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Mapes Sears Aff

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:32
  • NJDDT Yemen 1AC

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      Despite commitments to assistance, No one will act in Yemen until the US shifts from terror focus

       (Lack of US action in Yemen has an international chilling effect)

      (US makes Saudi do it)

      (Arab league/UN/Turkey won’t)

      Sharqieh and Freer 10-9-11 (Ibrahim and Courtney, Deputy Director and Research Assistance at the Brookings Doha Center in Qatar,  "yemen needs action, not just talk," Philadelphia Inquirer, articles.philly.com/2011-10-09/news/30260352_1_president-saleh-ali-abdullah-saleh-regime-change)

      While coordinated international intervention took place in oil


      months to transfer power to his vice president.


      Plan: The United States federal government should substantially increase its rule of law assistance for promotion of environmental governance for Yemen.

      Adv 1-Water

      Lack of environmental enforcement has lead to a water crisis

      (no assistance now)

      (terror focus with the US)

      (western nations won’t either)

      Glass 10 (Nicole, "The Water Crisis in Yemen: Causes, Consequences and Solutions," Global Majority E-Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1, June, www.american.edu/cas/economics/ejournal/upload/Global_Majority_e_Journal_1-1_Glass.pdf)

      With no food, no water, and


      the population to participate in water conservation methods.

      Water is the key internal link to Yemeni instability-brink of war now

      (political unrest is about water)

      (tribal conflicts with the government)

      (secessionist movement)

      (high cost of water)

      (gov’t doesn’t want to THINK about water)

      Kasinof 9 (Laura, "At heart of Yemen's conflicts: Water crisis," Christian Science Monitor, November 5, www.csmonitor.com/World/Middle-East/2009/1105/p06s13-wome.html)

      While domestic insurgencies chip away at the control


      social value of qat chewing in this society."

      Large scale conflict in the near future-


      (Secessionist movement is based on water)

      (secessionist movement will be a war)

      (security is resources)

      (resources not regulated)

      (our intervention will not help, terror and war)

      Marburger 10 (Lindsey, manages Earth Systems Program at the Federation of American Scientists, "Security in Yemen: Thinking Beyond Terrorism," Federation of American Scientists, October 14, www.fas.org/blog/earthsys        ems/2010/10/security-in-yemen-thinking-beyond-terrorism/)

      Security in Yemen is increasingly a matter of


      water there can be no stability and security.


      Escalates regionally

      (yemen conflict is a signpost that other conflicts are coming)

      (run out of water leads to conflict)

      (tribal insurgency)

      (al quaeda)

      (secessionist movement)

      (gov’t can’t handle terror and all this stuff AND water)

      (climate refugees/global warming)

      (climate refugees NOW--will go across borders, that produces more pressure elsewhere and war—Uqly KEY WITH SANAA WILL RUN OUT)

      UPI 9 ("Yemen's water crisis a Mideast Warning," United Presse International, October 29, www.upi.com/Business_News/Energy-Resources/2009/10/29/Yemens-water-crisis-a-Mideast-warning/UPI-52511256844951/)

      SANAA, Yemen, Oct. 29 (


      region itself is much more vulnerable geopolitically speaking."

      The US gets drawn in – causes regional instability

      (CA russel in 9 in 2ac—tight story when paired)

      Red State 11 (Most Widely Read Right of Center Blog in America, "What happens if the Saudi Regime collapses?" June 5, http://www.redstate.com/gawken/2011/06/05/what-happens-if-the-saudi-regime-collapses/)

      If the Middle East were a game of


      Riyahd will go on as it has been.

      Middle east war goes nuclear

      (Most likely scenario for nuclear conflict - lack of security framework and historical rivalries/regional geopolitics.)

      James A. Russell, Senior Lecturer, National Security Affairs, Naval Postgraduate School, ‘9 (Spring) “Strategic Stability Reconsidered: Prospects for Escalation and Nuclear War in the Middle East” IFRI, Proliferation Papers, #26, http://www.ifri.org/downloads/PP26_Russell_2009.pdf

      Strategic stability in the region is thus undermined


      , with substantial risk for the entire world.




      Adv 2-South African Rhino Poaching

      A. South African rhino will go extinct by 2015 from poaching

      IARF 2-3-12 International Animal Rescue Foundation & Rhino Ultimatum http://www.change.org/petitions/act-now-sa-government-end-rhino-killings-imminent-rhino-extinction

      The RHINO ULTIMATUM, addressed to the South


      around three to four years left on Earth.

      B. Yemen drives the poaching of the South African Rhino

      Bagheera no date “BLACK RHINO AN ENDANGERED SPECIES” http://www.bagheera.com/inthewild/van_anim_rhino.htm

      Unlike most large mammals, habitat loss has


      for many subsistence farmers and herders to resist.

      White Rhinos in South Africa are irreplaceable, key to the ecosystem

      Waldram et al 7 (Matthew, [William Bond and William Stock], Botany Department at the University of Capetown, Centre for Ecosystem Management at Edith Cowan University, "Ecological Engineering by a Mega-Grazer: White Rhino Impacts on a South African Savanna," Ecosystems, DOI: 10.10007/s100021-007-9109-9, March 24, www.mattwaldram.com/Pubs/Waldram_Ecosys_11_101.pdf)

      As Rhino removals are likely to cause,


      apparently compensated for the grazing impact of Rhino.

      Extinction of the BLACK Rhino has a symbolic effect – causes overall species loss ( I am not sure what this card gets us, I think that we should remove it)

      AAZK 11 (American Association of Zoo Keepers, "Bowling for Rhinos FAQ," aazk.org/committee/bowling-for-rhinos/bowling-for-rhinos-faq/#q2)

      The black rhino is a symbol of conservation


      many endangered species, not just the rhino.

      Spills over—collapses biodiversity throughout the region

      Cheyenne Mountain Zoo 10 ("Why Would We Be Bowling for Rhinos?" April 6, cheyennemountainzooblog.blogspot.com/2010/04/why-would-we-be-bowling-for-rhinos.html)

      Rhinos are a keystone species•They


      many other endangered species as well as rhinos.

      Leads to human extinction --most recent and qualified studies confirm

      (critiques of biod prolly just say not qualitified because of the limited scope—takes into account—more factors taken into account, greater correlation)

      Science Daily 11 ("Biodiversity Key to Earth's Life-Support Functions in a CHanging World,"  Cites Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg, August 11, www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/08/110811084513.htm

      ScienceDaily (Aug. 11, 2011)


      factor in maintaining Earth's life-support functions.


      The U.S. is the best in the world at environmental governance assistance

      Lapham 04

      Nicholas, Vice President for policy at Conservation International, Senior Program Officer for environment at the UN Foundation, and Senior Adviser to the White House Climate Change Task Force under President Clinton." In, Rising Stakes in Africa:  Seven Proposals to Strengthen U.S. Africa Policy  A Report of the Africa Policy Advisory Panel- Center For Strategic and International Studies  p. 88

      The United States has a distinct comparative advantage


      natural resources; and unsustainable commercial wildlife exploitation.

      Only the U.S. has the expertise and experience for developing effective environmental governance assistance—created national parks

      Lapham 04

      Nicholas, Vice President for policy at Conservation


      Center For Strategic and International Studies  p. 91

      No country is better positioned to help Africa


      different political systems, cultures, and economies.

      The U.S. has used democracy assistance for environmental governance

      Diamond 2000

      Nancy K. Diamond, Ph.DGreening Democracy and Governing the Environment USAID Experiences from the Field


      DG [Democracy & Governance] approaches are


      and work by the Regional Urban Development Offices.


      (no one will work in the areas of greatest conflict/no one can work in those areas)

      (only yemen government is allowed into the conflict areas, means only they can solve the prob themselves with governance assistance)

      IRIN 10-5-11. Integrated Regional Information Networks humanitarian news and analysis, a service of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs “Is Yemen on the Brink of Humanitarian Disaster?”


      Aid workers say Yemen is on the verge


      new rules banning international staff from supervising activities.

      ONLY Plan solves perception

      Green 11 (Daniel, Soref Fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, "The American Moment in Yemen," Fikra Forum, April 18, http://fikraforum.org/2011/04/the-american-moment-in-yemen/)

      If the United States adopts a new approach


      which to launch attacks against the United States.

      Only technical assistance solves

      (yemen’s shortcomings in fauna/floral)

      USAID 6 (United States Agency for International Development, "Interim Strategic Plan for Assistance to the Republic of Yemen," April pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PDABY268.pdf)

      Degradation of Natural Habitats

      Effective management of natural habitats is hampered by


      between ministries, and lack of enforcement capacity. 

      Solutions haven’t been implemented because of weak capacity

      Green Prophet 10 ("Waterless by 2017? Yemen Capital Fails to Harvest Its Summer Rain," August 26, www.greenprophet.com/2010/08/yemen-summer-rain/)

      Despite record rainfall in the Yemeni capital Sanaa


      consumption, especially for irrigation, he said.




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