Kentucky » Kentucky RS Robinson and Sweet Aff

Kentucky RS Robinson and Sweet Aff

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:32
  • GSU Aff

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • UK Egypt Religious Freedom 1AC
      Plan - The United States federal government should provide assistance for the promotion of religious freedom in Egypt.

      Advantage One - U.S./Egyptian Cooperation
      The United State’s exclusive focus on religious minority persecution in Egypt reinforces fears that religious freedom requires suppression of Islam.
      Shah 2011
      Timothy, Associate Director of the Religious Freedom Project at the Berkley Center For Religion, Peace, and World Affairs and Visiting Assistant Professor in the Government Department, Georgetown University, A Fully Free Egypt, 6/3,
      On May 19, 2011, President Obama…those convictions in the public square.

      Additionally, Obama’s strategy actively exacerbates persecution.  
      Farr 2010
      Thomas, Professor of Religion and International Affairs, Georgetown's Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, A Freedom Deferred, America: The National Catholic Weekly,
      a purely antipersecution strategy…will enhance international peace.

      This risks sanctions, aid cuts & undermines relations.
      Timmerman 2011
      Ken, Congress to Press Obama on Religious Persecution, Newsmax, 1/21,
      Designation by the commission could lead…for the United States to reduce aid to Egypt.”

      Changing U.S. religious freedom policy is key - Exclusion promotes extremism while political inclusion causes moderation.
      Philpott 2011
      Daniel, Islam: A Friend or Foe of Democracy in the New Egypt? 6/3,
      Nor is the Brotherhood a static organization…religious democrats that the U.S. is on their side.

      Now is the key time - Pre-election preparations means more groups would be willing to accept U.S. support.
      Thistlethwaite 2011
      Rev. Susan Brooks, Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress and a professor of theology at Chicago Theological Seminary and its former president, Religious Freedom Amid the Arab Spring, 5/25,
      Waiting until after elections have solidified…power, whether religious or secular.

      Lack of religious freedom in Egypt collapses the Middle East.
      Bandow 2011
      Doug, Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute and the Senior Fellow in International Religious Persecution at the Institute on Religion and Public Policy, What Kind of Revolution?, 7/13,
      those who hoped the Egyptian revolution would…the rest of the Middle East.

      Religious extremism makes deterrence irrelevant - Creates a unique risk of extinction.
      Beres 2011
      Louis Rene, Israel, anarchy and global chaos, 8/17,
      The probability of expanding Middle East…effects would be chaotic.

      Promoting religious political inclusion is critical to continued U.S./Egyptian counterterrorism cooperation.
      Pillar 2011
      Paul, Avoiding Extremism in Egypt (and Beyond), 2/15,
      In Egypt the Muslim Brotherhood has…would continue

      U.S./Egyptian cooperation is the cornerstone for counterterrorism intelligence in the region.
      Sheridan & Warrick 2011
      Mary Beth, Joby, U.S.-Egyptian anti-terror partnership in question, Washington Post,
      With the ouster of President…fundamentalism and its international dimensions

      Additionally, the Arab Spring and declining relations with Pakistan have created an intelligence gap - loss of cooperation with key states leaves America open to attack.
      United Press International 2011
      Arab revolts jolt Western intelligence,
      The toppling of the pro-Western rulers…disastrous for the West.

      Egypt is the key.
      Agency France Press 2011
      US anxious to retain Egypt in fight against terror, 2/6,
      US officials acknowledge the…fight against Al-Qaeda," a US official said.

      Counterterrorism intelligence is crucial to defeating al Qaeda.
      Walsh 2010
      James Igoe, Emerging Transnational (In)security Governance, 44
      A top foreign policy priority…places it on the frontline against terrorism.”

      Al Qaeda will attack the United States with nuclear weapons - Plans are already being developed.
      Mowatt-Larssen 2011
      Rolf, Senior Fellow at Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, and former Director of Intelligence and Counterintelligence at the U.S. Department of Energy, he served for 23 years as a CIA intelligence officer in various posts, to include Chief of the Europe Division in the Directorate of Operations, Chief of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Department, Counterterrorist Center, and Deputy Associate Director of Central Intelligence for Military Support, April 18th,
      Nuclear terrorism is inextricably…against the US in the near future.

      Nuclear terrorism causes extinction.
      Sid-Ahmed 2004
      Mohamed, political analyst, August 26 – September 1, 2004, Al-Ahram Weekly On-Line,
      a nuclear attack by terrorists…we will all be losers.

      U.S. assistance programs are critical to reverse Anti-American resistance to religious freedom promotion.  
      Farr & Hoover 2009
      Thomas F., visiting associate professor of religion and international affairs at Georgetown University’s Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service. He also directs the Religion and U.S. Foreign Policy Program at the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs, where he is a senior fellow, Dennis R., vice president for research and publications at the Institute for Global Engagement (IGE). He also directs IGE’s Center on Faith & International Affairs and is the founding editor of The Review of Faith & International Affairs, The Future of U.S. International Religious Freedom Policy,  
      Moreover, there is a widespread perception…in any systematic way.

      A policy of religious freedom promotion to Egypt would create consistent principles that could sustain religious liberty.  
      Inboden 2011
      William, Assistant Professor at the LBJ School of Public Affairs and Distinguished Scholar at the Strauss Center for International Security and Law at the University of Texas-Austin & Non-Resident Fellow with the German Marshall Fund of the United States, US Religious Freedom Policy in the New Egypt, 6/3,
      One position does not a policy make…for good or for ill.

      Advantage Two - International Religious Freedom
      Lack of aid for religious freedom Egypt sends a signal of U.S. indifference.
      Zeman 2010
      William F., US report on religious freedom puts egypt on ‘watch list,’ Daily News Egypt,
      The USCIRF called for US President…do anything about it.”

      This undercuts religious freedom and global stability - Egypt’s prominence makes it a key litmus test.
      Halim 2007
      Cameel, Coptic Assembly of America Chairman, Testimony of Cameel Halim Coalition for Defense of Human Rights Conference,
      The only one who can have…affecting the whole world’s security.

      Additionally, religious freedom assistance to Egypt can reverse this trend and revitalize global U.S. religious freedom diplomacy.
      Farr 2008
      Thomas, "Diplomacy in an Age of Faith: Religious Freedom and National Security," Foreign Affairs, March/April,
      extremism and terrorism can…establishment blinded by secularism.

      Religious movements are inevitable, suppression undermines a key lynchpin for peace.
      Farr 2008
      Thomas, Diplomacy in an Age of Faith: How Failing to Understand the Role of Religion Hinders America's Purposes in the World, December 17th,
      One, religion is resurging around the world…it with a religious civil war. 

      Religion makes these conflicts uniquely dangerous - Five reasons.
      Toft, Philpott & Shah 2011
      Monica Duffy, Daniel, Timothy Samuel, God’s Century: Resurgent Religion and Global Politics, Pg 150
      The basic facts concerning religious civil wars…have equally “glocalized” dimensions.

      Lack of religious freedom risks global war & instability including Russia China & the Korean peninsula.
      Haynes 2009
      Charles C., senior scholar at the First Amendment Center, Around the globe, religious freedom under assault, 5/16,
      At a time when religious persecution…at the center of U.S. foreign policy.

      And revitalized American religious freedom diplomacy solves.
      Farr 2008
      Thomas F., World of Faith and Freedom, pg 41
      In sum, a policy of actually advancing…value-free form of democracy

      Korean instability causes global war & extinction.
      Lee 1999
      Wha Rang, Korea Web Weekly, September 13

      Russian collapse causes global nuclear war and environmental destruction.
      David 1999
      Steven, Professor of Political Science at The Johns Hopkins University, Foreign Affairs, Jan/Feb
      Should Russia succumb…threat America now faces

      CCP collapse results in WMD use that kills billions.
      Renxing 2005
      San, THE EPOCH TIMES, The CCP’s Last-ditch Gamble: Biological and Nuclear War- Hundreds of millions of deaths proposed,
      it would not be surprising…and gamble with their lives.

      Religious freedom is key to value to life.
      Shah 2011
      Timothy, Associate Director of the Religious Freedom Project at the Berkley Center For Religion, Peace, and World Affairs and Visiting Assistant Professor in the Government Department, Georgetown University, A Fully Free Egypt, 6/3,
      The demand for religious freedom…that is not worth living       

  • GSU 2ac rd 1 v Dart AS

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Radicalism
      Lack of religious freedom is the root cause of extremism in Egypt.
      Tadros 2010
      Samuel, Senior Partner at the Egyptian Union
      The lack of true religious freedom in Egypt
      freedoms and diminishes religious radicalism and Islamist terrorism.

      Middle East instability is probable escalates - Asymmetric interests, Unpredictable non-state actors, lack of communication & WMD availability.
      Russell 2009
      James A., Senior Lecturer, National Security Affairs, Naval Postgraduate School, “Strategic Stability Reconsidered: Prospects for Escalation and Nuclear War in the Middle East” IFRI, Proliferation Papers, #26,
      Strategic stability in the region is ] with substantial risk for the entire world.
      A2 Osama’s death = No Nuclear Terror 
      - Cooperation Adv
      -Still a high risk of nuclear terrorism.
      Fissile Materials Working Group 2011
      The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, “After
      Osama bin Laden's death may represent a significant
      priority must be securing this potential source material. 


      Religious conflict outweighs
      Grieboski 2011 (Joseph K., founder of the Institute on Religion and Public Policy. Huffington Post: “It is Time to Prioritize Religious Freedom in U.S. Policy” June 8 2011
      The issue of religious liberty is not a
      fulfilled only the most basic requirements of IRFA. 

      EU Do the Plan Frontline - 2ac
      (c.) Islamic groups won’t work with the European Union 
      - It’s comparatively less credible.   
      Wittes 2009
      Tamara Cofman, Saban Center at Brookings,
      Repairing the Breach, Analysis Paper No. 18
      In dealings with some states, the European
      follow through on promises to support democratization.30 

      2.) Doesn’t Solve Modeling
      (a.) Only a revitalized US model can solve - Farr indicates the US model’s combination of theology and politics working in tandem is the only way for peaceful coexistence.  
      (b.) This is a disad to the counterplan 
      - The EU model privileges politics to the exclusion of religion.
      Donnelly 2011
      Rev Nick, deacon of the Diocese of Lancaster, author for the Catholic Truth Society and on the Editorial Team of The Catholic Voice of Lancaster, Major EU study of religious freedom weighted against religion,
      The freedom of religion and ] churches, mosques and synagogues. 

      (c.) Europe wont promote religious freedom even if they could - No political will.
      Uzzell 2004
      Lawrence, president of International Religious Freedom Watch, Religious Freedom and the National Interest, March 3rd,
      Unlike other human rights, ]] their right to exclude women. 


      4.) Turn - Small Arms
      (a.) New EU assistance to Egypt trades off with aid to Sub-Saharan Africa.
      Youngs 2008
      Richard, director of the democratization program at FRIDE in Madrid, and lectures at the University of Warwick in the United Kingdom, Journal of Democracy 19.2 (2008) 160-169
      Who Receives ] the detriment of sub-Saharan Africa. 

      (b.) EU aid is key to fight Sub Saharan small arms trafficking that kills millions every year.
      Mwaura 2010
      Paul, EU to Spend €3.
      The European Union is funding a pilot project
      escalates proliferation of illicit guns in some region.


      a2 Orientalism
      -No Impact – Orientalism empirically doesn’t drive imperialism.
      Irwin 2006  
      Robert Lectured in Medieval History – U.
      & Its Discontents”, p. 286-288
      To Said’s way of thinking, since Britain
      out to govern the British and French empires?

      -Turn – Essentialism – Identifying (the West/America) as the the root cause of global suffering legitimizes everything from suicide bombings to sexual exploitation through a new image of the 'noble savage' living harmoniously in opposition to essentialist views of western (imperialism/colonialism)
      Hanson 2004
      Victor David, The Fruits of Appeasement, City Journal,
      From writers like ]by the evils of Western capitalism.  
      -Human action makes predictions possible – we can deduce value and the probability through observation that avoids essentialist views of the subject.
      Caplan 2001
      Bryan, assistant professor of economics at George
      But how can these claims about probability be
      the probability that I have an evil twin?”

      Perm: Engage in revoluitionary pedogogy while promoting religious freedom in europe


      Obama Good - 2ac
      -NU-Egypt Aid
      McInerney, Executive Director of the Project on Middle East Democracy, 7-11
      Stephen, Federal Budget and Appropriations for FY
      Report-web.pdf, p 16.
      Soon after Mubarak’s ouster, the administration announced
      been obligated to various Egyptian and international organizations.

      -NU-Libya dwarfs the plan and is ongoing
      ABC News 8/22/11
      The cost of U.S. military
      military lingo for Meals, Ready to Eat). 

      -NU-Foreign aid debate swamps
      A. Big budget fight coming
      -the plan would be part of the existing debate
      The Hill 9/7/11
      Senate appropriators on Wednesday approved a broad spending
      new fiscal year begins on Oct. 1. 

      B. The plan is a blip on the radar
      Carothers-Carnegie Endowment for International Peace-99 Aiding Democracy Abroad p. 61
      As it is only a small fraction ]s merit attention and analysis-

      C. No congressional debate-reprogrammed aid
      Huffington Post 5/18/11
      None of the money ] another senior administration official.

      -Turn-Religious conservatives
      A. The plan is an olive branch to religious conservatives
      Bandow 2011
      Doug, Redeeming the Obama Administration's Record on
      Enhancing the role of the ambassador is not
      , indigenous Christian community in that Muslim land.

      Spending - 2ac
      -No Link-The plan would trade off with existing funds for Egypt
      Project on Middle East Democracy 6/21/11
      Sen. Udall, citing the implications of
      that programs will also address water efficiency issues. 

      -No Link-Democracy assistance projects are small-trade-off won’t trigger the link
      Carothers-Carnegie Endowment for International Peace-99 Aiding Democracy Abroad p. 61
      As it is only a small fraction \] nonetheless merit attention and analysis-

      A. Libya dwarfs the plan and is ongoing
      ABC News 8/22/11
      The cost of U.S. military
      military lingo for Meals, Ready to Eat). 

      B. Future deep foreign aid cuts coming
      Lester-US Global Leadership Coalition-8/3/11  International Affairs Budget Update
      Under this new budget agreement, the International
      bill, which passed the House in June.

  • GSU rd 3 2ac v Harvard

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • T Substantially - 2ac
      A. Substantially means major, not minor quantity
      Words and Phrases 87 (vol. 40, 1987 Pocket Part, p. 266)
      SUBSTANTIALLY IMPAIRS ITS VALUE.  What constitutes defect
      288, 90 S.D. 75.

      B. We meet-The plan is a large increase in democracy assistance and overhauls US policy toward religious freedom in Egypt
      Inboden 2011
      William, Assistant Professor at the LBJ School of Public Affairs and Distinguished Scholar at the Strauss Center for International Security and Law at the University of Texas-Austin. He is also a Non-Resident Fellow with the German Marshall Fund of the United States, US Religious Freedom Policy in the New Egypt, 6/3,
      One position does n\ resources as well.   

      C. Our interpretation is Superior
      First, Ground. They can win uniqueness to their disads. Virtually no assistance for religious freedom in the status quo. The baseline is more important than the numerical increase.
      US Commission on International Religious Freedom April 28th 2011
      USCIRF Annual Report 2011 - Countries of Particular
      For FY2010, $25 million was allotted
      support the programs and activities it already funds. 

      Second, Limits. Our interpretation forces the affirmative to mandate a major change in a democracy assistance program. It excludes small increases of aid to existing Obama arab spring initiatives. 

      Third, Education. Their interpretation ignores the reality of democracy assistance that is a series of small programs.  
      Carothers-Carnegie Endowment for International Peace-99 Aiding Democracy Abroad p. 61
      As it is only a small fraction of U.S foreign aid, democracy assistance is unimportant. Democracy aid is indeed only a small part of the US foreign aid budget—]

      Co-op Muslim Brotherhood Takeover 2AC

      Plan promotes cooperation between religious and secular parties which is key to prevent extremist Muslim Brotherhood takeover
      Agrama 2011 (Hussein Ali, assistant professor of anthropology at the University of Chicago. The Immanent Frame: “Uprising in Egypt: Asecular revolution” March 11 2011
      Throughout the protes\a secular or a religious state.

      Conditions (General) - 2ac

      -Egypt says no
      (a.) Government views conditions as counterproductive.
      Boustany 2008
      Nora, Dissident Lobbies for Conditions on U
      Egyptian press attache Karim Haggag in Washington reiterated
      don't disagree on the norms," he said. 

      (b.) Civil society groups oppose.
      Youngs 10 (Richard, assoc prof univ warwick, June, “How to Revitalise Democracy Assistance: Recipients’ Views”)
      In Egypt donors have been passive on the
      feel that international leverage remains under-explored.

      -Conditional aid pushes Egypt into military cooperation with China causing nuclear war.
      Chadwick 2011
      Bruce P., PhD, CFA, is
      The fate of Egypt generates intense interest beyond
      on a hair-trigger will be considerable. 

      Wont pass- Dems hate it and Reid won’t bring it to the floor.
      Daily Caller 9-14 (Reid in no rush to pass Obama jobs bill,
      Despite President Barack Obama’s urgency to “pass
      , and a bill on the Chinese currency.

      Republicans block any meaningful bill
      Inquirer 9/8/11 (Philadelphia Inquirer, “The president's jobs speech; Some steps could help, but don't expect miracles”)
      President Obama goes into Thursday's big speech on
      net benefit to the economy as a whole. 

      Wont pass- its not bipart and other controversial issues are coming up first.
      Walsh 9/13 (Deirdre, writer, CNN, “GOP pushes back on jobs bill, Dems worry about 'cherry picking'”)
      The talk in recent days of bipartisan cooperation
      to FEMA, the FAA and highway construction. 

      Even if jobs were to be passed, it would be broken up into smaller parts and watered down. All their evidence is depended on the whole jobs bill being passed. 

      B. The plan is a blip on the radar
      Carothers-Carnegie Endowment for International Peace-99 Aiding Democracy Abroad p. 61
      As it is only a small f merit attention and analysis-

      C. No congressional debate-reprogrammed aid
      Huffington Post 5/18/11
      None of the money ] senior administration official.

      -Non-intrinsic. A rational policy maker could endorse both the plan and agenda item. 

      -No link-bottom of the docket. The most realistic interpretation of fiat is that the plan would be implemented along a normal time line after other agenda items ahead of it.

      -Fiat solves the link-the most realistic interpretation is persuasion which would solve their backlash link.

      -Turn-Religious conservatives
      A. The plan is an olive branch to religious conservatives
      Bandow 2011
      Doug, Redeeming the Obama Administration's Record on
      Enhancing the role of the ambassador is not
      , indigenous Christian community in that Muslim land.

      B. Key to agenda
      US News and World Report 4/29/09
      Obama Works to Redefine Role of Faith in First 100 Days
      The Southern Baptist Convention's Richard Land has worked with presidential administrations going back to Ronald Reagan's, but he can't remember any that has convened an advisory council composed mostly of religious leaders, as President Obama has done. The council gives religion "an institutionally higher profile than under President Bush," says the conservative Land, who directs public policy for the nation's largest evangelical denomination. "No president that I've dealt with has had anything like it." Left-leaning advocacy groups agree, though they tend to be more troubled by a bigger role for religion in the White House. Americans United for Separation of Church and State, for example, is dismayed by how Obama's faith-based office has operated so far. "Bush's office completely disregarded the separation of church and state," says Executive Director Barry Lynn, "and nobody sees any change from that yet." In his first 100 days in office, President Obama has sought a bold new role for faith in the White House, which aides say is aimed largely at dialing down the decades-old culture wars. Without changing his party's liberal stances on social issues like abortion, for example, Obama is nonetheless attempting to reach out to religious conservatives by pledging to work toward reducing demand for abortion. And while acknowledging his party's own secular base—he went out of his way to mention nonbelievers in his inaugural address—Obama has sought to showcase religion's expanded role in his White House, opening his rallies with public prayer. So far, the project has blunted the Christian right's usual criticism of Democratic administrations, even earning plaudits from some high-profile religious conservatives. 

      -Winners Win
      Ornstein, 2001 (Norman, American Enterprise Institute, How is Bush Governing?, May 15,,eventID.281/transcript.asp)
      The best plan is to pick two significant
      get it back with a very healthy premium.

      -Egypt instability collapses the global economy.
      Schurman 2011
      Michael, correspondent for TIME, February 2
      At first glance, the upheaval on the
      might even experience a double-dip recession. 

      Spending - 2ac
      -No Link-The plan would trade off with existing funds for Egypt
      Project on Middle East Democracy 6/21/11
      Sen. Udall, citing the implications of
      that programs will also address water efficiency issues. 


      A. Libya dwarfs the plan and is ongoing
      ABC News 8/22/11
      The cost of U.S. military
      military lingo for Meals, Ready to Eat). 

      B. Future deep foreign aid cuts coming
      Lester-US Global Leadership Coalition-8/3/11  International Affairs Budget Update
      Under this new budget agreement, the International
      bill, which passed the House in June.

  • 2ac

    • Tournament: GSU | Round: 6 | Opponent: UNT | Judge:

    • Egypt Economy Add On - Cooperation Adv
      Conditionality is illegitimate and a voting issue. Time constraints and the no risk nature of conditionality undermine 2AC strategy. Independently, conditionality undermines the value of debate by causing superficial exploration of competing policy options.
      -Egypt instability collapses the global economy.
      Schurman 2011
      Michael, correspondent for TIME, February 2, Time Magazine, Does the turmoil in Egypt threaten the global recovery?
      At first glance, the upheaval even experience a double-dip recession.
      Religious Leaders Key
      Only Religious leaders solve
      Boyle 2011 (Jenna Larson, intern Institute for Global Engagement and MA in History from Boston College, focusing on Islamic Studies and Mediterranean Societies. The Review of Faith and International Affiars: “Religious Leaders and Reform in Post-Mubarak Egypt” May 4 2011
      Addressing religious tensions. Interfaith marriages, proselytization
      accomplish something that Mubarak's despotic rule never did.
      EU Do the Plan Frontline - 2ac
      (c.) Islamic groups won’t work with the European Union 
      - It’s comparatively less credible.   
      Wittes 2009
      Tamara Cofman, Saban Center at Brookings, Europe, the United States, and Middle Eastern Democracy: Repairing the Breach, Analysis Paper No. 18
      In dealings with some promises to support democratization.30 

      (b.) This is a disad to the counterplan - The EU model privileges politics to the exclusion of religion.
      Donnelly 2011
      Rev Nick, deacon of the Diocese of
      The freedom of churches, mosques and synagogues. 

      (c.) Europe wont promote religious freedom even if they could - No political will.
      Uzzell 2004
      Lawrence, president of International Religious Freedom Watch, Religious Freedom and the National Interest, March 3rd,
      Unlike other human rights, to exclude women. 

      3.) Permutation - Do Both
      (a.) Solves <the net benefit> 
      (b.) Avoids the link to <the disad> - Lets Europe shoulder most of the burden. 

      4.) Turn - Small Arms
      (a.) New EU assistance to Egypt trades off with aid to Sub-Saharan Africa.
      Youngs 2008
      Richard, director of the democratization program at FRIDE in Madrid, and lectures at the University of Warwick in the United Kingdom, Journal of Democracy 19.2 (2008) 160-169
      Who Receives Democracy Assistance? of sub-Saharan Africa. 

      (b.) EU aid is key to fight Sub Saharan small arms trafficking that kills millions every year.
      Mwaura 2010
      Paul, EU to Spend €3.
      The European Union is funding a pilot project
      escalates proliferation of illicit guns in some region.

      Cap K
      -Human action makes predictions possible – we can deduce value and the probability through observation that avoids essentialist views of the subject.
      Caplan 2001
      Bryan, assistant professor of economics at George
      But how can these claims about probability be
      the probability that I have an evil twin?”

      -Nobel prize winning studies confirm the possibility of economic prediction in the face of uncertainty and essentialist models.
      Caldwell 2004
      Bruce, Ph.D., Hayek’s Challenge: an Intellectual Biography of F.A. Hayek University of Chicago Press p. 330
      Experimental economists l) predictions to be made.9

      -Prior questions are reductionist – they’re not explanatory and paralyze politics
      Owen 2002
      David Owen, Reader of Political Theory at
      31 No 3 2002 p. 655-7
      Commenting on the ‘philosophical turn’ in IR
      , and so a potentially vicious circle arises. 


      -NU-Egypt Aid
      McInerney, Executive Director of the Project on Middle East Democracy, 7-11
      Stephen, Federal Budget and Appropriations for FY
      Report-web.pdf, p 16.
      Soon after Mubarak’s ouster, the administration announced
      been obligated to various Egyptian and international organizations.

      -NU-Libya dwarfs the plan and is ongoing
      ABC News 8/22/11
      The cost of U.S. military
      military lingo for Meals, Ready to Eat). 

      -NU-Foreign aid debate swamps
      A. Big budget fight coming
      -the plan would be part of the existing debate
      The Hill 9/7/11
      Senate appropriators on Wednesday approved a broad spending
      new fiscal year begins on Oct. 1. 

      B. The plan is a blip on the radar
      Carothers-Carnegie Endowment for International Peace-99 Aiding Democracy Abroad p. 61
      As it is only a small fraction of
      —but they nonetheless merit attention and analysis-

  • 2ac rd 1 Vandi

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:


       (c.) Islamic groups won’t work with the European Union --- It’s comparatively less credible.  

      Wittes 2009

      Tamara Cofman, Saban Center at Brookings, Europe, the United States, and Middle Eastern Democracy: Repairing the Breach, Analysis Paper No. 18

      In dealings with some states, the European Union has been even more circumspect than the United States, leaving the impression amongst Islamist opposition groups that “there is no place for Islamists in initiatives such as the ENP and that the E.U. is more anti-Islam than pro-democracy.”29 Detailed interview material shows that over 2006 and 2007 the European Union increasingly lost credibility with Islamist organizations for failing to follow through on promises to support democratization.30


      2.) Doesn’t Solve Modeling

      (a.) Only a revitalized US model can solve --- Farr indicates the US model’s combination of theology and politics working in tandem is the only way for peaceful coexistence. 

      (b.) This is a disad to the counterplan --- The EU model privileges politics to the exclusion of religion.

      Donnelly 2011

      Rev Nick, deacon of the Diocese of


      The freedom of religion behind the doors of our churches, mosques and synagogues.


      (c.) Europe wont promote religious freedom even if they could --- No political will.

      Uzzell 2004

      Lawrence, president of International Religious Freedom Watch, Religious Freedom and the National Interest, March 3rd,

      Unlike other human rights, over their right to exclude women.



      4.) Turn --- Small Arms

      (a.) New EU assistance to Egypt trades off with aid to Sub-Saharan Africa.

      Youngs 2008

      Richard, director of the democratization program at FRIDE in Madrid, and lectures at the University of Warwick in the United Kingdom, Journal of Democracy 19.2 (2008) 160-169

      Who Receives Democracy Assistance? the detriment of sub-Saharan Africa.


      (b.) EU aid is key to fight Sub Saharan small arms trafficking that kills millions every year.

      Mwaura 2010

      Paul, EU to Spend €3.


      The European Union is funding a pilot project


      escalates proliferation of illicit guns in some region.


      Logistics of creating new foundation would hamper and delay implementation

      Wiśniewski-Polish Institute for International Affairs-3/24/11  No. 31 (248)

      National Endowment for Democracy—Idea, Functioning and Lessons for the EU

      If the idea of a “European NED


      civil society representatives at the earliest possible stage.





      Already Allocated

      Mcinerney 2011 (Stephen, Executive Director of the Project on Middle East Democracy. Boell: “The Federal Budget and Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2012” July 11 2011

       Transitions in the Middle East are a


      Syria, Libya, Yemen, or  elsewhere.


      Hanley, AP, ’11 (Charles, “US training quietly nurtured young Arab democracy activists,” 3-13-11,, accessed 9-30-11) PM

      National Endowment money, $100-million


      That would triple the 2011 funding previously planned.


      A2 China

      No China Bashing

      AP 10/12 (CSMonitor: “President Obama jobs bill fails to pass Senate” Oct 12 2011

      Just before the vote on Obama's jobs plan


      , bill supporters say, of American jobs.


      Politics 2AC


      ---Case Solves and outweighs- US religious freedom credibility key to maintaining overall security ______ becomes inevitable without the affirmative


      ---NU-Egypt Aid

      McInerney, Executive Director of the Project on Middle East Democracy, 7-11

      Stephen, Federal Budget and Appropriations for FY


      Report-web.pdf, p 16.

      Soon after Mubarak’s ouster, the administration announced


      been obligated to various Egyptian and international organizations.


      ---NU-Libya dwarfs the plan and is ongoing

      ABC News 8/22/11

      The cost of U.S. military


      military lingo for Meals, Ready to Eat).



      ---Turn-Religious conservatives

      A. The plan is an olive branch to religious conservatives

      Bandow 2011

      Doug, Redeeming the Obama Administration's Record on


      Enhancing the role of the ambassador is not


      , indigenous Christian community in that Muslim land.


      B. Key to agenda

      US News and World Report 4/29/09

      Obama Works to Redefine Role of Faith in First 100 Days

      The Southern Baptist Convention's even earning plaudits from some high-profile religious conservatives.


      Winners win

      Halloran 10 (Liz, Reporter – NPR, “For Obama, What A Difference A Week Made”, National Public Radio, 4-6,

      Amazing what a win in a major legislative


      now suggest is a losing issue for them.


      Saudi Relations DA 2AC

      Plan solves- revitalized Religious Freedom credibility prevents by easing religious tensions that’s Farr

      Egyptian instability spills over to Saudi Arabia- only plan solves

      Aymerich, Policymic, 6-4-11 [Olga, Universitat Autonoma Barcelona international and intercultural relations (Middle East) MA, “Stability Trumps Religion in Saudi Arabia's Arab Spring Policies”, accessed 6-11-11]

      Saudi Arabia feared the Arab Spring spreading to


      and, consequently, to Saudi Arabia’s stability. 

      Relations are dead- focus on Iran and contempt for Iraq invasion has caused Saudi Arabia to drop US as strategic ally

      Obaid 2011 (Nawaf, senior fellow at the King Faisal Center for Research & Islamic Studies. Washington Post: “Amid the Arab Spring, a U.S.- Saudi Split” May 15 2011

      A tectonic shift has occurred in the U


      of Iran and its non-state proxies.


      a)      Security is the only relevant issue in Saudi relations

      West 2001 (J. Robinson Former Assistant Secretary of the Interior, and currently Chairman of the Petroleum Finance Co “The Saudi problem: ignore the press reports”

      The American public has recently been served up


      into accepting lower prices immediately after September 11th.

      b)     Plan boosts US presence- solves the alliance

      Egypt is key to US Middle East presence- US engagement is key to preserve the alliance

      David Wood writes about war for Politics Daily. In 30 years of covering conflict, he has filed dispatches from dozens of battlefields 02/5/11 Politics Daily “At Risk in Egypt's Turmoil: U.S. Military Access to the Middle East”

      Whatever the outcome of the tumult wracking Egypt


      that capability is years away, he said.


      Saudi Prolif

      No Saudi Arabia prolif

      Amlin 8 (Kate, fellow Monterey institute of intl relations, August, “Will Saudi Arabia acquire nuclear weapons”,

      Since Saudi Arabia does not possess the domestic


      Kingdom’s own political and economic relations.[11]



      Iran DA

      Iran disad seriously non-unique

      Afrasiabi 8/3 (Kaveh, phD foreign policy, “US grows a tree of tension with Iran”)

      A full-fledged tree of tension with


      the seeds of distrust between the two sides.


      Iran not a threat

      Hunter 9/2/11 (Jack, writer, Iranian, “Iran is not a threat”)

      Why is it that during the last decade


      makes the prospects for smaller government even dimmer.


      Link NU

      Fars 9/6/11 (fna, “FM Spokesman: US Striving to Hit Independent States in Region”)

      TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman


      and freedom-seeking nations," Rahimi continued.


      Aff changes Irans perceptions of containment – solves the disad

      Lindsay 10 (James M, sr vp director of studies cfr, ray takeyh sr fellow cfr, “After Iran gets the bomb”, April)

      Containment would be neither a perfect nor a


      rather than against, Iran's legitimate national aspirations.




  • 2ac rd 4 Vandi

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 2ac


      T Democracy Assistance --- 2ac

      ---We meet-the plan is civil society assistance under the democracy and governance budget category of democracy assistance

      US Commission on International Religious Freedom April 28th 2011

      USCIRF Annual Report 2011 - Countries of Particular Concern: Egypt,

      For FY2010, $ activities it already funds.


      ---We meet-the plan is civil society and political party support

      Inboden 2011

      William, Assistant Professor at the LBJ School




      One position does not a policy make,


      freedom, and their government’s resources as well.  


      ---Counter-interpretation. Democracy assistance is a budget category called “Governing Justly and Democratically”. It is broken down into four categories : Rule of Law and Human Rights, Good Governance, Political Competition and Consensus-Building and Civil Society.

      Trister ‘11

      [Sarah, Congressional liaison for Freedom House



      Funds that fall under the Governing Justly and


      bodies, and other elements of civil society.


      ---Our interpretation is superior-it provides a clear bright line. Assistance is a predictable budget category and within one of four categories. It excludes indirect assistance that may promote democracy like social or economic aid.

      Huber, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Department of International Relations, 8

      [Daniela, Mediterranean Politics, Vol.


      , accessed 6-3-11]

      What is Democracy AssistanceThe term democracy


      implies that DA is more than electoral assistance.


      Word PIC --- 2ac

      ---Permutation do both

      ---Reality shapes language --- The permutation allows for linguistic transformation while the cp cements linguistic oppression.

      Kidner 2000

      David W, Nature and Psyche: Radical Environmentalism and the Politics of Subjectivity, pg 26-27

      In the absence of a language industrialized views of nature.


      ---Turn – Re-inscription – The CP’s linguistic alterations mask the functioning of power. Only the permutation solves.

      Butler 2001

      Judith, Speech Acts Politically, Deconstruction: a Reader, pg 256-257

      When anti-intellectualism becomes the counter to


      has become sedimented in and as the ordinary.



      --Egypt says no – View them as counterproductive.

      Boustany 2008

      Nora, Dissident Lobbies for Conditions on U.S. Aid to Egypt, Washington Post Foreign Service, 9/23,

      Egyptian press disagree on the norms," he said.

      Perm do the plan and tell the generals that further crackdown will bring an immediate interruption to all aid. That’s their super evidence

      b.) Civil society groups oppose.

      Youngs 10 (Richard, assoc prof univ warwick, June, “How to Revitalise Democracy Assistance: Recipients’ Views”)

      In Egypt donors have been passive on the


      feel that international leverage remains under-explored.


      ---Conditional aid pushes Egypt into military cooperation with China causing nuclear war.

      Chadwick 2011

      Bruce P., PhD, CFA, is



      The fate of Egypt generates intense interest beyond


      on a hair-trigger will be considerable.



      Jobs dead- drained Obama’s political capital

      AP 10/12 (CSMonitor: “President Obama jobs bill fails to pass Senate” Oct 12 2011

      Senate Republicans voted Tuesday night to kill the


      and approving long-stalled trade bills.


      No single Jobs plan- that also kills compromise

      Fahrenthold and Helderman 10/13 (David A., covers Congress for the Washington Post since 2000. Rosalind S., reporter. Washington Post: “Jobs proposals multiply but go nowhere” Oct 13 2011

      There is a Senate Republican jobs plan and


      philosophy holds that the other’s is essentially bunk.



      Republicans oppose any Jobs bill that increases taxes

      Litvan and Talev 10/11 (Laura, reporter for Bloomberg News in Washington and Margaret, former White House correspondent for McClatchy. Bloomberg: “Obama, Facing Broad Job Plan Defeat, Eyes Piecemeal Approach” Oct 11 2011

      Obama’s plan also faces hurdles in the House


      oppose raising other taxes to pay for them.


      Republicans will oppose every piece of Jobs legislation- elections

      Litvan 10/12 (Laura, reporter for Bloomberg News in Washington. Bloomberg: “U.S. Senate Shelves Obama’s $447 Billion Job Creation Plan” Oct 12 2011

      Before the Senate voted, Reid accused Republicans


      Budget Office said would raise $453 billion.



      B. The plan is a blip on the radar

      Carothers-Carnegie Endowment for International Peace-99 Aiding Democracy Abroad p. 61

      As it is only a small fraction of merit attention and analysis-


      C. No congressional debate-reprogrammed aid

      Huffington Post 5/18/11

      None of the money said another senior administration official.



      ---Turn-Religious conservatives

      A. The plan is an olive branch to religious conservatives

      Bandow 2011

      Doug, Redeeming the Obama Administration's Record on


      Enhancing the role of the ambassador is not


      , indigenous Christian community in that Muslim land.


      B. Key to agenda

      US News and World Report 4/29/09

      Obama Works to Redefine Role of Faith in First 100 Days

      The Southern Baptist Convention's from some high-profile religious conservatives.


      ---Winners Win

      Ornstein, 2001 (Norman, American Enterprise Institute, How is Bush Governing?, May 15,,eventID.281/transcript.asp)

      The best plan is to pick two significant


      get it back with a very healthy premium.


      ---Egypt instability collapses the global economy.

      Schurman 2011

      Michael, correspondent for TIME, February 2



      At first glance, the upheaval on the


      might even experience a double-dip recession.


      Afghanistan Stability Add On --- IRF Advantage

      Credible religious freedom promotion is key to Afghan stability.

      Farr 2010

      Thomas F., Obama administration sidelines religious freedom



      In Afghanistan, a journalist was sentenced to


      hoped-for military defeat of the Taliban.


      Pakistan Stability Add On --- IRF Advantage

      Lack of religious freedom risks Pakistani nuclear adventurism & extinction.

      Hardy 2011

      Frank W., Blasphemy Laws & Nuclear Weapons



      Combine religious intolerance & an uneducated populace with


      the hands of ignorant, but determined fanatics.



  • 1ac Vandi rd 6

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1ac

      Plan: The United States federal government should provide assistance for the promotion of religious freedom in Egypt.

      Advantage One – Egypt

      ---The United State’s religious freedom policy in Egypt is failing --- Focus on religious minority persecution reinforces perceptions that religious freedom requires suppression of Islam.

      Shah 2011

      Timothy, Associate Director of the Religious Freedom



      There will be no moving toward a truly


      recognition of those convictions in the public square.


      ---Exclusive focus on condemnation actively exacerbates religious persecution.

      Farr 2010

      Thomas, Professor of Religion and International Affairs, Georgetown's Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, A Freedom Deferred, America: The National Catholic Weekly,

      What lessons can be gleaned And it will enhance international peace.


      ---Democracy assistance is increasing now but lacks religious engagement.

      Farr 2011

      Thomas, former American diplomat, is Visiting



      Incorporate religious communities in U.S.-


      society in Muslim nations: religious communities.


      ---That’s key to a stable democratic transition in Egypt --- Religious freedom must be incorporated into democracy assistance to be effective.

      Farr 2011

      Thomas F., former American diplomat, is Visiting Associate Professor of Religion and World Affairs in the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service and a Senior Fellow at the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, & World Affairs at Georgetown University. He also chairs the Witherspoon Institute’s task force on International Religious Freedom, Preventing Another Attack: International Religious Freedom, September 23rd,

      There are good reasons to He's right; but words do not substitute for policy action.


      ---Specifically, reverses anti-Islamic perceptions of American democracy assistance.

      Farr & Hoover 2009

      Thomas F., visiting associate professor of religion



      Moreover, there is a widespread perception in


      religious freedom into its operational planning or programs.


      ---U.S. stance on religious freedom assistance is the defining issue.

      Inboden 2011

      William, Assistant Professor at the LBJ School of Public Affairs and Distinguished Scholar at the Strauss Center for International Security and Law at the University of Texas-Austin & Non-Resident Fellow with the German Marshall Fund of the United States, US Religious Freedom Policy in the New Egypt, 6/3,

      One position does not subsequent course, for good or for ill.


      ---That’s critical maintain Egyptian counterterrorism cooperation.

      Pillar 2011

      Paul, Avoiding Extremism in Egypt (and



      The United States has made similar mistakes in


      which the Muslim Brotherhood played a major role.


      Scenario One—Israel

      ---Counterterrorism cooperation repairs deteriorating relations with Israel.

      Weiss 2011

      Michael, Communications Director of The Henry Jackson Society, Why an Al Qaeda presence in Sinai might be good for Israeli-Egyptian relations, September 14th,

      Counter-intuitive thought it may seem. As ever, for Israel, in security begins diplomacy.


      ---Egypt/Israeli relations prevent regional war.

      Satloff 2011

      Robert, executive director of The Washington Institute


      IT’S THE GRANDDADDY OF ALL American diplomatic achievements


      the Iranian mullahs, these are mere annoyances


      ---Collapse of relations undermines Israel’s security strategy and creates multiple scenarios for escalation.

      Freilich 2011

      Chuck, Senior Fellow, International Security Program @ Belfer Center, "Keep the Peace Between Israel and Egypt," September 14th,

      For more than three back into confrontation with Israel.


      ---Goes nuclear.

      Chadwick 2011

      Bruce P., PhD, CFA, is



      The United States and Israel can only be


      on a hair-trigger will be considerable.


      ---Israel will respond by turning the world into a parking lot.

      Morgan 2009

      Dennis Ray, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Yongin Campus, World on fire: two scenarios of the destruction of human civilization and possible extinction of the human race, Futures 41, 683–693

      Israeli leaders and fragile ecosphere as well.



      Advantage Two – International Religious Freedom

      ---Adopting a policy of religious freedom promotion in Egypt revitalizes American religious freedom diplomacy.

      Farr 2008

      Thomas, "Diplomacy in an Age of



      U.S. aid has helped,


      to a foreign policy establishment blinded by secularism.


      ---Assisting Egyptian religious freedom restores credibility --- Overcomes other issues.

      Weigel 2011

      George, distinguished senior fellow of the Ethics and Public Policy Center where he holds the William E. Simon chair in Catholic Studies, Egypt’s Coptic Christians Deserve a Word from President Obama, National Review Online,

      While the current upheaval in religious freedom in full.


      ---Egypt’s prominence makes it a key litmus test for American religious freedom efforts.

      Halim 2007

      Cameel, Coptic Assembly of America Chairman,



      We have a job to expose the Coptic


      and the flame that destroys the world now.


      ---Revitalized religious freedom diplomacy preserves global security --- Religion defines every major scenario for conflict & transnational issue --- All your impacts are belong to us.

      Farr 2009

      Thomas F., Professor of Religion and International Affairs, Georgetown's Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service. B.A., Mercer University; Ph.D., University of North Carolina, THE WIDOW'S TORMENT: INTERNATIONAL RELIGIOUS FREEDOM AND AMERICAN NATIONAL SECURITY IN THE 21ST CENTURY, 57 Drake L. Rev. 851

      However, an exclusively humanitarian HIV/AIDS to economic globalization. 9


      Scenario One—Global Conflict

      ---Lack of religious freedom is the root of the world’s most violent conflicts.

      Haynes 2009

      Charles C., senior scholar at the First



      At a time when religious persecution is at


      leadership of 10 commissioners who did their homework. 


      ---Religion makes these uniquely dangerous --- Five reasons.

      Toft, Philpott & Shah 2011

      Monica Duffy, Daniel, Timothy Samuel, God’s Century: Resurgent Religion and Global Politics, Pg 150

      The basic facts concerning religious that have equally “glocalized” dimensions.


      ---Billions are at risk.

      Grieboski 2011

      Joseph K., founder of the Institute on



      The issue of religious liberty is not a


      they choose to pray or not to pray.


      ---Specifically, lack of religious freedom inevitably triggers nuclear war between Indian & Pakistan.

      Bonney 2004

      Richard, Director of the Institute for the study of Indo-Pakistan relations, University of Leicester, Religious Radicalism and

      Nuclear Confrontation in South Asia,

      It is with very great pleasure a nuclear danger in its own right.


      ---Even a limited exchange will blot out the sun.

      Robock & Toon 2010

      Alan, Professor II Department of Environmental Sciences



      Nuclear bombs dropped on cities and industrial areas


      phenomena provide confidence that the models are correct.


      Scenario Two—Value to life

      ---Intervention is inevitable --- Only a policy of religious freedom promotion can ensure stability by politicizing those relationships via democratic contestation & debate.

      Baumeister 2011

      Andrea, University of Stirling, The Role of Religion in the Public Sphere: The Use Of Public Reason By Religious and Secular Citizens, Constellations, Volume 18, Issue 2, pages 222–243, June 2011

      After all the strict separation of state central to his new ethics of citizenship.


      ---That’s the only way to avoid transforming religion into a nationalist tool of the state & preserve a life worth living.

      Shah 2011

      Timothy, Associate Director of the Religious Freedom



      The demand for religious freedom is the demand


      at any rate, not pleasing to God.



  • 2ac vandi rd 6

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Framework

      Alternate frameworks infinitely delimit – policy debate centered around the resolution is a much better starting point

      Smith, 2003 (Ross, Head Debate




      To this question the performers will say,


      engage it should lose to those who do.


      Consequences matter – the tunnel vision of moral absolutism generates evil and political irrelevance

      Issac, 2002 (Jeffery, Professor of


      Vol. 49 No. 2, Spring)


      Politics, in large part, involves contests


      promotes arrogance.  And it undermines political effectiveness. 

      Cede Political

      Negatives retreat from politics dooms their ability to


      causes a vacuum that gets filled by the right

      Boggs, 1997 (Carl, Professor and


      Theory and Society 26: 741-780)


      The false sense of empowerment that comes with


      interests that had vanished from civil society.75




      Working within the State can transform it into a revolutionary institution.

      Zizek 2007

      Slavoj, a senior researcher at the Institute of Sociology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, and a professor at the European Graduate School, On Alain Badiou and Logiques des mondes,

      The main ambiguity of APPROPRIATION of State apparatuses?


      Accusations of state centrism are hollow  studying state policy is necessary and not exclusive

      Wendt, 1999 (Alexander, Assistant Professor at the University of Chicago, Social Theory of International Politics)


      It should be emphasized that " forests for being "tree-centric."



      Aff solves

      Religious tolerance is unique in that it requires consideration of the included & excluded. This gives us crucial inroads into their solvency

      Habermas 2003

      Jurgen, Religious Tolerance—The Pacemaker for



      On this basis of a reciprocal recognition of


      the virtuous self-obligation to behave tolerantly.


      Turn---Their identification of 'America' as a signifier for (all social ills/technical reason/whatever) serves the same purpose as Nazi antisemitism; allowing all culpability to be leveled at a scapegoat freeing the individual to stand silently in the face of preventable atrocities.

      Stoekl 1990

      Allan, Professor of French and Comparative Literature at Penn State University, Truman's Apotheosis: Bataille, "Planisme," and Headlessness, Yale French Studies, No. 78, On Bataille (1990), pp. 181-205

      It was no doubt true that pseudoscience of biological determinism



      Defense of Case


      Evaluating consequences is not facially racist and it is the only appropriate approach

      Silliman, 2003 (Matthew, Ph.D., Theory and Research in Education, Vol. 1 No. 3,


      This brings me to my second irrelevance of our moral theory. 


      Prior questions are reductionist – they’re not explanatory and paralyze politics

      Owen 2002

      David Owen, Reader of Political Theory at


      31 No 3 2002 p. 655-7

      Commenting on the ‘philosophical turn’ in IR


      , and so a potentially vicious circle arises.



      Debate about public policy is good

      Debate is key to being informed citizens –


      allowing people a safe place to test new ideas 

      Joyner, 1999 (Christopher C., Professor


      & Comp. L. 377, Lexis)


      Use of the debate can be an effective


      analysis, political critique, and legal defense.



      Policy debaters become policy makers, and even


      simulating the government allows us to check government violence

      Rawls, 1999 (John, Professor Emeritus


      of Peoples, p. 54-57)


      Similarly, the ideal of the public reason


      social basis of peace and understanding among peoples.





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