Loyola » Loyola EM Neg

Loyola EM Neg

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:33
  • Neg v Northwestern @ Kentucky

    • Tournament: Sample Tournament | Round: 1 | Opponent: Sample Team | Judge: Sample Judge

      • Tournament: Ky | Round: 6 | Opponent: Northwester | Judge: Spring
      • On case - critique of the idea of the "arab spring" a bit of a reps/discourse argument plus a movements DA. 

        Off Case - 

        T-"Actuality" - Every actuality has an equally negative potentiality. Makes the aff Extra topical. No Severence causes rollback....

        Puzzle 1 "Zeno's Paradox" Motion is impossible.

        Puzzle 2 Meno's paradox knowledge is impossible

        Baudrillard K - Economic Valuation is bad - 1 card in 1NC

        Baudrillard K of Democracy - liberal democracy is bad - extended in the block. 

        "Absurdity" - Existentialism K - Sartre and Debauvior - finding meaning/value outside of self is bad. Hell is other people. See "no choice is still a choice" see. This is the 2NR. This appears to be the first time they have gone for this position.


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      Use the second box for cites formatted with wiki syntax or plain text, such as that exported from Verbatim 4.

  • Round Reports

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Neg: Loyola EM
      Round # 8 Tournament: Shirley
      Vs Team: OU GL
      Judge: Edmund Zagourin



      Off Case Args:

      Victimization/exploitation for self

      Suicide good option

      Death not real

      Holocaust exploit


      Case Args:



      Block Strategy:

      All except Holocaust and Victimization


      2nr Strategy:

      Same as block 

      Neg:Loyola EM
      Round #2  Tournament:
      Vs Team: Iowa CL
      Judge: Kurt Z.



      Off Case Args:

      1st off framework

      Intrinsic to the plan


      2nd internalized blackmail of security reduces to diseased object. Secure and over identifying advocate suicide- baudrilliard 91


      3rd causality makes no sense and is non-intrinsic

      Since effects are not effects they are not reasonable

      Happen or not who knows

      Even if this absurd shows world absurd


      4th demand hostage dominant order. We’ve taken the hostage. Impotence. Scorpion self-poison itself. terrorism

      Baudrilliard 92


      5th off Spectacle nuclear deterrence implosive violence of terrorism. Functions of simulacrum baudrilliard 6


      6th minos paradox. Learning is impossible. We do not known


      7th jobs = death camp baudrilliard 96

      Social coordinates of the camp




      Case Args:

      Apocalypse already happened

      Credible news service 96


      They’re wrong-



      War and the economy hyper real. Prevent us from virtual collapse- baudrilliard 92






      Block Strategy:



      Nuclear spectacle bad




      2nr Strategy:







  • Round 6 Shirley Cites

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    •  Chris Turner and published by Stanford The illusion of the End Bauldrillard p 11-13;


      The rewriting of history is everywhere…

      Baudrillard 2009 (jean, Smart Frenchy, The Transparancy of Evil, pp.111-113)


      Intellectual dogging in the steps of this political collusion…

      BAudrillard 96 (Jean, Smart Frenchy, The Perfect Crime, Verso, pp. 133-137)


      You view the world as it should be…

      Baudrillard 2005 (Jean, Smart Frenchy, The Intelligence of Evil of the Lucidity Pact, Berg, p. 144-145)


      Repentance and recrimination of past violence…

      (Jean, Smart, French, The Intelligence of Evil or the Lucidity Pact, Berg, p. 150-151)


      To use suffering of others as the quilting point for your reality reveals a profound ressntiment and self-hatred: a refusal to credit people with the ability to escape their material experience for the purposes of having a backdrop by which to juxtapose the dream-like nature of first world bourgeois reality


      Baudrillard 96 (Jean, Smart French, The Perfect Crime, Verso, p. 95)


      Politicizing the other on the basis of their suffering demonstrates the need to make the other a mirror of our contemp. Victim society neutralizes otherness by conveivin and dfending it only in negative terms. Insofar as it universalizes this contempt and negativity, it attempts to absorb all otherness. Rather than being the penultimate defense of singularities, it is the height of homogenization.

      Baudrillard 96 (Jean, Smart French, The Perfect Crime, Verso, pp. 137-138)


      Retelling one’s trauma is used in order to sustain the status quo.

      Brown in 2001(Wendy Brown, Politics Out of Hisotry, Princeton University Press, 2001)

      [a second possible reading-carried both the love and the injury]


      Subjectification writes injury into the process by which the subject’s identity is created

      Brown 1995 (Wendy Brown, professor of Women’s Studies at the UC, Santa Cruz, States of Injury: Power and Freedom in Late Modernity; Princeton Paperbacks, 1995; pg. 71-75)

      [But contemporary politicized identity’s desire is-suffering and healing we might be negotiating]


      Their moralistic activity produces political passivity.

      Brown in 2001 (Wendy Brown, Politics Out of History, Princeton University Press 2001)

      [If moralistic discourse always harbors a certain-can we live in this paradox?]


      Ressentiment redistributes the pain of impotence in the face of injury; this will to power invokes subordination of difference.

      Brown 1995 (Wendy Brown, professor of Women’s Studies at the UC, Santa Cruz, States of Injury: Power and Freedom in Late Modernity; Princeton paperbacks, 1995; pg. 67-71)

      [Liberalism contains from its inception-than to find venues of self affirming action]


      The duty to remember betrays a position which attempts to preserve distant privilege. Forgetting is the condition for the possibility of remembrance; so not only must we forget institutional remembrance to establish a genuine, personal relation to the event, but we must forget in order to live past the horror of the past and return to modest relation to memnt.

      Auge 2004 (Marc, director of L’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, Oblivion, University of Minnesota Press, pp.87-89)

      [a certain ambiguity is attached to the expression –forget in order to remain faithful]


      Nietzshean criticism is not anti-politics instead it cutes into politics in order to refine it.

      Brown 2001 (Wendy Brown, Politics Out of History, Princeton University Press, 2001)

      [Conventional ways of locating Nietzsche’s-point about democracy’s hollow center.”


      Criticism is not consumed by resentiment, rather it is productive of an active engagement with the world.

      Deleuze in 1983 (Gilles Deleuze, Nietzsche and Philosophy, translated by Hugh Tomlinson, 1983)

      [Genealogy means both the value of origin-a determination of the values of the future.]

  • Holocaust 1nc

    • Tournament: Wake | Round: 8 | Opponent: UO GL | Judge: Zagorin

    • Holocaust 1NC


      The continual retracing of the event-Holocaust is itself the final solution, an endless purging of guilt which dissolves the trauma of the event by integrating it into the cold system of deterrence and communication, only to accelerate & proliferate to warm the dead bodies of the social and political

      Baudrillard 06 (Simulacra and Simulation, University of Michigan Press, p. 49-51)


      Forgetting extermination is part of extermination, because it is also the extermination of […] this confusion will never be lifted.

  • Suicide 1nc

    • Tournament: Wake | Round: 8 | Opponent: OU GL | Judge: Zagorin

    • Suicide 1NC


      You goody two shoes propagate life and reason like any fascist. Prefer not life, reason, and the good. Affirm your own right to death, for their propagation of life and reason is much more violent than material dispossetion. Will to die preserves singularity.

      Baudrillard 2010 (“Carnival and Cannibal” Segull Books p. 63-70)


      There is no difference between the […] is in play in Gilmore’s fantastic defence.



      The slightest introduction of death into the social order is sufficient to blackmail the perfect system according to its own standards; it is a refusal to generate use value in a system which bases production on our long lives

      Baudrillard 76 (“Symbolic exchange and Death,” p. 175-176, Sage publications)


      Amongst these is suicide, which in our […] death playing against itself win.


  • Transcendence 1nc

    • Tournament: Wake | Round: 8 | Opponent: OU GL | Judge: Zagorin

    • Transcendence 1NC


      Your conception of death presupposes a transcendental emphasis on the vertical hierarchy which establishes individual beings, calling this life. But there is always a horizontal dissolution all boundaries in a positive and immanent complexity. From this perspective, death is nothing more than the abolition of stop signs in an infinite traffic of intensities. All of life is a vertical mirage, a fiction intimately bound to the death immanent to it.

      Land 92 (The Thirst for Annihilation: Georges Bataille and Virulent Nihilism, Routledge University Press, NY, 1992, p. 173-174) Lecturer in Continental Philosophy at the University of Warwick


      General economy is a traffic system; marketing routes […] death answer sponge streaming with solar dreams



      Your conception(s) of death presupposes a binary-ontology of death as opposed to life. But life operates according to a labyrinthine ontology of infinite scaling. Just as an individual is a composite of organs, comrpised of cells, comrpised of atoms, society vampyricly drains its onotlogical consistency from the weight of its memebers ina process of death, just as societies lose their sinificance as they are sacrificed to a greater whole of humanity, and humanity to nature. There is no death; all beings are star-fish and sponges multiplying in amputation; all of life is a solar flux of particles

      Land 92 (The Thirst for Annihilation: Georges Bataille and Virulent Nihilism, Routledge University Press, NY, 1992, p. 171-173) Lecturer in Continental Philosophy at the University of Warwick


      A provisional differentiation is obviously […] constellation into the dissipative mass of the labyrinth.



      All action mutilates the totality of our existence, tapering it off in subordination to a goal. The only way to avoid such slavery, to totlaize our freedom, is to immanently dissolve into the moment, to burn with desire for desire’s sake, to laugh to death!

      Bataille 1945 (On Nietzsche, Pantheon Books, pp. xxvi-xxvii)


      Nonetheless, I don’t want my inclination to make […] Entirety lacks further tasks to fulfill.

  • Hostage/terrorism 1nc

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Please put cites

      The demand

      Skorpion death

  • 1nc v Michigan AL

    • Tournament: Dartmouth RR | Round: 1 | Opponent: Michigal AL | Judge:

    • This card is totally confusing and they will lose on it.

      Bataille 45 (Georges, On Nietzsche, Pantheon Books, pp. 184-187)

      “Life,” I said, “is bound to be lost…….stake used for impalement.



      Furthermore, the intellectual dogging in the steps of this political collusion only worsens things, selling suffering on the intellectual market, while justifying the system which invests in victimization as its imperative and limit point, using it to justify ethnic cleansing and imperialism.

      Baudrillard 96 (Jean, Smart Frenchy, The Perfect Crime, Verso, pp. 133-137)

      Our reality: that is the problem……from evil, never from misfortune


      We have internalized the blackmail of security, encasing ourselves in cellophane to ensure our shelf lives. This view reduces the body to a diseased object in need  of protection and insurance, making life nothing more than a process of continual mortification.

      Baudrillard 76 (Jean, smart Frenchy, Symbolic Exchange and Death, pp. 177-180, Sage Publications)

      Security is another form of social control……locking every risk into its sarcophagus


      While death is an inevitable part of life, the preference for catastrophic death encased in virtual artifice betrays a symbolic economy in which group identity is founded by devouring the deaths of others. Not only does this economy make ‘natural’ or non-catastrophic deaths meaningless but it also makes us al hostages in which are card may be pulled, willed by the collective group to die. To identify death as the locus of the real is to transform our bodies into flesh caskets.

      Baudrillard 76 (Jean, smart Frency, Symbolic Exchange and Death, pp. 164-166, Sage Publications)

      Why is it that today there are no…..the biological simulacrum of our own body.


      The realization of totality in consciousness frees one from the imperative of action and the slavery of reason. In a moment of digesting the whole world and befriending all of humanity, we laugh in a pure, nonsensical rapture!

      Bataille 1945 (Georges, On Nietzsche, Pantheon Books, pp. xxix-xxx)

      If I want to realize totality in my….. in which only chance is my guide.


  • 1NC v Oklahoma GL

    • Tournament: Dartmouth RR | Round: 3 | Opponent: Oklahoma GL | Judge: Heidt, David

    • Case 1NC


      Your call to revolt is defined by slavery and resentment which is fundamentally a passive narcotic that situates itself in the world based on hatred. Stop being so reactive

      Deleuze 83, Nietzsche and philosophy


      We must not be deceived by the expression…as evil from the outset.




      The necessity of revolt reinstates a norm principle. Even if it is not one that conforms to a metanarratival structure. This addiction to nmoralism becomes a vacuous ompulsion to act that collapses into nihilism and hatred of life.

      Wendy Brown 1, politics out of history, p. 23-4


      From this account, moralism…righteous political principle.


      The desire for constant participation and revolt is a pseudoactivity that maintains current structures of engagement.

      Zizek 9, violence, p. 216-7


      In psychoanalytic terms, the voter’s…is the most violent thing to do.




      Suicide 1NC


      A)   What’s the matter with silence – their call to keep revolting in the face of absurdity merely greases the wheels of economic excahgne – instead, will death as rupture of the symbolic order itself – suicide may seem small, but its capable of unraveling everything.

      Riley 09

      This analysis, however, does not…purist symbolic form of challenge” (Baudrillard 2001, p.130)


      B. Black mailing the system is the best option because it refuses to provide it with the use value it needs to survive – suicide is important, not because as the affirmative claims it represents the triumph of nihilism, but instead because it turns the institutional death against itself

      Baudrillard 76 (Jean, symbolic exchange and death, pp. 175-176, sage publications)

      Amongst these is suicide…death playing against itself win.


       Affirm your own right to die – in the face of their reactionary moralism, the really revolutionary stance is to prefer not without recourse to their incessant need to explain the useless.

      Baudrillard 10 (Jean, “carnival and cannibal” segull books p 63-70

      Thre is no difference between... gilmore’s fantastic defence.




      Otherness 1nc


      Witnessing is itself an interpretive gesture. The comparison of one interpretation with others doesn’t amount to verification. Every witnessing is a narrating, a naming. This is a double bind: either there’s no reason to vote aff or their reason is a writing over bouizzi in a flight from anxiety.

      Jeremy Fernando, 2010, The Suicide Bomber; and her gift of death, p. 56-9


      When one is a witness to a situation…remaining in the undecidable.


      Each recollection is a recontextualization, rewriting and revision. This overwrites the alterity of bouazizi with a prescriptive model in flight of freedom.

      Jeremy Fernando, 2010, The Suicide Bomber; and her gift of death, p. 59-61


      Whenever a witness names…what does this thing I am witnessing mean.


      The 1ac’s claim to use the suicide of bouazizi as a quilting point for understanding the revolt and absurdity renders the difference as something exchangeable and useful for our politics thus transforming radical otherness into a reconcilable unit. This ignores the radical incompatibility that lies at the heart of alterity and mirrors imperialist consumption.

      Baudrillard 96 (Jean, The perfect Crime, Cerso, pp.122-123)

      At the same time… alive the forms of the irreducible.


    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:



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