- SFSPlan Text: The United States federal government should substantially increase its democracy assistance for Egypt by fully funding the India International Institute of Democracy and Election Management to provide training for Egyptian citizens to monitor and observe their upcoming parliamentary elections.
Advantage 1 is Indo Pak
Indo-Pak relations haved thawed but are on the brink—Mumbai bombings prove.
IHT 11 (Editorial, International Herald Tribune, “Indian-Pakistan relations after Mumbai bombings,” Tribune Express, July 16, 2011, <http://tribune.com.pk/story/211052/india-pakistan-relations-after-mumbai-bombings/>)
“Three bomb blasts took place in Mumbai… the peace process should win against the drums of war.”
US key to solve Indo-Pak relations—brokers bilateral dialogue.
Zahra 11 (Dr. Farah Zahra, The writer is a Fellow at the Department of War Studies, King’s College London, “ANALYSIS: Sustaining the India-Pakistan dialogue—Dr. Farah Zahra,” Daily Times, July 29, 2011, <http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2011%5C07%5C29%5Cstory_29-7-2011_pg3_2>
“India-Pakistan relations in the last decade… in a regional milieu that makes this communication intrinsic.”
US must make the first step—key to Kashmir.
Financial Times 10 (Mansoor Ijaz, “why India needs an Obama plan for Pakistan,” November 8, 2010, <http://cachef.ft.com/cms/s/0/89759e30-eb6f-11df-b482-00144feab49a.html#axzz1Uf0BcDRw>)
“Barack Obama reminded his Indian hosts of this reality… in a region home to one quarter of all humanity.”
Scenario: Kashmir
India and Pakistan are resuming talks on Kashmir—Peace is a win-win.
Lall 11 (Marie Lall, is a South Asia expert specialising in political issues and education. She is a member of the faculty at the University of London and an Associate Fellow of the Asia programme at Chatham House, “The political will for peace in Kashmir, English Al Jazeera, August 02, 2011, <http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/spotlight/kashmirtheforgottenconflict/2011/07/201178112742392599.html>)
“India and Pakistan are talking again… Peace would be a "win win" situation all around.”
Kashmir conflict leads to extinction.
Fai 01 (Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai, “India Pakistan Summit and the Issue of Kashmir,” July 8, 2001, Washington Times, http://www.pakistanlink.com/Letters/2001/July/13/05.html)
“The foreign policy of the United States… inclination to ratify an impending Fissile Material/Cut-off Convention.”
Advantage 2 is Clean Energy
Robust U.S-India relations key to clean energy.
Reddy 11 (Shravya Reddy, “Stronger Focus on U.S.-India Energy Cooperation Needed on Capitol Hill,” Natural Resource Defense Council, June 14, 2011, <http://switchboard.nrdc.org/blogs/sreddy/stronger_focus_on_us-india_ene.html>)
“Last week I had the privilege of attending… adaptation did not rank in their listed priorities for the partnership.”
US and India key to solve warming—largest energy market and emitters.
Armitage and Burns 10(Richard Armitage and R. Nicholas Burns, “Natural Allies A Blueprint for the Future of U.S.-India Relations,” October 2010, <http://www.cnas.org/files/documents/publications/CNAS_Natural%20Allies_ArmitageBurnsFontaine.pdf>)
“India’s emergence as a key actor at the Copenhagen summit …markets in the world today, is critical to this effort.”
Lehner 11 (Peter Lehner, “U.S. and India Make Rapid Progress on Clean Energy Partnership”, Natural Resource Defense Council, August 10, 2011, <http://switchboard.nrdc.org/blogs/plehner/us_and_india_make_rapid_progre.html>)
“This partnership is a major breakthrough ... moving towards a clean energy future.”
Warming explodes the Earth.
Chalko 01 (Dr. Thomas J. Chalko, MSc, PhD, Head of Geophysics Division, Scientific E Research P/L, Melbourne, Australia “No second chance: can Earth explode as a result of Global Warming?”, http://sci-e-research.com/geophysics.html)
“Life on Earth is possible only because … for a chain reaction and a gigantic atomic explosion.”
Advantage 3 is UN Security Council
Indian democracy assistance key to permanent Security Council seat.
Bajpai 10 (New Dehli’s Democracy Offensive “India and the Promotion of Global Democracy” IP Global, November 2010)
“Why then does India bother with democracy… Democracy helps forge partnerships and allay fears.”
Martini 10 (Elisabetta Martini, Oct 10, 2010, “UN Security Council Reform, Current Developments” <http://www.iai.it/pdf/DocIAI/iai0926.pdf >)
“The staunchest supporter of the G4 proposal is by far India … among the UN delegations.”
United Nations 11 (UN General Assembly President Joseph Diess, “Without Security Council Reform, UN will lose credibility,” May 16 2011, <http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=38390&Cr=security+council&Cr1=reform>)
“The United Nations will lose its credibility … he travelled to Lebanon, where he met with President Michel Suleiman.”
UN credibility prevents genocide and nuclear war.
Gonclaves 06 (Sean Gonclaves, Syndicated Columnist -- The Cap Cod Times, “The Conference Table or the Battlefield”, Alter.net, September 19 2006, <http://www.alternet.org/columnists/story/41851/>)
“As inhabitants of an "unconquerable world" … at a ranch in Crawford, Texas, did you?”
Existence comes first.
Bostrom 02 (Dr. Nicholas Bostrom, Philosophy Professor at Yale University, "Existential Risks: Analyzing Human Extinction Scenarios and Related Hazards," Journal of Evolution and Technology, Vol. 9 - March 2002, <http://www.jetpress.org/volume9/risks.html>)
“Existential risks are distinct from global endurable risks … depends on whether and how much we discount future benefits.”
Foreign election monitors are banned in Egypt.
Huffington Post 11 (Huffington Post, “Egypt Elections: Foreign Monitors Not Allowed, Generals Announce,” Huffington Post Online, July 20, 2011, <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/07/20/egypt-elections-foreign-monitors_n_905030.html>)
“Egypt's ruling generals say foreigners … to protect the country's sovereignty.”
Egypt says they can’t hold elections without training monitors.
Halawa 11 (Omar Halawa, published in Al-Masry Al-Youm “International experts: Egypt still incapable of holding fair elections,” March 5, 2011 <http://www.almasryalyoum.com/en/node/422433>)
“Egypt is still incapable of holding … technical aspects of the electoral process.”
India solves—empirics prove. Egypt sent a request to IIDEM for training.
Hindustan 11 (Chetan Chauhan, Hindustan Times, July 21, 2011, “India, US to take fair poll practices to W Asia, Africa <http://www.hindustantimes.com/India-US-to-take-fair-poll-practices-to-W-Asia-Africa/Article1-723779.aspx>)
“World's biggest democracies, India and United States… agreement with the United States is another step in this direction.”
US-India democracy assistance cooperation is the key mover for robust relations.
Twining and Fontaine 11 (Daniel Twining is Senior Fellow for Asia at the German Marshall Fund of the United States. Richard Fontaine is Senior Fellow at the Center for a New American Security. Each previously handled South Asia policy at the U.S. Department of State and served as a foreign policy adviser in the U.S. Senate, “The Ties that Bind? U.S.—Indian Values-based Cooperation,” The Washington Quarterly, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Spring 2011, 34:2 pp. 193-205)
“In his November 2010 speech … glue that binds together the two nations.”
No alt causes.
Twining and Fontaine 11(Daniel Twining is Senior Fellow for Asia at the German Marshall Fund of the United States. Richard Fontaine is Senior Fellow at the Center for a New American Security. Each previously handled South Asia policy at the U.S. Department of State and served as a foreign policy adviser in the U.S. Senate, “The Ties that Bind? U.S.—Indian Values-based Cooperation,” The Washington Quarterly, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Spring 2011, 34:2 pp. 193-205)
“The United States does not ‘‘export’’ democracy … promote common agendas to strengthen basic rights.”
And we’re hella topical—Democracy assistance means the transfer of funds, expertise, and materials to groups working for democracy, including USAID and bilateral agreements.
Lappin 10 Richard Lappin, participant in democracy assistance missions with the UN, EU, OSCE, and Carter Center, University of Belgrade political sciences visiting scholar, Central European Journal of International & Security Studies, 10, Volume 4 Issue 1, ―What we talk about when we talk about democracy assistance: the problem of definition in post-conflict approaches to democratization‖ http://www.cejiss.org/issue/2010-volume-4-issue-1/lappin, p.187-8, accessed 5-16-11
“Democracy assistance can be most accurately … civil society groups, media groups and political parties.”