Liberty » Liberty Apthorp & Edwards-AFF

Liberty Apthorp & Edwards-AFF

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:32
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  • JMU 1AC Cites

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    • ***1AC - Yemen***

      Plan: The United States Federal Government should substantially increase its democracy assistance to Yemen by sponsoring a public expenditure tracking system.


      Definition of PETS:

      NDI '10

      (National Democratic Institute, 2010, "Supporting Local Governance in Yemen Steps to Improving Relationships between Citizens and Government," ttp:// [ARA]

      PETS is a method  of gathering … directly or indirectly through representation.”




      Advantage 1. Terrorism


      Primary challenge for democracy in Yemen is government/people relations

      Boucek '11

      (Dr. Christopher Boucek, associate in the Carnegie Middle East Program; PhD, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London   "US Policy in Yemen", July 19, 2011, [ARA]

      The primary policy challenge with regard … revenues to fund local development.


      Primary challenge solved by PETS

      NDI '10

      (National Democratic Institute, 2010, "Supporting Local Governance in Yemen Steps to Improving Relationships between Citizens and Government," ttp:// [ARA]

      Citizens in Yemen are often … flow through elected local councils.


      Democracy is critical to eliminating al-Qaeda in Yemen

      Christian Science Monitor 11

      (Christian Science Monitor editorial board, "Yemen will be the big test for democracy vs. Al Qaeda" March 21, 2011, [ARA]


      If the “youth revolution” in … democracy “can only be nonreligious.”


      Independently the plan signals the US is on the side of the Yemeni people-that solves terrorism.

      Green, The Washington Institute Soref fellow, 2011

      (Daniel, “The American Moment in Yemen”, 4-18-2011,,  8-5-2011, jag)


      The United States must dramatically signal a new … within which to launch attacks against the United States.



      Eliminating al-Qaeda prevents terrorist threat

      Hedberg, masters from  Naval Postgraduate School, 2010

      (Nicholas J., “The Exploitation Of A Weak State: Al-Qaeda In The Arabian Peninsula In Yeme”, June 2010,, 8-14-2011, jag)


      Yemen seems to be a breeding ground … interests and security of the United States.


      Eliminating Al Qaeda leaders key to preventing nuclear terror

      Belford Center, ‘11

      [Belford Center for Science and International Affairs, “The US-Russia Joint Threat Assessment on Nuclear Terrorism”, May 2011,] ara


      The image of one of the most … campaign to prevent nuclear terrorism


      A nuclear strike by al Qaeda causes US-China-Russia war, environmental collapse, and extinction

      Morgan, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, 2009

      (Dennis, World on fire: two scenarios of the destruction of human civilization and possible extinction of the human race Futures, Volume 41, Issue 10, December, ldg)


      In a remarkable website on nuclear war, … reckless use of strategic weapons



      Advantage 2. Stability


      Scenario 1: Middle East Instability


      Yemen extremely unstable now

      Kaleej Times ‘11

      Kaleej Times Online, UAE online newsource, “Saleh’s return to instability”, September 24, 2011,


      Saleh’s obduracy and refusal to cede …far gone for even this to take place.


      Yemen instability leads to regional turmoil

      Boucek, Associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2009

      (Christopher, "Yemen and Its Region," 1-19-09,, accessed 8-29-11, mtf)


      Yemen is the poorest state in … trade between Europe and Asia.


      Middle East instability leads to global nuclear war

      Steinbach, 3/3/02

       ( John, DC Iraq Coalition, Centre for Research on Globalisation, “Israeli Nuclear weapons: a threat to piece”, ) gh


      Meanwhile, the existence of an … conflict could trigger a world conflagration."


      Scenario 2: Economy


      US dollar is on the verge of collapse

      NIA ‘11

      [National Inflation Association, “U.S. Dollar Collapse Could Occur at Any Time”, March 11, 2011,] ara


      As a result of QE2, the Federal … confidence in the U.S. dollar could be imminent.


      Yemen instability destabilizes US dollar reserve

      The Daily Bell, ‘11

      [The Daily Bell, published by The Foundation for the Advancement of Free-Market Thinking (FAFMT),  “Yemen Crisis to Block World's Oil?” May 26, 2011,] ara


      Yemen's destabilization can lead to problems … turn, may destabilize the dollar-reserve currency.


      Collapse of US dollar leads to global depression, starvation,

      Porteous ‘04

      [Bruce, Head of Financial Risk with Standard Life Bank in Edinburgh, Scotland, PhD, in Mathematical Statistics from Cambridge University, England, “What The Dollar's Collapse Will Mean To The World”, November 2004,]


      The collapse of the dollar will throw …cease to exist. Disease will become widespread.


      Economic collapse causes nuclear war and extinction

      Bearden, U.S. Army (Retired), 2000

      [T.E., LTC, U.S. Army, “The Unnecessary Energy Crisis: How to Solve It Quickly,”, June 24]


      History bears out that desperate nations … biosphere, at least for many decades.




      Cure of instability is improving basic services at local level, decreasing corruption

      Greenfield, Center for International Private Enterprise Program Officer, 2010

      (Danya, “Sustainable Development is Possible in Yemen”, 2-17-2010,, 8-6-2011, jag)


      Strategies to combat extremism cannot …economic future are clearly put into place.


      PETS improves service delivery by strengthening civil society – Uganda proves

      Koziol & Tolmie '10

      (Margaret Koziol, Human Development Specialist at World Bank, and Courtney Tolmie, leads the Governance and Accountability work at Results for Development Institute, 2010, "Using Public Expenditure Tracking Surveys to Monitor Projects and Small-Scale Programs", published by The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank, [ARA]

      Monitoring PETS can also amplify the voice …contribute to institutional development in this area. 5


      PETS is important anti-corruption tool

      U4 Anti-corruption Resource Centre

      [U4 Anti-corruption Resource Centre, “Using PETS to fight corruption” No date,] [ARA]


      In most cases, however, the fact … as a valuable tool in fighting corruption.


      Civil society is the determining factor in transition AND spills over to solve other sectors..

      Glen, Georgetown law professor, 2011

      (Patrick, “Democracy Promotion in the Obama Administration: An Opportunity to Match Action to Rhetoric”,, ldg)


      These findings are most important when viewed …while protecting against any potential “rollback” effect.




      Advantage 3. Credibility

      US has lost credibility in Middle East

      Rubin 11

      (Barry, director of the Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center and editor of the Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA) Journal, “The West Asian score so far”, June 22, 2011, [ARA]


      The US has lost four friendly regimes — … of credibility, minus one for the US.


      Assisting Yemen democracy solves US credibility in Middle East

      Ragahavan, Canberra Times, 2011

      [Sudarsan, Australian newspaper, “Thousands take to the streets; Leaders struggle to deal with uprisings,” 2-19-11, lexis, accessed 8-2-11, mtf]


      Autocrats and monarchs across the Arab world … protesters stepped up pressure for radical change.


      US needs credibility in Middle East to prevent nuclear proliferation

      McInnis ‘05

      (Kathleen,  coordinator of the Project on Nuclear Issues and a research associate at CSIS; “Extended Deterrence: The U.S. Credibility Gap in the Middle East”, Summer 2005, ) [ARA]

      U.S. relationships in the Middle East, … region, creating a uniquely dangerous situation.


      Proliferation leads to accidents, miscalc and nuclear war

      Evans and Kawaguchi et al, ICNND co-chairs, November 2009

      [Gareth, University of Melbourne Honorary Professorial Fellow, International Crisis Group president emeritus, former Australian Attorney-General, Minister for Resources and Energy, and Foreign Minister ,and Yoriko, Member of the House of Councillors (Japan) for the Liberal Democratic Party since 2005, Special Adviser to the Prime Minister of Japan, responsible for foreign affairs, from 2004 to 2005, "Eliminating Nuclear Threats: A Practical Agenda for Global Policymakers," International Commission on Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament,, accessed 12-25-9, mss]


      Ensuring that no new states join the ranks … centres divided by multiple and cross-cutting sources of conflict.


      Nuclear war causes extinction-most recent studies prove

      Denver Post 2007 (“US Approach to Nukes Misguided”,3-25, lexis)


      The scientists' perspective is particularly significant. …These reductions continue for several years."

  • Navy 1AC

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Plan: The United States Federal Government should provide the democracy assistance that has been requested by the Syrian National Council of opposition groups, barring military assistance


      Syria Aff – 1AC – Advantage 1: US Intervention


      Violence in Syria escalating – opposition is militarizing

      Rabil 1-3

      [Robert G, associate professor of political science at Florida Atlantic University, “Why U.S. must step carefully in Syria,” January 3, 2012,] ara


      As it fights for its survival …ranks of the Syrian opposition.


      Delays to aid opposition is eroding credibility and causes prolif

      Gordon 8-20-11

      [J.D. is a communications consultant to several Washington-D.C. think tanks and a retired Navy Commander who served as a Pentagon spokesman in the Office of the Secretary of Defense from 2005-2009. “Libya, Syria Show Obama in Way Over His Head” August 20, 2011,] ara

      With Syria, Mr. Obama … build up their own military arsenals.


      We must assist BUT status quo intervention will be military

      Dreyfuss 11

      [Robert, Award winning independent journalist & Contributing Editor to the Nation, The Nation, “Applying the Libya 'Model' to Syria and Iran,” August 29, 2011,] ara


      Muammar Qaddafi is (pretty much) gone, and …, or Iranians, to be massacred.


      US intervention ensures Israel is drawn in, collapses US leadership. 

      Zakheim 11

      [Dov, former Undersecretary of Defense, The National Interest, “The Nightmare that is a U.S. Attack On Syria,” ,May 12, 2011,]


      But the price of yet … perceive to be out of control.


      US leadership stops conflict in every region, keeps trade moving, stops terrorists, and prolif

      Kagan 11

      [Robert, contributing editor to The Weekly Standard and a senior fellow in foreign policy at the Brookings Institution, “The Price of Power”, January 24, 2011, Vol. 16, No. 18,] ara


      Today the international situation … build their own nuclear weapons to resist it.


      Syria Aff – 1AC – Advantage 2: Iran Heg


      Assad is key to Iran regional hegemony

      Rettig 9-2

      [Jessica-Politics & Policy Reporter at U.S. News & World Report, Georgetown University, Universidad de Buenos Aires, “Iran Has Much to Lose if Syria's Assad Falls.” September 2, 2011, U.S. News and World Report.] ara

      The pressure on Syria's Bashar … a great plus for the United States and its friends."


      Iranian hegemony destabilizes the region – US action in Syria key to check expansionism

      Kahlili 11

      [Reza, pseudonym for an ex-CIA spy who is a fellow with EMPact America and the author of “A Time to Betray,” about his double life in Iran’s Revolutionary Guards,  “KAHLILI: Luring Israel into war,” August 24, 2011 The Washington Times,] ara


      Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah …in Tehran from checkmating the world.



      Iran threat causes Saudis to host Pakistan nucs – only US security guarantees solves

      Guzansky, Institute for National Security Studies, ’11

      [Yoel, research fellow at the Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University. He joined INSS after serving at Israel's National Security Council, “Tehran tests Saudis’ nerve on nuclear weapons,” 7-1, The Australian,, Gender Modified] ara


      UNTIL recently it appeared that … intrusive International Atomic Energy Agency monitoring.


      South-Asian nuclear instability would result.

      Roberts, History Prof, Cambridge, ’11

      [Andrew, Also: Royal Society of Literature Fellow, Jan. 2, “Iran’s Nuclear Domino Effect,” THE DAILY BEAST,] ara


      Where Edelman goes an important …South Asia significantly more dangerous.


      That causes extinction- nuclear winter, ozone, climate, and ag

      Richard, Discovery Green editor, 2010

      [Michael Graham, "Nuclear Winter: Now Easier to Trigger than Ever," 1-19-10,, accessed 12-19-10, mss]


      Regional Nuclear War Could Trigger … has a very high expected utility).


      Syria Aff – 1AC – Advantage 3: Genocide


      The Syrian people are experiencing the some of the worst treatment by the Assad regime. 

      Posner and Feltman 11 

      (Michael H., Asst Sect Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, Jeffery D., Asst Sect Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, “Statement Before the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia”, Axis of Abuse: U.S. Human Rights Policy toward Iran and Syria: Part 1, July 27, 2011, ara


      In Syria, a committed, peaceful … had lethal head, neck and chest wounds.


      Syria has all of the warning signs of genocide – the government could be tipping to commit mass murder against its own people

      Genocide Watch 11

      [Genocide Watch, June 7, 2011, Coordinator of the International Alliance to End Genocide, “Genocide and Mass Atrocity Warning:  Syria”] ara


      Since the beginning of March, the …could be the tipping point into mass


      Genocide makes life and death meaningless

      Card 3

      [Claudia, philosophy professor at University of Wisconsin, “Genocide and Social Death,” Winter 2003, Hypatia, vol. 18, issue 1, ProjectMuse,]


      Specific to genocide is the … termination. This view, however, is controversial


      Genocide will lead to the destruction of all people – outweighs all other impacts

      Harff, professor of political science, 81

      (Gur Harff, prof. @ Univ. of Berlin, Humanitarian Intervention as a Remedy for Genocide, p. 40-41)


      One of the most enduring and … victim, genocide is a universal concern.



      Syria Aff – 1AC – Advantage 4: Turkey


      Syrian violence causes mass refugee flows into Turkey – tensions could erupt into violence at any time – conflict will draw in NATO, Iran, Russia and China into World War III.

      Pakalert 11

      [Pakalert Press, June 28, 2011 “Could We Actually See A War Between Syria And Turkey?”] ara


      In recent days, there have … does not erupt as a result.


      Middle East war goes nuclear

      Shibil Sidiqqi, Fellow, Centre for the Study of Global Power and Politics, 4-15-10

      [Shibil, Fellow, Centre for the Study of Global Power and Politics, “Terrorism: The nuclear summit's 'straw man',”] ara


      However, the president's assessment … the largest global nuclear threat. 


      As a nuclear power the US has a moral obligation to avoid a nuclear war at all costs.

      Walker 4

      ( William Walker, Professor of International Relations at the University of St Andrews, 2004, Adelph Paper 370, “Weapons of Mass Destruction and International Order”, International Institute for Strategic Studies, Oxford University Press, New York, P 22 ) gh


      Why did the nuclear weapon … any state possessing the capability.


      Syria Aff – 1AC – Solvency


      U.S. assistance to Syria builds civil society – its key to avoid civil war and regional hegemons interference.

      Al-Assad 8/10 

      [Ribal, Director of the Organization for Democracy and Freedom in Syria, “The struggle for Syria,” August 10, 2011. CNN’s Global Public Square Blog.] ara


      As the violence in Syria mounts, the …for stability throughout the region.


      U.S. action now is critical to stop Syria from devolving into a civil war

      Abrams 8/2

      Elliott Abrams, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, handled Middle East affairs at the National Security Council from 2001 to 2009. “Preventing Civil War in Syria”. August 2, 2011. The Wall Street Journal.


      Syria remains rocked by antiregime … cronies from the rest of the Alawite community.



      Spurs outside action and transforms US policy—spills over to further anti-Assad actions

      Badran 11

      Tony Badran, Research Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) in DC, “Obama Can Stop the Killing in Syria,” June 14, 2011,,2


      The administration could then induce … display. So what are they waiting for?


      The U.S. is uniquely key – Obama’s heritage gives him power to promote democracy other agents can’t access

      Gerecht and Dubowitz 11

      [Reuel Marc Gerecht, a former CIA officer, is a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the author of “The Wave: Man, God, and the Ballot Box in the Middle East.” Mark Dubowitz is the executive director of FDD, where he heads projects on sanctions and the use of technology to encourage democratic change. “Obama, American Liberator?” September 1, 2011, liberator/2011/09/01/gIQA3e5HvJ_story.html] ara


      Libya was not a robust showing of …It may do the same for Barack Obama.


      Assad will fall  - only question is how the U.S. can shape the transition and post-Assad government.

      Kessler and Doran 8/16

      Oren Kessler and Michael S. Doran, visiting professor at the Robert F. Wagner Graduate School for Public Service at New York University, Ph.D. in History, Princeton University, An expert on the international politics of the Middle East. “'Iran, not peace process, should drive US policy on Syria'”. Jerusalem Post. 8/16/2011.


      “The result is that we have … to convince Assad to go, and to go soon.”


      And US should set up a political alternative that protects minorities – key to Assad collapse

      Al Toraifi 11,

      [Adel, Al Arabiya, Editor-in-Chief of Al Majalla, the leading Arab magazine, specialist on Saudi foreign policy, PhD candidate at the London School of Economics and Political Science “Adel Al Toraifi: Syria on the road of chaos,” August 12, 2011,] ara


      If the international community … of the [Baathist] party and sectarian [elements]. 


      Only the U.S. can assist the Syrian transition – the plan will build leverage over time.

      Young 11

      [Michael, Opinion Page Editor, Lebanon Daily Star,“An Obama road map to change in Syria,” 5-19-11, Lebanon Daily Star,] ara


      We’ve heard Obama administration officials … States can take such measures.




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