Liberty » NDT Aff - Liberty Garrett & Woodruff

NDT Aff - Liberty Garrett & Woodruff

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:32
  • Terror Add-on

    • Tournament: | Round: 4 | Opponent: Liberty GW | Judge:

    • Plan’s signal solves terrorism

      Gordon et al., CSIS transnational threats project program manager, 2011

      (David, “The Battle for Reform with Al-Qaeda”, Washington Quarterly, Summer,, DOA: 10-16-11, ldg)


      If inadequate reform leads …change while assisting protesters.


      Nuclear terror inevitable now

      Bunn et al., Harvard public policy professor, 2011

      (Matthew, “The U.S.-Russia Joint Threat Assessment on Nuclear Terrorism”, May,, DOA: 10-16-11, ldg)


      The expert community distinguishes … the first act of nuclear terrorism occurs.


      Nuclear terrorism risks world war and extinction, even if it doesn’t work

      Mohamed Sid-Ahmed, Al-Ahram Weekly political analyst, ‘04

      [Al-Ahram Weekly, "Extinction!" 8/26, no. 705,]


      What would be the consequences … planet, we will all be losers.

  • Disease Add-on

    • Tournament: | Round: 4 | Opponent: Liberty GW | Judge:

    • Credibility builds coalitions-solves disease

      Stanley, Georgetown security studies professor, 2007

      (Elizabeth, “International Perceptions of US Nuclear Policy” Sandia Report,, DOA: 10-14-11, ldg)


      How important is … to address such threats effectively.



      Keating, Foreign Policy Web Editor, 2009

      [Joshua, “The End of the World”, 11-13,, ldg]


      How it could happen: Throughout …just as troubling complication.

  • 2AC T DA

    • Tournament: | Round: 4 | Opponent: UTD DR | Judge:

    • 1. We meet DA can support opposition groups

      Carothers, Carnegie vice president for studies, 2009

      (Thomas, “Democracy Assistance: Political vs. Developmental?”, Journal of Democracy. January,, DOA: 10-22-11, ldg)


      Method of supporting democracy… to political information.


      Four categories-we are number 4

      Carothers, director of the Democracy and Rule of Law Program, 2009      

      (Thomas, “Revitalizing U.S. Democracy  Assistance the challenge of USAID, 10-29,, ldg)


      USAID’s democracy and … democratic consensus building.


      Prefer it –

      a. Precision – USAID definitions key to legal accuracy because they’re the largest provider of US democracy assistance


      b. Predictable limits – prefer inclusive rather than exclusive definitions because they set a limited scope of affs within the realm of the resolution – their evidence assumes assistance being given to authoritarian regimes, not the plan


      Reasonability-competing interps causes a race to the bottom and creates a perverse incentive to split hairs on limiting affs-dis-incentivizes substance and rewards avoiding topic discussion

  • 2AC Gender K

    • Tournament: | Round: 4 | Opponent: UTD DR | Judge:

    • 1. Case outweighs-democracy assistance exists now and don’t cause war, so prefer specific scenarios over abstractions.


      2. Absent US action Syria will descend into a failed state-triggers structural violence

      Mneimneh, German Marshall Fund Senior Transatlantic Fellow, 3-15-12

      (Hassan, “No Good Option for Syria, But Doing Nothing Is Worse”,, DOA: 3-24-12, ldg)


      Yet, countless victims and … of the facets of this complex issue.


      3. Perm do the plan


      It solves best

      Allen, Democracy Digest editor, 11

      (Michael, "Revitalizing and rehabilitating democracy assistance?," Democracy Digest,, accessed 11-12-11, mss)


      Promoting democracy necessarily …, but it also may be more sustainable.


      Their author says it solves.

      Handrahan, American university adjunct professor, 2001

      (L.M., “Gendering Ethnicity in Kyrgyzstan: Forgotten Elements in Promoting Peace and Democracy”, Gender and Development, Vol. 9, No. 3, JSTOR, ldg)


      USAlD's development assistance … and preventing ethnic conflict.


      War turns the impact-not the other way around.

      Goldstein 03 (Joshua, Prof of Int'l Relations @ American University, War and Gender: How Gender Shapes the War System and Vice Versa, p. 412)


      First, peace activists face … seems to be empirically inadequate. 


      Plan focus is key-alternatives devolve into infinite amount of generic rep arguments that moot 1AC offense AND avoid specific debates about democracy assistance key to education.


      Epistemology doesn’t impact truth

      Houghton, Central Florida political science professor, 2008

      (David, “Positivism ‘vs’ Postmodernism: Does Epistemology Make a Difference?”, International Politics Vol. 45 pg. 115-128, proquest, ldg)


      Certainly, postpositivist epistemologies … to come from somewhere.


      Simulating enactment of the plan is the most productive way to engage Mid East politics

      Heydemann, former Columbia political science professor, 2002

      (Steven, “Defending the Discipline,” Journal of Democracy Vol. 13, No. 3, project muse, ldg)


      Though Kramer's book is severely … during the course of the 1990s. 

  • 2AC Turkey CP

    • Tournament: | Round: 4 | Opponent: UTD DR | Judge:

    • Perm do both


      US is key


      A. Diplomats

      Silverman, former army Lt. Col, 12-7-122

      (Michael, “Syria isn't Libya: Obama must consider bolder intervention”,, DOA: 1-29-12, ldg)


      US officials need to proceed cautiously, … the future of Syria.


      B. Minorities

      Brodsky, Jewish Policy Center policy director, 2011

      (Matthew, “The US must ratchet up pressure on Syria”, 11-4,, DOA: 2-28-12, ldg)


      With Nato calling off military …"step aside", and then wait to see what happens


      C. Spoilers

      Grygiel, John Hopkins International studies professor, 2011

      (Jakub, “Great Powers and Democracy Promotion”, 10-3,, DOA: 2-4-12, ldg)


      Alas, reality is different. geopolitical consequences of their actions.


      2. Turkey has no experience

      Turkish Policy Quarterly 2011

      (“From the Desk of the Editor”,, DOA: 9-23-11, ldg)


      One may argue though that Turkey’s deficiencies do not necessarily render it less of an inspiration. Turkey’s “imperfections” aide Turks in connecting with and doing businessin the environments its restrictive neighbors offer. Moreover, it may be precisely because Turkey shares the same problems with many of its neighbors that Turkey’s progress seems within reach and motivates its neighbors. Nevertheless, countries in transition need more than a model, they need support with institution building and the development of a civil consensusSupport in such spheres requires strong knowledge of the societieswhich hardly exists within Turkish academia and civil society. Moreover, these elements of transition (building social consensus and stronger institutions) are precisely what Turkey needs from the European Union process. If Turkey wants to be a model, the way to do this is not to abandon its Western vocation, but to pursue it with even more gusto. This is even more relevant in light of Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu’s recent statement, in discussing Turkey’s influence on democracy in the Middle East


      Turkey can’t solve spoiler

      Badran, FDD research fellow, 2011

      (Tony, “Obama's Options in Damascus”, 8-16,, DOA; 11-10-11, ldg)


      It is time for Obama …the United States' alone. 


      Turkey can’t use its soft power

      Grunstein, World Politics Review’s editor in chief, 2011

      (Judah, “Turkey and the Arab Spring”,, DOA: 1-13-12, ldg)


       Moreover, and supporting Cook's … regional influence is behind it.


      Too many alt causes

      Barkey and Abramowitz, former US ambassador to Turkey, 11

      [Henri, Carnegie Middle East Program visiting scholar, Ph.D. in political science from the University of Pennsylvania, Lehigh University Bernard L. and Bertha F. Cohen Professor, served as a member of the U.S. State Department Policy Planning Staff working primarily on issues related to the Middle East, the Eastern Mediterranean, and intelligence from 1998 to 2000, and Morton, former Carnegie Endowment, has held numerous positions in the Department of State, former ICG acting president, he is on the boards of the International Rescue Committee and the International Crisis Group, and is on the advisory council of the National Interest and Foreign Policy magazine, the Century Foundation senior fellow, former assistant secretary of state for intelligence and research, deputy assistant secretary of defense for inter-American, East Asian, and Pacific affairs, special assistant to the secretary of defense; special assistant to the deputy secretary of state; and political adviser to the commander-in-chief (Pacific), "Turkey: Democracy, Yes, But No Model," 2-19-11,, accessed 8-5-11, mss]


      Turkey: Democracy, … — to a regime that executed countless dissidents on flimsy charges.


      Alt cause- Kurds

      Barkey and Abramowitz, former US ambassador to Turkey, 11

      [Henri, Carnegie Middle East Program visiting scholar, Ph.D. in political science from the University of Pennsylvania, Lehigh University Bernard L. and Bertha F. Cohen Professor, served as a member of the U.S. State Department Policy Planning Staff working primarily on issues related to the Middle East, the Eastern Mediterranean, and intelligence from 1998 to 2000, and Morton, former Carnegie Endowment acting president, has held numerous positions in the Department of State, former ICG acting president, and is on the advisory council of the National Interest and Foreign Policy magazine, the Century Foundation senior fellow, former assistant secretary of state for intelligence and research, deputy assistant secretary of defense for inter-American, East Asian, and Pacific affairs, special assistant to the secretary of defense; special assistant to the deputy secretary of state; and political adviser to the commander-in-chief (Pacific), "Turkey: Democracy, Yes, But No Model," 2-19-11,, accessed 8-5-11, mss]


      But it is Turkey’s Kurds, …is understandable.



      EU CP is illegitimate and a voting issue:


      1. Logic- no literature compares the US and EU acting on the plan AND not as an opportunity cost to US democracy assistance- no decision makers can choose between the EU and US. This makes debate education irrelevant and crushes aff ground.

      2. Justifies object fiat-CP to have Egypt not go to war with Israel is the same thing-destroys AFF ground.

  • Round Seven 1AC

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Same as Wiki

  • Syria Aff (Doubles)

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • The United States federal government should offer democratic political organization training to the Syrian National Council.



      Material support to democratic forces is key US credibility.

      Pollack, Saban Center for Middle East Policy director, 12-5-11

      (Kenneth, “America's Second Chance and the Arab Spring”,,3, DOA: 12-8-11, ldg)


      To this end, the United States must […] country it imagines itself to be.


      Syria is key

      Crowley, Penn State Omar Bradley chair of strategic leadership, 11

      [P.J. former State Department assistant secretary and spokesman (in the Obama administration), "Obama must tell Assad to go," Washington Post, 6-19-2011,, accessed 8-4-11, mss]


      Six months ago, almost no one, including American […] and on the right side of history.


      Syria is the litmus test-intervening on the side of protestors transforms the US’s image.

      Hamid, Brookings Doha center research director, 1-26-12

      (Shadi, “Why We Have a Responsibility to Protect Syria”,, DOA: 3-25-12, ldg)


      As I argued in a recent article in The New Republic, Arab […] and India cannot offer this. Russia and China certainly cannot.


      Cred is key to military cooperation.

      Nakamura et al., CRS Foreign Affairs analyst, 2009

      (Kennon H., “U.S. Public Diplomacy: Background and  Current Issues”, 12-18,, ldg)


      The attitudes and perceptions of foreign […] diminish and new partnerships will be possible.


      Cred in the Middle East spills over and defines overall hegemony

      Inboden, Texas Austin Public Affairs professor, 11-21-11

      (Will, “The global chessboard”,, DOA: 1-6-12, ldg)


      China, after all, sees its subtle rivalry with the […] are important players on the same global chessboard.


      Cred is key to make heg sustainable.

      Jervis, Columbia IR professor, 2009

      (Robert, “Unipolarity A Structural Perspective”, World Politics, Volume 61, Number 1, January 2009, Project Muse, ldg)


      To say that the system is unipolar […] vision and believe that its leadership is benign.



      Hegemony solves nuke war and extinction-multipolarity is inevitable but absolute US power smoothes the transition and is empirically correlated to great-power peace

      Barnett, Naval War College Warfare Analysis & Research Department professor, 2011

      (Thomas, “The New Rules: Leadership Fatigue Puts U.S., and Globalization, at Crossroads”, 3-7,, DOA: 10-9-11, ldg)


      Let me be more blunt: As the guardian of globalization[…] embedded in the geometry to come.


      U.S. hegemonic decline causes global great-power war, collapses trade and spreads economic nationalism and protectionism

      Zhang et al., Carnegie Endowment researcher, 2011

      (Yuhan, “America’s decline: A harbinger of conflict and rivalry”, 1-22,, DOA: 9-21-11, ldg)


      This does not necessarily mean that the US is in systemic […] that will inevitably be devoid of unrivalled US primacy.


      That causes great power war

      Hillebrand, Kentucky diplomacy professor, 2010

      (Evan, “Deglobalization Scenarios: Who Wins? Who Loses?”, Global Economy Journal, Volume 10, Issue 2, ebsco, ldg)


      A long line of writers from Cruce (1623) to Kant (1797) to Angell (1907) […] fractious relations among states and the probability for interstate war rises.



      War is at its lowest level in history because of US primacy---best statistical studies prove heg solves war because it makes democratic peace resilient globalization sustainable---it’s the deeper cause of proximate checks against war

      Owen, UVA politics professor, 2011

      (John, “Don’t Discount Hegemony”, 2-11,, DOA: 10-9-11, ldg)


      We would still need to explain how […] moral support for liberal democracy remains strong.



      Absolute decline means the US will become uncooperative and desperate---hegemonic wars will ensue

      Goldstein, Penn IR professor, 2007

      (Avery, “Power transitions, institutions, and China's rise in East Asia: Theoretical expectations and evidence,” Journal of Strategic Studies, Volume 30, Issue 4 & 5 August, ebsco, ldg)


      Two closely related, though distinct, theoretical arguments focus explicitly […] to the possible crossover.19 pg. 647-650


      Focus on strategic deterrence and democracy are key to averting crisis escalation—reject the infinite number of root causes that debilitate action

      Moore, UVA law professor, 2004

      (John, “Beyond the Democratic Peace: Solving the War Puzzle”, 44 Va. J. Int'l L. 341, Winter, lexis, ldg)


      If major interstate war is predominantly a product of a synergy between a […] when levels of deterrence are dramatically increased or decreased?


      Shocks to the system are the ONLY propensity for conflict—globalization and liberal norms have eradicated warfare and structural violence—every field study proves

      Horgan, Stevens Institute of Technology Center for Science director, 2009

      (John, “The End of the Age of War”, 12-6,, DOA: 10-9-11, ldg)


      The economic crisis was supposed to increase violence […] scientist Nils Petter Gleditsch of the International Peace Research Institute in Oslo.


      States will inevitably compete for relative status – only primacy can prevent conflict

      Wohlforth, Dartmouth government professor, 2009

      (William, “Unipolarity, Status Competition, and Great Power War” World Politics, 61:1, project muse, ldg)


      Second, I question the dominant view that status quo […] material interest in security and/or prosperity.


      Russia is trying to dictate the course of political transitions in MENA-only US can counter them

      Grygiel, Center for European Policy Analysis senior fellow, 2011

      (Jakub, “Great Powers and Democracy Promotion”, 10-3,, DOA: 11-20-11, ldg)


      Alas, reality is different. Democratization does not occur […] dangerous geopolitical consequences of their actions.


      Successful authoritarian counterrevolution in MENA emboldens Russian expansionist aggression globally

      Puddington, Freedom House researcher, 2011

      (Arch, “Democracy’s Stake in the Arab Spring,” Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, Vol. 5, No. 3,, DOA: 11-20-11, ldg)


      There is yet another reason for the world’s democracies […] cause of freedom everywhere else.



      Russian resurgence causes global nuclear war

      Blank, US Army War College National Security Affairs professor, 2009

      (Stephen, “Russia And Arms Control: Are There Opportunities For The Obama Administration?”, March,, DOA: 11-20-11, ldg)


      Proliferators or nuclear states like China and Russia can then […] neighbors or their own people. 172




      Bolstering the SNC is the only way to avert civil war-the US is key.

      Torbey et al., Kansas Regional Integration in the Middle East PhD candidate, 12-16-11

      (Khattar, “Breaking the Stalemate in Syria”,, DOA: 12-28-11, ldg)


      Nine months on, the conflict between the […] role in building the SNC’S organizational capacity.


      No kiss of death.

      Hamid, Brookings Doha center research director, 10-1-11

      (Shadi, “What Obama and American Liberals Don’t Understand About the Arab Spring”,, DOA; 10-13-11, ldg)


      Across the region, activists were […] leadership, it often comes away disappointed.


      Plan solves opposition unity and reassures minorities.

      Palmer et al., Vice Chairman of Freedom House, 3-6-12

      (Mark, “The Case for Arming the Syrian Opposition”,, DOA: 3-23-12, ldg)


      Strengthening the Syrian opposition is not […] is already starting to fragment.


      US stance encourages defections

      Al-Humaid, Asharq Al-Awsat Editor in Chief, 3-12-12

      (Tariq, “Obama Is the Problem, Not Only Russia”,, DOA: 3-24-12, ldg)


      The problem with the current U.S. […] not see a firm stance from Washington?


      Plan leads to a soft landing by undermining Assad support groups.

      Hannah, Foundation for defending democracies senior fellow, 2011

      (John, “Obama and Syria: Courting Disaster”, 5-11,, DOA; 10-13-11, ldg)


      Instead, the administration needs quickly […] stand in the first post-Assad elections.


      Bolstering the opposition is key to speed up and smooth transition

      Doran et al., Saban Center senior fellow, 2011

      (Michael, “Getting Serious in Syria”, 7-29,, DOA: 10-13-11, ldg)


      Consequently, we should expect the regime to collapse […] its effectiveness and professionalize its efforts



      Our authors’ methods are accurate

      Sorensen, Aarhus University IR professor, 1998

      (Georg, “IR Theory after the cold war” Review of International Studies, JSTOR, ldg)


      What, then, are the more general problems with […] compelled to embrace any conceivable change project.28

  • 2AC Imperialism K

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • K


      Absent US action Syria will descend into a failed state-triggers structural violence

      Mneimneh, German Marshall Fund Senior Transatlantic Fellow, 3-15-12

      (Hassan, “No Good Option for Syria, But Doing Nothing Is Worse”,, DOA: 3-24-12, ldg)


      Yet, countless victims and unspeakable […] of the facets of this complex issue.


      Solving large scale conflict is key to solve structural violence.

      Goldstein 03 (Joshua, Prof of Int'l Relations @ American University, War and Gender: How Gender Shapes the War System and Vice Versa, p. 412)


      First, peace activists face a dilemma in thinking about causes of war and working […] of war seems to be empirically inadequate. 


      Holding us responsible for past US failings delimits engagement

      Halliday, London School of Economics IR professor, 1999

      (Fred, “The Middle East at the Millennial Turn”,, DOA: 8-17-11, ldg)


      Recent developments in the Middle East […] social practices within the Middle East.



      Precluding engagement now makes future interventions inevitable.

      Lund, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 2011

      (Michael, “Human Rights A Source of Conflict, State Making, and State Breaking”,, DOA: 10-11-11, ldg)


      This more balanced, contextualized approach is needed to foster […] combative approach can become a self-fulfilling prophecy


      Make them prove a link to the plan-we aren’t responsible for past atrocities or what the plan could be used for-just what it does.

      McKelvey, Newsweek correspondent, 2011

      (Tara, “The Abandonment of Democracy Promotion”, The International Journal of Not-for-Profit Law Volume 13, Issue 3, June 2011, , DOA: 9-12-11, ldg)


      On the far left, where the work of Noam Chomsky […] President Obama will not be there for them.



      Anti-imperialism undermines global movements for justice -the AFF and perm are crucial coalition-builders that solve best

      Shaw, Sussex IR professor, 2002

      (Martin, “Exploring imperia: Western-global power amidst the wars of quasi-imperial states”, 12-11,, DOA; 10-14-11, ldg)


      It is worth asking how the […] synthesis of a new Western imperialism.



      US is popular with the opposition

      Schenker, Washington Institute Arab Politics director, 2011

      (David, “A Fighting Chance: Why Obama’s Support For Syria’s Non-Violent Protests Isn’t Enough”, 10-25,, DOA: 1-25-12, ldg)


      Since this summer, the United States has generally played a constructive […] aligned Washington with regime opponents.


      Internal activists like US involvement

      POMED 3-19-12

      (“POMED Notes: Options for U.S. Strategy Toward Syria”,, DOA: 3-23-12, ldg)


      The panel was in agreement that building […] America and the Arab and Muslim world.



      Current assessments are used to justify inaction-our evidence is reverse bias

      Abrams, CFR Middle East Studies senor fellow, 3-11-12

      (Elliot, “Politicizing Intelligence on Syria”,, DOA: 3-20-12, ldg)


      To be fair, those words are five years old, and Syria has […] Intelligence and the Director of National Intelligence why they permitted it.



      Zero risk of intervention

      Youngs et al., FRIDE Democratisation programme coordinator, 2006

      (Richard, “Democracy Promotion and the European Left: Ambivalence Confused?”, December,, DOA: 9-23-11, ldg)


      The left needs to get beyond a […] evolution in its own internal debates during the 1990s.



      Ethical policymaking must be grounded in consequences

      Isaac, political science professor Indiana University, 2002

      (Jeffrey, “Ends, Means, and Politics, Dissent Magazine, Spring 2002, ldg)


      Power is not a dirty word or an unfortunate feature of the world. It […] And it undermines political effectiveness.



      Our heg advantage is multi-disciplinary-prefer it

      Wohlforth, Dartmouth government professor, 2009

      (William, “Unipolarity, Status Competition, and Great Power War” World Politics, 61.1, project muse, ldg)


      Mainstream theories generally posit that states […] interest in security and/or prosperity.



      Rational choice theory is good-no prior questions

      Owen, Southampton Political theory reader, 2002

      (David, “Re-orienting International Relations: On Pragmatism, Pluralism and Practical Reasoning”, Millennium - Journal of International Studies, 31.3, SAGE, ldg)


      Commenting on the ‘philosophical turn’ in IR, Wæver remarks […] and second dangers, and so potentially vicious circle arises.



      Method focus causes endless paradigm wars

      Wendt, Ohio State international security professor, 1998

      (Alexander, “On Constitution and Causation in International Relations”, Review of International Studies, 24.5, ebsco, ldg)


      As a community, we in the academic study of international […] one-sided, intolerant caricatures of science.



      Perm solves best- democracy assistance can be rehabilitated and doesn’t require political engineering- BUT inaction plays into the hands of autocrats

      Allen, Democracy Digest editor, 11

      (Michael, "Revitalizing and rehabilitating democracy assistance?," Democracy Digest,, accessed 11-12-11, mss)


      Promoting democracy necessarily entails a delicate balancing of […] but it also may be more sustainable.



      Anti-imperialism fails-totalizing critique prevents struggles that engage struggles for human rights and causes paralysis.

      Zakaria, Indiana Political science PhD, 2007

      (Rafia, “`Other' imperialism” Frontline Volume 24, Issue 6,, DOA: 9-22-11, ldg)


      The most astute argument presented by Postel […] Bush administration's tyrannical politics of military intervention.



      External influence is positive

      Burnell, Warwick International studies professor, 2000

      (Peter, Democracy assistance: international co-operation for democratization, pg  6-7, ldg)


      There is a view that democracy and human […] argument and other quiet forms of "˜democracy diplomacy”.



      Democracy promotion doesn’t necessitate Western triumphalism- its key to repudiate violence

      Brooks, Georgetown University law professor, 12

      (Rosa, New America Foundation Bernard Schwartz senior fellow, from April 2009 to June 2011 she served in a senior position at the Department of Defense, "Democracy Promotion: Done Right, A Progressive Cause," Democracy: A Journal of Ideas, Issue 23, Winter 2012,, accessed 12-14-11, mss)


      The events of the last year make this as […] for them to go badly wrong forever.



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