General Actions:
Empire K
Links -
A) US Middle East and North African policy is guided by corporate interests - Jensen '08
B) Democracy assistance serves corporate interests - Sussman '06
C) Mixed motives will warp the good intentions of the affirmative plan - Grimm & Merkel '08
D) We have a moral imperative not to spread chaos in other countries - Grimm & Merkel '08
Impact -
The ultimate impact of Empire's global power is total world thermonuclear destruction - Hardt & Negri '00
Alternative -
Reject the Affirmative's Empire driven escapism and allow democracy to autonomously, organically, and indigenously develop free from Empire - James '07
Whiteness K
Links -
A) Debate exudes whiteness and privileges white participants. Inclusion is key to challenge whiteness in debate, and the ballot is key - Wise '08
B) Contemporary U.S. democracy assistance is rooted in white supremacy and violation of sovereignty - Martinot '03
Impact -
Whiteness is an underlying principle of interventionism - Martinot '03
Alternative -
The question of ontology precedes discussion of policy-making or the benefits of the resolution. Even if they win that affirming the resolution is a good idea in a vacuum, the social ontology of whiteness that is produced by the 1AC is enough to vote them down because it can only produce racist products. - Dillon '99
Saudi DA
Uniqueness -
Saudi Arabia is on the brink of internal collapse - fear of democracy ensures reactions that cause internal uprising - Jones '11
Links -
A) Supporting democracy in Bahrain kills US-Saudi relations - Amos '11
B) Plan destroys US-Saudi relations - causes US-Saudi-Iran war - Nasr '11
Impact -
War goes nuclear - London '10
Plan text: The European Union should provide Internet access to Syrian dissidents.
The EU solves democracy promotion in the Arab world - Abboud '10
The EU is comparatively more effective than the US at democracy promotion due to Arab perception - Abboud '10
EU solves local empowerment/ civic engagement/ grassroots - EFDP '08
Plan text: The United Nations Security Council should enact sanctions against the Syrian government because of the human rights violations the government supports.
The UN Security Council needs to take action now to stop human rights violations - Human Rights Watch '11
UN forces would be the most legitimate in Syria - Riad al-Turk '05