Tunisia’s economy is on a rapid decline; this empowers Islamist fundamentalist groups in the country
Weitzman 11 (Bruce Maddy-Weitzman is the Marcia Israel Senior Research Fellow at the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies at Tel Aviv University. Summer 2011 “Tunisia's Morning After” Middle East Quarterly Vol. 18, Issue 3)
“Two additional factors…required in loans for 2011”
Fundamentalist Islamists are rallying for full implementation of Islamic law in Tunisia, going against Tunisian ideals
Beardsley, 11 ( Eleanor, Radio Journalist & Paris Correspondent - NRP, “Tunisia Seen as Laboratory for Arab Democracy” National Public Radio, http://www.npr.org/2011/05/09/136137821/after-uprisings-tunisia-a-laboratory-for-democracy) TM
“At a town hall meeting…Khelifa says”
Radical Islamist control of Tunisia will spark a domino effect of Islamist radicals taking control of the entire region
Tsonev, 11 (Kiryak, Arabian Scholar & ex-Diplomat, “In Tunisia They Want Democracy, In Egypt – Bread” Europost, http://www.europost.bg/article?id=946, 2/05) TM
“January saw the start…but of the same type.”
The United States Federal Government should provide funding for civil society organizations and governance training programs in Tunisia
Regional instability from Arab Spring revolutions will give rise to radical Islamist takeover and this directly threatens Israel
Ottolenghi, 11 (Emanuele, Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, “Analysis: Much to fear, much to hope with Arab Spring”, The Jewish Chronicle Online, http://www.thejc.com/news/world-news/53920/analysis-much-fear-much-hope-arab-spring, 09-1) TM
“The Arab Spring represents…change for the worse.”
That independently implicates and threatens US-Israeli relations.
Byman ’11 (Daniel, Prof. in Security Studies @ Georgetown, Research Director of the Saban Center for Middle East Policy @ Brookings, “Israel’s Pessimistic View of the Arab Spring”, Washington Quarterly, Summer, Volume 34, Issue 3, accessed online p. http://www.twq.com/11summer/docs/11summer_Byman.pdf)
“These apocalyptic predictions…and that democratization succeeds.”
Breakdown of US-Israeli relations collapses US hegemony and causes rebalancing
Wikistrat, 11 (Wikistrat is a global network of subject matter experts that uses a patented crowdsourcing methodology to provide insights that are unavailable anywhere else, “Terra Incognita – Arab Spring Forcing US to Choose Between Longtime Allies” http://www.wikistrat.com/geopolitical-analysis/terra-incognita-arab-spring-forcing-us-to-choose-between-longtime-allies/, 05-26) TM
“US policy in the Middle East…to pay its own way.”
Collapse of US hegemony leads to multiple impacts, including global nuclear conflicts, global imperialism, and global economic stagnation
Lieber 5 – PhD from Harvard, Professor of Government and International Affairs at Georgetown, former consultant to the State Department and for National Intelligence Estimates (Robert, “The American Era”, pages 53-54, WEA)
“Withdrawal from foreign commitments…into a few fortified enclaves.”
These conflicts escalate globally – culminate in extinction.
Moore ‘9 (Carol, BA in Polisci @ Wane State, “Six Escalation Scenarios to Nuclear World War III, 16 February,http://pakalert.wordpress.com/2009/02/16/six-escalation-scenarios-to-nuclear-world-war-iii/)
“Israel is especially dangerous…disarmament movement can stop it.”
Popular knowledge in the West otherizes and demonizes Islam through subversion and subtle propaganda, allowing for a hermetically non-diversified and easily manipulated ideal of what Islam truly is
Donnan & Stokes, 2 (Hastings & Martin, Hastings is a Professor of Social Anthropology at Queen’s University Belfast, and Martin is a lecturer of Ethnomusicology at the University of Oxford in London, “Interpreting Interpretations of Islam” http://www.sagepub.com/upm-data/9386_005972ch1.pdf) TM
“The market for news…in productive and varied ways.”
Tunisia’s Islamist movement emerged from economic turmoil and a psychological alienation from Western model of modernity.
Weitzman 11 (Bruce Maddy-Weitzman is the Marcia Israel Senior Research Fellow at the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies at Tel Aviv University. Summer 2011 “Tunisia's Morning After” Middle East Quarterly Vol. 18, Issue 3) TM
“Tunisia’s Islamist movement emerged…by thousands of jubilant supporters.”
The Impact of Otherization is a Collective Suicidal Death Drive and the Destruction of All Humanity
Santos, 03 (Boaventura, Director of the Center for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra, “Collective Suicide?” March, 20, http://bad.eserver.org/issues/2003/63/santos.html)
“According to Franz Hinkelammert…countries for four years.”
Muslim participation in production of interpretations of Islam lends to greater credibility and creates a different perspective to change the faulty perceptions of the West
Donnan & Stokes, 2 (Hastings & Martin, Hastings is a Professor of Social Anthropology at Queen’s University Belfast, and Martin is a lecturer of Ethnomusicology at the University of Oxford in London, “Interpreting Interpretations of Islam” http://www.sagepub.com/upm-data/9386_005972ch1.pdf) TM
“The basis of the authority…media and textbook interpretations.”
US aid given directly to local community and private organizations will ensure democratic economic and political development in Tunisia
O'Sullivan, 11 (Mathew, former intern at the Washington Report “U.S. Foreign Assistance in The Wake of the Arab Spring” Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Vol. 30 Issue , p51-52) TM
“Congress also complicates the…economic and political empowerment.”
Tunisia is viewed as the model of Arab revolution and that spills over into the region.
Beardsley, 11 ( Eleanor, Radio Journalist & Paris Correspondent - NRP, “Tunisia Seen as Laboratory for Arab Democracy” National Public Radio, http://www.npr.org/2011/05/09/136137821/after-uprisings-tunisia-a-laboratory-for-democracy) TM
“In this season of uprisings…clamors to be heard.”
Now is key in helping to reshape future governance and establishing democracy in Tunisia
Lbadikho, 11 (Mehdi, Contributing Specialist “After the Tunisian Revolution: Redefining Moderate Regimes” Bertelsmann Stiftung, http://futurechallenges.org/local/after-the-tunisian-revolution-redefining-moderate-regimes/) TM
“Now that the myth…future governance in the region.”