Democracy Assistance operates through a consensus model which liquidates difference, imposes inequality, and authorizes imperialist wars and violence in the name of help while reducing the demos to objects of the state. May 2008 [ Todd May, Professor of Philosophy at Clemson, July 18, 2008, “The Political Thought of Jacques Rancière: critical thought”]
The emergence …the society they live in.30
The affirmatives politcs of democracy assistance in attempting to help establish democracy only serve to further alienate the people while turning them into an object of the state. May 2008 [ Todd May, Professor of Philosophy at Clemson, July 18, 2008, “The Political Thought of Jacques Rancière: critical thought”]
This movement can be …the proper object of politics
Politics is dissensus – our politics is one that is a dissensus with the police order or society in which everything is structured through allotment and justification which presupposes inequality in that there are those who are in charge of allotments and distribution and those who are not which creates an uneven balance of power. May 2008 [ Todd May, Professor of Philosophy at Clemson, July 18, 2008, “The Political Thought of Jacques Rancière: critical thought”]
We start with the negative direction… the supposed naturalness of
Action and thought are not divorced but instead are co-constitutive – in order to have a radical democracy we must learn to think differently to remake the world rather than be mere recipients of it. May 2008 [ Todd May, Professor of Philosophy at Clemson, July 18, 2008, “The Political Thought of Jacques Ranciere: critical thought”]
What can be offered here is …that we began to create it.
The Role of the Intellectual is to create anarchist democratic politics which does not speak for others or dictate what they might be but instead acknowledges power is not reducible to a center and that experimentation is essential to escape the police order -May 2008 [ Todd May, Professor of Philosophy at Clemson, July 18, 2008, “The Political Thought of Jacques Ranciere: critical thought”]
The answer seems clear… actions into another one.
Our affirmation is democracy assistance in this space – we can stand in solidarity with those rising up in Yemen – thus declassifying our own identities and dissenting against the police order. May 2008 [ Todd May, Professor of Philosophy at Clemson, July 18, 2008, “The Political Thought of Jacques Ranciere: critical thought”]
If strikes can be …undercuts the particular oppression itself.