Liberty » LibertyGW-Neg


Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 15:18
  • Round Reports

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • <h5 id="HNeg:LibertyGW"><span><span class="Underline">Neg: Liberty GW</span></span></h5><h5 id="HRound237Tournament:Wake"><span><span class="Underline">Round #7 &nbsp;Tournament: Wake</span></span></h5><h5 id="HVsTeam:MichiganAL"><span><span class="Underline">Vs Team: Michigan AL</span></span></h5><h5 id="HJudge:CamNorris"><span><span class="Underline">Judge: Cam Norris</span></span></h5><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><h6 id="HOffCaseArgs:"><span><span class="Underline">Off Case Args:</span></span></h6><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline">Unemployment Ptx DA</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline">T – DA = material</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline">Saudi Arabia Relations DA</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline">Pressure CP</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline">Courts CP</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><h6 id="HCaseArgs:"><span><span class="Underline">Case Args:</span></span></h6><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline">Say No</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline">Defense</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><h6 id="HBlockStrategy:"><span><span class="Underline">Block Strategy:</span></span></h6><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline">T, politics, case</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><h6 id="H2nrStrategy:"><span><span class="Underline">2nr Strategy:</span></span></h6><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline">Politics, case</span></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><h5 id="HNeg:LibertyGW-1"><span><span class="Underline">Neg: Liberty GW</span></span></h5><h5 id="HRound236Tournament:Shirley"><span><span class="Underline">Round #6 &nbsp;Tournament: Shirley</span></span></h5><h5 id="HVsTeam:TowsonRW"><span><span class="Underline">Vs Team: Towson RW</span></span></h5><h5 id="HJudge:NickMiller"><span><span class="Underline">Judge: Nick Miller</span></span></h5><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><h6 id="HOffCaseArgs:-1"><span><span class="Underline">Off Case Args:</span></span></h6><p class="MsoNormal">Framework</p><p class="MsoNormal">Specieism K</p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><h6 id="HCaseArgs:-1"><span><span class="Underline">Case Args:</span></span></h6><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline">Macro politics &gt; Micro</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><h6 id="HBlockStrategy:-1"><span><span class="Underline">Block Strategy:</span></span></h6><p class="MsoNormal">2NC: FW + case</p><p class="MsoNormal">1NR: K</p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><h6 id="H2nrStrategy:-1"><span><span class="Underline">2nr Strategy:</span></span></h6><p class="MsoNormal">K</p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><p></p><h5 id="HNeg:LibertyGW-2"><span><span class="Underline">Neg: Liberty GW</span></span></h5><h5 id="HRound233Tournament:Shirley"><span><span class="Underline">Round #3 &nbsp;Tournament: Shirley</span></span></h5><h5 id="HVsTeam:EmporiaWW"><span><span class="Underline">Vs Team: Emporia WW</span></span></h5><h5 id="HJudge:Ermo"><span><span class="Underline">Judge: Ermo</span></span></h5><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><h6 id="HOffCaseArgs:-2"><span><span class="Underline">Off Case Args:</span></span></h6><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline">Topicality-Increase Dem Assistance to 1/6 countries</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline">Specieism K</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><h6 id="HCaseArgs:-2"><span><span class="Underline">Case Args:</span></span></h6><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline">Role of the Ballot is arbitrary</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline">Aff Fails and cedes the Politicl</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><h6 id="HBlockStrategy:-2"><span><span class="Underline">Block Strategy:</span></span></h6><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">2NC = T, Case</p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline">1NR = Specieism</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline">Speices don’t qualify as citizens, means they’re excluded from our polity</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline">Root Cause-Turns case</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline">Debate space key</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><h6 id="H2nrStrategy:-2"><span><span class="Underline">2nr Strategy:</span></span></h6><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">Speciesm</p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><p></p><h2 id="HNeg:LibertyGW-3"><span><span class="Underline">Neg: Liberty GW</span></span></h2><h2 id="HRound236Tournament:Harvard"><span><span class="Underline">Round #6 &nbsp;Tournament: Harvard</span></span></h2><h2 id="HVsTeam:WakeLQ"><span><span class="Underline">Vs Team: Wake LQ</span></span></h2><h2 id="HJudge:AceGaren"><span><span class="Underline">Judge: Ace Garen</span></span></h2><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><h3 id="HOffCaseArgs:-3"><span><span class="Underline">Off Case Args:</span></span></h3><p class="MsoNormal">USAID Pakistan trade off disad</p><p class="MsoNormal">USAID Uniqueness CP to not cut funding</p><p class="MsoNormal">International human rights terror cp</p><p class="MsoNormal">SPP Counterplan</p><p class="MsoNormal">Saudi Arabia</p><p class="MsoNormal">Payroll politics</p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><h3 id="HCaseArgs:-3"><span><span class="Underline">Case Args:</span></span></h3><p class="MsoNormal">Heg bad</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><h3 id="HBlockStrategy:-3"><span><span class="Underline">Block Strategy:</span></span></h3><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline">Pakistan trade off disad</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline">USAID Uniqueness CP</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline">Human rights CP</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline">SPP counterplan</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><h3 id="H2nrStrategy:-3"><span><span class="Underline">2nr Strategy:</span></span></h3><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline">Pakistan trade off disad</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline">USAID Uniqueness CP</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline">Human rights CP</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline">SPP counterplan</span></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>GSU Round 1 1NC v Mich CH</p><p>T Democracy Assistance</p><p>Democracy K</p><p>KORUS&nbsp;</p><p>EU CP</p><p></p><p>Block:</p><p>T, K, case</p><p></p><p>2NR:</p><p>K</p><p></p><p></p><p>GSU Round 3 1NC v Mo st FR</p><p>T</p><p>Korus</p><p>EU CP</p><p>LA Tradeoff DA</p><p>Dedev on case</p><p></p><p>Block:</p><p>Tradeoff, Dedev</p><p></p><p>2NR:</p><p>Dedev</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>GSU Round 5 1NC v Kans PW</p><p>T</p><p>Politics</p><p>Assistance Spec</p><p>Tradeoff</p><p>EU</p><p>Democracy K</p><p></p><p>Block:</p><p>Tradeoff, case, politics</p><p></p><p>2NR:</p><p>Tradeoff, case</p><div><p>Kentucky Round 2</p><p></p><p>1NC:</p><p>Pressure CP</p><p>Saudi DA</p><p>KORUS</p><p>EU CP</p><p>T-has to be material transfer</p><p></p><p>2NC:</p><p>T</p><p>Pressure CP</p><p>Case</p><p>1NR:</p><p>KORUS</p><p>2NR:</p><p>KORUS</p><p>Case</p><p></p><p>Kentucky-Round 3</p><p>Terror CP</p><p>EU CP</p><p>Saudi DA</p><p>LA Tradeoff DA</p><p>KORUS</p><p></p><p>2NC</p><p>Terror CP</p><p>Case</p><p>1NR</p><p>LA Tradeoff</p><p></p><p>2NR:</p><p>LA Tradeoff</p><p>Terror CP</p><p>Case</p><p></p><p>Kentucky Round 5</p><p>Courts CP</p><p>T-no security assistance</p><p>Terror CP</p><p>Feed the Future Tradeoff</p><p>KORUS</p><p></p><p>2NC</p><p>Terror CP</p><p>Case</p><p>1NR&nbsp;</p><p>Feed the Future Tradeoff</p><p></p><p>2NR</p><p>Tradeoff</p><p>Terror CP</p><p>Case</p><p></p><p>Kentucky-Round 8</p><p>Pressure CP</p><p>EU CP-Immigration NB</p><p>Saudi DA</p><p>T-material transfer</p><p>KORUS</p><p></p><p>2NC</p><p>EU CP-Immigration NB</p><p>Case</p><p>1NR</p><p>Saudi DA</p><p></p><p>2NR:</p><p>EU-Immigration NB</p><p></p><p>Kentucky-Doubles</p><p>LA tradeoff</p><p>KORUS</p><p>Courts</p><p>EU CP-Immigration NB</p><p></p><p>2NC</p><p>EU CP</p><p>Case</p><p>1NR</p><p>KORUS</p><p></p><p>2NR</p><p>KORUS</p><p>Case</p><p></p><p>Kentucky-Octo's</p><p>MCC CP</p><p>EU CP</p><p>Feed the future DA</p><p>KORUS</p><p>Saudi DA</p><p></p><p>2NC:</p><p>EU CP</p><p>Case</p><p>1NR:</p><p>Tradeoff DA</p><p></p><p>2NR:</p><p>Tradeoff DA</p><p>Case</p><p></p><p></p><h4 id="HNeg:LibertyGW-4"><span>Neg: Liberty GW</span></h4><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><h5 id="HRound231Tournament:Shirley"><span><span class="Underline">Round # 1 Tournament: Shirley</span></span></h5><h5 id="HVsTeam:GeorgetownCV"><span><span class="Underline">Vs Team: Georgetown CV</span></span></h5><h5 id="HJudge:Zagorin"><span><span class="Underline">Judge: Zagorin</span></span></h5><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><h6 id="HOffCaseArgs:-4"><span><span class="Underline">Off Case Args:</span></span></h6><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline">SPP CP</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline">Aid Tradeoff</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline">Politics – NDAA</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline">EU CP</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline">T- Democracy Assistance</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><h6 id="HCaseArgs:-4"><span><span class="Underline">Case Args:</span></span></h6><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline">SCAF Backlash</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline">CAP good</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><h6 id="HBlockStrategy:-4"><span><span class="Underline">Block Strategy:</span></span></h6><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">Tradeoff</p><p class="MsoNormal">Case</p><p class="MsoNormal">SPP</p><p class="MsoNormal">T</p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><h6 id="H2nrStrategy:-4"><span><span class="Underline">2nr Strategy:</span></span></h6><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline" style="text-decoration:  none">&nbsp;</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="Underline">T, Case, Tradeoff</span></p></div>

  • Politics-KORUS

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • <p>t</p>

    • KORUS will pass-capital key to final hurdles
      Reuters 9-2-2011
      (“Analysis: Obama's trade legacy in a crucible this fall”,, DOA: 9-11-11, ldg)

      This month business groups expect Obama AND in the Senate to approve the trade pacts. 

      Democracy assistance drains capital – no constituency, freedom agenda backlash and fear of Muslim takeover.
      Hamid, Project on Middle East Democracy director of research, 2011
      (Shadi, "Tunisia, Egypt, Arab world need bold US support for democracy, not mixed messages," 1-26-11, Dow Jones Factiva, accessed 6-11-11, mtf)

      Hard to shift gears now  Considering the amount AND are likely to make Americans uncomfortable.)

      Signal of failure collapses the alliance
      Cooper et al., CRS Foreign Affairs, Defense and Trade division, 2010
      (William, “The Proposed South Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (KORUS FTA”, 11-10,, ldg)

      In contrast, while the passage of the KORUS FTA is unlikely AND negative symbolic effects in South Korea by taking high profile steps to expand U.S.-ROK strategic, rather than economic, relations. 

      Key to solve Korean war.
      Feulner, Ph.D from Edinburgh, 2010
      (Edwin, “The Status of the U.S.-Korea Relationship in 2010”, 2-4,, ldg)

      In 2010, we can expect more of the AND favor protectionist trade practices.

      Global nuclear war
      Hayes and Green, Victoria University AND Executive Director of the Nautilus Institute, 2010
       [Peter, Victoria University, and Michael, Executive Director of the Nautilus Institute, “-“The Path Not Taken, the Way Still Open: Denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia”]jap 

      The consequences of failing to address AND  and food insecurity, could make the present global financial crisis pale by comparison. 

  • EU CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • <p><br class="lineBreak"></p>

    • Only EU democracy assistance solves- credibility gap
      Morningstar, former US ambassador to the EU, 9
      [Richard, Harvard University Kennedy School of Government Public Policy adjunct professor, and Stanford Law School lecturer in Law, formerly served as United States Ambassador to the European Union, “Forward,” in Promoting Democracy and the Rule of Law: American and European Strategies, ed. by Amichai Magen et al, 2009, x, mss]

      Further the United States and Europe AND can democracy promotion efforts be successful.

      The counterplan solves and is critical to EU credibility
      Ash et al, University of Oxford European Studies professor, 11
      [Timothy Garton; Emma Bonino, Italian Senate vice president; Mark Leonard, European Council on Foreign Relations director; Ana Palacio, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Spain; Daniel Sachs, CEO of Proventus AB; and all of the above serve on the World Economic Forum's Global Agenda Council on Europe and Central Asia, "Europe Must Rise to the Challenges Presented by the Arab Spring," 6-3-2011,, accessed 6-17-11, mss]

      Europe's response to the Arab AND leaders fail to rise to the events.

      Strong EU is key to solve extinction
      Bruton, former prime minister of Ireland, 2
      [John, former ambassador of the EU to the US, European Commission Delegation ambassador, "The Future of the European Union," The Irish Times, 1-31-2002,, accessed 6-23-11, mss]

      As the Laeken Declaration put it, "AND that will otherwise overwhelm us.

  • Democracy K

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • <p><br class="lineBreak"></p>

    • A. The aff precludes a re-negotiation of democracy and prevents a new more libratory politics- it whitewashes democracy and treats it as a final product
      Little, University of Melbourne political theory lecturer, 5
      (Adrian, "Theories of Democracy and Violence," paper for the Australasian Political Studies Association Annual Conference, September,, accessed 7-1-11, mss)

      As recently as ten years ago violence was AND activities that served to establish liberal democratic regimes.

      B. Current forms of democracy are a cover for mass violence and exclusion
      Sunic, former US professor, author, translator and former Croatian diplomat, 10
      (Tomislav, Ph.D. in political science from the University of California, Santa Barbara, “Preface,” written 12-28-2010, in The Problem of Democracy, written by Alain de Benoist (2011), p9-12, mss)

      Those who love to regurgitate the word AND: 'We live in an oligarchic society where everybody pretends to be a democrat - but where there is no democracy.
      [Matt note: gender paraphrased]

      C. The alternative is to conceive of democracy as a process of constant reinvention- vote neg to reject the shortcomings of democracy and the inevitable exclusions that it engenders.

      This is critical to inspire and legitimize attempts to disrupt the prevailing “democratic” order
      Little and Lloyd, political theory professors, 9
      (Adrian, University of Melbourne political theory associate professor, head of the School of Political Science, Criminology, and Sociology, and Moya, Loughborough University political theory professor, “Conclusion,” in The Politics of Radical Democracy, ed by Adrian Little and Moya Lloyd, 203-6, mss)

      Radical democratic theory, especially that which AND are clear: if democracy is in a fugitive condition, radical democracy openly suggests that it does not need to be apprehended.

  • Credibility Answers

    • Tournament: GSU | Round: 1 | Opponent: Mich CH | Judge: Hardy

    • <p>e</p>

    • Plan doesn’t solve credibility- domestic hypocrisy dooms democracy assistance
      Katulis, Senior Fellow at American Progress, 9
      (Brian, his work focuses on U.S. national security policy in the Middle East and South Asia, “Democracy Promotion in the middle east and the Obama administration,”, DA 8/15/11, atw)

      Actions speak louder than words. In addition AND  front are perceived throughout the Middle East

      US will support Israel in UN vote – that kills Middle East cred, relations and taints its actions.
      Rachman, chief foreign affairs columnist for the Financial Times, 9-14-11
      (Gideon, “America and the Palestine vote”, DOA: 9-15-11, bct)

      It is safe to say that the US government AND, with a straight face.

      Structural barriers prevent influence in the Middle East AND regional powers fill in
      Hadar, American University IR professor, 2011
      (Leon, “Saving U.S. Mideast Policy”, 7-1,

      Yet, a variety of factors—weak economic AND Afghanistan and containing the rivalries.

      U.S. can’t deploy heg to solve conflicts – public restraint, international relations, and deployment capabilities
      Talmadge, Staff Writer for the Harvard International Review, 2006
      (Caitlin, Ph.D. candidate in political science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "The Restrained Hegemon," 5-6-06, Harvard International Review,, accessed 3-17-11, mtf)

      First, the domestic politics of the AND avoids acting like one.

  • 5th Fleet Adv Answers

    • Tournament: GSU | Round: 1 | Opponent: Mich CH | Judge: Hardy

    • <p><br class="lineBreak"></p>

    • Royal family says no
      Kenner, contributor to Foreign Policy, 11
      [David, February 18, 2011, “Bahrain's crown prince: Not a fan of democracy”,, 7/31/11, atl]

      With the growing chaos on the … to hear from their leaders.

      Fear of repression makes dialogue impossible
      Pemberton, author and foreign policy contributor to the Green Left, 11
      [Ash, April 3, 2011, “Bahrain: Regime terrorizes its people”,, 7/31/11, atl]

      The pro-democracy movement … political party Hezbollah, AFP said on March 30.

      No public support
      Alkhawaja and Rajab, 2011
      (Zainab and Nabeel, Bahraini pro-democracy activists, “‘I Am Willing to Give My Life’: Bahraini Human Rights Activists Risk Lives to Protest U.S./Saudi-Backed Repression”, Democracy Now, April 12,, accessed 7/30/11, SLC)

      My message to Obama is basically … heart and mind of people here.

      Alt cause- US is relocating Fifth Fleet anyway
      The Times, 2011
      (“US fleet may quit troubled Bahrain”, The Australian, July 21,, accessed 8/3/11, SLC)

      THE US Navy is looking at plans to move its … the US greater incentive to leave. 

      No resource wars- empirically conflicts don’t escalate
      Salehyan, University of North Texas assistant political science professor, 2008
      [Idean, Ph.D. in political science, "From Climate Change to Conflict? No Consensus Yet," Journal of Peace Research, Vol 45 No 3, SAGE,, accessed 10-14-10, mss]

      A few caveats are in order here. It is important … if there is the political will to do so.

      Mid-east conflict doesn’t escalate- self-interest contains war. History overwhelmingly proves.
      Satloff, Washington Institute for Near East Policy executive director, 12-19-2006
      [Robert, "Forget the Domino Theories,", accessed 10-2-10, mss]

      The wise men (and woman) don't know their …aid of Muslims in danger inside Iraq will be the United States.

      Iran’s too focused on domestic problems and won’t gain influence across the region
      Kaye et al., RAND senior political scientist, 2011
      (Dalia, “Arab Spring, Persian Winter”, Foreign Affairs, July/August, ebsco, DOA: 9-14-11, ldg)

      Finally, Iran's ability to reap benefits … people or their new governments.

  • T- Democracy Assistance

    • Tournament: GSU | Round: 1 | Opponent: Michigan CH | Judge: Hardy

    • <p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;A. NDAA detention provisions won’t pass now- that’s key to solve terrorism&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Simon, ACLU staff, 10-24&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Amanda, &amp;#34;Momentum Building Against NDAA Detention Provision,&amp;#34;, accessed 10-27-11, mss)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Momentum Building Against NDAA Detention Provision AND to the opposition by contacting your Senator now.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;B. It’s at the top of the docket- PC is key to hold off mandatory military detention&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Johnson, NPR justice dept. correspondent, 10-25&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Carrie, she has spent the last decade and a half chronicling legal affairs in the nation&amp;#39;s capital and beyond, &amp;#34;Big Fight Brewing In Senate Over Defense Policy Bill,&amp;#34; NPR, 10-25-11,, accessed 10-27-11, mss)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;A big fight is brewing in the Senate AND benefits for service members.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;C. Obama opposition is key- provisions doom counter-terror&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;AP, 10-24&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Associated Press &amp;#34;Top Dems oppose detention policy in defense bill,&amp;#34; 10-24-11, ,, 10-27-11, mss)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Top Democrats on the Senate Judiciary and AND tools, would significantly threaten our national security.&amp;#34;&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Terrorism causes global nuclear war&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Morgan, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, 2009&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Dennis, World on fire: two scenarios of the destruction of human civilization and possible extinction of the human race Futures, Volume 41, Issue 10, December, ldg)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;In a remarkable website on nuclear war, AND all those steps and start through the accidental or reckless use of strategic weapons</p>

    • Interpretation- Democracy assistance is direct, positive and active-it excludes indirect and passive measures
      Huber, Jerusalem IR professor, 2008
      (Daniela, “Democracy Assistance in the Middle East and North Africa: A Comparison of US and EU Policies”, Mediterranean Politics, Vol. 13, No. 1, March, ebsco, ldg)

      What is Democracy Assistance? AND DA is more than electoral assistance.

      AND, Substantial means in the main
      Words and Phrases, 2005, v. 40B, p.392, Okla. 191 1

      “Substantially” means in substance; in the main; essentially; by including the material or essential part

      The main form of democracy assistance are those programs which directly promotes democracy.
      Mesbah, masters in political science, 2009

      Democracy Promotion has gradually become an AND  benefits of development aid and economic performance (Burnell 2000, 39). 

      3. Vote Neg:

      A. Predictable Limits-aff opens the floodgates to include any action that eventually helps democracy-like literacy, health and econ aid AND any condition like free trade deals, security guarantees or military transfers AND allows permutations of the above-makes being NEG impossible.

      B. Ground-Democracy assistance has a lot of variance, unifying themes like the aid being positive, direct and active is key to core generics.

  • LA Tradeoff

    • Tournament: GSU | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • <p>

    • 1NC
      A. Latin America is USAID’s priority now- BUT new programs tradeoff
      Shah and Menendez, USAID administrator and US Senator (D-NJ), 11
      (Rajiv, USAID administrator, and Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ), "International Development Policy Priorities in the FY2012 Budget," Federal News Service, 4-13-2011, l/n, accessed 8-31-11, mss)

      So explain to me in our own front … go to. And that is not acceptable. That is not acceptable.

      B. USAID cuts in Latin America devastate the ABCI- key to protect the Amazon
      Patlis, WWF US Government relations managing director, 7
      (Jason, World Wildlife Fund, CQ Congressional Testimony, " Fiscal 2008 Appropriations: State, Foreign Operations & Other Programs," 3-29-7, l/n, accessed 9-8-11, mss) 

      Amazon Basin Conservation Initiative … in the Amazon watershed.

      C. Extinction
      Sohn, staff writer, 99
      (Pam, "Eight Days in Brazil," Chatanooga Times Free Press (Tennessee), 4-11-1999, l/n, accessed 9-10-11, mss)

      Inside Brazil's rainforest, the Amazon is a …Amazon is life on a grand scale.

      Block Overview:

      New studies flawed-manipulate finding and ignore basic principles.
      Seitz, Visiting Scholar in Harvard’s Center for International Affairs, 2006
      (Russell, “The Nuclear World Meltdown”, 12-20,, ldg) 

      It is hard to exaggerate how seriously " … over to a new generation of X-Box.

      Even a one percent risk outweighs
      Bostrom, Oxford philosophy professor, July 2005
      [Nick, transcribed by Matt Struth, 4:38-6:12 of the talk at, accessed 2-2-8, mss]

      Now if we think about what just reducing the …if people went extinct it should still have a high priority.

      The Amazon is key to the hydrologic cycle- critical to water vapor recharge
      Bunyard, The Ecologist science editor, 5
      (Peter, the Ecologist is the world’s leading environmental affairs magazine, "A Stake Through the Heart of the World," Ecologist 35.6, July 2005, p. 30-35, Environment Complete, EBSCOhost, accessed 9-10-11, mtf)

      Scientists mapping the effects of … also depends significantly on the Amazon basin.

      Hydrologic cycle key to prevent extinction
      Abreu et al, 2005
      (Francisco de Assis Matos de Abreu, André Montenegro Duarte, Mário Ramos Ribeiro, Ana Rosa Carriço de Lima and Wellington de Jesus Sousa. “The Hydrologic cycle: an open or closed system?” Revista Geográfica 137 (Jan-June 2005): p109)

      This paper deals with the Hydrologic Cycle, a vital …research with regard to global changes.

      Amazon is at a tipping point and is a crucial buffer against runaway climate change
      Carrington, Guardian head of environment, 11
      (Damian, "Mass tree deaths prompt fears of Amazon 'climate tipping point'," Guardian Unlimited, 2-3-11, l/n, accessed 9-10-11, mss) 

      Billions of trees died in the record …strong and urgent reductions in man-made emissions."

      Amazon deforestation causes the release of deadly viruses
      Chivian, Center for Health and the Global Environment director, 93
      (Eric, Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, recipient of the 1985 Nobel Peace Prize, "Species Extinction, Biodiversity Loss And Human Health" ed. Eric Chivian, M McCally, H Hu and A Haines, Critical Condition: Human Health and the Environment, d/a 9-10-2011 sae)

      Recently in Brazil, malaria has reached … disruption of the rainforests. 

      Block Link:

      Especially true with democracy assistance- creates constant pressure to divert resources and attention away from development
      Patrick, Center for Global Development research fellow, 6
      (Stewart, served on the Secretary of State’s policy planning staff (2002-2005), "U.S. Foreign Aid Reform: Will it Fix What is Broken?” Center for Global Development, September 2006,, accessed 9-2-11, mss)

      On another level, however, the administration’s …signal the start of a troubling trend.21

      2. Even when there’s extra money new programs tradeoff
      Clawson, Middle East Quarterly senior editor, 0
      (Patrick, "Debate: Continue U.S. Aid to Israel," Middle East Quarterly, June 2000,, accessed 8-31-11, mss)

      MEQ: But there is a budget surplus. … it is a 10-percent-sum game.

      3. Even minor cuts trigger the link- destroys external financing options AND modeled internationally
      Geitner, AP staff writer, 95
      (Paul, Associated Press, “Aid Groups Worry About 'Snowball Effect' of Any U.S. Foreign Aid Cuts,” 1-17-95, l/n, accessed 9-11-11, mss)

      With Republicans in Congress talking … role model effect" for other major donors.

      4. New foreign aid spending snowballs
      Sheehan, Competitive Enterprise Institute adjunct scholar, 92
      (James, "Why We Should Dismantle AID," Journal of Commerce, 12-11-92, l/n, accessed 9-11-11, mss)

      The Agency for International Development (AID…to domestic special interests.

      5. Projected costs- Plan causes big tradeoff- congress thinks there’s a high probability the plan causes long-term nation building down the road
      Epstein et al., CRS foreign policy specialists, 7
      (Susan B., Nina M. Serafino, Francis T. Miko, Congressional Research Service, “Democracy Promotion: Cornerstone of U.S. Foreign Policy?” CRS Report for Congress, 12-26-2007,, accessed 8-31-11, beh)

      The high military and opportunity cost of some activities … and extreme poverty, as being too great.

      Congress will evaluate those projected costs and put the budget together accordingly
      Abercrombie, US House of Representatives (D-HI), 7
      (Neil, House Armed Services Committee chair, "Rep. Neil Abercrombie Holds a Hearing on Army Ground Force Acquisition Programs," CQ Transcriptions, 3-27-7, l/n, accessed 9-2-11, mss)

      Given these conditions, what assurances … to the end of this president's term.

      Duplication- fragmented aid structures create institutional motivation to duplicate programs for credit
      Hyman, CSIS Hills Program on Governance president, 9
      (Gerald, National Endowment for Democracy Center for International Media Assistance Advisory Council member, served with the USAID from 1990 to 2007, director of USAID’s Office of Democracy and Governance from 2002 to 2007, "A Cabinet-level Development Agency: Right Problem, Wrong Solution," Jan 2009,, accessed 9-11-11, mss)

      In addition to concerns about the … secretaries of state, or USAID administrators.

      Means the plan happens 20 to over 50 times
      Hyman, CSIS Hills Program on Governance president, 9
      (Gerald, National Endowment for Democracy Center for International Media Assistance Advisory Council member, served with the USAID from 1990 to 2007, director of USAID’s Office of Democracy and Governance from 2002 to 2007, "A Cabinet-level Development Agency: Right Problem, Wrong Solution," Jan 2009,, accessed 9-11-11, mss)

      Notwithstanding Secretary Rice’s effort at integration, it affects at best the elements of foreign assistance under her authority. 14 No one even knows anymore exactly how … both the executive and legislative branches want.

      Leads to hundreds of billions in extra spending
      West, US House of Representatives (R-FL), 11
      (Allen, Fox News Network, "Is America Broke?" 3-9-11, l/n, accessed 9-12-11, mss)

      Well, I think one of the things …do over here in the House.

      Plan is USAID block:

      2. Normal means- USAID is normal means for democracy assistance
      Gootnick, GAO International Affairs and Trade director, 9
      (David, "Democracy Assistance," US Government Accountability Office Report to Congressional Committees, Sept 2009,, accessed 8-1-11, mss)

      Estimated average … help define these strategies. 27

      3. USAID is the only topical mechanism- substantial means in the main
      Words and Phrases, 2005, v. 40B, p.392, Okla. 191 1

      “Substantially” means in substance; in the main; essentially; by including the material or essential part

      AND- USAID is the main mechanism for democracy assistance
      Carothers, Carnegie vice president for studies, 2000
      (Thomas, American democracy promotion: impulses, strategies and impacts, pg 188-9, ldg)

      Many different … around the world.

      USAID Solves Amazon Block:

      2. Rule of law- USAID solves rule of law and alternative livelihoods
      Feierstein, USAID Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean assistant administrator, 11
      (Mark, “Panel I of a Hearing of the Western Hemisphere Subcommittee of the House Foreign Affairs Committee,” Federal News Service, 4-13-11, l/n, accessed 8-30-11, mss)

      In the context of a … effective democratic institutions.

      Even if some deforestation is inevitable, rule of law avoids the worst outcomes
      Fearnside, National Institute for Research in the Amazon ecology research professor, 9
      (Phillip, "Social causes of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest," 9-14-9,, accessed 9-10-11, mss)

      Containing deforestation
      While continued deforestation … for the economy in rural Amazonia," concludes Fearnside.

      AND- Rule of law is key- almost all deforestation is illegal
      Abreu, Brazilian senator, 11
      (Katia, "What Is True and False in Rep. Aldo Rebelo's Proposal About the New Forest Code in Brazil," Huffington Post,, accessed 9-11-10, mss)

      "The proposed changes will increase the … deforestation, mainly in the Amazon, is illegal.

      USAID initiative solves alt causes- coordinated regional response solves
      USAID, 5
      ("Conserving Biological Diversity in the Amazon Basin," 6-1-2005,, accessed 9-9-11, mss)

      Given that many of the threats to …implementation of a Basin-wide initiative. 

  • Syria Stability Adv Ans

    • Tournament: GSU | Round: 5 | Opponent: Kans PW | Judge: Walters

    • <p>

    • No civil war or sectarian violence- Syria will be stable
      Abdul-Hussain, Al-Rai newspaper Washington bureau chief 11
      [Hussain, "No civil war after Assad," NOW Lebanon, 4-27-11,, accessed 8-6-11, mss]

      No civil war after Assad
      Since the outbreak of the Syrian …Islamist, nor head into a civil war.

      No regional war threat- pragmatic neighbors
      Smith, Weekly Standard senior editor, 11
      [Lee, "Israel’s Not Protecting Assad—Obama Is," Weekly Standard, 5-13-11,, accessed 8-2-11, mss]

      Second argument is that there … any interest in civil war.

      Iran and Turkey won’t go to war over Syria
      Habibi, Brandeis University's Crown Center for Middle East Studies professor, 11
      [Nader, "Turkey, Iran Walk a Fine Line on Syria," World Politics Review, 6-26-11,, accessed 8-2-11, mss]

      As a result, it is unlikely that …Turkey's reactions into consideration.

      Hezbollah will perceive the plan as US intervention- spurs Hezbollah-Israel war
      Karouny, Reuters, 11
      [Mariam, “Lebanon's Hezbollah may fight Israel to relieve Syria,” 6-22-11,, d/a 8-1-11, zml]

      Lebanon's Hezbollah may fight Israel to relieve Syria
      Lebanon's Hezbollah …Lebanon-based Arab official close to Syria.

      They’ll use chemical and biological weapons
      Cordesman, CSIS Arleigh A. Burke Strategy chair, 7
      [Anthony, "Israel and Syria: The Military Balance and Prospects of War," CSIS, 8-15-7,, accessed 8-4-11, mss]

      Israel could never be …asymmetrically against Israel.

      Causes nuclear war
      Joshi, Ph.D. candidate, 0
      [Sharad, "Israel's Nuclear Policy: A Cost-Benefit Analysis," March 2000,, accessed 8-4-11, mss] 

      The Syrian chemical arsenal should be … would be ripe for a nuclear Armageddon.

  • Syria Axis Adv

    • Tournament: GSU | Round: 5 | Opponent: Kans PW | Judge: Walters

    • <p>

    • Turn- Iran will replace Syria with Iraq- strengthens Iran and Hezbollah’s position
      Alhomayed 7-7-11
      [Tariq, Editor-in-Chief of Asharq Al-Awsat, Iraq: Iran's Alternative To Syria,, d/a 8-1-11, zml]

      There is a debate currently taking place at the …and carry out this vision? That is the question.

      Disease doesn’t cause extinction.
      Orent, anthropologist specializing in evolutionary epidemiology, 2005
      [Wendy, interview with Richard Halicks, “ Bird bug has flown the coop," 10-23-5, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, l/n, accessed 12-23-10, mss]

      Transmissibility is the ability of the virus to … too sick to transmit the disease, it dies with you.

  • Bahrain Pressure CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • <p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;iv The United States federal government should threaten to suspend Bahrain’s designation as a Major Non-Nato Ally, including accompanying assistance, and threaten to rebase the Navy’s Fifth Fleet unless the Bahraini government meets benchmarks of human rights and democratization consistent with a constitutional monarchy, including but not limited to the release of political prisoners who have not committed recognizable criminal defenses and engaging in a national dialogue with opposition groups.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Positive support fails-pressure is key-US has leverage.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;ICG 2011&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(“Popular Protest In North Africa And The Middle East (Viii): Bahrain’s Rocky Road To Reform”, 7-28, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|#62;><span class="wikiexternallink"><a href="#62;"><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent">#62;</span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, DOA: 9-25-11, ldg)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;That said, the U.S. subsequently AND options for basing the Fifth Fleet.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;And, avoids politics and solves perception and cred advantages&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Dietz, Mideaster freelance journalist, 2011&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(David, &amp;#34;Should the US Reconsider its Relationship with Bahrain?&amp;#34; 4-21, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|#62;><span class="wikiexternallink"><a href="#62;"><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent">#62;</span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, DOA: 9-25-11, ldg)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Nevertheless America must exert pressure AND even if it is not always convenient.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;BLOCK EVIDENCE&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Pressure solves-puts us on the right side and resolves reasons the fleet would get kicked out-any deficit links just as much to the AFF.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Hiltermann, ICS Middle East program director, 2011&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Joost, “Pushing for Reform in Bahrain”, 9-7, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|><span class="wikiexternallink"><a class="wikimodel-freestanding" href=""><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent"></span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, DOA: 9-25-11, ldg)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;How Washington should now proceed is an open question. AND standards in its approach to the Arab Spring.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Counterplan solves – Bahrain says yes – won’t result in 5th fleet kick out – that’s a bluff&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Al-Ahmed et al., Institute for Gulf Affairs director, 2011&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Ali, “The Crisis in Bahrain”, May, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|><span class="wikiexternallink"><a class="wikimodel-freestanding" href=""><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent"></span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, DOA: 9-23-11, ldg)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;It is important that the United AND to the threats and bluffs from its weaker partners. For far too long this has obstructed efforts to compel real political reform.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Security assistance reductions don’t link<del>-Insecurity means Congress will oppose additional arms-sales because they make the US look complicit in crackdowns&nbsp;</del></p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Katzman, CRS gulf foreign relations expert, 2011&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Kenneth, “Bahrain: U.S. Posture On The Uprising”, 4-1, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|><span class="wikiexternallink"><a class="wikimodel-freestanding" href=""><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent"></span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, DOA: 9-25-11, ldg)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;The Obama Administration, which presented its AND Bahrain, particularly of equipment that could be used against protesters.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Conditioning security assistance to Bahrain avoids the link&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Francis, Fiscal Times reporter, 2011&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(David, “Foreign Aid Dilemma: Dictators on our Dole”, 3-16, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|><span class="wikiexternallink"><a class="wikimodel-freestanding" href=""><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent"></span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, DOA; 9-25-11, ldg)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;As violence rages in Libya and AND adopt reforms in this explosive region.</p>

  • Saudi Arabia DA

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • <p>1NC-Bahrain&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;US backing off on Bahraini democracy now—plan alters that—tanks relations&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Leigh, Time writer, 2011&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Karen, “The U.S. and Bahrain: How to Talk Just Tough Enough with an Ally”, 6-8, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|,8599,2076559,00.html&#62;&#62;,8599,2076559,00.html><span class="wikiexternallink"><a href=",8599,2076559,00.html&amp;#62;&amp;#62;,8599,2076559,00.html"><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent">,8599,2076559,00.html&amp;#62;&amp;#62;,8599,2076559,00.html</span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, DOA: 9-23-11, ldg)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Coming after Obama lashed out at AND — as long as promises of talks are kept, and tear gas stops raining down on Manama.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Relations decline over the Arab Spring will drive the Saudis to proliferate&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Guzansky, Institute for National Security Studies, 2011&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Yoel, “Tehran tests Saudis&amp;#39; nerve on nuclear weapons”, 7-1, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|#62;><span class="wikiexternallink"><a href="#62;"><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent">#62;</span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, DOA: 9-23-11, ldg)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;UNTIL recently it appeared that US AND fact that it is in fact exempt from intrusive International Atomic Energy Agency monitoring.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Saudi Nukes causes Indo Pak war.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Roberts, Royal Society of literature fellow, 2011&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Andrew, “Iran&amp;#39;s Nuclear Domino Effect”, 1-2, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|#62;><span class="wikiexternallink"><a href="#62;"><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent">#62;</span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, DOA: 9-24-11, ldg)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;The Saudis have already indicated privately—AND significantly more dangerous.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Extinction&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Madrigal, Energy Science Tech and Journalist, 4-7-2008&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Alexis, Wired, “Regional Nuclear War Would Cause Worldwide Destruction,” <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|#62;><span class="wikiexternallink"><a href="#62;"><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent">#62;</span></a></span><!stopwikilink>)jap&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Imagine that the long-simmering conflict between India AND on the global environment (.pdf) — cooling it twice as much as it’s heated over the last century — and on the structure of the atmosphere itself.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Overview&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;A. Magntiude-Saudi prolif upsets Pakistan-India deterrence-causes escalatory war that triggers extinction-because it destroys the Ozone-that’s Madrigal&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Relations key to dollar and oil-turns economy&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Freemen, Middle East Policy Council president, 2004&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;[Chas, September 17, “SECURING U.S. ENERGY IN A CHANGING WORLD,” Middle East PolicyVolume 11, Issue 4, accessed 7-31-11, ADS]&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;The second matter – far more grave in many ways – AND. This is not a minor matter.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Relations key to regional presence-turns heg&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Telhami et al., Saban center senior fellow, 2002&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Shibley, “Does Saudi Arabia Still matter”, Foreign Affairs, Nov/Dec, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|><span class="wikiexternallink"><a class="wikimodel-freestanding" href=""><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent"></span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, DOA; 9-23-11, ldg)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Given America&amp;#39;s ongoing AND the case of a war with Iraq.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Saudi Arabia will go all in to roll back the plan&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Ahrari, Armed Forces Staff College national security professor, 2011&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Ehsan, “viewing-the-arab-awakening-from-the-saudi-perspectives”, 6-23, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|><span class="wikiexternallink"><a class="wikimodel-freestanding" href=""><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent"></span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, DOA; 9-23-11, ldg)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;The Arab awakening’s aspirations to AND political reforms there ought to be suppressed immediately and unequivocally.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Saudi interference of Bahrain is the root cause of Iran conflict.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Jones, Rutgers history professor, 2011&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Toby, “High Anxiety”, 3-23, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|><span class="wikiexternallink"><a class="wikimodel-freestanding" href=""><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent"></span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, DOA: 9-23-11, ldg)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Beyond the kingdom, claims of foreign meddling AND Manama are helping to create the conditions in which such an outcome might become true.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Relations dampen the impact to any conflict&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Russell, Naval Postgraduate School Department of National Security Affairs senior lecturer, 2002&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(James, “Deconstructing the U.S.-Saudi Partnership?”, Strategic Insights, vol 1, issue 7, September, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|><span class="wikiexternallink"><a class="wikimodel-freestanding" href=""><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent"></span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, DOA: 9-24-11, ldg)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;As a lynchpin of U.S. security strategy and AND completely out of control. But this relationship is now under more pressure than at any time in recent memory.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Link Wall-Bahrain&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Bahrain is the litmus test&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;ICG 2011&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(International Crisis Group, “Popular Protest In North Africa And The Middle East (Viii): Bahrain’s Rocky Road To Reform”, 7-28, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|><span class="wikiexternallink"><a class="wikimodel-freestanding" href=""><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent"></span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, DOA: 9-24-11, ldg)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Following on the heels of the Tunisian AND, outright hypocrisy – if it comes out firmly against regime repression of opposition movements in Libya and Syria, but not in Bahrain.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Any perceptive change in Bahrain kills US relations&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Ghazal, Assistant professor of Middle Eastern History – Dalhousie University, 11&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;[Amal, “Underneath Bahrain&amp;#39;s struggle for democracy lie long-running sectarian tensions, exacerbated by a fearful Saudi Arabia.,” <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|><span class="wikiexternallink"><a class="wikimodel-freestanding" href=""><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent"></span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, 8/6/11, atl]&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Saudi Arabia looks at Bahrain as a buffer AND scapegoated Mubarak too quickly).&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Saudi will never allow reform-it’s a red-line issue&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Al-Ahmed et al., Institute for Gulf Affairs director, 2011&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Ali, “The Crisis in Bahrain”, May, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|><span class="wikiexternallink"><a class="wikimodel-freestanding" href=""><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent"></span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, DOA: 9-23-11, ldg)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;This strategic purpose was made clear when Saudi AND the revolution at its source in Manama.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Bahrain overwhelms core interests.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Molavi, New American Foundation Middle East scholar, 2011&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Afshin, “The state of the Saudi-U.S. relationship”, 3-22, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|><span class="wikiexternallink"><a class="wikimodel-freestanding" href=""><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent"></span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, DOA: 9-23-11, ldg)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;At the bureaucratic level, the Saudi-U.S. AND – a Shiite-majority population that will likely vote along sectarian lines.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;A2: Relations Resilient&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Arab spring is existential to Saudi Arabia.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Takeyh, CFR senior fellow, 2011&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Ray, “A Post-American Day Dawns in the Mideast”, 6-8, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|><span class="wikiexternallink"><a class="wikimodel-freestanding" href=""><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent"></span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, DOA: 9-23-11, ldg)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;For nearly 60 years, Saudi Arabia predicated its AND an independent nuclear deterrent, are likely to be seriously contemplated in the House of Saud.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Plan strikes at a core issue for Saudi-they will break relations.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Nasr, Tufts International politics professor, 2011&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Vail, “Will the Saudis Kill the Arab Spring?”, 5-23, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|><span class="wikiexternallink"><a class="wikimodel-freestanding" href=""><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent"></span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, DOA: 9-23-11, ldg)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;The kingdom has emerged as the leader AND, a group of Arab countries that are oil-producing and sit on the Persian Gulf, to include Jordan and Morocco, which qualify on neither count.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Plan is viewed as hurting Saudi security-undermines whole relationship&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Financial Times 2011&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(“Arab spring tests US-Saudi relationship”, 6-16, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|><span class="wikiexternallink"><a class="wikimodel-freestanding" href=""><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent"></span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, DOA: 9-23-11, ldg)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Still, Washington and Riyadh could be at a AND under strain from the outset, notably when the US recognised the state of Israel in 1948.</p>

  • Terrorism Advantage CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • <p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;The United States federal government should align all United States’ counterterrorism policies with international human rights laws. The United States federal government should not retaliate with nuclear weapons in response to a non-nuclear terrorist attack and should retaliate against a nation in response to a nuclear terrorist incident if and only if that nation’s nuclear material is attributed to the attack.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;CP is necessary and sufficient for every internal link to terrorism.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Roth, Human Rights Watch executive director, 2004&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Kenneth, “The Nexus of Terrorism &amp;#38; WMDs: Developing a Consensus”, December, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|#62;><span class="wikiexternallink"><a href="#62;"><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent">#62;</span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, ldg)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Because the United States is so influential, AND not as inconvenient obstacles but as essential partners that are integral to the defeat of terrorism.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Block Evidence&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;1 It resolves definitional issues over terrorism-that’s key&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Lindberg, John Hopkins International Studies Visiting Scholar, 2010&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Miryam, “Impediments to International Cooperation Against Terrorism”, June, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|><span class="wikiexternallink"><a class="wikimodel-freestanding" href=""><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent"></span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, ldg)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Definitions are statements that convey the AND the term entails and that is best reflected in the relativistic aphorism “one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter.”&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;2. It generates cultures that solve terrorism and wins hearts and minds-that’s key.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Gordon, Brookings senior fellow, 2007&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Philip, Can the War on Terror Be Won? Foreign Affairs, Nov/Dec, ebsco, ldg)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;It is essential to start thinking seriously about these questions, AND; it will also guide leaders toward the policies that will bring such a victory about.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;3. Bolsters international cooperation-that’s key&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Cordesman, CSIS, 2006&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Anthony, “The Lessons of International Cooperation in Counterterrorism”, 1-18, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|><span class="wikiexternallink"><a class="wikimodel-freestanding" href=""><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent"></span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, ldg)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;The first lesson both the most obvious and the most important. AND will inevitably defeat any nation or even culture that attempts to defeat terrorism by ignoring the threat to others.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;4. It stops recruitment-that’s key.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Sparago, Center for Global Affairs, 2007&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Marta, “The Crucial Case of Al Qaeda’s Global Jihad Terror Network”, Spring, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|><span class="wikiexternallink"><a class="wikimodel-freestanding" href=""><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent"></span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, ldg)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;No organization, terrorist or otherwise, AND of terrorist organizations that commandeers the focus of this paper.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;"></p>

  • Courts CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • <p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;rivText: The United States Supreme Court should rule that Yemenis’ right to democracy requires substantially increasing support for civil law enforcement in Yemen.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Right to democracy creates a legal obligation for promotion&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Glen, Georgetown law professor, 2011&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Patrick, “Democracy Promotion in the Obama Administration: An Opportunity to Match Action to Rhetoric”, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|#62;&#62;><span class="wikiexternallink"><a href="#62;&amp;#62;"><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent">#62;&amp;#62;</span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, ldg)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Advocacy for a “right to democracyAND that lead to its own founding over two centuries ago.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Obama can deflect blame&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Spann, Georgetown law professor, 2000&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Girardeau, “Writing Off Race”, Law and Contemporary Problems 63 Law &amp;#38; Contemp. Probs, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|#62;&#62;><span class="wikiexternallink"><a href="#62;&amp;#62;"><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent">#62;&amp;#62;</span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, ldg)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;What President Clinton has failed to do is to assert the AND. It is rational, but it may also be unconstitutional.</p>

  • Tradeoff DA-Feed the Future

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • <p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;1NC&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;A. USAID will avoid cuts now but it’s an easy target- new cuts would devastate USAID and US leadership&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Worthington, InterAction CEO and president, 8-1-11&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Samuel, InterAction is the largest alliance of U.S.-based international nongovernmental organizations, &amp;#34;US must learn from Britain and not cut foreign aid,&amp;#34; The Guardian, 8-1-11,, accessed 8-27-11, mss)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Current budget battles in AND populations make no sense to us either.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Foreign aid funding is zero-sum- plan forces a tradeoff&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Sessions, Center for Global Development program coordinator, 6&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Myra, &amp;#34;The PMI Turns One – How Will We Measure Success?,&amp;#34; Center for Global Development,, accessed 8-31-11, mss)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Thanks for the comment and question, Michael. AND that reality should be a part of the conversation about the successes and opportunities of the initiatives.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Congress will target USAID’s reform agenda- eliminates programs like Feed the Future&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Provost, Guardian Unlimited staff, 11&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Claire, &amp;#34;US foreign aid takes immediate cuts, and further battles loom,&amp;#34; Guardian Unlimited, 4-14-11, l/n, accessed 8-30-11, mss)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Paul O&amp;#39;Brien, vice-president of policy and campaigns for AND on investment it is for the American taxpayer in 2012,&amp;#34; said the USGLC&amp;#39;s Richard Parker.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;C. Feed the Future is key to ag tech and food security- focuses research and fills gaps&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Garvelink, US diplomat, 10&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(William, Office of the Coordinator for the Global Hunger and Food Security Initiative deputy coordinator for development, former US Ambassador to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, member of the Senior Foreign Service with a rank of minister-counselor, former House Subcommittee of International Organizations staff member, received six Performance Awards, two Meritorious Honor Awards, a Superior Honor Award, and a Senior Foreign Service Presidential Meritorious Service Award over his service with the U.S. Department of State, former Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance deputy director, &amp;#34;Oversight of the Feed the Future Initiative,&amp;#34; Federal News Service, 7-20-10, l/n, accessed 8-31-11, mss)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;We know that assistance, while essential, cannot AND developing world as we move forward with this exciting initiative.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Ag tech key to prevent extinction&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Trewavas, University of Edinburgh Institute of Cell and Molecular Biology plant biologist, 0&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Anthony, &amp;#34;GM is the Best Option We Have,&amp;#34; 6-5-2000, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|><span class="wikiexternallink"><a class="wikimodel-freestanding" href=""><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent"></span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, accessed 8-31-11, mss)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;In 535A.D. a volcano near the present ANDbuffer between us and annihilation.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Block Evidence&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;A. Magnitude- ag tech is key to provide crops that are resilient to major climate events- extinction-inducing super-volcanoes and asteroids are a short-term existential threat- only resilient ag solves- that’s Trewavas.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;B. Takes out solvency- new cuts incapacitate USAID- they’ll destroy the office in charge of strategic planning- dooms implementation and solvency- that’s the 1NC Worthington evidence.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Try or die- Food price spikes coming soon- triggers violent instability&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Baker, award-winning investigative reporter, 11&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Russ, &amp;#34;Let Them Eat Baklava: Food Prices And The Arab Spring,&amp;#34; 8-26-11,, accessed 9-13-11, mss)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;In the absence of large-scale intervention, AND long series of food riots began in Tunisia.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;It’s a pre-req to solve Yemen- hunger causes all the aff impacts&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Lambers, History News Service staff writer, 11&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(William, &amp;#34;U.S. Strategy in Yemen Should Fight Hunger,&amp;#34; Culture, 6-12-11, l/n, accessed 9-13-11, mss)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;A report in the New York Times said ANDforces like Al Qaeda to thrive.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Empty stomachs cause war and instability- hunger is fertile ground for extremism and violence&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Pinstrup-Andersen and Shimokawa, Hong Kong University social science professor, 8&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Per, Cornell Nutritional Sciences professor, and Satoru, Ph.D from Cornell, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology social sciences professor, &amp;#34;Do poverty and poor health and nutrition increase the risk of armed conflict onset?&amp;#34; Food Policy, 33(6), December 2008, pg513-20,, accessed 8-31-11, mss)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;According to Borlaug (2004), “we cannot AND, including those promoted by religions and politics.&nbsp;</p><ol class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;"><li>Democracy assistance is expensive and trades-offs- extend the 1NC Epstein evidence-3 warrants:&nbsp;</li></ol><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;A. Upfront costs- democracy assistance is very expensive and comes at the opportunity cost of other pressing global needs.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;B. Long-term projections- democracy assistance is perceived to have a high probability of causing costly long-term nation-building programs down the road.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;C. Prefer our evidence- it’s by CRS foreign policy specialists, Congress’s own research body- they are in charge of telling congress what to think and how to act.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;2. Chopping block- USAID and feed the future are on the chopping block- they’re easy targets for congress, especially reforms and new programs like feed the future that were started in the last few years- that’ s the 1NC Worthington evidence and Provost evidence.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;3. Even minor cuts trigger the link- destroys external financing options AND modeled internationally&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Geitner, AP staff writer, 95&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Paul, Associated Press, “Aid Groups Worry About &amp;#39;Snowball Effect&amp;#39; of Any U.S. Foreign Aid Cuts,” 1-17-95, l/n, accessed 9-11-11, mss)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;With Republicans in Congress talking AND &amp;#34;a role model effect&amp;#34; for other major donors.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;4. New foreign aid spending snowballs&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Sheehan, Competitive Enterprise Institute adjunct scholar, 92&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(James, &amp;#34;Why We Should Dismantle AID,&amp;#34; Journal of Commerce, 12-11-92, l/n, accessed 9-11-11, mss)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;The Agency for International Development (AND out pork to domestic special interests.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Police reform costs the US billions of dollars&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Beyley, State University of New York School of Criminal Justice professor, 2001&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(David H., “Democratizing the Police Abroad: What to Do and How to Do It Issues in International Crime”, June 2001, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|><span class="wikiexternallink"><a class="wikimodel-freestanding" href=""><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent"></span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, 9-2-2011, jag)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;From 1994 to 1998, the AND criminal justice systems. 4&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Most recent evidence and better models prove- their science is bad&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Seitz, Harvard University Center for International Affairs visiting scholar, 11&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Russell, “Nuclear winter was and is debatable,” Nature, 7-7-11, Vol 475, pg37, accessed 9-27-11, mss)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Alan Robock&amp;#39;s contention that there AND &amp;#39;nuclear winter&amp;#39; into question.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Oceans and counter-force targeting check&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Zutell, Arizona Dept. of Emergency and Military Affairs, Division of Emergency Services, 88&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Eugene, 6-19-88. <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|><span class="wikiexternallink"><a class="wikimodel-freestanding" href=""><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent"></span></a></span><!stopwikilink>&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;To enumerate some other problems with AND by Sagan and associates, are less than predictable. In fact, they are improbable.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Concentration checks extinction- AND aff doesn’t turn the impact&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Tonn, UT political science professor, 5&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Bruce, “Human extinction scenarios”, August, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|><span class="wikiexternallink"><a class="wikimodel-freestanding" href=""><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent"></span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, ldg)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;The human species faces AND with respect to single events.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Even a one percent risk outweighs&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Bostrom, Oxford philosophy professor, 5&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Nick, July 2005, transcribed by Matt Struth, 4:38-6:12 of the talk at <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|><span class="wikiexternallink"><a class="wikimodel-freestanding" href=""><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent"></span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, accessed 2-2-8, mss)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Now if we think about what just reducing AND ignore the potential that could be loss if people went extinct it should still have a high priority.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;"></p>

  • EU CP-Net Benefit-Immigration Crisis

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • <p>va1NC&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;The European Union should provide substantial advisory support to mediate a high level dialogue between the government of Bahrain and proponents of democratic constitutional reform.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;The counterplan is key to shore up European identity- solves the immigration crisis and EU terrorism&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Meijenfeldt, Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy executive director, 7&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;[Roel von Meijenfeldt, former International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) program director, “Democracy, a core value in Europe’s foreign and security policy?” in Democracy: Europe’s Core Value?, ed. by Marieke van Doorn and Roel von Meijenfeldt, 2007, 77-8, mss]&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;The role of democracy support in the evolution of the European identity&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Projecting the EU&amp;#39;s core values AND answer in the dialogue with others.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;EU terrorism spurs Pakistan strikes and geopolitical meltdown&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Karon, Time senior editor, 10&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;[Tony, &amp;#34;Why a Terrorist Strike on Europe Risks Geopolitical Meltdown,&amp;#34; Time,,8599,2023847,00.html, accessed 7-5-11, mss]&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Why a Terrorist Strike on Europe Risks Geopolitical Meltdown&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Bad as they are, right now, relations AND hard to deduce that a series of attacks in Europe that emanate from Pakistan would force a similar response.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Escalates to US-China nuclear war&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Tarpley, Ph.D. in history from Catholic University of America, 11&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;[Webster, &amp;#34;Chinese Ultimatum Warns Washington Against Attack,&amp;#34; 5-21-11,, accessed 7-26-11, mss]&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;China has officially put the United AND Pakistani general, told AFP.2&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Overview&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;The impact outweighs:&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;A. Magnitude- US-China war goes global, causes extinction&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;The Strait Times, “No one gains in war over Taiwan,” June 25 2000, L/N&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;The high-intensity scenario AND &amp;#34;I feel uneasy if now somebody were to tell me that they bet China would not do this or that,&amp;#34; he said in a recent interview given to the Chinese press.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;B. Makes solvency impossible and turns every advantage-strikes spur massive radicalization and terrorism- collapses US strategy in Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Shaukat, 10&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;[Sajjad, “If US attacks Pakistan,” Pakistan Daily, 6-9-10, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|><span class="wikiexternallink"><a class="wikimodel-freestanding" href=""><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent"></span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, accessed 7-26-11, mss]&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;However, any US prospective attack on the ANDt the nefarious designs of the United States.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;A2: No China War&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;War is possible over Pakistan-counterbalancing India AND access to Gulf oil makes Pakistan a priority&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Barducci, Hudson New York Briefing Council, 2011&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Anna, “Hudson New York Briefing Council”, 3-2, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|><span class="wikiexternallink"><a class="wikimodel-freestanding" href=""><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent"></span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, DOA: 8-20-11, ldg)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;According to Mumtaz Khan, director for AND visited the Pakistan-Afghan Border last October[5].&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Risk of war with China is high-confrontational policies and dispute mechanisms don’t work&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Weitz, Center for Political-Military Analysis director, 2011&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Richard, “Are China and US Destined to Clash? “, 8-1, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|><span class="wikiexternallink"><a class="wikimodel-freestanding" href=""><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent"></span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, DOA: 8-20-11, ldg)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;The fact is, though, that high-level meetings AND of movement in the global commons.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;EU and the US have the same toolbox- just a question of willingness not capacity&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Borzel and Risse, Freie Universitat Berlin international politics professor, 9&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;[Tanja Freie Universitat Berlin political science professor and chair for European integration, and Thomas, Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood Research Center coordinator, “Venus Approaching Mars? The European Union’s Approaches to Democracy Promotion in Comparative Perspective,” in Promoting Democracy and the Rule of Law: American and European Strategies, ed. by Amichai Magen et al, 2009, 54, mss]&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;We have argued in this chapter that the AND as the United States (see Chapter 3, this vol- i ume, by Girod, Krasner and Stoner-Weiss).&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;A2: Perm Do Both&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;The counterplan is key to shore up European identity, which solves the EU immigration crisis. Failure to integrate Muslims is a ticking time bomb that guarantees more explosive backlash and terrorism. Democracy assistance outside the EU will have positive feedbacks, defining European values internally in a way that ends exclusion of Muslims and solves the crisis- that’s the 1NC Meijenfeldt evidence.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;The perm can’t solve- if the EU piggy-backs on a US project, they can’t form their own identity based on it- and that is key to solve the immigration crisis.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Europe must establish it’s own identity- democracy assistance abroad is key&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Meijenfeldt, Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy executive director, 7&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;[Roel von Meijenfeldt, former International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) program director, “Annex 2” in Democracy: Europe’s Core Value?, ed. by Marieke van Doorn and Roel von Meijenfeldt, 2007, 212-213, mss]&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Why enhancing Europe&amp;#39;s profile?&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Europe has been building the normative and operational AND and socioeconomic setting.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;The perm doesn’t solve- independent EU action is critical to distinct European action/identity&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Burnell, University of Warwick politics and international studies professor, 7&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;[Peter, Ph.D. in politics from the University of Warwick, “Relations between state, civil society and private sector,” in Democracy: Europe’s Core Value?, ed. by Marieke van Doorn and Roel von Meijenfeldt, 2007, 20-21, mss]&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;A third possible approach to the issue of geographical AND elements in civil society feel more comfortable engaging with Europe.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;"></p>

  • MCC CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • <p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;rText: The Millennium Challenge Corporation should enter into compact negotiations with Egypt. The compact should at least include programs designed to improve civil society in Egypt.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;MCC approach is comparatively better-5 reasons&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Radelet, Center for Global Development senior fellow, 2003&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Steven, “Challenging Foreign Aid: A Policymaker&amp;#39;s Guide to the Millennium Challenge Account”, 5-1, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|#62;><span class="wikiexternallink"><a href="#62;"><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent">#62;</span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, ldg)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;The country-program approach has AND<span style="&amp;#34;background:">&nbsp;</span>across countries and over time.</p>

  • Politics-Harvard-NDAA

    • Tournament: Harvard | Round: 2 | Opponent: UNLV EN | Judge: Harrigan

    • <p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;A. NDAA detention provisions won’t pass now- that’s key to solve terrorism&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Simon, ACLU staff, 10-24&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Amanda, &amp;#34;Momentum Building Against NDAA Detention Provision,&amp;#34;, accessed 10-27-11, mss)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Momentum Building Against NDAA Detention Provision AND to the opposition by contacting your Senator now.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;B. It’s at the top of the docket- PC is key to hold off mandatory military detention&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Johnson, NPR justice dept. correspondent, 10-25&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Carrie, she has spent the last decade and a half chronicling legal affairs in the nation&amp;#39;s capital and beyond, &amp;#34;Big Fight Brewing In Senate Over Defense Policy Bill,&amp;#34; NPR, 10-25-11,, accessed 10-27-11, mss)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;A big fight is brewing in the Senate AND benefits for service members.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;C. Obama opposition is key- provisions doom counter-terror&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;AP, 10-24&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Associated Press &amp;#34;Top Dems oppose detention policy in defense bill,&amp;#34; 10-24-11, ,, 10-27-11, mss)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Top Democrats on the Senate Judiciary and AND tools, would significantly threaten our national security.&amp;#34;&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Terrorism causes global nuclear war&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Morgan, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, 2009&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Dennis, World on fire: two scenarios of the destruction of human civilization and possible extinction of the human race Futures, Volume 41, Issue 10, December, ldg)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;In a remarkable website on nuclear war, AND all those steps and start through the accidental or reckless use of strategic weapons&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;A. Magnitude- terrorists can initiate nuclear strikes through terrorism or cyber terrorism-triggers global lash out and extinction-their Alexander card.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Terrorism collapses the global economy- multiple reasons&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Rogoff, Harvard University economics and public policy professor, 2004&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;[Kenneth, Foreign Policy&amp;#39;s economics columnist, Thomas D. Cabot professor of public policy, &amp;#34;The Cost of Living Dangerously,&amp;#34; Foreign Policy, 11-1-4, google cache, accessed 12-29-10, mss]&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;As this article is being written, the … command-and-control security arrangement.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Collapses global financial markets&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Perry, former Secretary of Defense, 2006&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;[William, Stanford University professor, Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies senior fellow, codirector of the Preventive Defense Project, a research collaboration of Stanford and Harvard Universities, &amp;#34;Proliferation on the Peninsula: Five North Korean Nuclear Crises,&amp;#34; Annals, AAPSS, 607, Sept,, accessed 12-29-10, mss]&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Of course, terrorists setting off a … a top security priority for the United States&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Obama not spending PC on jobs- its designed to fail&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Dennis, Roll Call staff, 10-11&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Steven, &amp;#34;No Clear Path For Obama’s Jobs Package,&amp;#34; Roll Call, 10-11-11,, accessed 10-29-11, mss)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;But McConnell said Democrats designed … he can run against the GOP.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Obama not spending PC on jobs- focus on executive actions avoids congress&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Wolf, USA Today, 10-27&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Richard, &amp;#34;Obama uses executive powers to get past Congress,&amp;#34; USA Today, 10-27-11,, accessed 10-29-11, mss)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;For President Obama, it … him to blow by his Republican critics.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Obama bypassing congress on jobs&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Klein, VOA News White House correspondent, 10-25&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Kent, &amp;#34;Obama Takes Executive Action on Jobs Plan,&amp;#34; VOA News, 10-25-11,, accessed 10-29-11, mss)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;After lawmakers rejected … lawmakers who have blocked his $447-billion job creation bill.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Zero constituency for supporting Libya- only voices against&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Bendery, Huffington Post reporter, 11&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Jennifer, covered the White House and Congressional leadership for three years at Roll Call before coming to Huffington Post, &amp;#34;Obama Unlikely To Sink Money Into Rebuilding Libya, Experts Say,&amp;#34; Huffington Post,, accessed 8-26-11, mss)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;For the moment, the situation on the …Boston Globe. &amp;#34;Plus,&amp;#34; added Frank, &amp;#34;we can&amp;#39;t afford it.&amp;#34;&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Cap on spending means there will be fights about tradeoffs&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Boles, Dow Jones Newswires, 2011&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Corey, “Fresh From Debt-Ceiling Battle, Congress Girds For Spending Fight”, 8-5, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|#62;&#62;><span class="wikiexternallink"><a href="#62;&amp;#62;"><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent">#62;&amp;#62;</span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, DOA: 8-18-11, ldg)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Having wrapped up one … and Policy Priorities, a liberal- leaning think tank.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;The plan will be painted as ‘bombs and ballots’ and linked to Bush’s unpopular demo promo policies&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Mitchell, Columbia international relations professor, 7&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;[Lincoln, Columbia University&amp;#39;s School of International and Public Affairs Arnold A. Saltzman Assistant Professor in the Practice of International Politics; he has worked extensively on democracy assistance programs in the former Soviet Union, the Balkans, Africa and the Middle East, &amp;#34;Beyond Bombs and Ballots,&amp;#34; The National Interest, March/April 2007, l/n, accessed 6-2-11, mss]&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;A CENTRAL component … not isolationist, foreign policy.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Currently policies prevent terror- empirically proven- BUT mandatory detention destroys flexibility and international cooperation&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Brennan, chief counter-terrorism advistor to the president, 11&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(John, Deputy National Security Advisor for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, and Assistant to the President, over 25 years of experience with the CIA including work as a Near East and South Asia analyst, as station chief in Saudi Arabia, and as director of the National Counterterrorism Center, his CIA career reached the highest rungs of the CIA,&amp;#34;John Brennan&amp;#39;s Remarks at HLS-Brookings Conference,&amp;#34; Lawfare: Hard National Security Choices, 9-16-11, l/n, accessed 10-27-11, mss)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Flexibility-critical to our … than them. We&amp;#39;re Americans.</p>

  • Private Aid CP

    • Tournament: Harvard | Round: 2 | Opponent: UNLV EN | Judge: Harrigan

    • <p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Counterplan: The United States federal government should extend a tax credit of 39 cents for every dollar invested by business, non-governmental organizations, and individuals that provide for technical support for transparent democratic governance in Libya.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Tax credits solve foreign aid and avoid corruption, bureaucracy, and spending taxpayer dollars&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Muzinich and Werker, Harvard Business School professor, 7&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Justin, works for hedge fund in Connecticut, and Eric, Ph.D. in economics from Harvard, Harvard Business School assistant professor, his research explores the economics of development and foreign aid, economic advisor to the President of Liberia, worked with the US Government’s Millennium Challenge Corporation on foreign aid projects and with the NGO Conservation International, serves on the Advisory Group of the Center for Global Development, and is a Fellow at Harvard Kennedy School&amp;#39;s Center for International Development, &amp;#34;A Global Tax Credit,&amp;#34; NY Times, 10-20-2007,, accessed 10-17-11, mss)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;BARACK OBAMA has proposed that the AND of globalization to poor countries.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Block Evidence&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;2. Only the counterplan is morally worthwhile&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Machan, Auburn University philosophy professor emeritus, 95&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Tibor, Ph.D in Philosophy from UC Santa Barbara, Hoover Institution research fellow, and Cato Institute adjunct scholar, Private Rights &amp;#38; Public Illusions, 1995, pg 68-9, google books, accessed 10-27-11, mss)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;All governmental AND fully (until recently) by the philosopher John Locke.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Reject the plan a priori- moral questions must be evaluated before consequences&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Schwartz, Intellectual Activist founder and editor, 89&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Peter, &amp;#34;On Moral Sanctions,&amp;#34; reprinted from The Intellectual Activist, Vol 5, No 1, 1989,, accessed 10-27-11, mss)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Moral judgment, and not some pragmatic ANDis by its nature the anti-life and can offer no value.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;[Matt note: gender paraphrased]&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;3. Perm collapses soft power- private action alone is key- solves counter-terrorism and heg&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Jenkins, Ohio State law professor, 7&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Garry W., Ohio State University Moritz College of Law assistant law professor, North Carolina Law Review, &amp;#34;Soft Power, Strategic Security, and International Philanthropy,&amp;#34; 85 N.C.L. Rev. 773, March 2007, l/n, accessed 10-18-11, mss)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;C. International Philanthropy as a Source of Soft Power&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;International philanthropy can AND, in turn, produces benefit - in the form of soft power - that inures to the state writ large.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;4. Private actors have massive resources and better implementation&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Jenkins, Ohio State law professor, 7&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Garry W., Ohio State University Moritz College of Law assistant law professor, North Carolina Law Review, &amp;#34;Soft Power, Strategic Security, and International Philanthropy,&amp;#34; 85 N.C.L. Rev. 773, March 2007, l/n, accessed 10-18-11, mss)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;U.S. private foundations and public charities, AND and democratic governance advance U.S. security interests. n56</p>

  • SPP CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • <p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Counterplan: The United States federal government should expand the National Guard State Partnership Program to (country) for the purposes of (plan).&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Expanding the SPP to include the plan solves, expands citizen relationships, and doesn’t link to politics&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Owens, Colorado governor, 2&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Bill, governor of Colorado and vice chair of the Republican Governors Association, he has led delegations to Europe, Latin America, and Asia, including ten trips to Russia; and Troy A. Eid, serves on the governor’s cabinet as the secretary of personnel and administration for Colorado, &amp;#34;Strategic Democracy Building: How U.S. States Can Help,&amp;#34; Washington Quarterly, 25:4, Autumn 2002, ebsco, accessed 8-18-11, mss)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;As the SPP begins its second decade and AND to ensure that these and other efforts directly meet U.S. foreign policy objectives.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;State action creates citizen diplomacy- solves the aff, cred, and signal better than the plan&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Lawton et al, National Lieutenant Governor&amp;#39;s Association chair, 10&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Barbara, Lt. Governor (D-WI), US Center for Citizen Diplomacy Roundtable on the Role of States chair, &amp;#34;The Role of States in Global Citizen Diplomacy,&amp;#34; Nov 2010,, accessed 10-19-11, mss)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;In an era of increasing globalization, AND relations are disrupted.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;3. Empirical evidence- SPP works- our evidence is specific to the Mid-east and Muslim-majority nations&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Lawton et al, National Lieutenant Governor&amp;#39;s Association chair, 10&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Barbara, Lt. Governor (D-WI), US Center for Citizen Diplomacy Roundtable on the Role of States chair, &amp;#34;The Role of States in Global Citizen Diplomacy,&amp;#34; Nov 2010,, accessed 10-19-11, mss)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;At its core, the program’s larger mission empowers regional AND gives empirical evidence that suggests tremendous potential remains to be realized.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;4. State action is seen as representing official US policy&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Robinson, Jawaharlal Nehru University fellow, 7&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Nick, Yale Law School, J.D. 2006, Akron Law Review, &amp;#34;Citizens Not Subjects: U.S. Foreign Relations Law and the Decentralization of Foreign Policy,&amp;#34; 40 Akron L. Rev. 647, 2007, l/n, accessed 10-21-11, mss)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;State and local governments are arguably seen as AND federal government to stop offensive activity will be seen as federal endorsement of such activity.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Federal action signals state action is unnecessary- creates a chilling affect&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Adler, Case Western law professor, 11&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Jonathan, Case Western Reserve University School of Law professor of law, Kansas Journal of Law &amp;#38; Public Policy, &amp;#34;Cooperation, Commandeering, or Crowding Out?&amp;#34; 20 Kan. J.L. &amp;#38; Pub. Pol&amp;#39;y 199, Spring 2011, l/n, accessed 10-20-11, mss)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;IV. Federal Influences on State Policy Choices&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;It is evident that the federal government may directly AND actually prevent further and future upward progress.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;SPP is voluntary- states have ultimate control and can decide to not participate&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Howard, American University international security professor, 4&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Peter, American University School of International Service adjunct professorial lecturer, his research focuses on US foreign policy and international security and how the implementation of foreign policy programs produces rule-based regional security regimes, &amp;#34;The Growing Role of States in U.S. Foreign Policy: The Case of the State Partnership Program,&amp;#34; International Studies Perspectives, 5:2, May 2004, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|><span class="wikiexternallink"><a class="wikimodel-freestanding" href=""><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent"></span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, accessed 10-18-11, mss)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;As such, the National Guard has a unique dual role. AND programs like the SPP.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Plan severs certainty-&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;A. Resolved means unconditional&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;American Heritage, 9&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(American Heritage Dictionary, 4th Edition &amp;#34;resolved,&amp;#34; 2009, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|><span class="wikiexternallink"><a class="wikimodel-freestanding" href=""><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent"></span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, mss)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;re·solve (rĭ-zŏlv&amp;#39emoticon_wink v. tr.&nbsp;</p><ol class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;"><li>To make a firm decision about.&nbsp;</li></ol><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;B. Should requires mandatory action&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Words and Phrases, 1953, Vol. 39, p. 312.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Command implied. The word “should,” as used in Laws 1901, p. 387, c 106, 3, providing that, on proof of certain facts to the county court, it shall be determined whether territory should be disconnected from a city, does not authorize the court to do as it pleases; the statute is mandatory.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;USFG means the government in DC&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Baker, Goucher College history professor, 2009&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;[Jean H., B.A., M.A., Ph.D, &amp;#34;United States Government,&amp;#34; <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|><span class="wikiexternallink"><a class="wikimodel-freestanding" href=""><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent"></span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, mss]&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;United States Government, the combination of federal, state, and local laws, bodies, and agencies that is responsible for carrying out the operations of the United States. The federal government of the United States is centered in Washington, D.C.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Glossary of English Grammar Terms, 11&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(“Term: Possessive Pronoun” 7-27-11, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|><span class="wikiexternallink"><a class="wikimodel-freestanding" href=""><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent"></span></a></span><!stopwikilink>&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs are the possessive pronouns used to substitute a noun and to show possession or ownership. EG. This is your disk and that&amp;#39;s mine. (Mine substitutes the word disk and shows that it belongs to me.)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;SPP cedes assistance to state governments- violates “its”&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Howard, American University international security professor, 4&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Peter, American University School of International Service adjunct professorial lecturer, his research focuses on US foreign policy and international security and how the implementation of foreign policy programs produces rule-based regional security regimes, &amp;#34;The Growing Role of States in U.S. Foreign Policy: The Case of the State Partnership Program,&amp;#34; International Studies Perspectives, 5:2, May 2004, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|><span class="wikiexternallink"><a class="wikimodel-freestanding" href=""><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent"></span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, accessed 10-18-11, mss)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;While most analyses of state participation in AND program to state governments.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;AND- “Its” explicitly precludes state action- grammar&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Modeleski, Account for Better Citizenship founder, 92&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Mitch, memo to John Alden, &amp;#34;Sovereignty and the Matrix,&amp;#34; 5-28-92, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|><span class="wikiexternallink"><a class="wikimodel-freestanding" href=""><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent"></span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, mss)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;There are three official definitions of &amp;#34;AND apply to the nation or to the federal zone, but not to the 50 States (because the 50 States are plural).&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;2. Counterplan doesn’t link to politics- empirically it’s a bipartisan mechanism&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Owens, Republican Governors Association vice chair, 2&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Bill, governor of Colorado and vice chair of the, he has led delegations to Europe, Latin America, and Asia, including ten trips to Russia; and Troy A. Eid, serves on the governor’s cabinet as the secretary of personnel and administration for Colorado, &amp;#34;Strategic Democracy Building: How U.S. States Can Help,&amp;#34; Washington Quarterly, 25:4, Autumn 2002, ebsco, accessed 8-18-11, mss)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Some may find it tempting to AND both sides of the aisle for democracy-building policies in Washington.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;3. SPP solves, creates a bipartisan constituency, and there’s no new costs&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Owens, Colorado governor, 2&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Bill, governor of Colorado and vice chair of the Republican Governors Association, he has led delegations to Europe, Latin America, and Asia, including ten trips to Russia; and Troy A. Eid, serves on the governor’s cabinet as the secretary of personnel and administration for Colorado, &amp;#34;Strategic Democracy Building: How U.S. States Can Help,&amp;#34; Washington Quarterly, 25:4, Autumn 2002, ebsco, accessed 8-18-11, mss)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;In the months that followed, these AND costs to the participating states.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;"></p>

  • Speciesism K

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • <p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Focusing on liberation requires re-affirmation of animality to justify the liberation of those the affirmative targets which re-entrenches speciesism.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Kim, UC Irvine political science professor, 2009&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Claire, “Slaying the Beast: Reflections on Race, Culture, and Species”, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|><span class="wikiexternallink"><a class="wikimodel-freestanding" href=""><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent"></span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, ldg)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Dyson gives a perfunctory nod to the AND our experience, and our actions.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Speciesism makes possible “systematic beastilization” which justifies non-criminal putting to death of the other—root cause of all oppression&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Rossini, postdoctoral Fellow ASCA, 2006&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Manuela, “To the Dogs: Companion speciesism and the new feminist materialism”, text and image Volume 3, September, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|><span class="wikiexternallink"><a class="wikimodel-freestanding" href=""><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent"></span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, ldg)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;What is equally sobering, however, is the fact that the AND means limited to its overwhelmingly direct and disproportionate effects on animals.[26]&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;NOTE- conditio sine qua non&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;The alternative is to embrace the standpoint of the animal—this overcomes the humanist bias of the affirmative scholarship, connects the experiences of human and non-human animals and allows for total liberation by providing understanding of all oppression&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Best, UT El Paso philosophy professor, 2009&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Steven, “The Rise of Critical Animal Studies: Putting Theory into Action and Animal Liberation into Higher Education “, Journal for Critical Animal Studies, Volume VII, Issue 1, 2009, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|><span class="wikiexternallink"><a class="wikimodel-freestanding" href=""><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent"></span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, ldg)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Postmodern critiques have been hugely influential AND and justice, and ecological healing and balance.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;BLOCK&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;2. Deconstructing specieism is the prerequistie to solve violence against oppressed groups.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Deckha, Victoria University law professor, 2006&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Maneesha, “THE SALIENCE OF SPECIES DIFFERENCE FOR FEMINIST THEORY”, 17 Hastings Women&amp;#39;s L.J. 1 (Winter 2006), <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|><span class="wikiexternallink"><a class="wikimodel-freestanding" href=""><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent"></span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, ldg)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Mainstream feminists have AND against animals to fully comprehend the extent of intimate violence.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;That discourse re-entrenches speciesim.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Tittle, Ph.D Nipissing University, 1998&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Peg, “The Humanist View of Animal Rights”, Spring, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|><span class="wikiexternallink"><a class="wikimodel-freestanding" href=""><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent"></span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, ldg)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;First, if humanism &amp;#39;just&amp;#39; emphasized human-as-opposed-AND humanism must condone sport hunting.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Historical foundations of slavery are founded in animal oppression&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Heydt 2010&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Sam, “AMERICAN ABATTOIRS”, 12-20, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|><span class="wikiexternallink"><a class="wikimodel-freestanding" href=""><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent"></span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, DOA: 8-18-11, ldg)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Patriarchy, slavery and the social matrix AND ‘human’ remains increasingly obscured.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Specieism has to be at the center of analysis-otherwise diminishing returns takes out solvency.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Rowe, Professor of Plant Ecology at the University of Saskatchewa, 1990&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Stan, “Environmental Ethics - Ethical Ecosphere”, Trumpeter Vol 7, No 3,<!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|><span class="wikiexternallink"><a class="wikimodel-freestanding" href=""><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent"></span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, ldg)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Ethics-by-extension soon runs into the AND maintenance? A greater-than-human goal guides human goals.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Saying we have to hear the animals point of view before we can act is speciest.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Russell et al., Lakehead education professor, 2000&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Constance, “Beyond Human, Beyond Words: Anthropocentrism, Critical Pedagogy, and the Poststructuralist Turn”, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|><span class="wikiexternallink"><a class="wikimodel-freestanding" href=""><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent"></span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, ldg)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;This view of language is deeply embedded AND is reserved for humans (Haraway, 1988, p. 592).&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;2. The alternative’s counter history is key to show that the standpoint of animals has been excluded to perpetuate oppression AND is not based off a single universal standpoint which makes it methodologically superior the AFF.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;Kahn, North Dakota Educational Foundations professor, 2008&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;(Richard, “Towards an Animal Standpoint: Vegan Education and the Epistemology of Ignorance”, <!startwikilink:false|-|url|-|><span class="wikiexternallink"><a class="wikimodel-freestanding" href=""><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent"></span></a></span><!stopwikilink>, ldg)&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;">&nbsp;In this way, I was led to follow an educational path AND academic working on animal standpoint theory.&nbsp;</p><p class="&amp;#34;MsoNormal&amp;#34;"></p>

  • Disease Tradeoff DA

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • <p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;A. Effective USAID programs key to prevent pandemic disease</p><p class="MsoNormal">Batson, USAID Global Health deputy assistant administrator, 11</p><p class="MsoNormal">(Amie, Congressional Testimony, Targeted News Service, 5-31-11, l/n, accessed 11-8-11, mss)</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">The success of the global health effort AND to prevent post-partum hemorrhage must be delivered to the people who need them most.</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">B. Foreign aid funding is zero-sum- plan forces a tradeoff</p><p class="MsoNormal">Sessions, Center for Global Development program coordinator, 6</p><p class="MsoNormal">(Myra, "The PMI Turns One – How Will We Measure Success?," Center for Global Development,, accessed 8-31-11, mss)</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">Thanks for the comment and question, Michael. I have AND conversation about the successes and opportunities of the initiatives.</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">AND- New cuts gut USAID</p><p class="MsoNormal">Worthington, InterAction CEO and president, 11</p><p class="MsoNormal">(Samuel, InterAction is the largest alliance of U.S.-based international nongovernmental organizations, "US must learn from Britain and not cut foreign aid," The Guardian, 8-1-11,, accessed 8-27-11, mss)</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">Current budget battles in Washington AND of proposed cuts. Spending cuts that have the unintended effect of targeting the world's poorest populations make no sense to us either.</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">C. Extinction</p><p class="MsoNormal">Keating, Foreign Policy web editor, 9</p><p class="MsoNormal">(Joshua, “The End of the World”, 11-13-09, , ldg)</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">How it could happen: Throughout history, AND weapons experimentation has added a new and just as troubling complication.</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">3. No solvency- pandemic causes US government failure</p><p class="MsoNormal">Greger, Humane Society public health director, 6</p><p class="MsoNormal">(Dr. Michael, The Humane Society of the United States Director of Public Health and Animal Agriculture, graduate of the Cornell University School of Agriculture and the Tufts University School of Medicine, Bird Flu, 2006, , accessed 2-26-11, mss)</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">Business Week’s bird flu cover story, “Hot Zone in the Heartland,” AND you back to the Declaration of Independence.”696</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">Overview Cards</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">Turns case- pandemic causes state collapse, instability and war</p><p class="MsoNormal">Brown and Chalk, RAND science and political analysts, 3</p><p class="MsoNormal">(Jennifer Brown, RAND S&amp;T policy analyst, Ph.D. in public health from Harvard University, Codirected the congressionally mandated Advisory Panel to Assess Domestic Response Capabilities for Terrorism Involving WMD, and Peter, RAND senior political scientist, Ph.D. in political science from the University of British Columbia, correspondent for Jane's Intelligence Review and associate editor of Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, one of the foremost journals in the international security field, adjunct professor at the Postgraduate Naval School in Monterey, California, and contractor for the Asia Pacific Center for Security Studies in Honolulu, HI, and the United States Institute of Peace, "The Global Threat of New and Reemerging Infectious Diseases; Reconciling U.S. National Security and Public Health Policy," 2003,, accessed 2-26-11, mss)</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">The argument that the transnational spread of AND as one of the most significant “conflict starters” and possibly even “war outcome determinants” during the next decade.</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">Even a moderate pandemic is nation-busting- takes out solvency even if they win all their defense</p><p class="MsoNormal">Greger, Humane Society public health director, 6</p><p class="MsoNormal">(Dr. Michael, The Humane Society of the United States Director of Public Health and Animal Agriculture, graduate of the Cornell University School of Agriculture and the Tufts University School of Medicine, Bird Flu, 2006, , accessed 2-26-11, mss)</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">Senator Frist has warned that H5N1 “poses an AND cost of cheap chicken.</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">Makes foreign aid and democracy assistance impossible</p><p class="MsoNormal">O’Connor, Institute for Global Security Studies director, 10</p><p class="MsoNormal">(Tom, “World Health Problems and Global Health Security,” 1-9-10, , ldg)</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">In a globalized world, there are no health AND monitoring of environmental hazards.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>

  • UGA LL vs Liberty GW 1NC

    • Tournament: Pittsburgh Round Robin | Round: 2 | Opponent: UGA LL | Judge: Jarman




      Violation – Plan uses a foreign intermediary so the US no longer has singular control

      Weiss, Analyst in International Trade and Finance Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Trade at CRS, 8

      (4-1, Martin A., The World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA), ) atw


      On the other hand--- domestic political reasons



      Politics PTC:


      Payroll will pass- its top of the agenda and PC is key.

      Lee, Wall Street Journal white house correspondent, 12-31

      (Carol, "White House Looks to Shrunken 2012 Legislative Agenda," Wall Street Journal, 12-31-11,, accessed 12-31-11, mss)


      White House Looks to Shrunken --- grandchildren to grow up in


      Libya aid drains capital.

      Emery, Globe staff writer, 11

      (Theo, "Congress could resist additional aid to Libya," Boston Globe,, accessed 8-26-11, mss)


      Congress could resist--- nascent government in Libya


      Extension key to stop double dip.

      Guardian 12-28-11

      (“Extending Obama's tax cuts should be new year's resolution for Republicans”, , DOA: 12-30-11, ldg)


      However,--- worst possible time


      Decline causes war.

      Royal, director of Cooperative Threat Reduction at the U.S. Department of Defense, 2010

      (Jedediah, Economics of War and Peace: Economic, Legal, and Political Perspectives, pg 213-215, ldg)



      Less intuitive--- ancillary to those views.



      Tax Credit Counter Plan:



      Counterplan: The United States federal government should extend a tax credit of 39 cents for every dollar invested by business, non-governmental organizations, and individuals that provide technical support and expertise to facilitate a democratic political transition in Libya with the United Nations Support Mission in Libya.


      Tax credits solve and avoids politics.

      Muzinich and Werker, Harvard Business School professor, 7

      (Justin, works for hedge fund in Connecticut, and Eric, Ph.D. in economics from Harvard, Harvard Business School assistant professor, his research explores the economics of development and foreign aid, economic advisor to the President of Liberia, worked with the US Government’s Millennium Challenge Corporation on foreign aid projects and with the NGO Conservation International, serves on the Advisory Group of the Center for Global Development, and is a Fellow at Harvard Kennedy School's Center for International Development, "A Global Tax Credit," NY Times, 10-20-2007,, accessed 10-17-11, mss)


      BARACK OBAMA has proposed--- globalization to poor countries.











      Radical Democracy Criticism:


       Good governance discourses contain and police the radicalism of democracy

      Ngugi, Washington University law professor, 2005

      (Joel, “Symposium: Regulating European Markets: Transnational Perspectives on Current Market Abuse Initiatives: Article: Policing Neo-Liberal Reforms: The Rule of Law as an Enabling and Restrictive Discourse,” Fall, 26 U. Pa. J. Int'l Econ. L. 513, lexis, ldg)


      Given the actual operation--- in an either/or fashion


      Current forms of democracy are a cover for mass violence and exclusion

      Sunic, former US professor, author, translator and former Croatian diplomat, 10

      (Tomislav, Ph.D. in political science from the University of California, Santa Barbara, “Preface,” written 12-28-2010, in The Problem of Democracy, written by Alain de Benoist (2011), p9-12, mss)


      Those who love to regurgitate--- but where there is no democracy.


      This is critical to inspire and legitimize attempts to disrupt the prevailing “democratic” order

      Little and Lloyd, political theory professors, 9

      (Adrian, University of Melbourne political theory associate professor, head of the School of Political Science, Criminology, and Sociology, and Moya, Loughborough University political theory professor, “Conclusion,” in The Politics of Radical Democracy, ed by Adrian Little and Moya Lloyd, 203-6, mss)


      Radical democratic theory,--- not need to be apprehended


      A/T Solvency:


      Plan leads to Kiss of death.

      Applebaum, writer for the Washington Post, 11

      [Anne, 8/23/2011, Let Libya take charge of its revolution, The Washington Post, p., 12/24/11, atl]


      The Libyan revolution needn’t--- American flag draped over his head



      SQ solves the aff AND the status of mission agreement has already been signed- there’s no mechanism for the aff

      UN News Service, 1-10

      (“Libya: UN and Government sign status of mission agreement,” , DOA: 1-20-12, atw)


      The United Nations and the--- promoting reconciliation and preparing for elections



      No escalation- great powers won’t intervene in Africa- Sudan proves

      Barrett, Ph.D. student in Strategic Studies and Conflict Resolution, 5

      (Robert, Ph.D. student, Strategic Studies and Conflict Resolution Centre for Military and Strategic Studies University of Calgary Canada, MA, Conflict Analysis and Management, “Understanding the Challenges of African Democratization through Conflict Analysis,” 6-1-5,, accessed 1-18-12, mss)


      Westerners eager to promote democracy---- the intervening nation has very little interest


      Instability key to prevent African industrial development

      UN Economic Development in Africa Report, 11

      (United Nations, "Chapter 6: Fostering industrial development in Africa: main findings and recommendations," Jan 11, l/n, accessed 1-15-12, mss)



      The Report also recognizes the importance of regional---- the areas of crisis prevention, management and resolution.



      That destroys African biodiversity

      Tesi, Middle Tennessee State University political science professor, 2k

      (Moses, PhD in political science from Vanderbilt University, editor of The Journal of African Policy Studies, The Environment and Development in Africa, 33-4, google books, accessed 1-15-12, mss)


      Activities in each category of elements--- is no longer able to sustain life.





      Key to prevent extinction

      Owusu-Afriyie, Aburi Botanic Gardens staff, 2

      (George, "The Potential Role of African Botanic Gardens in Environmental Awareness Programmes and the Need to be Involved," 10-1-2,, accessed 1-15-12, mss)



      Today some of the 60 botanic gardens--- various life-sustaining systems on the Earth


      African instability key to justify strong EU foreign policy

      Loisel, Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris, 5

      (Sebastien, "Secutisation Processes in the Formulation of European Foreign and Security Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa," CFSP Forum, 3:5, Sept 05,, accessed 1-18-12, mss)


      Normative references to both humanitarian--- sheer survival of African civilians that is at stake



      Strong EU is key to solve extinction

      Bruton, former prime minister of Ireland, 2

      [John, former ambassador of the EU to the US, European Commission Delegation ambassador, "The Future of the European Union," The Irish Times, 1-31-2002,, accessed 6-23-11, mss]


      As the Laeken Declaration put it,---- forces that will otherwise overwhelm us.



      Instability key to African rainforests- key to solve climate change and the hydro-cycle

      DeCapua, VOA News staff, 12

      (Joe, "African Rainforests Continue to Face Challenges," Voice of America News,, accessed 1-15-12, mss)



      The African continent contains about 30 percent of the world’s--- at least compared to forests of Asia or the Amazon,” Malhi said.







      Warming causes extinction

      Henderson, 6

      (Bill, "Runaway Global Warming - Denial," 8-19-6,


      The scientific debate about human--- more potent greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.



      Hydrologic cycle key to prevent extinction

      Abreu et al, 5

      (Francisco de Assis Matos de Abreu, André Montenegro Duarte, Mário Ramos Ribeiro, Ana Rosa Carriço de Lima and Wellington de Jesus Sousa. “The Hydrologic cycle: an open or closed system?” Revista Geográfica 137 (Jan-June 2005): p109)


      This paper deals with the Hydrologic Cycle,--- of research with regard to global changes.


      No uniqueness for UN multilat- the entire rest of their Brimmer evidence after they stop reading talks about how the SQ solves all their impacts including the aff

      Brimmer, 11

      (9-15, Esther, A Misguided Assault, , DOA: 1-18, atw)

      Glancing at the agenda of the upcoming General --- and to continued U.S. global leadership across the UN system.



      Multilat fails

      Rothkopf, visiting scholar at the Carnegie Endowment, 3-10-2011

      (David, “Libya is a crucial test for Obama the multilateralist, , ldg)


      History has shown that there are some real--- international team player and be strong at the same time.



      No transition wars.

      Zakaria, 08 (Fareed, editor of Newsweek International, The Post American World, pages 242-243)


      What if that hegemony is waning?---- Smaller work-arounds might be just as effective.



      No challengers

      Norrlof, political science professor at Toronto, 2010

      (Carla, America’s Global Advantage: US Hegemony and International Cooperation, pg 251-2 ldg)


      Transforming the current power structure---- system for the foreseeable future.


      No impact to prolfi

      Evans and Kawaguchi et al, ICNND co-chairs, November 2009


      It is important to keep all these concerns in perspective --- quickly to a move by Iran to acquire nuclear-armed status.


      NATO cred is in the toilet

      The Independent 10-22-11

      (“Leading article: A victory that lays bare Nato's weakness”, , DOA; 10-23-11, ldg)


      The success of this operation is one--- rather exposed its manifold, and growing, weaknesses


      Al Qaeda isn’t a threat-no leadership or recruits

      Yousafzai, Newsweek's correspondent in Pakistan and Afghanistan, 1-2-12

      (Sami, “Al Qaeda on the Ropes: One Fighter’s Inside Story”, , DOA: 1-11-12, ldg)



      Is it still too soon to write al Qaeda’s obituary?--- more than bin Laden and Zawahiri ever have.”





      Terrorists won't use nuclear weapons- the risk of failure is too high

      Levi 07

      ( Michael A., CFR (Council for Foreign Relations) Science and Technology fellow, 4-13-07, "How Likely is a Nuclear Terrorist Attack on the United States?,"


      How likely is a nuclear terrorist attack on the United States?---- nuclear terrorism may be much less likely than many expect



      No retaliation.

      Erwin and Magnuson, Editor-National Defense Magazine and Washington DC based journalist, 2009

      (Sandra and Stew, “7 Deadly Myths About Weapons of Terror”, National Defense, June 2009, lexis, ldg)


      Under the nightmare scenario of a nuclear bomb--- government, which would complicate the forensics work.



      A. Corruption

      Haidari, Daily Outlook Afghanistan staff, 11

      (Abdul Samad, "Corruption is the Common Cause of Destruction & Annihilation," Daily Outlook Afghanistan, l/n, accessed 1-5-12, mss)


      Corruption is the Common Cause of Destruction--- strong recommendation or show them their balance.



      Daily Outlook Afghanistan, 11

      ("Sinister Western Designs for Pakistan and the Afghan War," 8-11-11, l/n, accessed 1-5-12, mss)


      The fate of the war in Afghanistan--- inside Afghanistan without a stable and secure Pakistan.



  • UGA LL vs Liberty GW 2NC

    • Tournament: Pittsburgh Round Robin | Round: 2 | Opponent: UGA LL | Judge: Jarman

    • A/T Africa War


      No great power war in Africa- no serious interests

      Fehrenbach, American author and former head of the Texas Historical Commission, 8

      (T.R., "Central Asia ripe for next Big One," San Antonio Express-News, 3-9-8, l/n, accessed 1-16-12, mss)


      Me, I've never been--- fought by proxies and a few paratroops          



      Escalation empirically denied and based on cold war thinking- states will cooperate and peace-keep

      Cilliers, Institute for Security Studies (South Africa) executive director, 2k

      (Jakkie, "African Security," Paper by Jakkie Cilliers at the Ministerial Conference on Security, Stability, Development and Co-operation in Africa, May 2000,, accessed 1-18-12, mss)


      Direct conflict between African states such--- required by these often intractable problems.




      No proxy war escalation

      Cilliers, Institute for Security Studies (South Africa) executive director, 2k

      (Jakkie, "African Security," Paper by Jakkie Cilliers at the Ministerial Conference on Security, Stability, Development and Co-operation in Africa, May 2000,, accessed 1-18-12, mss)

      Today Africa stands--- stability beyond its borders.


      No escalation

      Africa News, 4

      ("Speaking Out:- Africa And the Future of Terrorism," 4-9-4, l/n, accessesed 1-18-12, mss)

      Defining our role may--- significance to anyone in the first world.


      Glick evidence is worthless- she’s a hack who discards truth and facts to mislead

      Rosenberg, Heeb Magazine columnist, 12

      (Shmarya, "The Lies of Caroline Glick," 1-9-12,, accessed 1-16-12,mss)

      The right wing columnist and --- After all, the truth does matter.


      Business interest and investment in Africa is just starting to take hold

      Horne, Investec Asset Management portfolio manager, 1-19

      (Roelof, interview by Alex Hogg, "Why everyone wants to invest in the African continent," Money Web,, 1-18-12, mss)


      ROELOF HORNE: Well, Alec, I think that’s exactly right--- and have a look for themselves.



      MNC expansion in Africa starting now- stability is a pre-req

      UPI, 1-17

      (United Press International, "FocusPoint expands in Africa," 1-17-12,, accessed 1-18-12, mss)


      FocusPoint expands in Africa--- which they operate," Pearson said


      Now is key- African growth is just gearing up

      Heffernan, investment capital manager and Ph.D. in economics, 1-17

      (Shayne, oversees the management of funds for institutions and high net worth individuals, over 25 years of trading experience and hands on experience in Venture Capital, he has been involved in several start ups that have seen market capitalization over $500m and 1 that reach a peak market cap of $15b, he has managed and overseen start ups in Mining, Shipping, Technology and Financial Services, "Africa Posts Strong 2011 Growth, 1-17-12, ", accessed 1-18-12, mss


      Africa saw good economic results--- Africa the continent of the future.”




      A/T Bio-Diversity


      Prefer the specificity our evidence to African biodiversity- its key to prevent extinction- key region and species to global life-support systems

      Richard, Tree Hugger science and technology editor, 10

      (Michael Graham, "The True Size and Importance of Africa," 10-13-10,, accessed 1-16-12, mss)


      Don't Overlook Africa!--- will affect the most vulnerable people there.



      Protecting African rainforests key to solve climate and global water circulation

      Anaruk, citing studies in the peer-reviewed journal Nature, 9

      (Amy, freelance health and environmental writer, "The Importance of African Forests as Carbon Sinks," 3-21-9,, accessed 1-16-12, mss)


      It may be impossible to overestimate---- in British Columbia, one of the last large non-tropical rainforests on Earth




      Nuclear war doesn’t cause extinction- bad physics

      Seitz, Harvard University Center for International Affairs visiting scholar, 6

      (Russell, "The' Nuclear Winter ' Meltdown; Photoshopping the Apocalypse,", accessed 9-25-11, mss)


      The recent winter solstice witnessed a 'Carl Sagan Blog-a-thon'---- carried over to a new generation of  X-Box.



      Most recent evidence and better models prove- their science is bad

      Seitz, Harvard University Center for International Affairs visiting scholar, 11

      (Russell, “Nuclear winter was and is debatable,” Nature, 7-7-11, Vol 475, pg37, accessed 9-27-11, mss)


      Alan Robock's contention--- small as to call the very term 'nuclear winter' into question.



      Oceans and counter-force targeting check

      Zutell, Arizona Dept. of Emergency and Military Affairs, Division of Emergency Services, 88

      (Eugene, 6-19-88.


      To enumerate some other problems with--- nuclear winter as described by Sagan and associates, are  less than predictable. 





      Concentration checks extinction- AND aff doesn’t turn the impact

      Tonn, UT political science professor, 5

      (Bruce, “Human extinction scenarios”, August, , ldg)


      The human species faces numerous threats to its existence.---- appear to be resilient to extinction with respect to single events.

  • UGA LL vs Liberty GW 1NR

    • Tournament: Pittsburgh Round Robin | Round: 2 | Opponent: UGA LL | Judge: Jarman

    • Radical Democracy in the 2NR

      Radical Democracy Cards:



      No solvency- the West will act as spoiler- doing everything possible to prevent gains in democracy

      Chomsky, MIT linguistics professor emeritus, 11

      ([Noam, "US will do anything to prevent democracy in the Arab world," 5-11-2011,, accessed 5-26-11, atl/mss)


      The U.S. and its allies will do anything they can---- pull out the rhetoric, try to restore the old regime



      Current liberal democracy makes war and violent conflict inevitable

      Blaney, Macalester College political science associate professor, 1

      (David, “Realist Spaces/Liberal Bellicosities,” in Democracy, Liberalism, and War: Rethinking the Democratic Peace Debate, 2001, ed. by Tarak Barkawi and Mark Laffey, 34-7, mss)


      The claims of a liberal zone of peace---- and cultures to a liberal democratic model



      Their arguments are based in blinkered intelligence- imperial enclosures nurture pessimism and disinformation, distorting their picture of the world and nullifying the truth-value of their claims

      Shor, Wayne State history professor, 2010

      [Francis, Dying Empire: US Imperialism and Global Resistance, p32-34, net library, accessed 1-31-10, mss/tlr]


      In order to excavate and explode the mental landscapes---- resulting in the death of one child and his own demise.



      Democratic atrophy in the US destroys the efficacy of democracy assistance abroad- try or die for the alt

      Carothers, Carnegie Endowment Democracy and Rule of Law Project director, 96

      (Thomas, "Promoting democracy in a postmodern world," Dissent, v43 Spring 1996, p35-40, HW Wilson Web, accessed 8-30-11, mss)


      I was in Kazakhstan not long ago, on a project funded by the U.S. Agency--- of our own relationship to the democratic principles and values we espouse.




      A/T PERM:


      The plan will be used to hijack and redirect radical movements, reproducing hollow polyarchy to promote US interests

      Robinson, University of California–Santa Barbara sociology professor, 4

      [William I., "What to Expect from US “Democracy Promotion” in Iraq," New Political Science, Vol 26, No 3, Sept 2004,, accessed 5-17-11, mss]


      The US plan for “promoting democracy”---- to function to absorb threats and to reproduce the social order.



      The link alone takes out solvency- governance focus treats the symptom rather than the actual reasons for conflict

      Kartas, Centre on Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding researcher, 7

      (Moncef, “Post-conflict Peace-building – Is the Hegemony of the ‘Good Governance’ Discourse Depoliticising the Local?” paper for the Annual Conference of the Nordic International Studies Association (NISA), 2007,, accessed 8-18-11, mss)


      This becomes particularly problematic--- for the construction of new political institutions.



      Plan guts democracy’s radical potential.

      Ngugi, Washington University law professor, 2005

      (Joel, “Symposium: Regulating European Markets: Transnational Perspectives on Current Market Abuse Initiatives: Article: Policing Neo-Liberal Reforms: The Rule of Law as an Enabling and Restrictive Discourse,” Fall, 26 U. Pa. J. Int'l Econ. L. 513, lexis, ldg)


      In this article, I explore the way IDAs, in general,---- constricts the emancipatory potential of democracy

  • Neg v. Samford BL

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1nc-Terror CP, PTC Politics, Tax Credits CP, Saudi Arabia Disad, Tradeoff Disad, Case (below)

      2nc- Tax Credits cp, Case

      1nr- Saudi advantage, tradeoff disad

      2nr- PTC, Solvency, Saudi Arabia, Terrorism, Tax Credits



      Yemen would say no-they are pissed at the US

      Ditz, managing news editor at, 12-25-11

      (Jason, “Yemen Opposition Slams US Ambassador’s Statement Encouraging Crackdown”, , DOA: 1-11-12, ldg)


      Tensions are soaring - oppose Hadi’s rule.


      Transition agreement will fail-causes instability in the short term

      IHS Global Insight 12-21-11

      (“Military Transition Key to Yemen's Short-Term Stability”, , DOA: 1-11-12, ldg)


      Perhaps the greatest - further significant accomplishments.


      Judicial reform fails-ppl reject reform.

      Prado et al., Toronto law professor, 2009

      (Mariana, “Path Dependence, Development, and the Dynamics of Institutional Reform”, April, online pdf, ldg)


      One challenge - for legal reform.72




      Strong AQAP key to crackdown on terrorist financing- solves a strike on Pakistan which is otherwise inevitable

      Yusuf, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars Pakistan scholar, 11

      (Huma, Editor of Dawn, “Another centre of terror,” Huma Yusuf, 9-1-11,, accessed 1/8/2012) jba


      Saudi Arabia’s involvement - in this region.


      Al Qaeda isn’t a threat-no leadership or recruits

      Yousafzai, Newsweek's correspondent in Pakistan and Afghanistan, 1-2-12

      (Sami, “Al Qaeda on the Ropes: One Fighter’s Inside Story”, , DOA: 1-11-12, ldg)


      Is it still too soon -Zawahiri ever have.”


      No chance of nuclear terror

      Mueller, IR prof at Ohio State. PhD in pol sci from UCLA, 8-2

      (John, “The Truth about Al Qaeda”,, AD: 9-25-11, atw)


      As a misguided - with 9/11 included.


      Ayson’s article is outlining a worst-case scenario- he acknowledges the risk is incredibly low multiple times-obviously doesn’t endorse their interpretation.


      No impact- bioweapons are ineffective- even if they weren’t their record of failure deters their use

      Stratfor, 2007

      ["Bioterrorism: Sudden Death Overtime?" 12-22-2007,, accessed 12-25-10, mss]


      First, it must be - higher than the benefit.


      Won’t cause extinction

      Hurlbert, USC Ph.D. Department of Bacteriology, 3-1-00

      (Ronald e., “Microbiology 101 internet text Chapter xv, addendum: biological weapons; malignant biology,” atw


      Currently, because of - Iraqi threat.


      No war- economic realities, political actors, and lessons learned- Mumbai proves

      Chu and King, Times Staff writers, 2008

      [Henry and Laura, December 6, "India, Pakistan keep lid on tensions," , accessed 10-13-10, ADS]


      Hostility between -they'll be mistaken."

      Adv 2


      No risk of Middle East war

      Maloney et al., Saban Center senior fellow, 2007

      (Susan, “Why the Iraq War Won't Engulf the Mideast”,  6-28, , DOA; 10-1-11, ldg)


      Yet, the Saudis- entire Middle East.


      Saudi is stabile and resilient.

      Cordesman, Center for Strategic and International Studies, 02-26-11

      (Anthony, past director of intelligence at DOD, "Understanding Saudi Stability and Instability: A very Different Nation",, accessed 05-22-11 AT)


      At the same time, there are good reasons to hope that Saudi Arabia will continue on the path to peaceful reform and change. A small, highly vocal minority does not speak for a nation, and Saudi stability may - expanding middle class.


      Iran isn’t a threat-all their scenarios are hype.

      Schramm, CFR program associate, 10-12-11

      (Madison, “Hey America, Iran still isn't threat No. 1”, , DOA: 10-15-11, ldg)


      Iran’s military capability - herring into a Goliath.


      Iran won’t be adventurous-too many domestic issues.

      Kaye et al., RAND senior political scientist, 2011

      (Dalia, “Arab Spring, Persian Winter”, Foreign Affairs, July/August, ebsco, DOA: 9-14-11, ldg)


      Finally, Iran's ability to reap benefits from the Arab uprisings is further limited by its own tumultuous domestic politics. Much of Iran's Nasserist foreign policy, at least at the rhetorical level, is embodied in the figure of Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a noncleric whose working-class image and strident rhetoric has found receptive Arab audiences, particularly during the 2006 Lebanon war. But this has always been a negative form of populist influence, one that plays on frustrations rather than aspirations. With the possibility - their new governments.


      No escalation or draw in

      Gelb, President of CFR, 10

      (Leslie H., “GDP Now Matters More Than Force Subtitle: A U.S. Foreign Policy for the Age of Economic Power”, Foreign Affairs, Vol. 89 No. 6, Nov/Dec, L/N) NJR


      Also reducing the likelihood - short of direct confrontation.

  • harvard syria pitt rr

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • PTC

      Dem K

      Tax Credit CP

      Counterplan: The United States federal government should extend a tax credit of 39 cents for every dollar invested by business, non-governmental organizations, and individuals that provide for assistance for democratic civil resistance groups in Syria.




      A. Status quo solves Syria- Russia gets the credit and US interests are preserved

      Moubayed, University of Kalamoon IR professor, 12

      (Sami, University of Kalamoon (Syria) Faculty of International Relations associate professor, St Andrews University (Scotland) research fellow and co-founder of the Syrian Studies Center, Forward Magazine (Syria) editor-in-chief, writer, political activist and historian based in Damascus, al-Mashreq Journal (published by the University of Melbourne) member of the editorial board, "Russia's "democracy package" for Syria," 1-7-12,, accessed 1-19-12, mss)


      Sources close to Moscow say that a "


      so will their influence in the Arab world.


      B. Plan decimates Russia and collapses the Russia-Korean pipeline

      Frank, University of Vienna East Asia studies professor, 11

      (Ruediger, Ph.D. in Economics, M.A. in Korean Studies, Economics and International Relations, adjunct professor at Korea University and the University of North Korean Studies, visiting professorship at Columbia University New York and Korea University Seoul, Association for Korean Studies in Europe council member, Vienna School of Governance vice director, European Journal of East Asian Studies deputy editor,  co-editor of the annual book Korea: Politics, Economy and Society, "North Korea’s Strategic Outlook on Northeast Asia: The Syrian Litmus Test," 8-25-11,, accessed 1-19-12, mss)


      The Libyan story seems to be over,


      . So we better keep our eyes open.


      C. That’s key to prevent Korean instability

      Moscow News, 11

      ("A Pipeline for Peace?" 11-21-11, l/n, accessed 1-19-12, mss)


      A trilateral agreement for a gas pipeline project


      Academy of Sciences, told the Moscow News.


      Global nuclear war

      Stratfor, 10

      (“North Korea, South Korea: The Military Balance on the Peninsula”, 5-26-10,, DOA: 9-15-11, ldg)


      So the real issue is the potential for


      might be if the situation escalates much further.


      CP No Fly Zone +Strikes


      Counterplan: The United States federal government should implement no-fly zones in Syria and engage in limited air strikes against key Syrian military targets.


      Solves the aff, no backlash- empirically proven- aff author

      Fly et al, Foreign Policy Initiative executive director, 11

      (Jamie, former National Security Council staff (2008-9), director for Counterproliferation Strategy at the National Security Council, in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, he was an Assistant for Transnational Threats Policy, for his work in the Department of Defense, he was awarded the Office of the Secretary of Defense Medal for Exceptional Public Service, Research Associate at the Council on Foreign Relations from 2002-2004,, "Towards a Post-Assad Syria," Foreign Policy Initiative, 11-8-11,, accessed 1-12-12, mss)


      The United States should examine options related to


      to encourage further defections from the Syrian military.





      Plan isn’t big enough to solve before their impacts- their ‘quick intervention key’ author calls for a host of actions the plan doesn’t do

      Tabler, Washington Institute Arab Politics fellow, 11

      (Andrew, "Testimony for hearing "U.S. Policy in Syria"," 11-11-11, mss)


      Increasing numbers in the Syrian opposition are seeking


      comprehensive sanctions and possible future use of force.

      [Matt note: the part of the evidence they read is in red]


      Opposition says no to the plan- no unity now and the plan only makes it worse

      Alakhbar, 1-4-12

      (“Syria slams US interference; opposition in tatters”,, DOA: 1-19-12, bct)


      The US State Department said on Tuesday that


      to turn Syria into a battleground against Iran."


      Turkey won’t act absent the US

      Aydintasbas, Milliyet columnist, 10-5-11

      (Asli, “Turkey's New Policy on Syria”,, DOA: 10-13-11, ldg)


      At the same time, Turkey is convinced


      a decisive policy toward its increasingly unstable neighbor.






      1. Alt causes outweigh the plan

      Duss, Policy Analyst and Director, 2011

      (Matthew, Director of Middle East Progress at the Center for American Progress, 7-21, “Arab Opinions Of U.S. Unchanged By Speeches”, Accessed 9-21-11 NJR


      A new Zogby International poll of Arab opinions


      this on the debate over Tunisia’s new constitution.


      Either Obama’s past accomplishments solve OR no one will ever give him credit and the impact is inevitable.

      Simon, Politico chief political columnist, 10-25-11

      (Roger, “Barack Obama gets no credit for protecting nation”,, DOA: 10-26-11, ldg)


      Times change. Barack Obama is having a


      States that they cannot seek safe haven anywhere.



      The plan causes focus on US democratic hypocrisy that magnifies backlash to the plan

      Sky, Resident Fellow, Harvard’s Institute of Politics, 11

      (Emma, Served in Jerusalem as Political Advisor to General Ward, the US Security Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Summer “Arab Spring … American fall? Learning the right lessons from Iraq and Afghanistan”, Accessed 9-21-11 NJR


      So far, the Obama Administration has responded


      once a two-state solution is implemented.


      Iran isn’t a threat-all their scenarios are hype.

      Schramm, CFR program associate, 10-12-11

      (Madison, “Hey America, Iran still isn't threat No. 1”,, DOA: 10-15-11, ldg)


      Iran’s military capability never bounced back after the


      have turned a red herring into a Goliath.




      Assad inevitable-no other options

      Tobin, Commentary magazine senior online editor, 1-11-12

      (Jonathan, “Don’t Bet on Assad’s Imminent Fall”,, DOA: 1-17-12, ldg)


       However, that’s not the only element


      to assume Assad is about to be ousted.


      No risk of Middle East war

      Maloney et al., Saban Center senior fellow, 2007

      (Susan, “Why the Iraq War Won't Engulf the Mideast”,  6-28,, DOA; 10-1-11, ldg)


      Yet, the Saudis, Iranians, Jordanians


      local conflicts from enveloping the entire Middle East.


      No escalation or draw in

      Gelb, President of CFR, 10

      (Leslie H., “GDP Now Matters More Than Force Subtitle: A U.S. Foreign Policy for the Age of Economic Power”, Foreign Affairs, Vol. 89 No. 6, Nov/Dec, L/N) NJR


      Also reducing the likelihood of conflict today is


      they will stop well short of direct confrontation.



      No Russia impact-

      A. Goodspeed evidence just says US and Russia will saber-rattle, not go to war- AND, most qualified part concludes neg

      Goodspeed, 12-14

      (Peter, "Power shifts push Mideast closer to war," National Post, 12-14-11,, accessed 1-12-12, mss)


      “I would be very surprised if it turned into a Russian-American war, but this could be a Mid-East war: Hezbollah, Hamas, Iran, Syria, Israel all having at each other,” said Jack Granatstein, military historian and senior research fellow at the Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute.



      No Russia War

      Graham , senior advisor on Russia in the US National Security Council staff 2002-2007, September 7,

      (Thomas “Russia in Global Affairs” July - September 2007, The Dialectics of Strength and Weakness An astute historian of Russia, AND long-term relations with Russia. )jwa


      An astute historian of Russia, Martin Malia


      more constructive long-term relations with Russia.


      No escalation- previous Israeli strikes prove

      Zisser, Tel Aviv University Center for Middle Easter Studies director, Winter 8

      [Eyal, Middle East Quarterly, "Where Is Bashar al-Assad Heading?"] tlr


      A moment of truth for Bashar came on


      is not interested in or ready for war.


      Syria won’t use CBW- they built them as a deterrent and believe the costs outweigh the benefits

      Shoham, Bar-Ilan University Center for Strategic Studies research associate, 2

      [Dany, doctorate in medical microbiology, Middle East Quarterly, "Poisoned Missiles: Syria's Doomsday Deterrent,"] tlr


      No Syrian spokespersons provide public information about Syrian


      hope they would not have to be used.




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    • Russia DA

      Ignore Russia’s rhetoric- actions and interest prove there’s cooperation now

      Lipman, Carnegie Moscow Center Russian expert, 1-12

      (Masha, editor of the Pro et Contra journal, published by Carnegie Moscow Center, served as deputy editor of the Russian weekly newsmagazines, Ezhenedel’ny zhurnal from 2001 to 2003, and Itogi from 1995 to 2001, has worked as a translator, researcher, and contributor for the Washington Post Moscow bureau, Yezhednevnyy Zhurnal, a Russian current affairs news cite, BBC Monitoring Former Soviet Union - Political, 1-11-12, l/n, accessed 1-12-12, mss)


      The foreign policy decisions of Russia, unlike


      come to power in Syria to replace Assad.


      Even if they win Russia supports Assad now, they’ll switch sides soon- Libya proves- only our ev is predictive

      Business Insider, 1-17

      ("Here's Why Russia Wants To Handle Syria With Kid Gloves," 1-17-12, l/n, accessed 1-19-12, mss)


      However, Russia could soon find its options


      could very well do a volte-face.


      AND- Russia solves- major leverage and mil-to-mil ties- BUT explicit US action kills it

      Shaikh, Brookings Center for Middle East Policy fellow, 12-23

      (Salman, director of the Brookings Doha Center, former special assistant to the UN Special Coordinator the Middle East Process, "Rethinking Russia's Role in Syria," Huffington Post, 12-23-11,, accessed 1-19-12, mss)


      Russia's surprise tabling of a draft UN Security


      compact on Syria that includes Russia seem improbable.




      Takes out the aff- NATO intervention is inevitable

      Osborn, Telegraph reporter, 1-12

      (Andrew, "Syria: Nato 'planning direct military intervention', Russia claims," The Telegraph, 1-12-12,, accessed 1-19-12, mss)


      Nato is planning "direct military intervention"


      mass in the designated areas, he added.




      A. 1AC Seelye ev- empirically proven

      Seelye, Middle East Institute VP, 11

      (Kate, former NPR correspondent based in the Middle East, "Why Can't the Syrian Opposition Get Along?" Foreign Policy, 9-1-11,, accessed 1-12-12, mss)


      Given the lack of a recognized leadership,


      the West and any support it might offer.


      B. 1AC Rettig ev

      Rettig, 11

      (Jessica, "How U.S. Could Encourage Peace in Syria," US News, 11-17-11,, accessed 1-12-12, mss)


      Grand points out that while the United States


      we're seen to be meddling," he says.


      Opposition is fractured- plan causes kiss of death

      Washington Times, 1-6-12

      (“Syrian opposition row over foreign military action nixes unity effort”,, DOA:1-19-12, bct)


      Efforts by the U.S. and


      the people inside Syria, not those outside.”


      Grass-roots Syrian opposition is well-positioned to create post-Assad stability now

      Allaf, The Guardian Staff Writer, 11-27-11

      (Rime, “Syria's pre-Assad past could be a reassuring omen for its future,”,d/a 1-21-12, ads)


      Nostalgia for Syria's independence period has driven many


      better when they are faced with the transition.


      US involvement causes a backlash among opposition groups—derailing a stable transition:

      Landis, director of the Center for Middle East Studies, 11-8-11

      (Joshua, “I Don’t See Light at the End of the Tunnel,”, d/a 1-21-12, ads)


      In some ways, Syrians haven’t dared since


      and throwing their future in with the West.



      The plan undermines opposition legitimacy – only organic leadership can create opposition unity and solve civil war

      Landis, director of the Center for Middle East Studies, 11

      (Joshua, associate professor at the University of Oklahoma, 8-9-2011, “Syrians must win the revolution on their own,” Foreign Policy,, accessed 11-6-11, tlr)


      Doran and Shaikh's addition is the notion of


      , and most importantly, by their success.


      Opposition won’t give up-solves the AFF, but involvement poisons relations on the ground.

      Harling, Iraq-Syria-Lebanon project director with the International Crisis Group, 11

      (Peter “How not to prolong the Syrian agony”. August 30, 2011. Foreign Policy., accessed 10-17-11, tlr)


      The swift collapse of the Libyan regime is


      to most Syrians, ought not be encouraged.


      Plan allows buy in to Assad’s foreign agent narrative-that strengthens him.

      Lesch, professor of Middle East history at Trinity University, 11

      (David, “The conceptual gap between Syria and the U.S.,” 8/17/11,, accessed 10-17-11, tlr)


      Thus, there is not much the Obama


      productive. It is a difficult balancing act.


      The opposition will be seen as Zionist agents and discredited.

      Husain, Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies @ CFR, 11

      (Ed, “Why Assad Need Not Fear Qaddafi’s Fate,” 8/23/11,, accessed 10-17-11, tlr)


      The dramatic scenes in Tripoli are already being


      Israel, such labels are powerful and destructive.


      Assad will build popular support by rallying against the plan

      Bröning Director of the East Jerusalem office of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 11

      (Michael, a German political foundation affiliated with Germany’s Social Democratic Party “The Sturdy House That Assad Built ,” March 7,, accessed 10-27-11, tlr)


      Moreover, Assad’s comparable youth (he is


      relations with the United States in the 2000s.


      Too many competing groups.

      Landis, Center for Middle East Studies Director, 2011

      (Joshua  ssociate professor at the University of Oklahoma. “Syrians must win the revolution on their own” 9/9/11 accessed: 11/6/11)mlb


       But the Syrian opposition's lack of leaders


      set out by Andrew Tabler and Ausama Monajed.

      Assad Inevitable


      Assad collapse isn’t inevitable- aff doesn’t solve

      Idrees, engineer and Bertelsmann Stilfung contributor, 1-12-12

      (Akrum, “Why the Assad Regime is still in Power”,, DOA: 1-17-12, ldg)


      There is no doubt that the iron fist


      Iraq which is not much better than Lebanon.


      Assad will maintain power now-3 reasons

      Spyer, GLORIA Center contributor, 12-19-11

      (Jonathan, “Word of Caution On Assad’s Fall”,, DOA: 1-17-12, ldg)


      And yet, observers should be careful before


      of Alawi gunmen known as the “Shabiha.”


      Assad and his supports won’t give up-they’ve committed crimes against humanity and have no options

      Walt, Harvard IR professor, 11-10-11

      (Stephen, “The Syrian tragedy”,, DOA: 1-6-12, ldg)


      Assad's problem now is that he's lost any


      must either hang together (or hang separately).




      Plan doesn’t solve credibility- Our evidence is specific to democracy initiatives like the aff

      Katulis, Senior Fellow at American Progress, 9

      (Brian, his work focuses on U.S. national security policy in the Middle East and South Asia, “Democracy Promotion in the middle east and the Obama administration,”, DA 8/15/11, atw)


      Actions speak louder than words. In addition


      democracy promotion front are perceived throughout the Middle East


      Plan can’t overwhelm decades of hypocrisy AND assistance only hurts democratic movements

      Carpenter, vice president for defense and foreign policy studies, 11

      (Ted Galen, at the Cato Institute, 2-11 “What Should U.S. Do about Egypt? Very Little”, Accessed 9-21-11 NJR


      Though the spectacular events in Cairo have ended


      low-profile role during these turbulent days.


      Plan magnifies our double standards- net worse for cred

      Roth, Executive Director HRW, 00

      (Kenneth, Human Rights Watch, Fall, “The charade of US ratification of international human rights treaties”, Accessed 9-21-11 NJR


      Washington's cynical attitude toward international human rights law


      for other people, not for US citizens.



      Iran won’t be adventurous-too many domestic issues.

      Kaye et al., RAND senior political scientist, 2011

      (Dalia, “Arab Spring, Persian Winter”, Foreign Affairs, July/August, ebsco, DOA: 9-14-11, ldg)


      Finally, Iran's ability to reap benefits from


      of the region's people or their new governments.


      ME War


      Mid-east conflict doesn’t escalate- self-interest contains war. History overwhelmingly proves.

      Satloff, Washington Institute for Near East Policy executive director, 12-19-2006

      [Robert, "Forget the Domino Theories,", accessed 10-2-10, mss]


      The wise men (and woman) don't


      danger inside Iraq will be the United States.


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