Libya AC Backstopping Case Turn2AC T – Governance
We meet – provide civil society assistance.
We meet – plan says ‘democratic governance’, even if they win not all of good governance is democracy assistance the plan would be.
Phillips and Mitchell ‘8
David L. Phillips is a project director of the National Committee on American Foreign Policy and currently a visiting scholar at Columbia University’s Center for the Study of Human Rights, and Lincoln A. Mitchell is the Arnold A. Saltzman Assistant Professor in the Practice of International Politics at Columbia University’s School of International and Political Affairs. “Enhancing Democracy Assistance”. January 2008.
This report offers recommendations to hone proven approaches
report offers context-specific recommendations for each.
Democracy assistance is all aid for the primary purpose of democracy – three categories: Political Process, Governing Institutions, and Civil Society.
Carothers ‘2k
Thomas Carothers, he vice president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He is the founder and director of the Democracy and Rule of Law Program and leading authority on democracy promotion and democratization worldwide as well as an expert on U.S. foreign policy. “Taking stock of democracy assistance”, in: M. Cox, G. J. Ikenberry & T. Inoguchi, (Eds) American Democracy Promotion. Impulses, Strategies, and Impacts. 2000. Questia. P.188
The term 'democracy assistance' is sometimes used broadly
seminars on democracy, and educational exchange programmes.
Prefer out interp
A) Their interp overlimits and excludes post-Conflict states and authoritarian states with no chance of political reform or elections like Libya, Syria, and Bahrain, which is half of the topic and destroys the value and use of democracy assistance for peace-building which internal link turns their precision arguments.
Lappin ‘10
Richard Lappin. “The Unique Challenges of Post-Conflict Democracy Assistance”. 2010. Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice, 22:178–183. EBSCO Host.
On a purely practical level, post-
those dedicated to the fostering of sustainable peace.
B) Their precision and bluring arguments are inevitable – either their only focus on political process such as election and political parties which makes the topic infinitely small or they include civil society which makes their bluring argument inevitable.
Carothers ‘10
Thomas Carothers vice president for studies at Carnegie, a visiting faculty member at Oxford University, Central European University, and the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, AB from Harvard, M.SC London School of Economics and JD Harvard, and has written extensively on democratic issues. “Democracy Aid Enters the Socioeconomic Domain”. Presented at the Democracy and Development Workshop. March 24, 2010.
A second substantive broadening of democracy aid in
of the developmentalists’ approach to supporting governance reforms.
Studies prove U.S. democracy assistance solves civil conflict
Savun and Tirone ‘11
Burcu Savun is Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Pittsburgh, Daniel C. Tirone is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Political Science, University of Pittsburgh, “ Foreign Aid, Democratization, and Civil Conflict: How Does Democracy Aid Affect Civil Conflict”. American Journal of Political Science. Volume 55, Issue 2, pages 233–246, April 2011.
Scholars of intrastate conflict have shown that credible
commitment problems during the early phases of democratization.
Finkel et al 7 – Professor of Political Science @ Pitt
David, "The Effects of US Foreign Assistance on Democracy Building,"
This study attempts to determine the impact of
by USAlD's democracy assistance programs be appropriately evaluated.
2AC Democratic PiC
Libyans are clamoring for more U.S. engagement now.
Pack and Barfi February ‘12
Jason Pack, president of, has worked in Tripoli and Washington on promoting commercial and diplomatic relations between the United States and Libya. His articles have appeared in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Foreign Policy, and the Guardian, and Barak Barfi is a research fellow with the New America Foundation, specializing in Arab and Islamic affairs. “In War’s Wake: The Struggle for Post-Qadhafi Libya”. February 2012. The Washington Institute.
The United States played a supportive role in
engagement now that the fighting is over.96
USAID governance aid is inherently perceived in conjunction with democracy, which makes the impact inevitable.
Carothers and Gramont ‘11
Thomas Carothers, vice president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He is the founder and director of the Democracy and Rule of Law Program and Diane de Gramont, a research assistant in the Carnegie Democracy and Rule of Law Program. November 2011. “Aiding Governance in Developing Countries: Progress Amid Uncertainties”. Carnegie Endowment.
Other aid organizations specifically connect their governance programs
civil society groups that the host government disfavors.
They don’t provide support outside of NTC – means they don’t solve the aff.
Pack and Barfi February ‘12
Jason Pack, president of, has worked in Tripoli and Washington on promoting commercial and diplomatic relations between the United States and Libya. His articles have appeared in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Foreign Policy, and the Guardian, and Barak Barfi is a research fellow with the New America Foundation, specializing in Arab and Islamic affairs. “In War’s Wake: The Struggle for Post-Qadhafi Libya”. February 2012. The Washington Institute.
Encourage grassroots democracy. USAID, the embassy’s
, establishing connections between them and the center.
No backlash to the plan – empirics prove assistance is effective
Haas ‘11
Lawrence J. Haas, Senior Fellow for U.S. Foreign Policy at the American Foreign Policy Council. 9/8/2011. “The stakes are far too high for America to sit on the sidelines”.
America cannot dictate the future of this economically
and the world’s, it surely should try.
CP fails – government assistance is key.
Wittes ‘8
Tamara Cofman Wittes, director of the Middle East Democracy and Development (MEDD) Project at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy, a regional policy center at The Brookings Institution. 2008. Freedom’s Unstead March: America’s Role in Building Arab Democracy. P.120. GoogleBooks.
Despite the failings of the Middle East Partnership
. official attention when they need diplomatic backup.
NED fails.
Scott and Steele ‘5
James M. Scott is Professor and Chair of the Department of Political Science, Indiana State University, USA, and Carie A. Steele is a Ph.D. student at the University of Illinois. “Assisting Democrats or Resisting Dictators? The Nature and Impact of Democracy Support by the United States National Endowment for Democracy, 1990–99”. Democratization, Vol.12, No.4, August 2005, pp.439–460
The findings lead to three primary conclusions about
impact that were noted earlier in the article.
The NED is unaccountable and links to Kiss of Death worse than the aff.
Conry ‘83
Barbara Conry is a foreign policy analyst at the Cato Institute in Washington, D.C. “Loose Cannon: The National Endowment for Democracy”. November 8, 1983. CATO.
That convoluted organizational structure seems to be based
"run the show" around the world.
Perm do the CP – the CP is not competitive – the NED is a U.S. organization, therefore it is U.S. democracy assistance.
Its means associated with
Google Dictionary
(Google Search “Define: its”,,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=da92612b0ee8f5bb&biw=1429&bih=686
Belonging to or associated with a thing previously
side - he chose the area for its atmosphere
The NED is functionally part of the USFG.
Burron 11
Neil A, Spring, PhD in Political Science with Specialization in Political Economy. “Reconfiguring Canadian democracy promotion: Convergence with the US approach?” International Journal (Canada), Volume LXVI, No. 2. Questia.
From its inception, the National Endowment for
a nonprofit affiliate of the AFL-CIO.
Ideology means Jackson-Vanik won’t be repealed—PC doesn’t work either and not top of the agenda.
RIA Novosti 3/28
Anti-Russian Amendment Now Headache for U.S., Factiva
Economic sanctions against Russia imposed by the United
strategy would yield fast results, he said.
$2 million to Syria
AFP 3/8
"US gives $2mn more in Syrian humanitarian aid,"
GENEVA — The United States said Thursday it
and Syrian envoys as "positive and dynamic."
Multiple Issues Will thump the DA
--jobs bill
National Journaly Daily 3/18
Budgets, Jobs, and Highways Fill Week’s Agenda, Factiva
Election-year gamesmanship will dominate Congress this
that would force caps on medical malpractice awards.
Only pass will Magnitsky – Obama can’t block it.
WSJ 3/20
After Jackson-Vanik; A bipartisan challenge to Obama's blind spot on rights in Russia, Factiva
The Obama Administration's "reset" with Russia has muffled concerns over human rights and democracy and dwelled on business palatable to the Kremlin like nuclear proliferation and trade. The Senate now has an opportunity to restore balance to this relationship.
Days after Vladimir Putin won another manipulated election
can't afford to annoy authoritarian regimes this way.
If they attach the Maginstky bill—tanks relations
Butler 3/16
Desmond, staff writer, Senators push Russia trade restriction replacement,
The Obama administration is seeking the repeal urgently
alone or in combination with the Magnitsky bill.
No backlash to the plan.
Margon 11
Sarah Margon is the Associate Director for Sustainable Security at American Progress., 8/22, “Libya Will Still Need Help After Qaddafi’s Departure”,
Going forward, the United States must once
can’t afford to do it any other way.
Low probability of miscalculation or war
Lowther ‘9
Adam. Defense Analyst, Air Force Research Institute. Challenging Nuclear Abolition. August 2009. Online.
With more than 60 years of nuclear weapons
to six decades of American and Russian restraint.
Economic costs of Jackson-Vanik on trade are zero.
Sestanovich ‘9
Stephen Sestanovich, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and a professor of international diplomacy at Columbia University, was the American ambassador at large for the former Soviet Union from 1997 to 2001. “Cold War Leftovers”. May 19, 2009. The New York Times.
Economic reasons are the least likely to carry
, but the economic cost is actually zero.
No impact to Russian economy and its resilient.
Blackwill ‘9
Robert Blackwill, former associate dean of the Kennedy School of Government and Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Planning. RAND. “The Geopolitical Consequences of the World Economic Recession—A Caution”.
Now on to Russia. Again, five
in any serious way by the economic crisis.
Unconditional repeal leads to Russian aggression and human rights violations
Alexeeva 10 – former Chair of the Moscow Helsinki Group
Ludmilla, Woodrow Wilson Center, “The Legacy and Consequences of Jackson-Vanik: Reassessing Human Rights in 21st Century Russia,” Scholar
Indeed, we were discussing it yesterday.
be concerned about it or talk about it.
Leads to extinction
Human Rights Web 97
Many also realized that advances in technology and
involved, but to preserve the human race.
HR violations leads to Chechen terrorism
McFaul 4 – Professor of Political Science @ Stanford
Michael, Russia’s Transition to Democracy and U.S.-Russia Relations: Unfinished Business, Center for American Progress,
Putin’s armed forces continue to abuse the human
enemies of both Russia and the United States.
Chechen terrorism leads to nuclear use on Moscow that escalates.
-and global nuclear terrorism
Allison 5 – Professor @ Harvard
Graham, The Ultimate Preventable Catastrophe, Google Book
Chechen separatists have a long-standing interest
find themselves the means to match their motivation.
Political capital not true.
-their evidence misuses the term
-ideological and partisan leanings outweigh
Dickinson 9 – Professor of Political Science
Matthew, professor of political science at Middlebury College and taught previously at Harvard University where he worked under the supervision of presidential scholar Richard Neustadt, 5-26-2009, Presidential Power: A NonPartisan Analysis of Presidential Politics, “Sotomayor, Obama and Presidential Power,”.
As for Sotomayor, from here the path
order to play Halo III on his Xbox.
And, its been on the books for decades – empirically disproves their internal link.
Ivanov 8/13
Eugene Ivanov. April 13, 2011. “Looking beyond the reset”. Russia Beyond the Headlines.
Equally important, the “reset” has
to deal with the whole spectrum of relations.
Russia is unlikely to cooperate with the U.S. on any major initiatives.
Shleifer and Treisman ’11 – Professor of Economic at Harvard and Professor of PoliSci at UCLA
Andrei Shleifer, Professor of Economics at Harvard University, and Daniel Treisman, Professor of Political Science at the University of California,Los Angeles, and a Visiting Fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna. “Why Moscow Says No: A Question of Russian Interests, Not Psychology”. Foreign Affairs. Jan/Feb 2011. Vol. 90, Iss. 1; pg. 122. ProQuest.
With very few exceptions, Russia does not
the Czech Republic than in the United States.