Kansas » Kansas Petersen Wilkins Neg

Kansas Petersen Wilkins Neg

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:32
  • GSU Rd 1 Neg

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • GSKORUS will pass now

      Reuters 9/13

      Momentum builds for U.S. action on trade deals,

      Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on


      in tandem with the trade pacts.

      Plan saps political capital

      Epstein et al 7—Specialists in Foreign Policy at the CRS

      Susan B. Epstein, Nina M. Serafino, and Francis T. Miko, Democracy Promotion: Cornerstone of U.S. Foreign Policy?

      According to some critics, pushing democracy promotion as a primary objective of U.S. national security and foreign policy has reduced support, and


      s disease and extreme poverty, as being too great.

      Capital is key

      Reuters 9/2

      Obama's trade legacy in a crucible this fall,

      In addition to the challenge


      Peterson Institute for International Economics.

      Failure to ratify SKFTA kills the US-ROK Alliance

      Yonhap News 8/30

      Severe damage to alliance expected if FTA fails: CRS,

      A collapse in the United States


      whom would likely see it as a betrayal."

      Alliance key to stop South Korean proliferation

      Hughes 2007

      Christopher W., PhD University of Sheffield, 1997, Reader/Associate Professor, University of Warwick. “North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons: Implications for the Nuclear Ambitions of Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan,” January, Asia Policy No 3,

      South Korea’s history of considering


      the reaffirmation of U.S. security guarantees.54

      Escalates to global nuclear war

      Cirincione 2000

      Joseph, Director of the Non-Proliferation Project at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Foreign Policy, “The Asian Nuclear Reaction Chain”, JStor

      The blocks would fall quickest and hardest


      weapon since 1945.

      *1NR O/V

      Da outweighs the case –  collapse of the alliance leads to Asian instability

      1. Mag –

      2. Probability – escalation more likely

      *1NR Will Pass

      KORUS will pass.

      It will be a tight process, but Obama’s momentum is moving it forward. – that’s Reuters 9/13

      Obama is finishing the process of GSP-TAA passage.

      The Hill 9/7

      The Hill: Senate Republicans vow to pass TAA, trade deals push for submission of agreements,

      Several Senate Republicans vowed


      accords to Capitol Hill.

      It will be close—Obama is key

      Reuters 9/6

      U.S. trade deals face tricky approval path,

      After a heated fight this summer


      sequence of votes have been agreed.

      Top of the agenda.

      Goforth 8/19

      Sean, U.S. Set to Pass Trade Deals With Colombia, Panama and S. Korea,

      The reasons for the shift


      responded, "That's debatable."

      Obama has the votes

      The Hill 9/10

      Obama-backed trade pacts could be heavy lift for House GOP,

      Over the past few days


      Rust Belt will be tough sells.

      Has Republicans on Board

      The Hill 9/10

      Obama-backed trade pacts could be heavy lift for House GOP,

      Over the past few days, House


      the Rust Belt will be tough sells.

      *1NR Yes PC

      He has capital—atleast more than opposition, which means he can win

      Avlon 9/8

      John, CNN, Can Obama overcome D.C.'s partisan poison?,

      The current atmosphere is so


      Republicans or Democrats in Congress.

      Has enough PC to get Korus.

      Dong A Ilbo Daily 9/10

      Penny wise and pound foolish,

      The U.S. Congress has begun taking steps to approve the free trade agreement with Korea. According to a schedule agreed upon between Democrats and Republicans, Congress is expected


      take effect as early as January next year.

      *1NR AT: Agencies

      Obama accountable for executive agencies- stimulus proves

      Star-Ledger ‘9

      (Mayors warned to spend wisely, February 21, 2009, LN)

      In the days since the White House


      our administration to stop it."

      The president is accountable for agency policy making

      Seidenfeld 94

      (Mark, Associate Professor at Florida State University College of Law, Iowa Law Review, October, LN)

      Unlike the courts


      groups to the detriment of society as a whole.

      Even if the Plan itself is popular it still links because members of Congress will try to attach amendments that will have to be fought off—sucking up presidential political capital

      Lancaster 08

      Carol, fellow at the Center for Global Development and dean of the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University  George Bush's Foreign Aid: Transformation or Chaos?   p. 13

      No matter how much need there


      in any major federal program.

      Congress won’t support assistance—want to support counterterror

      Karman 11

      Tawakkol Karman, a leader of Yemen’s democratic youth movement, is the founder of Women Journalists Without Chains, Yemen’s Unfinished Revolution, 6/18/11, Yemen’s Unfinished Revolution,

      This is because the United


      control of Yemen. This would be a grave mistake.

      Any changes in Foreign Aid policy requires presidential political capital

      Lancaster 08

      Carol, fellow at the Center for Global Development and dean of the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University  George Bush's Foreign Aid: Transformation or Chaos?   p. 13

      These efforts to reorganize


      as well as key leaders in Congress.

      Plan causes a partisan fight

      Mitchell and Phillips 8--Associate Research Scholar, Harriman Institute, Columbia University, and scholar at Columbia University's Center for the Study of Human Rights

      Lincoln A, and David L, ENHANCING DEMOCRACY ASSISTANCE, January 2008,

      Democracy assistance has typically


      to candidates in the 2008 election.

      *1NR Alliance

      KORUS is key to alliance resiliency

      Klingner and Markheim 9

      Bruce, Senior Research Fellow for Northeast Asia in the Asian Studies Center, and Daniella Markheim is Jay Van Andel Senior Trade Policy Analyst in the Center for International Trade and Economics, at The Heritage Foundation, KORUS FTA Strengthens the U.S. Economy and Alliance with Korea,

      During their June 16 summit, Presidents Barack


      concerns can be addressed.

      The alliance solves terrorism, African conflict, Middle East conflict, Pacific instability, democracy

      Kurt M. Campbell, co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of the Center for a New American Security, 2009.  “Going Global: The Future of the US-South Korea Alliance,”

      The third principle is to run hard—do not coast.


      values around the world

      US-South Korean alliance is key to regional stability, checking US-China war, and preserving US hegemony in Asia

      Kim, Professor @ Myongiji, 3
      Seung-Hwan Kim, Int’l Affairs Prof @ Myongji, 2003, “Anti-Americanism in Korea,” Wash. Q.,

      Even worse, Korean attitudes


      and development were jeopardized.\

      *1NR AT: Winners Win

      Health care and energy prove winners don’t win –  capital is finite

      Lashof ‘10

      Dan Lashof, director of the National Resource Defense Council's climate center, Ph.D. from the Energy and Resources Group at UC-Berkeley, 7-28-2010, NRDC Switchboard Blog, "Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda: Lessons from Senate Climate Fail,"

      • Lesson 2: Political capital is not

      • AND

      • legislation across the finish line.

      Even if winners win – wouldn’t regenerate capital quick enough to solve the debt ceiling.

      Wins won’t spillover—political circumstances are different

      Robinson ‘10

      Gordon Robinson, a writer and commentator who has covered the Middle East for ABC News, CNN and Fox since the 1980s. He teaches Middle East Politics at the University of Vermont and has taught Islamic History at Emerson College. “Obama returns to winning ways”. Gulf News. December 29, 2010.

      If there is a single lesson for the


      coming together again any time soon.

      Capital is finite

      Francis ‘9

      Theo Francis, writer for Business Week, 3-19- 2009, “Team Obama Runs the Offense”

      Economics aside, Obama's political


        lose it. … It can't be conserved."

      Fights bleed momentum not generate capital

      Politico 10

      John and Carol, Obama’s first year, Jan. 20, 2010 p. )

      • Obama believed that early

      • AND

      • battle on Capitol Hill over health care.

      EU Cp

      Text: The European Union will

      The EU has pre-existing channels for effective, equal-partner democracy aid

      Tocci and Cassarino ‘11

      Nathalie Tocci is Deputy Director of the Istituto Affari Internazionali, Rome. Jean-Pierre Cassarino is parttime professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Florence, and scientific advisor at the Istituto Affari Internazionali, Rome “Rethinking the EU’s Mediterranean Policies Post-1/11” IAI WORKING PAPERS 11 | 06 – March 2011 , AD 9/13/11

      The Arab revolts do not call for


      the civil societies of the neighbouring countries too.

      Credit DA

      The U.S. AAA Credit rating has been stabilized now because of perceptions that the U.S. is committed to deficit reduction

      Bernard   9-08-11

      Stephen analyst for DOW JONES NEWSWIRES   DBRS Initiates Rating On US Government At AAA, Stable Outlook

      NEW YORK (Dow Jones)--Seeing the opportunity


       adds to DBRS's expansion plans.

      Ratings Agencies are carefully monitoring federal spending to determine if the U.S. is serious about deficit reduction.  Perceptions of a commitment to spending restraint are key to preserve credit ratings

      Cowan  9-7-11

      Richard, financial analyst Reuters, Q+A-What's ahead for US Congress deficit-cutting panel?  

      When a new "super committee"


      s fiscal health.

      New Credit Downgrades will happen if there is new unexpected federal spending

      Kelley 11

      Karen, Senior Managing Director of Invesco 8-11-11, Web 9-13-11

      The Budget Control Act


      beyond what is currently expected.

      Further Credit downgrades will crush the economy

      Gingery 9-1-11

      Phil, Reprentative from Georgia and MD  

      For the first time in


      by politicians in the future.

      Economic collapse causes extinction

      Kerpen 8

      Phil, National Review Online, October 29, , Don't Turn Panic Into Depression,

      It’s important that we


      couldn’t be any higher.


      proliferation poses the greatest risk of extinction
      Miller 2K2 (James D., assistant professor of economics @ smith college, national review, January 23, LN)


      The U.S. should use


      and chemical weapons

      attacking iran is feasible- we’ve known their nuclear locations for years


      Gerecht 2K6 (Reuel Marc, resident fellow @ the AEI, July 10, pg. ) 

      Yes, it will be difficult to


      repercussions from such strikes.

      () air strikes would easily eliminate iranian nuclear weapons and any chance of retaliation


      Kampf 2k6 (Danny, February 2, pg. ) 

      Once the air campaign had


      be repeated with Iran. 

      No accidental war or miscalculation – states will step back from the brink because of the gravity of the situation

      Trachtenberg 00

      Marc. Department of history @ University of Pennsylvania. 2/14/00. The "Accidental War" Question. .

      There are two points to be


      sides are determined to avoid it.

      No impact on world oil prices

      Al-Arabiya ‘11

      “Unrest in Yemen unlikely to disrupt oil supplies, experts say,” quoting Abdulwahab Abu-Dahesh, PhD in Economics from American University in DC, and Neil Partrick, PhD in International Relations from the University of London 6/4/11, lexis, AD 8/27/11

      Yemen's unrest is unlikely


      the east, Mr. Abu-Dahesh said.

      No global effect from Yemeni oil disruptions

      Oil & Gas News ‘11

       “Oil-site attacks hit hard, economy on edge of collapse,” July 27,2011, lexis, AD 8/27/11

      AGAINST a backdrop of


      the longtime president.

      No resource wars – no defensible method and empirically true

      -their “you just wait mantra” has been repeated for decades

      Fettweis ‘11 – Professor of Political Science @ Tulane

      Christopher, Professor of Political Science @ Tulane, Dangerous Times?: The International Politics of Great Power Peace, pg. 110-111

      This resource-wars, ecopessimist vision


      humanity cannot sink, but that it just has not yet been reached.

      No China war – prefer our evidence.

      Fettweis ‘11 – Professor of Political Science @ Tulane

      Christopher, Professor of Political Science @ Tulane, Dangerous Times?: The International Politics of Great Power Peace, pg. 117

      The diminution of military


      which anyone can hope.

      No Russia war – weak arsenal

      Perkovich ‘3 – Director of the Nonproliferation Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

      George. vice president for studies and director of the Nonproliferation Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. March/April 2003. Foreign Affairs. .

      As for Russia, a full-scale war


      posture of America's present arsenal.

      No Russia war – economics

      Maisaia ‘8 – USAFA Defense Fellow

      Vakhtang, PhD USAFA Defense Fellow, Military Expert, A War With Russia: Real Concern or Fabricated?, 3/3/8. Online 

      The Russian economy is in deep


      including in the Armed Forces.

      Too many causes of instability for the aff to solve

      • Competing powerful tribesman

      • Southern separatist movement

      • Abyan militants

      Boone ‘11

      Jeb Boone is a freelance journalist based in Sanaa, Yemen, and managing editor of the Yemen Times., Foreign Policy, “Who is running Yemen?” 7/11/11, , AD 8/4/11

      The rural north: The land of tribal autonomy…


      to consolidated central government

      High oil prices is key to successful transition to alternative energy

      IBT ‘11

      International Business Times. “Why lower Saudi oil prices kill alternative energy”. May 30, 2011.

      The biggest obstacle to alternative


      developing alternative energy sources.


      Holsinger in 6

      Thomas. “The Case for Invading Iran.”  HYPERLINK ""  

      America has come to another


      Hobbesian nightmare of nuclear proliferation. 


      Sands in 5

      David R. Sands, staff writer; 9/20/2005; Washington Times; “Israelis urge U.S to stop Iran’s nuke goals”

      The United States and… if they continue," he said 


      Adams in 97

      J. Adams 1997 “THE SHOCK!: War In The Middle East?”, May 3,

      Israel is increasingly concerned


      preparing to unleash on the West.

      They will say no -Yemenis are distrustful of US intervention in domestic affairs

      Terrill ’11 –PhD in International Relations

      W. Andrew, Middle East Specialist, Strategic Studies Institute, “The Conflicts in Yemen and U.S. National Security,” January 2011, p. xi

      Yemen is also an especially.


      U.S.-Yemeni security relations.


      The aff’s relation to the Middle East is mediated by 9/11- American foreign policy is grounded in a discursive frame of superpower vulnerability and revenge, coding the chaotic space of the Middle East to separate potential extremists from everyday citizens in order to exact retribution.

      Sadiki 9/11

      (Laribi, Senior Lecturer in Middle East Politics at the University of Exeter, “The 9/11 state of mind”, )

      Nothing compares to 9/11 - two odd numbers


      have surpassed all reasonable and proportionate rules of military engagement.

      Democracy assistance specifically is a response to the vulnerability created by 9/11 and locks in the superpower syndrome.

      Gershman ‘11

      (Carl, president of the National Endowment for Democracy, “Ten Years Later”, )

      This historic turning point had the


      anniversary of that terrible day.

      The terminal impact is extinction- 9/11 created a profound American fear of vulnerability that manifests itself in the superpower syndrome, create cycles of apocalyptic confrontation and war.

      Lifton ‘3

      (Robert Jay, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Psychology, The City University of New York, Superpower Syndrome, pgs. 8-11)

      More than that, 9/11 is not


      against the irredeemable stubbornness of reality.

      The Arab Spring has opened the possibility of relations to the Middle East not framed by the post-9/11 framework of vengeance- we propose to ride the wave and allow the democratic revolutions to occur, only abandoning the aff can solve.

      Sadiki 9/11

      (Laribi, Senior Lecturer in Middle East Politics at the University of Exeter, “The 9/11 state of mind”, )

      The upshot is that the 9/11


      and memorialisation of 9/11.

      The US response to the Arab Spring is stuck in a 9/11 state of mind- our obsession with management of the region’s governments reproduces the Superpower Syndrome, creating fantasies of world control that ensure confrontation with China and Russia and collapse the region into instability

      Russia Times 9/14

      (“US backing for Arab Spring bearing ‘strange fruit’”, ) 

      The US has strongly backed


      animosities, tears communities apart".

      Rather than framing the Arab Spring in terms of 9/11, we must re-frame 9/11 in terms of the Arab Spring- while our obsession with control has produced autocratic regimes and foreign policy disaster, those spaces resistant to US control have overthrown their leaders, producing democratic transitions- only this project of critical reframing can produce a successful alternative path for US foreign policy

      Freedland 9/6

      (Jonah, Writer for The Guardian UK, “Memories are still vivid, but we need to declare the end of the 9/11 era”, ) 

      But it's the mindset that has to


      had nothing to do with it.

      Their stability and Islamic takeover turns are all hype- the Arab Spring has unraveled the assumptions of War on Terror discourse, only indigenous transition can successfully produce democratic outcomes

      Democracy Digest 9/9

      (“Arab Spring ‘the strongest answer’ to jihadist ideology behind 9/11”, ) 

      There is a newfound conviction


      the 9/11 attacks a decade ago, the European Union said today.

      9/11 has enabled a massive military-academic complex, rendering Middle East scholars complicit with the expansion of American empire- criticizing the historical context of knowledge production is crucial to produce new pathways for foreign policy

      Bromwich 9/10

      (David, Prof. of Literature @ Yale, “What 9/11 Makes Us Forget”, ) 

      The piety attached to a collective


      new enemy who will last "more than a generation."

      Ignore their “benign aid” distinctions- combining realpolitik with democracy assistance kills the transition and generates backlash

      Sadiki ‘11

      (Larbi, Senior Lecturer in Middle East Politics at the University of Exeter, “The mathematics of the Arab Spring”, ) 

      There are opportunities, but


      in the "Arab Spring".

      The permutation still links- the desire to spread democracy to the Middle East acts as a pressure valve for the anxiety produced by the superpower syndrome, reproducing a 9/11 state of mind

      Lifton ‘3

      (Robert Jay, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Psychology, The City University of New York, Superpower Syndrome, pgs. 178-180) 

      The world's only superpower


      the fear of weakness will not go away. 

  • GSU Rd. 4 Neg

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • GSU 1NC 1

      Not democracy assistance

      1. Definition – 

      Democracy assistance by definition must have advancing democracy within the recipient country as its first priority

      Carothers ‘2k

      Thomas Carothers, he vice president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He is the founder and director of the Democracy and Rule of Law Program and leading authority on democracy promotion and democratization worldwide as well as an expert on U.S. foreign policy. “Taking stock of democracy assistance”, in: M. Cox, G. J. Ikenberry & T. Inoguchi, (Eds) American Democracy Promotion. Impulses, Strategies, and Impacts. 2000. Questia. P.188

      The term 'democracy assistance' is




      The word “for” proves.—It has to be for the purpose of benefiting democracy in the country

      Black’s Law Dictionary ‘79

      Black's Law Dictionary 579-80 (5th ed. 1979)

      connotes the end with reference to which anything is, acts, serves, or is done. In consideration of which, in view of which, or with reference to which, anything is done or takes place. 

      1. The affirmative violates—The purpose of their assistance is not to advance democracy in the country

      1. Negative interpretation is better

      1. Preserves negative ground—Our interpretation creates a stable endpoint that assures the negative links to disadvantages and critiques of democracy that are the core of the literature

      1. Their interpretation risks making the topic bidirectional.—They could give aid that is designed to undermine democracy or collapse democratic movements

      1. Better preserves limits—Precise definitions of development assistance are essential to a limited topic

      1. Topicality is a voting issue for reasons of fairness and ground.

      1NC 2

      EIDHR – European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights

      Text: The European Union will substantially increase its support for civil law enforcement in Yemen.

      The EU can provide effective civil law enforcement training—empirically in Iraq 

      EU at the UN News in 08

      EUJUST LEX Mission for Iraq receives world's most prestigious policing award    d.a. 9-4-10

      This occurred in San Diego, California, on 10 November, at the biggest


      Police Service and its judicial system".

      European Countries are the key to successful civil law enforcement

      Bindi 09

      , Visiting Fellow, , The Brookings Institution  January 21, 2009  Europe's Problematic Contribution to Police Training in Afghanistan  .

      Italy’s contribution to Afghanistan dates back


      and mentoring initiatives.

      1NC 2

      KORUS will pass now

      Reuters 9/13

      Momentum builds for U.S. action on trade deals,

      Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on


      passed in tandem with the trade pacts.

      Plan saps political capital

      Epstein et al 7—Specialists in Foreign Policy at the CRS

      Susan B. Epstein, Nina M. Serafino, and Francis T. Miko, Democracy Promotion: Cornerstone of U.S. Foreign Policy?

      According to some critics, pushing


      as being too great.

      Capital is key

      Reuters 9/2

      Obama's trade legacy in a crucible this fall,

      In addition to the challenge from


      for International Economics.

      Failure to ratify SKFTA kills the US-ROK Alliance

      Yonhap News 8/30

      Severe damage to alliance expected if FTA fails: CRS,

      A collapse in the United States of a free trade pact


      would likely see it as a betrayal."

      Alliance key to stop South Korean proliferation

      Hughes 2007

      Christopher W., PhD University of Sheffield, 1997, Reader/Associate Professor, University of Warwick. “North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons: Implications for the Nuclear Ambitions of Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan,” January, Asia Policy No 3,

      South Korea’s history of considering its


      of U.S. security guarantees.54

      Escalates to global nuclear war

      Cirincione 2000

      Joseph, Director of the Non-Proliferation Project at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Foreign Policy, “The Asian Nuclear Reaction Chain”, JStor

      The blocks would fall quickest and hardest in Asia, where


      use of a nuclear weapon since 1945.

      1NC 3

      The aff’s relation to the Middle East is mediated by 9/11- American foreign policy is grounded in a discursive frame of superpower vulnerability and revenge, coding the chaotic space of the Middle East to separate potential extremists from everyday citizens in order to exact retribution for the Twin Towers

      Sadiki 9/11

      (Laribi, Senior Lecturer in Middle East Politics at the University of Exeter, “The 9/11 state of mind”, ) 

      Nothing compares to 9/11 - two odd numbers that resonate endlessly. 9/11 memorialises the past,


      all reasonable and proportionate rules of military engagement.

      Democracy assistance specifically is a response to the vulnerability created by 9/11 and locks in the superpower syndrome- the plan acts as a means of managing the chaotic space of the Middle East, re-making it in our image in order to eliminate the uncertainty of the Arab Spring through American democratic universalism

      Gershman ‘11

      (Carl, president of the National Endowment for Democracy, “Ten Years Later”, )

      This historic turning point had the ironic effect


      the tenth anniversary of that terrible day.

      The terminal impact is extinction- 9/11 created a profound American fear of vulnerability that manifests itself in the superpower syndrome, the desire to control history itself- that creates cycles of apocalyptic confrontation that demand maximum use of force- they won’t win defense because the superpower syndrome is based on revenge not rational action

      Lifton ‘3

      (Robert Jay, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Psychology, The City University of New York, Superpower Syndrome, pgs. 8-11) 

      More than that, 9/11 is not


      the irredeemable stubbornness of reality.

      The Arab Spring has opened the possibility of relations to the Middle East not framed by the post-9/11 framework of vengeance- rather than approaching sweeping change with re-assertions of superpower status, we propose to ride the wave, allowing the democratic revolutions to unmake our foreign policy model and create a new series of relations between the US and the Middle East- only abandoning the aff can allow us to shirk the mantle of the 9/11 foreign policy path

      Sadiki 9/11

      (Laribi, Senior Lecturer in Middle East Politics at the University of Exeter, “The 9/11 state of mind”, ) 

      The upshot is that the 9/11 decade not only killed


      reproduction and memorialisation of 9/11.


      No risk of offense – US training encourages ineffective and belligerent police tactics – this directly contributes to sectarian violence

      Kuzmarov 10 – Professor of History @ Tulsa

      Jeremy, assistant professor of history at the University of Tulsa, American Police Training and Political Violence: From the Philippines Conquest to the Killing Fields of Afghanistan and Iraq,

      In spite of hundreds of millions in


      methods that produced such outcomes.

      The U.S. is incapable of effective Civil Law Enforcement Training

      Serchuk 06

      Vance Serchuk Research Fellow at American Enterprise Institute   Cop Out  Why Afghanistan Has No Police  |    
      Monday, July 17, 2006     d.a. 8-10-10

      Unfortunately, the sorry performance of the


      dumping them into a vat of boiling water.

      U.S. Civil Law Enforcement Training is Counterproductive leading to increased oppression and violation of human rights

      Kuzmarov 10

      • Jeremy Kuzmarov is an assistant professor of history at the University of Tulsa

      • Jeremy Kuzmarov, "American Police Training and Political Violence: From the Philippines Conquest to the Killing Fields of Afghanistan and Iraq," The Asia-Pacific Journal, 11-1-10, March 15, 2010  d.a. 7-18-10  

      This article, drawing on


      levels pushing regimes towards kleptocracy.

      1NC Terror Adv

      Their links are all posturing by Saleh

      Spencer ‘11

      JAMES SPENCER is a retired British infantry commander. He is a strategic analyst on political, security, and trade issues of the Middle East and North Africa and a specialist on Yemen, Foreign Affairs, “A False Dawn for Yemen’s Militants,” 6/8/11, , AD 8/5/11

      Throughout Yemen's political crisis, the West's


      behind U.S. support for Yemen.

      AQAP threats used to drum up American support

      Haykel ’11 –Prof of Near Eastern Studies

      Interviewer: Bernard Gwertzman, Consulting Editor Interviewee: Bernard Haykel, Professor of Near Eastern Studies, Princeton University “Yemen's Uncertain Political Future” June 7, 2011 , AD 8/24/11

      Has the U.S. government exaggerated the threat


      claims of Saleh and his trick.

      AQAP only dangerous if they have nuclear capabilities- no chance of building a weapon- no threat from Yemen.

      Gerges 11

      Fawaz A., Professor of Middle Eastern Politics and International Relations at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He also holds the Emirates Chair of the Contemporary Middle East and is the Director of the Middle East Centre at LSE, “End of the Road: Al Qaeda’s Fall”, September/October,

      Local factions give a false impression


      even a country such as Iran.

      Al Qaeda threat discourse leads to error replication- the main body of the organization is weak and “offshoots” are ideologically and financially disconnected- additionally associating subgroups and the original Al Qaeda leads to policy miscalculation and props up dictators

      Fisher 9/11

      (Max, Associate Editor of the Atlantic, “The Al-Qaeda Myth”, )

      But are the distinctions between a man like Breivik and a


      Islamic Maghreb, the Algerian group.

      Al Qeada is not a threat – it is no where near capable of acquiring and building a nuclear weapon.

      Mueller ‘11

      John Mueller is Professor of Political Science at Ohio State University. He is the author of Atomic Obsession. “The truth about al Qaeda”. August 5, 2011. CNN’s Global Public Square.

      The chief lesson of 9/11


      ready to go nuclear.

      No ability to build their own couldn’t steal fissile material, or buy from corrupt insiders.

      Mueller ‘10

      John Mueller, professor of political science at Ohio State University. “Calming Our Nuclear Jitters”.  Issues in Science and Technology. 1/1/2010. Vol.26,Iss.2;p.58-66. Academic Search Premiere.

      In contrast to these predictions, terrorist



      Even if each obstacle can be surmount – the overwhelming amount of obstacles make nuclear terrorism is unlikely.

      Mueller in ‘10

      John Mueller, professor of political science at Ohio State University. “Calming Our Nuclear Jitters”.  Issues in Science and Technology. 1/1/2010. Vol.26,Iss.2;p.58-66. Academic Search Premiere.

      Those who warn about the


      to one in well over three billion.

      No motivation, no access and vaccines check the impact

      Clark ‘8 – Emeritus Professor in Immunology at UCLA

      William R. Clark, emeritus professor in Immunology at UCLA. Bracing for Armageddon?: The Science and Politics of Bioterrorism in America, 2008, pg. 183

      In the end, what may well stop


      its ilk may be a non-starter.

      No extinction impact.

      Britt ‘1

      Robert Roy Britt, Senior Space Writer/Space.com. “Survival of the Elitist: Bioterrorism May Spur Space Colonies”. October 30 2001.

      • Many scientists argue that

      • AND

      • the planet," Croddy said.

      Terrorists aren’t capable of developing usable bioweapons

      Clark ‘8 – Emeritus Professor in Immunology at UCLA

      William R. Clark, Bracing for Armageddon?: The Science and Politics of Bioterrorism in America, 2008, pg. 170-1)

      Those who think deeply


      delivery system for most pathogens.

      Low risk of attacks on oil.

      Baev ‘6 – Senior Researcher at the International Peace Research Institute

      Pavel K. Baev is a senior researcher at the International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO), Norway, Reevaluating the Risks of Terrorist Attacks Against Energy Infrastructure in Eurasia, China and Eurasia Forum Quarterly, Volume 4, No. 2, Central Asia-Caucasus Institute,

      Overall, the situation of extremely


      with high “value and vulnerability” indicator.

      Even Ayson only says escalation and retaliation in a world of a nuclear attack – he concedes risk of nuclear terror is exceedingly low.

      Ayson ’10 – Centre for Strategic Studies @ Victoria University

      Robert Ayson, Centre for Strategic Studies, Victoria University of Wellington. “After a Terrorist Nuclear Attack: Envisaging Catalytic Effects”. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Volume 33, Issue 7 July 2010 , pages 571 – 593. InformaWorld

      It is just possible that a terrorist


      either inadvertently or by design.

      Low risk of retaliation–  the US would not indiscriminately lash out

      Bleek ‘6

      Philipp. doctoral candidate in international relations at Georgetown University. Would ‘Deterrence of Negligence’ Reduce the Risk of Catastrophic Terrorism?. August 2006. Online.

      But it is not so clear that a


      further attacks were prevented.

      Credibility arguments are irrelevant the middle east—Jihadists will just make up things to hurt US credibility

      Fettweis 7—Professor of Political Science @ Tulane

      Christopher J., Credibility and the War on Terror Political Science Quarterly. New York: Winter 2007/2008. Vol. 122, Iss. 4; pg. 607, 27 pgs

      Might resolute, credible superpowers be able


      rebellions and anti-American expression?

      No resource wars – no defensible method and empirically true

      -their “you just wait mantra” has been repeated for decades

      Fettweis ‘11 – Professor of Political Science @ Tulane

      Christopher, Professor of Political Science @ Tulane, Dangerous Times?: The International Politics of Great Power Peace, pg. 110-111

      This resource-wars, ecopessimist


      , but that it just has not yet been reached.

      No causality – economic decline doesn’t cause war

      Ferguson 6 – prof of history @ Harvard

      Niall Ferguson 2006, Professor of History @ Harvard, The Next War of the World, Foreign Affairs 85.5, Proquest

      There are many unsatisfactory explanations


      crises were not followed by wars.

      Mideast oil access not key to the global oil market

      Preble 9— vice president for defense and foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute

      Christopher, The Power Problem, p. 108-9

      Unpacking all of the faulty justifications that have


      of millions of new consumers in India and China.

      High Oil prices no longer risk the economy

      -Not key to economy

      -government will intervene

      -no longer pass onto core inflation

      Segal 7 – prof @ Oxford Institute for Energy Studies

      Paul Segal, Professor @ Oxford Institute for Energy Studies. “Why do Oil Price Shocks No Longer Shock?”. 2007. Book.

      This paper surveys the literature on the relationship


      in response to high oil prices is absent.

      MAD prevents war between India and Pakistan.

      Khan ‘11

      A.Q. Khan, Doctor of Science, “Indo-Pak nuclear war unlikely”, 5/17/11, 7/7/11

      Khan has said that despite


      Germany and France live today," he added.

      History proves there would be no nuclear escalation – conflicts are short-term and lead to negotiations.

      Basrur ‘6 – Professor of Civics and Politics at the University of Mumbai.

      Rajesh M. Basrur, Department of Civics and Politics, University of Mumbai.Minimum Deterrence and India's Nuclear Security.  P.146. 2006. Google Books.

      On the other hand, it is equally


      seek a more stable relationship.

      Hegemony fails at resolving conflicts and decline is inevitable.

      Maher 10—PhD candidate in Political Science @ Brown

      Richard, Ph.D. candidate in the Political Science department at Brown University, The Paradox of American Unipolarity: Why the United States Will Be Better Off in a Post-Unipolar World, 11/12/2010 Orbis, ScienceDirect

      And yet, despite this material


      itself in the “post-unipolar” world.

      U.S. hegemonic decline does not cause conflict or result in a power vacuum – empirically proven.

      Fettweis 10--assistant professor of political science @ Tulane

      Christopher, Survival, Volume 52, Issue 2, April

      One potential explanation for


      military expenditure are unrelated.

      The threat is overblown—attacks are misattributed to AQAP, and other groups are mislabeled as al Qaeda cells

      Spencer ‘11

      JAMES SPENCER is a retired British infantry commander. He is a strategic analyst on political, security, and trade issues of the Middle East and North Africa and a specialist on Yemen, Foreign Affairs, “A False Dawn for Yemen’s Militants,” 6/8/11, , AD 8/5/11

      But this catalogue of putative successes


      their footing in Abyan's capital, Zinjibar.)

      Terrorism is not an existential threat – at most it will kill a few hundred people a year – the fear of WMD terrorism is overblown.

      Mueller ‘11

      John Mueller is Professor of Political Science at Ohio State University. He is the author of Atomic Obsession. “The truth about al Qaeda”. August 5, 2011. CNN’s Global Public Square.

      Outside of war zones, the


      elephants there, either.

  • GSU Rd 6 Neg

    • Tournament: GSU | Round: 6 | Opponent: Wake | Judge:

    • GSUKU PW Neg v Wake MM – GSU Rd 6

      T – Democracy Assistance

      Not democracy assistance

      Definition – 

      Democracy assistance by definition must have advancing democracy within the recipient country as its first priority


      Carothers ‘2k

      Thomas Carothers, he vice president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He is the founder and director of the Democracy and Rule of Law Program and leading authority on democracy promotion and democratization worldwide as well as an expert on U.S. foreign policy. “Taking stock of democracy assistance”, in: M. Cox, G. J. Ikenberry & T. Inoguchi, (Eds) American Democracy Promotion. Impulses, Strategies, and Impacts. 2000. Questia. P.188

      The term 'democracy assistance' is sometimes used


      , and educational exchange programmes.


      The word “for” proves.—It has to be for the purpose of benefiting democracy in the country


      Black’s Law Dictionary ‘79

      Black's Law Dictionary 579-80 (5th ed. 1979)

      connotes the end with reference to which anything


      which, anything is done or takes place. 

      The affirmative violates—The purpose of their assistance is not to advance democracy in the country

      Negative interpretation is better

      Preserves negative ground—Our interpretation creates a stable endpoint that assures the negative links to disadvantages and critiques of democracy that are the core of the literature

      Their interpretation risks making the topic bidirectional.—They could give aid that is designed to undermine democracy or collapse democratic movements

      Better preserves limits—Precise definitions of development assistance are essential to a limited topic

      Topicality is a voting issue for reasons of fairness and ground.

      EU CP

      Text: The European Union will substantially increase its support for civil law enforcement in Yemen.


      The EU can provide effective civil law enforcement training—empirically in Iraq 

      EU at the UN News in 08

            EUJUST LEX Mission for Iraq receives world's


      d.a. 9-4-10

      This occurred in San Diego, California,


      the Iraqi Police Service and its judicial system".

      European Countries are the key to successful civil law enforcement

      Bindi 09

      Federiga Bindi, Visiting Fellow, Foreign Policy



      Italy’s contribution to Afghanistan dates back to the


      for an enhanced civilian effort and mentoring initiatives.

      KORUS DA

      KORUS will pass now

      Reuters 9/13

      Momentum builds for U.S. action on trade deals, http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/09/13/us-usa-trade-deals-idUSTRE78C7QW20110913?feedType=RSS&feedName=domesticNews

      Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on Tuesday said the Senate


        expected to be passed in tandem with the trade pacts.

      Plan saps political capital

      Epstein et al 7—Specialists in Foreign Policy at the CRS

      Susan B. Epstein, Nina M.


      Cornerstone of U.S. Foreign Policy?

      According to some critics, pushing democracy promotion


      and extreme poverty, as being too great.

      Capital is key

      Reuters 9/2

      Obama's trade legacy in a crucible this fall, http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/09/02/us-usa-obama-trade-idUSTRE7814CZ20110902

      In addition to the challenge from organized labor, Obama must


      senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics.

      Failure to ratify SKFTA kills the US-ROK Alliance

      Yonhap News 8/30

      Severe damage to alliance expected if FTA fails



      A collapse in the United States of a


      whom would likely see it as a betrayal."

      Alliance key to stop South Korean proliferation

      Hughes 2007

      Christopher W., PhD University of Sheffield, 1997, Reader/Associate Professor, University of Warwick. “North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons: Implications for the Nuclear Ambitions of Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan,” January, Asia Policy No 3, http://www.nbr.org/publications/asia_policy/AP3/AP3Hughes.pdf

      South Korea’s history of considering its nuclear options


      absence of its own deterrent, thus enabling the reaffirmation of U.S. security guarantees.54

      Escalates to global nuclear war

      Cirincione 2000

      Joseph, Director of the Non-Proliferation


      , “The Asian Nuclear Reaction Chain”, JStor

      The blocks would fall quickest and hardest in


      combat use of a nuclear weapon since 1945.

      Revenge Politics K

      The aff’s relation to the Middle East is mediated by 9/11- American foreign policy is grounded in a discursive frame of superpower vulnerability and revenge, coding the chaotic space of the Middle East to separate potential extremists from everyday citizens in order to exact retribution for the Twin Towers

      Sadiki 9/11

      (Laribi, Senior Lecturer in Middle East



      Nothing compares to 9/11 - two


      all reasonable and proportionate rules of military engagement.

      Democracy assistance specifically is a response to the vulnerability created by 9/11 and locks in the superpower syndrome- the plan acts as a means of managing the chaotic space of the Middle East, re-making it in our image in order to eliminate the uncertainty of the Arab Spring through American democratic universalism

      Gershman ‘11

      (Carl, president of the National Endowment for Democracy, “Ten Years Later”, http://www.worldaffairsjournal.org/articles/2011-SeptOct/911-Gershman.html?utm_source=World+Affairs+Newsletter&utm_campaign=bc0dd31858-WAJ_Symposium_Gershman&utm_medium=email)

      This historic turning point had the ironic effect of disconnecting the objective of aiding democracy


      of the terrorist attack that occurred on 9/11, and this is worth reflecting upon as we observe the tenth anniversary of that terrible day.

      The terminal impact is extinction- 9/11 created a profound American fear of vulnerability that manifests itself in the superpower syndrome, the desire to control history itself- that creates cycles of apocalyptic confrontation that demand maximum use of force- they won’t win defense because the superpower syndrome is based on revenge not rational action

      Lifton ‘3

      (Robert Jay, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of


      Superpower Syndrome, pgs. 8-11) 

      More than that, 9/11 is


      come up against the irredeemable stubbornness of reality.

      The Arab Spring has opened the possibility of relations to the Middle East not framed by the post-9/11 framework of vengeance- rather than approaching sweeping change with re-assertions of superpower status, we propose to ride the wave, allowing the democratic revolutions to unmake our foreign policy model and create a new series of relations between the US and the Middle East- only abandoning the aff can allow us to shirk the mantle of the 9/11 foreign policy path

      Sadiki 9/11

      (Laribi, Senior Lecturer in Middle East



      The upshot is that the 9/11


      rigid reproduction and memorialisation of 9/11.


      No risk of offense – US training encourages ineffective and belligerent police tactics – this directly contributes to sectarian violence

      Kuzmarov 10 – Professor of History @ Tulsa

      Jeremy, assistant professor of history at the



      In spite of hundreds of millions in funding


      the training and methods that produced such outcomes.

      The U.S. is incapable of effective Civil Law Enforcement Training

      Serchuk 06

      Vance Serchuk Research Fellow at American Enterprise Institute  


      d.a. 8-10-10

      Unfortunately, the sorry performance of the ANP


      dumping them into a vat of boiling water.

      U.S. Civil Law Enforcement Training is Counterproductive leading to increased oppression and violation of human rights

      Kuzmarov 10

      Jeremy Kuzmarov is an assistant professor of history at the University of Tulsa

      Jeremy Kuzmarov, "American Police Training and


      This article, drawing on declassified U.


      growth of corruption levels pushing regimes towards kleptocracy.

      Terror Adv

      Their links are all posturing by Saleh

      Spencer ‘11

      JAMES SPENCER is a retired British infantry commander. He is a strategic analyst on political, security, and trade issues of the Middle East and North Africa and a specialist on Yemen, Foreign Affairs, “A False Dawn for Yemen’s Militants,” 6/8/11, http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/67883/james-spencer/a-false-dawn-for-yemens-militants?page=show, AD 8/5/11

      Throughout Yemen's political crisis, the West's chief concern has


      of al Qaeda was the sole reason behind U.S. support for Yemen.

      AQAP threats used to drum up American support

      Haykel ’11 –Prof of Near Eastern Studies

      Interviewer: Bernard Gwertzman, Consulting Editor Interviewee


      /p25205, AD 8/24/11

      Has the U.S. government exaggerated


      to the claims of Saleh and his trick.

      AQAP only dangerous if they have nuclear capabilities- no chance of building a weapon- no threat from Yemen.

      Gerges 11

      Fawaz A., Professor of Middle Eastern Politics and International Relations at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He also holds the Emirates Chair of the Contemporary Middle East and is the Director of the Middle East Centre at LSE, “End of the Road: Al Qaeda’s Fall”, September/October, http://www.bostonreview.net/BR36.5/fawaz_a_gerges_al_qaeda_end_of_the_road.php

      Local factions give a false impression


      that challenge even a country such as Iran.

      Al Qaeda threat discourse leads to error replication- the main body of the organization is weak and “offshoots” are ideologically and financially disconnected- additionally associating subgroups and the original Al Qaeda leads to policy miscalculation and props up dictators

      Fisher 9/11

      (Max, Associate Editor of the Atlantic, “The Al-Qaeda Myth”, http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2011/09/the-al-qaeda-myth/244857/)

      But are the distinctions between a man like Breivik and a man,


      a version of their bombing technique. That "affiliate," however, was none other than al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, the Algerian group.

      Al Qeada is not a threat – it is no where near capable of acquiring and building a nuclear weapon.

      Mueller ‘11

      John Mueller is Professor of Political Science at



      The chief lesson of 9/11 should


      al Qaeda is remotely ready to go nuclear.

      No ability to build their own couldn’t steal fissile material, or buy from corrupt insiders.

      Mueller ‘10

      John Mueller, professor of political science at Ohio State University. “Calming Our Nuclear Jitters”.  Issues in Science and Technology. 1/1/2010. Vol.26,Iss.2;p.58-66. Academic Search Premiere.

      In contrast to these predictions, terrorist groups seem


        puts it, “have every incentive to cover their trail, beginning with eliminating their confederates.”

      Even if each obstacle can be surmount – the overwhelming amount of obstacles make nuclear terrorism is unlikely.

      Mueller in ‘10

      John Mueller, professor of political science at


      .58-66. Academic Search Premiere.

      Those who warn about the likelihood of a


      drop to one in well over three billion.

      No motivation, no access and vaccines check the impact

      Clark ‘8 – Emeritus Professor in Immunology at UCLA

      William R. Clark, emeritus professor in Immunology at UCLA. Bracing for Armageddon?: The Science and Politics of Bioterrorism in America, 2008, pg. 183

      In the end, what may well stop groups like


      for Al-Qaeda and its ilk may be a non-starter.

      No extinction impact.

      Britt ‘1

      Robert Roy Britt, Senior Space Writer/



      Many scientists argue that there is no need


      an asteroid hitting the planet," Croddy said.

      Terrorists aren’t capable of developing usable bioweapons

      Clark ‘8 – Emeritus Professor in Immunology at UCLA

      William R. Clark, Bracing for Armageddon?: The Science and Politics of Bioterrorism in America, 2008, pg. 170-1)

      Those who think deeply about America’s response to bioterror-ism


      of a mass-scale delivery system for most pathogens.

      Low risk of attacks on oil.

      Baev ‘6 – Senior Researcher at the International Peace Research Institute

      Pavel K. Baev is a senior researcher at the International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO), Norway, Reevaluating the Risks of Terrorist Attacks Against Energy Infrastructure in Eurasia, China and Eurasia Forum Quarterly, Volume 4, No. 2, Central Asia-Caucasus Institute, http://www.silkroadstudies.org/new/docs/CEF/Quarterly/May_2006/Baev.pdf

      Overall, the situation of extremely tight


      multiple, on the targets with high “value and vulnerability” indicator.

      Even Ayson only says escalation and retaliation in a world of a nuclear attack – he concedes risk of nuclear terror is exceedingly low.

      Ayson ’10 – Centre for Strategic Studies @ Victoria University

      Robert Ayson, Centre for Strategic Studies,


      July 2010 , pages 571 – 593. InformaWorld

      It is just possible that a terrorist nuclear


      wider nuclear exchange either inadvertently or by design.

      Low risk of retaliation–  the US would not indiscriminately lash out

      Bleek ‘6

      Philipp. doctoral candidate in international relations at Georgetown University. Would ‘Deterrence of Negligence’ Reduce the Risk of Catastrophic Terrorism?. August 2006. Online.

      But it is not so clear that a devastating military response


       behind the attacks responsible and to ensure that further attacks were prevented.

      Credibility arguments are irrelevant the middle east—Jihadists will just make up things to hurt US credibility

      Fettweis 7—Professor of Political Science @ Tulane

      Christopher J., Credibility and the War on Terror Political Science Quarterly. New York: Winter 2007/2008. Vol. 122, Iss. 4; pg. 607, 27 pgs

      Might resolute, credible superpowers be able to


      the cauldron of numerous rebellions and anti-American expression?

      No resource wars – no defensible method and empirically true

      -their “you just wait mantra” has been repeated for decades

      Fettweis ‘11 – Professor of Political Science @ Tulane

      Christopher, Professor of Political Science @ Tulane


      Great Power Peace, pg. 110-111

      This resource-wars, ecopessimist vision was


      that it just has not yet been reached.

      No causality – economic decline doesn’t cause war

      Ferguson 6 – prof of history @ Harvard

      Niall Ferguson 2006, Professor of History @ Harvard, The Next War of the World, Foreign Affairs 85.5, Proquest

      There are many unsatisfactory explanations for


      some severe economic crises were not followed by wars.

      Mideast oil access not key to the global oil market

      Preble 9— vice president for defense and foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute

      Christopher, The Power Problem, p. 108-9

      Unpacking all of the faulty justifications that have


      millions of new consumers in India and China.

      High Oil prices no longer risk the economy

      -Not key to economy

      -government will intervene

      -no longer pass onto core inflation

      Segal 7 – prof @ Oxford Institute for Energy Studies

      Paul Segal, Professor @ Oxford Institute for Energy Studies. “Why do Oil Price Shocks No Longer Shock?”. 2007. Book.

      This paper surveys the literature on the relationship between oil


      seen in response to high oil prices is absent.

      MAD prevents war between India and Pakistan.

      Khan ‘11

      A.Q. Khan, Doctor of


      /View/6464 7/7/11

      Khan has said that despite sabre-rattling


      Germany and France live today," he added.

      History proves there would be no nuclear escalation – conflicts are short-term and lead to negotiations.

      Basrur ‘6 – Professor of Civics and Politics at the University of Mumbai.

      Rajesh M. Basrur, Department of Civics and Politics, University of Mumbai.Minimum Deterrence and India's Nuclear Security.  P.146. 2006. Google Books.

      On the other hand, it is equally


      to seek a more stable relationship.

      Hegemony fails at resolving conflicts and decline is inevitable.

      Maher 10—PhD candidate in Political Science @ Brown

      Richard, Ph.D. candidate in


      , 11/12/2010 Orbis, ScienceDirect

      And yet, despite this material preeminence,


      in the “post-unipolar” world.

      U.S. hegemonic decline does not cause conflict or result in a power vacuum – empirically proven.

      Fettweis 10--assistant professor of political science @ Tulane

      Christopher, Survival, Volume 52, Issue 2, April

      One potential explanation for the growth


      is unnecessary to reach the conclusion that world peace and US military expenditure are unrelated.

      The threat is overblown—attacks are misattributed to AQAP, and other groups are mislabeled as al Qaeda cells

      Spencer ‘11

      JAMES SPENCER is a retired British infantry commander


      =show, AD 8/5/11

      But this catalogue of putative successes masks a


      from their footing in Abyan's capital, Zinjibar.)

  • GSU Doubles

    • Tournament: GSU | Round: D | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Resolutionality

      Our interpretation—the affirmative should have to defend that action by the United States federal government is normatively desirable.

      Resolved means to enact by law

      Words and Phrases 64 

      Permanent Edition

      Definition of the word “resolve,”


      meaning “to establish by law”.

      The United States federal government refers to the actual government

      Black’s Law Dictionary 90

      6th Ed., p. 695

      In the United States,


      governments, and city and township governments.

      Should implies obligation to action

      Merriam-Webster 2

      Merriam-Webster, Incorporated, 2002, 10th Edition, http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/should

      Used in auxiliary function to express obligation, propriety, or expediency.

      B) Violation—the aff does not defend the United States federal government action

      C) Vote Negative—

      1) Without Limits debate becomes impossible—T is a jurisdictional voting issue

      Shively 2k—Professor of Political Science, Texas A & M

      Ruth, Political Theory and Partisan Politics, p. 181-2

      The requirements thus far are


      agreement or harmony.

      2) Role of the negative: Our interpretation has a clear vision for the function of the negative team. We must disprove the desirability of their advocacy. If there is no predictable limit on what the affirmative can do, the negative is excluded from the debate. We become passive observers of their presentation. Our interpretation is the least exclusionary because it provides a place in the debate for negative teams.

      3) Process impact:– this is the only academic forum where we get education based on clash and competition. If we aren’t able to prepare in advance for affirmatives the round becomes a 2 hour conference presentation about whatever books & articles they are reading, This education o/w any content specific education because

             a) you can get content specific education in any other forum

            b) Without critical thinking skills developed through clash and competition we can’t effectively act on content-specific knowledge   

      English et al 7

      Eric English, Stephen Llano, Gordon R. Mitchell, Catherine E. Morrison, John Rief & Carly Woods, all former debate coaches, “Debate as a Weapon of Mass Destruction” http://www.pitt.edu/~gordonm/JPubs/EnglishDAWG.pdf

      It is our position, however,


      s a ‘‘weapon of mass destruction.’’

      c) without clash-based education we are likely to come to the wrong conclusions about the content b/c we don’t see both sides

      4)  Epistemology: All aff claims are uncertain. Unpredictable advocacies are not subject to the type of rigorous scrutiny and testing that is required for a claim to be granted. If their claims are not predictable it means they are not subject to rigorous testing and should not be treated as true. You cannot evaluate the validity of their aff arguments until you conclude that it is topical because unTopical advocacies are not subject to the same amount of scrutiny and testing.  This means the aff can only claim offense from their interpretation, not from the value of the 1AC since the value of the 1AC has not been established through rigorous debate.

      5) Switch-side debating on the topic is uniquely important.  It allows debaters to become better advocates and increases critical thinking

      Dybvig and Iverson 99

      Kristin Chisholm Dybvig, and Joel O. Iverson, Can Cutting Cards Carve into Our Personal Lives: An Analysis of Debate Research on Personal Advocacy, http://www.uvm.edu/~debate/dybvigiverson1000.html

      Not all debate research


      own stance on issues.

      6) This debate is about competing interpretations. They must have a sustainable interpretation of debate that includes their affirmative they should lose. If their interpretation provides no limit on affirmative action, it doesn’t matter if we have good arguments against their aff b/c they can’t provide an interpretation that would allow their aff and protect good, predictable debates in the future.

      Using debate as a site for activism is anti-deliberative—this collapses the potential of debate—don’t endorse gendered language

      Talisse 5—Professor of Philosophy @Vandy

      Robert, Philosophy & Social Criticism, Deliberativist responses to activist challenges, 31(4) p. 429-431

      The activist implicitly


      model of political engagement.

      The deliberative debate model best represents the interests of the marginalized –without the framework of debate, hierarchical dominance and exclusion are more likely

      Tonn 5—Prof of Communication @ Maryland

      Mari Boor, Taking Conversation, Dialogue, and Therapy Public, Rhetoric & Public Affairs 8.3 (2005) 405-430, muse

      This widespread recognition


      lifeblood of democracy itself.

      This rejection of structured clash makes debate into an echo chamber. This impoverishes their project even if it is right

      Talisse 5—Professor of Philosophy @Vandy

      Robert, Philosophy & Social Criticism, Deliberativist responses to activist challenges, 31(4) p. 429-431

      The argument thus far


      denies this, he is unreasonable.

      Policy training is uniquely valuable for social advocacy—their engagement is defensive and doesn’t solve our advantages

      Themba-Nixon 2k—Exec Director of the Praxis Project

      Makani, Colorlines, Changing the Rules: What Public Policy Means for Organizing  Jul 31, 2000. Vol. 3, Iss. 2; pg. 12, proquest

      "This is all about policy," a woman


      be committed to making it so.

      Our interpretation solves – education through participation in policy debates is essential to check manipulation of the government by powerful private interests

      Lutz 2k—Prof of Political Science @ Houston

      Donald S. Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 36-7

      The position argued


      power in the long run.

      Abandoning democratic processes condemns the world to Rwandas and Bosnias—only engaging with the state can progressivism be possible

      Wolin 4—history at City University of New York 

      Richard, The Seduction of Unreason, p. xii-xv

      During the 1980s and 1990s the


      progressive politics altogether.

      The neg will always win that the principles of their advocacy are good in the abstract – we can only debate the merits of their framework if they defend the specific consequences of political implementation

      Ignatieff 4—Prof of Human Rights @ Harvard

      Michael, Lesser Evils p. 20-1

      As for moral perfectionism, this


      lead us to betray another.

      in the classroom does not mean over valuing the value of individual autonomy.  A democratic educational experience requires a balance in which we learn to be responsive to the needs of the individual and to the community.  The debate community is part of the democratic classroom experience.  If individuals are given too much autonomy the community itself collapses.  If there is an authoritarian approach to the community in which one individual dictated everything there would not be enough autonomy

      Collins 04

      Framing the Complexity of a Participatory Democracy in a Public Primary Classroom

      Steve Collins, Ph.D.Faculty AdvisorTeacher Education University of British Columbia The Journal of Research for Educational Leaders Volume 2, Number 2, 2004


      Adaptive systems, such as a


      contributions of individuals.

      Resolutionality is a vital frame which balances the democratic model of our community.  It gives individuals autonomy in how they can advocate the resolution but the resolution itself is the product of a democratic process that every individual can participate in selecting as well.  The democratic classroom must provide limits on autonomy.  The resolution is a frame that balances competing interests.

      Collins 04

      Framing the Complexity of a Participatory Democracy in a Public Primary Classroom

      Steve Collins, Ph.D.Faculty AdvisorTeacher Education University of British Columbia The Journal of Research for Educational Leaders Volume 2, Number 2, 2004


      The use of frames, or


      respecting the public will.

      Exclusion is inevitable and necessary for democratic politics

      Mouffe 99—Prof of Politics and IR @ U of Westminster

      Chantal, Race, Rhetoric, and the postcolonial, p. 171-2

      It's not that I'm opposed to the idea of


      to democratic politics.

      The topic doesn’t try to force a universalized notion of democracy—there are multiple ways to engage the process of democracy education

      Lappin ‘10

      Richard Lappin is a Ph.D. candidate at the Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies at the University of Leuven in Belgium. He researches issues associated with the delivery of democracy assistance to post-conflict countries. “Post-Conflict Democracy Assistance: A State of the Art”. Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies. Vol. 85. 2010. soc.kuleuven.be/web/files/9/51/Vol85.pdf

      From a fundamentally


      elections and democracy.’40

      Failure to debate both sides of an issue is inherently conservative—leads to unreasoned beliefs

      Muir 93—Dept of Comms @ George Mason

      Star, A Defense of the Ethics of Contemporary Debate, Philosophy & Rhetoric, Vol. 26, No. 4 (1993), JSTOR

      The point is simply


      of a reasoned moral conviction.




      Foster ’97 –Dept of Sociology at Oregon

      [John Bellamy, “In Defense of History”, In Defense of History, ed. Foster & Wood]

      The weaknesses of postmodernism-


        relations, but to transcend them.22


      wood 97

      [Ellen, “What is the Postmodern Agenda?”, In Defense of History, ed. Foster and Wood]

      How, then, does this postmodernism


      the diagnosis. It has become the disease. 



      dyer-witherford 99

      [Nick, Prof at U. of Western Ontario, Cyber Marx: Cycles and Circuits of Struggle in High Technology Capitalism ]

      For capitalism, the use of


      has backfired is all too obvious.

      Vote Negative to validate and adopt the method of structural/historical criticism that is the 1NC.



      tumino 2001

      [Stephen, Prof English at Pitt, ““What is Orthodox Marxism and Why it Matters Now More than Ever”, Red Critique, p. online]

      Any effective political theory will


      that masquerades as social theory.

      Their focus on particularity and the fluidity of experience and democracy destroys the ability to have universal identification of capitalism, it reflects the consumerist ideals.

      wood 97

      [Ellen, “What is the Postmodern Agenda?”, In Defense of History, ed. Foster and Wood]

      How, then, does this postmodernism compare to


      longer the diagnosis. It has become the disease.

      Their claims they we should find to speak out, means the debate community will provide those rights as only as a of appeasing those in opposition, must challenge the structure of capitalism first.


      brown 2004

      [Wendy, Prof at Berkeley and genius, South Atlantic Quarterly, “The Post We Can Hope For: Human Rights and the Politics of Fatalism”, Spring/Summer, p. asp]

      Ignatieff ’s second claim about the

      ANDsocial and economic security.



      Meszaros 95

      [Istavan, Prof. Emeritus at Sussex, Beyond Capital: Towards a Theory of Transition] p. 40

      However, historically/epochally defined non-integrability,


      cause for the survival of humanity.



      dyer-witherford 99

      [Nick, Prof at U. of Western Ontario, Cyber Marx: Cycles and Circuits of Struggle in High Technology Capitalism ]

      For capitalism, the use of machines  


      has backfired is all too obvious.



      tumino 2001

      [Stephen, Prof English at Pitt, ““What is Orthodox Marxism and Why it Matters Now More than Ever”, Red Critique, p. online]

      Any effective political theory will have


      that masquerades as social theory.

      Their Gibson Graham ev is wrong – capitalism is a integrated system of knowledge that organizes our economies and social life. We must orient our struggle against in labor and surplus value – that’s our Tumino evidence

      Their understanding of capitalism is flawed and destroys resistance.


      Epstein `98

      [Barbara, dept History of Consciousness, UC Santa Cruz, NEW POLITICS Winter, http://www.wpunj.edu/newpol/issue24/epstei24.htm]

      "The question becomes," she writes, "what to


      reality more intelligible.

  • Round Reports

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Neg: Kansas PW
      Round 7  Tournament:
      Vs Team: WGA
      Judge: Antonnucci



      Off Case Args: T, Cap K



      Case Args: Robinson card



      Block Strategy: T, Cap k



      2nr Strategy: T


      Neg: Kansas PQ
      Round # 3 Tournament: Wake
      Vs Team:  Loyola Em           
      Judge: Sarah Spring



      Off Case Args:



      Case Args:



      Block Strategy:





      2nr Strategy:


      Wake Round 1:

      Off:  T--Democracy assist= purpose of democracy, Amazon Aid Tradeoff DA, East Asia Focus DA, CP to give aid to everyone (terror label net ben), CP to engage terrorists and end WOT, Subject/Object K


      Subject Object K

      Both CPs


      Amazon DA



      CP (engage terrorists), Subject Object K

      Round 6:

      1NC:  T--have to be Governing and Justly T, Politics (Shutdown), CP: recognize SNC, pressure SNC to be more inclusive (full text in round 6 cites), EU CP, Russia DA on case, Kiss of Death, case defense

      2NC: Pressure SNC CP, Case

      1NR:  Govt Shutdown

      2NR: Pressure SNC, Politics

  • Wake Round 1

    • Tournament: Wake | Round: 1 | Opponent: Oklahoma MT | Judge: Eric Robinson

    • Interpretation-Democracy assistance means the primary purpose must be to foster democracy- the alternative is unlimiting

      Carothers 2k--Carnegie Endowment Democracy and Rule of Law Project director

      Thomas, “Taking Stock of US Democracy Assistance,” in American Democracy Promotion, ed. by Michael Cox, 2000, accessed 8-30-11, pg188

      The term 'democracy assistance' is sometimes...economic and social aid programmes. 

      For has a limited and specific meaning in the context of the resolution – it means the assistance is to be to the country.

      Richardson ‘94

      Eli J. Richardson, Associate, Rogers & Hardin, Atlanta, Georgia; J.D., 1992, Vanderbilt University. “Eliminating Double-Talk from the Law of Double Jeapordy”. Florida State University Law Review. Summer, 1994. Lexis.

      In certain other contexts, "for"...or relating to Mother

      Asia DA

      This month Obama is focusing on Asia and his focus is key to sending a signal of commitment to Asia

      Bohan & Eckert 11/1

      and journalist for Reuters

      President Barack Obama, whose foreign policy...beginning its withdrawal from Afghanistan

      Increased focus on the Middle East this month will gut effectiveness in Asia

      Colby 8/10

      Elbridge Colby is a research analyst at the Center for Naval Analyses and a consultant to a number of government and military components Why US Needs its Liberal Empire

      This is very much to the good. At times over the...is too important to be so wasted.


      In November the U.S. must focus on Asia to prevent war in the South China Sea

      Koike 11/1

      Yuriko Koike is Japan’s former minister of defense and national security adviser

      Obama and Asia’s two futures   http://www.bworldonline.com/content.php?section=Opinion&title=Obama-and-Asia%E2%80%99s-two-futures&id=40887

      Despite the relentless shift of global economic... reduction in overall US defense spending that lies ahead. 

      Asian instability escalates to global nuclear war

      Landay ‘2K

      (Jonathan S., National Security and Intelligence Correspondent. “Top administration officials warn stakes for U.S. are high in Asian conflicts”, 3-10, Knight Ridder/Tribune News) Accessed on LexisNexis 12-29-09

      Few if any experts think China and Taiwan...according to the Commerce Department


      Latin America is USAID’s priority now- BUT new programs tradeoff

      Shah and Menendez, USAID administrator and US Senator (D-NJ), 11
       (Rajiv, USAID administrator, and Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ), "International Development Policy Priorities in the FY2012 Budget," Federal News Service, 4-13-2011, l/n, accessed 8-31-11)

      So explain to me in our own front yard why ...That is not acceptable.

      USAID cuts in Latin America devastate the ABCI- key to protect the Amazon

      Patlis, WWF US Government relations managing director, 7

      (Jason, World Wildlife Fund, CQ Congressional Testimony, " Fiscal 2008 Appropriations: State, Foreign Operations & Other Programs," 3-29-7, l/n, accessed 9-8-11)

      Amazon Basin Conservation Initiative ...biodiversity in the Amazon watershed.

      Sohn, staff writer, 99

      (Pam, "Eight Days in Brazil," Chatanooga Times Free Press (Tennessee), 4-11-1999, l/n, accessed 9-10-11, mss)

      Inside Brazil's rainforest, the Amazon...is life on a grand scale.


      Text: The United States federal government should increase political party assistance for all groups in Egypt.

      CP 2

      Text: The United States federal government should end the war on terror. The United States federal government should engage in dialogue with “terrorists” in Egypt. The United States should withdraw all political and military support to the countries and groups of the Middle East and North Africa.

      Perm do the CP is not an option – dialogue and assistance are distinct.

      Stahn & Ullen ‘7

      Andreas Stahn and Vera van Hüllen Free University Berlin Paper prepared for the European Union Studies Association (EUSA) Tenth Biennial International Conference, May 17-19, 2007 Different actors, different tools? Approaching EU and US democracy promotion in the Mediterranean and the Newly Independent States http://aei.pitt.edu/7911/1/hullen-v-03e.pdf

      In our view, the crucial step is, however, to...of the tools (see Table 1).


      OBJECT K

      Participatory democracy assistance masks institutional oppression

      Kapoor 11

      Rout ledge book description for Ilan Kapoor Professor of Environmental Affairs at York The Postcolonial Politics of Development  

      This book uses a postcolonial lens to question... to greater democratic dialogue. 

      The object K turns the entire case—Derrida rejects their objectification of the other

      Gunderson 10

      Gunderson, Kory Marika – Montana State University Re-constructing dialogue: literary sensibility and non-violent subjectivity http://biblioteca.universia.net/html_bura/ficha/params/title/re-constructing-dialogue-literary-sensibility-and-non-violent-subjectivity/id/49780641.html

       I define my understanding of the literary...no agency to define terms (or itself).


      Derridian openness to the other requires listening to the other, not objectifying the other by deciding in advance the appropriate form their hospitality must take

      Trifonas 01

      Peter Trifonas  Derrida & Education google book  p. 109

       By Gert Biesta, Denise Egéa-Kuehne

      Respect of the other is an essential component...itself to freedom" (Derrida 1978: 138).

      The plans specification of a particular form of democracy assistance in advance is the antithesis of Derridean democracy to come—only our alternative can access true democracy to come

      Fritsch 02

      Matthias Fritsch This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: M. Fritsch, “Derrida’s Democracy To Come” Constellations: An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory 9:4

      (December 2002), 574-597,

      For purposes of clarification, this deconstructive...to the otherness of the other.13

      The affirmative creation of the condition that one be identified as “the terrorist” to qualify for access to their democracy assistance does violence to the other and turns the case

      Fritsch 02

      Matthias Fritsch This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: M. Fritsch, “Derrida’s Democracy To Come” Constellations: An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory 9:4

      (December 2002), 574-597,

      Following Levinas’s notion of the other...kind of violence on the other.

  • Wake Round 6

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • A.             Interpretation: To be topical the plan’s funding must come from the Governing Justly and Democratically budget category

      Trister, 11 (Sarah, Fellow at Freedom House.org, http://www.freedomhouse.org/uploads/special_report/100.pdfInvesting in Freedom:

      Analyzing the FY 2012 International Affairs Budget Request, May 2011//PS)


      The Foreign Assistance funding  AND only $3.15 billion being requested.

      Text: The Executive branch of the United States federal government should recognize the Syrian National Council as the legitimate leadership of the opposition to Bashar Al-Assad. The Executive branch of the United States federal government should press the Syrian National Council to pledge to protect all minorities in a post-Assad Syria, including a pledge that there will be no wholesale purges of Alawite officers. The Executive branch of the United States federal government should pressure of the government of Turkey to pass sanctions against the government of Bashar Al-Assad.

      CP solves the aff.

      Shaik 10/12

      Salman Shaikh is director of the Brookings Doha Center and a fellow at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution. “Preventing a Syrian Civil War”. October 12, 2011. The New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/13/opinion/preventing-a-syrian-civil-war.html

      Washington has instead continued to....Syria will descend into chaos.

      2NC Cards

      The U.S. should pressure the SNC to include Alawites and make pledges for protection for minorities post-Assad.

      Abrams 10/24               

      Elliott Abrams, Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies. Council on Foreign Relations. “American Options in Syria”. October 2011. http://www.cfr.org/syria/american-options-syria/p26226

      The regime's support rests


      will do inside Syria.

      The U.S. should pressure Alawite generals to abandon Assad and have the SNC indicate their will be no wholesale purges of the Alawite officers.

      Abrams 10/24

      Elliott Abrams, Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies. Council on Foreign Relations. “American Options in Syria”. October 24, 2011. http://www.cfr.org/syria/american-options-syria/p26226

      As for the military and police, Western and


      killing peaceful demonstrators.

      Pressuring the Alawite generals is critical to get them to abandon the regime.

      Abrams 8/2

      Elliott Abrams, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, handled Middle East affairs at the National Security Council from 2001 to 2009. “Preventing Civil War in Syria”. August 2, 2011. The Wall Street Journal. http://www.cfr.org/syria/preventing-civil-war-syria/p25576

      American leadership can help


      convinced Assad is finished.

      The U.S. should pressure Turkey to pass serious sanctions and the Gulf states to end all investment – gets the business community to turn on the regime.

      Abrams 10/24

      Elliott Abrams, Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies. Council on Foreign Relations. “American Options in Syria”. October 24, 2011. http://www.cfr.org/syria/american-options-syria/p26226

      A second step should be


      banks to avoid Damascus.

      The European Union should provide political training and financial and communications support to democratic groups in Syria.

      Syrian opposition want EU support

      Rising 10/10

      Malin, AP, “EU Backs Syrian Opposition, Ponders New Sanctions”, http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/eu-backs-syrian-opposition-ponders-sanctions-14705560

      The European Union is reaching out....examine the situation there.


      Government shut down will be avoided now

      Reilly 11-11-11

      Congress could approve FY12 funds for several agencies by next week Sean Reilly reporter for Federal Times http://www.federaltimes.com/article/20111111/CONGRESS03/111110303/

      The continuing resolution that ...a watchdog organization.

      They will be bipartisan now but a new wave of partisanship would cause a shutdown

      RT News 11-4-11

      Should Congress fail to come ...sector in the following year

      The plan generates a massive controversy


      Richter, LAT, ‘11

      (Correspondent, LA Times. “Debt worries stymieing U.S. financial aid to help Arab nations in transition,” http://articles.latimes.com/print/2011/apr/12/world/la-fg-mideast-aid-20110413, accessed 9-28-11, CMM)

      Reporting from Washington — The Obama administration's...blocked at almost every turn. 

      Impact-- Shutdown would crush the U.S. economy

      Alden 11

      William Alden is a business reporter for The Huffington Post. He has also written for the New York Observer and the New York Press and is a graduate of Yale University,    Prolonged Government Shutdown Could Wither Confidence And Even Trigger Recession,  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/03/29/government-shutdown-economy_n_842262.html

      An extended federal government....economist of Moody's Analytics. 

      Economic collapse causes global nuclear war

      Mead 9—Senior Fellow in US Foreign Policy Studies @ Council on Foreign Relations

      Walter Russell, Only Makes You Stronger, The New Republic, 2-4-09, http://www.tnr.com/politics/story.html?id=571cbbb9-2887-4d81-8542-92e83915f5f8&p=1

      The greatest danger both to U.S.-China relations and... may still have to fight. 

      U.S.-Russia cooperation is on the brink – new action to overthrow Assad will collapse the reset.

      Meyer 10/5

      Henry Meyer. “Russia to Resist Western-Led Regime Change After Syria Veto”. Bloomberg. October 5, 2011. http://www.businessweek.com/news/2011-10-05/russia-to-resist-western-led-regime-change-after-syria-veto.html

      Russia, which blocked a United Nations resolution...Foundation, a Washington think-tank

      US-Russian cooperation is key to prevent nuclear war, nuclear terrorism, and to preserve US power projection globally

      Cohen ’11

      Stephen Cohen, Ph.D., professor of Russian studies at New York University and Professor of Politics Emeritus at Princeton University. “Obama's Russia 'Reset': Another Lost Opportunity?” http://www.thenation.com/article/161063/obamas-russia-reset-another-lost-opportunity?page=full

      An enduring existential reality....for better or worse.  

  • USC R2 - Neg vs. Harvard KT

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1NC - CP

      Text: The Executive branch of the United States federal government should recognize the Syrian National Council as the legitimate leadership of the opposition to Bashar Al-Assad. The Executive branch of the United States federal government should press the Syrian National Council to pledge to protect all minorities in a post-Assad Syria, including a pledge that there will be no wholesale purges of Alawite officers. The Executive branch of the United States federal government should pressure of the government of Turkey to pass sanctions against the government of Bashar Al-Assad.

      CP solves the aff.

      Shaik 10/12

      Salman Shaikh is director of the Brookings Doha Center and a fellow at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution. “Preventing a Syrian Civil War”. October 12, 2011. The New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/13/opinion/preventing-a-syrian-civil-war.html

      Washington has instead . . . Syria will descend into chaos.


      1NC - EU

      The European Union should provide civil resistance assistance for Syria.

      Syrian opposition want EU support

      Rising 10/10

      Malin, AP, “EU Backs Syrian



      The European Union is reaching out to the


      the Arab state to examine the situation there.


      PTC 1NC

      Will pass but will be a fight

      Lee 12/31

      Carol, staff writer, White House Looks to Shrunken 2012 Legislative Agenda, http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204720204577131543017594740.html

      The president's aides are . . . champion of the middle class.


      The plan generates a massive controversy

      Richter, LAT, ‘11

      (Correspondent, LA Times. “Debt worries stymieing U.S. financial aid to help Arab nations in transition,” http://articles.latimes.com/print/2011/apr/12/world/la-fg-mideast-aid-20110413, accessed 9-28-11, CMM)

      Reporting from Washington . . .at almost every turn.


      Political capital is key

      Philadelphia Inquirer, 9/8

      POINT: Don't expect miracles on job growth



      President Obama goes into Thursday's big speech on


      made a major effort to privatize Social Security.


      Failure to pass leads to a double-dip recession—makes us vulnerable to future shocks

      CNN Money 12/20

      Economists: Payroll tax deadlock could hobble economy http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/breaking/chi-economists-payroll-tax-deadlock-could-hobble-economy-20111220,0,7377025.story

      If Congress fails to . . .economist with BMO Capital Markets.


      Economic collapse causes global nuclear war

      Mead 9—Senior Fellow in US Foreign Policy Studies @ Council on Foreign Relations

      Walter Russell, Only Makes You Stronger,



      The greatest danger both to U.S


      Iranian influence and increase the dependence of the oil

      sheikdoms on U.S. protection.


      track, we may still have to fight.


      No new aid - Overall budget has been decreasing—their evidence is talking about budget reallocations—less money for non war effort

      Peterson 12/20--Program and Research Intern with the SISGI Group focused on theories of development, globalization, and political ramifications of development work

      Katherine, Looking Forward to Next Year’s Foreign Aid Budget http://notenoughgood.com/category/band-aid/

      On Friday of last week, . . . will be undertaking as well.


      1NC Russia DA

      U.S.-Russia cooperation is on the brink – new action to overthrow Assad will collapse the reset.

      Meyer 10/5

      Henry Meyer. “Russia to Resist Western



      Russia, which blocked a United Nations resolution


      Heritage Foundation, a Washington think-tank.


      US-Russian cooperation is key to prevent nuclear war, nuclear terrorism, and to preserve US power projection globally

      Cohen ’11

      Stephen Cohen, Ph.D., professor of Russian studies at New York University and Professor of Politics Emeritus at Princeton University. “Obama's Russia 'Reset': Another Lost Opportunity?” http://www.thenation.com/article/161063/obamas-russia-reset-another-lost-opportunity?page=full

      An enduring existential reality . . .role, for better or worse.


      Cred Adv

      The U.S. cannot win the Arab public – opinion shifts quickly and support for Israel will outweigh

      Gause 12/21

      F. Gregory Gause III is professor of



      Not only should the United States not make


      unlikely to win many converts on the street.


      Alt causes will overwhelm any benefits from the aff.

      Burnell ‘11

      Peter Burnell, University of Warwick. “Lessons of Experience in International Democracy Support: Implications for Supporting Democratic Change in North Africa”. Working Paper No. 2011/84. United Nations University. December 2011. http://ideas.repec.org/p/unu/wpaper/wp2011-84.html

      No assessment should ignore . . . determinant (see Walt and Mearscheimer 2007).


      The collapse of Assad would not damage Tehran’s regional influence.

      - the Arab Spring has been a boon to Iran’s strategic position

      - Egypt is increasing ties and has opened the Suez Canal to Iranian military vessels

      - Iraq is increasing strategic cooperation

      - Saudi Arabia is becoming more overtly counter-revolutionary

      - Iran will be able to deal with the post-Assad government

      Leverett and Leverett 9/1 – Professors of International Affairs and Iran specialists

      Flynt Leverett teaches international affairs at Penn State



      One should also question the facile assumption of


      regional balance and come to terms with it.


      No evidence that credibility is key to influence others—prefer our ev because its based on psychological studies and not economic based models

      Fettweis 7—Professor of Political Science @ Tulane

      Christopher J., Credibility and the War on Terror Political Science Quarterly. New York: Winter 2007/2008. Vol. 122, Iss. 4; pg. 607, 27 pgs

      Since Vietnam, scholars have  . . . it almost inevitably failed.40


      Iran will not act aggressively or initiate military conflict against external challengers and multiple factors constrain its regional influence

      -          Iran understands its weakness and has shown the Shi'ite principles of caution and passivity

      -          Unwilling to take military action against external challenges, it’s a paper tiger

      -          Can only threaten terrorism and has no followed through

      -          Weakening of Iran-Syria axis and rift between Khamenei and Ahmadinejad constrain influence

      Savyon ’11 – director of the Iranian Media Project @ Middle East Media Research Institute

      A, Savyon, director of the Iranian



      Despite its image as a looming superpower,


      left the Iranian regime in clearly reduced circumstances.


      Regional power dynamics will prevent Iran regional hegemony.

      Gause 12/21

      F. Gregory Gause III is professor of political science at the University of Vermont. “Don't Just Do Something, Stand There!”. December 21, 2011. Foreign Policy. http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/12/21/america_arab_spring_do_nothing?page=0,0

      If we back away from . . . a position of regional hegemony.



      Plan can’t solve the sectarian killings already happening throughout Syria.

      Kechichian 11/9

      Joseph A. Kechichian, a commentator and



      At this moment in time, no one


      Sunnis and Alawites for example, are not isolated


      Doesn’t cause sectarian conflict in Iraq.

      Al-Tamimi 10/7

      Aymenn Jawad al-Tamimi is a student at Brasenose College, Oxford University, and an intern at the Middle East Forum. “No, Syria won't plunge Iraq into war”. The Daily Star. October 7, 2011. Middle East Forum. http://www.meforum.org/3064/syria-iraq-war

      The Iraqi government recently . . . leading the country's political process.


      Assad will not use or transfer chemical weapons due to opposition.

      Spector ‘11

      Leonard Spector is executive director of the James



      Syria is one of a handful of states


      capabilities to the Lebanon-based Shiite organization.


      No escalation from ISreal

      Lappin 9/27/11

      “Arab Spring—or Islamist Winter?” Lappin is a journalist for the Jerusalem Post, where he covers police and national security affairs, and a Visiting Fellow at , from where this article is adapted.

      A third view also exists . . . would certainly create instability.“


      Middle East conflicts won’t escalate- tons of other civil wars disprove

      Yglesias ‘7

      Matthew Yglesias, a Fellow at the Center



      Kevin Drum tries to on


      half-century led to a regional conflagration."


      Dozens regional conflicts disprove escalation.

      Drum ‘7

      Kevin Drum, political bloger. September 9, 2007. “The Choas Hawk...”. The Washington Monthly’s Political Animal Blog. http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/archives/individual/2007_09/012029.php

      Having admitted, however, that . . . decade. No regional conflagration.


      Superpowers won’t go to war over the Middle East.

      Gelb ’10 – President Emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations

      Leslie, President Emeritus of the Council on


      1979, November/December Foreign Affairs, Proquest

      Also reducing the likelihood of conflict today is


      they rarely oppose one another in explosive situations.


      No Civil war.

      Abdul-Hussain ‘11

      Hussain Abdul-Hussain, Washington Bureau Chief, Alrai Newspaper. “There Will Be No Civil War in Syria”. September 8, 2011. The Huffington Post. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/hussain-abdulhussain/there-will-be-no-civil-wa_b_952370.html

      Despite all the doom . . .gives Assad the advantage.


      No superpower escalation

      Dyer ‘2 – PhD in Military and Middle Eastern History

      Gwynne Dyer, Ph.D. in


      2002): 489(16). Academic OneFile.

      All of this indicates an extremely dangerous situation


      is: we are out of the business.




      Democracy assistance is ineffective to cause a transition.

      Burnell ‘11

      Peter Burnell, University of Warwick. “Lessons of Experience in International Democracy Support: Implications for Supporting Democratic Change in North Africa”. Working Paper No. 2011/84. United Nations University. December 2011. http://ideas.repec.org/p/unu/wpaper/wp2011-84.html

      Also Levitsky and Way’s . . . in the supply-side countries.


      No way to solve, U.S. cannot do anything else, and Assad and the security forces will continue to fight.

      Walt 11/10

      Stephen M. Walt is the Robert and



      One can only look on the continuing violence


      must either hang together (or hang separately).


      The Istanbul conference proves the opposition will reject U.S. led efforts to unite the opposition.

      Seelye 9/1

      Kate Seelye is vice president of the Middle East Institute and a former NPR correspondent based in the Middle East. “Why Can't the Syrian Opposition Get Along?”. September 1, 2011. http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/09/01/why_cant_the_syrian_opposition_get_along

      Others said it was an . . . any support it might offer.


      No amount of external assistance can unite the opposition.

      Saab 8/23

      Bilal Y. Saab is a visiting fellow



      Yet whatever the international community devises, the


      fulfilling their dream of toppling the Assad regime.


      Civil war in Syria is unlikely.

      Abdul-Hussain 9/8

      Hussain Abdul-Hussain, Washington Bureau Chief, Alrai Newspaper. “There Will Be No Civil War in Syria”. September 8, 2011. The Huffington Post. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/hussain-abdulhussain/there-will-be-no-civil-wa_b_952370.html

      Civil wars don't just happen . . . fear from Assad's repression.


      There is nothing the U.S. policy can do to solve civil war and violence.

      Smith ‘11

      Lee Smith, Senior Editor for the Weekly



      What’s peculiar about the administration’s deliberations on Syria


      or many hundreds of years of sectarian enmity.



  • Governance Not T Cites

    • Tournament: USC | Round: 4 | Opponent: Gonzaga | Judge: Peterson

    • 1NC T – Governance

      Democracy assistance is only transfer of funds, expertise and material related to institutions already working towards democracy- the aff is capacity building.

      Lappin ‘10

      Richard Lappin, a PhD candidate at the Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies at the University of Leuven in Belgium, He has participated in over a dozen democracy assistance missions with the UN, EU, OSCE and Carter Center, visiting Scholar  at the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Belgrade under the JoinEU-SEE programme. “What We Talk About When We Talk About Democracy Assistance: The Problem of Definition in Post-Conflict Approaches to Democratisation”. Central European Journal of International and Security Studies. Vol.4, No.1, May (2010). http://www.cejiss.org/sites/default/files/8.pdf

      Democracy assistance can be most


      civil society groups, media groups and political parties.

      Governance is distinct from democracy assistance.

      Burnell ‘2k

      Peter J. Burnell, Professor of Politics and International Studies @ the University of Warwick, an invited member of the founding Executive Committee of the journal Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft and on the editorial boards of Democratization and Government and Opposition. “Democracy Assistance: The State of the Discourse” in Democracy assistance: international co-operation for democratization. 2000. p. 18-19

      In principle democracy assistance can be


      Development Assistance Committee's terms.

      Governance goes beyond democracy assistance – allows for affs about effective service delivery.

      Menocal et al. ‘7

      Alina Rocha Menocal (ODI), Verena Fritz (ODI), and Lise Rakner (CMI). “Assessing International Democracy Assistance and Lessons Learned: How Can Donors Better Support Democratic Processes?”. Background note (4) prepared for the Wilton Park Conference on Democracy and Development, 23-25 October 2007. www.odi.org.uk/resources/download/1344.pdf

      As outlined above, democracy promotion


      processes is at best problematic.11

      Democracy assistance is distinct from governance assistance.

      Burnell ‘11

      Peter Burnell, University of Warwick. “Lessons of Experience in International Democracy Support: Implications for Supporting Democratic Change in North Africa”. Working Paper No. 2011/84. United Nations University. December 2011. http://ideas.repec.org/p/unu/wpaper/wp2011-84.html

      Contemporary discourse is characterized

       development assistance and debt relief.

      Governance assistance is distinct.

      Burnell 2k

      Peter Burnell, Professor of Politics in the Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Warwick, UK.. He is founding editor of the journal Democratization. Democracy Assistance: International Co-operation for Democratization. P.17-8. Google Books.

      That said, democracy intervention is far


      assistancewill be additional.

      Even if there is some overlap – precise definitions explicitly separate them.

      Phillips and Mitchell ‘8

      David L. Phillips is a project director of the National Committee on American Foreign Policy and currently a visiting scholar at Columbia University’s Center for the Study of Human Rights, and Lincoln A. Mitchell is the Arnold A. Saltzman Assistant Professor in the Practice of International Politics at Columbia University’s School of International and Political Affairs. “Enhancing Democracy Assistance”. January 2008. www.acus.org/files/.../Enhancing%20Democracy%20Assistance.pdf

      While governance and democracy


      contestation, and accountability.


      Their interp blurs the line between democracy assistance and development assistance– leads to affs that build schools and alleviate poverty and other social and economic development programs and changes the focus of the topic to state-building not democracy.

      Lappin ‘10

      Richard Lappin, a PhD candidate at the Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies at the University of Leuven in Belgium, He has participated in over a dozen democracy assistance missions with the UN, EU, OSCE and Carter Center, visiting Scholar  at the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Belgrade under the JoinEU-SEE programme. “What We Talk About When We Talk About Democracy Assistance: The Problem of Definition in Post-Conflict Approaches to Democratisation”. Central European Journal of International and Security Studies. Vol.4, No.1, May (2010). http://www.cejiss.org/sites/default/files/8.pdf

      Furthermore, as democracy has become


      post-conflict democracy assistance can be drawn.

      That opens pandora’s box – makes the topic virtually limitless.

      Newman ‘1

      Edward Newman Peace and Governance Programme United Nations University. The Ethnic Conflict Research Digest Volume 4, Number 2;

      The volume by Cox, Ikenberry and Inoguchi is fairly theoretical, and


      the different types of assistance?

      And, it makes the term politically useless – precision is key.

      Lappin ‘10

      Richard Lappin, a PhD candidate at the Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies at the University of Leuven in Belgium, He has participated in over a dozen democracy assistance missions with the UN, EU, OSCE and Carter Center, visiting Scholar  at the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Belgrade under the JoinEU-SEE programme. “What We Talk About When We Talk About Democracy Assistance: The Problem of Definition in Post-Conflict Approaches to Democratisation”. Central European Journal of International and Security Studies. Vol.4, No.1, May (2010). http://www.cejiss.org/sites/default/files/8.pdf

      By the end of the 1990s, the term


      of post-conflict democracy assistance can be drawn.

      It is impossible to distinguish governance assistance from broader foreign aid programs – supporting local governance capacity invariably includes provision of social services and planning budgets.

      Carothers ‘10

      Thomas Carothers vice president for studies at Carnegie, a visiting faculty member at Oxford University, Central European University, and the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, AB from Harvard, M.SC London School of Economics and JD Harvard, and has written extensively on democratic issues. “Democracy Aid Enters the Socioeconomic Domain”. Presented at the Democracy and Development Workshop. March 24, 2010. www.sais-jhu.edu/centers/schwartzforum/pdf/carotherspaper.pdf

      As democracy and governance


      assistance began to blur.


      B. Ground

      There are zero DAs to making local governments filing papers and planning budgets more effectively – all the best DAs and solvency debates on this topic have to do with changing the country’s ruling structure.

      C. They make the topic bidirectional

      Lead to assistance to strengthen the institutions of nondemocratic countries.

      Carothers ‘99

      Thomas Carothers, vice president for studies at Carnegie, a visiting faculty member at Oxford University, Central European University, and the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, AB from Harvard, M.SC London School of Economics and JD Harvard, and has written extensively on democratic issues . Aiding democracy abroad: the learning curve. 1999. p21

      Although U.S. officials began to


      programs had helped strengthen in many countries.

      And, they allow affs with the opposite intent of democratization.

      Menocal et al. ‘7

      Alina Rocha Menocal (ODI), Verena Fritz (ODI), and Lise Rakner (CMI). “Assessing International Democracy Assistance and Lessons Learned: How Can Donors Better Support Democratic Processes?”. Background note (4) prepared for the Wilton Park Conference on Democracy and Development, 23-25 October 2007. www.odi.org.uk/resources/download/1344.pdf

      The relationship between


      in a mutually reinforcing manner.12

  • 1NC Pitt Rd 2 vs Emporia WW

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1NC 1

      Our interpretation—the affirmative should have to defend that action by the United States federal government is normatively desirable.

      Resolved means to enact by law

      Words and Phrases 64 

      Permanent Edition

      The United States federal government refers to the actual government

      Black’s Law Dictionary 90

      6th Ed., p. 695


      Should means the aff has to defend the USfg is obliged to act

      AskDefine.com ‘11

      AskDefine, Online dictionary, should.askdefine.com


      Democracy assistance is non-profit transfer of funds, expertise, and material to foster democratic groups, initiatives, and institutions – done by the USAID and are implemented by IGOS, NGOS, and bilateral agreements.

      Lappin ‘10

      Richard Lappin, a PhD candidate at the Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies at the University of Leuven in Belgium, He has participated in over a dozen democracy assistance missions with the UN, EU, OSCE and Carter Center, visiting Scholar  at the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Belgrade under the JoinEU-SEE programme. “What We Talk About When We Talk About Democracy Assistance: The Problem of Definition in Post-Conflict Approaches to Democratisation”. Central European Journal of International and Security Studies. Vol.4, No.1, May (2010). http://www.cejiss.org/sites/default/files/8.pdf

      For has a limited and specific meaning in the context of the resolution – it means the assistance is to be to the country.

      Richardson ‘94

      Eli J. Richardson, Associate, Rogers & Hardin, Atlanta, Georgia; J.D., 1992, Vanderbilt University. “Eliminating Double-Talk from the Law of Double Jeapordy”. Florida State University Law Review. Summer, 1994. Lexis.


      B) Violation—the aff does not defend the United States federal government action, the importance of increasing

      C) Vote Negative—

      1) Without Limits debate becomes impossible—T is a jurisdictional voting issue

      Shively 2k—Professor of Political Science, Texas A & M

      Ruth, Political Theory and Partisan Politics, p. 181-2


      2) Role of the negative: Our interpretation has a clear vision for the function of the negative team. We must disprove the desirability of their advocacy. If there is no predictable limit on what the affirmative can do, the negative is excluded from the debate. We become passive observers of their presentation. Our interpretation is the least exclusionary because it provides a place in the debate for negative teams.

      3) Process impact:– this is the only academic forum where we get education based on clash and competition. If we aren’t able to prepare in advance for affirmatives the round becomes a 2 hour conference presentation about whatever books & articles they are reading, This education o/w any content specific education because

       a) you can get content specific education in any other forum

      b) Without critical thinking skills developed through clash and competition we can’t effectively act on content-specific knowledge  
      English et al 7

      Eric English, Stephen Llano, Gordon R. Mitchell, Catherine E. Morrison, John Rief & Carly Woods, all former debate coaches, “Debate as a Weapon of Mass Destruction” http://www.pitt.edu/~gordonm/JPubs/EnglishDAWG.pdf


      c) without clash-based education we are likely to come to the wrong conclusions about the content b/c we don’t see both sides

      4)  Epistemology: All aff claims are uncertain. Unpredictable advocacies are not subject to the type of rigorous scrutiny and testing that is required for a claim to be granted. If their claims are not predictable it means they are not subject to rigorous testing and should not be treated as true. You cannot evaluate the validity of their aff arguments until you conclude that it is topical because unTopical advocacies are not subject to the same amount of scrutiny and testing.  This means the aff can only claim offense from their interpretation, not from the value of the 1AC since the value of the 1AC has not been established through rigorous debate.


      5) Switch-side debating on the topic is uniquely important.  It allows debaters to become better advocates and increases critical thinking

      Dybvig and Iverson 99

      Kristin Chisholm Dybvig, and Joel O. Iverson, Can Cutting Cards Carve into Our Personal Lives: An Analysis of Debate Research on Personal Advocacy, http://www.uvm.edu/~debate/dybvigiverson1000.html

      6) This debate is about competing interpretations. They must have a sustainable interpretation of debate that includes their affirmative they should lose. If their interpretation provides no limit on affirmative action, it doesn’t matter if we have good arguments against their aff b/c they can’t provide an interpretation that would allow their aff and protect good, predictable debates in the future.

      Focus on Government is key to the democratic classroom

      Knight 99

      Tony Knight - Professor of Education at La Trobe University, Bundoora, Australia Inclusive Education and Educational Theory: Inclusive for What? Paper presented at the British Educational Research Association Conference, University of Sussex, at Brighton, 2-5 September, 1999. http://www.leeds.ac.uk/educol/documents/000001106.htm

      1NC 2

      Opening the classroom mystifies its foundations- capitalist globalization controls educational institutions and uses openness as a means of expanding its market reach, using cultural theory and participation to incorporate people into a system of economic violence

      Mocombe 2004

      Paul C. Mocombe. “Where Did Freire Go Wrong? Pedagogy in Globalization: The Grenadian Example”. Florida Atlantic University. http://www.net4dem.org/mayglobal/Events/Conference%202004/papers/PaulMocombe.pdf.

      (Post) Modern Pedagogy


      gimenez 2001

      [Martha, Prof. Of Sociology at CU Boulder, “Marxism and Class, Gender and Race”, Race Gender and Class, Vol. 8, p. online]


      Vote Negative to validate and adopt the method of structural/historical criticism that is the 1NC.


      Tumino ‘1

      [Stephen, Prof English at Pitt, ““What is Orthodox Marxism and Why it Matters Now More than Ever”, Red Critique, p. online]


  • 1NR Pitt Rd 2 vs Emporia WW

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • They shouldn’t get a perm – the entirety of the 1ac says we should have an alternative methodology – which means you should just evaluate the methodology of the aff versus of the methodology of the alt – not some combination of the 2.

      If we win any of our link arguments the perm fails.

      We have a couple of link arguments –

      1) is their focus on the classroom.

      Opening the classroom to discursive practices of student experiences to challenge the notion of democracy fails and only serves to further capitalism. It gets turned into a site to find new consumer representatives – that’s Mocombe ‘4

      2) Their reduction of social experiences of race and sex to a neutral level with class – which destroys the emancipatory potential of labor struggle to be quantitatively more important.


      Young ‘6

      [Robert, Prof Critical Studies at Oxford, “Putting Materialism Back into Race Theory”, Red Critique, Spring 2006, p. online]


      We have uniqueness- discussions of class are marginalized within existing society- focusing on race and gender is used as a shield to deflect discussion of class violence

      Hooks 2K

      (Bell, Author. Routledge “Where We Stand: Class Matters.”)



      They erase non-color coded racism which is used by capital to create new forms of social division

      Cole 9

      Mike Cole, Bishop Grosseteste University College Lincoln, United Kingdom, Power and Education, Volume 1 Number 1 2009

      and , , The Color-Line and the Class Struggle: a Marxist response to critical race theory in education as it arrives in the United Kingdom[1]


      2NC AT: Exclude Identity/Alt Solves

      Our argument is not that cap explains all oppression, but rather capitalism creates an equality among workers and the conditions they face, workers must have some form of equivalent value. Means focusing on labor is the only way to make an effective movement. Focusing on labor allows individuals

      Only the alternative’s focus on the primacy class can solve – it is the key revolutionary agent – also answers their erases identity arguments.

      Meyerson 2k

      Gregory Meyerson, teaches critical theory, American and African American literature, as well as composition at North Carolina A & T University and co-editor of the Marxist online journal, Cultural Logic, and has published numerous essays on Marxism, critical race theory, post-structuralism and American literature. “Rethinking Black Marxism: Reflections on Cedric Robinson and Others”. Cultural Logic, Volume 3, Number 2, Spring, 2000. http://clogic.eserver.org/3-1&2/meyerson.html

      And, cap may not explain all impacts, but it solves the impact scenarios outlined in the 1AC.

      Such as, Missouri de-emphasized public school in favor of private school – only structuring taxes that fund public schools based on their localities, making richer neighborhoods have better schools, etc.

  • Neg v mo state pitt rr

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1NC



      Consult Congress



      1NC T – Governance

      Democracy assistance is only transfer of funds, expertise and material related to institutions already working towards democracy- the aff is capacity building.

      Lappin ‘10

      Richard Lappin, a PhD candidate at the Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies at the University of Leuven in Belgium, He has participated in over a dozen democracy assistance missions with the UN, EU, OSCE and Carter Center, visiting Scholar  at the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Belgrade under the JoinEU-SEE programme. “What We Talk About When We Talk About Democracy Assistance: The Problem of Definition in Post-Conflict Approaches to Democratisation”. Central European Journal of International and Security Studies. Vol.4, No.1, May (2010). http://www.cejiss.org/sites/default/files/8.pdf


      Democracy assistance can be most accurately defined as


      society groups, media groups and political parties.

      Governance is distinct from democracy assistance.

      Burnell ‘2k

      Peter J. Burnell, Professor of Politics


      democratization. 2000. p. 18-19

      In principle democracy assistance can be distinguished from


      as 'assistance' in the Development Assistance Committee's terms.


      Text: The Executive Branch of the United States federal government should enter into prior and binding consultation with the Legislative Branch of the United States federal government over an Executive proposal to offer a substantial increase in Joint Combined Exchange Training program to Egypt for the purposes of increasing democratic rule of law and governance.The Executive should advocate their proposal throughout the process and agree to implement the outcome of the consultation.

      Obama must consult with Congress prior to acting in MENA.

      CSM ‘11

      Christian Science Monitor’s Editorial Board. May 13, 2011. “Obama speech: He must consult Congress on strategy toward Arab Spring” http://www.csmonitor.com/Commentary/the-monitors-view/2011/0513/Obama-speech-He-must-consult-Congress-on-strategy-toward-Arab-Spring

      On Thursday, President Obama plans to give


      to be determined by the executive branch alone.

      Prior genuine consultation is key – avoids the link to politics and promotes interbranch co-operation

      Hamilton ‘3, director of the Wilson Center

      Lee H. Hamilton, Director of the


      Next American Century, p. 59-60

      The president must also work closely with Congress


      other high-level officials are personally involved.

      The impact is extinction

      Jamison ‘93, depute of Governmental Relations @ CSIS

      Linda S., Deputy of Governmental Relations @ CSIS, "Executive-Legislative Relations after the Cold War."  Washington Quarterly, Spring Vol. 16, No. 2, p. 189

      Indeed, there are very few domestic issues


      branch (Mann 1990, 28-29).


      1NC Payroll DA

      PTC will pass now

      Weisman 1/17

      Jonathan, Parties Confident of Extending Payroll Tax



      With both parties largely in agreement on a


      by the Presidents’ Day break at the latest.

      The plan generates a massive controversy

      Richter, LAT, ‘11

      (Correspondent, LA Times. “Debt


      accessed 9-28-11, CMM)

      Reporting from Washington — The Obama administration's efforts


      administration has been blocked at almost every turn.


      Political capital is key

      Philadelphia Inquirer, 9/8

      POINT: Don't expect miracles on job growth; Some steps could help, but don't expect miracles, 9/8/2011, http://articles.philly.com/2011-09-08/news/30130709_1_jobs-plan-american-economy-rare-tax

      President Obama goes into Thursday's big speech on


      made a major effort to privatize Social Security.

      Failure to pass leads to a double-dip recession—makes us vulnerable to future shocks

      CNN Money 12/20

      Economists: Payroll tax deadlock could hobble economy



      If Congress fails to pass an extension of


      Sal Guatieri senior economist with BMO Capital Markets.

      Economic collapse causes global nuclear war

      Mead 9—Senior Fellow in US Foreign Policy Studies @ Council on Foreign Relations

      Walter Russell, Only Makes You Stronger, The New Republic, 2-4-09, http://www.tnr.com/politics/story.html?id=571cbbb9-2887-4d81-8542-92e83915f5f8&p=1

      The greatest danger both to U.S


      track, we may still have to fight.


      K 1nc

      Capacity building is grounded in neoliberal competiveness- allows expert cooption of the transition

      Dixon ‘11

      (Marion, Department of Development Sociology,


      An Arab spring”, Review of African Political Economy

      Vol. 38, No. 128, June 2011, 309–316)


      The role of US aid in promoting a


      mutually reinforcing hegemony of coercion and of consent.


      Globalization makes extinction inevitable- social and environmental factors build positive feedbacks create a cascade of destruction - only massive social reorganization of society can produce sustainable change and save the planet

      Ehrenfeld ‘5,

      (David, Dept. of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources @ Rutgers University, “The Environmental Limits to Globalization”, Conservation Biology Vol. 19 No. 2 April 2005)


      The known effects of globalization on the environment


      with ours within the global environment we share.


      Alternative Text: the judge should vote negative to refuse the aff’s neoliberal subjectivity

      Refusing neoliberal subjectivity opens space for chains of equivalence with the Arab Spring and creates new movements against neoliberal politics

      Hasso & Dolgan ‘11

      (Frances, Associate Professor of Women’s Studies




      In a recent interview you suggest that these


      own interpersonal, institutional, and political lives.

      You should evaluate pedagogy as a prior question- it determines available political possibilities and shapes politics- neoliberal pedagogy uniquely collapses the public sphere

      Giroux ‘5,

      (Henry, Global TV Network Chair in


      College Literature 32.1 [Winter 2005])


      Fortunately, the corporate capitalist fairytale of neoliberalism


      inclusive democracy) and the  global public sphere.

      SCAF DA

      SCAF will maintain control---the U.S. is preserving relations through a hands-off approach

      David D. Kirkpatrick 10-14 is a correspondent in the Washington bureau of The New York Times "Egypt’s Military Expands Power, Raising Alarms" Oct 14 www.nytimes.com/2011/10/15/world/middleeast/egypts-military-expands-power-raising-alarms.html?_r=1&partner=rss&emc=rss&pagewanted=print

      Egypt’s military rulers are moving to assert and


      the plan for elections “an appropriate timetable.”


      The plan trashes U.S.-SCAF relations-causes a backlash and turns the case

      Sharp 11 – Jeremy M. Sharp, Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs at the Congressional Research Service, August 23, 2011, “Egypt in Transition,” online: http://fpc.state.gov/documents/organization/171381.pdf

      Controversy over U.S. Democracy Aid


      their presence in the current charged political climate.



      o motivation, no access and vaccines check the impact

      Clark ‘8 – Emeritus Professor in Immunology at UCLA

      William R. Clark, emeritus professor in Immunology at UCLA. Bracing for Armageddon?: The Science and Politics of Bioterrorism in America, 2008, pg. 183

      In the end, what may well stop


      its ilk may be a non-starter.

      No extinction impact.

      Britt ‘1

      Robert Roy Britt, Senior Space Writer/Space.com. “Survival of the Elitist: Bioterrorism May Spur Space Colonies”. October 30 2001. http://www.space4peace.org/articles/moving.htm

      Many scientists argue that there is no need


      an asteroid hitting the planet," Croddy said.


      No impact to bioterror – empirically denied and doesn’t support political goals

      Smith and Davison ‘10

      Geoffrey L. Smith is Wellcome Principal Research Fellow and head of the Department of Virology at Imperial College London and the chair of the Advisory Committee on the Scientific Aspects of International Security at the Royal Society. Neil Davison is senior policy adviser in the Science Policy Centre at the Royal Society. Assessing the spectrum of biological risks. January/February 2010. Bulletin of Atomic Scientists.

      Non-state groups with particular political aims


      that infected 17 people and killed five.20

      Despite tensions no risk of Israel-Turkey conflict.

      Hürriyet Daily News ‘11

      “Possibility of Turkish-Israeli military conflict



      With Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s remarks that


      Turkey did not recognize Israel’s blockade of Gaza.

      They don’t solve the Turkey influence scenarios.

      Israel won’t use nukes.

      Wilson ‘2

      George C. Wilson, veteran defense reporter and former national defense correspondent of The Washington Post.  October 12, 2002. The National Journal. http://www.d-n-i.net/fcs/comments/c461.htm

      Jack Spencer, defense policy analyst at the


      world would react far stronger than Israel has." 

      Turkish influence and relations with Russia declining now.

      Afrasiabi 10/12

      Kaveh L Afrasiabi, PhD, is the



      Already, Turkey's embrace of the bid by


      a new strategic foothold in the Middle East.

      Balkans conflicts won’t escalate.

      Fettweis ‘11 – Professor of Political Science @ Tulane

      Christopher, Professor of Political Science @ Tulane


      Politics of Great Power Peace, pg. 85

      The trend is apparent on every continent.


      seem to repel far more than they attract.

      Turkey will bash Israel inevitability, but won’t escalate.

      Reuters ‘11

      Reuters. “Analysis: Turkey to complicate life for Israel, but avoid war”. 9/9/2011. http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4120120,00.html

      Turkey's threat to send warships to protect aid


      but it is not clear whether he can."

      Dozens regional conflicts disprove escalation.

      Drum ‘7

      Kevin Drum, political bloger. September 9



      Having admitted, however, that the odds


      war for a decade. No regional conflagration.

      Superpowers won’t go to war over the Middle East.

      Gelb ’10 – President Emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations

      Leslie, President Emeritus of the Council on


      1979, November/December Foreign Affairs, Proquest

      Also reducing the likelihood of conflict today is


      they rarely oppose one another in explosive situations.

      Turkey-Iran won’t fight.

      Karon ‘11

      Tony Karon, a senior editor at TIME



      And while Syria offers Iran its one solid


      coming days and weeks regardless of Iran's preferences.

      Adv 2

      The international order won’t collapse & US leadership is no longer key to prevent conflict


      G. John Ikenberry, Professor of Politics and International Affairs at Princeton University, Global Eminence Scholar at Kyung Hee University, “The Liberal International Order and its Discontents,” Millennium - Journal of International Studies, May 2010, 38: 509


      Some observers see a new divide between autocratic


      cooperate in open and rule-based ways.


      2NC SCAF / Case


      US – SCAF relations resilient

      Dunne, 11

      (Scholar-Middle East Institute and former staff member of the U.S. National Security Council, 2/12, http://blogs.the-american-interest.com/middleeast/2011/02/12/after-mubarak/)

      First, the ability of the United States


      this program and retrenchment if it does not.

      Long time frame

      Bruneau, Peggar, and Wright 8

      Researchers at the Center for Civil-Military Relations, “IMET Assessment Project,” pg 29

      Sixth, the question of time further complicates


      progress in their careers over years or decades.

      Naval power not key to hegemony

      Goure 10 (Daniel Goure. PhD in IR, BA in government, VP of the Lexington Institute, member of the Department of Defense Transition Team, former director of Strategic Competitiveness for the Secretary of State, senior analyst on national security and defense issues with the Center for Naval Analyses. “Can the Case be Made for Naval Power?” 2 July 2010. Lexington Institute. http://www.lexingtoninstitute.org/can-the-case-be-made-for-naval-power-?a=1&c=1171)

      More broadly, it appears that the nature


      jeopardy, seem relatively unimportant in today’s world.


      SCAF won’t sub-ordinate – this is a different underlining of 1ac Ottaway evidence

      Ottaway, Senior Associate – Middle East – Carnegie, 11/3

      (Egypt’s Democracy: Between the Military, Islamists, and Illiberal Democrats, www.carnegieendowment.org/2011/11/03/egypt-s-democracy-between-military-islamists-and-illiberal-democrats/6lzl)

      Judging simply on the official pronouncements of the


      will affect the possibility of a democratic transition.

      The SCAF has several interests that mean they won’t sub-ordinate – 1ac Henry evidence

      Henry, Professor - Government - Texas, 11 (2/21, A Tunisian Solution for Egypt’s Military, http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/67475/clement-m-henry-and-robert-springborg/a-tunisian-solution-for-egypts-military?page=show)

      The popular uprisings that swept Egypt and Tunisia


      25 movement: “Tunisia is the solution.”

      Their 1ac Traub evidence indicates that their read of the SCAF is far too optimistc

      Traub, Contributing writer for the New York Times Magazine, 9/23 (Is There Light At The End of Egypt's Tunnel?,http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/09/23/the_storm_before_the_calm?page=0,0)

      Egypt is a mess. This month,


      schedule, and thus its own hapless tenure.

      The Military will hand over power, but only to ensure its privileged position and power – the plan can’t solve true CMR.

      Martini and Taylor 11 project associate at the RAND Corporation, political scientist at the RAND Corporation

      Jeffrey, and Julie, Commanding Democracy in Egypt: The Military's Attempt to Manage the Future, 8/25/11, http://www.rand.org/commentary/2011/08/25/FA.html

      Thus far, the evidence suggests that the


      of some deep-seated belief in democracy.


      AT Rule of Law Adv

      Judicial independence in Egypt now

      Osman 9/21

      Ahmed Zaki, Judicial reform hits a bump as judges propose conflicting draft laws, http://www.almasryalyoum.com/en/node/497953

      As a pivotal draft law regulating Egypt’s judiciary


      a significant but informal influence over his colleagues.

      Its high now

      Al Masry al-Youm 9/8

      Judges Club proposes amendments to judiciary, http://www.almasryalyoum.com/en/node/493645

      At a press conference on Thursday, the


      allows for their being seconded to other countries.

      Sending a signal that the rule of law is designed to limit govt power causes elites to backlash against democracy

      Finn ‘4

      John E. Finn is a Professor of Government at Wesleyan University 2004 The Good Society 13.3 (2004) 12-16

      Just as it is easier to hold elections


      and as a live feature of democratic states.



      AT Turkish Adv

      U.S. Unipolarity has already ended

      Christopher Layne 2012 (is Robert M. Gates Chair in Intelligence and National Security at the George Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University; ISQ* peer reviewed: ISI Journal Citation Reports® Ranking: 2010: International Relations: 10 / 73; Political Science: 18 / 139 Impact Factor: 1.523) “This Time It's Real: The End of Unipolarity and the Pax Americana” International Studies Quarterly, 1-11

      Before the Great Recession's foreshow in the fall


      the US hegemony on which it was based.

      Anti-Israel sentiment is a matter of ingrained ideology – not reversible

      Trager 9-13 – PhD Candidate in Political Science

      “Cairo’s Embassy Riots: Anti-Israeli Sentiment in Egypt Has Nothing to do with Palestine,” http://www.tnr.com/article/world/94826/egyptian-nationalism-anti-israel-gaza-arab-spring-sinai-embassy

      But to assume that the Egyptian protesters who


      may well be the downfall of Egypt’s revolt.

      Turn – successful transition increases anti-Israeli sentiment

      Inbar 8 – Professor of Political Studies

      US-Israeli relations in a new era: issues and challenges after 9/11, Editor, p. 130

      The neoconscrvativc's goal of democratizing the Middle East


      to the Middle East as unrealistic and reckless.



      1NR – K


      Their FW of a competitive policy option is not responsive- framing determines the direction of policy and shapes even elite choices- the only question is whether or not we directly engage neoliberalism

      Bristow ‘5

      (School of City and Regional Planning, Cardiff University)

      (Gillian, Everyone’s a ‘winner’: problematising the discourse of regional competitiveness, Journal of Economic Geography 5 (2005) pp. 285–304)


      This begs the question as to why a


      the ideas of regional and national policy elites.

      They cede the political- neoliberalism collapses the public sphere and creates a drive for accumulation that ends in extinction

      Giroux ‘6

      (Henry A. Giroux currently holds the Global TV Network Chair Professorship at McMaster University in Canada.  “Dirty Democracy and State Terrorism: The Politics of the New Authoritarianism in the United States,”  Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 26.2 (2006) 163-177.)


      While it would be ludicrous to suggest that


      20 million children to leave their homes.16


      These movements are different- crumbling economies in the global north have created material solidarity between the first and third world- creates an effective mindset shift

      Harvey 10/27

      (Ryan, writer, an organizer with the Civilian-Soldier Alliance, “Globalization” Is Coming Home: Protests Spread as Financial Institutions Target Global North”, Thursday 27 October 2011, http://www.truth-out.org/world-finally-fighting-infection-neoliberalism/1320164620?q=globalization-coming-home-protests-spread-financial-institutions-target-global-north/1319721791)


      Shortly before the once-prized economy of


      for a minority of the world’s wealthiest people.


      Charney 11/1

      (Scott, Intern @ Foreign Policy in Focus, “The World Is Finally Fighting Off the Infection of Neoliberalism”, http://www.truth-out.org/world-finally-fighting-infection-neoliberalism/1320164620)


      The narrative seems simple enough: on December


      and every allied struggle worldwide have in mind.

      2NC Link

      Democracy assistance to Egypt creates a regime of neoliberal expertism, organizing populist energies according to the structures of the Washington Consensus

      Africa ‘11

      (David, principal associate at research and training consultancy Africa-Analysis.org and a graduate student at the University of Cambridge.,

      “Stealing Egypt's revolution”, February 18, 2011, http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opinion/2011/02/201121710152468629.html)


      The expropriation of the Egyptian revolution by the


      Tel Aviv over that of the Egyptian people.



      The permutation ensures co-option- political action is only possible if it directly engages existing hegemonic coordinates, they ensure collapse of the transition

      Zizek 10/26

      (Slavoj, International Director of the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, “Occupy first. Demands come later”, http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/oct/26/occupy-protesters-bill-clinton)


      What one should resist at this stage is


      ", ominous and threatening as it should be.

      Impossible demands are good- their net benefits to the permutation perpetuate an unsustainable economic system and ensure extinction

      Ross 11/18

      (Clifton, writer and videographer. His book, “Translations from Silence” won the 2010 Josephine Miles Award for Literary Excellence from Oakland PEN and has just been published in Spanish by Editorial Perro y Rana, Venezuela. His film, “Venezuela: Revolution from the Inside Out” was published in 2008 by PM Press, “The New Realism: Reflections on the Voyage of an Epigraph”, http://dissidentvoice.org/2011/11/the-new-realism-reflections-on-the-voyage-of-an-epigraph/)


      In this context, what does it mean


      . And we can’t settle for anything less.

      2nc Structural Violence DA

      Pinker’s analysis is useless- entirely ignores role of population growth, which accounts for all of the change he cites

      Flynn 12/7

      Julian Flynn, Financial Times, “Angel thesis hangs on overpopulation,” December 7, 2011, http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/30bf527c-1cfb-11e1-a134-00144feabdc0.html#axzz1h1lHx8gS

      Sir, Gideon Rachman’s article “


      serious sword of Damocles hanging over our planet.

      Their focus on catastrophic violence trades off with analysis of everyday slow violence and ensures error replication because it allows us to bracket on-going casualties from declared conflicts that have officially ended

      Nixon ‘11

      (Rob, Rachel Carson Professor of English, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Slow Violence and the Environmentalism of the Poor, pgs. 12-14)


      Over the past two decades, this high


      bracketing violence routinely ignore ongoing, belated casualties.


      Structural violence is the proximate cause of all war- creates priming that psychologically structures escalation

      Scheper-Hughes and Bourgois ‘4

      (Prof of Anthropology @ Cal-Berkely; Prof of Anthropology @ UPenn)

      (Nancy and Philippe, Introduction: Making Sense of Violence, in Violence in War and Peace, pg. 19-22)


      This large and at first sight “messy


      gated communities; and reversed feelings of victimization).





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