Mary Washington » NDT Aff - Mary Washington McCleary & McElhinny

NDT Aff - Mary Washington McCleary & McElhinny

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:35
  • 1AC Tunisia Media

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Plan

      The United States Federal Government should provide necessary support and training for transparency, accountability, and an independent media in Tunisia.


      Orientalism Advantage


       Democracy assistance doesn’t propose a static idea of democracy – it is the mere realization of the desires of groups in the ground in Tunisia.

      Youngs, FRIDE Director General, 2011,

      (Richard, “Misunderstanding the maladies of liberal democracy promotion”, FRIDE is A European Think Tank for Global Action, 1-25, Pg. 9, PAS) 7-23-11


      A sixth point: the associated criticism… not replicating Western institutions.


      The revolution in Tunisia is overwriting the current narrative of Orientalism – by fulfilling the request for democracy assistance, the plan aligns itself with the ethics of the movements and allows Tunisians to speak for themselves.

      Sadiki, University of Exeter Middle East Politics senior lecturer, 11

      [Larbi, “The mathematics of the Arab Spring”, accessed  1-2-12, TAP]


      Two fundamental principles must… Arab populace. This must change.


      Orientalism is rooted in a racialized logic that results in extinction.

      Batur, Vassar College Sociology Professor, 2007,

      (Pinar, "Heart of Violence: Global Racism, War, and Genocide", Handbooks of the Sociology of Racial and Ethnic Relations, Pg. 447-449, PAS) 10-16-11


      At the turn of the 20th century, the “…opened up with  genocide, in Darfur.


      Warming Advantage


      Its is real and anthropogenic and feedbacks are positive – outweighs any cooling effect.

      Eurasia Review, 1-8-12

      [“Global Warming Caused By Greenhouse Gases Delays Natural Patterns Of Glaciation”, accessed 1-13-12, TAP]


      Unprecedented levels of greenhouse… years,” Channell said. “All bets are off.”


      Corruption prevents renewable energy development in Tunisia.

      Komendantova et al, the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 5-19-11

      (Nadejda, Anthony Patt and Stefan Pfenninger, “Corruption Blocks Solar Sahara Project,”, accessed 9-22-11, CMM)


      Renewable energy sources in… fight climate change unrealized.



      African leadership on warming is key to combat climate change.

      Kaberuku, African Development Bank president, 12-26-11

      [Donald, “Let Africa show the way on climate change”, accessed 1-1-12, TAP]


      Arguably, the greatest calamities facing… that have an impact on development.



      Warming makes the planet uninhabitable – planetary extinction.

      Tickell, Climate Researcher, 8

      (Oliver,The Guardian, 11 Aug, “On a planet 4C hotter, all we can prepare for is extinction,”., accessed 9-4-10, CMM)


      We need to get prepared for four… towards a similar hothouse Earth. 



      Destruction of the coral reefs results in extinction from collapse of marine biodiversity.

      IPS, Inter Press Service, 6

      [IPS is a non-profit climate news network, “Climate Change Shattering Marine Food Chain”, accessed 1-16-12, TAP]


      "Twenty percent of Earth's reefs… will react," Doney said in an interview.



      The harms of CO2 outweigh CO2 fert- independently it causes 5.5 billion people to starve.

      Strom, University of Arizona planetary science emeritus professor, 7

      [Robert, studied climate change for 15 years, the former Director of the Space Imagery Center, a NASA Regional Planetary Image Facility, “Hot House”, SpringerLink, p.<211-216>, TAP]


      We are certainly beginning to see that now… their ramifications for civilization.


      Resource wars over food lead to World War 3.

      Calvin, University of Washington theoretical neurophysiology, 98

      [William H, "The great climate flip-flop," The Atlantic Monthly 281(1):47-64,, ACC: 6.28.07, accessed 1-16-12, TAP]


      The population-crash scenario… Europe's vulnerability is particularly easy to analyze.


      Free Speech Advantage


       Tunisia is backsliding now – US assistance is key to create a model of freedom of expression.

      Abrams, CFR Middle Eastern studies senior fellow, 3-13-12

      [Elliot, “For Tunisia’s Media, No Arab Spring”, accessed 3-21-12, TAP]


      Tunisia is everyone’s favorite… leading efforts to protect it.


      Media training is key.

      Glover, Center for International Media Assistance, 12-5-11

      [Cathie, “Sparking Media Development in Tunisia and Egypt”, accessed 1-31-12, TAP]


      The information flow that reached… and Magdy are there to carry the torch.

      Free expression is key to egalitarian culture, liberty, and advocacy and identity formation – there’s a linear risk advocating it is good

      Balkin, Constitutional Law and First Amendment Professor at Yale, ‘4



      Digital technologies highlight… live in and make us who we are.




      US media assistance has succeeded empirically.

      Kumar, Center for Development Information and Evaluation of USAID senior social scientist, 6

      [Krishna, Democratization, Vol.13, No.4, August 2006, “International Assistance to Promote Independent Media in Transition and Post-conflict Societies”, p.661-2, accessed 2-20-12, TAP]


      Both anecdotal and empirical… pushing legal and regulatory reforms.



      Tunisia government and journalists desire free media.

      Trabelsi, Magharebia, 2-15-12

      [Houda, “Tunisian journalists demand free press guarantees”, accessed 2-20-12, TAP]


      A number of Tunisian reporters… activate those decrees.


      Assistance guarantees transition success and Tunisia would say yes

      Allen, Democracy Digest, 11

      [Michael, “Tunisia: home-grown revolution needs foreign support”, accessed 12-27-11, TAP]


      There are promising signs that… democracy abroad,” he contends.


      An independent media is essential to prevent backsliding.

      Article 19, 1-11-12

      [Freedom of Expression organization, “Tunisia: Media Independence Crucial To Democratic Transition”, accessed 1-31-12, TAP]


      ARTICLE 19 condemns the… increase,” continued Dr Callamard.


      State action to end structures that perpetuate injustice are critical to end white supremacy – individual action and dialogue is insufficient

      Jensen, Texas University Journalism Professor, Nowar Collective Founder, 2005

      [Robert, The Heart of Whiteness, p.78-87]


      I'm all for diversity and…. It certainly has been true in my life.


      It is necessary to learn the language of the state- their form of opposition will always be transitory, getting co-opted by the government or society. It may be necessary but is not sufficient

      Sullivan, the New Republic – editor, 1995 (Andrew, Virtually Normal, pg. 91-93)


      Moreover, mere cultural redeployment… like a human home.”


    • Tournament: | Round: 3 | Opponent: UNT QS | Judge:

    • 1. Argument is suspect – their article is a draft and warns not to be used. This is their author.

      Spence, Oxford University International Relations professor, 2004

      [Matthew, Workshop on Democracy Promotion at the Stanford University Center for Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law, “Policy Coherence and Incoherence: The Domestic Politics of American Democracy Promotion”, p.2-4, accessed 10-18-11, TAP]


      Not for citation without permission of the author.


      2. Democracy assistance is specific – that limits out any agency beside USAID, their evidence speaks to democracy promotion broadly.

      Azpuru, et al, Wichita State political science professor, 8

      (Dinorah Azpuru, Steven E. Finkel, Aníbal Pérez-Liñán, Mitchell A. Seligson, Journal of Democracy Volume 19, Number 2, April 2008, “What has the United States Been Doing?” p. 155-157, Project Muse, accessed 9-5-11]


      It is often said that Western donors … and local government.  

  • 2AC India Intermediary CP

    • Tournament: | Round: 3 | Opponent: UNT QS | Judge:

    • China is pushing for authoritarianism – they would backlash to the CP – only the plan solves

      Grygiel, Senior Fellow at the Center for European Policy Analysis, 10-6-11

      (Jakub, and the George H.W. Bush Associate Professor of International Relations at Johns Hopkins-SAIS, “Democracy promotion – a geostrategic contest,”, accessed 10-6-11, CMM)


      Finally, we cannot outsource … consequences of their actions.


      India has their own graft problems – the counterplan is a joke.

      MacAskill and Pradhan, Bloomberg, 12-30-11

      [Andrew and Bibhudatta, “Singh Caps ‘Annus Horribilis’ With Anti-Graft Law Stymied by Upper House”, accessed 12-31-11, TAP]


      Prime Minister Manmohan Singh  on investments in India, said.



      Indian democracy assistance backfires – it draws attention to their flaws which prevent solvency

      Faust, German Development Institute, Governance, Statehood, Security Department Head, and Wagner, Head of Asia Research Division a the German Institute for International and Security Affairs SWP, 10

      (Dr. Jörg, Dr. (habil) Christian Wagner, “India: A New Partner in Democracy Promotion?,”, accessed 10-22-11, CMM)


      Domestic costs: Finally, active … and ongoing social marginalisation.


      India says no – they would explicitly reject something like the plan because they see it as constraining their own foreign policy.

      Carothers, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace vice president and a leading expert on democratization, and Youngs, FRIDE director general, 2011

      [Thomas and Richard, University of Warwick assistant professor, July 2011, “Looking for help: Will Rising Democracies Become International Democracy Supporters?”, p.9, accessed 12-30-11, TAP]


      At the same time, India is … to maneuver on other issues.16

  • 2AC/1AR Politics JV

    • Tournament: | Round: 3 | Opponent: UNT QS | Judge:

    • Won’t pass - gridlock

      Eremenko, RIA Novosti, 3-28-12

      (Alexey, “Anti-Russian Amendment Now Headache for U.S.,”, accessed 3-29-12, CMM)


      Economic sanctions against Russia …until the U.S. presidential elections.


      Won’t pass – Magnitsky fight

      Eremenko, RIA Novosti, 3-28-12

      (Alexey, “Anti-Russian Amendment Now Headache for U.S.,”, accessed 3-29-12, CMM)


      The stumbling block is Russia's  is in fact a bipartisan group.


      PNTR won’t pass soon

      Inside U.S. Trade, 3-15-12

      (“Baucus Eyes Russia MFN Vote After Duma Ratifies WTO Accession,”, accessed 3-17-12, CMM)


      Senate Finance Committee … take place until next year.


      Clinton waived the restrictions – US is giving the aid

      Sorcher, National Journal, 3-22-12

      (Sara, Leahy: Clinton Waives Restrictions on Military Aid to Egypt Despite Rights Concerns, 3-22-12,, accessed 3-24-12) PM


      Secretary of State Hillary … time in three decades.


      Russian aid now.

      Herszenhorn, NYT, 3-15-12

      [David, “U.S. Seeking Use of Funds to Aid Russian Democracy”, accessed 3-17-12, TAP]


      The Obama administration is … more than it would help.”


      Aid now – Syria.

      New York Times, 3-26, 2012,

      (Anne Barnard and Rick Gladstone, "Turkey and Norway Shut Embassies in Syria; New Shelling Is Reported in Homs", PAS) 3-27-12


      On Sunday, officials from Turkey  Khalid Abou Salah.


      Plan bipartisan

      Democracy Digest, 9-8-11

      [“9/11 restored bipartisan consensus on strategic value of democracy assistance”,, accessed 9-14-11, AFB]


       “The terrorist attack of 9/11 … at home is worthy of note.”


      Foreign policy wins boost domestic capital

      Marshall, Miami University political science associate professor, and Prins, University of Tennessee Knoxville political science associate professor, 2011

      [Bryan and Brandon, 9-2011, Presidential Studies Quarterly, Vol 41 Issue 3, “Power or Posturing? Policy Availability and Congressional Influence on U.S. Presidential Decisions to Use Force” Wiley-Blackwell, p.525, accessed 7-30-11, TAP]


      Presidents rely heavily on … political capital at home (Fordham 2002).


      Political capital theory wrong – people vote on ideology

      Dickinson, Middlebury College political science professor and presidential scholar, 9

      [Matthew, 5-26-9, Presidential Power, “Sotomayor, Obama, and Presidential Power,” accessed 2-5-11, AFB]


      What is of more interest to me, … present Sotomayor as his nominee.


      JV not k2 econ


      No nuclear terror

      DeGroot, St. Andrews University History Professor, November 2009

      [Gerard, "Dismissing Doomsday,", 11/9]


      Mueller sees nuclear …. information for bomb-making.

      PC won’t work quickly

      Eremenko, RIA Novosti, 3-28-12

      (Alexey, “Anti-Russian Amendment Now Headache for U.S.,”, accessed 3-29-12, CMM)


      The Obama  fast results, he said.

      • Valery Garbuzov of the Russian Institute of the United States and Canada


      AT: Obama Blocks Magnitsky – Key to Passage

      Magnitsky is key

      Butler, AP, 3-27-12

      (Desmond, “US trade upgrade may worsen relations with Russia,”, accessed 3-27-12, CMM)


      Russia calls it anachronistic, … highlight corruption in Russia's judicial system.


      Magnitsky is key to passage

      WSJ (Opinion), 3-20-12
       (“After Jackson-Vanik; A bipartisan challenge to Obama's blind spot on rights in Russia.,” factiva, 3-27-12, CMM)


      This position is no longer … lacks votes to repeal.

      Magnitsky Tanks Relations

      Magnitsky tanks US-Russian relations

      Butler, AP, 3-27-12

      (Desmond, “US trade upgrade may worsen relations with Russia,”, accessed 3-27-12, CMM)


      The Obama administration companies could be at a competitive disadvantage.

      1AR EXT – Winners Win


      Capital isn’t finite – its like muscle

      Marshall, editor and publisher of, 11

      (John, TPM, 8-10-11, “Was It Worth It?”,, accessed 1-5-12, CMM)


      But it's wrong to see political  that a political movement can bite back.


      Bush and Reagan prove

      Green, professor of political science at Hofstra University, 10

      (David Michael, 6-11-10, “The Do-Nothing 44th President,”, accessed 1-26-11, CMM)


      Moreover, there is a continuously … this is precisely what they did.

  • 2AC Case Round 3

    • Tournament: | Round: 3 | Opponent: UNT QS | Judge:

    • 2ac Tunisia Adv – AMU – AT: Western Sahara


      3. Democracy creates momentum that overcomes obstacles – they will keep security disputes separate

      Mesdoua, Think Africa Press, 12-8-11

      [Imad, “Will the Arab Spring make the Arab Maghreb Union Bloom?”, accessed 2-20-12, TAP]


      The people of Mauritania, … to join a renewed impulse for political change.   


      4. Algeria and Morocco are both on board

      Middle East Online 2-19-12

      (“Arab Maghreb states seek to boost security, economic cooperation,” 2-19-12,, accessed 2-23-12) PM


      RABAT – Ministers from Arab …. and our peoples' ambitions."


      North African regional integration is key to solve air pollution – causes huge systemic death

      OSS, Sahara and Sahel Observatory in association with the Global Atmospheric Pollution Forum, No Date

      (“Regional co-operation on air pollution and climate change in the Arab Maghreb Union and Egypt,”, accessed 1-31-12, CMM)


      In common with other regions … for integrated programmes.



      Driessen, Associate Law Professor at Syracuse, ‘3

      (David, “"LEARING SUSTAINABILITY": SYMPOSIUM ARTICLES: SYMPOSIUM HELD AT THE UNIVERSITY AT BUFFALO LAW SCHOOL, OCTOBER 13, 2001: Sustainable Development and Air Quality: The Need to Replace Basic Technologies with Cleaner Alternatives,” Buffalo Environmental Law Journal, Spring 2003, 10 Buff. Envt'l. L.J. 25, accessed 2-23-12, Lexis) PM


      Air pollution can make life … can live a healthy and productive life.


      2ac Solvency – Say Yes Extn

      Tunisians will accept anti-corruption assistance.

      Uwimana, Transparency International Africa and Middle East regional director, 2011

      [Chantal, 4-8-11, “Transparency International in Tunisia”, accessed 12-19-11, TAP]


      Now that the dictatorship is … people will be even worse than under Ben Ali.

  • 2AC Dem Assist K

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • A2: Demo Assis-C. Political Process K


      Changing representational practices won’t alter policy, looking to structures and politics is more vital

      Tuathail, Department of Geography at Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Political Geography, 96 (Gearoid Tuathail, Department of Geography at Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Political Geography, 15(6-7), 664 )


      While theoretical debates at academic conferences … mess that is  human history.


      Even if their arguments are true in the abstract, they don’t apply to warming – we’ve passed the tipping point and innovation is the only way to solve

      Atkisson, President and CEO of environmental sustainability group, ‘1

      (Alan, The Atkisson Group, international sustainability group that advises governments and corporations, “Sustainability is Dead – Long Live Sustainability,” 10-18-01,, accessed 9-10-10) PM


      Our economies and technologies are… with their inevitable collapse



      No root cause

      Joshua Goldstein, American University International Relations Professor, 2001, “War and Gender: How Gender Shapes the War System and Vice Versa,” p.411-412


      I began this book hoping to contribute…. to be empirically inadequate.



      Structural violence doesn’t escalate – prefer proximate causes

      Hinde and Pulkkinnen, Cambridge psychology professor and University of Jyväskylä psychology professor, 2000

      [Robert and Lea,  DRAFT Background Paper for Working Group 1: HUMAN AGGRESSIVENESS AND WAR, 50th Pugwash Conference On Science and World Affairs: "Eliminating the Causes of War" Queens' College, Cambridge , UK, 3-8 August]


      People are capable of perpetrating… he causal factors remain largely unexplored.



      Engaging in theoretical philosophy only meant to persuade those in the room without any call to action outside of it creates a spectator mentality – it undermines all action to end human misery and change political structures

      David E. McClean, New School University Professor, and Society for the Study of Africana Philosophy President, 2001, “The Cultural Left and the Limits of Social Hope,”


      Yet for some reason, at least partially… disrespect for the so-called "managerial class."



      It is necessary to learn the language of the state- their form of opposition will always be transitory, getting co-opted by the government or society. It may be necessary but is not sufficient

      Sullivan, the New Republic – editor, 1995 (Andrew, Virtually Normal, pg. 91-93)


      Moreover, mere cultural redeployment…. more like a human home.”

      Ethical policymaking must be grounded in consequences

      Isaac, Indiana University James H. Rudy Professor of Political Science and Center for the Study of Democracy and Public Life director, Spring 2002

      (Jeffrey C. “Ends, Means, and Politics,” Dissent Magazine Vol. 49 Issue 2, p32)


      Power is not a dirty word or an… And it undermines political effectiveness.



      Utilitarianism precludes any other framework for evaluations, life comes first.

      Schell, 2000 (policy analyst and proliferation expert, Jonathan, “The Fate of the Earth”, p. 94-5 *This card has been gender-modified)


      To say that human extinction is a…. We are in deep ignorance.


      Focusing on method is bad – it leads to political paralysis

      Fearon, Stanford Political Science Professor, and Wendt, Ohio State  IR Professor, 2002

      [James and Alexander, Handbook of International Relations, p. 68]


      It should be stressed that in advocating…. continue on all three levels.


      Flexibility is key policy relevance – method focus is imperfect and insular.

      Walt, Harvard University international relations professor, 2011

      [Stephen,  “International Affairs and the Public Sphere”, accessed 9-16-11, TAP]


      If consensus on these norms… standards of both rigor and relevance.



      The perm makes their theories useful

      Sexton, University of California Irvine, 2011

      [Jared, “The Social Life of Social Death”, p.33-7, accessed 3-26-12, TAP]


      [29] As a way of stepping into it… than” black optimism.xvii


      There is always value to life – external claims about others life destroy individual autonomy

      Schwartz, Glasow philosophy professor and M.D. , 2003,

      (Lisa, “The Value to Life: Who Decides and How?” www.fleshandbones/readingroom/pdf/399.pdf [accessed 9/4/9])


      The second assertion made… concerned and not by others.



      Tunisians request democracy assistance – proves the topic isn’t bad.

      Uwimana, Transparency International Africa and Middle East regional director, 2011

      [Chantal, 4-8-11, “Transparency International in Tunisia”, accessed 12-19-11, TAP]


      Now that the dictatorship is over… even worse than under Ben Ali.


      The Tunisians have requested assistance with consolidating democracy.

      Ouakaa, Tunisian person writing in NPR, 2011

      [Zouhair, “The Root: What Tunisia Needs Now Is Outside Support”, accessed 12-27-11, TAP]


      After living abroad for 20 years… portrayed, rightfully so, as heroes.


      Their blanket critique of democracy promotion doesn’t apply to democracy assistance.

      Youngs, FRIDE Director General, ‘11,

      (Richard, “Misunderstanding the maladies of liberal democracy promotion”, FRIDE is A European Think Tank for Global Action, 1-25-11,, accessed 9-12-11) PM


      Two commonly-made assumptions rest… more subtle in nature.



      Their links are based off bad data – none of it assumes democracy assistance.

      Lappin, University of Leuven (Belgium) Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies PhD candidate, 10

      [Richard, participant in democracy assistance missions with the UN, EU, OSCE, and Carter Center, University of Belgrade political sciences visiting scholar, Central European Journal of International & Security Studies,  Volume 4 Issue 1, “What we talk about when we talk about democracy assistance: the problem of definition in post-conflict approaches to democratization”, p.189, accessed 5-16-11, TP]


      Establishing the definitional… perceptions of democracy assistance. 



      No risk of intervention – Iraq was the exception, not the rule

      Mathieson and Youngs, FRIDE, ‘6

      (David, associate fellow, and Richard, coordinator of the democratization project, “Democracy Promotion and the European Left: Ambivalence Confused?” FRIDE Working Paper 29, December 2006,, accessed 3-9-12) PM


      The left needs to get beyond a line of… internal debates during the 1990s.



      They misinterpret ontological freedom.

      Macedo, University of Massachusetts Boston Applied Linguistics Master of Arts program graduate program director, 2000

      [Donaldo, writes the new introduction to the anniversary edition to Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, p.32-3, TAP]


      Freire is able to do this because he… word, to name the world.


      Social death theories are wrong – scholars have show African culture existed after the slave trade

      Vincent Brown, Professor of History and of African and African-American Studies at Harvard University, 2009, , AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW, DECEMBER 2009,, (Vincent Brown is Professor of History and of African and African-American Studies at Harvard University. He is the author of The Reaper’s Garden: Death and Power in the World of Atlantic Slavery (Harvard University Press, 2008), which was co-winner of the 2009 Merle Curti Award and received the 2009 James A. Rawley Prize and the 2008–2009 Louis Gottschalk Prize. He is also Producer and Director of Research for Herskovits at the Heart of Blackness (Vital Pictures, 2009), an award-winning television documentary about the pioneering anthropologist Melville J. Herskovits, broadcast as part of the PBS series Independent Lens and distributed by California Newsreel)


      THE PREMISE OF ORLANDO PATTERSON’S…. and of resistance to slavery itself.35



      Alt fails – it empirically doesn’t produce change

      Eakin, NYT, 3

      (Emily, 4-19-2003, “The Latest Theory Is That Theory Doesn't Matter,”, accessed 10-20-11, CMM)


      These are uncertain times for literary scholars… being politically irrelevant."

  • 2AC T Can't go to NGO's

    • Tournament: | Round: 6 | Opponent: Baylor CM | Judge:

    • 1. We meet – anti-corruption goes to the government.

      McInerney, Director of Advocacy for the Project on Middle East Democracy, April 2010,
      [Stephen, “The Federal Budget and Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2011: Democracy, Governance, And Human Rights In The Middle East”, p. 9,]

      Good Governance: • … programs.

      2. We meet – the plan is also rule of law, that goes to the government.

      McMahon, Binghamton Center on Democratic Performance director and applied politics professor, 2

      [Edward R., “The Impact of U.S. Democracy and Governance Assistance in Africa: Benin Case Study.”, p.10, accessed 5-23-11]


      The rule of law area … and fair legal sector institutions.11


      3. Counter interpretation – democracy assistance can include NGOs

      National Research Council Committee on Evaluation of USAID Democracy Assistance, 8

      [Jack A. Goldstone et al, “Improving Democracy Assistance: Building Knowledge Through Evaluations and Research”,, p. 1, accessed 5-27-11]


      Over the past 25 years, U.S. Department of State.


      4. No topical aff – every aff uses an NGO, hold them to a threshold of a case list and an alternative explanation of the process of democracy assistance.

      Lappin, University of Leuven (Belgium) Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies PhD candidate, 10

      [Richard, participant in democracy assistance missions with the UN, EU, OSCE, and Carter Center, University of Belgrade political sciences visiting scholar, Central European Journal of International & Security Studies, Volume 4 Issue 1, “What we talk about when we talk about democracy assistance: the problem of definition in post-conflict approaches to democratization”, p.187-8, accessed 5-16-11, TP]


      Democracy assistance can …. media groups and political parties

  • 2AC Polyarchy

    • Tournament: | Round: 6 | Opponent: Baylor CM | Judge:

    • Do plan rej bad forms of DP


      Do plan and reject elitism in DP and imperialism associated with DP

      Focusing on method is bad – it leads to political paralysis – we get stuck on focusing on how to implement instead implementing

      Fearon, Stanford Political Science Professor, and Wendt, Ohio State  IR Professor, 2002

      [James and Alexander, Handbook of International Relations, p. 68]


      It should be stressed that in … on all three levels.


      We get to weigh case

      a. Moots the 1ac – eliminates 9 minutes of aff offense and makes it impossible to be neg

      b. Implementation education – allowing us to weigh the case is key to test the alternative against different advocacies


      6. Case is a prerequisite –

      A. Corruption makes exclusion inevitable – the plan is key to prevent a return to authoritarianism where state intervention is at its worst– try or die aff

      B. Evaluate existential threats first

      Schell, 2000 (policy analyst and proliferation expert, Jonathan, “The Fate of the Earth”, p. 94-5 *This card has been gender-modified)


      To say that human extinction …. We are in deep ignorance.


      C. That’s key to their ethics impacts

      Isaac, Indiana University James H. Rudy Professor of Political Science and Center for the Study of Democracy and Public Life director, Spring 2002

      (Jeffrey C. “Ends, Means, and Politics,” Dissent Magazine Vol. 49 Issue 2, p32)


      Power is not a dirty word or an … arrogance. And it undermines political effectiveness.


      No root cause AND case turns the K

      Joshua Goldstein, American University International Relations Professor, 2001, “War and Gender: How Gender Shapes the War System and Vice Versa,” p.411-412


      I began this book hoping to … to be empirically inadequate.


      Structural violence doesn’t escalate – prefer proximate causes

      Hinde and Pulkkinnen, Cambridge psychology professor and University of Jyväskylä psychology professor2000

      [Robert and Lea,  DRAFT Background Paper for Working Group 1: HUMAN AGGRESSIVENESS AND WAR, 50th Pugwash Conference On Science and World Affairs: "Eliminating the Causes of War" Queens' College, Cambridge , UK, 3-8 August]


      People are capable of perpetrating  factors remain largely unexplored.


      Perm - do the plan and non-contradictory parts of the alt. The link isn’t specific to the plan, means that if the alt can solve it, the perm should solve the residual links to the aff.

      Democracy assistance isn’t imperialist

      Youngs, FRIDE Director General, 2011,

      (Richard, “Misunderstanding the maladies of liberal democracy promotion”, FRIDE is A European Think Tank for Global Action, 1-25, Pg. 9, PAS) 7-23-11


      A sixth point: the … replicating Western institutions.


      Framing – if we win Tunisia says yes, that takes out the link – more ev

      Uwimana, Transparency International Africa and Middle East regional director, 2011

      [Chantal, 4-8-11, “Transparency International in Tunisia”, accessed 12-19-11, TAP]


      Now that the dictatorship …be even worse than under Ben Ali.


      Democracy assistance actualizes the desires of Arab populations – their argument is a form of paternalistic Orientalism – ethical obligation to vote neg.

      Sadiki, University of Exeter Middle East Politics senior lecturer, 2011

      [Larbi, “The mathematics of the Arab Spring”, accessed  1-2-12, TAP]


      Two fundamental principles … of the Arab populace. This must change.


      No risk of intervention – Iraq was the exception, not the rule

      Mathieson and Youngs, FRIDE, ‘6

      (David, associate fellow, and Richard, coordinator of the democratization project, “Democracy Promotion and the European Left: Ambivalence Confused?” FRIDE Working Paper 29, December 2006,, accessed 3-9-12) PM


      The left needs to get  during the 1990s.


      Youngs – they conflate DA and DP


      That discursive conflation creates bad politics -

      NED, 2006 (NED Report for Sen Lugar, Committee on Foreign Relations, June 8, 2006)


      The association of … out in Chinese news reports.”


      Floating piks

  • 2AC/1AR Transparency PIC

    • Tournament: | Round: 6 | Opponent: Baylor CM | Judge:

    • Transparency assistance in Tunisia would solve democracy.

      Cordesman, CSIS Burke Strategy chair, 8-22-11

      [Anthony, DOD distinguished service medal recipient, “Next Steps in Libya (Egypt, Tunisia, and Other States with New Regimes)”, accessed 12-23-11, TAP]


      A Decisive Case for US … sacrificing real security concerns.


      Transparency is key to economic equality and democracy

      CIPE, Center for International Private Enterprise, No date (Post June 2009)

      (Post June 2009 – This article was written after a survey conducted in June 2009 in Egypt, “Freedom oF InFormatIon and transparency In egypt,”, pages9-11, accessed 9-24-11, CMM)


      Indeed, transparency plays an providing strategic recommendations for its amelioration.



      They’re the same AND at worst transparency fosters accountability

      Yglesias, Think Progress, ‘10



      Dave Mazella, like most … for doing an excellent job if it is, in fact, doing an excellent job.

  • 2AC Uncivilized

    • Tournament: | Round: 6 | Opponent: Baylor CM | Judge:

    • Predictions are key to policy discourse and morality

      Mearsheimer, University of Chicago Wendell Harrison Professor of Political Science, 2001,

      (John J, “The Tragedy of Great Power Politics”, p. 7-8)


      Despite these hazards, social … trying to predict events.


      Future oriented politics are critical to end oppressive policies and create a better future

      Kurasawa, York University Assistant Sociology Professor and Yale University Cultural Sociology Center Associate Faculty, December 2004,

      (Fuyuki, “Cautionary Tales: The Global Culture of Prevention and the Work of Foresight,” Volume 11 Issue 4 Page 453-475)


      None of this is to disavow … in the here and now.


      Debates about threats in the academic world result in better policy-making—real threats can be confronted and risks can be weighed.

      Walt, IR professor at Harvard, 91

      Professor of Political Science, University of Chicago – 1991 (Stephen, INTERNATIONAL STUDIES QUARTERLY, p.  229-30)


      A recurring theme of this essay … an additional avenue of influence.


      Using empirics is good

      Norris, University Wales-Cardiff Philosophy Professor, 1996

      (Christopher, Prof. Phil. – U. Wales-Cardiff, “Reclaiming Truth: Contributions to a Critique of Cultural Relativism”, p. 60-62)


      Hence-most recently-his interventions … of reasoned and principled debate


      Engaging in theoretical philosophy only meant to persuade those in the room without any call to action outside of it creates a spectator mentality – it undermines all action to end human misery and change political structures

      David E. McClean, New School University Professor, and Society for the Study of Africana Philosophy President, 2001, “The Cultural Left and the Limits of Social Hope,”


      Yet for some reason, at least partially …for the so-called "managerial class."


      We are ontologically linked to the world – this means that only changing the world via things like the plan can form our identities and affirm us as persons

      May, professor of philosophy at Clemson, ‘5

      (Todd, “To change the world, to celebrate life,” Philosophy and Social Criticism 31 (5-6), 2005, pp517-531) PM


      There are many ways to conceive  . . . 8 That is where to discover our freedom.


      Risk the aff – it validates us as people

      May, professor of philosophy at Clemson, ‘5

      (Todd, “To change the world, to celebrate life,” Philosophy and Social Criticism 31 (5-6), 2005, pp517-531) PM


      You have already decided to … so you’d at least better walk in and check.


      Abandoning the struggle to change the world is the worst choice – the radical nature of the alt means we can never affirm life OR create change

      May, professor of philosophy at Clemson, ‘5

      (Todd, “To change the world, to celebrate life,” Philosophy and Social Criticism 31 (5-6), 2005, pp517-531) PM


      For those among us who seek … both sides at once.


      We can never stop trying to change the world – the alt not only denies the good of the aff and the affirmation of life the aff can provide, BUT also makes any previous good susceptible to a dangerous asceticism that undermines all value to life

      May, professor of philosophy at Clemson, ‘5

      (Todd, “To change the world, to celebrate life,” Philosophy and Social Criticism 31 (5-6), 2005, pp517-531) PM


      And what happens from …, a political ascetic? Asceticism like that is dangerous.


      Changing the world is to affirm life – this wins us the debate EVEN IF they win their links take out solvency

      May, professor of philosophy at Clemson, ‘5

      (Todd, “To change the world, to celebrate life,” Philosophy and Social Criticism 31 (5-6), 2005, pp517-531) PM


      What are we to make of …., in our lives and in our politics, we can be worthy of it.

  • 2AC Case Round 6

    • Tournament: | Round: 6 | Opponent: Baylor CM | Judge:

    • 2ac – Orientalism Adv

      Discussion of democracy advocacy breaks down the clash of civilization thesis – opens a space to deconstruct orientalism and Islamaphobia.

      Telhami, University of Maryland Anwar Sadat peace and development professor, 2005

      [Shibley, Middle East Policy, 6-22-5, “Democracy: Rising Tide or Mirage”, accessed 1-13-12, TAP]


      I think we all agree that, no …of the clash on the other side.


      Policies are uniquely key – government responses drive cultural attitudes toward Islam and the MENA region – now is a key time to engage.

      Brookings, 2011

      [Event Summary, 5-22-11, “What Does the American Public Think of the Arab Awakening?”, accessed 1-13-12, TAP]


      In light of the divisive rhetoric …and sympathy for the uprisings.


      Academic deliberation is playing a determining role in recalibrating US foreign policy – US policy can prevent authoritarianism and ensure global justice that shifts away from Orientalist narratives that dichotomize democracy and Islam.

      Feinstein, George Washington University international affairs senior, 2011

      [Danielle, This article is based on panel dialogues that took place at the CSID Conference in Foggy Bottom, on April 15, 2011, “Washington scholars debate the Arab Spring”, accessed 1-13-12, TAP]


      In recent months the Obama … states in the Arab World.


      2ac – Reps

      They don’t get to wish away the aff – disproving a foundation for the aff doesn’t disprove it’s still a good idea

      Taft-Kaufman, Central Michigan University speech communication and dramatic arts professor, 1995

      [Jill, Southern States Communication Association, Spring, “Other ways: Postmodernism and performance praxis” Proquest, p.223-4, accessed 1-31-11, TP]


      If the lack of consistency … rather than subjects are the focus.

      The neg needs to disprove the factual claims of the 1AC

      Yudowsky, Singularity Institute for AI Research Fellow and Director, 06

      [Eliezer, 8/31/2006, Cognitive Biases Potentially Affecting Judgment of Global Risk,]


      Every true idea which discomforts … take your eye off  the ball. 

  • New 1AC advantage/mech round 7

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1AC – New Adv

      Contention 2 – STAR 

      Stolen Asset Recovery, or STAR, is empirically successful – it just needs to be expanded
      Vlasic, senior fellow at the Georgetown Institute for Law, Science and Global Security, ‘10
      (Mark, with Janae Noell, California prosecutorial lawyer with JD from Cal Western, “Fighting Corruption to
      Improve Global Security: An Analysis of International Asset Recovery Systems,” September 2010,, accessed 2-19-12) PM

      Strengthening state institutional … international discussion into international action.

      Using STAR to recover Tunisian assets solves
      Vlasic, senior fellow at the Georgetown Institute for Law, Science and Global Security, 1-19-12
      (Mark, Getting Back the Bad Guy’s Loot, 1-19-12,, accessed 1-30-12) PM

      One year ago, the eyes of the … anti-corruption movement.

      Revitalized StAR program sends a signal that protects governance globally
      Pinto et al, World Bank economist, ‘7
      (Brian Pinto (PRMED), Daniel Kaufmann (WBI); Victor A. Dumas , Francis Rowe (PRMED); Theodore S. Greenberg (FPDFI); William L. Dorotinsky , Richard Messick (PRMPS); Scott White (LEG). Francis Maertens (DPA), Dimitri Vlassis (DTA/CCS), Stuart C. Gilman (DO/GPAC), Rick McDonnell and Delphine Schantz (DO/GPML) Oliver Stolpe (DO/GPAC), “Stolen Asset Recovery (StAR) Initiative: Challenges, Opportunities, and Action Plan,” 2007,, accessed 1-30-12) PM

      The first source of development … and Anti-Corruption Strategy.

      That prevents Latin American deforestation
      Bradshaw et al, Ecological Society of America, ‘8
      (Corey, Navjot Sodhi, Barry Brook, “Tropical Turmoil: A Biodiversity Tragedy in Progress,” Front Ecol Environ, 7.2, 7-24-08,, accessed 2-17-11) PM

      In our opinion, however, the greatest … be removed (MA 2005).

      Akhand Jyoti 3
      (Akhand Jyoti is the leading magazine in Mathura, India. “The Disaster of Deforestation” March-April 2003. 

      Imagining Earth without forests is a …contributes to global warming.

      StAR effectiveness key to tracking money flows
      Pinto et al, World Bank economist, ‘7
      (Brian Pinto (PRMED), Daniel Kaufmann (WBI); Victor A. Dumas , Francis Rowe (PRMED); Theodore S. Greenberg (FPDFI); William L. Dorotinsky , Richard Messick (PRMPS); Scott White (LEG). Francis Maertens (DPA), Dimitri Vlassis (DTA/CCS), Stuart C. Gilman (DO/GPAC), Rick McDonnell and Delphine Schantz (DO/GPML) Oliver Stolpe (DO/GPAC), “Stolen Asset Recovery (StAR) Initiative: Challenges, Opportunities, and Action Plan,” 2007,, accessed 1-30-12) PM

      In what is seen as a watershed, the UN … and assistance in this regard.”

      That solves terrorism
      Rosser, American Assistant Law Professor, ‘8
      (Ezra, “Immigrant Remittances,” Connecticut Law Review 41.1, November 2008, 41 Conn. L. Rev. 1, accessed 3-2-11, Lexis) PM

      Overshadowing such piecemeal … in lowering remittance costs.

      Terrorism causes global nuclear war
      Speice, JD Candidate, February 2006
      [Patrick, 47 Wm and Mary L. Rev. 1427, Lexis]

      The potential consequences of the … use of nuclear weapons.

      The risk of nuclear terrorism is high – means and motive
      Goodspeed, National Post, 3-24-12
      (Peter, “Peter Goodspeed: Ongoing nuclear threat looms over Seoul summit,”, accessed 3-26-12, CMM)

      “We believe the potential for … nuclear fusion and radioactive dirty bombs.

      1AC – New plan and Solvency
      Thus the plan:
      The United States Federal Government should provide necessary support and training for transparency and accountability of government institutions, including asset recovery support through the Stolen Asset Recovery Initiative, for Tunisia.

      Contention 3 – Solvency

      US is key – already have key infrastructure, can motivate other actors to get on board, and now is key
      This card also talks a bit about how the plan would work [FROM “Governments should also be encouraged” TO “highest-level corruption”]
      Bonime-Blanc, Head of Global Corporate Responsibility and Risk Management for Verint Systems, 2-14-12
      (Andrea, chair of the Board of Directors of the Ethics and Compliance Officer Association, “The Fight Against Corruption Goes Global,” 2-14-12,, accessed 2-19-12) PM

      Recently, the U.S. government …, economic progress, and real democracy.

      Tunisia needs financial and technical assistance to recover Ben Ali assets AND they say yes
      Byrne, The Guardian, 1-14-12
      (Eileen, “Restitution of stolen wealth could be costly for Tunisia,” 1-14-12,, accessed 1-30-12) PM

      Return of embezzled billions will … take many months, to recover unspecified funds.

      Governance assistance solves – empirically proven
      Finkel, Poli Sci prof at Pitt, 8
      Steven E. Finkel, University of Pittsburgh and Hertie School of Governance (Berlin),Aníbal Pérez-Liñán, University of Pittsburgh, Mitchell A. Seligson, Vanderbilt University, C. Neal Tate, Vanderbilt University, January 28, 2008, Deepening Our Understanding of the Effects of US Foreign Assistance on Democracy Building Final Report

      Under what conditions does … trajectory within a year.)4

      The US can use STAR – they’ve empirically been effective at asset recovery
      G8 Muskoka Accountability Report, 10
      [G8 Member Reporting: Governance, “Assessing action and results against development-related commitments”, p.15, accessed 3-21-12, TAP]

      The US has announced a … on forfeiture and detection of proceeds of corruption.

      No backlash to the plan
      Hamid, Brookings Doha Center Research Director, 11
      (Shadi, 10-1-11, “What Obama and American Liberals Don’t Understand About the Arab Spring,”, accessed 10-11-11, CMM)

      During the Bush administration, … only at the last moment.

  • Round 7 2AC/1AR vs. Mich AL

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • *2AC*


      1. We meet – the plan is corruption assistance
        Pinto et al, World Bank economist, ‘7
        (Brian Pinto (PRMED), Daniel Kaufmann (WBI); Victor A. Dumas , Francis Rowe (PRMED); Theodore S. Greenberg (FPDFI); William L. Dorotinsky , Richard Messick (PRMPS); Scott White (LEG). Francis Maertens (DPA), Dimitri Vlassis (DTA/CCS), Stuart C. Gilman (DO/GPAC), Rick McDonnell and Delphine Schantz (DO/GPML) Oliver Stolpe (DO/GPAC), “Stolen Asset Recovery (StAR) Initiative: Challenges, Opportunities, and Action Plan,” 2007,, accessed 1-30-12) PM

      The UNODC-WBG StAR … of State Parties.

      AND that’s part of governance
      Azpuru, et al, Wichita State political science professor, 8
      (Dinorah Azpuru, Steven E. Finkel, Aníbal Pérez-Liñán, Mitchell A. Seligson, Journal of Democracy Volume 19, Number 2, April 2008, “What has the United States Been Doing?” p. 155-157, Project Muse, accessed 9-5-11]

      It is often said that Western .. and local government.  

      governance is topical
      Aspinall, Australian National University senior fellow, 10
      [Edward, July 10, “Assessing Democracy Assistance: Indonesia”,, accessed 9-5-11]

      There are starkly differing views …, but governance assistance.

      AND it’s part of rule of law
      McMahon, Binghamton Center on Democratic Performance director and applied politics professor, 2
      [Edward R., “The Impact of U.S. Democracy and Governance Assistance in Africa: Benin Case Study.”, p.10, accessed 5-23-11]

      The rule of law area addresses both … effective and fair legal sector institutions.11
      AND it’s civil society
      Huber, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Department of International Relations, 8
      [Daniela, Mediterranean Politics, Vol. 13, No. 1, 43–62,  March 2008, “Democracy Assistance in the Middle East and North Africa: A Comparison of US and EU Policies”, p. 50,, accessed 6-3-11]

      Civil society programmes …r local communities (USAID, 2006b: 1–2).

      2. Counter interp – democracy assistance includes elections, rule of law, civil society, and governance
      Azpuru, et al, Wichita State political science professor, 8
      (Dinorah Azpuru, Steven E. Finkel, Aníbal Pérez-Liñán, Mitchell A. Seligson, Journal of Democracy Volume 19, Number 2, April 2008, “What has the United States Been Doing?” p. 155-157, Project Muse, accessed 9-5-11]

      It is often said that Western … and local government.  

      3. No limits explosion – governance is only 4 different programs
      McMahon-Director, Center on Democratic Performance Department of Political Science Binghamton University-2    
      (The Impact of U.S. Democracy and Governance Assistance in Africa: Benin Case Study

      The concept of governance … a result of U.S. assistance.

      4. Research burden inevitable – they still have to research how corruption interacts with other teams’ affs BUT there’s no reason they have a right to corruption ground
      5. They limit out core affs like IMET and governance funding – that’s a huge part of the literature – governance is a third of the topic, makes it impossible to be aff.
      Azpuru, et al, Wichita State political science professor, 8
      (Dinorah Azpuru, Steven E. Finkel, Aníbal Pérez-Liñán, Mitchell A. Seligson, Journal of Democracy Volume 19, Number 2, April 2008, “What has the United States Been Doing?” p. 155-157, Project Muse, accessed 9-5-11]

      It is often said that … decentralization and local government.  

      6. Direct is arbitrary – they could limit out any aff as not being direct – this card should be close enough
      Corruption is directly tied to democracy
      El-Hasan, Palestine Chronicle, ‘11
      (Hasan Afif, political analyst and ME expert, “Egypt’s Challenges: Democracy, Economy, Corruption,” 8-6-11,, accessed 8-29-11) PM

      I argue that the success of … from the old order. 

      T – Intermediary

      1. We Meet –
        A. Intermediaries are its
        Cohn, Director of the International and Intercultural Studies Major at Goucher College, ‘99
        (Elizabeth, “U.S. Democratization Assistance,” 7-1-99,, accessed 3-23-12) PM

      When possible, the U.S. should use … and economic processes in other countries.

      B. It’s normal means
      USAID Democracy Assistance Program Evaluation Committee ‘8
      (Improving Democracy Assistance: Building Knowledge Through Evaluations and Research, National Academies Press, 7-31-08, p21, accessed on google books on 3-26-12) PM

      USAID’s DG efforts … and Development (OECD).

      2. Counter interpretations
      A) “Its” means associated with – control is not required
      Collins English Dictionary ‘98
      (Collin English Dictionary, p 817)

      Its – of, belong to, or associated in some way with it.

      B) DA includes international organizations
      Lappin, University of Leuven (Belgium) Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies PhD candidate, 10
      [Richard, participant in democracy assistance missions with the UN, EU, OSCE, and Carter Center, University of Belgrade political sciences visiting scholar, Central European Journal of International & Security Studies, Volume 4 Issue 1, “What we talk about when we talk about democracy assistance: the problem of definition in post-conflict approaches to democratization”, p.187-8, accessed 5-16-11, TP]

      Democracy assistance can be …media groups and political parties.   

      3. No limits explosion – lit proves the plan can only be done through a few groups – checks the research burden
      Their interp means nothing is T – the US has exclusive control over NO intermediaries
      Jacobsen, National Endowment for Democracy Public Affairs Director, 11
      (Jane Riley, Financial Times, 10-7-11, “Providing assistance to democracy where it is needed most,” factiva, accessed 10-9-11, CMM)

      Sir, The Carnegie Council's … Mr Speedie himself enjoys.

      2ac – Case
      Corruption yes.
      Ramadan, Oxford University Oriental studies contemporary Islamic studies professor, 3-6-12
      [Tariq, Qatar Faculty of Islamic studies visiting professor, “Tunisia's challenging future”, accessed 3-9-12, TAP]

      I last travelled to Tunisia …Islamist reformers and Salafists?

      Corruption now.
      Le Nevez, Tunisia Live, 3-4-12
      [Adam, “No Quick Fix for the Tunisian Economy”, accessed 3-9-12, TAP]

      The revolution and the transitional … by personal contacts and in many cases money.

      AT: UN CP

      CP happened
      Tunisia Live 1-8-12
      (Houda Mzioudet, “Tunisia Joins United Nations Fund for Democracy,” 1-8-12,, accessed 1-8-12) PM

      Tunisia became a member of … fundamental liberties.

      Links to politics
      The Hill, 11
      (1-23-11, “The World from The Hill: U.N. funding an early target for House Republicans,”, accessed 11-10-11, CMM)

      A key House … want to be sanctioned."


      Best studies go aff
      Finkel, 2008
      Steven E. Finkel, University of Pittsburgh and Hertie School of Governance (Berlin),Aníbal Pérez-Liñán, University of Pittsburgh, Mitchell A. Seligson, Vanderbilt University, C. Neal Tate, Vanderbilt University, January 28, 2008, Deepening Our Understanding of the Effects of US Foreign Assistance on Democracy Building Final Report

      Does USAID’s democracy promotion … Polity IV index.

      There is still corruption.
      Green and Whitehead, All Africa, 3-5-12
      [Adam Robert and Eleanor, “North Africa: Waiting Game”, accessed 3-25-12, TAP]

      From the self-immolation …discouraging firms from hiring.

      Transparency is key to democracy
      CIPE, Center for International Private Enterprise, No date (Post June 2009)
      (Post June 2009 – This article was written after a survey conducted in June 2009 in Egypt, “Freedom oF InFormatIon and transparency In egypt,”, pages9-11, accessed 9-24-11, CMM)

      Indeed, transparency plays an … providing strategic recommendations for its amelioration. 



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