pubs/0503_conflictcooperation.pdf)

      Right now, a significant opportunity exists not
      , between focusing on leaders or their citizens.
      We know we share a common future;
      potential to improve the fates of us all.
      U.S. Security Depends on Stability in the Arab World
      The Arab world is increasingly featured on the
      involved in such a broad swath of territory.
      While Cold War competition focused attention on Arab
      the beginning of the twenty-first century.
      Over the last century, the United States
      globe, affecting more than a billion people.
      Most recently, the Arab world has been
      the inadequacy of our approach to the region.
      There is a growing consensus that U.
      been growing in volume since that tragic day.

      Riddoch 4 (Dr. Malcolm, Faculty of Communications and Creative Industries – Edith Cowan University, Energy  Bulletin, 6-18, http://www.energybulletin.net/node/729)

      There are lots of recent 2004 reports speculating
      nuclear war and its companions famine and pestilence.  

      Oil shocks cause Asian war
      Halloran 8 (Richard, Former Foreign Correspondent
      Morning Post, 2-13, Lexis)

      A fresh assessment of Asia's energy outlook asserts
      be the cause of hostilities across the region.

      Goes global and nuclear
      Landay 00 (Jonathan S., National Security and Intelligence Correspondent, Knight Ridder/Tribune News Service, 3-10, Lexis)

      Few if any experts think China and Taiwan
      last year, according to the Commerce Department.

  • 2AC Europe CP

    • Tournament: GSU | Round: 4 | Opponent: Emory CP | Judge: Kearney

    • Visible U.S. action is key to boost credibility

      Ebeld 7

      (Hanaa M., Specialist, development studies; Egypt, “Money Can’t Buy Love: USAID Assistance to Egypt,” Arab Insights 1(2), Fall 2007, http://www.arabinsight.org/aiarticles/176.pdf)


      The recent revisions of USAID activity priorities and foci signal a considerable departure from the aid priorities that have persisted during the …. perception of the United States.


      U.S. signal’s key solve both advatnages


      Russell 11 (Gerard, Research Fellow at the Kennedy School of Government – Harvard University, and Mina Al-Oraibi, Bureau Chief – Asharq Al-Awsat (World’s Largest Pan-Arab Daily Newspaper), “The Trust Deficit: Seven

      Steps Forward for U.S. — Arab Dialogue”, Washington Quarterly, Summer, http://www.twq.com/11summer/docs/ 11summer_Al-Oraibi_Russell.pdf)


      The United States Still Uniquely Matters

      This article has addressed itself entirely to the ….principles, it can move in that direction.


      (   ) “Branding” aid as official and from the federal government is key to reverse anti-Americanism

      Lord 9

      (Kristin M., Vice President and Director of Studies at the Center for a New American Security, “FLAG ON THE BAG? BRANDING FOREIGN ASSISTANCE AND THE STRUGGLE AGAINST VIOLENT EXTREMISM,”


      Anti-American attitudes remain prevalent ….having a more favorable opinion because of that assistance.


      USAID is key to restore credibility on democracy

      Carothers 9

      (Thomas, Director of the Democracy and Rule of Law Project at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, “Revitalizing U.S. Democracy Assistance: The Challenge of USAID,” 2009, http://carnegieendowment.org/files/revitalizing_democracy_assistance.pdf)


      President Obama and his foreign policy …. democracy’s uncertain global fortunes now pose.

  • 2AC Obama Good - SKFTA

    • Tournament: GSU | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • dNo war escalation


      Woolsey, 2k3

      (The Moscow Times, R. James Woolsey, former CIA director and Thomas McInerney retired Air Force Lieutenant General. 10/5/03)

      U.S. and South Korean forces …."no doubt on the outcome" as the chairman of the Joint  Chiefs of Staff, General Richard Meyers, said to the Senate at his reconfirmation hearing on July 26. 


      No Alliance boost


      Lee and Kim '9

      (Dong Sun and Sung Eun

      "The Impact of a Free Trade Agreement on the US-South Korean Alliance: A Theoretical and Empirical Assessment", http://www.allacademic.com//meta/p_mla_apa_research_citation/3/1/0/6/8/pages310681/p310681-6.php//greenhill-chris)


      Contrary to the common …. strength of alliances.

      Dickinson ‘9

      (Matthew, Professor of Political Science – Middlebury College and Former Professor – Harvard University, “Sotomayor, Obama, and Presidential Power”, Presidential Power: A NonPartisan Analysis of Presidential Politics, 5-26, http://blogs.middlebury.edu/presidentialpower/2009/05/26/sotamayor-obama-and-presidential-power/

      As for Sotomayor, from here the path …. has already occurred, in the decision to present Sotomayor as his nominee.



      And The plan’s a unique win for Obama


      Lane 11

      (Charles, Washington Post editorial writer, “Obama can reap political capital from revolt in Egypt”, 2-15-11, http://www.thenewstribune.com/2011/02/15/1545321/obama-can-reap-political-capital.html)

      If Obama reaches out effectively to the … a major investment of his administration’s time and energy in Egypt over the rest of his term. 



      Winners win for Obama --- inaction burns capital

      Kuttner 11 (Robert, Co-Founder and Co-Editor – American Prospect and Distinguished Senior Fellow – Demos (Think Tank), “Barack Obama’s Theory of Power”, The American Prospect, 5-16, http://prospect.org/cs/articles?article=barack_obamas_theory_of_power)


      Obama’s critics contend that his prolonged fantasy of


      For the most part, it hasn’t worked.


      They have no link uniqueness-

      Obama already announced increased funding for Egypt- that’s 1AC Dorsey


      And The US is engaging MB now


      Mohammed 11

      (Arshad, staff writer for Reuters, “Exclusive: U.S. to resume formal Muslim Brotherhood contacts,” 6-30-11, http://news.maars.net/blog/2011/06/30/exclusive-u-s-to-resume-formal-muslim-brotherhood-contacts/)

      The United States will resume limited contacts with


      they will now deal directly with Brotherhood officials.

  • 2AC Spending

    • Tournament: GSU | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • (   ) Democracy assistance to Egypt will increase in the FY12 budget

      McInerney 11

      (Stephen, Executive Director of the Project on Middle East Democracy, “The Federal Budget and Appropriations

      for Fiscal Year 2012,” July 2011, http://pomed.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/FY2012-Budget-Report-web.pdf)


      The Middle East and North Africa in July


      independent civil society and its reversal is welcome.



      (   ) Spending increases are coming in the FY12 budget

      Izumi 11

      (Lance T., Koret Senior Fellow and senior director of education studies at the Pacific Research Institute, “Obama 2012 budget boosts federal spending on failed education programs,” 3-6-11, http://washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/op-eds/2011/03/obama-2012-budget-boosts-federal-spending-failed-education-programs)


      Despite his newfound cost-cutting rhetoric,


      the program has failed to raise student performance.



      (   ) Federal spending high now – Hurricane Irene

      BBC 11

      (“Hurricane Irene: Obama pledges help to storm-hit states,” 9-4-11, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-14783297)


      US President Barack Obama has promised federal aid


      in New York, mostly on Long Island.



      (   ) The plan has no impact on the budget

      Carlucci 11

      (Frank, Former secretary of defense, “GOP rivals should be Ronald Reagan strong,” 9-4-11, http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0911/62497.html)


      Our foreign policy programs funded with international affairs


      real benefits it brings to the American people.

  • 2AC Reps Criticisms

    • Tournament: GSU | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • And we don’t have to be completely right to justify action – inability to understand the brotherhood encourages a policy making process that makes all of their links inevitable

      George, 2k3

      (Alexander George is the Graham H. Stuart Professor of International Relations, Emeritus

      "The Need for Influence Theory and Actor-Specific Behavioral Models of Adversaries"


      When the assumption of a unitary actor is


      when their acts of terrorism are highly destructive.



      Un-moderated Brotherhood guarantees violence against the Israel--- Public statements prove


      Rubin 11

      (Barry, Professor – Interdisciplinary Center, Director – Global Research in International Affairs Center, and Senior Fellow – Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism, “Scoop: Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Explains How It Will Get Rid of Peace Treaty With Israel,” 2-4-11, http://rubinreports.blogspot.com/2011/02/scoop-egyptian-muslim-brotherhood.html)

      We have been repeatedly assured in the media


      get to see it proven to be accurate.


      And the alt doesn’t solve --- Israeli realism guarantees inevitable crises- US Engagement key


      Weinberger, 2k11

      (Jerry Weinberger is a professor of political science at Michigan State University and an adjunct fellow of the Hudson Institute.  "Egypt, Israel, and the Muslim Brotherhood" http://www.american.com/archive/2011/february/egypt-israel-and-the-muslim-brotherhood)

      As chaos envelops Egypt and threatens the wider


      To what end? To crush the Brotherhood.

  • 1AC Finals Kentucky Freshman Breakout

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1AC v. West Georgia


      Contention One – Problems in the Status Quo


      We begin with our Characterization of the Plan text – The Aff is pure Negative-State action


      First –Technical Assistance is mostly solicited advice – and parties in Egypt want it. The US already gives technical assistance.


      Slavin 11 (Barbara, Senior Fellow – Atlantic Council, Senior Diplomatic Correspondent – USA Today, and Assistant Managing Editor for World and National Security – Washington Times, “U.S. "Democracy" Advisors Suddenly in Demand”, Inter-Press Service, 4-14, http://ipsnews.net/wap/news.asp?idnews=55266)

      Carpenter, now with the Washington Institute for


      finally able to compete openly for political support.


      However, the US presently actively prohibits such aid to the Muslim Brotherhood, meaning plan is Negative State action.


      Slavin 11 (Barbara, Senior Fellow – Atlantic Council, Senior Diplomatic Correspondent – USA Today, and Assistant Managing Editor for World and National Security – Washington Times, “U.S. "Democracy" Advisors Suddenly in Demand”, Inter-Press Service, 4-14, http://ipsnews.net/wap/news.asp?idnews=55266)

      Garrett said that U.S. aid


      and now the democratic universe has vastly expanded."

      (note: Thomas Garrett, internally quoted, is vice president for programmes at IRI – International Republican Institute is an organization, funded by the United States government, that conducts international political programs, sometimes labeled 'democratization programs')


      Prohibitions of this sort are just sorta rudethey also hurt cooperation efforts


      Kull ‘11

      Steven Kull is director of the Program on International Policy Attitudes and author of the recently released book, Feeling Betrayed: The Roots of Muslim Anger at America. “Why Muslims are still mad at America” – A CNN Global Public Square Editorial – September 5th, 2011 – http://globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn.com/2011/09/05/why-muslims-are-still-mad-at-america/

      A particularly frustrating feature of the U.


      show that Muslims do not divide so neatly.


      The epistemological basis for this claim is diverse


      Kull ‘11

      Steven Kull is director of the Program on International Policy Attitudes and author of the recently released book, Feeling Betrayed: The Roots of Muslim Anger at America. “Why Muslims are still mad at America” – A CNN Global Public Square Editorial – September 5th, 2011 – http://globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn.com/2011/09/05/why-muslims-are-still-mad-at-america/

      Trying to understand Muslims’ feelings toward America has


      Islam - a perception held by overwhelming majorities.


      As it relates to perception, there’s a balancing act. Ending aid wouldn’t boost US coop. Offering to all – not some – is the best option.


      Guéhenno 11 (Jean-Marie, Nonresident Senior Fellow – Brookings Institution, “The Arab Spring is 2011, Not 1989”, New York Times, 4-21, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/22/opinion/22iht-edguehenno22.html)

      Bringing the Muslim Brotherhood and related organizations into


      be the policy challenge of this new phase.


      If parties would like to talk with the US about technical assistance, we shouldn’t block them. The status quo and blanket rejections of assistance don’t accomplish this.


      Hamid 10 (Shadi, Director of Research – Brookings Doha Center and Fellow – Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, “The Islamist Response to Repression: Are Mainstream Islamist Groups Radicalizing?”, Brookings Doha Center Policy Briefing, August, http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/Files/rc/papers/ 2010/0809_islamist_groups_hamid/0809_islamist_groups_hamid.pdf)

      With both Egypt and Jordan holding much-


      -hoc meetings lacking a substantive agenda. 3


      Egypt is an especially important signal – this also proves decreasing support hampers US coop efforts


      Elshinnawi 10 (Mohamed, Foreign Affairs Writer – VOA, “Egypt Key to Proving Obama's Commitment to Middle East Democracy”, Voice of America News, 6-30, http://www.voanews.com/english/news/special-reports/american-life/Egypt-Key-to-Proving-Obamas-Commitment-to-Middle-East-Democracy.html)

      There has been widespread public agreement in the


      the existing regime to designate its own successor."


      Credible US coop with the Muslim World is vital to address climate change


      AHMED ‘6

      AKBAR S. AHMED, IBN KHALDUN CHAIR OF ISLAMIC STUDIES, SCHOOL OF INTERNATIONAL SERVICE, AMERICAN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, DC – ISLAM AND THE WEST: SEARCHING FOR COMMON GROUND HEARING BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS UNITED STATES SENATE ONE HUNDRED NINTH CONGRESS JULY 18, 2006 – http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Rin7IuH-o0gJ:ftp.resource.org/gpo.gov/hearings/109s/36963.txt+%22crises+like+global+warming,+poverty,+the+population+explosion%22&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=firefox-a

      Let us remind ourselves why relations between the


      the sole superpower and leader of the world.



      Warming causes huge death tolls


      Lea ‘7

      (Michael – political correspondent for The Sun – he is internally quoting the IPCC – April 7th http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article24343.ece)


      BILLIONS face death from hunger, drought,


      saying: “It is a global responsibility.”




      PLAN: The United States Federal Government should lift restrictions precluding direct technical services for political organization in Egypt.



      Next, is Contention Two:


      First – The curriculum is at its best when it starts with fiated and concrete state-based political action

      Gitlin ‘5

      Todd Gitlin formerly served as professor of sociology and director of the mass communications program at the University of California, Berkeley, and then a professor of culture, journalism and sociology at New York University. He is now a professor of journalism and sociology and chair of the Ph.D. program in Communications at Columbia University. He was a long-time political activist( from the Left). From the Book: The Intellectuals and the Flag – 2005 – available via CIAO Books – date accessed 7/17/10 – http://www.ciaonet.org.proxy2.cl.msu.edu/book/git01/git01_04.pdf

      Weak thinking on the American left is especially


      secession from the world where most people live.




      Other forms of “politics” are theoretically possible – but this card frames pedagogical disad to those “anti-political” starting points. We’ll also epistemologically indict critical theorists.


      Chandler ‘7

      (David Chandler is Professor of International Relations at the Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Westminster –

      “The Attraction of Post-Territorial Politics: Ethics and Activism in the International Sphere” – Inaugural Lecture – May – available at: http://www.davidchandler.org/pdf/short_articles/Inaugural%20lecture.pdf)

      Howeverpolitics is no less important to


      used to understand and engage with the world. 



      Such apathy dooms their project, threatens the planet, and cedes politics to the Right.


      Boggs ’97

      (CARL BOGGS – Professor and Ph.D. Political Science, National University, Los Angeles -- Theory and Society 26: 741-780)

      The false sense of empowerment that comes with


      interests that had vanished from civil society.75  


      We didn’t say a thing about democracy, imperial state-building, or neo-lib. They’ll still say these are “driving” assumptions. We’ll epistemologically indict critics that advance this “hidden motives” thesis.


      Chandler ‘10

      (David Chandler is Professor of International Relations at the Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Westminster – Review of International Studies – Vol. 36 (2011), Special Issue: Evaluating Global Orders, pp.137-155. Available at: http://www.davidchandler.org/pdf/journal_articles/RIS%20-%20Uncritical%20Critique%20of%20Lib%20Peace.pdf)

      In the critiques of the liberal peace,


      in so-called ‘Westphalian’ terms.44


      Framing aid as violent, imposing, fast, or ineffective is more than epistemologically wrong. It ensures our entire understanding is flawed.


      Chandler ‘10

      (David Chandler is Professor of International Relations at the Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Westminster – Review of International Studies – Vol. 36 (2011), Special Issue: Evaluating Global Orders, pp.137-155. Available at: http://www.davidchandler.org/pdf/journal_articles/RIS%20-%20Uncritical%20Critique%20of%20Lib%20Peace.pdf)

      This article seeks to forward an alternative framework


      against all other modes of cultural forms’.9



      They might say “politics is screwed-up now”. But, if the World’s too “conservative” now it’s because our form of political engagement is TOO THIN. It’s linear.


      Chandler ‘9

      David Chandler is Professor of International Relations at the Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Westminster – 'The Global Ideology: Rethinking the Politics of the "Global Turn" in IR', International Relations, Vol. 23, No. 4 (2009), pp. 530-547.


      While the Cold War discipline of international relations


      of the expanded nature of collective political engagement.



      We’re not pro-State, but we’re “anti-anti State”. Some things can ONLY be solved “through the system” – and lifting existing State-exclusion of the Muslim Brotherhood is such an item.


      Barbrook ‘97

      (Dr. Richard, School of Westminster, Nettime, “More Provocations”, 6-5,


      I thought that this position is clear from


      pose. However, human suffering is not.




      We’ll indict “pre-fiat” and micro-politics. Those args mask that macro-politics shapes the local more than vice-versa.


      Ebert ‘5

      Teresa L. Ebert is a professor of cultural theory at the University at Albany, State University of New YorkScience & Society, Vol. 69, No. 1, January 2005, 33–55, available at: http://people.missouristate.edu/WilliamBurling/Adobe%20files/Rematerializing%20Feminism.pdf

      The emergence of micropolitics marks the impact of


      of the subject in its multiple consuming relations.


      By over-emphasizing the “local”, pre-fiat-style args breed apathy


      Eliasoph ‘97

      Nina Eliasoph is Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Southern California –Theory and Society, Vol. 26, No. 5 (Oct., 1997), pp. 605-647 – Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/658024

      If it's not something that [pause]


      them, sometimes it does both at once. 


      That cedes the political in a dangerous way


      Eliasoph ‘97

      Nina Eliasoph is Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Southern California –Theory and Society, Vol. 26, No. 5 (Oct., 1997), pp. 605-647 – Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/658024

      If the key to the mystery of "


      , or acknowledge that close and far are inseparable



      Prefer our Framework


      First – Anti-Politics is normative offense against their framework. Every disad they’ll make to our framework is a link to anti-politics.


      Second – Policy role-play doesn’t indoctrinate or get stale – makes best Real World education.


      Joyner ‘99

      (Christopher C., Professor of International Law at Georgetown, “Teaching International Law”, 5 Ilsa. J. Int’l & Comp. L. 377, Lexis)

      Use of the debate can be an effective


      analysis, political critique, and legal defense.


      Third – Limits – there’s are infinite items to abstractly critique. There’s an infinite amount of reps in a round. This is bad for fairness, education, and testing their truth claims – as we can’t meaningfully engage the infinite.

  • Round Reports

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Aff: MSU GP
      Round #  7 Tournament: Shirley
      vs: Northwestern



      Plan Text



      1ac Advantages

      Muslim Brotherhood

      Religious freedom


      2ac Offense

      Straight turn SCAF

      Space exploration add on

      Concede heg good to impact turn Orientalism’s imperialism impact

      Refugees add-on (destabilize Europe’s war)

      Cred add on


      1ar Strategy

      Extend word PICS theory


      2ar Strategy


      Aff: MSU GP
      Round #2   Tournament: Shirley
      vs: Mo State BR
      Judge: Spies



      Plan Text

      USFG should provide substantial political party training for Egypt through joint programming with the Republic of India.



      1ac Advantages

      Muslim Brotherhood

      India Strategic Partnerships

      India Energy Cooperation


      2ac Offense

      International Religious Freedom

      Sea Lanes – key to credibility


      1ar Strategy



      2ar Strategy
      India CP doesn’t solve the MB

  • Shirley Round 4 2AC vs. Emory CP

    • Tournament: Shirley | Round: 4 | Opponent: Emory CP | Judge: Delo

    • onGeneric defense doesn’t apply to the Sinai --- its uniquely destabilizing and goes nuclear --- that’s Zitun --- prefer our evidence: cites classified documents


      Israel will escalate to extinction --- retaliation and irrationality collapses deterrence --- that’s Beres


      Doesn’t assume Israeli terrorism --- it’s likely and undeterrable --- that’s Freilich --- causes Samson Option and global nuclear war

      Moore 7 (Carol, Member – Hiroshima-Nagasaki Peace Committee, and Former Secretary – New York Libertarian Party, “Six Escalation Scenarios Spiraling to World Nuclear War”, 9-5, http://www.carolmoore.net/nuclearwar/alternatescenarios.html)


      A world nuclear war is one … spiral to world nuclear war.


      Bioweapons cause extinction

      Steinbrunner 97 (John, Senior Fellow – Brookings, Foreign Policy, 12-22, Lexis)


      Although human … necessarily its outer limit.


      MB control causes internal repression that causes a flow of refugees that destabilize Europe

      Ali 11 (Ayaan Hirsi, Resident Scholar – American Enterprise Institute, “Will the Muslim Brotherhood Succeed

      Where Osama Failed?”, New Perspectives Quarterly, 28(3), Summer, p. 21-22)


      AT   H O M E | In order to build “the Muslim … to the grave. But the doctrine of jihad lives on.



      Elliot 7 (Jeffrey M., North Carolina Central University and Robert Reginald, California State University, San Bernandino, The Arms Control, Disarmament, and Military Security Dictionary, p. 19-20)


      Escalation of War (15) Increasing, … 71; LIMITED WAR, 20; TOTAL. WAR. 32.



      They’ll scapegoat refugees – causing geopolitical jockeying that goes nuclear

      Karlin 9

      Anatoly Karlin is a San Francisco based independent writer, political analyst, Editing Professional, and media critic. He is also the author of the blog Sublime Oblivion focusing on the Russia, geopolitics and future global trends. His articles have appeared in The Guardian PSJ and The Discovery Institute's Real Russia Project,  Sublime Strategic Report #10 – October 23, 2009 – available at: http://www.sublimeoblivion.com/2009/10/23/ssr10-europe-black-continent/.


      However, conservatives who fear the … weapons will fall dramatically.


      T – Intermediaries – 2AC


      Contrived --- no evidence says assistance must only be direct --- makes it arbitrary and unpredictable


      “Democracy assistance” can be indirect

      Toornstra 10 (Dick, Office for the Promotion of Parliamentary Democracy, “Getting Acquainted: Setting the Stage for Democracy Assistance”, http://www.europarl.europa.eu/pdf/oppd/Page_8/getting_acquainted_web.pdf)


      Democracy assistance – one of the tools of democracy … exists to facilitate democratisation  and excludes activities which might only indirectly  affect democratisation, in particular socio-economic  assistance.


      14. Schmitter, P. C., and Brouwer, I. (1999), supra n. 9, page 12 and 17. Major other analysts of democracy assistance use similar definitions.

      Carothers, T. Aiding Democracy Abroad. The Learning Curve (1999), page 6. Burnell, P. (ed.), Democracy Assistance. International Co-operation for Democratisation (2000), page 5


      “For” means intended destination

      OED 11 (Oxford English Dictionary, “for”, http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/for?view=uk)



      1 in support of or in …as a destination: they are leaving for London tomorrow


      “Its” means associated with

      Oxford 10 (Oxford Dictionary, “Of”, http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/its?view=uk)



      possessive determiner

      belonging to or associated with a thing previously mentioned or easily identified:turn the camera on its side he chose the area for its atmosphere


      We meet --- joint training is “democracy assistance” --- that’s Twining


      It’s best ---


      A) Aff ground --- key to flexibility on a massively Neg biased topic --- err Aff: non-US and non-democracy CPs, politics, the K, and general solvency arguments mean they’ve got plenty of ground


      B) Precision --- our interpretation is most accurate and supported by consensus --- they exclude the primary means of aid through NGOs --- kills accurate learning


      C) Its fair --- aid must be earmarked for topical countries --- ensures ground regardless of the means of delivery


      Reasonability is best --- good is good enough, competing interpretations causes a race to the bottom



      Disad makes NO sense- their internal link evidence is about Saudi perceptions of US SECURITY Guarantees- plan does nothing to change that


      (   ) Saudi Arabia is already mad about Obama’s democracy promotion

      Maloney 11

      (Suzanne, Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy, Saban Center for Middle East Policy, “The Alliance That Dare Not Speak Its Name,” 5-20-11, http://www.brookings.edu/opinions/2011/0520_obama_middle_east_maloney.aspx)


      The two most important words in … have to address the Saudi elephant in the room.



      (   ) US/Saudi relations are shot

      Miller 11 (Aaron David, Public Policy Scholar – Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and Member – U.S. Advisory Council of Israel Policy Forum, “The United States, Saudi Arabia, and the Arab Spring”, The Diane Rehm Show (NPR), 6-8, http://www.carnegieendowment.org/2011/06/08/united-states-saudi-arabia-and-arab-spring/1yq)


      REHM Robin Wright, how would you … some serious tensions into the relationship.


      (   ) Current MB engagement links worse --- it’s ad hoc and inconsistent

      Brown 11 (Nathan, Professor of Political Science and International Affairs – George Washington University, “What Does the U.S. Want to Talk to the Brotherhood About?”, The National Interest, 8-9, http://nationalinterest.org/commentary/what-does-the-us-want-talk-the-brotherhood-about-5721)


      In a confusing set of statements … as normal and the United States backed off.


      (   ) Plan reverses the perception of appeasement --- coupling engagement with broad assistance boosts U.S. credibility

      Satloff 11 (Dr. Robert, Executive Director and Howard P. Berkowitz Chair in U.S. Middle East Policy – Washington Institute for Near East Policy, “Egypt, U.S. Strategy, and Engaging the Muslim Brotherhood”, Washington Institute Policy Alert, 6-30, http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/templateC06.php?CID=1662)


      Secretary of State Clinton confirmed today … to the MB as fumbling in the dark



      (   ) Obama already promised democracy assistance to Egypt

      VOA News 11

      (“Assistance to Egypt”, 6-01-11, http://www.voanews.com/policy/editorials/Assistance-to-Egypt-122978883.html)


      The United States is committed … and women’s participation.






      Perm DB

      Clearly doesn’t solve MB at all


      Condo bad


      Doesn’t solve relations --- democracy co-op’s key to ideational values-based alignment --- only this can provide a sustainable basis for partnership --- that’s Twining --- more evidence

      Twining 11 (Daniel, Senior Fellow for Asia – German Marshall Fund of the United States and Richard Fontaine, Senior Fellow – Center for a New American Security, “The Ties that Bind? U.S.—Indian Values-based Cooperation”, Washington Quarterly, Spring, http://www.twq.com/11spring/docs/11spring_Twining_Fontaine.pdf)


      These and other endeavors suggest …, open government, and democratic values.’’ 11


      EVEN IF THEY FIAT COOPERATION OVER ENERGY SEUCRITY ITS NOT CREDIBLE COOPERATION -- democracy aid’s key to Egypt/Indian relations and reliable access --- that’s Chandra. Party training’s key to stability and energy co-op --- that’s Twining.


      Egypt’s key to India cred in the Arab world --- sustains energy access-

      Gharekhan 11 (Chinmaya, Former Indian Special Envoy – West Africa, “India, US, Israel Need Not Fear the Coming Change”, Deccan Chonicle, 2-6, http://www.deccanchronicle.com/360-degree/india-us-israel-need-not-fear-coming-change-452)


      Why do you think  interested in what is going on in Egypt.


      Say no --- India won’t cooperate on internet freedom

      NYT 11 (New York Times, “India Puts Tight Leash On Internet Free Speech”, 4-28, http://economictimes. indiatimes.com/tech/internet/india-puts-tight-leash-on-internet-free-speech/articleshow/8105921.cms)


      Free speech advocates and Internet … India. This is something very serious."



      Plan spurs global Muslim engagement

      Asali 9 (Ziad, President and Founder – American Task Force on Palestine, et al., “Changing Course: A New Direction for U.S. Relations with the Muslim World”, February, p. 48-54)


      Provide top-level U.S. leadership  about political liberalization in Muslim countries.


      Key to Pakistani stability --- impact’s global nuclear war

      Pitt 9 (William, New York Times and Internationally Bestselling Author, “Unstable Pakistan Threatens the World”, 5-8, Arab American News, http://www.arabamericannews.com/news/index.php?mod=article&cat=commentary& article=2183)


      But a suicide bomber in Pakistan … about addressing the situation. So should we all.


      Cred’s key to SLOC access --- sustains global power projection

      Freeman 7 (Chas W., Director – Atlantic Council and Former U.S. Ambassador – Saudi Arabia, “U.S. Foreign Policy and the Arab World (Part II)”, The Globalist, 8-21, http://www.theglobalist.com/StoryId.aspx?StoryId=6314)


      It is clear that the United States  of its new Africa command.


      Global nuclear war and turns Korea war

      Peele 97 (Reynolds B., Lieutenant – United States Marine Corps, “The Importance of Maritime Chokepoints”, Parameters, Summer, http://www.carlisle.army.mil/usawc/parameters/Articles/97summer/peele.htm)


      There are presently six significant  and economic interests can be protected.


      Plan solves Arab credibility --- stops OPEC switch --- key to the economy

      Freeman 7 (Chas W., Director – Atlantic Council and Former U.S. Ambassador – Saudi Arabia, “U.S. Foreign Policy and the Arab World (Part II)”, The Globalist, 8-21, http://www.theglobalist.com/StoryId.aspx?StoryId=6314)


      It is clear that the United States …commodity markets would be profound.


      Nuclear war

      Broward 9 (Via Newsflavor – A Network of Political and World News Journalists, “Will an Economic Collapse Kill You?”, 4-9, http://newsflavor.com/opinions/will-an-economic-collapse-kill-you/)


      It may or may not sound … facing us in the 21st century.



      2AC CR


      No evidence that speaks to the LENGTH of the shutdown- negative burden to prove that the impact internal link is triggered in the timeframe of a couple days



      No impact to shut down- overhyped

      Boston Herald, 3-16-2011 http://articles.boston.com/2011-03-16/news/29350173_1_government-shutdown-federal-shutdowns-stopgap-budget/2


      The threat dangles like a … with their governments,’’ Rivlin said.

      Cyberwar is overblown hype, and if there were an attack the effect would be minimal

      James A. Lewis, Director and Senior Fellow, Technology and Public Policy Program, Center for Strategic and International Studies ( CSIS ), December 2002, “Assessing the Risks of Cyber Terrorism, Cyber War and Other Cyber Threats,” Center for Strategic and International Studies, http://www.csis.org/media/csis/pubs/021101_risks_of_cyberterror.pdf


      The Internet is a new thing, … appreciated by many observers.


      Obama is pushing for expansion of foreign aid in the minibus

      The Hill, 11-10-2011 http://thehill.com/blogs/on-the-money/appropriations/192987-white-house-objects-to-portions-of-second-minibus


      The White House on Thursday  for the Army Corps of Engineers.



      Stephen McInerney serves as POMED's Director for Legislative Affairs and Editor of the POMED Wire blog. He has more than six years experience in the region, including graduate studies of Middle Eastern politics, history, and the Arabic language at the American University in Cairo and the American University of Beirut., July 2011, “The Federal Budget and Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2012,” http://www.boell.org/downloads/FY2012_Budget_Report_revised_-_web.pdf

      Transitions in the Middle …. in Syria, Libya, Yemen, or elsewhere.




      Federal Times, 11-11-2011 http://www.federaltimes.com/article/20111111/CONGRESS03/111110303/


      The continuing resolution that is … situation is less confrontational, less highly charged."


      No CR- going to run out of time

      FDL, 11-12-2011 http://news.firedoglake.com/2011/11/12/um-continuing-resolution-runs-out-november-18-anyone/


      In six days, the continuing …it’s also waaaay too quiet in Washington over this.



      Plan stops Iranian aggression

      Lynch 11 (Marc, Non-Resident Senior Fellow – Center for a New American Century and Associate Professor of Political Science and Director of the Middle East Studies Program – George Washington University, “Upheaval:

      U.S. Policy Toward Iran in a Changing Middle East”, June, http://www.cnas.org/files/documents/publications/CNAS_Upheaval_Lynch_2.pdf)


      America’s interest in preventing … Iran, and demonstrate that commitment in practice.


      Nuclear war

      Ben-Meir 7 (Alon, Professor of International Relations at the Center for Global Affairs – New York University, “Ending Iranian Defiance”, United Press International, 2-6, Lexis)


      That Iran stands today able to … not halting its nuclear program.


  • IRF Addon

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Funding the MB’s key to U.S. credibility on religious freedom --- solves global nuclear conflicts

      Farr 8

      (Thomas F., Professor of Religion and International Affairs – Georgetown's Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service and Director – Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs, “Diplomacy in an Age of Faith Subtitle: Religious Freedom and National Security”, Foreign Affairs, March / April, Lexis)


      DESECULARIZATION AND ITS DISCONTENTS The reappearance of public


      contribute to U.S. national security.

  • 1AC India Version

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Brotherhood

      Contention 1 --- Muslim Brotherhood


      They’re winning

      Woods 9-20 (Amy, Award-Winning International Journalist – ABC News, and Ashley Martella, “Egyptian Leader Ahmed Said: Muslim Brotherhood Eclipses New Political Parties”, NewsMax, 2011, http://www.newsmax.com/InsideCover/AhmedSaid-Egypt-MuslimBrotherhood/2011/09/20/id/411627)


      Egypt should postpone its first elections following the


      to change the scene again,” he said.


      They’re stronger than ever because of U.S. isolation --- “picking winners” creates a perception of hostility that’s the basis of recruiting and radicalism

      Duss 11 (Matthew, Policy Analyst and Director of Middle East Progress – Center for American Progress and MA in Middle East Studies – University of Washington, “Recognizing Reality in the Middle East”, Center for American Progress Report, 7-1, http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/2011/07/middle_east_reality.html)


      It appears the U.S. government


      Clinton’s comments were a step in that direction.


      U.S. assistance gives secular groups the resources and skills necessary to compete and prevent MB control

      Ali 11 (Ayaan Hirsi, Fellow – American Enterprise Institute and Founder – AHA Foundation, “Get Ready for the Muslim Brotherhood”, New York Times, 2-3, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/04/opinion/04iht-edali04.html?page wanted=all)


      Those two experiences gave me some insights that


      one tyranny aside could easily succumb to another.


      Strong demand exists for U.S. technical assistance --- including the MB defuses anti-American resistance

      Slavin 11 (Barbara, Senior Fellow – Atlantic Council, Senior Diplomatic Correspondent – USA Today, and Assistant Managing Editor for World and National Security – Washington Times, “U.S. "Democracy" Advisors Suddenly in Demand”, Inter-Press Service, 4-14, http://ipsnews.net/wap/news.asp?idnews=55266)


      For years, U.S. officials


      parties formed by the Muslim Brothers in Egypt.


      Making it openly available without restriction enables an effective democratic transition

      Strasser 11 (Max, Cairo-Based Editor – Foreign Policy Magazine, “Can USAID Be a Force For Good In Egypt?”, The Nation, 7-22, http://www.thenation.com/article/162239/can-usaid-be-force-good-egypt)


      In Egypt, as in much of the


      post-Mubarak, pre-election Egypt.


      A consistent mandate of open access to U.S. democracy aid is critical to shift on-the-ground policy to accommodate the Brotherhood

      Hamid 10 (Shadi, Director of Research – Brookings Doha Center and Fellow – Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, “The Islamist Response to Repression: Are Mainstream Islamist Groups Radicalizing?”, Brookings Doha Center Policy Briefing, August, http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/Files/rc/papers/ 2010/0809_islamist_groups_hamid/0809_islamist_groups_hamid.pdf)



      Islamist leaders often speak of an “American


      -hoc meetings lacking a substantive agenda. 3


      And democracy assistance is key to prevent a future Obama flip-flop that decimates credibility


      Elshinnawi 10

       (Mohamed, Foreign Affairs Writer – VOA, “Egypt Key to Proving Obama's Commitment to Middle East Democracy”, Voice of America News, 6-30, http://www.voanews.com/english/news/special-reports/american-life/Egypt-Key-to-Proving-Obamas-Commitment-to-Middle-East-Democracy.html)


      There has been widespread public agreement in the


      the region are still a work in progress.


      And the plan is vital to a change in overall engagement strategy


      Freeman 7

      (Chas W., Director – Atlantic Council and Former U.S. Ambassador – Saudi Arabia, “U.S. Foreign Policy and the Arab World (Part II)”, The Globalist, 8-21, http://www.theglobalist.com/StoryId.aspx?StoryId=6314)

      *Note – this card continues to part 3 of the article

      It is clear that the United States must


      Asia as well as key countries like Nigeria.


      Even if the Brotherhood takes control, assistance now gives the U.S. leverage to moderate its behavior

      Duss 11 (Matthew, Policy Analyst and Director of Middle East Progress – Center for American Progress and MA in Middle East Studies – University of Washington, “Are We Serious About A Democratic Egypt?”, ThinkProgress Security, 2-4, http://thinkprogress.org/security/2011/02/04/176481/are-we-serious-about-a-democratic-egypt/)


      I agree that U.S. has


      We should start getting used to that idea.



      MB control undermines military relations with Israel --- risks Egyptian troop defections and accidental war

      Makovsky 8-23 (David, Ziegler Distinguished Fellow and Director of the Project on the Middle East Peace Process – Washington Institute for Near East Policy, “New Tremors in Egypt-Israel Relations”, Council on Foreign Relations Interview, 2011, http://www.cfr.org/egypt/new-tremors-egypt-israel-relations/p25696)


      Renewed hostilities along Israel's border with Egypt's Sinai


      good, are very much liable to deteriorate.


      Troop movements will cause miscalculated war

      Glick 9-6 (Caroline, Deputy Managing Editor – Jerusalem Post, Former Officer – Israeli Defense Forces, and Senior Middle East Fellow – Center for Security Policy, “The Perils of a Remilitarized Sinai”, Canada Free Press, 2011, http://www.canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/40111)


      THE MILITARY’S demonstrated antagonism toward Israel, the


      situation for what it is and act accordingly.


      It’s happening now

      Sanders 8-30 (Edmund, Reporter – LA Times, “New Egypt Troop Presence in Sinai a Gamble for Israel”, Los Angeles Times, 2011, http://articles.latimes.com/2011/aug/30/world/la-fg-israel-sinai-20110831)


      This week, as many as 1,


      fragile than at any time in three decades.


      Escalates --- military can’t check

      Rabinovich 9-5 (Itamar, Professor of Middle Eastern History – Tel Aviv University, “Egypt’s New Role in Conflict”, 2011,  http://www.itamarrabinovich.tau.ac.il/publications/84-egypts-new-role-in-the-conflict.html)


      A second challenge concerns Egypt. Israel's caution


      the prospect of fresh crisis seems likely.


      Sinai’s uniquely destabilizing --- goes nuclear

      Zitun 11 (Yoav, Staff Writer – YNet, “IDF General: Likelihood of Regional War Growing”, YNet, 9-5, http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4118220,00.html)


      Senior IDF officer warns of 'radical Islamic winter'


      remarks were approved for publication by censorship officials.



      Beres 11 (Louis Rene, Professor of Political Science and International Law – Purdue University, “Israel, Anarchy, and Global Chaos”, Jerusalem Post, 8-18, http://postonpolitics.blogspot.com/2011/08/israel-anarchy-and-global-chaos.html)


      In history, there is a powerful difference


      corollary effects would be correspondingly immediate and overwhelming.


      Strategic Partnership


      Contention 2 --- Strategic Partnership


      US/Indian relations are unsustainable because they lack ideational foundation --- democracy co-op’s key

      Twining 11 (Daniel, Senior Fellow for Asia – German Marshall Fund of the United States and Richard Fontaine, Senior Fellow – Center for a New American Security, “The Ties that Bind? U.S.—Indian Values-based Cooperation”, Washington Quarterly, Spring, http://www.twq.com/11spring/docs/11spring_Twining_Fontaine.pdf)


      Strategically, the key question is whether India


      India in world affairs is a strategic imperative.


      Plan drives US/Indian alignment --- Egypt’s a test case

      Twining 11 (Daniel, Senior Fellow for Asia – German Marshall Fund of the United States and Richard Fontaine, Senior Fellow – Center for a New American Security, “The Ties that Bind? U.S.—Indian Values-based Cooperation”, Washington Quarterly, Spring, http://www.twq.com/11spring/docs/11spring_Twining_Fontaine.pdf)


      But unlike areas such as defense, trade


      in other countries like Afghanistan and Eygpt. 17


      Egypt, India, and the MB say “yes”

      TI 11 (Times of India, “Muslim Brotherhood Seeks India Help For Polls In Egypt”, 2-28, http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2011-02-28/india/28641172_1_egypt-elections-post-mubarak-muslim-brotherhood)


      The Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt's Islamic party,


      , which were negligible in the Mubarak years.


      Deepening relations is key

      Auslin 11 (Michael, Resident Scholar in Asia Studies and Director of Japan Studies – American Enterprise Institute, “U.S.-India: Partnership of the Future”, Wall Street Journal, 6-1, http://www.realclearworld.com/articles/2011/06/01/us-india_partnership_of_the_future_99538.html)


      Yet my nearly three weeks of discussions with


      S. aid for development and public health.


      Strategic partnership solves the economy, warming, and global nuclear and bio war

      Chandra 11 (Naresh, Chair – India's National Security Advisory Board and Former Indian Ambassador to the United States, et al., “The United States and India: A Shared Strategic Future”, September, p. 3-6)


      India is an indispensable partner for the United


      power that serves Asia so well is preserved.


      Warming causes extinction

      Cummins 10 (Ronnie, International Director – Organic Consumers Association and Will Allen, Advisor – Organic Consumers Association, “Climate Catastrophe: Surviving the 21st Century”, 2-14, http://www.commondreams.org/view/2010/02/14-6)


      The hour is late. Leading climate scientists


      appear determined to maintain "business as usual."


      Burma will prolif

      Chandra 11 (Naresh, Chair – India's National Security Advisory Board and Former Indian Ambassador to the United States, et al., “The United States and India: A Shared Strategic Future”, September, p. 7-8)


      China has chosen episodically to ignore global nonproliferation


      government in Naypyidaw are presently murky at best.


      Nuclear great power conflict

      Kurlantzick 11 (Joshua, Fellow for Southeast Asia – Council on Foreign Relations, “Myanmar: Sources of Instability and Potential for U.S.-China Cooperation”, 9-23, http://www.cfr.org/china/managing-instability-chinas-periphery/p25838)


      The Challenges from Myanmar

      Although the dangers to regional and international stability


      of a regime-controlled border guard force.


      Indian Energy

      Contention 3 --- Indian Energy


      Party training’s key to Indian access to Egyptian energy

      Twining 11 (Daniel, Senior Fellow for Asia – German Marshall Fund of the United States and Richard Fontaine, Senior Fellow – Center for a New American Security, “The Ties that Bind? U.S.—Indian Values-based Cooperation”, Washington Quarterly, Spring, http://www.twq.com/11spring/docs/11spring_Twining_Fontaine.pdf)


      Institution-Building in the Middle East The


      , and more prosperous trade and investment partners.


      U.S. coordination’s crucial --- avoids duplication

      Latif 11 (S. Amer, Visiting Fellow and Wadhwani Chair in U.S.-India Policy Studies – Center for Strategic and International Studies, “Talking Over the Arab Spring”, CSIS Blog, 7-12, http://csis.org/publication/talking-over-arab-spring)


      As Washington has struggled to deal with the Arab Spring over the past few months, New Delhi has also watched developments in the Arab world with similar concern. For India, the Middle East represents 70 percent of its imported petroleum reserves according to analysis from the Energy Information Administration. India also has over five and a half million of its citizens working in the Middle East. Indian citizens working in the Gulf provide remittances totaling $14.3 billion, according to a 2009 study by the Reserve Bank of India.

      Clearly, India and the United States have


      three areas that could be useful discussion topics.

      First, the United States and India should consider how best to coordinate their efforts on democracy promotion.

      India is currently assisting Egypt's democratic transition with electronic voting machines and advice about electoral systems. While India will most likely seek to implement its efforts unilaterally, both sides should discuss their respective current and planned efforts to promote coordination and avoid duplication.


      Plan expands Indian diplomacy --- ensures Gulf oil flows

      Chandra 11 (Naresh, Chair – India's National Security Advisory Board and Former Indian Ambassador to the United States, et al., “The United States and India: A Shared Strategic Future”, September, p. 26-27)


      West Asia, as Indians call it,


      of relevant senior officials from both governments.


      Gulf’s key --- energy shortages are likely --- causes great power conflict and disrupts Indian littoral waters

      Phillips 11 (Andrew, Ph.D. and Research Fellow in International Relations – Australian National University, “India-China Energy Race Could Stoke Conflict, But It Needn’t”, First Post, 5-16, http://www.firstpost.com/world/chindia-energy-race-10157.html)


      A revolution in energy consumption is sweeping Asia


      systemic threat to Asia’s continuing peace and prosperity.


      That collapses global trade

      Erickson 10 (Andrew S., China Maritime Studies Institute – U.S. Naval War College, and Walter C. Ladwig III, Ph.D. in International Relations – University of Oxford, “Diego Garcia and the United States’ Emerging Indian Ocean Strategy”, Asian Security, 6(3), p. 216-217)


      In terms of global trade, the Indian


      the countries of the immediate littoral and beyond.



      Pazner 8 (Michael J., Faculty – New York Institute of Finance, Financial Armageddon: Protect Your Future from Economic Collapse, p. 137-138)


      The rise in isolationism and protectionism will bring


      as the beginnings of a new world war.


      Independently --- Asian great power conflict causes extinction

      Caldicott 2 (Helen, Founder – Physicians for Social Responsibility, The New Nuclear Danger: George W. Bush’s Military-Industrial Complex, p. x)


      The use of Pakistani nuclear weapons could trigger


      meaning the end of most life on earth.


      Shortages tanks the Indian economy

      Kanuk 7 (Alan R., Vice President of Special Operations – BTI Technology, Capital Markets of India: An Investor's Guide, p. 15)


      Energy Requirements The fast-growing economy is


      to continue to grow at its current pace.


      Causes Indo/Pak nuclear war --- goes global

      Bouton 10 (Marshall M., President – Chicago Council on Global Affairs, “America’s Interests in India”, CNAS Working Paper, October, http://www.cnas.org/files/documents/publications/CNAS_USInterestsinIndia_ Bouton.pdf)


      In South Asia, the most immediately compelling


      greater potential for unchecked interstate and civil conflict.



      Robock 10 – Alan, Professor of Climatology at Rutgers University and Associate Director of the Center for Environmental Prediction and Owen Brian Toon, chair of the department of atmospheric and oceanic sciences at the University of Colorado at Boulder and a fellow of the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, fellow of the American Meteorological Society and the American Geophysical Union, “Local War, Global Suffering,” Scientific American, January, http://climate.envsci.rutgers.edu/pdf/RobockToonSciAmJan2010.pdf


      Abolition: The Only Policy


      of conflict have the potential to erupt suddenly.




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