Tradeoff DA-LA
- Tournament: JMU | Round: 1 | Opponent: Sample Team | Judge: Sample Judge
A. Latin America is USAID’s priority now- BUT new programs tradeoffShah and Menendez, USAID administrator and US Senator (D-NJ), 11 (Rajiv, USAID administrator, and Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ), "International Development Policy Priorities in the FY2012 Budget," Federal News Service, 4-13-2011, l/n, accessed 8-31-11, mss) So explain to me in our ……. That is not acceptable. B. USAID cuts in Latin America devastate the ABCI- key to protect the AmazonPatlis, WWF US Government relations managing director, 7 (Jason, World Wildlife Fund, CQ Congressional Testimony, " Fiscal 2008 Appropriations: State, Foreign Operations & Other Programs," 3-29-7, l/n, accessed 9-8-11, mss) Amazon Basin Conservation Initiative …….in the Amazon watershed. C. ExtinctionSohn, staff writer, 99 (Pam, "Eight Days in Brazil," Chatanooga Times Free Press (Tennessee), 4-11-1999, l/n, accessed 9-10-11, mss) Inside Brazil's rainforest, ….. on a grand scale. OR The Amazon is key to the hydrologic cycle- critical to water vapor rechargeBunyard, The Ecologist science editor, 5 (Peter, the Ecologist is the world’s leading environmental affairs magazine, "A Stake Through the Heart of the World," Ecologist 35.6, July 2005, p. 30-35, Environment Complete, EBSCOhost, accessed 9-10-11, mtf) Scientists mapping the effects ……. significantly on the Amazon basin. Hydrologic cycle key to prevent extinction Abreu et al, 2005 (Francisco de Assis Matos de Abreu, André Montenegro Duarte, Mário Ramos Ribeiro, Ana Rosa Carriço de Lima and Wellington de Jesus Sousa. “The Hydrologic cycle: an open or closed system?” Revista Geográfica 137 (Jan-June 2005): p109) This paper deals with the Hydrologic Cycle…. with regard to global changes.
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| 09/05/11 |
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Text: The United States Supreme Court should rule that [Insert Target Country] right to democracy requires [Insert Plan Mandates] Glen, Georgetown law professor, 2011 (Patrick, “Democracy Promotion in the Obama Administration: An Opportunity to Match Action to Rhetoric”, http://scholarship.law.georgetown.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1494&context=facpub, ldg) Advocacy for a “right to democracy” ……. founding over two centuries ago.
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KORUS will pass – Obama’s PC is key to passageBarkley, writer for the WSJ, 10/6[Tom, October 6, 2011, “Lawmakers Vow to Vote on Trade Pacts”, http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203476804576615691385029356.html?mod=googlenews_wsj, 10/6/11, atl] House and Senate leaders ….., a House aide said. Democracy assistance drains capital – no constituency, tea party influence and fear of Muslim takeover.Hamid, Project on Middle East Democracy director of research, 2011 (Shadi, "Tunisia, Egypt, Arab world need bold US support for democracy, not mixed messages," 1-26-11, Dow Jones Factiva, accessed 6-11-11, mtf) Hard to shift gears now ….. Americans uncomfortable.) Signal of failure collapses the allianceCooper et al., CRS Foreign Affairs, Defense and Trade division, 2010 (William, “The Proposed South Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (KORUS FTA”, 11-10, http://www.au.af.mil/au/awc/awcgate/crs/rl33435.pdf, ldg) In contrast, while the passage ….., rather than economic, relations. Key to solve Korean war. Feulner, Ph.D from Edinburgh, 2010 (Edwin, “The Status of the U.S.-Korea Relationship in 2010”, 2-4, http://www.heritage.org/Research/Lecture/The-Status-of-the-US-Korea-Relationship-in-2010, ldg) In 2010, we …… to favor protectionist trade practices. Global nuclear warHayes and Green, Victoria University AND Executive Director of the Nautilus Institute, 2010 [Peter, Victoria University, and Michael, Executive Director of the Nautilus Institute, “-“The Path Not Taken, the Way Still Open: Denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia”]jap The consequences …… crisis pale by comparison
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Terrorism and Israel CP
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Counterplan: The United States federal government should align all United States’ counterterrorism policies with international human rights laws, make a covert decision to not retaliate with nuclear weapons in response to a terrorist attack, and make the Tactical High Energy Laser available immediately to the Israeli Defense Forces. CP is necessary and sufficient for every internal link to terrorism.Roth, Human Rights Watch executive director, 2004 (Kenneth, “The Nexus of Terrorism & WMDs: Developing a Consensus”, December, http://www.l20.org/publications/9_iY_wmd_roth.pdf, ldg) Because the …… to the defeat of terrorism. Directed-energy solves- prevents their mid-east war impactCarafano, former Army Center of Military History military studies director, 6 [James Jay, Ph.D., National Academy's Board on Army Science and Technology member, National Defense University and Georgetown University visiting professor, 25-year veteran of the Army, former executive editor of Joint Force Quarterly, the Defense Department's premiere professional military journal, "Congress Should Act on Directed-Energy Defenses That Could Protect Israel from Hezbollah’s Short-Range Rockets," 9-22-6, www.heritage.org/Research/Reports/2006/09/Congress-Should-Act-on-Directed-Energy-Defenses-That-Could-Protect-Israel-from-Hezbollahs-Short-Range-Rockets, accessed 8-2-11, mss] Congress Should ….. rocket wars off the table.
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- Tournament: JMU | Round: Octos | Opponent: JMU EK | Judge:
THE European Unions Should..... The counterplan solves and is critical to EU credibilityAsh et al, University of Oxford European Studies professor, 11 [Timothy Garton; Emma Bonino, Italian Senate vice president; Mark Leonard, European Council on Foreign Relations director; Ana Palacio, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Spain; Daniel Sachs, CEO of Proventus AB; and all of the above serve on the World Economic Forum's Global Agenda Council on Europe and Central Asia, "Europe Must Rise to the Challenges Presented by the Arab Spring," 6-3-2011, www.huffingtonpost.com/emma-bonino/post_2032_b_870924.html, accessed 6-17-11, mss]
Europe's response to the Arab Spring…….to the events. Strong EU is key to solve extinctionBruton, former prime minister of Ireland, 2 [John, former ambassador of the EU to the US, European Commission Delegation ambassador, "The Future of the European Union," The Irish Times, 1-31-2002,, accessed 6-23-11, mss] As the Laeken Declaration……overwhelm us.
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Tradeoff DA-FtF
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A. USAID will avoid cuts now but it’s an easy target- new cuts would devastate USAID and US leadershipWorthington, InterAction CEO and president, 8-1-11 (Samuel, InterAction is the largest alliance of U.S.-based international nongovernmental organizations, "US must learn from Britain and not cut foreign aid," The Guardian, 8-1-11, www.guardian.co.uk/global-development/poverty-matters/2011/aug/01/us-foreign-aid-cuts, accessed 8-27-11, mss) Current budget battles….. sense to us either. B. Foreign aid funding is zero-sum- plan forces a tradeoffSessions, Center for Global Development program coordinator, 6 (Myra, "The PMI Turns One – How Will We Measure Success?," Center for Global Development, blogs.cgdev.org/globalhealth/2006/07/the-pmi-turns-one-how-will-we.php, accessed 8-31-11, mss) Thanks for the comment a……of the initiatives. Provost, Guardian Unlimited staff, 11 (Claire, "US foreign aid takes immediate cuts, and further battles loom," Guardian Unlimited, 4-14-11, l/n, accessed 8-30-11, mss) Paul O'Brien, vice-president …..said the USGLC's Richard Parker. C. Feed the Future is key to ag tech and food security- focuses research and fills gapsGarvelink, US diplomat, 10 (William, Office of the Coordinator for the Global Hunger and Food Security Initiative deputy coordinator for development, former US Ambassador to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, member of the Senior Foreign Service with a rank of minister-counselor, former House Subcommittee of International Organizations staff member, received six Performance Awards, two Meritorious Honor Awards, a Superior Honor Award, and a Senior Foreign Service Presidential Meritorious Service Award over his service with the U.S. Department of State, former Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance deputy director, "Oversight of the Feed the Future Initiative," Federal News Service, 7-20-10, l/n, accessed 8-31-11, mss) We know that assistance, ….. this exciting initiative. Ag tech key to prevent extinctionTrewavas, University of Edinburgh Institute of Cell and Molecular Biology plant biologist, 0 (Anthony, "GM is the Best Option We Have," 6-5-2000, http://www.agbioworld.org/biotech-info/articles/biotech-art/best_option.html, accessed 8-31-11, mss) In 535A.D. a volcano …..us and annihilation.
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Queer Theory
- Tournament: Bing | Round: | Opponent: Bing | Judge:
Democracy legitimizes the state’s ability to construct individual’s identities by creating an acceptable norm through institutions of power and denying individuals that refuse to engage with those institutions. Even assumed “minorities” are recognized as legitimate through democracy, while queers are continually erased.Warner, 93 (Michael, Fear of a Queer Planet, Google Reader, pg 171-14, CW, accessed on 8/17/11) The modern liberal state …… characterized state legitimation in modernity. Heteronormativity perpetuates the elimination of the queerYep, Professor of Communication Studies at San Francisco State University, 2004. (Gust A., Ph.D. in Communication., Queer Theory and Communication: From Disciplining Queers to Queering the Discipline(s), pg. 18). Jt In this passage, Simmons vividly …… race, class, gender, and sexuality. Queering concepts of freedom allows us to disrupt heteronormativity by tracing back to the points where identities were constructed.Winnubst 06 (Shannon philosophy PhD, Penn State UniversityShannon, Queering Freedom 2006. p 139 GoogleBooks, CW, accessed on 11/25/10) So, why queer freedom? ……but to resist differently altogether
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TDemocracy Assitance
- Tournament: Rochester | Round: | Opponent: Army | Judge:
1. Interpretation- Democracy assistance is direct, positive and active-it excludes indirect and passive measuresHuber, Jerusalem IR professor, 2008 (Daniela, “Democracy Assistance in the Middle East and North Africa: A Comparison of US and EU Policies”, Mediterranean Politics, Vol. 13, No. 1, March, ebsco, ldg) What is Democracy Assistance? ……. is more than electoral assistance. AND, Substantial means in the mainWords and Phrases, 2005, v. 40B, p.392, Okla. 191 1 “Substantially” means in substance; in the main; essentially; by including the material or essential part The main form of democracy assistance are those programs which directly promotes democracy.Mesbah, masters in political science, 2009 (Nahla, “US CIVIL SOCIETY AID & ITS EFFECTS ON DEMOCRATIZATION IN EGYPT CASE STUDY: THE NGO SERVICE CENTER PROJECT”, November, http://dar.aucegypt.edu:8080/jspui/bitstream/10526/201/1/2009nahlashafikmesbah.pdf, ldg) Democracy Promotion has gradually …… and economic performance (Burnell 2000, 39). Topicality – Democracy Assistance – 1NC (2/2) 2. Violation-the plan does economic aid and cancels debt, which is not active. 3. Vote Neg: A. Predictable Limits-aff opens the floodgates to include any action that eventually helps democracy-like literacy, health and econ aid AND any condition like free trade deals, security guarantees or military transfers AND allows permutations of the above-makes being NEG impossible. B. Ground-Democracy assistance has a lot of variance, unifying themes like the aid being positive, direct and active is key to core generics.
1. Fairness—the affirmative can claim illegitimate advantages and avoid generic solvency arguments and links based off of their extra-topical plank4. Jurisdiction-- a plan must be completely in your jurisdiction before you consider it
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A. Violation – The Affirmative fails to specify their agent. That’s a voter1. Ground – Specifying is critical to Disads relating to the specific agent of action and ensuring Counterplans compete 2. Moving Target – Failure to specify allows the aff to shift out of 1NC arguments by allowing new 2AC clarification. This makes it impossible for the neg to debate because the AFF could change their plan after they heard the 1NC
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