Mary Washington » NDT Aff - Mary Washington Pacheco & Susko

NDT Aff - Mary Washington Pacheco & Susko

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:35
  • Round 1 vs ISU

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • NDT

      ~*** 1AC ***

      Plan Text

      The United States Federal Government should provide necessary support and training for transparency and accountability of government institutions, including public and government internal monitoring, for Tunisia.


      The United States Federal Government should provide necessary support and training for transparency and accountability of government institutions, including public and government internal monitoring, for Tunisia.


      Contention one is the Maghreb


      Tunisian democratization is key to the development of the Arab Maghreb Union – boosts North African integration with Europe.

      Thorne, The National (UAE), 1-23-12

      (John, “Tunis gains allure as a new laboratory for democracy,”, accessed 1-31-12, CMM)


      That changed last year with the AND because it has happened through democracy."


      US has unique leverage to overcome obstacles – unconditional support is key

      Malaikah, Research Associate at the National Defense University’s Near East and South Asia Center for Strategic Studies, 2-4-12

      (Fahad, “Lest We Forget North Africa,” 2-4-12,, accessed 2-23-12) PM


      The landmark Arab uprisings that started AND the keys to a brighter future.


      Arab Maghreb Union solves Libya weapons trade.

      Salah, AFP, 2-7-12

      (Hamida Ben, “Tunisia president in drive to revive Maghreb union,”, accessed 2-7-12, CMM)


      Tunisia's new President Moncef Marzouki is AND closed for long periods of time.


      Libyan weapons collapse Afghanistan

      Drwiega, Military Tech Expert for Aviation Today, ‘11

      (Andrew, “Libya’s MANPADs Legacy,” 12-6-11,, accessed 2-23-12) PM


      It has always been surprising that AND dire consequences for the Karzai government.


      Indo-Pak and nuclear war

      Foust, fellow at the American Security Project, ‘9

      (Joshua, “The Case for Afghanistan: Strategic Considerations,” 8-27-9,, accessed 2-23-12) PM


      It is possible that scaling back AND to stay and do things right. 






      Advantage two – Asia


      Aid now – not for corruption

      Carothers, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace vice president, 2012

      [Thomas, Oxford University Nuffield College senior research fellow, former Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies professor, former European University professor, leading expert on democracy assistance, 1-13-12, “Democracy Policy under Obama: Revitalization or Retreat?”, p.31, accessed 1-29-12, TAP]


      The result of these varied interests AND with the victorious Islamist Ennahda party.


      There is still corruption.

      Green and Whitehead, All Africa, 3-5-12

      [Adam Robert and Eleanor, “North Africa: Waiting Game”, accessed 3-25-12, TAP]


      From the self-immolation of AND , strongly discouraging firms from hiring.


      That makes backsliding inevitable

      Paciello, Istituto Affari Internazionali Rome research assistant, 2011

      [Maria, La Sapienza University of Rome economic and political geography of development lecturer, MEDPRO technical report 3, May 2011, “Tunisia: Changes and Challenges of Political Transition”, p.21, accessed 12-27-11, TAP]


      As seen above, Tunisia is AND , particularly in the interior regions.


      Assistance is key to the transition and Tunisia would say yes

      Allen, Democracy Digest, 2011

      [Michael, “Tunisia: home-grown revolution needs foreign support”, accessed 12-27-11, TAP]


      There are promising signs that the AND of democracy abroad,” he contends.


      A successful Tunisian democratic transition is key to the success and future promotion of the US model of democracy.

      Mitchellformer Chief of Party for the NDI in Georgia, 10-4-11

      (Lincoln, National Democratic Institute Mitchell worked on political development issues in the former Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, the Caribbean, the Middle East, Africa and Asia, “Arab Spring tests ‘relevance and impact’ of democracy assistance,”, accessed 10-6-11, CMM)


      It is difficult to believe that AND in this work and its value.


      That’s key to check China’s pushes for authoritarianism in Asia, collapsing the effectiveness of multilateral institutions and US influence, causing conflict

      Kurlantzick, CFR Southeast Asia fellow, 9-24-11

      (Joshua, “Long Arm of China,”, accessed 10-15-11, CMM)


      For decades, foreign observers and AND to promote democracy in their neighborhoods.


      Asian instability escalates

      LandayNational Security and Intelligence Correspondent2K

      (Jonathan S., “Top administration officials warn stakes for U.S. are high in Asian conflicts”, 3-10, Knight Ridder/Tribune News) Accessed on LexisNexis 12-29-09


      Few if any experts think China AND , according to the Commerce Department.




      Contention three – Russia


      Russian civil society is expanding now but still not structurally stable

      Kimer, Guest Commentator to the Khodorkovsky and Lebedev Center, 2012

      [James, “Russian Civil Society on the Rise,” Khodorkovsky and Lebedev Communications Center,, 1-13-12, access date: 2-23-12, MAY]


      As the protests in Russia stretch AND uphold the law and force accountability.


      US support for Russian civil society key to overall relations

      Shapovalova, Researcher FRIDE, 2011

      [Natalia, “Assessing Democracy Assistance: Russia,”, 05-11, access date: 2-23-12, MAY]


      US democracy aid, mainly channelled AND youth citizens and civic election monitoring.


      Strong civil society is the lynchpin to US-Russia relations – both countries shifting away from state-to-state relations

      Eurasia Foundation, 2009

      ““US-Russia Civil Society Summit Final Report”,, 07-09, access date: 2-23-12, MAY]


      U.S.–Russian interaction AND foreign policy challenges. This means looking

      to citizens – those who have the most at stake – for answers. As President Obama emphasized in his remarks at the Summit, “The best ideas and solutions come from ordinary citizens who become involved in their communities and their countries. And by mobilizing and organizing and changing people’s hearts and minds, you then change the political landscape.


      Relations prevent nuclear war.

      Allison, Director at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, and Blackwill, International Council Member, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs,


      (Graham Allison,; Douglas Dillon Professor of Government; Faculty Chair, Dubai Initiative, Harvard Kennedy School, Robert D. Blackwill, International Council Member, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs "10 Reasons Why Russia Still Matters", accessed 2-23-12, CMM)


      That central point is that Russia AND and combat other transnational terrorist groups.


      The ultimate impact of proliferation is extinction

      Victor A. Utgoff, Deputy Dir – Strategy, Forces, and Resources Division, Institute for Defense Analysis, Proliferation, Missile Defence and American Ambitions, Survival, Vol. 44, No. 2, 2002, p. 87-90


      Many readers are probably willing to AND dead cities or even whole nations.




      Contention 4 is Solvency


      Expanding transparency efforts are key to solve institutional change in Tunisia.

      Sullivan, Ph.D., the Executive Director of the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), 11

      (John D, 2-23-11, Project on Middle East Democracy, “Rethinking Development Assistance in the Middle East,” pages3-4,, accessed 9-25-11, CMM)


      In a section highlighting the need AND business, especially in public procurement.


      The US has key anti corruption infrastructure

      Diamond, Senior fellow at the Hoover Institute, ‘8

      (Larry, “End Foreign Aid As We Know It,” Democracy Journal, No 8, Spring 2008,, accessed 9-1-11) PM


      But these new principles still govern AND and thus slow to send money.


      Tunisia will say yes – open to relations with Washington.

      Prince, University of Denver Korbel School of International Studies lecturer, 12-13-11

      [Rob, “The Amilcar Notes (Part 2): Tunisia -- Emerging Democracy or Just a Facade?”, accessed 12-24-11, TAP]


      From the point of view of AND work for the past thirty years.





      ~*** 2AC ***

      2ac Add-On

      Plan solves renewables

      Komendantova et al, the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 5-19-11

      (Nadejda, Anthony Patt and Stefan Pfenninger, “Corruption Blocks Solar Sahara Project,”, accessed 9-22-11, CMM)


      Renewable energy sources in North Africa AND necessary to fight climate change unrealized.


      Africa is key to combatting global warming.

      Kaberuku, African Development Bank president, 12-26-11

      [Donald, “Let Africa show the way on climate change”, accessed 1-1-12, TAP]


      Arguably, the greatest calamities facing AND that have an impact on development.


      Warming leads to extinction of all species

      Tickell, Climate Researcher, 8

      (Oliver,The Guardian, 11 Aug, “On a planet 4C hotter, all we can prepare for is extinction,”., accessed 9-4-10, CMM)


      We need to get prepared for AND us towards a similar hothouse Earth



      2ac – Borders

      1. The framework: the judge should evaluate the plan versus competitive policy options or the status quo

      a. Aff Choice – Solves back any exclusion argument because they can read these arguments on the aff and is key to substantive debates that don’t devolve into framework in every round.

      b. Predictable ground- there are an infinite potential of non-policy advocacies unrelated to the topic that we are not prepared to discuss. And their framework excludes questions of specific actors, mechanisms, implementation and transitions spiking out of crucial ground and offense


      1. We get to weigh case

      a. Moots the 1ac – eliminates 9 minutes of aff offense and makes it impossible to be neg

      b. Implementation education – allowing us to weigh the case is key to test the alternative against different advocacies



      Focusing on method is bad – it leads to political paralysis – we get stuck on focusing on how to implement instead implementing

      Fearon, Stanford Political Science Professor, and Wendt, Ohio State  IR Professor, 2002

      [James and Alexander, Handbook of International Relations, p. 68]


      It should be stressed that in AND should continue on all three levels.


      4. Perm – do the plan without “the epistemological framing of the 1ac” – their links don’t test whether or not the plan is a good idea – plan focus is good because it checks an infinite regress of links that make it impossible to be aff.


      Epistemology doesn’t come first which proves the perms solve –  the plan is still a good idea until they prove it wrong – epistemology doesn’t do that.

      Wight, University of Exeter School of Humanities and social sciences politics department, 2007

      [Colin, “Inside the epistemological cave all bets are off”, p.43-46, accessed 10-22-11, TAP]


      In some respects, this might AND of our descriptions of them. 19


      3. They don’t have a link specific to the plan. Means that perm – do the plan and non contradictory parts of the alt can solve. If it doesn’t solve, that only proves why the alt can’t overcome every instance. All they have is a link of omission – there is no explicit drawing of borders in the 1ac.


      2. Case is a prerequisite –

      A. Corruption makes exclusion inevitable – the plan is key to prevent a return to authoritarianism where state intervention is at its worst– try or die aff

      B. Russia relations solves extinction – a borderless world makes prolif inevitable

      C. China authoritarian promotion makes extinction inevitable – democracy solves nuclear war, which is an impact turn to their args – outweighs on magnitude alone

      D. Plan solves integration – less borders and more integration through the AMU solves inroads into their impacts


      B. Evaluate existential threats first

      Schell, 2000 (policy analyst and proliferation expert, Jonathan, “The Fate of the Earth”, p. 94-5 *This card has been gender-modified)


      To say that human extinction is AND . We are in deep ignorance.


      C. That’s key to their ethics impacts – they have to prove the alt is able to resolve the root cause claims to the same degree as the aff or it is try or die

      Isaac, Indiana University James H. Rudy Professor of Political Science and Center for the Study of Democracy and Public Life director, Spring 2002

      (Jeffrey C. “Ends, Means, and Politics,” Dissent Magazine Vol. 49 Issue 2, p32)


      Power is not a dirty word AND . And it undermines political effectiveness.


      Case is a prerequisite to the alt – war sustains oppression, and peace is a prerequisite to justice

      Joshua Goldstein, American University International Relations Professor, 2001, “War and Gender: How Gender Shapes the War System and Vice Versa,” p.411-412


      I began this book hoping to AND war seems to be empirically inadequate.


      Structural violence doesn’t escalate – they essentialize degrees of violence, systems of violence are not causal to international war

      Hinde and Pulkkinnen, Cambridge psychology professor and University of Jyväskylä psychology professor2000

      [Robert and Lea,  DRAFT Background Paper for Working Group 1: HUMAN AGGRESSIVENESS AND WAR, 50th Pugwash Conference On Science and World Affairs: "Eliminating the Causes of War" Queens' College, Cambridge , UK, 3-8 August]


      People are capable of perpetrating the AND the causal factors remain largely unexplored.

      They have to disprove the factual claims of the 1ac

      Yudowsky, Singularity Institute for AI Research Fellow and Director, 06

      [Eliezer, 8/31/2006, Cognitive Biases Potentially Affecting Judgment of Global Risk,]


      Every true idea which discomforts you will seem to match the pattern of at least one  psychological error.  

      Robert Pirsig said:  "The AND take your eye off  the ball.



      5. Perm –


      6. Alt doesn’t solve case – they don’t access our internal links, don’t let them morph the alt in the block, if they do the aff only proves the perm solves.


      7. Rejection doesn’t spill over – rejection is utopian. They need a clear story as to how the alt solves. Otherwise, you should reject the alt for vagueness. It allows the neg to sever and prevent layers of argumentation by being moving target, destroying discussion, advocacy skills and fair debate. And sandbagging is bad –shifting their alternative in the block destroys argument development and 1AR time allocation


      AND, the vague nature of the alt justifies the perms do the plan and reject “the link” in future instances – if it doesn’t solve, neither does the alt because there is aid going to Tunisia now.


      8. Framing issue – winning the say yes debate takes out the link – if Tunisians have requested assistance and would accept it, then the plan isn’t based on flawed Western assumptions.


      9. Their links generalize democracy assistance – their blanket approach makes interaction with the East impossible, dooming solvency.

      Youngs, FRIDE Director General, ‘11,

      (Richard, “Misunderstanding the maladies of liberal democracy promotion”, FRIDE is A European Think Tank for Global Action, 1-25-11,, accessed 9-12-11) PM


      Two commonly-made assumptions rest AND needed are more subtle in nature.


      Democracy assistance is bad recreates imperialism by painting the East as unequal to the West.

      Sadiki, University of Exeter Middle East Politics senior lecturer, 2011

      [Larbi, “The mathematics of the Arab Spring”, accessed  1-2-12, TAP]


      Two fundamental principles must be understood AND Arab populace. This must change.


      8. Alt fails – state may be a construction but rejecting that construction doesn’t change the world.

      Jarvis, IR lecturer at Sydney University, 2K

      (Darryl, IR and the Challenges of Postmodernism, p. 130)


      Just because we acknowledge that the AND that otherwise seem to preoccupy Ashley.


      Orientalism and borders are inevitable – cultures will continue post-alternative.

      Teitelbaum and Litvak, , Tel Aviv Univeristy Moshe Dayan Center for Middle East and African Studies senior fellows, 2006

      [Joshua, Bar Ilan University Middle Eastern History adjunct senior lecturer, and Meir, Middle East Review of international affairs, Volume 10,  No. 1, Article 2, “Students, Teachers, and Edward Said: Taking Stock of Orientalism”, accessed 11-11-11, TAP]


      Said also raises a doubt as AND developing an opinion of their own.


      Engaging in theoretical philosophy only meant to persuade those in the room without any call to action outside of it creates a spectator mentality – it undermines all action to end human misery and change political structures – prefer policy discourse.

      David E. McClean, New School University Professor, and Society for the Study of Africana Philosophy President, 2001, “The Cultural Left and the Limits of Social Hope,”


      Yet for some reason, at AND so-called "managerial class."


      It is necessary to learn the language of the state- their form of opposition will always be transitory, getting co-opted by the government or society. It may be necessary but is not sufficient

      Sullivan, the New Republic – editor, 1995 (Andrew, Virtually Normal, pg. 91-93)


      Moreover, mere cultural redeployment in AND something more like a human home.”


      Alternative leads to violence and oppression – the nation state is critical to restrain international violence

      Hedley Bull, Oxford University Montague Burton International Relations Professor, 2000, “Hedley Bull on International Society,” p. 145-6


      States, moreover, have cooperated AND was more ubiquitous violence and disorder.

      Even if borders are constructed, the establishment of some type of statelike structures is critical to end violence, further social well-being and limit suffering

      Kimberly Marten, Columbia University Political Science Professor, 2007, “Warlordism in Comparative Perspective,” International Security 31.3 (2007) 41-73


      Decades of civil strife in Somalia AND and uncertainty that now plague them.



      Borders empirically result in stability and prevent conflict

      Jerry Z. Muller, Catholic University History Professor, March/April 2008, "Us and Them," Foreign Affairs


      But if ethnonationalism has frequently led AND -determination has largely been satisfied.




      Alt fails – it is locked in the ivory tower – they can’t solve serial policy failure.

      Walt, Harvard University international relations professor, 2011

      [Stephen,  “International Affairs and the Public Sphere”, accessed 9-16-11, TAP]


      On the one hand, there AND helps humankind avoid major policy disasters?


      The neg is locked into a view that the law is always bad – only by including the law in the kritik can we create a true understanding of state-based exclusion – that means the perm is key

      Daly, Australian National University Philosophy Department research fellow, '04

      Frances [borderlands e-journal, "The non-citizen and the concept of 'human rights,'" Vol. 3 No. 1,]


      19. If we are to understand the real function of rights in the modern Stateas Agamben wishes to do, as rights of the citizen serving the interests of the nation-State, then we need to understand why a separation between human and citizen rights emergedand what relation the distinction between these rights has to the propositions of an ethical or just life. This, I want to argue, involves understanding an inheritance that brings with it illusions and aporias, and, at the same time, a theoretical heritage that has engaged with certain ideals and intentions that reveal an anticipation of what is right and just. An ahistorical disdain for legal action is merely the obverse of the process of fetishizing legality. Much theory that merely substitutes the idea of the static essence of the person to explain the consequence of good and evil in the world with an equally static, invariant view of authority and the State is, I would argueultimately eternalizing such concepts. Undoubtedly, some sort of move beyond categories underscoring divisions within the ways people are entitled to live their lives is necessary. But much of the power of any such critique must depend upon the manner in which the context of this life – the possible experience of acting in the world, or 'form-of-life' - is itself understood. In the absence of any such context, what tends to emerge is a return to the problem of rights reduced to a division of form and content, rather than the overturning of this very problematicOnly in this case, because the content is seen to fall short of the abstraction of, for example, a "whatever singularity", the form is wholly discarded. More importantlyby revisiting this problem via a dismissal of the context of rights, and more specifically of the possibility of traces of the intention towards human dignity, a rich heritage of critique is sidelined.


      There is always value to life – external claims about others life destroy individual autonomy

      Schwartz, Glasow philosophy professor and M.D. , 2003,

      (Lisa, “The Value to Life: Who Decides and How?” www.fleshandbones/readingroom/pdf/399.pdf [accessed 9/4/9])


      The second assertion made by supporters of the quality of life as a criterion for decision- making is closely related to the first, but with an added dimension. This assertion suggests that the determination of the value of the quality of a given life is a subjective determination to be made by the person experiencing that life. The important addition here is that the decision is a personal one that, ideallyought not to be made externally by another person but internally by the individual involved. Katherine Lewis made this decision for herself based on a comparison between two stages of her life. So did James Brady. Without this elementdecisions based on quality of life criteria lack salient information and the patients concerned cannot give informed consent. Patients must be given the opportunity to decide for themselves whether they think their lives are worth living or not. To ignore or overlook patients’ judgement in this matter is to violate their autonomy and their freedom to decide for themselves on the basis of relevant information about their future, and comparative consideration of their past. As the deontological position puts it so well, to do so is to violate the imperative that we must treat persons as rational and as ends in themselves. It is important to remember the subjectivity assertion in this context, so as to emphasize that the judgement made about the value of a life ought to be made only by the person concerned and not by others.








      ~*** 1AR ***


      Tech key to warming – they don’t solve.

      Atkisson, President and CEO of environmental sustainability group, ‘1

      (Alan, The Atkisson Group, international sustainability group that advises governments and corporations, “Sustainability is Dead – Long Live Sustainability,” 10-18-01,, accessed 9-10-10) PM


      Our economies and technologies are changing AND whole associated with their inevitable collapse.



      Denying scientific truths for ideological claims justifies the aff impacts – err aff on expertise and research

      Marshall, Washington Monthly, ‘3

      (Joshua Micah, “The Post-Modern President: Deception, Denial, and Relativism: what the Bush Administration Learned From the French,” Washington Monthly, September 2003,, accessed 1-3-11) PM


      The sidelining of in-house AND qualified scientists rather than political appointees.




      Democracy assistance doesn’t propose a static idea of democracy – it is the mere realization of the desires of groups in the ground in Tunisia.

      Youngs, FRIDE Director General, 2011,

      (Richard, “Misunderstanding the maladies of liberal democracy promotion”, FRIDE is A European Think Tank for Global Action, 1-25, Pg. 9, PAS) 7-23-11


      A sixth point: the associated AND mediation, not replicating Western institutions.


  • Round 4

    • Tournament: NDT | Round: 4 | Opponent: KState KZ | Judge:

    • 1AC


      Advantage 1 – Tunisia

      Aid now – not for corruption

      Carothers, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace vice president, 2012

      [Thomas, Oxford University Nuffield College senior research fellow, former Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies professor, former European University professor, leading expert on democracy assistance, 1-13-12, “Democracy Policy under Obama: Revitalization or Retreat?”, p.31, accessed 1-29-12, TAP]

      The result of these varied interests AND with the victorious Islamist Ennahda party.


      There is still corruption.

      Green and Whitehead, All Africa, 3-5-12

      [Adam Robert and Eleanor, “North Africa: Waiting Game”, accessed 3-25-12, TAP]

      From the self-immolation of AND , strongly discouraging firms from hiring.


      That makes backsliding inevitable

      Paciello, Istituto Affari Internazionali Rome research assistant, 2011

      [Maria, La Sapienza University of Rome economic and political geography of development lecturer, MEDPRO technical report 3, May 2011, “Tunisia: Changes and Challenges of Political Transition”, p.21, accessed 12-27-11, TAP]

      As seen above, Tunisia is AND , particularly in the interior regions.


      Assistance is key to the transition and Tunisia would say yes

      Allen, Democracy Digest, 2011

      [Michael, “Tunisia: home-grown revolution needs foreign support”, accessed 12-27-11, TAP]

      There are promising signs that the AND of democracy abroad,” he contends.


      Scenario 1 - Asia

      A successful Tunisian democratic transition is key to the success and future promotion of the US model of democracy.

      Mitchell, former Chief of Party for the NDI in Georgia, 10-4-11

      (Lincoln, National Democratic Institute Mitchell worked on political development issues in the former Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, the Caribbean, the Middle East, Africa and Asia, “Arab Spring tests ‘relevance and impact’ of democracy assistance,”, accessed 10-6-11, CMM)

      It is difficult to believe that AND in this work and its value.


      That’s key to check China’s pushes for authoritarianism in Asia, collapsing the effectiveness of multilateral institutions and US influence, causing conflict

      Kurlantzick, CFR Southeast Asia fellow, 9-24-11

      (Joshua, “Long Arm of China,”, accessed 10-15-11, CMM)

      For decades, foreign observers and AND to promote democracy in their neighborhoods.


      Asian instability escalates

      Landay, National Security and Intelligence Correspondent, 2K

      (Jonathan S., “Top administration officials warn stakes for U.S. are high in Asian conflicts”, 3-10, Knight Ridder/Tribune News) Accessed on LexisNexis 12-29-09

      Few if any experts think China AND , according to the Commerce Department.



      Scenario 2 - Russia


      Russian civil society is expanding now but still not structurally stable

      Kimer, Guest Commentator to the Khodorkovsky and Lebedev Center, 2012

      [James, “Russian Civil Society on the Rise,” Khodorkovsky and Lebedev Communications Center,, 1-13-12, access date: 2-23-12, MAY]

      As the protests in Russia stretch AND uphold the law and force accountability.


      US support for Russian civil society key to overall relations

      Shapovalova, Researcher FRIDE, 2011

      [Natalia, “Assessing Democracy Assistance: Russia,”, 05-11, access date: 2-23-12, MAY]

      US democracy aid, mainly channelled AND youth citizens and civic election monitoring.


      Relations prevent nuclear war and prolif.

      Allison, Director at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, and Blackwill, International Council Member, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs,


      (Graham Allison,; Douglas Dillon Professor of Government; Faculty Chair, Dubai Initiative, Harvard Kennedy School, Robert D. Blackwill, International Council Member, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs "10 Reasons Why Russia Still Matters", accessed 2-23-12, CMM)

      That central point is that Russia AND and combat other transnational terrorist groups.


      The ultimate impact of proliferation is extinction

      Victor A. Utgoff, Deputy Dir – Strategy, Forces, and Resources Division, Institute for Defense Analysis, Proliferation, Missile Defence and American Ambitions, Survival, Vol. 44, No. 2, 2002, p. 87-90

      Many readers are probably willing to AND dead cities or even whole nations.


      Scenario 3 - Bosnia


      USAID is key to Bosnian democratization

      Conley, Europe program director at CSIS, ‘11

      (Heather, James Bugajski, co-director of the New European Democracies Project, CSIS senior Europe fellow, “A New Transatlantic Approach for the Western Balkans: time for a change in Serbia, Kosovo, and Bosnia-Herzegovina,” November 2011,, accessed 1-29-12) PM

      As just discussed, the UAND reintegration of victims of trafficking. 25


      Backsliding leads to Balkan instability

      Conley, Europe program director at CSIS, ‘11

      (Heather, James Bugajski, co-director of the New European Democracies Project, CSIS senior Europe fellow, “A New Transatlantic Approach for the Western Balkans: time for a change in Serbia, Kosovo, and Bosnia-Herzegovina,” November 2011,, accessed 1-29-12) PM

      In this alternative, Bosnia-AND state continuity in the postwar setting.


      That leads to global great power war

      Baker, former secretary of state and treasury, ’95

      (James, former US secretary of State and Treasury, former Chief of Staff, JD@UT-Austin, lawyer, administrative director of the James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy @ Rice University, “Flash point in the Balkans: Drawing the Line at Macedonia,” LA Times, 4-30-95,

      The first great European conflict of AND consequences for the peace of Europe.


      Advantage 2 – Greece


      US-Tunisia bond deal coming – contingent on transparency.

      Ghribi, Tunisia Live, 3-14-12

      [Asma, “Tunisia to Offer $450 Million of US Backed Bonds”, accessed 3-21-12, TAP]

      An official from the Tunisian Ministry AND will enhance democracy and financial transparency.


      Greece will model Tunisia and request US bond guarantees.

      Cohn, Reuters, 3-21-12

      [Carolyn, “Foreign guarantors help plug emerging funding gap”, accessed 3-24-12, TAP]

      With refinancing becoming a giant headache AND to trade at very weak levels.


      Greece is the canary in the coalmine for the global recovery – collapse goes global.

      Jahan, Taipan Trading Company CEO, 1-21-12

      [M.S. Shah, “Will bankrupt Greece set fire to world economy?”, accessed 3-29-12, TAP]

      The Economic Collapse” blog AND of them is a stiff breeze.


      Confidence-boosting measures are the only way to prevent collapse.

      Barnier, Europena commission member responsible for Internal Market and services, 1-16-12

      [Michael, Asian Financial Forum, “Restoring confidence in the financial sector – acting regionally and globally”, accessed 3-29-12, TAP]

      The real crisis the Eurozone faces AND credibility. And of political responsibility.


      Economic collapse leads to global war.

      Lind, New America Foundation Economic Growth Program Policy Director, 5/11/2010

      [Michael, "Will the great recession lead to World War IV?,"]

      If history is any guide, AND is all too easy to imagine.


      The United States Federal Government should provide necessary support and training for transparency and accountability of government institutions, including public and government internal monitoring, for Tunisia.




      Expanding transparency efforts are key to solve institutional change in Tunisia.

      Sullivan, Ph.D., the Executive Director of the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), 11

      (John D, 2-23-11, Project on Middle East Democracy, “Rethinking Development Assistance in the Middle East,” pages3-4,, accessed 9-25-11, CMM)


      In a section highlighting the need AND business, especially in public procurement.


      The US has key anti corruption infrastructure

      Diamond, Senior fellow at the Hoover Institute, ‘8

      (Larry, “End Foreign Aid As We Know It,” Democracy Journal, No 8, Spring 2008,, accessed 9-1-11) PM

      But these new principles still govern AND and thus slow to send money.


      Tunisia will say yes – open to relations with Washington.

      Prince, University of Denver Korbel School of International Studies lecturer, 12-13-11

      [Rob, “The Amilcar Notes (Part 2): Tunisia -- Emerging Democracy or Just a Facade?”, accessed 12-24-11, TAP]

      From the point of view of AND work for the past thirty years.








      We meet – governance is topical

      Aspinall, Australian National University senior fellow, 10

      [Edward, July 10, “Assessing Democracy Assistance: Indonesia”,, accessed 9-5-11]

      There are starkly differing views about AND broadly defined, but governance assistance.


      We meet – the plan is also rule of law

      McMahon, Binghamton Center on Democratic Performance director and applied politics professor, 2

      [Edward R., “The Impact of U.S. Democracy and Governance Assistance in Africa: Benin Case Study.”, p.10, accessed 5-23-11]

      The rule of law area addresses AND and fair legal sector institutions.11


      The plan is civil society

      Huber, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Department of International Relations, 8

      [Daniela, Mediterranean Politics, Vol. 13, No. 1, 43–62,  March 2008, “Democracy Assistance in the Middle East and North Africa: A Comparison of US and EU Policies”, p. 50,, accessed 6-3-11]

      Civil society programmes include strengthening of AND , 2006b: 1–2).


      Counter interp – democracy assistance includes elections, rule of law, civil society, and governance

      Azpuru, et al, Wichita State political science professor, 8

      (Dinorah Azpuru, Steven E. Finkel, Aníbal Pérez-Liñán, Mitchell A. Seligson, Journal of Democracy Volume 19, Number 2, April 2008, “What has the United States Been Doing?” p. 155-157, Project Muse, accessed 9-5-11]

      It is often said that Western AND attention to decentralization and local government. 


      No limits explosion – governance is only 4 different programs

      McMahon-Director, Center on Democratic Performance Department of Political Science Binghamton University-2    

      (The Impact of U.S. Democracy and Governance Assistance in Africa: Benin Case Study
       The concept of governance applies AND of U.S. assistance.


      They limit out core affs like IMET and governance funding – that’s a huge part of the literature – governance is a third of the topic, makes it impossible to be aff.

      Azpuru, et al, Wichita State political science professor, 8

      (Dinorah Azpuru, Steven E. Finkel, Aníbal Pérez-Liñán, Mitchell A. Seligson, Journal of Democracy Volume 19, Number 2, April 2008, “What has the United States Been Doing?” p. 155-157, Project Muse, accessed 9-5-11]

      It is often said that Western AND attention to decentralization and local government. 





      NO LINK – They cannot win this debate without a card specific to Tunisia – none of their evidence takes into account the current context of corruption.

      Heller, Global Integrity, 2-11-11

      (Nathaniel, Global Integrity is a leading international non-profit organization that tracks governance and corruption trends around the world.  Working with a network of more than 1,200 in-country journalists and researchers in more than 100 countries, we aim to shape and inform the debate around governance and anti-corruption reforms through in-depth diagnostic tools at the national, sub-national, and sector levels.  Our information is regularly used by aid donors, civil society, investors, and governments alike to press for governance reforms in both the developed and developing world, “Regime Change Is Not an Anti-Corruption Panacea,”, accessed 9-22-11, CMM)

      The first and perhaps most important AND won’t work (see: Ukraine).


      Their author concludes aff – believes it should be addressed – their evidence doesn’t assume a post-conflict state like Tunisia.

      Spector, Center for Negotiation Analysis, 2008

      [Bertram, “Negotiating Peace with Integrity: Anticorruption Strategies in Post-Conflict Societies”, p.10-11, accessed 10-1-11, TAP]

      Three recommendations are made to control AND settings and the earlier  the better


      Access to international bond markets would send a signal to Greece.

      Noueihed, Reuters, 3-14-12

      [Lin, “Tunisia to return to bond market after US guarantees”, accessed 3-21-12, TAP]

      Tunisia, the first country to AND it is respectable," he said.


      Commitment to Tunisia generates a signal of commitment to economic recovery.

      Carpenter, Washington Institute Keston family fellow, 2011

      [J. Scott, “Help Tunisia First”, accessed 12-24-11, TAP]

      The United States can also move AND to Egypt's and Jordan's export growth.


      Strong civil society is the lynchpin to US-Russia relations – both countries shifting away from state-to-state relations

      Eurasia Foundation, 2009

      ““US-Russia Civil Society Summit Final Report”,, 07-09, access date: 2-23-12, MAY]

      U.S.–Russian interaction AND foreign policy challenges. This means looking

      to citizens – those who have the most at stake – for answers. As President Obama emphasized in his remarks at the Summit, “The best ideas and solutions come from ordinary citizens who become involved in their communities and their countries. And by mobilizing and organizing and changing people’s hearts and minds, you then change the political landscape.


      EU CP


      China is pushing for authoritarianism – they would backlash to the CP – only the plan solves

      Grygiel, Senior Fellow at the Center for European Policy Analysis, 10-6-11

      (Jakub, and the George H.W. Bush Associate Professor of International Relations at Johns Hopkins-SAIS, “Democracy promotion – a geostrategic contest,”, accessed 10-6-11, CMM)

      Finally, we cannot outsource democracy AND dangerous geopolitical consequences of their actions.


      Europe fears aiding the Arab Spring – Islamic politics causes backlash.

      Taspinar, Brookings Institution senior fellow, and Laurence, Brookings Institute nonresident senior fellow, 12-20-11

      [Omer, National War College professor, and Jonathon, Boston College associate political science professor, “Will Europe Shrink From the Arab Spring?”, accessed 12-23-11, TAP]

      After registering an initial sense of AND Islam” in the Arab world. 


      Soft power not zero sum – cooperation key to solve terrorism.

      Nye, Harvard international affairs professor, 2004

      [Joseph, 5-3-04, “Europe’s Soft Power”, accessed 10-22-11, TAP]

      Soft power can be shared and AND is beneficial to the United States.


      EU influence fails

      Walt, Harvard IR Professor, ‘11

      (Stephen, “The Coming Erosion of the EU,” 8-17-11,, accessed 9-17-11) PM

      I began with the rather obvious AND and that this trend will continue.


      No impact for decades – allows for adaptation which solves the impact

      de Mesquita, NYU Political Science Professor, Hoover Institute Senior Fellow, Nov/Dec. 2009

      [Bruce, "Recipe for Failure,", 119]

      So how might we solve global AND galaxy, and beyond with abandon.





      Obama in a landslide now – GOP weakness and economy

      Lux, Huff Post, 2-20-12

      (Mike, “2012 Scenarios: What if the Economy Heads Back Downhill?” 2-20-12,, accessed 3-6-12) PM

      Given the stunning weakness of the AND happens, and it just might.


      Obama’s done – not enough funding

      Surber, Charleston Daily Mail, 3-5-12

      (Don, “Obama Broke?” 3-5-12,, accessed 3-6-12) PM

      A year ago, President Obama’s AND majority will be filibuster-proof.


      Plan is irrelevant to the election.

      Atlas, Bloomberg, 2-28-12

      [Terry, “Obama’s ‘Pretty Strong Teflon’ Deflects Foreign Policy Criticism”, accessed 3-7-12, TAP]

      Obama “has coated himself with AND Congress at Indiana University in Bloomington.


      No internal link – 24 hours is a lifetime, healthcare, iran

      Zelizer, CNN, 2-20-12

      (Julian, Many wild cards could swing the 2012 presidential race, 2-20-12,, accessed 2-22-12) PM

      The outcome of the election of AND the fortunes of all the candidates.


      No progress on CTBT or arms control coming – Obama won’t push – election politics and arms control fatigue

      Froomkin, Huffington Post, 3-28-12

      [Dan, Huffington Post, “Barack Obama's Broken Nuclear Promises Undermine Successes” 3-28-12, AFB]

      WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama is AND considered a political loser.   







      24 hours is a lifetime in politics

      Cowan, SA Standard Times, 3-27-12

      (Jack, San Angelo Standard Times, JACK COWAN: Obama coronation starting way too early, 3-27-12,, accessed 3-28-12) PM

      SAN ANGELO, Texas — One AND . 6 — and to 270.


      24 hours is a lifetime – and foreign policy is the wild card.

      Begala, The Daily Beast, 3-5-12

      [Paul, “Foreign Policy: The Wild Card in 2012 Campaign”, accessed 3-7-12, TAP]

      If there was one iron law AND a few wild-card scenarios:


      Foreign policy is the wild card – Iran, Pakistan, Oil, and more.

      Begala, The Daily Beast, 3-5-12

      [Paul, “Foreign Policy: The Wild Card in 2012 Campaign”, accessed 3-7-12, TAP]

      War with Iran. Israel is AND this election will be a tossup.


      Too soon to predict – no GOP nominee or strategy

      Dionne, Chicago Tribune, 3-6-12

      (EJ, “Obama 'wins' Ohio GOP primary,” 3-6-12,,0,1964844.story, accessed 3-6-12) PM

      What happens in Ohio politics never AND Republican primary is — Barack Obama.



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