Liberty » Liberty BH Neg

Liberty BH Neg

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:32
  • Sample Entry

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  • Tradeoff Latin America

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • QueerTraTA. Latin America is USAID’s priority now- BUT new programs tradeoff

      Shah and Menendez, USAID administrator and US Senator (D-NJ), 11

      (Rajiv, USAID administrator, and Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ), "International Development Policy Priorities in the FY2012 Budget," Federal News Service, 4-13-2011, l/n, accessed 8-31-11, mss)


      So explain to me in our ……. That is not acceptable.


      B. USAID cuts in Latin America devastate the ABCI- key to protect the Amazon

      Patlis, WWF US Government relations managing director, 7

      (Jason, World Wildlife Fund, CQ Congressional Testimony, " Fiscal 2008 Appropriations: State, Foreign Operations & Other Programs," 3-29-7, l/n, accessed 9-8-11, mss)


      Amazon Basin Conservation Initiative …….in the Amazon watershed.


      C. Extinction

      Sohn, staff writer, 99

      (Pam, "Eight Days in Brazil," Chatanooga Times Free Press (Tennessee), 4-11-1999, l/n, accessed 9-10-11, mss)


      Inside Brazil's rainforest, ….. on a grand scale.


      The Amazon is key to the hydrologic cycle- critical to water vapor recharge

      Bunyard, The Ecologist science editor, 5

      (Peter, the Ecologist is the world’s leading environmental affairs magazine, "A Stake Through the Heart of the World," Ecologist 35.6, July 2005, p. 30-35, Environment Complete, EBSCOhost, accessed 9-10-11, mtf)


      Scientists mapping the effects ……. significantly on the Amazon basin.


      Hydrologic cycle key to prevent extinction

      Abreu et al, 2005

      (Francisco de Assis Matos de Abreu, André Montenegro Duarte, Mário Ramos Ribeiro, Ana Rosa Carriço de Lima and Wellington de Jesus Sousa. “The Hydrologic cycle: an open or closed system?” Revista Geográfica 137 (Jan-June 2005): p109)


      This paper deals with the Hydrologic Cycle…. with regard to global changes.

  • Courts CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • TerroriText: The United States Supreme Court should rule that [Insert Target Country] right to democracy requires [Insert Plan Mandates]


      Right to democracy creates a legal obligation for promotion

      Glen, Georgetown law professor, 2011

      (Patrick, “Democracy Promotion in the Obama Administration: An Opportunity to Match Action to Rhetoric”,, ldg)


      Advocacy for a “right to democracy” ……. founding over two centuries ago. 

  • Terrorism Adv CP's

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Counterplan: The United States federal government should align all United States’ counterterrorism policies with international human rights laws,] make a covert decision to not retaliate with nuclear weapons in response to a terrorist attack],[ and make the Tactical High Energy Laser available immediately to the Israeli Defense Forces.]

      *brackets are the multiple planks we sometimes use. 

      CP is necessary and sufficient for every internal link to terrorism.

      Roth, Human Rights Watch executive director, 2004

      (Kenneth, “The Nexus of Terrorism & WMDs: Developing a Consensus”, December,, ldg)


      Because the …… to the defeat of terrorism.


      Directed-energy solves- prevents their mid-east war impact

      Carafano, former Army Center of Military History military studies director, 6

      [James Jay, Ph.D., National Academy's Board on Army Science and Technology member, National Defense University and Georgetown University visiting professor, 25-year veteran of the Army, former executive editor of Joint Force Quarterly, the Defense Department's premiere professional military journal, "Congress Should Act on Directed-Energy Defenses That Could Protect Israel from Hezbollah’s Short-Range Rockets," 9-22-6,, accessed 8-2-11, mss]


      Congress Should ….. rocket wars off the table.   

  • EU CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • THE European Unions Should.....

      The counterplan solves and is critical to EU credibility

      Ash et al, University of Oxford European Studies professor, 11

      [Timothy Garton; Emma Bonino, Italian Senate vice president; Mark Leonard, European Council on Foreign Relations director; Ana Palacio, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Spain; Daniel Sachs, CEO of Proventus AB; and all of the above serve on the World Economic Forum's Global Agenda Council on Europe and Central Asia, "Europe Must Rise to the Challenges Presented by the Arab Spring," 6-3-2011,, accessed 6-17-11, mss]

      Europe's response to the Arab Spring…….to the events.


      Strong EU is key to solve extinction

      Bruton, former prime minister of Ireland, 2

      [John, former ambassador of the EU to the US, European Commission Delegation ambassador, "The Future of the European Union," The Irish Times, 1-31-2002,, accessed 6-23-11, mss]


      As the Laeken Declaration……overwhelm us.

  • Tradeoff Feed the Futre

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • mework A. USAID will avoid cuts now but it’s an easy target- new cuts would devastate USAID and US leadership

      Worthington, InterAction CEO and president, 8-1-11

      (Samuel, InterAction is the largest alliance of U.S.-based international nongovernmental organizations, "US must learn from Britain and not cut foreign aid," The Guardian, 8-1-11,, accessed 8-27-11, mss)


      Current budget battles….. sense to us either.


      B. Foreign aid funding is zero-sum- plan forces a tradeoff

      Sessions, Center for Global Development program coordinator, 6

      (Myra, "The PMI Turns One – How Will We Measure Success?," Center for Global Development,, accessed 8-31-11, mss)


      Thanks for the comment a……of the initiatives.


      Congress will target USAID’s reform agenda- eliminates programs like Feed the Future

      Provost, Guardian Unlimited staff, 11

      (Claire, "US foreign aid takes immediate cuts, and further battles loom," Guardian Unlimited, 4-14-11, l/n, accessed 8-30-11, mss)


      Paul O'Brien, vice-president …..said the USGLC's Richard Parker.


      C. Feed the Future is key to ag tech and food security- focuses research and fills gaps

      Garvelink, US diplomat, 10

      (William, Office of the Coordinator for the Global Hunger and Food Security Initiative deputy coordinator for development, former US Ambassador to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, member of the Senior Foreign Service with a rank of minister-counselor, former House Subcommittee of International Organizations staff member, received six Performance Awards, two Meritorious Honor Awards, a Superior Honor Award, and a Senior Foreign Service Presidential Meritorious Service Award over his service with the U.S. Department of State, former Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance deputy director, "Oversight of the Feed the Future Initiative," Federal News Service, 7-20-10, l/n, accessed 8-31-11, mss)


      We know that assistance, ….. this exciting initiative.


      Ag tech key to prevent extinction

      Trewavas, University of Edinburgh Institute of Cell and Molecular Biology plant biologist, 0

      (Anthony, "GM is the Best Option We Have," 6-5-2000,, accessed 8-31-11, mss)


      In 535A.D. a volcano … and annihilation.

  • Queer Theory

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Democracy legitimizes the state’s ability to construct individual’s identities by creating an acceptable norm through institutions of power and denying individuals that refuse to engage with those institutions. Even assumed “minorities” are recognized as legitimate through democracy, while queers are continually erased.

      Warner, 93

      (Michael, Fear of a Queer Planet, Google Reader, pg 171-14, CW, accessed on 8/17/11)


      The modern liberal state …… characterized state legitimation in modernity.


      Heteronormativity perpetuates the elimination of the queer

      Yep, Professor of Communication Studies at San Francisco State University, 2004. (Gust A., Ph.D. in Communication., Queer Theory and Communication: From Disciplining Queers to Queering the Discipline(s), pg. 18). Jt


      In this passage, Simmons vividly …… race, class, gender, and sexuality.  


      Queering concepts of freedom allows us to disrupt heteronormativity by tracing back to the points where identities were constructed.

      Winnubst 06

      (Shannon philosophy PhD, Penn State UniversityShannon, Queering Freedom 2006. p 139 GoogleBooks, CW, accessed on 11/25/10)


      Sowhy queer freedom? ……but to resist differently altogether

      *****OTHER LINKS******

      Feminist theory relies on stabilized notions of male/female and excludes all those between and beyond the two, reinforcing heterosexuality.

      Kathy Davis et al, 2006. (Mary Evans and Judity Lorber. Handbook of Gender and Women's Studies, pg 310 google books). Jt


      In current gender theory……..our own assumptions

      Their concept of the universal method of democracy is inherently heteronormative- the inclusion of multiple bodies doesn’t lead to the elimination of violent dichotomies but rather the violent inclusion of individual agencies- THAT TURNS THE AFF- universal inclusion inherent in democracy ultimately leads to internal violent oppression of the minority by the majority

      Meeks, 01

      (Chet, November, “Civil Society and the Sexual Politics of Difference,” Sociological Theory

      Volume 19, Issue 3, pages 325–343, accessed on 7/21/11, CW)  


      Whereas earlier theorists took ………………….y necessary in order for Alexander's code to function.


  • T-Democracy Assistance

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Democracy legitimizes the state’s ability to construct individual’s identities by creating an acceptable norm through institutions of power and denying individuals that refuse to engage with those institutions. Even assumed “minorities” are recognized as legitimate through democracy, while queers are continually erased.

      Warner, 93

      (Michael, Fear of a Queer Planet, Google Reader, pg 171-14, CW, accessed on 8/17/11)


      The modern liberal state …… characterized state legitimation in modernity.


      Heteronormativity perpetuates the elimination of the queer

      Yep, Professor of Communication Studies at San Francisco State University, 2004. (Gust A., Ph.D. in Communication., Queer Theory and Communication: From Disciplining Queers to Queering the Discipline(s), pg. 18). Jt


      In this passage, Simmons vividly …… race, class, gender, and sexuality.  


      Queering concepts of freedom allows us to disrupt heteronormativity by tracing back to the points where identities were constructed.

      Winnubst 06

      (Shannon philosophy PhD, Penn State UniversityShannon, Queering Freedom 2006. p 139 GoogleBooks, CW, accessed on 11/25/10)


      Sowhy queer freedom? ……but to resist differently altogether  

  • Tradeoff Disease

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • A. Effective USAID programs key to prevent pandemic disease

      Batson, USAID Global Health deputy assistant administrator, 11

      (Amie, Congressional Testimony, Targeted News Service, 5-31-11, l/n, accessed 11-8-11, mss)


      The success of the global ……..need them most.


      B. Foreign aid funding is zero-sum- plan forces a tradeoff

      Sessions, Center for Global Development program coordinator, 6

      (Myra, "The PMI Turns One – How Will We Measure Success?," Center for Global Development,, accessed 8-31-11, mss)


      Thanks for the comment ……..s of the initiatives.


      AND- New cuts gut USAID

      Worthington, InterAction CEO and president, 8-1-11

      (Samuel, InterAction is the largest alliance of U.S.-based international nongovernmental organizations, "US must learn from Britain and not cut foreign aid," The Guardian, 8-1-11,, accessed 8-27-11, mss)


      Current budget battles ……… no sense to us either.


      C. Extinction

      Keating, Foreign Policy web editor, 9

      (Joshua, “The End of the World”, 11-13-09,, ldg)


      How it could ………t as troubling complication.

  • Housing Politics DA

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Obama will push housing reform but it will fail now

      The Hill 2-5-12

      (“White House to push housing plan despite Republican opposition”,, DOA: 2-8-12, ldg)


      The White House ……… good source to do that."


      Winners win- the plan key to consolidate Obama’s momentum

      Creamer, political organizer and strategist for four decades, 12

      (Robert, he and his firm, Democracy Partners, work with many of the country’s most significant issue campaigns, one of the major architects and organizers of the successful campaign to defeat the privatization of Social Security, he has been a consultant to the campaigns to end the war in Iraq, pass health care, pass Wall Street reform, he has also worked on hundreds of electoral campaigns at the local, state and national level, "Why GOP Collapse on the Payroll Tax Could be a Turning Point Moment," 1-2-12,, accessed 1-2-12, mss)


      Strength and victory are …….. the time to chase them.


      Housing is driving the recovery-Obama’s plan collapses it and banking.

      Huney, Emory MBA and portfolio manager, 2-1-12

      (HJ, “Obama’s Interventions in Housing Market Could Make Things Slightly Worse”,, DOA: 2-7-12, ldg)


      Here’s where it gets …………… now bail out housing speculators.



      Decline causes war.

      Royal, director of Cooperative Threat Reduction at the U.S. Department of Defense, 2010

      (Jedediah, Economics of War and Peace: Economic, Legal, and Political Perspectives, pg 213-215, ldg)


      Less intuitive is how periods …………. considered ancillary to those views.

  • SPP CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Counterplan: The United States federal government should expand the National Guard State Partnership Program to




      Expanding the SPP to include the plan solves, expands citizen relationships, and doesn’t link to politics

      Owens, Colorado governor, 2

      (Bill, governor of Colorado and vice chair of the Republican Governors Association, he has led delegations to Europe, Latin America, and Asia, including ten trips to Russia; and Troy A. Eid, serves on the governor’s cabinet as the secretary of personnel and administration for Colorado, "Strategic Democracy Building: How U.S. States Can Help," Washington Quarterly, 25:4, Autumn 2002, ebsco, accessed 8-18-11, mss)


      As the SPP begins its second ……………..U.S. foreign policy objectives.


  • Agonism FW

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • First, effective deliberation requires a forum of discussion that facilitates political agonism and the capacity to substantively engage the topic at hand---in short, a forum of switch side debate where the negative can predict and respond to the aff is the most intellectually effective---this is crucial to affecting productive change in all facets of life---the process in this instance is more important than the substance of their advocacy

      Gutmann et al., UPenn political science and philosophy professor, 1996

      (Amy,  Democracy and Disagreement, pg 1-4, ldg)


      OF THE CHALLENGES ……………………. required to pursue our common ends.


      Effective deliberation is crucial to the activation of personal agency and is only possible in a switch-side debate format where debaters divorce themselves from ideology to engage in political contestation---this activation of agency is vital to preventing mass violence and genocide and overcoming politically debilitating self-obsession

      Roberts-Miller, UT Rhetoric professor, 2003

      (Patricia, “Fighting Without Hatred: Hannah Arendt’s Agonistic Rhetoric”,, DOA: 1-31-12, ldg)


      Arendt is probably most ………………….. then they are engaging in anti-totalitarian action.



      Effective deliberative discourse is the lynchpin to solving all existential social and political problems---a switch-side debate format that sets appropriate limits on argument to foster a targeted discussion is most effective---our K turns the whole case

      Lundberg, UNC Chapel Hill communications professor, 2010

      (Christian, Tradition of Debate in North Carolina” in Navigating Opportunity: Policy Debate in the 21st Century, pg 311-3, ldg)


      The second major problem …………………. to debate at colleges and universities.


      Democratic agonism can only successfully operate in a limited forum---it’s not a limitation on the content of argument, but on the form in which it is presented---this is not an appeal to exclusion, but to maximizing the deliberative potential of debate

      Glober, UConn political science professor, 2010

      (Robert, "Games without Frontiers?: Democratic Engagement, Agonistic Pluralism, and the Question of Exclusion", Philosophy Social Criticism published online 16 November 2011, SAGE, ldg)


      Recent democratic theory ………………. with limits and frontiers.



      Agreement is a precondition for contestation.

      Ruth Shively, former professor of political science at Texas A&M, 2000 (Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 181-2)


      The requirements given ………………. agreement or harmony.


      And, student engagement on this topic is especially important to break down the cultural dichotomy between Islam and democracy

      Sadiki, Exter Middle East politics senior lecturer, 2009

      (Larbi, Rethinking Arab democratization: elections without democracy, pg 8-9, ldg)


      Arab states and societies …………………s internal and external dynamics.


      Academic debate over policy issues like the response to the Arab Spring is critical to improve policymaking---alternatives cede the political.

      Walt, Harvard International Affairs professor, 2011

      (Stephen, “International Affairs and the Public Sphere”, 7-21,, DOA: 9-23-11, ldg)


      Academics can make ……………….. and changing world.[8]


      This has to take place in the policy realm---government responses to Middle East democratization are a crucial driver of cultural attitudes towards Islam and people of the MENA region---now is a key time to engage the discussion

      Brookings 2011

      (“What Does the American Public Think of the Arab Awakening?”, 5-22,, DOA: 10-13-11, ldg)


      In light of the ……………….. helped to encourage support and sympathy for the uprisings. 

  • Speciesism K

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • FraDemocracy makes possible the imposition of humanist will upon the animal

      Best, UT El Paso philosophy professor, 06

      [Steven, “Rethinking Revolution: Animal Liberation, Human Liberation, and the Future of the Left”, The International Journal of INCLUSIVE DEMOCRACY, Vol. 2, No. 3 (June 2006), 10/24/11, atl]


      Fotopoulos mounts another ……….. species.”


      Speciesism makes possible “systematic beastilization” which justifies non-criminal putting to death of the other—root cause of all oppression

      Rossini, postdoctoral Fellow ASCA, 2006

      (Manuela, “To the Dogs: Companion speciesism and the new feminist materialism”, text and image Volume 3, September,, ldg)


      What is equally sobering, ……………….. to its overwhelmingly direct and disproportionate effects on animals.[26]

      NOTE- conditio sine qua non


      The alternative is to embrace the standpoint of the animal—this overcomes the humanist bias of the affirmative scholarship, connects the experiences of human and non-human animals and allows for total liberation by providing understanding of all oppression

      Best, UT El Paso philosophy professor, 2009

      (Steven, “The Rise of Critical Animal Studies: Putting Theory into Action and Animal Liberation into Higher Education “, Journal for Critical Animal Studies, Volume VII, Issue 1, 2009,, ldg)


      Postmodern critiques ……………. ecological healing and balance. 

      ****OTHER LINKS*****

      Focusing on liberation requires re-affirmation of animality to justify the liberation of those the affirmative targets which re-entrenches speciesism.

      Kim, UC Irvine political science professor, 2009

      (Claire, “Slaying the Beast:  Reflections on Race, Culture, and Species”,, ldg)


      Dyson gives a perfunctory nod ….. and our actions


      Spanos’ ontology founds itself on the biological divide between human and non-human - turns case

      Stanescu, Graduate Student, Philosophy, Interpretation, and Culture - Binghamton University, 06

      [James, “My Argument With Spanos”,, 1/25/12, atl]


      Humanism (for Spanos) ……………….. My suggestion is one of valorization of life.



      There is an institutional bias in favor of speciesism-the AFF’s failure to directly challenge it allows hegemonic discourses to constrain the parameters of discussion and political activity which allows specieisism to continue.

      Jackman, UC Davis sociology professor, 1994

      (Mary, The Velvet Glove: Paternalism and Conflict in Gender, Class, and Race Relations, pg 64-68, ldg)


      The institutionalization of expropriative arrangements …………….. durable social control.

      Subjective contemplation re-inscribes speciesism by rejecting modes of emancipation.

      Gordon, psychotherapist living and working in London, 2001

      (Paul, “Psychoanalysis and Racism: The Politics of Defeat”, Race & Class April 2001 42: 17-34, ldg)


      Cohen is in many ways representative …….. need to look elsewhere

  • Framework

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:


      B. Our interpretation is Grounded in the Resolution

      1. The topic is defined by the phrase following the colon—the USFG is the agent of the resolution, not the individual debaters

      Webster’s Guide to Grammar and Writing 2k


      Use of a colon ……………… the colon with a capital letter.


      2. The United States Federal Government is the one in D.C.



      United States Government, ……….. Washington, D.C.


      3. Should implies policy – it expresses that the government has a duty or obligation

      American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language04

      ("should." The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004. 20 Sep. 2006. <>)


      should (shd)  Pronunciation Key   

      aux.v. Past tense of shall

      Used to express obligation or dutyYou should send her a note.


      C. Implementation-the aff will always win the principles of their advocacy are good in the abstract- we can only debate the merits of arguments if they defend the specific consequences of political implementation

      Michael Ignatieff, Harvard Carr Center for Human Rights Policy director and human rights practices professor, 04 (The Lesser Evil: Political Ethics in an Age of Terror, 20-21)

      There are two problems with a perfectionist ………………… for one right might lead us to betray another.



      E. The resolution presents an agreed question which is the focus of the debate. Debate is worthless without the predictability that is necessary to generate a starting point for discussion

      Ruth Shively, former professor of political science at Texas A&M, 2000 (Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 181-2)


      The requirements given thus far ……………………….basic agreement or harmony.


      2. Education- our framework solves fundamentalism and orthodoxy. Debate is progressive and not committed to an unethical ideology

      English et al, Schenley Park Debate Authors Working Group scholar, 7

      (Eric, Stephen Lano, Gordon Mitchell, University of Pittsburg communications professor, Catherine Morrison, John Reif, and Carly Woods, “Debate as a Weapon of Mass Destruction,” June 2007, Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, atw


      It is our position, however, that rather than ………………y in the face of fundamentalism.


      B. Exploding predictable limits neutralizes the discursive benefits to debate and renders their advocacy meaningless—only our interpretation preserves the revolutionary potential of a deliberative activity

      Ruth Shively, former professor of political science at Texas A&M, 2000 (Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 180)


      Thus far, I have argued that ………………. reject civility and democracy.

      C. Policy debate strategies are necessary to solve oppression- voting affirmative would be an empty symbol

      Grossberg, University of Illinois communications research, speech and critical theory professor, 92

      (Lawrence, we gotta get out of this place; popular conservatism and postmodern culture, 1992, 390-391) atw


      But this would mean that ……………. everyday practices.


      D. Role-playing the government is the only way to assess state action and acquire the knowledge to challenge it

      Ryan GallowayUniversity of Georgia Debate Coach, February 21, 2001

      [Debate as a Dialectic, p.]


      Second, dialectics are …. and then say "We've found cold fusion! Viva le Revolution."



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