- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please contact: aninda.chowdhury92@gmail.com I will get back to you as soon as I can!
| 11/08/11 |
T Elections
- Tournament: SFSU | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Kuswa
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A. Interpretation – Democracy assistance must be targeted towards electoral laws, presses and institutions IFES (International Foundation for Electoral Systems), 2011, Topic In Brief: Democracy assistance can … electoral laws, processes and institutions. B. Violation – C. Vote Neg Limits – Elections directly tie assistance to the core democratic process of contestation – other targets of aid only indirectly improve democracy by changing the political environment – there are thousands of ways to “indirectly promote democracy” by improving governance or helping a civil society group Thomas Carothers- sr. associate at Carnegie- June 2003, IS GRADUALISM POSSIBLE? Choosing a Strategy for Promoting Democracy in the Middle East, INDIRECTLY PROMOTING DEMOCRACY The second identifiable U.S. … U.S. policy more accurately. 2. Topic focus - Including every aff tangentially related to democratic institutions scatters the topic in too many directions – Elections should be the focal point to ground education about “democracy” Erik Olin Wright and Joel Rogers –profs, sociology and law, U Wisconsin - July 2009, American Society: How It Really Works, Elections are at the very … electoral system and how it works. Block Plenty of affs POMED (Project on Middle East Democracy) - June 9, 2011, IFES Briefing Paper “Yemen in Transition” , The International Foundation for … and new training and procedures for electoral officials. Civil society is underlimiting – here’s a sample: USAID - October 2009, A Guide to USAID’s Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance (DCHA)/Office of Democracy and Governance (DG) Activities, CIVIL SOCIETY Increased development of a politically .. and human resource development. At least our interpretation creates a bright line – anything else bleeds into governance and economic development programs Nigel D. White – Prof, International Organisations, School of Law at Nottingham – 2000, The United Nations and Democracy Assistance: Developing Practice within a Constitutional Framework, in: Democracy assistance: international co-operation for democratization, ed. Peter J. Burnell, googlebooks The focus will then …with the primary constitutional principles. Anyone can find contextual ev for their aff Lappin, 10 University of Leuven (Belgium) Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies PhD candidate, [Richard, Central European Journal of International & Security, Studies, Volume 4 Issue 1, “What we talk about when we talk about , democracy assistance: the problem of definition in post-conflict , approaches to democratization,” , p.190 accessed 7-25-11 Furthermore, as democracy …fashionable governance themes.
| 11/08/11 |
- Tournament: SFSU | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
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The EU solves democracy promotion in the Arab world Abboud 2010 (Noufal Abboud was Project Coordinator at the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) project on Democracy in the Arab Word, focusing on elections, political parties and women’s participation in politics in Egypt, Yemen and Jordan. He has a MA in Human Rights from Mahidol University, Thailand, and a Licence en Droit (BA in Law) from University Hassan II in Casablanca, Morocco; "Regenerating the State in the Arab World: The Role Of the European Union in Democracy Building"; http://www.idea.int/resources/analysis/upload/Abboud_low_1.pdf, SRM) “It is only with knowledge … of either catalyst or teacher.” The counterplan boosts EU global soft power Seilor, 5/15 (Julia, 5/15/11, “Arab Spring: what think tanks say,”http:www.thinktankdirectory.org/blog/2011/05/15/arab-spring-what-think-tanks-say/, JMP) “Scholars agree that the … in helping its neighbors stabilize” Strong EU solves multiple scenarios of extinction. Bruton 2001 (John, Former Irish Prime Minister, Report before the Joint Committee on European Affairs, Parliament of Ireland, October,http://www.irlgov.ie/committees-02/c-europeanaffairs/future/page1.htm) “As the Laeken Declaration put … will otherwise overwhelm us.”
| 11/08/11 |
1NC Framework - DemAss
- Tournament: SFSU | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
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A – Interpretation Topical affirmatives must affirm the resolution only through instrumental defense of action by the United States Federal Government. B – Definitions Should denotes an expectation of enacting a plan American Heritage Dictionary 2000 (Dictionary.com) should. The will to do something or have something take place: I shall go out if I feel like it. Federal government is the central government in Washington DC Encarta Online 2005, United States (Government), the combination of federal, state, and local laws, bodies, and agencies that is responsible for carrying out the operations of the United States. The federal government of the United States is centered in Washington, D.C. Resolved implies a policy Louisiana House 3-8-2005, Resolution A legislative instrument that generally is used for making declarations, stating policies, and making decisions where some other form is not required. A bill includes the constitutionally required enacting clause; a resolution uses the term "resolved". Not subject to a time limit for introduction nor to governor's veto. ( Const. Art. III, §17(B) and House Rules 8.11 , 13.1 , 6.8 , and 7.4) Democracy assistance is the transfer funds, expertise, or material to foster democracy Richard Lappin- Ph.D. candidate at the Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies @ U of Leuven- 2009 (last cite), What We Talk About When We Talk About Democracy Assistance: The Problem of Definition in Post-Conflict Approaches to Democratisation, Democracy assistance can be ... and political parties. C – Vote neg 1 – Predictability- And, predictability is the internal link to solving the aff – Debate has unique potential to change attitudes and grow critical thinking skills because it forces pre-round internal deliberation on a of a focused, common ground of debate Robert E. Goodin and Simon J. Niemeyer- Australian National University- 2003, When Does Deliberation Begin? Internal Reflection versus Public Discussion in Deliberative Democracy, POLITICAL STUDIES: 2003 VOL 51, 627–649, What happened in ... those key features. 2 – Limits- the aff interpretation explodes the number of potential affirmatives to anything that has a loose relationship to democracy- They have functionally made their own resolution which at best turns debates into democracy or assistance good/bad. And, Limits are an inevitable part of living in society, but learning to exercise creativity within limits celebrates life- constant attempts to un-limit ourselves creante an unbearable burden and empties out the value to life Ramaekers 2001 Stefan, Teaching to ... of Nietzsche's writings. 3 – Education- Policy education solves the case better - Tying scholarly research to policy practice is necessary to combat the problematic viewpoints currently endemic to practices of democracy assistance Carothers, Vice President for Studies at Carnegie, 10 (October, Vice President for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, “The Research Imperatives of Democracy Promotion,” American Political Science Association – Comparative Democracy, Vol. 8, No. 3) Us and them: Another problematic …policy practice not just advisable but imperative. A focus on policy is necessary to learn the pragmatic details of powerful institutions – acting without this knowledge is doomed to fail in the face of policy pros who know what they’re talking about McClean, Adjunct Professor of Philosophy at Molloy College in New York, ‘1 (David E., “The Cultural Left and the Limits of Social Hope”, Conference of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy, Or we might take ... so-called "managerial class."
| 10/18/11 |
Neoliberalism K
- Tournament: SFSU | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
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Their attempt to assist Arab democracy sows the seeds for a resurgence of neoliberal imperialism—a U.S. prescribed solution re-enforces imperial power relations and civil society assistance opens the door for economic exploitation which will leave the people worse off. Dixon 11 (Marion Dixon, Professor at Department of Sociology at Cornell University, “An Arab Spring,” Review of African Political Economy, June 21 2011, <http://cornell.academia.edu/MarionDixon/Papers/824718/An_Arab_Spring>) Monopoly of expertise... in US states. K outweighs and turns the aff—Neoliberalism causes four extinction scenarios: warming, nuclear war, disease, and poverty. Deutsch 09 (Judith Deutsch, President of Science for Peace, Member of Canadian psychoanalytic society, “Pestilence, Famine,War, Neoliberalism, and Premature Deaths,” Peace Magazine, July-September 2009, http://peacemagazine.org/archive/v25n3p18.htm) The outlook for... ...and the media. Alternative Text: Reject the aff’s positioning of the U.S. as the expert on democracy with the correct neoliberal prescription for it in lieu of a democratic dialogue that seeks to work with the people in question to develop the democracy they desire. Our alt doesn’t forsake policy approaches, it engages in a process of dialogue that transforms and improves them. The aff forecloses this opportunity by placing the U.S. in the role of the teacher, using the language of “assistance”, and focusing on “liberal” methods of transformation. Kurki 10 (Milja Kurki, PhD. Lecturer in International Politics at Aberystwyth University, Principal investigator of the Political Economies of Democratisation project, based at the Department of International Politics, “Democracy and Conceptual Contestability: Reconsidering Conceptions of Democracy in Democracy Promotion,” Aberstwyth University, Intenrational Studies Review, p. 380-381) However, another far... ...that currently exists.
| 10/05/11 |
- Tournament: SFSU | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
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The UAE’s economy is up – MENA political instability has diverted FDI to the UAE MEED 6-19-11(Richard, MEED is a 54-year-old business intelligence tool for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), providing analysis and commentary on Middle Eastern markets, companies, people and data on the regional projects market, “Middle East Economic Review : UAE set to benefit from stability,” http://www.ameinfo.com/268494.html, accessed 6-21-11, CMM) As political unrest... ...the non-oil sector." FDI is key to UAE’s housing sector The Economic Times, 8 (5-27-08, “Foreign investment spurs Dubai real estate growth,” http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2008-05-27/news/27708062_1_foreign-investment-real-estate-sector-uae, accessed 7-10-11, CMM) DUBAI: The real estate... ...in the UAE. UAE real estate decline collapses the US economy Rosales,9 (Lani, named one of Real Estate’s 100 Most Influencial, as well as 12 Most Influencial Women in Real Estate, 11-30-09, “Dubai’s Economic Meltdown May Extend to U.S. Shores,” http://agentgenius.com/real-estate-news-events/dubais-economic-meltdown-extend-to-u-s-shores/, accessed 7-9-11, CMM) Anyone following the... ...in real estate. Economic collapse causes nuclear war Cook 7 Richard. Frequent contributor to Global Research. 6/14/7. http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=5964. Times of economic... ...a few nukes?
| 11/08/11 |
Orientalism K - SFSU
- Tournament: SFSU | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
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Trying to ‘fix’ the East is grounded in paternalistic Orientalism—all their arguments stand on shaky epistemological ground that legitimizes endless violence—turns the case Anand 07—Reader, IR, U Westminster. PhD, politics, Bristol (Dibyesh, Western Colonial Representations of the Other, http://staff.bath.ac.uk/ecsda/DAnandNPSArticleMar07.pdf, AMiles) Note – epiphenomenal = a secondary question/phenomenon Within the context... ...idealization of some. Their rhetoric is grounded in an Orientalist discourse of Middle East security defined according to US imperial interests Bilgin 04—assistant prof, IR, Bilkent U. PhD, IR, U Wales (Pinar, Whose ‘Middle East’? Geopolitical Inventions and Practices of Security, http://www.arts.yorku.ca/politics/ncanefe/docs/readings%20for%20the%20curious%20mind/Pinar%20Bilgin%20on%20Whose%20Middle%20East.pdf, AMiles) The significance of... ...non-state actors. Orientalist policy is inherently dehumanizing SAID 3 (Edward, Prof. of English/Comparative Lit., Columbia U., “Preface.” Orientalism. p. xxvii) Reflection, debate, rational argument, moral principle based on a secular notion that human beings must create their own history have been replaced by abstract ideas that celebrate American or Western exceptionalism, denigrate the relevance of context, and regard other cultures with derisive contempt. Perhaps you will say that I am making too many abrupt transitions between humanistic interpretation on the one hand and foreign policy on the other, and that a modern technological society that, along with unprecedented power, possesses the internet and F-16 fighter jets must in the end be commanded by form... ...and false patriotism. Dehumanization is the root cause of violence and war Katz 97 (Katheryn D. Katz, prof. of law - Albany Law School, 1997, Albany Law Journal It is undeniable... ...misery of others.
| 11/08/11 |
Infrapolitics K
- Tournament: SFSU | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
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The Affirmative’s strategy of open, declared resistance ignores the existence and success of disguised, undeclared forms of resistance, of infrapolitics—this ignorance serves to reinforcethe oppression they claim to protest against Scott 97 (James C., Prof of Poly Sci @ Yale Univ., The Post Development Reader, p. 322-3) We are now… …of great peril. The Affirmative’s form of resistance is strategic, not tactical—the privileging of strategic forms of resistance rely on causal assumptions that belie human agency—only tactical resistance, in the form of everyday acts of defiance, can lay the groundwork for widespread social change Bleiker 00 (Roland, Senior Lecturer + Coordinator of Peace + Conflict Studies Program @ Univ. of Queensland, Popular Dissent, Human Agency and Global Politics, p. 210-1) The concept of tactic… …for social change. The alternative is to vote Negative—reject their open, avowed claim of resistance as a recognition of the potency of infrapolitics Scott 97 (James C., Prof of Poly Sci @ Yale Univ., The Post Development Reader, p. 323-4) The strategic imperatives… …was taking place.
| 11/08/11 |
Badiou K
- Tournament: SFSU | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
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First an Observation, Where it All Began; in the depths of Nihilism a Young Tunisian set the World on Fire. Badiou 11 (Alain Badiou on Arab revolts: The universal reach of popular uprisings March 1, 2011, Kasama Report, http://kasamaproject.org/2011/03/01/alan-badiou-during-arab-revolts-the-universal-reach-of-popular-uprisings/) It began with… …this resonance “event.” The Affirmative engages in a Politic of Deception that reifies the self-serving lies postulated by Imperialism under the guise of Democracy. They would have Mohammed Bouazizi’s cries of martyrdom drowned out by chants of Democracy! Liberty! Markets! Badiou 11 (Alain Badiou on Arab revolts: The universal reach of popular uprisings March 1, 2011, Kasama Report, http://kasamaproject.org/2011/03/01/alan-badiou-during-arab-revolts-the-universal-reach-of-popular-uprisings/) The event is… …of my country.” A critical examination of the affirmative is a key starting point to the destruction of the Democratic deception, anything less results in a nihilistic purgatory where true humanity is condemned to a state of unbeing. Badiou 01 (On Evil: An interview with Alain Badiou, by Christopher Cox and Molly Whalen, Cabinet Magazine Online, issue 5, winter 2001/02) Note that even… …depends on it. This Deception holds true inasmuch as we allow ourselves to be deceived. Look around you! Pierce the Veil and expose the rotten core of the Affirmative’s Democracy. Badiou 01 (On Evil: An interview with Alain Badiou, by Christopher Cox and Molly Whalen, Cabinet Magazine Online, issue 5, winter 2001/02) In truth, our… …in Rwanda, etc. The Alternative is to Vote Negative in Recognition of the True Spirit of the Arab Spring. Badiou 11 (Alain Badiou on Arab revolts: The universal reach of popular uprisings March 1, 2011, Kasama Report, http://kasamaproject.org/2011/03/01/alan-badiou-during-arab-revolts-the-universal-reach-of-popular-uprisings/) Just as in politics… … authority in residence.
| 11/08/11 |
Saudi DA
- Tournament: SFSU | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
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pushing democracy assistance will collapse US-Saudi relations Tarpley 2011 (Press TV interview with Webster Griffin Tarpley, author, journalist and lecturer from Washington, June 18, "Saudi Arabia alarmed by US intentions" http://www.presstv.com/detail/189582.html, SRM) Webster Griffin Tarpley… …destabilize the kingdom. Relations decline over the Arab Spring will drive the Saudis to proliferate Guzansky July 1st, 2011 (Yoel Guzansky is a research fellow at the Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University. He joined INSS after serving at Israel's National Security Council; "TEHRAN TESTS SAUDIS' NERVE ON NUKES", LEXIS, SRM) UNTIL recently it… …$US300 billion. Saudi prolif leads to fast regional prolif Center for Contemporary Conflict 2004 (“Conference on WMD Proliferation in the Middle East: Directions and Policy Options in the New Century” http://www.ciaonet.org/olj/si/si_3_8/si_3_8_ruj01.pdf) James Russell from… …ensure U.S. engagement? Rapid prolif causes pre-emptive nuclear war. Heurlin 2005 (Jean Monnet Professor of European Security and Integration at the Department of Political Science of the University of Copenhagen, and Sten Rynning, "Missile defence", p 162-3) Arms control and… …cost-enhancing MD project.
| 11/08/11 |
Al Qaeda NGO PIC
- Tournament: UNLV | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
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1NC - CP The United States Federal government ought to provide funding to nongovernmental organizations that aren’t registered and aren’t Al Qaeda operating in the country referenced in the United States Code Title 22, Chapter 49, Subchapter 1, Section 3403. The plan funds Al Qaeda- A. Its an NGO Strikwerda ‘8 (Carl-, Prof College of William and Mary, Book Review: Palgrave Advances in International History, Finney, Patrick, ed., http://worldhistoryconnected.press.illinois.edu/5.1/br_strikwerda.html) Jeremi Suri makes a compelling argument that non AND the rise of human rights and environmental consciousness. B. Al Qaeda probably isn’t registered Elbayar ‘5 (Kareem-, J.D. / M.A., International Affairs Candidate George Washington, Sept., The International Journal of Not-for-Profit Law, “NGO Laws in Selected Arab States”, Vol. 7 #4, http://www.icnl.org/knowledge/ ijnl/vol7iss4/special_1.htm) Act 90-31 defines associations as “ AND generally left to operate without substantial government interference. C. Al Qaeda operates in Egypt- that’s their Garvey evidence And Al Qaeda is short on cash now Soufan ‘11 (Ali H.-, May 2, New York Times, “The End of the Jihadist Dream”, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/03/opinion/03Soufan.html) But it won’t take … — and members. Without new revenue, which the plan gives them, they wouldn’t be able to carry out major attacks Gandel ‘11 (Stephen-, May 2, “Will Osama's Death Bankrupt al-Qaeda?”, http://curiouscapitalist.blogs.time.com/2011/05/02/will-osamas-death-bankrupt-al-qaeda/) There is one way in which bin Laden's AND stop funding terrorism all together. Let's hope.
| 11/08/11 |
Saudi Overstretch DA
- Tournament: UNLV | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
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Saudi Arabia’s budget is currently sustainable – new debt causes massive internal instability. Gay, 11 (John Allen an employee of a small D.C. foreign policy think tank and a graduate student studying international relations at Syracuse University-, “Saudi Arabia: The Cost of Empire,” , accessed 9-10-11, CMM) Saudi Arabia’s state… …Saudi political system. Fears of US democracy promotion spilling over cause the Saudis to freak out and massively increase government spending – there’s no risk of reform Jones, , 3-23-11(Toby, assistant professor of Middle East history at Rutgers University Project on Middle East Political Science, “High Anxiety,” , pages5-6, accessed 9-10-11, CMM) Saudi Arabia’s ruling… …obstacle later on. That collapses the global economy David, , 99 (prof of poli sci at Johns Hopkins Steven R, Jan/Feb, Foreign Affairs, “Saving America from the Coming Civil Wars,” lexis, accessed 5-9-11, CMM) In a Saudi civil war… … to American interests. Economic collapse leads to global war. Lind, New, 5/11/2010 [Michael America Foundation Economic Growth Program Policy Director, "Will the great recession lead to World War IV?," ] If history is any… …easy to imagine.
| 11/08/11 |
- Tournament: UNLV | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
A.)Uniqueness- The budget for the rest of the year has been set – funding levels are steady but there’s a finite budget Mungcal 10 (Ivy, Writer – Devex Manila, “Former USAID Administrators Defend Foreign Assistance Budget”, Devex, 7-15, http://www.devex.com/blogs/400/blogs_entries/68457) As former administrators… …in the world.” B.)Link- The plan trades off internally within the democracy assistance budget – due to earmarks, NED funding is the only place the plan can draw upon – it’s the most effective form of democracy assistance Melia ‘5 (Thomas, Institute for the Study of Diplomacy, Georgetown University, Walsh School of Foreign Service, Princeton Project on National Security, “The Democracy Bureaucracy”,http://www.princeton.edu/~ppns/papers/democracy_bureaucracy.pdf) One of the most… …for the program. C.) Internal Link- That means aid to counteract Chavez gets cut Jones ‘4 (Bart, National Catholic Reporter, “Opinion and Analysis: International U.S. Funds Aid Venezuela Opposition”, http://venezuelanalysis.com/analysis/448) The United States… …interview March 2. D.)Impact- That cedes regional influence to Chavez – causes multiple extinction scenarios for latin American instability Oppenheimer 1999, (syndicated columnist and a member of The Miami Herald team that won the 1987 Pulitzer Prize, won the 1999 Maria Moors Cabot Award, the 2001 King of Spain prize, and the 2005 Emmy Suncoast award, author of “Castro's Final Hour; Bordering on Chaos”, and “Saving the Americas” (Andres, February 9, “The Oppenheimer Report: Chávez making friends while Bush earning enmity”, The Miami Herald) You don't have… …for U.S. taxpayers. E.)That allows him to promote his agenda, causing myriad scenarios for mass death, turns every impact Manwaring ‘5 (General Douglas MacArthur Chair and Prof of Military Strategy @ U.S. Army War College, Ret U.S. Army Colonel, Adjunct Professor of International Politics @ Dickinson College (Max G, October, Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, Bolivarian Socialism, and Asymmetric Warfare”, Strategic Studies Institute,http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pdffiles/PUB628.pdf) Thus, in addition … …peace, and prosperity.
| 11/08/11 |
Anti-Politics K
- Tournament: SFSU | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
They embrace anti-politics – this dooms their project, creates atrocity, and cedes politics to the Right. Boggs ’97 (CARL BOGGS – Professor and Ph.D. Political Science, National University, Los Angeles Theory and Society 26: 741-780) The false sense of... …from civil society.75 Moving away from anti-politics is vital to check extinction Small ‘6 (Jonathan, former Americorps VISTA for the Human Services Coalition, “Moving Forward,” The Journal for Civic Commitment, Spring, http://www.mc.maricopa.edu/other/engagement/Journal/Issue7/Small.jsp) What will be… …to do just that.
| 11/08/11 |
Consult Saudi CP
- Tournament: UNLV | Round: 1 | Opponent: Michigan | Judge:
Counterplan Text: The Unied States federal government should enter into prior and binding consultation with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia about... Lack of prior consultation will anger the Saudis – perceived as pushing American interests Boucek 2011 Christopher Boucek, associate in the Carnegie Middle East Program- focusing on security challenges in Arabian Peninsula & Northern Africa, June 21, 2011, “U.S.-Saudi Relations in the Shadow of the Arab Spring” http://www.carnegieendowment.org/2011/06/21/u.s.-saudi-relations-in-shadow-of-arab-spring/1il Oftentimes, American… …same common goal. Prior and binding consultation is key to maintaining a strong and stable relationship with Saudi Arabia CFR 02 (Council of Foreign Relation, “Strengthening the U.S. – Saudi Relationship (A CFR Paper),” May 2002, Council of Foreign Relations Papers, http://www.cfr.org/saudi-arabia/strengthening-us-saudi-relationship-cfr-paper/p8667) The U.S.-Saudi relationship… …strength of the relationship. They'll say yes. State Department 11 (United States Department of State, “Background Note: Saudi Arabia, “ May 6, 2011 Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/3584.htm#relations) Saudi Arabia's unique… …national security interests.
| 11/08/11 |
- Tournament: UNLV | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
The European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights should offer all necessary funding to the National Endowment for Democracy to The CP solves better - EU-NED coop prevents backlash to US assistance Gershman 06 – President of the National Endowment for Democracy [Carl Gershman, “The Backlash against Democracy Assistance,” Testimony to the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, Jun 8, 2006, pg. http://www.ned.org/about/board/meet-our-president/archived-remarks-and-presentations/060806] The new repressive leverage additional resources. Democracy cooperation stabilizes the Black Sea region – It’s a conduit for instability throughout Eurasia Garber 08 - Deputy Assistant Secretary of State [Judy Garber, “Transatlantic Perspectives on Black Sea Region: U.S. seeks to promote cooperation among countries in the region,” Keynote Address at the Woodrow Wilson Center Conference, 10 June 2008, pg. http://www.america.gov/st/texttrans-english/2008/June/20080612162948eaifas0.3606836.html#ixzz1S5cj0Z00] The Black Sea… …broader Middle East. Escalation in the Black sea region causes extinction Amineh 03 – Professor of International Relations @ Webster University [Mehdi Parvizi Amineh, Ph.D (Ph. D in Poli Sci @ University of Amsterdam & Senior research fellow and Programme director of the Energy Programme Asia @ International Institute for Asian Studies) “Globalisation, Geopolitics and Energy Security in Central Eurasia and the Caspian Region,” Hand-out of lecture held on June 19 2003, Clingendael International Energy Programme, pg. http://www.clingendael.nl/ciep/events/20030619/20030619_amineh.pdf] The increasing involvement… …crisis in Iraq.
| 11/08/11 |
T-Substantially Increase
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
A.) Interpretation: “Substantially increase” in this year’s resolution means to make the amount of US Federal Government funding for democracy assistance considerably larger. - Definitions
“Substantial” means considerable in quantity. Merriam-Webster, 2003 (www.m-w.com) Main Entry: sub•stan•tial b : considerable in quantity : significantly great And “increase” means to make greater in size or amount. Dictionary.com 11 (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/increase ) Definition of INCREASE intransitive verb 1: to become progressively greater (as in size, amount, number, or intensity) 2: to multiply by the production of young transitive verb 1: to make greater B.) Violation: Aff plan only shifts existing funds from one budget to another which does not substantially increase democracy assistance. C.) Standards - Ground –
2. Education –
3. Fairness – D.) Voter:
| 11/08/11 |
T- It's
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Interpretation: Democracy Assistance is a specific term of art – requiring USFG action requires USAID to be the principle actor for democracy assistance. “Its” means belonging to it or that thing 1.) Oxford English Dictionary, 1989 (second edition, online) Its A. As adj. poss. pron. Of or belonging to it, or that thing (L. ejus); also refl., Of or belonging to itself, its own (L. suus). The reflexive is often more fully its own, for which in earlier times the own, it own, were used: see OWN. Weinstein 08 (Jeremy M. Weinstein, is an associate professor of political science at Stanford University, an affiliated faculty member at the Center for Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law (CDDRL) and the Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC), and served as director of the Center for African Studies in 2007-08. He is also a non-resident fellow at the Center for Global Development in Washington, D.C., “Improving Democracy Assistance: Building Knowledge Through Evaluations and Research Book,” Committee on Evaluation of USAID Democracy Assistance Programs - National Research Council at the National Academies, The National Academies Press, page(s): 366 December 31, 2008, http://iis-db.stanford.edu/pubs/22159/12164_EXS.pdf) Over the past... ...for successful implementation. B.) Violation – The affirmative uses an agent other than the USAID to provide democracy assistance C.) Standards 1.) Predictable limits- 2.) Ground- D.) Voter
| 11/08/11 |
T - Democracy Assistance
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Topicality – Democracy Assistance A.) Interpretation: Democracy assistance is specifically defined non-profit transfer of funds, expertise, and material to foster democracy. Lappin 10 (Richard Lappin, PhD candidate: Democracy Assistance to Post-Conflict Countries (University of Leuven, Belgium) has participated in over a dozen democracy assistance missions with the UN, EU, OSCE/ODIHR and Carter Center, he has recently completed assignments in Sierra Leone, Lebanon, and Hungary, “What We Talk About When We Talk About Democracy Assistance: The Problem of Definition Post-Conflict Approaches to Democratisation,” The Central European Journal for International and Security Studies 188-9, 2010) By the end of... ...and political parties. B.) Violation: Affirmative plan violates it. C.) Standards - Limits –
2. Ground – 3. Education – . D.) Voter:
| 11/08/11 |
Egypt Relations DA
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Aid to Egypt is being cut now. Karmi 11 (Omar Karmi, Journalist for The National, 8/2/11, “US argues over foreign aid policy along with its debt problem” http://www.thenational.ae/news/worldwide/middle-east/us-argues-over-foreign-aid-policy-along-with-its-debt-problem?pageCount=0) Nothing will … …growth has stalled. B.) Traditional Democracy Assitance angers Egypt and kills relations. Abdel-Baky 11 (Mohamed Abdel-Baky, staffwriter for Al-Ahram Weekly Online a leading Cairo newspaper, 8/24/11, “Reiterating the differences” http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2011/1061/eg1.htm) Over the last… …25 January Revolution. C.) This collapses alliances. VOA News 11 (VOA News, 8/16/11, “Foreign Aid Stirs Debate Amid Egypt’s Democratic Hopes” http://www.voanews.com/english/news/middle-east/Foreign-Aid-Stirs-Debate-Amid-Egypts-Democratic-Hopes-127824353.html) A sudden surge… …of Egyptian politics. D.) A collapse in alliances causes Egypt nuclearizations. CFR 02(Council on Foreign Relations Strengthening the U.S.-Egyptian Relationship (A CFR Paper) Council on Foreign Relations Press May2002]http://www.cfr.org/publication/8666/strengthening_the_usegyptian_relationship_a_cfr_paper.html?breadcrumb=%2Fregion%2Fpublication_list%3Fid%3D150%26page%3D2) The U.S.-Egyptian relationship… …of the Middle East. E.) The impact is nuclear war. Sokolsi 11(Henry Sokolsi, February 8,2011, The New Republic, “Gimme Fuel, Gimme Fire”< http://www.tnr.com/article/82995/nuclear-weapons-middle-east-obama-mubarak>) Even more dangerously, unlike Iraq, Syria, and Libya—all of which have been caught attempting to develop a nuclear weapons option—Egypt has the… …to be destabilized.
| 11/08/11 |
Somalian Tradeoff DA
- Tournament: CSUN | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
The Debt Deal put a strict spending cap on foreign assistance for the next four fiscal years. This means an internal tradeoff will have to occur. Dunning, 8/24/11 [Casey Dunning supports the dialogue and analysis on U.S. foreign assistance innovations and reform in the Rethinking U.S. Foreign Assistance Program. Prior to joining CGD, Casey worked on gender and rule of law programs in Liberia with Emory University’s Institute for Developing Nations.; http://blogs.cgdev.org/mca-monitor/2011/08/what-the-debt-deal-means-for-foreign-aid-reform.php] It’s almost a … …House Appropriations levels. The most likely program to be cut will be Somali famine relief, threatening 12 million lives. The trade-off is specific to foreign aid to Egypt versus humanitarian relief to Africa; triggers mass death and regional instability. Kevin Clarke, 9/2/11 [Starved for attention: Why budget cuts shouldn't include nixing foreign aid; contributer to U.S. Catholic, http://www.uscatholic.org/culture/social-justice/2011/08/starved-attention-why-budget-cuts-shouldnt-include-nixing-foreign-aid] The first hard … …countries and communities.” Democracy assistance directly results in reductions in biodiversity protection programs. Tobias 3/28/07 (US Director of Foreign Assistance and Administrator of USAID [Randall L.http://www.usaid.gov/press/speeches/2007/ty070328.html]) Focusing resources… …that they did. Biodiversity decline causes extinction Tobin 90 (Richard, The Expendable Future, p. 22) Norman Meyers observes,… …of natural habitats.
| 11/14/11 |
Gold DA
- Tournament: CSUN | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Gold prices will remain high due to the perception of Middle East instability KHALEEJ TIMES 8-22-2011 (Gold's glitter continues Khaleej Times (United Arab Emirates) August 22, 2011, Lexis) DUBAI — Gold prices… …value on record. Perception of US inaction key to high gold prices HANDWERGER 2011 (Jeb, Gold Stock Trades Editor at Seeking Alpha, Jan 28, http://seekingalpha.com/article/249301-will-gold-silver-and-oil-prices-soar-on-social-unrest-in-the-middle-east) This hunger… …(GLD) to soar. African economic growth from mining is critical to prevent extinction STETTER 2009 (Ernst, Secretary General of Federation for European Progressive Studies, “Why Africa matters! – The economic crisis and Africa,” Contribution to the Shadow GN 2009, February 4 and 5, http://www.feps-europe.eu/fileadmin/downloads/globalisation/090204_Stetter_Africa.pdf) If there is … …Europe’s economy forward.
| 11/14/11 |
Russia DA
- Tournament: CSUN | Round: 3 | Opponent: Santa Clara | Judge: Jaimie Cheek
Russia is blocking US pressure on Assad to maintain its Syrian naval base—key to its Black Sea fleet and check US encirclement. Bhadrakumar 11 (M K Bhadrakumar, was AND /Middle_East/MF14Ak02.html>) Without doubt, the US is stepping up AND Western successor regime in Damascus that succeeds Assad. Syrian regime change causes Russia to lose its Black Sea fleet. Bhadrakumar 11 (M K Bhadrakumar was a AND -syria-threatens-russian.html>) These are highly volatile times when the goal AND be accentuating the struggle for influence in Syria. That’s its worst fear—it perceives its global power as zero-sum to the US. Cohen and Blank 11 (Ariel Cohen, AND -Strategy-Undermines-US-Interests>) According to the Obama Administration, the U AND loss of another ally in the Middle East. Fear of US encirclement emboldens Russian nationalism. Barry 09 (Ellen Barry, Moscow Correspondent AND /11/weekinreview/11barry.html>) “Less resources means more selfish behavior,” AND reflex is to clamp when faced with uncertainty.” Russian nationalism causes nuclear war and extinction. Israelyan 98 (Victor was a senior Soviet AND The Washington Quarterly, Winter 1998, LexisNexis) The first and by far most dangerous possibility AND , until we all fall down together." n12
| 11/14/11 |
China DA
- Tournament: CSUN | Round: 5 | Opponent: Weber State | Judge: Cameron Ward
China sees Syria as an important ally in the Middle East—it won’t tolerate foreign interference in Syria. Global Times 10/5/11 ( AND -its-internal-affairs.aspx>) China on Tuesday called for restraint in Syria AND the relevant countries and organizations in the region." Plan causes Syrian regime freak-out—even modest US democracy efforts will cause Syrian backlash. Carnegie Endowment 06 (Carnegie Endowment for International AND _CP_69_final.pdf>) Even modest efforts such as those outlined above AND cautious endeavor with a long-term horizon. China will be drawn in—recent talks with Syria prove. Daily Star 10/27/11 ( AND -state-media.ashx#axzz1dAD7yJp6>) Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem on Thursday held AND opposition to attempts to interfere in Syrian affairs." Syrian war is the biggest flashpoint in the Middle East—collapses hegemony and risks extinction. People’s Daily 10/27/11 ( AND .cn/90780/7628570.html>) Though it may not have the same natural AND a risky gamble to launch such a war.
| 11/14/11 |
Boehner Politics DA
- Tournament: CSUN | Round: 5 | Opponent: Weber State | Judge: Cameron Ward
Boehner is effectively blocking the China currency bill now Tan, 10/27Tan Yingzi, China Daily staff writer, 10/27/11, Currency measure prompts warnings from US officials, www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2011-10/27/content_13985053.htm Though many Republicans... ...to a vote. House Republicans are falling in line with Boehner on China but backlash causes them to override him Hughes, 10/6Siobhan Hughes, Dow Jones Newswire, 10/6/11, UPDATE:On Currency Bill, Rank-And-File Republicans Buck GOP Leaders , online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO-20111006-713089.html The U.S. Senate... ...his spokesman said. House Republicans will buck Boehner over foreign aid spending—undermines his agenda and ability corral their votes Hulse, 11 Carl Hulse, NY Times, 2/9/11, House Republicans Battle Turmoil in Their Ranks, www.nytimes.com/2011/02/10/us/politics/10congress.html Under pressure to... ...a productive lunch. China currency bill causes a trade war, economic collapse, and US-China war Martin, 10/7 Patrick Martin, WSWS, 10/7/11, Anti-China rhetoric raises threat of war, www.wsws.org/articles/2011/oct2011/pers-o07.shtml The White House... ...close economic ties. China conflict goes nuclear Glaser 11, Professor of Political Science and International Affairs – George Washington University, ‘ (Charles, “Will China’s Rise Lead to War?” Foreign Affairs Vol. 9 Iss. 2, March/April) THE PROSPECTS for.. ...U.S.-Chinese relations.
| 11/14/11 |
Sanctions CP
- Tournament: CSUN | Round: 5 | Opponent: Weber State | Judge: Cameron Ward
CP TEXT: The United States federal government will pass the Syria Sanctions Act of 2011. CP solves for regime reform, human rights and signal – doesn’t link to politics Gillibrand 8/2 [Kirsten Gillibrand, US Senator, “Gillibrand-Kirk-Lieberman Bill Targets Foreign Companies that Do Business with Syria’s Energy Sector”, Press Release from Gillibrand Senate Office, 2011, http://gillibrand.senate.gov/newsroom/press/release/?id=62a624c2-5fc4-4080-95e6-4f23f440c5fa, Washington, DC – With... ...to foreign companies. Solves politicssoft stance on Syria massively controversial. Baen et. al 11 [Jessica Baen, Nazir Harb, Derek Kilner, Nathaniel Myers, Amber Oliva, Brian Paler, Brian Phillips, Christian Sahner, Ray Thornton, Sarita Vanka, Eugen Yazdani, and Hazem Zayed , Advisor: Ambassador Daniel Kurtzer, The Woodrow Wilson School’s Graduate Policy Workshopm “Exploring Engagement: US Policy Toward Syria and Hamas” http://wws.princeton.edu/research/pwreports_fy10/WWS591d.pdf, There are many... ...rise to leadership.
| 11/14/11 |
Robert Ford CP
- Tournament: CSUN | Round: 3 | Opponent: Santa Clara | Judge: Jaimie Cheek
Counterplan Text: The United States federal government should return the Syrian Ambassador Robert Ford back to Damascus. Sending Ford back is key to uniting the Syrian opposition groups. Daily Star 11 (The Daily Star of Lebanon, Agencies Staff Writer, “U.S. to return Ambassador Ford to Damascus,” Lebanon’s Largest Circulated English Newspaper, November 10, 2011, <http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Middle-East/2011/Nov-10/153588-us-to-return-ambassador-ford-to-damascus.ashx#axzz1dGyKmKbR>) The United States... ...easier,” said Feltman. Uniting the opposition is key to a successful regime change—solves the aff best. AP 11 (Associated Press, “Syrian Opposition struggles to unite after decades of brutal autocracy,” Washington Post, October 28, 2011, <http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle-east/syrian-opposition-struggles-to-unite-after-decades-of-brutal-autocracy/2011/10/28/gIQAHzJsPM_story.html>) BEIRUT — In a... ...Paris-based intellectuals.
| 11/14/11 |
| 11/14/11 |
Orientalism K - CSUN
- Tournament: CSUN | Round: Sems | Opponent: SFSU TuVo | Judge:
All American policy in the Middle-East of the last half century is inherently deeply Orientalist in its portrayal of the East/West distinction Little, Douglas, 2002 “Orientalism:“The United States and the Middle East since 1945” The University of North Carolina Press,pg 2-3 Once the orientalist... not have disagreed. The affirmative’s discursive constructions of the world aren’t grounded in reality—their claims to objectivity only mask Orientalism’s violence Marandi 09—head of dept. of North American studies, U Tehran (Seyed, Western Media Representations, Iran, and Orientalist Stereotypes, January 2009, http://conflictsforum.org/briefings/western-media-representations.pdf, AMiles) ellipses in orig Orientalism describes the... ...of the executioner.8 Orientalism suppresses entire populations and perpetuates prejudice Warraq 6 (Ibn, founded the Institute for the Secularization of Islamic Society, http://www.islam-watch.org/IbnWarraq/EdwardSaid.htm, date accessed: 7/8/2010) AJK Said not only... ...and eastern weakness). Reject the affirmatives rush to action—their dependence on expert knowledge production and disaster scenarios has empirically resulted in atrocities—rethinking our Orientalistic understandings of the world is key to a problemitizing the political and stopping cycles of error replication Said 03—Frmr prof, English and Comp Lit, Columbia. PhD, Harvard (Edward, A window on the world, http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2003/aug/02/alqaida.highereducation, AMiles) insouciance = lack of concern I wish I could... ...disfigure human history.
| 11/14/11 |
1NC Framework - Agonism
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
ffective deliberation requires a forum of discussion that facilitates political agonism and the capacity to substantively engage the topic at hand-in short, a forum of switch side debate where the negative can predict and respond to the aff is the most intellectually effective-this is crucial to affecting productive change in all facets of life-the process in this instance is more important than the substance of their advocacy Amy Gutmann 96 is the president of Penn and former prof @ Princeton, AND Dennis Thompson is Alfred North Whitehead Professor of Political Philosophy at Harvard University, Democracy and Disagreement, pp 1 OF THE CHALLENGES that American democracy faces today, none is more formidable than the problem of moral… morally required to pursue our common ends. Effective deliberation is crucial to the activation of personal agency and is only possible in a switch-side debate format where debaters divorce themselves from ideology to engage in political contestation-this activation of agency is vital to preventing mass violence and genocide and overcoming politically debilitating self-obsession Patricia Roberts-Miller 3 is Associate Professor of Rhetoric at the University of Texas "Fighting Without Hatred:Hannah Ar endt ' s Agonistic Rhetoric" JAC 22.2 2003 Totalitarianism and the Competitive Space of Agonism Arendt is probably most famous for her analysis of totalitarianism…, independent but not expressivist rhetoric. And, this process of debate enables self-reflexivity and the capacity to reform-this does not equate to political reformism, but to the reformation of ideas and principles-it applies not just to public policy and the state, but to every facet of life John S. Dryzek 8 is Head of the Social and Political Theory Programme at the Australian National University "DEMOCRATIZATION AS DELIBERATIVE CAPACITY BUILDING" July 16 2008 www.bids.unibe.ch/unibe/rechtswissenschaft/oefre/bids/content/e3409/e3822/e3824/linkliste3831/Dryzek.pdf Communications are deliberative to the degree they can induce …. whether the effect extends to partisan political actors, as opposed to ordinary citizens. Democratic agonism can only successfully operate in a limited forum-it’s not a limitation on the content of argument, but on the form in which it is presented-this is not an appeal to exclusion, but to maximizing the deliberative potential of debate Robert W. Glover 10 Prof of Poli Sci @ UConn "Games without Frontiers?: Democratic Engagement, Agonistic Pluralism, and the Question of Exclusion" Philosophy and Social Criticism Vol. 36 Recent democratic theory has devoted significant attention… democratic discourse must operate with limits and frontiers. Agreement is a precondition for contestation Ruth Lessl Shively 2k, associate professor of political science at Texas A&M, 2000 Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 181-2 The requirements given thus far are primarily negative. The ambiguists must say "no" to—they must reject and limit—some ideas and actions. In… agreements are simply implicit in the act of argumentation. Effective deliberative discourse is the lynchpin to solving all existential social and political problems-a switch-side debate format that sets appropriate limits on argument to foster a targeted discussion is most effective-our K turns the whole case Christian O. Lundberg 10 Professor of Communications @ University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, “Tradition of Debate in North Carolina” in Navigating Opportunity: Policy Debate in the 21st Century By Allan D. Louden, p311 The second major problem with the critique that identifies a naivety in articulating… last best hopes for dealing with the existential challenges to democracy [in an] increasingly complex world. And, student engagement on this topic is especially important to break down the cultural dichotomy between Islam and democracy Dr. Larbi Sadiki 9 Senior Lecturer in Middle East Politics at the University of Exeter, Rethinking Arab Democratization: Elections Without Democracy, p. 279 Arab states and societies are caught in the vortex of… well as internal and external dynamics. Policy debate about the arab spring is key to preventing cession of the political and affecting positive US responses Walt 11 – Stephen M. Walt, Professor of International Affairs at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, July 21, 2011, “International Affairs and the Public Sphere,” online: http://publicsphere.ssrc.org/walt-international-affairs-and-the-public-sphere/ Academics can make at least three distinct contributions… than the scholars who produce it might wish. Academic deliberation is especially important with regards to the American response to the wave of democratization-it’s crucial to preventing authoritarian meddling that will undermine movements for global justice and recalibrating orientalist narratives that dichotomize democracy and Islam Danielle Feinstein 11 is a Senior at the Elliot School of International Affairs at The George Washington University “Washington scholars debate the Arab Spring” April 26 2011 bikyamasr.com/33144/washington-scholars-debate-the-arab-spring/ In recent months the Obama administration and foreign policy makers… revolutionary states in the Arab World.
| 11/14/11 |
Hezbollah DA
- Tournament: CSUN | Round: 3 | Opponent: Santa Clara | Judge: Jaime Cheek
The near collapse of Assad’s regime would force Hezbollah and Syria to initiate a destructive regional war Noe, ’11 [Nicholas Noe, Co-founder of the news translation service Mideastwire.com and the author of the recent Century Foundation report “Re-imaging the Lebanon Track,” “The Hezbollah Apocalypse,” July 8th 2011, http://nationalinterest.org/print/commentary/the-hezbollah-apocalypse-5581] Syria, where Hezbollah... ...a main frontline. Hezbollah-Israel war would escalate regionally, create a Lebanese civil war, revert democratic transitions in the region and increase Tehran’s influence and nuclear capabilities Saab & Blanford, 11 Former Brookings Analyst [Bilal Y. Saab, Visiting Fellow at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies at the Monterey Institute of International Studies, Former Research Analyst at Brookings, Nicholas Blanford, Beirut correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor, “ NEXT WAR: How Another Conflict between Hizballah and Israel Could Look and How Both Sides are,” August 2011, http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/Files/rc/papers/2011/08_hizballah_israel/08_hizballah_israel.pdf] Peace, however, might... ...their policies accordingly. Mideast war causes extinction—systemic asymmetries between multiple state and non-state actors. Russell 09 (James A. Russell, Senior Lecturer in the Department of National Security Affairs at Naval Postgraduate School, “Strategic Stability Reconsidered: Prospects for Nuclear War and Escalation in the Middle East,” Security Studies Center, Spring 2009) Strategic stability in... ...the entire world.
| 11/14/11 |
Supercommittee Politics DA
- Tournament: SFSU | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Supercommittee will reach agreement now fostering moderate reductions in debt Bradner 9/1 (2011, ALASKA JOURNAL OF COMMERCE, Tim http://www.alaskajournal.com/stories/090111/loc_bocscr.shtml, Begich optimistic congressional super committee will reach agreement) “Alaska U.S. Sen. Mark … is a reason for optimism, Begich said.” Plan causes huge fights in congress – destroys bipartisanship on the committee LA Times 4/12/11 (Paul Richter, Debt worries stymieing U.S. financial aid to help Arab nations in transition, April 12, 2011, http://articles.latimes.com/2011/apr/12/world/la-fg-mideast-aid-20110413) “The Obama administration's efforts … nation-building in foreign countries.” Cutting defense by an additional 500 billion destroys the ability of the military to protect US citizens Huffington Post 8/14/11 (Donna Cassata staff writer and political reporter for AP, “ Super Committee Members See 'Doomsday' Defense Cuts Loom Large”, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/08/14/super-committee-members-defense-cuts_n_926425.html) “The panel has until Thanksgiving … competing pressures as they try to produce a deficit-reducing plan.” A single failure of US deterrence would lead to a full scale nuclear war, environmental collapse, and extinction. Starr 11 (Steven Starr, Associate member of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation and Senior Scientist for PSR published over 14 articles on the affects of nuclear and proliferation, “Consequences of a Single Failure of Nuclear Detterance,” PSR, February 2011 http://www.psr.org/assets/pdfs/consequences-of-a-single-failure.pdf) “Only a single failure of … survive in the hostile post-war environment.”
| 11/16/11 |
GCC CP-Yemen
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Counterplan Text : The Gulf Cooperation Council should enact their Transition Plan by negotiating with President Saleh and granting him immunity from prosecution in exchange for transferring his power to Vice President Hadi. Saleh is a trickster—he will move the goalposts. Only the counterplan uses GCC leverage to reach an agreement the opposition and Saleh will accept. Gude 11 (Ken Gude and Ken Sofer, Ken Gude is the Managing Dr of the Ntl Sec and Intl Policy Program and Ken Sofer is a Special Assistant with the National Security and International Policy team at American Progress, “The Last Best Chance to Save Yemen,” Center for American Progress, June 6, 2011, <http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/2011/06/pdf/yemen.pdf>) Saleh has mastered… …the security services. Yemeni opposition groups will reject every deal except for the CP. Yemen Post 11 (Yemen Post Staff, “Yemeni Opposition Leaders Meet with US and European Ambassadors, Yemen Post, November, 1, 2011, <http://yemenpost.net/Detail123456789.aspx?ID=3&SubID=4261>) The European and… …past few months Yemen’s on the brink—another broken deal causes total chaos and leads to civil war. Zaidi 11 ( Khaled Al Ziadi, Staff Writer for Gulf News, “Civil war looms in Yemen,” Gulf News, October 27, 2011, <http://gulfnews.com/opinions/columnists/civil-war-looms-in-yemen-1.919322>) Yemen is witnessing… …lead anywhere pretty. Yemeni civil war spillovers to Saudi Arabia. Haykel 11 (Bernard Haykel, Professor of Near Eastern Studies at Princeton University, “Saudi Arabia’s policy of stability at all costs may backfire,” The Daily Star, August 19, 2011, <http://www.dailystar.com.lb/Opinion/Commentary/2011/Aug-19/Saudi-Arabias-policy-of-stability-at-all-costs-may-backfire.ashx#axzz1VTwlaPFP>) Neighboring Yemen is… …strengthen the regime. Saudi instability causes oil shocks and collapses the global economy. Stewart 11 (Heather Stewart, Reporter for The London Guardian, “Still-fragile world economy braced for effects of another oil shock,” The Guardian, February 2, 2011, <http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2011/feb/27/world-economy-braced-for-oil-shock>) At the same time… …confidence to collapse. Causes protectionism and transition wars—statistical models and empirics prove. Royal 10 (Jedediah Royal, Director of Cooperative Threat Reduction at the U.S. Department of Defense, 2010, “Economic Integration, Economic Signaling and the Problem of Economic Crises,” in Economics of War and Peace: Economic, Legal and Political Perspectives, ed. Goldsmith and Brauer, p. 213-215) Less intuitive is… …to those views. Mideast war causes extinction—systemic asymmetries between multiple state and non-state actors. Russell 09 (James A. Russell, Senior Lecturer in the Department of National Security Affairs at Naval Postgraduate School, “Strategic Stability Reconsidered: Prospects for Nuclear War and Escalation in the Middle East,” Security Studies Center, Spring 2009) Strategic stability in… …the entire world.
| 11/29/11 |
Payroll Politics (Boehner) DA
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Boehners credibility is on the brink. Reuters 12/26/11 (Reuters, Norman Ornstein is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and a weekly columnist at Roll Call.” , December 26, 2011) (The New Republic)… …right-wing attacks. GOP is intent on cutting foreign aid – will backlash to new spending AP, 11 (Dec 16, 2011, “Congress spending package restricts aid to Egypt, Pakistan” http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/12/16/congress-spending-package-restricts-aid-to-egypt-pakistan/#ixzz1hnBk8N9r Congress would… …spending overseas. Boehner key to yearlong payroll tax extension Reuters 12/23/11 ( Richard Cowan and Rachelle Younglai, “Congress punts hard payroll tax work to 2012” , http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/12/23/us-usa-taxes-idUSTRE7B827K20111223 december 23, 2011,) Obama scored a… …wrong-headed," Ornstein said. Payroll tax cut portion of Jobs Bill needed to avert economic shock that will tip US back into a second recession Washington Post, 9-8-11 (Brad Plumer is a reporter at the Washington Post writing about domestic policy, particularly energy and environmental issues., “Just how effective is the payroll tax cut?” , September 8, 2011, http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/ezra-klein/post/just-how-effective-is-the-payroll-tax-cut/2011/09/08/gIQAodirCK_blog.html) President Obama is… …further degradation. A double dip recession would be much worse than the first and trigger an economic depression CNN Money 8/10/11 (http://money.cnn.com/2011/08/10/news/economy/double_dip_recession_economy/index.htm) Another recession… …to counteract it. Economic depression causes extinction Austin ‘09 (Michael, Resident Scholar – American Enterprise Institute, and Desmond Lachman, Resident Fellow – American Enterprise Institute, “The Global Economy Unravels”, Forbes, 3-6, ) Conversely, global policymakers… …into a big bang.
| 01/12/12 |
Militarism K (Long Shell)
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
The modern nation state is a support system for militarism. Ehrenreich, 97 (Barbara, “Blood Rites: Origins and History of the Passions of War”, American feminist, democratic socialist, and political activist who describes herself as "a myth buster by trade," [2] and has been called "a veteran muckraker" by the New Yorker.[3] During the 1980s and early 1990s she was a prominent figure in the Democratic Socialists of America. She is a widely-read and award-winning columnist and essayist, and author of 21 books. Henry Holt and Company, 1997.) Whatever the psychology… …followers will do. Militarism is maintained at the highest level of our nation’s politics through the myth of the reluctant superpower. Bacevich 02 (Andrew, “American Empire The Realities and Consequences of U.S. Diplomacy”, Andrew J. Bacevich, Sr. is a professor of international relations at Boston University and a retired career officer in the United States Army. He is a former director of Boston University's Center for International Relations (from 1998 to 2005), and author of several books, Harvard University Press, 2002) Few scholars specializing… …of long standing. Militarism has permeated the minds of American society under the illusion that military power is benign. Bacevich, 10. ( Andrew, J. “Washington Rules: America’s Path to Permanent War”, a a professor of international relations at Boston University and a retired career officer in the United States Army.. He is a former director of Boston University’s Center for International Relations (from 1998 to 2005), and author of several books, including American Empire: The Realities and Consequences of US Diplomacy(2002), The New American Militarism: How Americans are Seduced by War (2005) and The Limits of Power: The End of American Exceptionalism (2008). He has been "a persistent, vocal critic of the US occupation of Iraq, calling the conflict a catastrophic failure." Henry Holts and Company, 2010.) By the midpoint… …to global leadership. American military power is grounded in three principles: Global military presence, global power projection, and global interventionism. Bacevich, 10. ( Andrew, J. “Washington Rules: America’s Path to Permanent War”, a a professor of international relations at Boston University and a retired career officer in the United States Army.. He is a former director of Boston University’s Center for International Relations (from 1998 to 2005), and author of several books, including American Empire: The Realities and Consequences of US Diplomacy(2002), The New American Militarism: How Americans are Seduced by War (2005) and The Limits of Power: The End of American Exceptionalism (2008). He has been "a persistent, vocal critic of the US occupation of Iraq, calling the conflict a catastrophic failure." Henry Holts and Company, 2010.) The abiding signature… …which Washington rules. Next is the links Understanding war as a discrete event obscures the structural roots of violence Cuomo 96 (Chris J. Professor of Philosophy and Women's Studies, and Director of the Institute for Women's Studies at the Univerity of Georgia, “War Is Not Just an Event: Reflections on the Significance of Everyday Violence”, Published in Hypatia 11.4 nb, pp. 31-48) Philosophical attention to… …and identifiable decisions. Militarism is used to reinforce the neoliberal world order. Bacevich 02 (Andrew, “American Empire The Realities and Consequences of U.S. Diplomacy”, Andrew J. Bacevich, Sr. is a professor of international relations at Boston University and a retired career officer in the United States Army. He is a former director of Boston University's Center for International Relations (from 1998 to 2005), and author of several books, Harvard University Press, 2002) The purpose is to… …to U.S. strategy. American militarism perpetuates the logic of securitzation. Bacevich, 10. ( Andrew, J. “Washington Rules: America’s Path to Permanent War”, a a professor of international relations at Boston University and a retired career officer in the United States Army.. He is a former director of Boston University’s Center for International Relations (from 1998 to 2005), and author of several books, including American Empire: The Realities and Consequences of US Diplomacy(2002), The New American Militarism: How Americans are Seduced by War (2005) and The Limits of Power: The End of American Exceptionalism (2008). He has been "a persistent, vocal critic of the US occupation of Iraq, calling the conflict a catastrophic failure." Henry Holts and Company, 2010.) Call it habit or… …U.S. preparations for war. Next is the Impacts Militarism leads to a destruction of the self turning people into automatons, and making people into willing killers of humanity Ehrenreich, 97 (Barbara, “Blood Rites: Origins and History of the Passions of War”, American feminist, democratic socialist, and political activist who describes herself as "a myth buster by trade," [2] and has been called "a veteran muckraker" by the New Yorker.[3] During the 1980s and early 1990s she was a prominent figure in the Democratic Socialists of America. She is a widely-read and award-winning columnist and essayist, and author of 21 books. Henry Holt and Company, 1997.) In seventeenth-century… …killer of other men. War inverts the traditional moral order. Ehrenreich, 97 (Barbara, “Blood Rites: Origins and History of the Passions of War”, American feminist, democratic socialist, and political activist who describes herself as "a myth buster by trade," [2] and has been called "a veteran muckraker" by the New Yorker.[3] During the 1980s and early 1990s she was a prominent figure in the Democratic Socialists of America. She is a widely-read and award-winning columnist and essayist, and author of 21 books. Henry Holt and Company, 1997.) This is not to suggest… …paint or khakis. Security thinking results in the zero point of the holocaust – Their thinking demands war and genocide Dillon 99 (Michael, Professor of International Relations at the University of Lancaster, “Another Justices” Political Theory, Vol 27, No. 2, 164-5) Quite the reverse… …the requirement for decision. Militarism paints human existence as nothing more than war and individuals are essentially agents of violence Marzec 9 (Robert P., Associate Professor of English literature and postcolonial studies at Purdue University, and associate editor of Modern Fiction Studies. The Global South, Volume 3, Number 1, “Militariality” Spring 2009. Project Muse AD 7/9/09) These stratocratic controls… …amount of heterogeneity (Foucault 266). Vote negative to embrace a peace movement Hayden, 07. (Tom, “Ending the War in Iraq”. an American social and political activist and politician, known for his involvement in the animal rights and the anti-war and civil war movements of the 1960s.Akashic Books, 2007. In my experience, peace… …the American people. Our act of resistance is key to destroying the military occupation of our mind and creating true democracy Hayden 11 (Tom, an American social and political activist and politician, known for his involvement in the animal rights and the anti-war and civil war movements of the 1960s, sacramento news and Review, 9/08/11) The news that… …the Muslim world.
| 01/12/12 |
Militarism K (Short Shell)
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The plan is a support structure for militarism. Ehrenreich, 97 (Barbara, “Blood Rites: Origins and History of the Passions of War”, American feminist, democratic socialist, and political activist who describes herself as "a myth buster by trade," [2] and has been called "a veteran muckraker" by the New Yorker.[3] During the 1980s and early 1990s she was a prominent figure in the Democratic Socialists of America. She is a widely-read and award-winning columnist and essayist, and author of 21 books. Henry Holt and Company, 1997.) Whatever the psychology… …followers will do. Militarism is a disease that creates a world of perpetual war Ehrenreich, 97 (Barbara, “Blood Rites: Origins and History of the Passions of War”, American feminist, democratic socialist, and political activist who describes herself as "a myth buster by trade," [2] and has been called "a veteran muckraker" by the New Yorker.[3] During the 1980s and early 1990s she was a prominent figure in the Democratic Socialists of America. She is a widely-read and award-winning columnist and essayist, and author of 21 books. Henry Holt and Company, 1997.) If war is analogous… …human soul. Vote negative to embrace a peace movement Hayden, 07. (Tom, “Ending the War in Iraq”. an American social and political activist and politician, known for his involvement in the animal rights and the anti-war and civil war movements of the 1960s.Akashic Books, 2007. In my experience, peace… …the American people.
| 01/12/12 |
Decolonize Your Mind K
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The criticism approaches the problems of modernity with a one size fits all strategy. By only approaching this with one logic, it ignores the multiple hierarchies that are all entangled with the modern nation state. Grossfuguel 09 (Ramon Grosfoguel is Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, , “Decolonizing Post-Colonial Studies and Paradigms of Political-Economy: Transmodernity, Decolonial Thinking, and Global Coloniality”, Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World Fall 2009) The European colonial… …(slavery, feudalism, capitalism, etc.). By choosing to talk about the oppression of individuals located on the subaltern, but not actually being located on the subaltern you are complicit with the myth propogated by western modernity. You allow individuals to divorce their social location form their geo-political location, which is complicit in the oppression of modernity. Grossfuguel 09 (Ramon Grosfoguel is Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, , “Decolonizing Post-Colonial Studies and Paradigms of Political-Economy: Transmodernity, Decolonial Thinking, and Global Coloniality”, Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World Fall 2009) The first point to… …is a western myth. Your radical project falls short of of its true potential. Modernity requires that for true radical potential you MUST dismantle the racial and colonial hierarchies set up by modernity to obtain success. Your project becomes nothing more than another failed attempt to achieve radical potential through identity politics Grossfuguel 09 (Ramon Grosfoguel is Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, , “Decolonizing Post-Colonial Studies and Paradigms of Political-Economy: Transmodernity, Decolonial Thinking, and Global Coloniality”, Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World Fall 2009) The pernicious influence of… …against the system. This focus on western modes of knowledge production destroy the possibility of resistance from the subaltern and precludes the development of a space where we can critically examine modernity as well as preventing development of new utopias. Grossfuguel 09 (Ramon Grosfoguel is Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, , “Decolonizing Post-Colonial Studies and Paradigms of Political-Economy: Transmodernity, Decolonial Thinking, and Global Coloniality”, Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World Fall 2009) The ascribed superiority… …can be devised. A reconceptualization of the concept of democracy through critical borders and transmodernity is necessary to transform the systems of domination and exploitation of the colonial power matrix Grossfuguel 09 (Ramon Grosfoguel is Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, , “Decolonizing Post-Colonial Studies and Paradigms of Political-Economy: Transmodernity, Decolonial Thinking, and Global Coloniality”, Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World Fall 2009) During the last 510 years of the "European/Euro−American, capitalist/patriarchal modern/colonial world−system", we went from the 16thcentury "convert or I shoot you," to the 19th century "civilize or I shoot you",… …capitalist/patriarchal world−system. Colonialism and coloniality are two very different concepts, colonialism was the events that set into place the colonial administrations throughout the world. Coloniality is recognizing that with the absence of these colonial administrations there is still a colonization of our minds that set into place these hierarchies of domination in society. Grossfuguel 09 (Ramon Grosfoguel is Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, , “Decolonizing Post-Colonial Studies and Paradigms of Political-Economy: Transmodernity, Decolonial Thinking, and Global Coloniality”, Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World Fall 2009) During the last 510 years of the "European/Euro−American, capitalist/patriarchal modern/colonial world−system", we went from the 16thcentury "convert or I shoot you," to the 19th century Although "colonial administrations"… …a "colonial administration". By creating artificial barriers within criticism, and dividing the economic, the political and the socio-cultural you can only obtain an incomplete truth. Because the coloniality of power has entangled all of these concepts into the matrix of coloniality. Grossfuguel 09 (Ramon Grosfoguel is Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, , “Decolonizing Post-Colonial Studies and Paradigms of Political-Economy: Transmodernity, Decolonial Thinking, and Global Coloniality”, Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World Fall 2009) I propose that the… …and its implications, To realize radical democratic potential requires a recognition that there is no one single logic that guides all hierarchies, Grossfuguel 09 (Ramon Grosfoguel is Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, , “Decolonizing Post-Colonial Studies and Paradigms of Political-Economy: Transmodernity, Decolonial Thinking, and Global Coloniality”, Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World Fall 2009) All of us fall back… …single historical reality Coloniality is not a problem isolated to any one particular sphere. It exists at the intersection of issues of reckless accumulation of capital, racism, homophobia, and sexist global ideologies. In order to combat the coloniality of power they must be approached from a positionality that recognizes the heterogeneous nature of these ideologies. Grossfuguel 09 (Ramon Grosfoguel is Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, , “Decolonizing Post-Colonial Studies and Paradigms of Political-Economy: Transmodernity, Decolonial Thinking, and Global Coloniality”, Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World Fall 2009) In the capitalist… …sexist global ideologies. Thus Aninda and I offer the following Alternative : We must embrace a mentality of border thinking, border thinking allows for a complete rejection of modernity, but instead of retreating into absolutism border thinking produces a redefinition of coloniality of power and lets us move beyond the narrow definitions imposed by European modernity Roll of the ballot is whomever offers the best method of challenging the colonial power matrix and creating a new form of knowledge production within the debate space Grossfuguel 09 (Ramon Grosfoguel is Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, , “Decolonizing Post-Colonial Studies and Paradigms of Political-Economy: Transmodernity, Decolonial Thinking, and Global Coloniality”, Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World Fall 2009) One of many… …European−centric modernity. The only hope for the project of decoloniality is to create a new critical theory one that is not complicit but complementary to decolonization Mignolo 08 ( Walter Mignolo, DELINKING: THE RHETORIC OF MODERNITY, THE LOGIC OFCOLONIALITY AND THE GRAMMAR OF DE-COLONIALITY, Journal of Cultural Studies Duke University Press 2008,) The time has… …with epistemicbio-politics. Critical border thinking is a result of critical theory taking the focal point of de-colonial critique Mignolo 08 ( Walter Mignolo, DELINKING: THE RHETORIC OF MODERNITY, THE LOGIC OFCOLONIALITY AND THE GRAMMAR OF DE-COLONIALITY, Journal of Cultural Studies Duke University Press 2008,) When critical theory… …in Fanon’s conceptualization. Alt Solves De-linking the rhetoric of modernity opens the door to the voices of the subaltern and moves us toward the world of transmodernity Mignolo 08 ( Walter Mignolo, DELINKING: THE RHETORIC OF MODERNITY, THE LOGIC OFCOLONIALITY AND THE GRAMMAR OF DE-COLONIALITY, Journal of Cultural Studies Duke University Press 2008,) How can we proceed?... …political project Critical border thinking provides a method to enact the decolonial shift and connects colonial histories which are entangled with modernity into the project of delinking from modernity and envelops the imperial and colonial differences Mignolo 08 ( Walter Mignolo, DELINKING: THE RHETORIC OF MODERNITY, THE LOGIC OFCOLONIALITY AND THE GRAMMAR OF DE-COLONIALITY, Journal of Cultural Studies Duke University Press 2008,) Critical border thinking… …and colonial differences. Border thinking is the best methodology for the project – it reveals the complicity between the rhetoric of medornity and the logic of coloniality Mignolo 08 ( Walter Mignolo, DELINKING: THE RHETORIC OF MODERNITY, THE LOGIC OFCOLONIALITY AND THE GRAMMAR OF DE-COLONIALITY, Journal of Cultural Studies Duke University Press 2008,) And that is how... …logic of coloniality. Border thinking is not the end point of our project it is a starting point for developing a critical planetary consciousness to delink from the fundamental beliefs of modernity Mignolo 08 ( Walter Mignolo, DELINKING: THE RHETORIC OF MODERNITY, THE LOGIC OFCOLONIALITY AND THE GRAMMAR OF DE-COLONIALITY, Journal of Cultural Studies Duke University Press 2008,) The struggle for epistemic… …changing the carpet.
| 01/12/12 |
Bahrain Diplomacy CP
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Counterplan Text: President Obama should: -Ask the Gulf Cooperation Council to provide a Marshall Plan oriented economic package to Bahrain, which funds a causeway between Qatar and Bahrain, supplies natural gas to Bahrain from Qatar at discounted rates, and provide an interest free loan from the UAE to build housing units in Bahrain. -Work with FIFA and Qatar to stage one group event of the 2022 World Cup games in Bahrain. -Invite King Hamad to Washington to highlight the importance Bahrain plays in U.S. national security and address Joint Session of Congress. -Warn Iran against meddling in the internal affairs of Bahrain by making it very clear that the U.S. will stand by Bahrain under any and all circumstances. CP solves the aff. Sobhani 10/20/11 (Rob Sobhani, CEO of Caspian Group Holdings, “Iran’s Target: Bahrain,” Huffington Post, October 20, 2011, <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rob-sobhani/iran-bahrain_b_1021095.html>) Today this 100-year… …of Iranian domination.
| 01/12/12 |
A2 Occupy Debate
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MIC CHECK! (mic check!) MIC CHECK (mic check! )- this is my personal note to the people attempting to occupy debate by winning ballots. You are despicable. When occupations are being destroyed and the movement dwindles, you know in the bottom of your heart that getting a judge to sign the ballot for you doesn't do shit for the Occupy movement. Please rethink your politics. Occupy FW The Occupy movement is based on participatory democracy via the General Assembly—they must convene a GA within this round to come to consensus over whether or not to occupy this round—it’s a prior question. a. Occupy movement is based on consensus, it is a core part of the process. MacBryde, 11 (Susan MacBryde, Dec 17, 2011, “Letter: Occupy’s lesson to congress” http://www.timesunion.com/opinion/article/Letter-Occupy-s-lesson-to-Congress-2409954.php) I just went to… …Occupy Albany website. b. General assembly is the decision making body for Occupy. Infoshop, 12 (Jan 13, 2012, “Solidify Occupy: A Suggestion for What’s Next” http://news.infoshop.org/article.php?story=20111224031553132) The directly democratic… …neighborhoods and communities. c. General assembly requires 90% consensus vote to pass any motion. Id, 11 (Dave Id, Dec 22, 2011, “Occupy: What Now, What Next? Commonwealth Club forum with Oakland Mayor Quan: audio & photos” http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2011/12/22/18703262.php) Quan jumps… …on November 2nd. d. Any permutation is severance—that’s a voter for ground and fairness. e. Double bind either the aff is serious about occupying this round and must allow a GA to be called to reach consensus on this issue, or their affirmative case doesn’t represent the spirit of Occupy movement and you vote neg on presumption. f. The occupation of the debate round doesn’t pass—we’re voting no. That’s only a 50% for the occupation at best. Reject Occupy Harvard Hipsters K Occupy Harvard are privileged elites falsely representing the 99%. Ribot 11 (Evan Ribot, a Crimson editorial writer and a government concentrator in Adam House, “The Disgrace of Occupy Harvard,” The Crimson, November, 16, 2011, <http://www.thecrimson.com/article/2011/11/16/disgrace-occupy-harvard/>) It has taken almost… …as a whole. More evidence—they focus on academic exclusivity. O’Shaughnessy 11 (Lynn O'Shaughnessy, is a best-selling author, consultant and speaker on issues that parents with college-bound teenagers face. She explains how families can make college more affordable through her website TheCollegeSolution.com, as well as her Amazon best-selling book, The College Solution: A Guide for Everyone Looking for the Right School at the Right Price and her financial workbook, Shrinking the Cost of College, “Occupy Harvard: Nation's most exclusive tent city,” CBS News, November 11, 2011, <http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-505145_162-57323255/occupy-harvard-nations-most-exclusive-tent-city/>) The Occupy Wall… …be letting in. They trivialize the root cause of socioeconomic inequity—kills the movement. The Crimson 11 (The Crimson Staff, “Occupy Recruiting,” December 01, 2011, <http://www.thecrimson.com/article/2011/12/1/occupy-goldman-recruiting/>) And while many… …in the future. The alternative is to reject Harvard because they’re hipster tools commodifying the Occupy movement to capitalize ballots and win debate rounds—they’re no better than capitalist vendors selling “We’re the 99%” t-shirts. Kilkenny 11 Allison Kilkenny, Staff Writer for the Nation writes about Budget wars, activism, uprising and dissent, “The Commodification of Occupy Wall Street,” The Nation, November 01, 2011, <http://www.thenation.com/blog/164300/commodification-occupy-wall-street>) The commodification of… …watching from afar. Alt rejection is key—the aff is pursuing in con games to trick ideologically anti-capitalist and anti-racist progressive people to deceive us and use the logic of gold and whiteness to acquire ballot capital and advance in debate rounds—turns case and re-entrenches capitalism. LeBlanc 09 (Michael Leblanc, “The Color of Confidence Racial Con Games and the Logic of Gold,” Cultural Critique, Number 73, Fall 2009, pp. 1-46 (Article) Published by University of Minnesota Press, <Project Muse> Indeed, focusing only… …faith under capitalism. Prefer me on this question—I’m an activist directly involved with the Occupy movement. Here’s evidence that proves it. CPR 11 (Capitol Public Radio, Sacramento National Public Radio Affiliate, “Insight: The Fight to Occupy Cesar Chavez Plaza / Center for Poverty Research / "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies," Insight, October 26, 2011, <http://www.capradio.org/166197>) The Fight to Occupy… …park at night. Gut check—the only 99%ers in this round is Los Rios—the state continues to make huge slashes to budget cuts towards public education, which directly shrinks the size of our debate program. Tracy Press 12 (Tracy Press Staff, Newspaper for the Greater Tracy Press, “Governor: Budget depends on cuts to welfare, tax increase,” January 12, 2012, <http://www.tracypress.com/view/full_story/17105316/article-Governor--Budget-depends-on-cuts-to-welfare--tax-increase?instance=home_news_lead_story>) Brown asked state… …cover past cuts. Harvard has the largest education endowment in the nation fueled by the 1%, losing debate rounds won’t affect their budget. AP 11 (RODRIQUE NGOWI, Associated Press Writer, “Harvard's Endowment Grows By $4.4B To Reach $32B,” Huffington Post, September 22, 2011, <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/09/23/harvards-endowment-grows-_n_977500.html>) BOSTON — Harvard University… …the operating budget. The best studies prove budget restrictions create success in forensic programs in the top 50 CEDA teams. This continually oppresses community colleges that don’t have those resources to fund forensics programs. Rogers 06 (Jack E. Rogers, Associate Professor and Director of Forensics, Department of Communication, University of Central Missouri, “Forensic Program Resources: A National Comprehensive Study,” Contemporary Argumentation & Debate, The Journal of Cross Examination Debate Association, Volume 27, 2006) Some early data… …CEDA ranking structure. Occupy Co-option DA They are co-opting the Occupy movement by “using the spirit of Occupy” to gain capital via advance them in debate rounds. Occupy Wall St. 11 (Information Section on the Community page sponsored by Occupy Wall St. and Occupy Together, “STOP Co-Optation of the 'Occupy' Movement,” 2011, Facebook, <https://www.facebook.com/pages/STOP-Co-Optation-of-the-Occupy-Movement/170967829654210?sk=info>) Co-optation is… …for specific projects. The Occupy movement is on the brink—the Democratic Party and fronts like MoveOn.org have made failed attempts to co-opt the Occupy movement. This rejection is key. Ford 1/11/12 (Glen Ford, Executive Editor of Black Agenda Report a Black Leftist News, Commentary, and Analysis Journal he worked as a newsperson at four more local stations: in Columbus, Georgia, Atlanta, Baltimore – where he created his first radio syndication, a half-hour weekly news magazine called “Black World Report” – and Washington, DC. In 1974, Ford joined the Mutual Black Network (88 stations), where he served as Capitol Hill, State Department and White House correspondent, and Washington Bureau Chief, while also producing a daily radio commentary, was a founding member of the Washington chapter of the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ); executive board member of the National Alliance of Third World Journalists (NATWJ); media specialist for the National Minority Purchasing Council; and has spoken at scores of colleges and universities, “Occupy Wall Street Joins Occupy The Dream: Is It Cooptation Or A Growing Movement?” Black Agenda Report, January 11, 2012, <http://www.blackagendareport.com/content/occupy-wall-street-joins-occupy-dream-it-cooptation-or-growing-movement> OWS has, to date,… …through the Black door? Co-optation kills the Occupy movement and submits it to a reformist agenda submitting to institutional powers and corporate elites, particularly the philanthropic foundation of the aff—turns the case. Marshall 11 (Andrew Gavin Marshall is an independent researcher and writer, covering a broad range of issues – economic, political, social, cultural, and historical – in an effort to bring a critical perspective to world events. He has authored dozens of articles, essays, and reports online and for various magazines and other publications, and is regularly interviewed by radio and television programs on a number of different issues. He recently co-edited a book with Professor Michel Chossudovsky entitled, “The Global Economic Crisis: The Great Depression of the XXI Century,” “Don’t Divide, UNITE! From Occupy Wall Street to Liberate the World,” October 13, 2011, <http://andrewgavinmarshall.com/2011/10/13/dont-divide-unite-from-occupy-wall-street-to-liberate-the-world/>) Co-optation is… …social movements.
| 02/13/12 |
Payroll Politics (Obama) DA
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PTC will likely pass but Obama needs to spend political capital - key to reelection future Politico, 12-17-2011 http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1211/70556_Page2.html Senate leaders struck… … theme,” Durbin said. Plan drains capital – bipartisan support to curb spending Mclaughlin April 26 2011 [Seth, contributing writer, “Key Foreign Policy Players Try to Master Capitol Hill” The Washington Diplomat – May, http://www.washdiplomat.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=7829:key-foreign-policy-players-try-to-master-capitol-hill&catid=1473:may-2011&Itemid=471] The Beltway battle… …their home districts. Extentions needed to avert economic shock that will tip US back into a second recession Klein,11, (Sept 8, 2011, Ezra Klein writing for the Washington Post, http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/ezra-klein/post/just-how-effective-is-the-payroll-tax-cut/2011/09/08/gIQAodirCK_blog.html) President Obama is… …avert further degradation. A double dip recession would be much worse than the first and trigger an economic depression CNN Money, 8-10-11 (http://money.cnn.com/2011/08/10/news/economy/double_dip_recession_economy/index.htm) Another recession could… … effort to counteract it. Extinction Austin ‘09 (Michael, Resident Scholar – American Enterprise Institute, and Desmond Lachman, Resident Fellow – American Enterprise Institute, “The Global Economy Unravels”, Forbes, 3-6, http://www.aei.org/article/100187) Conversely, global policymakers… …into a big bang.
| 02/13/12 |
Corporate Tax Reform Politics DA
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Corporate tax reform will pass but Obama’s political capital is key. Beutler 2/22 (Brian Beutler, writing for Talking Points Memo, “What’s behind Obama’s new push for Corporate Tax Reform,” Talking Points Memo, February 22, 2012, http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2012/02/whats-behind-obamas-new-push-for-corporate-tax-reform.php) In a briefing with… …be a heavy lift. Plan saps Obama’s PC. Carothers 09 (Thomas Carothers, vice. president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, In this capacity, he oversees the Democracy and Rule of Law Program and Carnegie Europe, practiced international and financial law at Arnold & Porter and served as an attorney-adviser in the Office of the Legal Adviser of the U.S. Department of State, A.B., Harvard College; M.Sc., London School of Economics; J.D., Harvard Law School, 2009, pages 48-49, carnegieendowment.org/files/revitalizing_democracy_assistance.pdf, accessed 12-30-11) In any event, the… …in many quarters. CTR is key to boost renewable energy industry in the US. Restuccia 2/22 (Andrew Restuccia, writing for The Hill, “Obama tax plan takes scapel to oil tax breaks, boosts renewables, The Hill, February 22, 2012, <http://thehill.com/blogs/e2-wire/e2-wire/212025-obama-tax-plan-takes-scalpel-to-oil-tax-breaks-boosts-renewables>) The plan echoes… …as 37,000 jobs. US is uniquely key—the rest of the world is filling in—that solves warming. Brook 10 (Clare Brook is co-founder of WHEB Asset Management and fund manager of the IM WHEB Sustainability Fund, “Clean technology solutions to global warming need clear policies,” The Guardian, November 29, 2010, <http://www.guardian.co.uk/sustainable-business/blog/clean-technology-solutions-global-warming>) Given all we… …clean technology impetus. Warming explodes the Earth. Chalko 01 (Dr. Thomas J. Chalko, MSc, PhD, Head of Geophysics Division, Scientific E Research P/L, Melbourne, Australia “No second chance: can Earth explode as a result of Global Warming?”, <http://sci-e-research.com/geophysics.html>) Life on Earth is possible… …gigantic atomic explosion
| 02/24/12 |