The history of democracy is a preservation of gratuitous violence because American democracy is White democracy. It is not a coincidence that the Declaration of Independence was written on the back drop of one of the most brutal denials of human liberty and dignity this world has ever seen. For this reason, Alex and I find it necessary to present the framework for this round as who best performs a methodology for deconstructing Civil Society. The slave and the savage should be the center of our discussion because it is the foundation of American democracy. Slavery created the very possibility for American democracy. The concept of the “white nation” bracketed off the Black Body from relevance giving a cause for white racialized interventionist messianism. White racialized identity hidden beneath white nationalism of representative democracy is the condition of possibility for US interventionism. The cultural paranoia and consensus building based off of this paranoia of whiteness is what fuels our messianism in other countries.
Martinot 2003 [Steve, lecturer at San Francisco State University in the Center for Interdisciplinary Programs, “The Cultural Roots of Interventionism in the US,” Social Justice Vol. 30, No. 1 (2003), pp. 19-20] soap
American nationalism took a slightly different …violently enforced allegiance to it.
US democracy assistance only functions to subvert the real democratic movements taking place in the country and contain them within the current social structure
Robinson ‘5
[William, Sociology prof – UC Santa Barbara, “The Battle for Global Civil Society,” an interview with Jonah Gindin of, June 13,, accessed 10/27/11] soap
Let me clarify that my …foreign policy operations or interventions.
The legal system only props up and disguises the power of white supremacy through the belief in minority rights. Slavery is the critical starting point to comprehend the underpinnings of legal white supremacy
Tibbs & Woods ‘8 [Donald F. Tibbs, Earle Mack School of Law at Drexel University, Tryon P. Woods, Assistant Professor of Criminology, Sonoma State University; BA, Wesleyan University; MS, Arizona State University; PhD, University of California, “The Jena Six and Black Punishment: Law and Raw Life in the Domain of Nonexistence”, Fall / Winter, 2008, L/N, Accessed 5/30/11\ soap
In his famed masterpiece The Souls of …realm through property relations.
Thus Alex and I advocate the recognition of the Black body as the foundation of civil society in route to our discussion of the topic
Civil society maps itself by the reconfiguration of rights through freedom – maintaining its position of anti-black and redness. This constructs America’s benevolent hegemony of coherence. What is needed is the radical injection of society’s incoherence, the ‘wretched of the earth;’ the politics of the Black and Red Body with a gesture towards the disconfiguration of Civil Society.
Wilderson, 03 professor of African American Studies at University of California, Irvine, 2003 (Frank, A. B. Dartmouth College (Government/Philosophy); MFA Columbia University (Fiction Writing); Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley (Rhetoric/Film Studies), “The Prison Slave as Hegemony's (Silent) Scandal”, Social Justice, Vol. 30 Issue 2, p18-27) blh
Without the textual categories of dress, …that must, nonetheless, be pursued to the death.
Our ethics of refusal to blindly pledge allegiance to the flag is the first and most critical step towards liberation. We must create an alternate political structure that must refuse to grant credence to the current structure of governance and must be rooted in the ethics of refusal
Martinot 2005 (Steve, adjunct professor at San Francisco State University, “Pro-Democracy and the Ethics of Refusal,” Socialism and Democracy, Vol. 19, No. 2)
In a system in which humans have …says those structures have legitimacy.
This is best completed by our radical historiticization of the 1AC – their ability to gloss over how democracy operates in the squo is because of our inability to understand how democracy is on the brink now; that our power constantly fuels it and provides it the ability to prop up the violence of Civil Society.
Hobson ‘9
[Christopher Hobson, a Post-Doctoral Fellow in the Department of International Politics at Aberystwyth University, UK, “Beyond the End of History: The Need for a `Radical Historicisation' of Democracy in International Relations”, Millennium - Journal of International Studies 2009,] soap
It has been argued that the …unique and rare form of rule.