A. Interpretation – Its implies ownership
Glossary of English Grammar Terms 2005
(http://www.usingenglish.com/glossary/possessive-pronoun.html, ldg)
Mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs are the possessive pronouns used to substitute a noun and to show possession or ownership.
EG. This is your disk and that's mine. (Mine substitutes the word disk and shows that it belongs to me.)
B. Violation – the plan increases assistance for a European program
1. Ground – kills links to core generics like spending and politics disads because the US doesn’t have to initiate the plan
2. Education – Skirts the question of what the US should do and forecloses major areas of topic education
3. Aff conditionality – makes the aff conditional on the implementation of the plan by the EU and means they could read an advantage based on the plan not being done independent voting issue
The Affirmative fails to specify an agent
B. Failure to specify is a voting issue.
1. Ground – Specifying an agent is critical to Disads and Counterplans. The agent must be named in the plan to maximize the value of pre-round preparation
2. Moving Target – Failure to specify allows the affirmative to shift out of 1NC arguments by allowing new 2AC clarification This makes it impossible for the negative the AFF could always change their plan after they heard the 1NC
A. Latin America is USAID’s priority now- BUT new programs tradeoff
Shah and Menendez, USAID administrator and US Senator (D-NJ), 11
(Rajiv, USAID administrator, and Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ), "International Development Policy Priorities in the FY2012 Budget," Federal News Service, 4-13-2011, l/n, accessed 8-31-11, mss)
So explain to me in our own ... is not acceptable. That is not acceptable.
B. USAID cuts in Latin America devastate the ABCI- key to protect the Amazon
Patlis, WWF US Government relations managing director, 7
(Jason, World Wildlife Fund, CQ Congressional Testimony, " Fiscal 2008 Appropriations: State, Foreign Operations & Other Programs," 3-29-7, l/n, accessed 9-8-11, mss)
Amazon Basin Conservation Initiative (ABCI): ...biodiversity in the Amazon watershed.
C. Biodiversity loss causes extinction
Gunningham, Australian Center for Environmental Law professor, 97
(Neil, Ecology Law Quarterly, 1997, l/n)
Biodiversity is essential for the maintenance of h...in favor of preserving biodiversity.
KORUS will pass by October
(“FTA should be ratified before S. Korean leader's trip: Rep. Ros-Lehtinen”, lexis, ldg)
As the U.S. Congress braces for a vote on t... with that key country."
Capital is key to final hurdles
Kim, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP senior partner, 9-6-2011
(Sukhan, “Pushing the FTA to the finish line”, http://koreajoongangdaily.joinsmsn.com/news/article/Article.aspx?aid=2941157, DOA: 9-11-11, ldg)
Further, the legislative calendar for ... within the next two months seems feasible.
Democracy assistance drains capital – no constituency, tea party influence and fear of Muslim takeover.
Hamid, Project on Middle East Democracy director of research, 2011
(Shadi, "Tunisia, Egypt, Arab world need bold US support for democracy, not mixed messages," 1-26-11, Dow Jones Factiva, accessed 6-11-11, mtf)
Hard to shift gears now Considering the amount ... Americans uncomfortable.)
KORUS solves Korean war, the economy and trade
Hubbard, Senior Director for Asia, 11
(Thomas, McLarty Associates and Former Ambassador to South Korea, 4-7-11, Congressional Documents and Publications, “House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Trade Hearing - Brady Announces Third in a Series of Three Hearings on the Pending, Job-Creating Trade Agreements: South Korea Trade Agreement” accessed 9-23-11, tlr)
The United States-South Korea Free Trade Agreement (KORUS) i... longstanding leadership position in a rapidly changing Asia.
They’ll use bioweapons --- including smallpox
(“'North Korea has 13 types of readily usable biological weapons' - South MP”, 10-7, lexis, ldg)
North Korea is believed to possess 13 types of ... typhoid fever and dysentery.
This guarantees extinction
Richard Ochs, APG Superfund Citizens' Coalition, 6/9/02, "Biological Weapons Must be Abolished Immediately"
While a "nuclear winter," resulting from a ... EXTINCTION IS NOW POSSIBLE.
A. The aff precludes a re-negotiation of democracy and prevents a new more libratory politics
Little, University of Melbourne political theory lecturer, 5
(Adrian, "Theories of Democracy and Violence," paper for the Australasian Political Studies Association Annual Conference, September, auspsa.anu.edu.au/proceedings/publications/Littlepaper.pdf, accessed 7-1-11, mss)
As recently as ten years ago violence ... unpalatable activities that served to establish liberal democratic regimes.
B. Current forms of democracy are a cover for mass violence and exclusion
Sunic, former US professor, author, translator and former Croatian diplomat, 10
(Tomislav, Ph.D. in political science from the University of California, Santa Barbara, “Preface,” written 12-28-2010, in The Problem of Democracy, written by Alain de Benoist (2011), p9-12, mss)
Those who love to regurgitate the word 'democracy' are...democrat - but where there is no democracy.
[Matt note: gender paraphrased]
C. The alternative is to conceive of democracy as a process of constant reinvention- vote neg to reject the shortcomings of democracy and the inevitable exclusions that it engenders.
This is critical to inspire and legitimize attempts to disrupt the prevailing “democratic” order
Little and Lloyd, political theory professors, 9
(Adrian, University of Melbourne political theory associate professor, head of the School of Political Science, Criminology, and Sociology, and Moya, Loughborough University political theory professor, “Conclusion,” in The Politics of Radical Democracy, ed by Adrian Little and Moya Lloyd, 203-6, mss)
Radical democratic theory, especially that which has ... radical democracy openly suggests that it does not need to be apprehended.
Text: The United States Supreme Court should rule that Tunisia’s right to democracy requires support the European Union Election Observation Mission for Tunisia
Right to democracy creates a legal obligation for promotion
Glen, Georgetown law professor, 2011
(Patrick, “Democracy Promotion in the Obama Administration: An Opportunity to Match Action to Rhetoric”, http://scholarship.law.georgetown.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1494&context=facpub, ldg)
Advocacy for a “right to democracy” under ... founding over two centuries ago.