Liberty » LibertyTW-AFF


Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:32
  • Kentucky 1AC

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Contention One: The Status Quo

      USAID underfunded now – renewed commitment key
      Bodine 10
      (Barbara, Lecturer and Diplomat-in-Residence at Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, "Yemen: Primer and Prescriptions," Prism, National Defense University Press, June,, CW, accessed on 9/20/11)

      The 2010–2012 … seek to reinvent.   

      Assistance is key to effectiveness of local councils
      ARD 4
      ("Democracy and Governance Assessment of Yemen," Work Conducted Under Core Task Order No. 1 Under USAID Contract, February,, CW, accessed on 9/20/11)

      Such a system … of the people. 

      Contention Two: Civil War 

      Patronage reform is key to prevent the outbreak of civil war
      ICG 11
      (International Crisis Group, "Popular Protest in North Africa and the Middle East (II): Yemen between Reform and REvolution," Middle East/North Africa Report No 102, March 10,, CW, accessed on 9/20/11) 

      The regime also …failing social contract.  

      It doesn’t matter who is in charge – fighting corruption and reform is key
      Alley 11
      (April, "Yemen on the Brink," Foreign Affairs, April 4,, CW, accessed on 9/20/11) 

      If Yemen’s political … country’s political trajectory.  

      Protests are very likely to turn violent – regional differences and small arms
      ICG 11
      (International Crisis Group, "Popular Protest in North Africa and the Middle East (II): Yemen between Reform and REvolution," Middle East/North Africa Report No 102, March 10,, CW, accessed on 9/20/11) 

      Even before the …failing social contract.  

      Civil war causes spillover and instability in Saudi Arabia
      Horton 11
       (Michael, Senior Analyst for Arabian Affairs at the Jamestown Foundation - Specializes on Yemen and the Horn of Africa, "The Unseen Hand: Saudi Arabian Involvement in Yemen," Terrorism Monitor, Volume 9, Issue 12, March 24,, CW, accessed on 9/20/11) 

      The future of … certainly worth remembering.  

      Saudi collapse tanks the global economy – key to market stability
      Stewart 11
      (Heather, Economics Editor for The Guardian "Still-fragile world evonomy braced for effects of another oil shock" February 27, 2011, CW, accessed on 9/20/11)

      In the west, … into a blowout. 

      Global economic crisis causes war-strong statistical support
      Royal, director of Cooperative Threat Reduction at the U.S. Department of Defense, 2010
      (Jedediah, Economics of War and Peace: Economic, Legal, and Political Perspectives, pg 213-215, ldg)

      Less intuitive is how … to those views.  

      Civil war independently shuts down shipping lanes
      Lister 11
      (Tim, "Why we should care about Yemen," CNN Global public square, June 3,, CW, accessed on 9/20/11) 

      At first glance, … the government's revenues.  

      MENA is key to global energy security – interruptions cause resource wars
      Gonkel 8
      (Mete, *Energy Strategist (Former BOTAŞ Chairman and CEO), "The New Game Tensions and Conflicts for Energy Transport Routes," Eurasia Critic, May,, CW, accessed on 9/20/11) 

      The MENA Region … disastrous oil spills. 

      Resource tension causes nuclear conflict with Russia and China –extinction
      Henderson 7
      (Bill, Besline Research CEO/President/consultant “Climate Change, Peak Oil, and Nuclear War,” Countercurrents, February 24,, CW, accessed on 9/20/11)   

      Damocles had one … recognize as nature. 

      Assistance creates communication and trust between the government and local actors
      Greenfield 10
      (Danya, Program officer with the Middle East and North Africa division at the Center for International Private Enterprise, "Sustainable Development is Possible in Yemen," Center for American Progress, January 14,, CW, 9/20/11) 

      U.S. policy should …with tribal groups.  

      Democracy Assistance Solves – stabilizes opposition movements
      Boucek 10
      (Christopher [Jeffrey Feltman, Robert Godec, Leslie Campbell, Bruce Reidel and Jonathan Schanzer], Associate, Middle East Program Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Assistant Secretary of State, Principle Deputy Coordinator of Counterterrorism at the State Department, Senior Associate Regional Director for Middle East and North Africa at the NDI, Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution’s Saban Center for Middle East Policy, Vice President for Research at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, YEMEN ON THE BRINK: IMPLICATIONS FOR U.S. POLICY, Written Testimony U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs February 3,, CW, accessed on 9/20/11) 

      Having said that, … they are currently.  

      Contention Three: Terrorism

      Drone strikes on AQAP are inevitable but will fail and produce blowback because of lack of local knowledge – supplementing counterterrorism with governance is key
      Gude and Sofer 11
      (Ken and Ken, Managing Director of the National Security and Internal Policy Program and Special Assistant, "Misfiring at Al Qaeda in Yemen," Center for American Progress, July 14,, CW, accessed on 9/20/11)

      The Wall Street … serious problem worse.  

      AQAP is using governance to take over the Southern provinces – countering them is key to prevent an emirate state and terror attacks
      Zimmerman 11
      (Katherine, "Al Qaeda's Gains in South Yemen," American Enterprise Institute, July 8, Zi, CW, accessed on 9/20/11)  

      The collapse of … in south Yemen. 

      Yemen failed state makes it a terrorist safe haven
      Knoetgen 11
       (Peter, "Chaos and Terrorism: How to Fight al-Qaeda in Yemen Amid Political Turmoil," Central European Journal of International and Security Studies," May 16,, CW, accessed on 9/20/11)

      Yet even when … with the fourth.  

      Defeating AQAP now while leadership is weak is key
      Terrill 11
      (Andrew, Research Professor in National Security Affairs, "The Conflicts in Yemen and US National Security," Defence Talk, February 15, Strategic Studies Institute,, CW, accessed on 9/20/11)  

      Additionally, Yemen’s … emerging insurgent movement.

      Safe Haven in Yemen allows AQAP to plot terrorist attacks – they will be successful
      Boucek 11
      (Christopher, Associate of the Middle East Program at Carnegie Endowment for International Peace,  "Alarming Reality in Yemen," Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, The Hill, March 9,, CW, accessed on 9/20/11)  

      Because of the … to travel abroad.   

      A nuclear strike by al Qaeda causes US-China-Russia war, environmental collapse, and extinction
      Morgan, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, 2009
      (Dennis, World on fire: two scenarios of the destruction of human civilization and possible extinction of the human race Futures, Volume 41, Issue 10, December, ldg)

      In a remarkable website …of strategic weapons 

      AQAP will gain the material to initiate a nuclear terrorist attack
      Williams 11
      (Sarah, Coordinator of the Fissile Materials Working Group and Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellow at the Center for Science, Technology and sEcurity Policy, "After bin Laden: Nuclear terrorism still a top threat," Bulletin of Atomic Scientists - Fissile MAterials Working Group, May 13,, CW, accessed on 9/20/11) 

      More than a … potential source material.  

      Assistance is key – demonstrates commitment to society that fills the power vacuum
      BPC 11
      (Co-Chairs Ambassador Paula Dobriansky and Admiral (Ret.) Gregory Johnson, "A Stitch in Time: Stabilizing Fragile States," Bipartisan Policy Center, May,, CW, accessed on 9/26/11) 

      1. Improving Government Capacity … the country’s provinces.64  

      Decentralized governance assistance is key to gaining local knowledge to end AQAP
      Green 11
      (Daniel, Soref Fellow at the Washington Institute, "The al-Qaeda Crescent in Yemen," The Washington Institute, June 22,, accessed on 9/26/11)

      Much like AQAP, … the United States.  

      The plan is key – it shores up US credibility and increases co-operative networks to fight AQAP
      Green 11
      (Daniel, Soref Fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, "The American Moment in Yemen," Fikra Forum, April 18, 

      It is becoming increasingly … them more representative.   

      Plan: The United States federal government should substantially increase its support for the capacity and oversight of local government institutions in Yemen.

  • Queering Democracy

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Democracy legitimizes the state’s ability to construct individual’s identities by creating an acceptable norm through institutions of power and denying individuals that refuse to engage with those institutions. Even assumed “minorities” are recognized as legitimate through democracy, while queers are continually erased.
      Warner, 93
      (Michael, Fear of a Queer Planet, Google Reader, pg 171-14, CW, accessed on 8/17/11) 

      The modern liberal … legitimation in modernity. 

      The construction of identity that takes place in democracy has permeated this year into the debate community. The resolution asks us provide “democracy assistance” but this forces the debaters to actively construct identities and impose norms against queer bodies. Debaters refusing to perpetuate this normative thought are created as enemies to the community, just as deviants inside democracy are given the identity of the enemy while good debaters and individuals inside democracy are rewarded with citizen.  
      Meeks, 01
      (Chet, November, “Civil Society and the Sexual Politics of Difference,” Sociological Theory
      Volume 19, Issue 3, pages 325–343, accessed on 7/21/11, CW)  

      Whereas earlier theorists … Alexander's code to function.   

      You see Chas and I are the queers on our campus, in this community, and this round. We are the enemy that democracy constructs, the resolution acts as the invisible center for which heteronormativity is able to take charge and cause the normalization of the queers. This allows for the continued domination, marginalization, and eradication of individuals not seen as fit to be within its framework.
      Yep, Professor of Communication Studies at San Francisco State University, 2004. (Gust A., Ph.D. in Communication., Queer Theory and Communication: From Disciplining Queers to Queering the Discipline(s), pg. 18). Jt 

      In this passage, … class, gender, and sexuality. 

      Do not care about the future of the debate community – tying ourselves to resolution prevents the queers from being recognized. You must focus on the here and now in order to form resistance against heteronormativity
      Giffney, 06
      (Noreen, postdoctoral fellow in Women’s Studies, School of Social Justice at University College Dublin,“Queer Apocal(o)ptic/ism: The Death Drive And The Human”, published in Queering the Non-Human, p. 48-59) RKB

      What characterises queer …disturb one’ (Edelman 2004, 17). 

      Queering concepts of freedom allows us to disrupt heteronormativity by tracing back to the points where identities were constructed.
      Winnubst 06
      (Shannon philosophy PhD, Penn State UniversityShannon, Queering Freedom 2006. p 139 GoogleBooks, CW, accessed on 11/25/10)

      So, why queer … resist differently altogether  

      The 1AC is a coming out experience for the debate community. Through the queering of this year’s resolution we are able to suspend the anticipation of the future and open up a space that will allow for us to rupture the heteronormativity that is reproduced in this space, round after round and tournament after tournament. We will sever off the head of reason and lift the anxiety the queers brings to our community.
      Winnubst 06 (Shannon philosophy PhD, Penn State UniversityShannon, Queering Freedom 2006. p 139 GoogleBooks, CW, accessed on 11/25/10)

      If queer emerges … in late modernity. 

      This debate space is key – Your ballot does matter, too long have judges been complicit with perpetuating these hierarchies – We ask you to join us in our attempt to deconstruct the inherent harms in our community and to help us conceptualize a freer debate community – the framework for this round should be a contestation over the best methodology for disrupting heteronormativity  
      Yep, Professor of Communication Studies at San Francisco State University, 2004. (Gust A., Ph.D. in Communication., Queer Theory and Communication: From Disciplining Queers to Queering the Discipline(s), pg. 47-48). Jt 

      In other words… human sexual subject.   

      The Belief that our activisms must respond to the political conditions of our time through the leveraging of particular institutional appeals is precisely what nullifies our ethical potential.  No matter the force of its opposition, the connection of transformation with an appeal to our institutions, mediates our relationships in such a manner that ethical transformation outside this frame of mediation becomes impossible.
      Hershock, 1999 (Peter D., Project Fellow at the EastWest Center, Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Hawaii, "Changing the Way Society Changes: Transposing Social Activism into a Dramatic Key", Journal of Buddhist Ethics 6, p 158-150, cnb

      I have argued at some …. yet generic co-existence  

  • James Madison 1AC

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Contention One: The Status Quo


      USAID underfunded now – renewed commitment key

      Bodine 10

      (Barbara, Lecturer and Diplomat-in-Residence at Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, "Yemen: Primer and Prescriptions," Prism, National Defense University Press, June,, CW, accessed on 9/20/11)


      The 2010–2012 …seek to reinvent.  



      Assistance is key to effectiveness of local councils

      ARD 4

      ("Democracy and Governance Assessment of Yemen," Work Conducted Under Core Task Order No. 1 Under USAID Contract, February,, CW, accessed on 9/20/11)


      Such a system … basic needs of the people.



      Contention Two: Terrorism


      Drone strikes on AQAP are inevitable but will fail and produce blowback because of lack of local knowledge – supplementing counterterrorism with governance is key

      Gude and Sofer 11

      (Ken and Ken, Managing Director of the National Security and Internal Policy Program and Special Assistant, "Misfiring at Al Qaeda in Yemen," Center for American Progress, July 14,, CW, accessed on 9/20/11)


      The Wall Street …. serious problem worse. 



      AQAP is using governance to take over the Southern provinces – countering them is key to prevent an emirate state and terror attacks

      Zimmerman 11

      (Katherine, "Al Qaeda's Gains in South Yemen," American Enterprise Institute, July 8, Zi, CW, accessed on 9/20/11) 


      The collapse of ….emirate in south Yemen.



      Yemen failed state makes it a terrorist safe haven

      Knoetgen 11

       (Peter, "Chaos and Terrorism: How to Fight al-Qaeda in Yemen Amid Political Turmoil," Central European Journal of International and Security Studies," May 16,, CW, accessed on 9/20/11)


      Yet even when … with the fourth. 


      Defeating AQAP now while leadership is weak is key

      Terrill 11

      (Andrew, Research Professor in National Security Affairs, "The Conflicts in Yemen and US National Security," Defence Talk, February 15, Strategic Studies Institute,, CW, accessed on 9/20/11) 


      Additionally, Yemen’s government … an emerging insurgent movement.


      Two Scenarios:


      First, Safe Haven in Yemen allows AQAP to plot terrorist attacks – they will be successful

      Boucek 11

      (Christopher, Associate of the Middle East Program at Carnegie Endowment for International Peace,  "Alarming Reality in Yemen," Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, The Hill, March 9,, CW, accessed on 9/20/11) 


      Because of the … to travel abroad.  



      A nuclear strike by al Qaeda causes US-China-Russia war, environmental collapse, and extinction

      Morgan, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, 2009

      (Dennis, World on fire: two scenarios of the destruction of human civilization and possible extinction of the human race Futures, Volume 41, Issue 10, December, ldg)


      In a remarkable website … use of strategic weapons



      AQAP will gain the material to initiate a nuclear terrorist attack

      Williams 11

      (Sarah, Coordinator of the Fissile Materials Working Group and Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellow at the Center for Science, Technology and sEcurity Policy, "After bin Laden: Nuclear terrorism still a top threat," Bulletin of Atomic Scientists - Fissile MAterials Working Group, May 13,, CW, accessed on 9/20/11)


      More than a …potential source material.  


      Second, Yemen is the training ground for terrorism against Saudi Arabia – they will attack oil facilities

      Ulrichsen 11

      (Kristian, Kuwait Research Fellow in the Kuwait Programme for Development, Governance and Globalisation in the Gulf States Centre for the Study of Global Governance at the London SChool of Economics and Political SCience, "The Geopolitics of Insecurity in the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula," Middle East Policy Council,, CW, accessed on 9/27/11)


      The reconstitution of … the Arabian Peninsula.9 



      Attacks on Saudi oil facilities collapse the global economy

      Gartenstein-Ross 11

      (Daveed, Directs the Center for the Study of Terrorist Radicalization at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, "Osama's Oil Obsession," Foreign Policy, May 23,, CW, accessed on 9/27/11)


      Bin Laden long believed … didn't think about." 


      Global economic crisis causes war---strong statistical support

      Royal, director of Cooperative Threat Reduction at the U.S. Department of Defense, 2010

      (Jedediah, Economics of War and Peace: Economic, Legal, and Political Perspectives, pg 213-215, ldg)


      Less intuitive is … to those views. 


      Assistance is key – demonstrates commitment to society that fills the power vacuum

      BPC 11

      (Co-Chairs Ambassador Paula Dobriansky and Admiral (Ret.) Gregory Johnson, "A Stitch in Time: Stabilizing Fragile States," Bipartisan Policy Center, May,, CW, accessed on 9/26/11)


      1. Improving Government Capacity …. the country’s provinces.64 


      Decentralized governance assistance is key to gaining local knowledge to end AQAP

      Green 11

      (Daniel, Soref Fellow at the Washington Institute, "The al-Qaeda Crescent in Yemen," The Washington Institute, June 22,, accessed on 9/26/11)


      Much like AQAP, … on the United States. 



      The plan is key – it shores up US credibility and increases co-operative networks to fight AQAP

      Green 11

      (Daniel, Soref Fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, "The American Moment in Yemen," Fikra Forum, April 18,


      It is becoming … them more representative.   



      Text: The United States federal government should substantially increase its support for the capacity and oversight of local government institutions in Yemen.



      Contention Three: Navy


      India China conflict goes nuclear and draws in the west

      Kahn 9

      (Jeremy, "Why India Fears China," The Daily Beast, October 9,, CW, accessed on 9/27/11)


      The implications for …separate the two sides.


      Pre-eminence prevents the escalation of all conflicts – withdrawal makes their outbreak more likely Kagan, senior associate at Carnegie, 2007

      (Robert, “End of Dreams, Return of History” Policy Review,, ldg)


      This is a good …. to extend American



      Independently, Naval power solves global WMD conflicts

      Peele ’97

      (Reynolds B., Lieutenant, USMC, The Importance of Maritime Chokepoints, Parameters, Summer)


      There are presently …interests can be protected.    


      Only the US Navy can stabilize naval competition between India and China

      Kaplan 9

      (Robert, National Correspondant for the Atlantic and Senior Fellow at the Center for a New American Security, "Center Stage for the 21st Century: Power Plays in the Indian Ocean," Foreign Affairs, March/Apirl,, CW, accessed on 9/27/11)


      Yet this is … a  maritime perspective. 



      Counter-terrorism co-operation in Yemen gives the US control over the Indian ocean

      Bhadrakumar 10

      (M.K., Career Diplomat in the Indian Foreign Service with Experience in the Soviet Union, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Germany, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Kuwait and Turkey, "Controlling Yemen Is Just Part of Obama's Power Game With China, Asia Times, January 11,, CW, accessed on 9/27/11)


      Is Obama so …serves many purposes.


      Counter-terrorism cooperation is key to securing a naval base on the Island of Socotra – ensures global naval power projection

      Chussudovsky 10

      (Michael, Professor of Economics at the University of Ottowa and Director of the Centrefor Research on Globalization, "Yemen and the Militarization of Strategic Waterways: Securing US Control over Socotra Island and the Gulf of Aden," Centre for Global Research, February 7,, CW, accessed on 9/27/11)


      The Yemeni archipelago … will be decided in these waters."  



      Assistance is key – it’s a bargaining chip for co-operation

      Washington Post 11

      ("Yemen's future after Saleh worries US officials," June 5,, CW, accessed on 9/27/11)


      While Saudi Arabia… something about AQAP.”



      Counterterrorism co-operation creates dependence – results in basing

      Ommani 10

      (Ardeshir, Political Economist and President of the American Iranian Fellowship, "Imperialism's Role in Yemen," Mathaba, June 10,, CW, accessed on 9/27/11) 


      This presentation consists …. more than 1100 miles.  

  • Harvard 1AC

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Harvard 1AC

      Contention One: The Status Quo


      USAID underfunded now – renewed commitment key

      Bodine 10

      (Barbara, Lecturer and Diplomat-in-Residence at Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, "Yemen: Primer and Prescriptions," Prism, National Defense University Press, June,, CW, accessed on 9/20/11)


      The 2010–2012 …seek to reinvent.  

      Assistance is key to effectiveness of local councils

      ARD 4

      ("Democracy and Governance Assessment of Yemen," Work Conducted Under Core Task Order No. 1 Under USAID Contract, February,, CW, accessed on 9/20/11)


      Such a system was … needs of the people.   


      Plan: The United States federal government should substantially increase its support for the capacity and oversight of local government institutions in Yemen.


      Contention Two: Terrorism


      Drone strikes on AQAP are inevitable but will fail and produce blowback because of lack of local knowledge – supplementing counterterrorism with governance is key

      Gude and Sofer 11

      (Ken and Ken, Managing Director of the National Security and Internal Policy Program and Special Assistant, "Misfiring at Al Qaeda in Yemen," Center for American Progress, July 14,, CW, accessed on 9/20/11)


      The Wall Street Journal … serious problem worse. 


      AQAP is using governance to take over the Southern provinces – countering them is key to prevent an emirate state and terror attacks

      Zimmerman 11

      (Katherine, "Al Qaeda's Gains in South Yemen," American Enterprise Institute, July 8, Zi, CW, accessed on 9/20/11) 


      The collapse of …emirate in south Yemen.


      Yemen failed state makes it a terrorist safe haven

      Knoetgen 11

       (Peter, "Chaos and Terrorism: How to Fight al-Qaeda in Yemen Amid Political Turmoil," Central European Journal of International and Security Studies," May 16,, CW, accessed on 9/20/11)


      Yet even when … with the fourth.   


      AQAP is strong and planning attacks

      Ackerman 9/30

      (Spencer Ackerman, “Qaida’s YouTube Preacher Is Killed In Yemen”, September 30, 2011,, CW, accessed on 10/27/11)


      An American citizen… US are expected.”


      Awlaki’s death just means AQAP will strike sooner and harder

      Kohlmann 9/30

      (Evan, independent U.S. terrorism consultant “Analysts view: Spotlight on Awlaki killing,”, CW, accessed on 10/27/11)


      EVAN KOHLMANN, INDEPENDENT …its military capabilities."


      Defeating AQAP now while leadership is weak is key

      Terrill 11

      (Andrew, Research Professor in National Security Affairs, "The Conflicts in Yemen and US National Security," Defence Talk, February 15, Strategic Studies Institute,, CW, accessed on 9/20/11) 


      Additionally, Yemen’s …emerging insurgent movement  


      Even if they don’t have the weapons, it’s perceived as a nuclear attack

      Kimery 11

      (Anthony, Homeland Security Today's senior reporter and online editor W. Scott Malone, multiple Emmy and Peabody award-winning investigative journalist and former senior editor of He runs the website's counterterrorism newsletter spin-off, “BlackNET Intelligence Channel,” 05/12, “Al Qaeda Could Try to Replicate Fukushima-type Meltdowns,”, CW, accessed on 10/27/11)


      "I consider Al Qaeda, … intense,” Lopez said.  


      Two Scenarios:


      First, safe Haven in Yemen allows AQAP to plot terrorist attacks – they will be successful

      Boucek 11

      (Christopher, Associate of the Middle East Program at Carnegie Endowment for International Peace,  "Alarming Reality in Yemen," Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, The Hill, March 9,, CW, accessed on 9/20/11) 


      Because of the government’s …needing to travel abroad.  


      3 internal links to extinction – attack happens before the election, against Israel, and India

      Malone 11

      (David, Nonprofit Defense-Consulting Organizer, "Future Attacks on America? Al Qaeda’s Next October Surprise," BlPlan,


      Al Qaeda's 2008 surge … and time-scaled terrorism.  


      A nuclear strike by al Qaeda causes US-China-Russia war, environmental collapse, and extinction

      Morgan, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, 2009

      (Dennis, World on fire: two scenarios of the destruction of human civilization and possible extinction of the human race Futures, Volume 41, Issue 10, December, ldg)


      In a remarkable website …of strategic weapons  


      Second, Yemen is the training ground for terrorism against Saudi Arabia – they will attack oil facilities

      Ulrichsen 11

      (Kristian, Kuwait Research Fellow in the Kuwait Programme for Development, Governance and Globalisation in the Gulf States Centre for the Study of Global Governance at the London SChool of Economics and Political SCience, "The Geopolitics of Insecurity in the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula," Middle East Policy Council,, CW, accessed on 9/27/11)


      The reconstitution of AQAP …the Arabian Peninsula.9 


      Attacks on Saudi oil facilities collapse the global economy

      Gartenstein-Ross 11

      (Daveed, Directs the Center for the Study of Terrorist Radicalization at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, "Osama's Oil Obsession," Foreign Policy, May 23,, CW, accessed on 9/27/11)


      Bin Laden long believed … didn't think about."   


      Global economic crisis causes war---strong statistical support

      Royal, director of Cooperative Threat Reduction at the U.S. Department of Defense, 2010

      (Jedediah, Economics of War and Peace: Economic, Legal, and Political Perspectives, pg 213-215, ldg)


      Less intuitive is how … ancillary to those views.



      Decentralized governance assistance is key to gaining local knowledge to end AQAP

      Green 11

      (Daniel, Soref Fellow at the Washington Institute, "The al-Qaeda Crescent in Yemen," The Washington Institute, June 22,, accessed on 9/26/11)


      Much like AQAP, … the United States. 

      The plan is key – it shores up US credibility and increases co-operative networks to fight AQAP

      Green 11

      (Daniel, Soref Fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, "The American Moment in Yemen," Fikra Forum, April 18,


      It is becoming increasingly … them more representative.    



      Contention Three: Naval Base


      Pre-eminence prevents the escalation of all conflicts – withdrawal makes their outbreak more likely Kagan, senior associate at Carnegie, 2007

      (Robert, “End of Dreams, Return of History” Policy Review,, ldg)


      This is a good thing, … to extend American


      Heg key to sustain alliances-provides assurance.

      Kagan, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2000

      (Robert, “Present Dangers: Crisis and Opportunity in American Foreign and Defense Policy”, pg 15-16,


      The United States …would appear at our doorstep.


      Alliances are vital to solving every major problem

      Biden, vice president and former chair of the foreign relations committee, 2003

      (Joe, “Remarks by Sen. Joseph Biden at the Release of "Progressive Internationalism", 10-30,, ldg)


      Simply put, this .. of no value.

      Independently, naval power solves global WMD conflicts

      Peele ’97

      (Reynolds B., Lieutenant, USMC, The Importance of Maritime Chokepoints, Parameters, Summer)


      There are presently six … can be protected.    


      Counter-terrorism cooperation is key to securing a naval base on the Island of Socotra – ensures global naval power projection

      Chussudovsky 10

      (Michael, Professor of Economics at the University of Ottowa and Director of the Centrefor Research on Globalization, "Yemen and the Militarization of Strategic Waterways: Securing US Control over Socotra Island and the Gulf of Aden," Centre for Global Research, February 7,, CW, accessed on 9/27/11)


      The Yemeni archipelago … in these waters."   


      Assistance is key – it’s a bargaining chip for co-operation

      Washington Post 11

      ("Yemen's future after Saleh worries US officials," June 5,, CW, accessed on 9/27/11)


      While Saudi Arabia, with … something about AQAP.”

      Counterterrorism co-operation creates dependence – results in basing

      Ommani 10

      (Ardeshir, Political Economist and President of the American Iranian Fellowship, "Imperialism's Role in Yemen," Mathaba, June 10,, CW, accessed on 9/27/11) 


      This presentation consists … more than 1100 miles. 





















  • Round Reports

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Aff: Liberty TW
      Round 6
      Neg: Miami FL
      Aaron Hardy

      Plan Text: yemen aff - wiki

      1AC Advantages:
      Advantage 1 - Terrorism
      -Samson option, US/Russia/Israel
      -Saudi, Oil Strike

      Advantage 2 - Navy

      2AC Offense:
      Link turn Saudi Disad, Straight Turn
      Politics Link turn

      1AR Strategy:
      Straight turn on saudi arabia
      perm and international fiat on cp

      Perm do both and international fiat

      Aff: Liberty TW

      Round #2   Tournament: Wake

      vs: Eastern Washington CO

      Judge: Judd Kimball



      Plan Text


      The USFG should substantially increase support oversight of local government institutions in Yemen.


      1ac Advantages


      Terrorism (Econ, Russia-China War, Environment)

      Navy (Heg, China, Terrorism)


      2ac Offense


      Truth Good


      1ar Strategy


      Perm, DAs to Alt


      2ar Strategy


      Same as 1AR



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Air Force Amherst Appalachian State Arizona State Army Augustana Bard Baylor Binghamton Bishops Castle Boston College CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CUNY Cal Berkeley Cal Lutheran Cal Poly SLO Capital Case Western Central Florida Central Oklahoma Chico Clarion Columbia Concordia Cornell Dartmouth Denver Drexel-Swarthmore ENMU East Los Angeles College Eastern Washington Emory Emporia Fayetteville State Florida Florida Int'l Florida State Fordham Fort Hays Fresno State Fullerton Gainesville State George Mason George Washington Georgetown Georgia Georgia State Gonzaga Harvard Houston Idaho State Illinois Illinois State Indiana Iowa James Madison John Carroll Johns Hopkins Johnson County CC KCKCC Kansas Kansas State Kentucky Lafayette Liberty Los Rios Louisiana-Lafayette Louisville Loyola Macalester Marist Mary Washington Mercer Methodist Miami FL Miami OH Michigan Michigan State Minnesota Mission Missouri State NYU Navy New School North Texas Northern Iowa Northwestern Notre Dame Ohio Wesleyan Oklahoma Oregon Pepperdine Piedmont Pittsburgh Portland State Princeton Puget Sound Redlands Richmond Rochester Rutgers Samford San Diego State San Francisco State Santa Clara South Florida St Pete Southern Methodist Southwestern Stanford Texas State Texas-Austin Texas-Dallas Texas-San Antonio Texas-Tyler Towson Trinity UCLA UDC-CC UMKC UNLV USC Utah Vanderbilt Vermont Virginia Tech Wake Forest Wayne State Weber West Georgia West Virginia Western Connecticut Whitman Wichita State Wisconsin Oshkosh Wyoming

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