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| 11/11/11 |
Tradeoff DA-Pakistan
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Counterplan: The United States federal government should maintain current levels of aid to Pakistan without adding any new conditions. A. Effective USAID key to Pakistan stability Mahmood, development economist and freelance writer, 9-27 (Hina, "Aid can make a difference," Dawn, www.dawn.com/2011/09/27/aid-can-make-a-difference.html, accessed 10-25-11, mss) Rajiv Shah, administrator for USAID....for both Pakistanis and Americans. B. Foreign aid funding is zero-sum- plan forces a tradeoff Sessions, Center for Global Development program coordinator, 6 (Myra, "The PMI Turns One – How Will We Measure Success?," Center for Global Development, blogs.cgdev.org/globalhealth/2006/07/the-pmi-turns-one-how-will-we.php, accessed 8-31-11, mss) Thanks for the comment and question....and opportunities of the initiatives. AND- New cuts gut USAID Worthington, InterAction CEO and president, 11 (Samuel, InterAction is the largest alliance of U.S.-based international nongovernmental organizations, "US must learn from Britain and not cut foreign aid," The Guardian, 8-1-11, www.guardian.co.uk/global-development/poverty-matters/2011/aug/01/us-foreign-aid-cuts, accessed 8-27-11, mss) Current budget battles in Washington…populations make no sense to us either. C. Pakistan collapse causes global nuclear war Rosenbaum, Slate columnist, 11 (Ron, How the End Begins: The Road to a Nuclear World War III, March 2011, google books, pg16-19, accessed 10-25-11, mss) Pakistan has long been a regional…flashpoint we face. Unless you count
| 01/21/12 |
Tradeoff DA-Latin America
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A. Latin America is USAID’s priority now- BUT new programs tradeoff Shah and Menendez, USAID administrator and US Senator (D-NJ), 11 (Rajiv, USAID administrator, and Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ), "International Development Policy Priorities in the FY2012 Budget," Federal News Service, 4-13-2011, l/n, accessed 8-31-11, mss) So explain to me in our own front … go to. And that is not acceptable. That is not acceptable. B. USAID cuts in Latin America devastate the ABCI- key to protect the Amazon Patlis, WWF US Government relations managing director, 7 (Jason, World Wildlife Fund, CQ Congressional Testimony, " Fiscal 2008 Appropriations: State, Foreign Operations & Other Programs," 3-29-7, l/n, accessed 9-8-11, mss) Amazon Basin Conservation Initiative … in the Amazon watershed. C. Extinction Sohn, staff writer, 99 (Pam, "Eight Days in Brazil," Chatanooga Times Free Press (Tennessee), 4-11-1999, l/n, accessed 9-10-11, mss) Inside Brazil's rainforest, the Amazon is a …Amazon is life on a grand scale.
| 01/21/12 |
Tradeoff DA-Disease
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A. Effective USAID programs key to prevent pandemic disease Batson, USAID Global Health deputy assistant administrator, 11 (Amie, Congressional Testimony, Targeted News Service, 5-31-11, l/n, accessed 11-8-11, mss) The success of the global health effort AND to prevent post-partum hemorrhage must be delivered to the people who need them most. B. Foreign aid funding is zero-sum- plan forces a tradeoff Sessions, Center for Global Development program coordinator, 6 (Myra, "The PMI Turns One – How Will We Measure Success?," Center for Global Development, blogs.cgdev.org/globalhealth/2006/07/the-pmi-turns-one-how-will-we.php, accessed 8-31-11, mss) Thanks for the comment and question, Michael. I have AND conversation about the successes and opportunities of the initiatives. AND- New cuts gut USAID Worthington, InterAction CEO and president, 11 (Samuel, InterAction is the largest alliance of U.S.-based international nongovernmental organizations, "US must learn from Britain and not cut foreign aid," The Guardian, 8-1-11, www.guardian.co.uk/global-development/poverty-matters/2011/aug/01/us-foreign-aid-cuts, accessed 8-27-11, mss) Current budget battles in Washington AND of proposed cuts. Spending cuts that have the unintended effect of targeting the world's poorest populations make no sense to us either. C. Extinction Keating, Foreign Policy web editor, 9 (Joshua, “The End of the World”, 11-13-09, http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2009/11/13/the_end_of_the_world?page=full, ldg) How it could happen: Throughout history, AND weapons experimentation has added a new and just as troubling complication.
| 01/21/12 |
Tradeoff DA-FTF
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USAID will avoid cuts now but it’s an easy target- new cuts would devastate USAID and US leadership Worthington, InterAction CEO and president, 8-1-11 (Samuel, InterAction is the largest alliance of U.S.-based international nongovernmental organizations, "US must learn from Britain and not cut foreign aid," The Guardian, 8-1-11, www.guardian.co.uk/global-development/poverty-matters/2011/aug/01/us-foreign-aid-cuts, accessed 8-27-11, mss) Current budget battles in AND populations make no sense to us either. Foreign aid funding is zero-sum- plan forces a tradeoff Sessions, Center for Global Development program coordinator, 6 (Myra, "The PMI Turns One – How Will We Measure Success?," Center for Global Development, blogs.cgdev.org/globalhealth/2006/07/the-pmi-turns-one-how-will-we.php, accessed 8-31-11, mss) Thanks for the comment and question, Michael. AND that reality should be a part of the conversation about the successes and opportunities of the initiatives. Congress will target USAID’s reform agenda- eliminates programs like Feed the Future Provost, Guardian Unlimited staff, 11 (Claire, "US foreign aid takes immediate cuts, and further battles loom," Guardian Unlimited, 4-14-11, l/n, accessed 8-30-11, mss) Paul O'Brien, vice-president of policy and campaigns for AND on investment it is for the American taxpayer in 2012," said the USGLC's Richard Parker. Feed the Future is key to ag tech and food security- focuses research and fills gaps Garvelink, US diplomat, 10 (William, Office of the Coordinator for the Global Hunger and Food Security Initiative deputy coordinator for development, former US Ambassador to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, member of the Senior Foreign Service with a rank of minister-counselor, former House Subcommittee of International Organizations staff member, received six Performance Awards, two Meritorious Honor Awards, a Superior Honor Award, and a Senior Foreign Service Presidential Meritorious Service Award over his service with the U.S. Department of State, former Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance deputy director, "Oversight of the Feed the Future Initiative," Federal News Service, 7-20-10, l/n, accessed 8-31-11, mss) We know that assistance, while essential, cannot AND developing world as we move forward with this exciting initiative. Ag tech key to prevent extinction Trewavas, University of Edinburgh Institute of Cell and Molecular Biology plant biologist, 0 (Anthony, "GM is the Best Option We Have," 6-5-2000, http://www.agbioworld.org/biotech-info/articles/biotech-art/best_option.html, accessed 8-31-11, mss) In 535A.D. a volcano near the present ANDbuffer between us and annihilation.
| 01/21/12 |
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The counterplan solves and is critical to EU credibility Ash et al, University of Oxford European Studies professor, 11 [Timothy Garton; Emma Bonino, Italian Senate vice president; Mark Leonard, European Council on Foreign Relations director; Ana Palacio, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Spain; Daniel Sachs, CEO of Proventus AB; and all of the above serve on the World Economic Forum's Global Agenda Council on Europe and Central Asia, "Europe Must Rise to the Challenges Presented by the Arab Spring," 6-3-2011, www.huffingtonpost.com/emma-bonino/post_2032_b_870924.html, accessed 6-17-11, mss] Europe's response to the Arab AND leaders fail to rise to the events. Strong EU is key to solve extinction Bruton, former prime minister of Ireland, 2 [John, former ambassador of the EU to the US, European Commission Delegation ambassador, "The Future of the European Union," The Irish Times, 1-31-2002,, accessed 6-23-11, mss] As the Laeken Declaration put it, "AND that will otherwise overwhelm us.
| 01/21/12 |
EU CP-Immigration NB
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The counterplan is key to shore up European identity- solves the immigration crisis and EU terrorism Meijenfeldt, Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy executive director, 7 [Roel von Meijenfeldt, former International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) program director, “Democracy, a core value in Europe’s foreign and security policy?” in Democracy: Europe’s Core Value?, ed. by Marieke van Doorn and Roel von Meijenfeldt, 2007, 77-8, mss] The role of democracy support in the…answer in the dialogue with others. EU terrorism spurs Pakistan strikes and geopolitical meltdown Karon, Time senior editor, 10 [Tony, "Why a Terrorist Strike on Europe Risks Geopolitical Meltdown," Time, www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2023847,00.html, accessed 7-5-11, mss] Why a Terrorist Strike on Europe...Pakistan would force a similar response. Escalates to US-China nuclear war Tarpley, Ph.D. in history from Catholic University of America, 11 [Webster, "Chinese Ultimatum Warns Washington Against Attack," 5-21-11, tarpley.net/2011/05/21/us-pakistan-near-open-war-chinese-ultimatum-warns-washington-against-attack/, accessed 7-26-11, mss] China has officially put the United….and retired Pakistani general, told AFP.2
| 01/21/12 |
Bahrain Pressure CP
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The United States federal government should threaten to suspend Bahrain’s designation as a Major Non-Nato Ally, including accompanying assistance, and threaten to rebase the Navy’s Fifth Fleet unless the Bahraini government meets benchmarks of human rights and democratization consistent with a constitutional monarchy, including but not limited to the release of political prisoners who have not committed recognizable criminal defenses and engaging in a national dialogue with opposition groups. Positive support fails-pressure is key-US has leverage. ICG 2011 (“Popular Protest In North Africa And The Middle East (Viii): Bahrain’s Rocky Road To Reform”, 7-28,http://www.crisisgroup.org//media/Files/Middle%20East%20North%20Africa/Iran%20Gulf/Bahrain/111%20Popular%20Protest%20in%20North%20Africa%20and%20the%20Middle%20East%20VII%20%20Bahrains%20Rocky%20Road%20to%20Reform.pdf>>http://www.crisisgroup.org//media/Files/Middle%20East%20North%20Africa/Iran%20Gulf/Bahrain/111%20Popular%20Protest%20in%20North%20Africa%20and%20the%20Middle%20East%20VII%20%20Bahrains%20Rocky%20Road%20to%20Reform.pdf, DOA: 9-25-11, ldg) That said, the U.S. subsequently AND options for basing the Fifth Fleet. And, avoids politics and solves perception and cred advantages Dietz, Mideaster freelance journalist, 2011 (David, "Should the US Reconsider its Relationship with Bahrain?" 4-21, http://themideaster.com/2011/04/21/should-the-us-reconsider-its-relationship-with-bahrain/>>http://themideaster.com/2011/04/21/should-the-us-reconsider-its-relationship-with-bahrain/, DOA: 9-25-11, ldg) Nevertheless America must exert pressure AND even if it is not always convenient.
| 01/21/12 |
Saudi DA
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US backing off on Bahraini democracy now—plan alters that—tanks relations Leigh, Time writer, 2011 (Karen, “The U.S. and Bahrain: How to Talk Just Tough Enough with an Ally”, 6-8, http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2076559,00.html>>http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2076559,00.html, DOA: 9-23-11, ldg) Coming after Obama lashed out at AND — as long as promises of talks are kept, and tear gas stops raining down on Manama. Relations decline over the Arab Spring will drive the Saudis to proliferate Guzansky, Institute for National Security Studies, 2011 (Yoel, “Tehran tests Saudis' nerve on nuclear weapons”, 7-1, http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/world/tehran-tests-saudis-nerve-on-nuclear-weapons/story-e6frg6ux-1226085108555>>http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/world/tehran-tests-saudis-nerve-on-nuclear-weapons/story-e6frg6ux-1226085108555, DOA: 9-23-11, ldg) UNTIL recently it appeared that US AND fact that it is in fact exempt from intrusive International Atomic Energy Agency monitoring. Saudi Nukes causes Indo Pak war. Roberts, Royal Society of literature fellow, 2011 (Andrew, “Iran's Nuclear Domino Effect”, 1-2, http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2011/01/02/irans-nuclear-weapons-could-lead-to-a-saudi-and-pakistan-alliance.html>>http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2011/01/02/irans-nuclear-weapons-could-lead-to-a-saudi-and-pakistan-alliance.html, DOA: 9-24-11, ldg) The Saudis have already indicated privately—AND significantly more dangerous. Extinction Madrigal, Energy Science Tech and Journalist, 4-7-2008 (Alexis, Wired, “Regional Nuclear War Would Cause Worldwide Destruction,” http://blog.wired.com/wiredscience/2008/04/regional-nuclea.html>>http://blog.wired.com/wiredscience/2008/04/regional-nuclea.html)jap Imagine that the long-simmering conflict between India AND on the global environment (.pdf) — cooling it twice as much as it’s heated over the last century — and on the structure of the atmosphere itself.
| 01/21/12 |
Private Aid CP
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Counterplan: The United States federal government should extend a tax credit of 39 cents for every dollar invested by business, non-governmental organizations, and individuals that provide for technical support for transparent democratic governance in Libya. Tax credits solve foreign aid and avoid corruption, bureaucracy, and spending taxpayer dollars Muzinich and Werker, Harvard Business School professor, 7 (Justin, works for hedge fund in Connecticut, and Eric, Ph.D. in economics from Harvard, Harvard Business School assistant professor, his research explores the economics of development and foreign aid, economic advisor to the President of Liberia, worked with the US Government’s Millennium Challenge Corporation on foreign aid projects and with the NGO Conservation International, serves on the Advisory Group of the Center for Global Development, and is a Fellow at Harvard Kennedy School's Center for International Development, "A Global Tax Credit," NY Times, 10-20-2007, www.nytimes.com/2007/10/20/opinion/20werker.html, accessed 10-17-11, mss) BARACK OBAMA has proposed that the AND of globalization to poor countries.
| 01/21/12 |
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Counterplan: The United States federal government should expand the National Guard State Partnership Program to (country) for the purposes of (plan). Expanding the SPP to include the plan solves, expands citizen relationships, and doesn’t link to politics Owens, Colorado governor, 2 (Bill, governor of Colorado and vice chair of the Republican Governors Association, he has led delegations to Europe, Latin America, and Asia, including ten trips to Russia; and Troy A. Eid, serves on the governor’s cabinet as the secretary of personnel and administration for Colorado, "Strategic Democracy Building: How U.S. States Can Help," Washington Quarterly, 25:4, Autumn 2002, ebsco, accessed 8-18-11, mss) As the SPP begins its second decade and AND to ensure that these and other efforts directly meet U.S. foreign policy objectives.
| 01/21/12 |
Speciesism K
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Focusing on liberation requires re-affirmation of animality to justify the liberation of those the affirmative targets which re-entrenches speciesism. Kim, UC Irvine political science professor, 2009 (Claire, “Slaying the Beast: Reflections on Race, Culture, and Species”, http://aapf.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/kalfou.pdf, ldg) Dyson gives a perfunctory nod…discourse, our experience, and our actions There is an institutional bias in favor of speciesism-the AFF’s failure to directly challenge it allows hegemonic discourses to constrain the parameters of discussion and political activity which allows specieisism to continue. Jackman, UC Davis sociology professor, 1994 (Mary, The Velvet Glove: Paternalism and Conflict in Gender, Class, and Race Relations, pg 64-68, ldg) The institutionalization of expropriative arrangements…clumsy basis for durable social control. Speciesism makes possible “systematic beastilization” which justifies non-criminal putting to death of the other—root cause of all oppression Rossini, postdoctoral Fellow ASCA, 2006 (Manuela, “To the Dogs: Companion speciesism and the new feminist materialism”, text and image Volume 3, September, http://intertheory.org/rossini, ldg) What is equally sobering, however…and disproportionate effects on animals.[26] The alternative is to embrace the standpoint of the animal—this overcomes the humanist bias of the affirmative scholarship, connects the experiences of human and non-human animals and allows for total liberation by providing understanding of all oppression Best, UT El Paso philosophy professor, 2009 (Steven, “The Rise of Critical Animal Studies: Putting Theory into Action and Animal Liberation into Higher Education “, Journal for Critical Animal Studies, Volume VII, Issue 1, 2009, http://www.criticalanimalstudies.org/JCAS/Journal_Articles_download/issue_9/JCAS%20VII%20Issue%201%20MAY%20ISSUE%20The%20Rise%20of%20Critical%20Animal%20Studies%20pgs%209-52.pdf, ldg) Postmodern critiques have been hugely…justice, and ecological healing and balance.
| 01/21/12 |
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| 01/21/12 |
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| 01/21/12 |