On case - critique of the idea of the "arab spring" a bit of a reps/discourse argument plus a movements DA.
Off Case -
T-"Actuality" - Every actuality has an equally negative potentiality. Makes the aff Extra topical. No Severence causes rollback....
Puzzle 1 "Zeno's Paradox" Motion is impossible.
Puzzle 2 Meno's paradox knowledge is impossible
Baudrillard K - Economic Valuation is bad - 1 card in 1NC
Baudrillard K of Democracy - liberal democracy is bad - extended in the block.
"Absurdity" - Existentialism K - Sartre and Debauvior - finding meaning/value outside of self is bad. Hell is other people. See Here. "no choice is still a choice" see here. This is the 2NR. This appears to be the first time they have gone for this position.